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The Economy in Perspective

FRB Cleveland • February 1998

Extreme economics … Like a skier barreling down
a triple-black-diamond run, the U.S. economy is
racing into the new year. The Commerce Department reported that real growth reached 4.3 percent last quarter, substantially exceeding analysts’
expectations. The fourth-quarter pace brought
the 1997 growth rate to nearly 4 percent, itself a
considerably higher figure than the economy’s
20-year average of 2.6 percent. On the heels of
the Commerce Department’s announcement
came word from the Bureau of Labor Statistics
that nonfarm establishments added 358,000 net
new jobs to the economy in January, a number
that overshot analysts’ earlier projections by
roughly 25 percent. The nation’s unemployment
rate remained steady at 4.7 percent, and the employment-to-population ratio hit a record peak of
64.2 percent. The January labor market data depict an economy performing with the same vigor
it displayed last quarter.
Despite the perils of breakneck speed, a collision with inflation is not in sight. The Consumer
Price Index (CPI) increased only 1.7 percent last
year, about half its 1996 pace. Core inflation
measures also suggest deceleration. The CPI less
food and energy dropped from 2.6 percent in
1996 to 2.2 percent last year. Favorable inflation
trends have clearly affected inflation expectations
and interest rates. The University of Michigan’s
latest consumer survey shows that the median
household foresees the CPI rising only 2.3 percent over the next 12 months, a notable decline
in expectations. Partly in response to this revision
in thinking, interest rates stand about 100 basis
points below year-ago levels at most maturity
points along the yield curve.
At seven years, the current expansion has far
outdistanced the post–World War II average of
four years. Moreover, resource utilization rates
surpass conditions traditionally associated with
accelerating inflation and rising interest rates.
Many mainstream economic forecasters still cling
to the belief that inflation cannot remain in check
with an unemployment rate below 5.25 percent.
Indeed, after the Federal Open Market Committee
raised the federal funds rate by 25 basis points last
March, Fedwatchers thought that additional actions would be taken to avoid an inflationary

wage–price spiral. But not only has the March action turned out to be the last thus far; many Fedwatchers now consider a funds rate decrease
slightly more likely than an increase — despite
continued reports of vigorous economic activity.
There is, of course, a rational explanation for
this recent reversal in market sentiment. Many
analysts expect recent developments in Southeast
Asia to act as a break on the surging U.S. economy, slowing its growth and quelling incipient
price pressures. Mainstream economic forecasters
generally expect that U.S. net exports will decline
sharply this year, with the Asian crisis subtracting
anywhere from one-half to one whole point from
real GDP growth. An unfortunate turn of events,
to be sure, but propitiously timed if one is concerned about rapid growth.
Without this development, what could slow
the economy’s pace? One unpleasant scenario involves a weakening of the forces that have
boosted economic productivity. Business fixed
investment began to strengthen about 15 years
ago; this trend, encouraged by low inflation,
deregulation, new technologies, global markets,
and changes in management practices, suggests
that recently improved productivity figures could
be more than temporary. Higher productivity
translates into faster increases in labor compensation that do not adversely affect profit margins.
Consequently, strong productivity performance
increases the chances that the general level of
output prices will stabilize throughout an economic expansion, and supports a monetary policy aimed at that objective.
In these circumstances, monetary policymakers
will want to be careful about holding on to preconceived notions about the limits to economic
growth and the reliability of the unemployment
rate as an indicator of labor market tightness. But
they also need to be wary of other conventional
expectations, including the effects of the Asian
crisis on the U.S. economy. The expansion might
simply continue apace, with little interruption,
raising the usual questions about inflation.
Schussing down unmarked trails is exhilarating, but as policymakers know, today’s fresh
powder can cover a very icy base.








Monetary Policy

FRB Cleveland • February 1998

SOURCES: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; and the Chicago Board of Trade.

At its February 3 meeting, the Federal Open Market Committee
(FOMC) left the federal funds rate
target unchanged at 5.5%, where it
has been since March 25, 1997.
Financial markets did not expect
any change, so the announcement
came as no surprise. The FOMC will
reconvene on March 31.
A significant development occurred in the federal funds futures
market in January, when, for the

first time since March 1996, implied
yields on federal funds futures
began to slope downward. Financial
markets now attach some probability to a decrease in the federal funds
rate, although it is not expected to
occur before the end of summer.
Many analysts believe that the Asian
financial crisis will slow the U.S.
growth rate and that cheaper foreign
goods will moderate price pressures.
Implied yields on federal funds

futures fluctuated throughout much
of 1997. After the 25-basis-point
increase in the funds rate last March,
implied yields steepened in anticipation of further increases. Expected inflationary pressures did
not materialize, however, and implied yields flattened in July. They
soon picked up again, and market
participants were expecting another
increase in September or October.
(continued on next page)








Monetary Policy (cont.)

FRB Cleveland • February 1998

a. Growth rates are percentage rates calculated on a fourth-quarter over fourth-quarter basis.
b. Adjusted for sweep accounts.
NOTE: All data are seasonally adjusted. Dotted lines represent growth rates and are for reference only.
SOURCES: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis; and Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

The stock market sell-off in October
and Asia’s recent financial woes
were enough to bias expectations
slightly toward loosening.
The real ex post federal funds
rate has increased 32 basis points
since the beginning of 1996, and is
currently at 3.34 %. Some analysts
interpret this as a de facto tightening of policy, even though the
nominal federal funds rate has not
changed since March. However, the
ex ante real funds rate has been stable over the same period, suggest-

ing that the rise in the real funds
rate reflects an unanticipated drop
in inflation. The ex ante rate currently stands at about 2.3%.
The monetary base, which expanded 6.5% in December, fell
about 3.5% in January because its
currency component dropped off.
On a sweep-adjusted basis, the
monetary base grew 11.5% in November. Banks frequently use
sweep accounts to economize on
reserves, “sweeping” money from
accounts that are reservable into

accounts that are not. This distorts
the measurement of base growth, as
well as M1.
In December, M1 fell 1%, while
M2 and M3 grew 5.3% and 8.5%, respectively. On a sweep-adjusted
basis, M1 was up 8.8% in November, significantly higher than its
non-adjusted rate of 7.5%. Preliminary estimates for January show
strong growth in both M2 (6.7%)
and M3 (9.4%).
(continued on next page)








Monetary Policy (cont.)

FRB Cleveland • February 1998

a. Growth rates are percentage rates calculated on a fourth-quarter over fourth-quarter basis.
NOTE: All data are seasonally adjusted. Dotted lines represent FOMC-determined provisional ranges.
SOURCES: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis; and Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

Velocity is measured by nominal
income divided by some measure of
money. Thus, it can be thought of as
the number of times (or the rate at
which) a dollar in a monetary aggregate is used in order to produce a
unit of final output. Velocity will be
affected by interest rates, which impact the opportunity cost of holding
money. For example, higher interest rates increase the cost of holding money and so will reduce
money demand. As a consequence,

for a given level of nominal income, velocity will rise because
people are holding less money.
The sweep-adjusted monetary
base and M1 velocity roughly follow
interest rate movements. Interest
rates generally increased until 1980,
and have fallen since then. Base
growth and M1 velocity show a similar pattern, rising until the early
1980s and then dropping off.
After maintaining a similarly positive correlation with interest rates
throughout most of its history, M2

velocity rose precipitously in the
early 1990s as interest rates fell. The
“odd man out” in this picture is M3
velocity, which slowed throughout
the 1970s as interest rates trended
upward. The velocity of M3 continued to diminish during the 1980s as
interest rates generally fell. The runup in M3 velocity in the 1990s mirrors the pattern of M2 velocity, except that in the past few years, the
first has been falling while the second has continued to rise.

Inflation and Money Growth

FRB Cleveland • February 1998

a. Nominal growth is defined as the change in the log of the Commerce Department/Conference Board index of coincident indicators plus the change in the log
of the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
b. Forecast model includes lagged values of monetary growth.
SOURCES: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; and the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.

It is an article of faith among monetary economists that in the long run,
inflation is everywhere and always a
monetary phenomenon. The specific
premise of this statement is that nominal spending in an economy is directly related to the nominal money
stock and people’s willingness to
hold it, a feature of money demand
that is often termed velocity.
Unfortunately, monetary policy

cannot wait for the long run, because
it is conducted at frequencies that
require predicting the relationship
between money growth, nominal
income growth, and inflation on a
nearly month-to-month basis. Even
more vexing, the relationship between growth in the monetary base
— the aggregate most directly controllable by the central bank — and
nominal income growth or inflation
is far from tight. This holds true even

when base growth is adjusted for
growth in velocity.
Indeed, changes in the rate at
which the monetary base expands
or contracts have virtually no predictive value with respect to monthly
movements in inflation. Inflationforecast models that include the history of inflation and nominal income
growth are not improved by including
information on money growth rates.








Interest Rates

FRB Cleveland • February 1998

a. All instruments are constant-maturity series.
b. Percent change from corresponding quarter of previous year.
c. Constant-maturity 10-year Treasury bond yield minus constant-maturity 3-month Treasury bill yield, lagged four quarters.
NOTE: Shaded areas indicate recessions.
SOURCES: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; DRI/McGraw–Hill; and The Wall Street Journal, various issues.

Since last month, the yield curve has
flattened and shifted downward.
The spread between the 3-year
Treasury note and the 3-month
T-bill narrowed from 43 basis points
to 21 basis points, and the spread
between the 10-year Treasury bond
and the 3-month T-bill went from 51
to 41 basis points. Especially conspicuous flattening has occurred
since this time last year, when the
10-year, 3-month spread stood at
140 basis points. The coupon yield
curve remains close to the zerocoupon yield curve. As expected,
the 10-year zero rate exceeds the

10-year coupon rate because the
coupons give the bond a shorter effective duration than the zero. This
is less important in shorter rates,
where the yield on zeros exceeds
that on coupons.
One classic application of the
yield curve — predicting future economic activity — works particularly
well for real GDP growth over the
next year. Its excellent predictive
ability is obvious in the comparison
of real GDP growth with the 10-year,
3-month spread lagged a year. The
aspect most often remarked on is
that inversions, where the spread
turns negative (that is, where short

rates exceed long ones), indicate declines, and the data bear this out. A
feature that gets less attention is that
the size of the spread also indicates
the amount of growth. Steep yield
curves and the associated large
spreads mean high growth; conversely, the more negative the
spread, the deeper the recession.
This relationship generally holds,
although exceptions still abound. A
flat yield curve belied the high
growth of the early 1960s. Since
1996, strong growth has accompanied a yield curve that is flat by
recent standards.








Interest Rates in the 1920s

FRB Cleveland • February 1998

a. Estimated price of zero-coupon (discount) long bond is partially tax-exempt.
b. Estimated spot rates of zero-coupon yields are partially tax-exempt.
c. Data for the 20-year zero-coupon yield are missing from October 1927 to August 1931 because of data limitations.
d. Estimated spot rates of the 10-year and 3-month zero-coupon instruments are set equal from June 1931 to July 1932 in the primary data source because of
data limitations.
e. Estimated spot rates of the10-year zero coupon minus the estimated spot rate of the 3-month zero coupon. Both are partially tax-exempt.
SOURCES: Thomas S. Coleman, Lawrence Fisher, and Roger G. Ibbotson, Historical U.S. Treasury Yield Curves, 3d ed. Chicago, Ill.: Ibbotson Associates and
Moody’s Investors Service, 1993; and Phyllis S. Pierce, ed., The Dow Jones Averages, 1885–1990. Homewood, Ill.: Dow Jones & Company, 1991.

The prolonged bull market has renewed investors’ curiosity about the
1920s, as many recall George Santayana’s warning that those who
cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Much of the
current attention focuses on factors
underlying the stock market boom
and the possibility of asset price inflation in equities; however, the
bond market also provides some
useful lessons.
The first notable point is the relative performance of the two mar-

kets. With the average for 1926 set
as an index value of 100, bonds kept
pace with stocks only until the middle of 1927. Throughout 1928 and
1929, bonds’ performance was unspectacular, and they lost a third of
their value in early 1929. This
proved a blessing later, as bond
prices stayed firm until late 1931 and
then dropped much less precipitously than equity prices.
The flip side of bond prices is interest rates, and it is clear that 1929
was a year of high ones. Many people attribute this to speculators’ in-

tense demand for funds to invest in
the booming stock market. Short
rates increased more than long rates,
creating a large — and sustained —
inversion of the yield curve, a harbinger of the depth and duration of
the coming depression. We should
be cautious when we interpret this
inversion, however, remembering
that the strongly positive yield
curve of 1931, traditionally a precursor of strong future growth, instead preceded far worse deterioration in the economy.








Inflation and Prices
December Price Statistics
Annualized percent
change, last:
1 mo. 6 mo. 12 mo. 5 yr.


Consumer prices
All items






Less food
and energy












Finished goods –1.8


–1.3 1.2


Less food
and energy





–7.7 –3.5 2.9


Producer prices


Commodity futures

FRB Cleveland • February 1998

a. Calculated by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
b. As measured by the KR–CRB composite futures index, all commodities. Data reprinted with permission of the Commodity Research Bureau, a Knight–
Ridder Business Information Service.
c. Upper and lower bounds for CPI inflation path as implied by the central tendency growth ranges issued by the FOMC and nonvoting Reserve Bank presidents.
d. Median expected change in consumer prices as measured by the University of Michigan’s Survey of Consumers.
e. Blue Chip panel of economists.
SOURCES: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics; the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland; the Commodity Research Bureau; the University of
Michigan; and Blue Chip Economic Indicators, August 10, 1997 and January 10, 1998.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI)
rose just 0.7% in December (annual
rate), bringing the yearly increase to
a mere 1.7%, the lowest posting
since 1986’s 1.2% gain. Energy
prices were substantial contributors,
but if the food and energy components are excluded, inflation was
still 0.4 percentage point lower than
in 1996. While most price measures
were down, the median CPI—an estimate of the economy’s underlying

inflationary trend — ended the year
higher, at 2.9%.
Price reductions predominated at
the producer and commodity levels.
Again, energy prices stand out, with
the energy price index (final goods)
falling 6.4% in 1997. Even excluding
the transitory moves in energy
costs, the “core” measure of price
change in the industrial sector
showed essentially no change for
the year. While small price increases

earlier in the production process do
not automatically lead to lower consumer inflation rates, it is hard not
to be optimistic about the 1998 inflation outlook.
Indeed, forecasters and households are now expecting lower inflation rates than just a few months
ago, with the median household anticipating only a 2.3% rise. Professional forecasters’ expectations have
(continued on next page)








Inflation and Prices (cont.)

Monthly Median CPI Component, 1997a

Food away from home
Other private
transportation commodities
Medical care services
Auto maintenance and repair
Personal and
educational services

CPI Component Trim Frequency, 1997a,c

Dairy products


Other food at home


Used cars


House furnishings


Housekeeping services


Other utilities and public services


Cereals and bakery products


Apparel services


FRB Cleveland • February 1998

a. Calculated by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
b. Horizontal lines represent trends.
c. Trim frequency shows the number of months component was dropped in calculating the 15% trimmed mean.
SOURCES: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics; and the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.

also dropped dramatically. As recently as last August, more than half
of the Blue Chip economists were
looking for rates above 2.8%. Now,
only one forecast exceeds that pace.
The median CPI is one of the few
indicators to show underlying inflation rates of around 3%. This measure eliminates all extreme price
changes and focuses on the middle
of the price-change distribution. The
current reading indicates that 1997’s
monthly numbers are statistically in-

distinguishable from the 3% inflation
seen over the last five years.
One obvious factor keeping the
median CPI high relative to other inflation measures is the stability in
the cost of shelter, which accounts
for a substantial portion of most
household budgets. In contrast, the
mean of the distribution of price
changes — which excludes only
those goods and services with the
most extreme (15%) changes — fell
sharply in 1997 to an underlying

trend of only 2%. While the concept
is similar to the median in that it focuses on core price changes rather
than extreme ones, it excludes far
fewer categories of goods and services. Aside from some volatile components, like used cars and dairy
products, the trimmed mean indicates that most prices have changed
little. Continuation of this pattern
would support the public’s recovered confidence in the purchasing
power of the dollar.

Economic Activity
Real GDP and Components, 1997:IVQ
(Advance estimate a,b )

of 1992 $

Real GDP
Consumer spending
Business fixed
Residential investment
Government spending
National defense
Net exports
Change in business

Percent change, last:







FRB Cleveland • February 1998

a Seasonally adjusted annual rate.
b. Chain-weighted data in billions of 1992 dollars.
c. Blue Chip panel of economists.
SOURCES: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis; and Blue Chip Economic Indicators, June 10, 1997 and January 10, 1998.

According to the Commerce Department’s preliminary estimate,
the economy grew 4.3% in the
fourth quarter—substantially above
expectations. Most economists participating in the January 10, 1998
Blue Chip survey, for example, were
anticipating a 3.1% growth rate.
The unexpected, but welcome, news
reflects faster inventory accumulation, reduced imports, and increased
exports. Personal consumption
spending slowed but remained
strong. Business fixed investment
spending fell.

The Asian crisis, which continues
to dominate the financial headlines,
will have mixed effects on the U.S.
economy. Firms that export and
those that compete against imports
will bear the brunt, while consumers
who buy imports and businesses
that sell or use imports in their production process will benefit. Interestsensitive sectors of the economy
may also gain from capital inflows.
The net impact, however, is not
likely to be overwhelming. Confirming this, the outlook for real growth

over 1998 now seems more favorable than it did last June, before the
Asian crisis erupted.
Approximately 90% of economists
participating in the latest Blue Chip
survey anticipate that real economic
growth in 1998 will maintain a pace
consistent with, or faster than, current estimates of the economy’s
long-term growth potential (approximately 2.2%). Last June, fully 50% of
the respondents expected real economic growth in 1998 to fall below
that rate.
(continued on next page)

Economic Activity (cont.)
Growth in Selected Components
of Industrial Production, 1997
(Percent change from previous quarter a)

Consumer goods




– 2.1














– 2.0


Change in Value of Business Inventories, 1997 b































– 3.7

– 0.6


FRB Cleveland

January 1998

a. Seasonally adjusted annual rate.
b. Chain-weighted data in billions of 1992 dollars.
SOURCES: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census and Bureau of Economic Analysis; and National Association of Purchasing Management.

Real personal consumption spending moderated in the fourth quarter,
but increased at a healthy clip on a
year-over-year basis. The prospects
for the consumer sector remain good.
Real disposable personal income
demonstrated strong fourth-quarter
gains, consumer sentiment continues to be upbeat, and households
have experienced substantial gains
in their net worth since early 1995.

Industrial production increased
7.4% in 1997:IVQ, with motor vehicles and parts, aircraft and parts, information processing equipment,
and semiconductors showing especially large gains. The nation’s mines,
manufacturing plants, and utilities
operated at 83.4% of capacity in December, below the recent peak of
84.6%. Purchasing managers’ January
index showed further advances in
the manufacturing sector.

U.S. businesses added to their inventories at a faster pace in the
fourth quarter than in the third, with
much of the increase attributable to
stocks of automobiles on dealers’ lots.
(Dealers had been trimming stocks
during the second and third quarters.)
Nevertheless, the pace of inventory
accumulation was not excessive,
and inventories-to-sales ratios at the
manufacturing, wholesale, and retail
levels do not appear high.








Labor Markets

FRB Cleveland • February 1998

a. Seasonally adjusted.
b. Vertical line indicates break in data series due to survey redesign.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The U.S. employment situation was
exceptionally strong again in January, as the economy continued to
generate jobs for a rapidly expanding labor force. Nonfarm payrolls
increased by 358,000, compared
with an average monthly gain of
267,000 in 1997. The construction
industry added 92,000 workers, the
largest rise in nearly two years. This
strength can be traced in part to a
solid housing market and unseason-

ably warm weather throughout
much of the country. The manufacturing sector also posted healthy
gains for the fifth month in a row.
The unemployment rate held
steady at 4.7 % in January, just
slightly above the 24 - year low
(4.6%) reached three months earlier.
Total unemployment was little
changed, and the labor force
swelled by 2.7 %. Interestingly, the
unemployment rate for high school
graduates inched down 0.2 % to

3.9 %, while the rate for college
graduates rose slightly to 1.9%. The
employment-to-population ratio hit
another record peak of 64.2%.
The employment cost index rose
3.2 % in 1997:IVQ, with wages and
salaries jumping 3.8% and benefits
up a slightly lower 2.1%. Following
myriad anecdotal reports of labor
shortages — especially for skilled
workers — the total compensation
numbers came as no surprise.








Steel, Autos, and Construction

FRB Cleveland • February 1998

a. Regions are defined by the American Iron and Steel Institute.
b. Finished steel base price index/CPI, and iron and steel import price index/CPI.
c. Seasonally adjusted.
SOURCES: DRI/McGraw–Hill; and the American Iron and Steel Institute.

The Fourth Federal Reserve District
produces a large share of the nation’s steel, cars, and trucks. In 1997,
the Pittsburgh–Youngstown region
was the country’s third-largest steel
producing area, accounting for 13%
of total U.S. production.
Over the past decade, both the
domestic and foreign import prices
of steel have declined sharply. The
domestic price is roughly 25%

lower today than it was 10 years
ago, although it has been increasing
since the end of the 1991–92 recession. Moreover, the domestic price
has been rising relative to import
prices and now stands approximately 10% higher.
Exports of iron and steel products
have shown a general upward
trend, and despite lower prices, the
value of exports has about doubled

since 1987. Nevertheless, the U.S.
still imports about twice as much
steel as we export.
Steel production has also increased steadily since the last recession. The industrial production
index has risen about 20%, while capacity utilization, which stood at
nearly 100% in 1995, has dropped
significantly. New orders have also
(continued on next page)








Steel, Autos, and Construction (cont.)

FRB Cleveland • February 1998

a. Seasonally adjusted.
SOURCES: DRI/McGraw–Hill; and Ward’s Automotive Reports.

continued to grow, and the rapid
pace of production has allowed
foundries to rebuild their inventories, which shrank between 1989
and 1994. The continuing rise in
new orders has created the current
three and a half month backlog of
unfilled orders, the largest in almost
six years.
Heavy and medium truck produc-

tion increased 3% from 1996 to
1997. While the second half of 1997
was almost 8% stronger than the last
six months of 1996, November and
December showed the biggest
gains, with production up 15% over
the year-earlier period.
Although construction contracts
have tapered off since the beginning
of last year, they are still substan-

tially above levels seen two years
ago. The residential market has followed a similar pattern, but there
was noticeably more activity in nonresidential structures in 1997 — an
increase that was spread consistently throughout the year. Construction activity in business structures
was 5% higher in 1997 than in 1996.








Capital and Labor in the U.S. Economy

FRB Cleveland • February 1998

SOURCES: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis; U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics; and the Federal Reserve Bank
of Cleveland.

Producing the nation’s output requires the use of capital and labor
services. The quantity, types, and
organization of capital goods (structures and equipment) and labor
services determine the economy’s
total output. Hence, growth in the
number of these inputs, and improvements in their quality and organization in firms and households,
expand productive capacity. The
economy’s capital goods may be
classified into two types — equipment that depreciates rapidly, like
computers and machines, and
structures that are relatively longlasting, like buildings and airports.

Each category may be subdivided
by ownership into production capital owned by firms — for example,
nonresidential buildings and computers for automated manufacturing — and consumption capital
owned by households—for example, houses for shelter and computers for surfing the Internet.
The amount of investment undertaken is affected by the economic
environment. For instance, growth of
the capital stock decelerated significantly during the 1970s, a period of
rampant inflation that magnified tax
rates on capital income and dented
private investment incentives.

Growth in capital equipment and
structures picked up during the early
1980s as inflation and nominal interest rates were reduced from their
earlier double-digit rates. The growth
rate for the stock of consumptionsector equipment slowed again after
the mid-1980s, but production-sector
equipment continued to surge. The
last six years have witnessed an
investment boom in general. The
recent rapid increase in capital
stock value probably reflects the
better technology embodied in
newer capital stock as well as capital gains stemming from a better
(continued on next page)








Capital and Labor in the U.S. Economy (cont.)

FRB Cleveland • February 1998

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

organization of the existing capital
stock within firms.
The civilian labor force has exhibited healthy expansion during the
post–World War II period. Growth
was especially high during the 1970s
because of women’s increased participation and baby boomers’ entering the workforce. The civilian labor
force has continued to expand, despite the post–1980 trend toward
earlier retirement and a slight reduction in average hours worked. Moreover, total hours worked have increased because the share of the
population that is employed has
surged since the mid-1970s.

Total hours worked in the economy have grown over time, with
only brief setbacks during recession
years. However, an hour of work in
the mid-1990s should not be directly
compared with an hour of work in
the mid-1950s. Better education, job
training, and the acquisition of new
skills have probably made labor
more efficient over time. Adjusting
labor hours for worker efficiency
yields a steeper time profile of hours
worked than does the series on observed total hours.
In addition to better education
and training, worker efficiency
is also affected by the amount of

capital available per worker — the
capital/labor ratio. During the postwar period, this ratio (measured
using production-sector capital and
efficiency-adjusted total hours) has
increased consistently except during
the 1970s, when the investment
slowdown, coupled with continued
growth in the workforce, caused a
sharp decline. During the past two
decades, the capital/labor ratio has
increased significantly, although the
rate of change has varied. Given
today’s low inflation environment,
the prospects for continued gains—
and hence greater worker productivity—appear bright.








Banking Conditions


FRB Cleveland • February 1998

a. Banks’ noncurrent assets include “other real estate owned.”
NOTE: All data are for FDIC-insured commercial banks.
SOURCE: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Quarterly Banking Profile, various issues.

The first three quarters of 1997 set
consecutive earnings records for
U.S. commercial banking. Although
the dollar amount of earnings continued to rise in the third quarter,
the return on assets fell slightly to
1.22% (from 1.24% in the second
quarter). The industry’s position
seems much strengthened since the
first nine months of 1996, partly
because earnings for 1996:IIIQ were
depressed by a one-time assessment
to capitalize the Savings Association

Insurance Fund.
In 1997:IIIQ, net-interest income
rose for the industry as a whole because the amount of interest-earning
assets increased. Net-interest margins
actually declined because the cost
of funding earning assets increased
more than the average asset yield.
Margins remained lowest for the
largest banks and increased sharply
for the second consecutive quarter for
banks with $1 billion to $10 billion
in assets.

Although the latest gain in quarterly earnings came largely from
banks specializing in credit card
lending, the share of noncurrent
credit card loans continued to grow
for the industry as a whole. Credit
card loan charge-offs were the
largest contributor to the $4.8 billion
in net loan charge-offs, the highest
posting since 1993. Other asset
quality indicators continue to improve. For example, the ratio between noncurrent assets and total
assets is still declining sharply.








U.S.Banks’ Foreign Lending Exposure


FRB Cleveland • February 1998

a. Total amount owed by borrower country after adjustment for guarantees and external borrowing (except derivative products).
b. Ratio between guarantees by a country’s banks for other countries’ borrowing from U.S. banks and the total amount owed to U.S. banks by the guarantor.
c. Ratio between guarantees by a country’s public borrowers (and other nonbanks) for other countries’ borrowing from U.S. banks and the total amount owed
to U.S. banks by the guarantor.
d. Commitments of cross-border and nonlocal-currency contingent claims after adjustment for guarantees.
e. Bank size category shares of the total amounts owed to U.S. banks after adjustment for guarantees and external borrowing (except derivative products).
SOURCE: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, Country Exposure Lending Survey, various issues.

Despite recent financial turmoil, the
latest data show that U.S. banks’ exposure to Southeast Asia and Latin
America did not lessen much in
1997:IIIQ. Exposure to Thailand has
been declining since early 1997,
well before the country’s currency
faltered. Such delays in reporting,
however, are not the only obstacles
to assessing exposure.
Under current conditions, assets’
book value might not equal what
they could fetch on the open market.
Many are loans, which, not being
standardized, cannot be sold as easily
as equities. This makes it hard, even

in a normal market environment, to
determine banks’ true condition. In
the present circumstances, however,
there are practically no markets for
many bank assets, so no market
prices exist for valuing them.
The riskiness of U.S. banks’ liabilities to foreign countries depends not
only on direct loans, but also on
those countries’ participation in thirdparty credits. Thai banks, like their
counterparts in large, industrialized
countries, often guarantee U.S. loans
to other developing countries. Public
agencies in Korea and Mexico frequently provide similar guarantees

for U.S. loans. When an economic
crisis hits, the quality of these guarantees weakens, and U.S. banks’ foreign risks rise.
Recent growth in off-balance-sheet
commitments also complicates the
regulatory task. Paradoxically, it is
often assumed that a bank reduces
its risk by using derivative contracts.
Emerging markets are no longer
the exclusive domain of moneycenter banks. Other banks account
for more than 20% of U.S. banks’ exposure to Southeast Asia and Latin
America, as well as to industrialized








Exchange Rates
U.S. Nominal Exchange Rates
Percent change since:



























FRB Cleveland • February 1998

a. Board of Governors’ (BOG) trade-weighted dollar indexes are rebased to 1990 = 100 to match the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) of Dallas’ trade-weighted
dollar indexes, which are based in 1990.
b. The countries included in the BOG’s trade-weighted dollar indexes are Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden,
Switzerland, and the U.K. The nominal FRB Dallas index includes 130 countries; the real FRB Dallas index includes 100 countries.
c. Countries included are China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand.
SOURCES: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas; and the International Monetary Fund, International
Financial Statistics.

Every day, currencies worth more
than $1.2 trillion change hands
around the globe, and about 83% of
these transactions involve U.S. dollars. The exchange rate is the price
at which one nation’s currency
trades for another’s. Economists
often distinguish between nominal
exchange rates, which are the values quoted by banks and newspapers, and real exchange rates,
which are conceptual.
Because the dollar often appreciates against some currencies and

depreciates against others, economists construct effective, or
weighted, exchange-rate indexes
(nominal and real) to gauge its average movements. Usually, the weights
reflect trade shares between countries. The Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, for example, constructs trade-weighted dollar
indexes against the currencies of the
10 largest foreign industrial countries. The Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas maintains trade-weighted
dollar exchange-rate indexes against
100 or more industrial and develop-

ing countries. These two series show
starkly different nominal patterns because the Dallas Fed’s include many
developing countries, where currency devaluation is frequent.
Exchange-rate changes affect the
domestic price of foreign goods, but
adjustments that merely offset existing inflation differentials do not alter
nations’ competitive positions. For
this reason, economists construct
real exchange rates, which remove
changes in relative price levels from
nominal exchange-rate movements.