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Monthly Review

In this issue

On San Diego Bay
Counting the Jobless

September 1972

O n San DI@g@ Bay
. . . A community long dominated by the military shows how cutbacks
can be handled through the expansion of non-defense sectors.

C ounting the Jobless
. . . Labor Department interviewers check one of every 1,300 households
to get an estimate of the employed and the unemployed.

Editor: W illiam Burk©

September 1972



On San Diego Bay
■^Reconversion, one of the nation’s major
JL v problems of the early 1970’s, is a
problem with which San Diego has long been
familiar. That community for decades has
been heavily dependent on Pentagon payrolls
and aerospace contracts, and thus has partici­
pated in all the feasts and famines resulting
from the defense budget-m aking process.
(Income generated in these defense-related
sectors accounts for roughly 30 percent of
the area’s total income, as against a 10-per­
cent share in the nation generally.) Recent
experience suggests, however, that the San
Diego economy has become large enough
and diverse enough so that it can take such
shocks more or less in its stride.
The metropolitan area (coextensive with
San Diego county) contains about IV2 mil­
lion people who receive about $5 Vi billion
in personal income annually. Paralleling the
national experience, San Diego’s unemploy­
ment rate has risen from below 4 percent to
more than 6 percent over the past several
years. At the same time, the area has been
able to expand total payrolls during this pe­
riod, despite the sharp cutbacks in several of

its basic industries. For that reason, its ex­
perience may bear watching by a nation
which is now caught up in the process of
Captains and consumptives
San Diego’s close association with the mili­
tary dates back to its very beginnings in 1769,
when it was established by Don Gaspar de
Portola as the oldest European settlement in
(Alta) California. Portola’s assignment was
to establish effective control of California and
thereby deny it to the Russians and other
interlopers who threatened to establish them­
selves in the Northwest. His expeditions led
to the establishment of four military presidios
(San Diego, Santa Barbara, Monterey, and
San Francisco) along with the famous chain
of Franciscan missions.
Still, the community’s real growth began
only with the Southern California land boom
of the late 19th century. With the selling
point of a magnificent harbor (plus substan­
tial subsidies), civic leaders attracted one
major railroad (1885), but even with that,
the town could not keep pace with Los An­
geles to the north. Nonetheless, climate took





San OIeg®Bs Ineame expands
despite slowdown in basic industries
B illio n s of D o lla r s


the place of commerce as a major drawing
card, as crowds of wealthy visitors began to
flock to such attractions as the Coronado
Beach hotel, the largest of the West Coast
resort hotels. (The hotel’s stationery adver­
tised the area’s restorative powers for those
with “weak hearts, disabled lungs, and wornout nerves”.) Yet even as late as 1910, the
town’s population failed to exceed 40,000.
San Diego’s growth pattern was set in the
early 20th century with a naval coaling sta­
tion (1907), an in te rn a tio n a l exposition
(1915-17), a second railroad (1919), a
naval training station (1923), and the ar­
rival of naval dependents and retired officers
as well as fleet personnel. Just as in the
1880’s, climate attracted the bulk of these
new residents, and climate played a role too
in the crucial arrival of the aircraft industry
in the 1920’s, because of the importance of
that factor for open-air storage and test fly­
ing. It was from San Diego that Charles
Lindbergh took off in 1927 on the first leg
of his history-making flight.
During World War II and the Korean War,
the expansion in military activity and in air­




craft production triggered a boom in income
and employment, and the buildup of missile
and space capabilities in the late 1950’s then
spurred another wave of growth. (At the
1958 peak, aerospace firms accounted for
one-fifth of the area’s total civilian employ­
ment.) The early 1960’s marked a retrench­
ment in the economy because of the slow­
down in missile production, but the Vietnam
war later brought a new boom to the area.
As a reflection of these and other growth
factors, the population of the San Diego
metropolitan area roughly doubled in every
decade of the half-century period, 1910-60,
except for the depressed 1930’s. (In some
periods, migration has accounted for threefourths or more of the total population in­
crease.) The growth rate slowed consider­
ably between 1960 and 1970, to 31 percent,
but the absolute growth in that decade (325,000) far exceeded that of any other decade
except the 1950’s. San Diego’s total popula­
tion at the time of the 1970 census — 1.4
million — amounted to 6.8 percent of Cali­
fornia’s total population.
Major sources: the military . . .
San Diego’s economy generated over $5.4
billion in personal income in 1970, according
to Commerce Department estimates. Five
major sectors acted as the main generators of
income— Federal Government (military and
civilian), manufacturing (especially aero­
space), farming and fishing, tourism, and
research and development.
Earnings in the Federal Government sector
reached $1,142 million in 1970, or 21 per­
cent of total income— down from 22 percent
of the total in 1959 (1960 data not avail­
able) and from 27 percent in 1950. Military
earnings in each of these years represented
the largest share of Government earnings—
and indeed, represented the largest single
source of income for the entire San Diego
economy. Uniformed military personnel re­
ceived $807 million in 1970, and a large part

September 1972


of the $336 million received by Federal civil­
ian workers was earned on military projects.
San Diego is best known as the home base
of the U.S. Navy’s First Fleet, but the area
also contains the headquarters of the Eleventh
Naval District and a host of major installa­
tions, including supply depots, air stations,
training centers, and an anti-submarine war­
fare school. Camp Pendleton, the major
Marine basic-training center, is located on
125.000 acres of land in the northwestern
part of the county. Despite the sharp reduc­
tions in the last several years, military and
civilian personnel at area installations in­
creased over the past decade as a whole.
Total military personnel and civilian em­
ployees remained stable over the 1960-65
period at around 128,000 persons, rose to
175.000 at the 1969 peak, and then dropped
to 135,000 in 1971, with almost all of the
decline centered in the military component.
The strength of the local economy also
depends on a related factor, the spending of
military dependents and retired military per­
sonnel. Almost half of the locally-based mil­


itary are married, with an average of 2.7 de­
pendents, so that the total number included
in Navy and Marine families amounted to
roughly 260,000 in 1971. If the families of
civilian workers and retired personnel are in­
cluded, the number of persons associated in
some way with military activities probably
exceeded 400,000 in 1971, or almost onethird of San Diego’s total population.
The Federal Government, in addition to
paying out roughly $1,200 million in mili­
tary and civilian pay last year, also disbursed
about $115 million in retirement checks, plus
some $260 million for shipbuilding and re­
pair work, $65 million for military construc­
tion, and $13 million for school aid for Fed­
erally-connected students. All this came on
top of the substantial Federal contracts to the
aerospace-manufacturing industry, the sec­
ond major base of the San Diego economy.
. .. and aerospace
The aerospace boom, which was largely
responsible for the record growth of the
1950’s, was a much weaker influence during






most of the past decade. The industry ac­
counted for 19 percent of the area’s total
civilian employment at the height of the mis­
sile-building boom in 1958. However, its
share then dropped to 10 percent in 1965,
on the heels of a two-fifths reduction in
aerospace jobs in the early 1960’s, which
came about because of a drop in commer­
cial-aircraft orders and the phasing out of
several missile programs. The industry more
than matched the overall growth of the econ­
omy during the Vietnam war buildup, but
the budget cutbacks in defense and space
programs reduced its employment share from
11 to 7 percent between 1969 and 1971.
In the face of these severe cutbacks in key
Federal programs, San Diego’s manufactur­
ing industry managed to expand during the
past decade by dint of diversification efforts
in both defense-related and other lines. To­
tal earnings of factory workers almost dou­
bled between 1959 and 1970, to $692 mil­
lion, and earnings increased by two-thirds
even in defense-related categories — aircraft,
electrical machinery and shipbuilding.
For manufacturing generally, diversifica­
tion involved the construction of several new
plants by makers of computers and dataprocessing equipment, along with the expan­
sion of shipbuilding work; for the aircraft in­
dustry, it involved the manufacture of such
non-defense products as nuclear reactors,
rapid-transit equipment, materials-handling
systems, measuring and surveying equip­
ment, and voting machines. Overall, the past
decade witnessed a sharp expansion for prac­
tically all except the traditional food-process­
ing industry, with non-electrical machinery
in particular exhibiting very rapid growth.


. . . and other sources
Farming and fishing, the original founda­
tions of the regional economy, remain im­
portant although less so than in earlier dec­
ades. Farm income reached $41 million in
1970, about 60 percent above the 1959 fig­




ure. Receipts from farm marketings, at $153
million last year, placed San Diego among
the top 20 farm counties in the nation. Al­
most a half-million acres are utilized for
farming, although the vast majority of farms
are small and highly diversified. Urbaniza­
tion has cut severely into farm acreage over
time, forcing the industry to shift toward
high-value specialty products which offer a
high return per acre.
Livestock and dairy products have de­
clined in importance over the past decade,
but still accounted for over one-third of total
farm receipts last year. Vegetable crops
(such as tomatoes, celery and cucumbers)
have also declined in importance, and now
account for about one-fourth of the total. But
the crops which produce the highest value
per acre have sharply increased their share.
Fruits and nuts (such as avocados, oranges
and strawberries) and cut flowers and other
nursery crops each make up one-fourth to
one-fifth of total receipts.
The fishing catch, which had practically
disappeared a decade earlier, recovered by
1970 to reach $53 million. Most of this rep­
resented a strong improvement in the tuna
catch, made possible by the use of larger
boats which have the capacity to go anywhere
on the high seas. The improved fish catch
in turn has helped the fortunes of the can­
ning industry and shipbuilding and repair
Tourism, a major growth factor a century
ago, continues in that role today. Indeed,
the opening of a convention center and many
new hotels has helped tourist receipts to dou­
ble within the decade, with business and plea­
sure visitors spending roughly $400 million
last year for food, lodging, entertainment,
and other services. Convention business is
up sharply, so that even the loss of the Re­
publican convention was less of a shock to
San Diego businessmen than might have been
expected. Visitors have been attracted not

September 1972


imploymemf eyfbeacks


. . . largely offset by gains

in defense-related sectors . . .

only by the area’s business and industrial fa­
cilities but also by the wide variety of recre­
ational and leisure-time activities that the re­
gion has to offer. These include the world’s
largest zoo (over 5,000 animals), camping
and water-sport facilities, and a number of
spectator-sport activities — and whatever is
not available in San Diego may be found
just across the border in Tijuana.
R&D and the future
San Diego’s rapid growth during the past
half-century has been based not only upon
the basic sectors described above but also
upon another major resource — a large pool
of highly-skilled research personnel who are
attracted here by the incomparable climate,
work opportunities in sophisticated new in­
dustries, and educational opportunities in
the institutions which feed these new indus­
tries. Educational and research facilities have
originated a circular development process,
whereby research contracts generate produc­
tion contracts which in turn lead to the
strengthening of research staffs which gen

. . . but not sufficiently
to keep unemployment in check
U n e m p lo y m e n t Rate (Percent)


1 96 5


erate new research contracts, and so on.
More than that, these institutions seem des­
tined to play a key role in attracting future
growth industries to this area.
The nine institutions of higher learning in
the San Diego area experienced a doubling
of enrollment just within the past half-decade,
as the number of full- and part-time students
rose to more than 100,000 last year. The
most prestigious are the University of Cali-





fornia at San Diego, despite its still relatively
small enrollment of 6,500, and the California
State University (San Diego) with its mas­
sive enrollment of 26,500.
The University of California campus was
established around the nucleus of the Scripps
Institution of O c e a n o g ra p h y in the late
1950’s, and is now embarked on a major ex­
pansion program looking toward an eventual
enrollment of 27,500. The construction pro­
gram for the 1972-77 period includes $90
million for marine-biology, clinical-science
and humanities buildings. Much of the uni­
versity’s support comes from outside sources;
38 percent of its operating expenditures of
$100 million last year consisted of Federal
contracts and grants for oceanography, medi­
cine and the like. The university’s large op­
erating budget relative to the size of its
enrollment highlights its orientation as a
scientific-and medical-research center.
Research-and-development efforts are con­
centrated not only in the universities but also
in independent institutes (such as the Palomar Observatory and the Salk Institute),
government agencies and aerospace firms.




Altogether, more than 140 organizations in
the area are now engaged in R&D work of
one type or another. Most of the work is
done in three major areas: electronics (in­
cluding c o m p u te rs and data processing),
oceanography and biomedicine. Probably no
other area in the nation can match San Di­
ego’s concentration of oceanographic talent,
centered mostly at the Scripps Institute and
the Naval Undersea Research and Develop­
ment Center. Similarly, San Diego has a ma­
jor reputation in biomedical research, con­
ducted primarily at the Salk Institute, the
Scripps Clinic and the UCSD School of Med­
Supporting industries' role
Despite the crucial importance of these
basic industries—Federal Government, aero­
space, farming, tourism, and R&D—the bulk
of the area’s income and employment is gen­
erated by a multiplicity of smaller industries
geared mostly to local markets. During pe­
riods of rapid growth, these industries gen­
erally have been hard-pressed to keep up
with the demands created by the crowds of

Climate (1872)
San Diego seems to me to possess the mildest and sunniest winter climate on
the coast. It has the advantage of a large and excellent hotel, and very good shops,
and the disadvantage of an almost entire absence of shade and trees. It has pleasant
society, and within thirty miles very fine and varied scenery. If I were spending a
winter in California for my health, I think I should go first to San Diego, and stay
there the months of December and January. . . . It affords some simple amusements,
in fishing, shell-hunting, and boat-sailing; and here, as all over Southern California,
horses are cheap; and to those who are fond of driving or riding, very fair roads are
open. There is less rain here than in any other part of the State; and as the so-called
winter in the State is a rainy season, San Diego has the advantage over other places
of less mud in December and January. In fact, I doubt if it is ever muddy there.
Charles Nordhoff
California for Health, Pleasure, and Residence


September 1972


in-migrants attracted into the area. During
periods of overall sluggishness, however,
these industries have caught up and filled in
the economic structure made possible by the
earlier rapid growth. Construction, finance,
local government, trade and services have all
contributed in their own way to the increas­
ing size and stability of the regional economy
— witness the record of the past several
The unemployment rate in the San Diego
area jumped from a very low 3.7 percent in
1969 to a quite high level of 6.2 percent in
1971 and an average of 6.4 percent during
the first half of 1972. However, the current
rate is still a full percentage point below the
jobless rate on the eve of the Vietnam war.
During the 1969-71 period, the rate of
employment growth (2.6 percent) was only
about one-third as large as the gain between
1965 and 1969. Nonetheless, the fact that
employment grew at all between 1969 and
1971 represents a considerable achievement,
considering the fact that defense-related man­
ufacturing jobs dropped almost 15 percent
(8,000) and the number of military person­
nel dropped almost 25 percent (37,000) over
that period.
The severe employment losses in these ma­
jor industries were more than offset by sub­
stantial employment gains in other industries,
ranging from 6 percent for construction to
14 percent for state-local government and
18 percent for finance. Moreover, personal


income increased in these years at about a
7-percent annual rate, reflecting the resilience
of the local economy. Surprisingly, in some
respects San Diego has recently outperformed
California and the nation. For example, res­
idential construction awards jumped 83 per­
cent in 1971 alone — almost double the in­
crease in California generally.
Having all but surmounted its latest crisis,
San Diego can begin planning for its next
surge of growth. Federal Government pay­
rolls should expand in coming years, reflect­
ing the stabilization of force levels and the
recent sharp increases in Federal pay rates.
Defense-related manufacturing should grad­
ually stabilize, as at least some of the projects
on Washington drawing boards come to frui­
tion — strategic-weapons systems, the space
shuttle, the undersea long-range missile sys­
tem, and shipbuilding programs involving
both naval and merchant vessels. R&D proj­
ects leading to the new industries of the fu­
ture will remain a constant plus factor in the
long-range outlook, and the same can be
said for the region’s original basic industry,
tourism. Meanwhile, the size and diversity
of the San Diego economy, as represented by
the recent expansion of locally-oriented in­
dustries and the entrance of numerous new
nondefense-related m a n u fa c tu rin g firms,
should help to ensure a broader and more
balanced growth than earlier decades were
able to record.
Yvonne Levy

Publication Staff: Karen Rusk, Editorial Assistant; Janis Wilson, Artwork.
Single and group subscriptions to the Monthly Review are available on request from the
Administrative Service Department, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, P.O. Box 7702,
San Francisco, California 94120







Counting the Jobless
What do the following people have
in common?
(1) A civilian over 16 who either (a)
worked for someone for pay, or (b)
worked in his own business, or (c) served
as an unpaid worker in a family enter­
prise, during the week containing the
12th day of the month — and (2) a perwho did not work during that week be­
cause of temporary absence due to (a)
illness, (b) bad weather, (c) labor-man­
agement disputes, or (d) vacation or
personal business.
A. For statistical purposes, both individuals
are considered as employed.
Q. How does the following individual differ
from those described above?
A civilian who had no job during the
week containing the 12th day of the
month, but was available for work, and
additionally (a) had actively sought em­
ployment during the past four weeks, or
(b) was waiting to be recalled to a job
from which he had been laid off, or (c)
was waiting to report to a new job for
pay within the next 30 days.
A. For statistical purposes, this individual is
considered as unemployed.


The sum of all employed and unemployed
civilians equals the civilian labor force. This
figure of course is not synonymous with the
total civilian population. For statistical pur­
poses, some people are excluded from the
civilian labor force who are neither employed
nor u n em p lo y ed by the above standards.
Among the excluded categories are: (1) persons engaged in housework in their own

home, or (2) persons in school, or (3) per­
sons with a new job not scheduled to begin
until after 30 days, or (4) persons unable to
work because of long-term physical or men­
tal illness. Other excluded categories are:
(1) retired persons, (2) individuals tempo­
rarily unable to work, (3) individuals too
old or too young to work, (4) persons doing
less than 15 hours weekly of unpaid family
work, (5) seasonal workers surveyed in the
off-season and not looking for work, (6) in­
mates of institutions, (7) persons not look­
ing for work because of their belief that no
jobs were available for which they could
qualify, and (8) voluntarily idle persons.
Counting the unemployed
When a new report indicates that 81.7
million persons were employed and 4.8 mil­
lion people were u n em p lo y ed in a given
month — as the Labor Department’s July
release reported — one might gain the im­
pression that over 86 million individuals were
personally enumerated and asked whether or
not they were currently employed. A mo­
ment’s reflection would indicate that the poll­
ing of this number of persons on a monthly
basis would be both prohibitively expensive
and physically impossible to accomplish. Ob­
viously, a sample survey is the only realistic
means of gaining the desired information.
A principal source of employment and un­
employment information is the Current Pop­
ulation Survey (CPS), conducted by the Bu­
reau of the Census. This household survey
(which gathers data where each individual
lives) generates the information for the mea­
surement of the nation’s unemployment rate.
This survey utilizes a sample which repre-

September 1972


H@ysehoSd syrvey shows jobless
rales by age, race and sex . . .

. . . along with jobless rales
by type of occupation
P ercent

sents the entire national population, although
it consists only of about 50,000 households
chosen in 449 sample areas.
The design and construction of a survey
sample is a highly technical operation, which
is meant to ensure the equal probability of
any household being chosen in the monthly
survey. At the present time, each household
in the sample represents about 1300 house­
holds in the nation. This sample size may
seem small, but it is actually the largest
monthly household survey in the world, 50
times larger than many of the national pub­
lic opinion polls. How then to choose the
group of households to be contacted?


Choosing PSUs and EDs
The United States is made up of 3,128
counties and independent cities, and for pur­
poses of this sample they are divided into
1,913 primary sampling units (PSUs). Gen­
erally, a PSU consists of an entire county or
a number of adjoining counties. Altogether,
212 counties are classified because of the size
of their population as Standard Metropolitan
Statistical Areas. (An SMS A is “a county or
group of counties which contains at least one
city of 50,000 inhabitants or more, or ‘twin
cities’ with a combined population of 50,000.
. . . Contiguous counties are included in an
SMSA if, according to certain criteria, they
are socially and economically integrated with
the central city.” ) An SMSA thus describes
those counties, or groups of counties, which
contain the major cities and their surounding
metropolitan areas.
A little over half of all SMSAs are in­
cluded in the primary sample units (PSUs).
Where counties outside the SMSAs are com­
bined to form a PSU, the selection is based
on internal heterogeneity of the population,
with some emphasis on geographic compact­
ness in the interests of economy. The ideal
PSU outside the major population centers
(SMSAs) should, at a minimum of travel
cost, encompass urban and rural households
of both high and low income levels, together
with the widest possible diversity of industrial
and occupational classifications.
Having been selected, the PSUs are then
grouped into 357 strata. Each stratum is a
group of PSUs whose populations are rela­
tively similar in terms of race, age, sex, edu­
cation, occupation, and other characteristics,
in a way which differs from one stratum to
another. If we were all as alike as peas in a
pod, there would be no need to bother with
the stratification procedure, since any sample
would reflect the characteristics of all of us
peas — the universe from which the sample
is drawn.




The basic sampling frame for the monthly
household survey altogether includes 449
areas, allowing for double selection within
some of the 357 strata. The sample automat­
ically includes 107 of the largest SMS As —
those containing more than 250,000 persons
each — plus 373 other areas chosen to en­
sure a broadly representative selection. These
areas remain generally unchanged between
decennial censuses.
The 449 sampling units fix the areas to be
included in the monthly household survey
but do not specify the particular neighbor­
hoods in which the selected households are
located. The actual geographical area sur­
veyed is the Census Enumeration District
(E D ), each of which averages somewhat less
than 300 households. The EDs within a
chosen PSU are sampled in such a manner
that the probability of any ED being chosen
is equal to its share of total population in the
last census.
When the EDs have been selected, a group
of six urban households is chosen from sam­
ple clusters of 18 consecutive addresses, with
every third address being picked. In rural
areas, the samples are chosen from designat­
ed areas considered to contain about six
households. The households in each ED
sampled are rotated on a gradual basis, so
as to maintain some degree of continuity
while reducing sample bias and the burden
of response.
The overall sampling ratio today is ap­
proximately one out of every 1,300 house­
holds. This ratio decreases as the popula­
tion grows, while the sample size is held
constant. The sampling rate within PSUs may
vary, but it is adjusted to give each household
in the survey a 1,300-1 chance of being


Household survey
The in te rv ie w ta k e s place during the
calendar week which contains the 19th day
of the month. At the time of the first inter­




view, the interviewer contacts “some respon­
sible person in the household” apd prepares
a roster of the personal characteristics of
each member of the household, including
relationship to household head. After all, the
principal purpose of the Current Population
Survey is to measure some characteristics
and composition of the population. In sub­
sequent interviews the questionnaire is up­
dated and changed to take account of new
The reference period for the interview is
the week prior to the interview — the week
containing the 12th day of the month. The
reference period is deliberately placed close
to the interview so as to guard against the
unreliability of memories concerning employ­
ment data over a longer time span.
The interviewer uses a series of standard
questions concerning the economic activity
during the reference week of every member
of the household 16 years of age and over.
These questions serve to establish the em­
ployment status of the sample population;
whether employed, not employed, or not in
the labor force. For a variety of reasons, the
interviewed sample is about 4-6 percent
smaller than the selected sample. Adjustment
for nonresponse is made by weighting PSU

September 1972


data according to the characteristics of the
noninterviewed household. Although survey
participation is entirely voluntary, refusals
generally have run no higher than 1 percent
of the total.
Persons at work are asked about the num­
ber of hours worked and the type of job
held; part-time workers are also asked the
reasons for working only part-time. Unem­
ployed persons are asked about the steps
taken to seek work in the past four weeks,
the length of time spent in looking for work
and the kind of job last held. Persons not
in the labor force are asked about the last
type of job held, as well as reasons for leav­
ing it and not currently seeking employment.
Establishment survey
In addition to the monthly household sur­
vey, there is another very important source of
data concerning em ploym ent, hours, and
earnings — the establishment employment
survey. These data are taken from payroll
records rather than directly from workers or
their families — hence the frequent reference
to “payroll” data. (In o th e r w ords, the
household survey relates to in d iv id u a ls
whereas the establishment survey relates to
jobs.) These data are collected and proc­
essed as a joint effort of the employment
agencies of the 50 states and the District of
Columbia along with the U.S. Bureau of
Labor Statistics. They provide the principal
source of state and metropolitan-area labor
statistics, since the household survey for any
single locality is too small to be statistically
An establishment is defined as “an eco­
nomic unit which produces goods or services,
such as a factory, mine, or store.” Ideally,
it is located at a single geographical or physi­
cal location and is engaged in a specific activ­
ity. Where a firm has more than one plant
engaged in the same activity, and these plants
are in close proximity — say, in the same
county — they may be reported as one unit.


E sta b lish m e n t s y r v e y counts
employed persons by industry






D u rable G o o d s M fg.
N o n d u ra b le
G o o d s M fg.
Transp. & Utilities


Fedl. G o v ’t.
State— Local G o v ’t.

Payroll statistics cover the total number of
persons employed full or part-time in nonagricultural establishments (including civil­
ian government) during a given pay period.
Again, as with the household survey, the
reference period is the calendar week con­
taining the 12th day of the month. Both
full-time and part-time employees, and both
permanent and te m p o ra ry employees, are
counted if they receive any pay at all during
the reference period. Workers on paid sick
leaves or on paid holiday or vacation are
also counted. Persons on the payroll of more
than one establishment are included in the
tally of each firm. Proprietors, self-employ­
ed persons and unpaid family workers are
excluded, together with domestic household
Sources and samples
Payroll-employment information is gath­
ered from a sample of reporting establish­
ments which report on a voluntary basis. The
actual data — number of employees, pay­
rolls, and hours of work — are taken from
the firms’ payroll records. In contrast to
h o u se h o ld -su rv e y sam ples, w hich are
checked against the decennial census for con­
sistency, establishment samples are checked
against the reports of a number of agencies
which provide complete or nearly complete




counts of workers in certain industries or
sizes of establishments. These include state
employment-security agencies, the Social
Security Administration, the Interstate Com­
merce Commission, the U.S. Civil Service
Commission, and a number of private trade
and professional agencies. Monthly payrollemployment data are adjusted to the bench­
mark data every March.
The payroll-employment sample is sub­
ject to a somewhat different set of constraints
than is the household survey. In particular,
there is a need to supply a considerable
amount of detail on industry employment
for the nation, states, and major metropolitan
areas. Establishments are classified on the
basis of industry and on the basis of size.
Large establishments, which in most in­
dustries mean those with 250 or more em­
ployees, are automatically included in the
sample. Where 'an industry is characterized
by rather large establishments, the sampling
of smaller facilities will be less frequent than
for industries (such as retail trade or ser­
vices) with many small establishments. Al­
together, more than 157,000 reporting units
(establishments) are included in the sample


Uses and limitations
The household survey data and the estab­
lishment data are not directly comparable;
they should be considered complementary
rather than interchangeable. For one thing,
the household survey accounts for all mem­
bers of the population 16 years of age and
older, classifying them as employed, un­
employed, or not in the labor force, while
the payroll series is restricted to nonagricultural employed persons and reveals nothing
about unemployment or the size of the labor
force. Additionally, the household survey
counts all members of the adult population
without duplication, while the payroll survey
counts multiple job holders on each payroll
on which they appear. (There are about 4




million such people, or about 5 percent of
all employed persons.)
The household survey includes unpaid
family workers, domestic household workers,
proprietors and self-employed persons — all
of whom are excluded from the payroll sur­
vey. (The latter, however, undoubtedly picks
up some workers under 16 years of age, who
are excluded from the household survey.)
Workers on unpaid leave or on strike or
unpaid vacations during the reference week
are included in the household survey but not
in the payroll series.
The household survey is strongest in de­
tailing the personal characteristics of workers
— age, sex, race, marital status, occupa­
tion — and weakest in describing the dis­
tribution of employment by industrial clas­
sification or geographical location. But the
establishment survey is strongest where the
household survey is weakest, since it provides
industrial and geographical data along with
earnings and hours information. Because
each of these employment series is developed
from its own sample survey, problems of
sample variability and response error may
in tro d u c e differences in both levels and
trends that would limit employment com­
parisons between the two surveys.
Samples and seasonals
The household survey contacts approxi­
mately 50,000 h o u se h o ld s, and this (as
noted) corresponds to approximately 1 of
every 1,300 households in the nation. This
may seem to be a rather slim reed upon
which to base decisions depending upon the
unemployment rate — one of the most
closely watched indicators in the economy
and a basic consideration in the formation of
public policy. Yet the quality of a statistical
sample essentially is independent of the size
of the universe or population which it repre­
sents. As with many other things, bigger is
not necessarily better. Indeed, the household
survey is designed to be accurate within Vi


September 1972

Adjustment process smooths
out seasonal fluctuations
R a t e (Pi


7 r

J u ly


S e p . O c t.

N ov.

D ec.


Fe b.

M a r. A p r.

M ay

Ju n e

percent of the “true” employment figures 95
percent of the time.
The establishment employment survey,
unlike the household survey, is not suscep­
tible to a mathematical specification of the
probable error of the estimated size of non­
farm employment. Its size (over 157,000
establishments) and its coverage (43 percent
of total payroll employment) do not neces­
sarily guarantee its accuracy, but the revi­
sion for total employment in the 1970 bench­
mark revision amounted to only 0.2 percent
of the estimate.
The seasonally adjusted national unem­
ployment rate for June 1972 was 5.5 per­
cent of the civilian labor force. Since the
labor force is the sum of the total number of
persons employed plus the total number of
persons without work who wish to find jobs,
the unemployment rate is simply the ratio
of the total number of such unemployed per­
sons to the total number of persons who are
either working or wish to work. But then


the employment and unemployment totals
are adjusted to take account of normal sea­
sonal fluctuations — due to weather, holi­
days, the school year, and so on — thus
permitting comparisons of one month’s data
with other months’ data.
June is a particularly difficult month for
statisticians to cope with, since the school
year ends then and students and graduates
burst upon the labor market in very large
numbers. The Christmas season also presents
problems, because of the large number of
temporary workers taken on during the holi­
day season and released after the turn of the
year. Moreover, since current seasonal in­
fluences are never exactly the same from one
year to another, one can never be sure that
the seasonal adjustment is accurate. Where
wide seasonal swings in employment are
commonplace and, hence, large factors are
used for seasonal adjustment, errors in the
adjustment process can make substantial
differences in the result.
States and metro areas
The household survey has not been used
to determine labor force data for states and
major metropolitan areas, because of the
costliness of developing a survey sample large
enough to afford satisfactory estimates of
such data. Individual state employment de­
partments develop labor force data which
are identical in concept to the information
generated by the national household survey,
but they use quite different procedures and
techniques in doing so. The general method
used commonly is referred to as the “build­
ing block” approach.
The first of these building blocks consists
of the establishment data for nonagricultural
employment. The second source, and the
major basis of information concerning un­
employment, consists of the records of the
various unemployment compensation pro­
grams. However, supplemental information
must be added to adjust for those groups of





workers that are excluded from the basic
data sources. The estimating technique used
by the California Department of Human Re­
sources, which is probably representative of
the methodology used by most other states,
is described below.
Total civilian employment is estimated by
adding, on top of the establishment employ­
ment figures, estimates for such excluded
categories as farm workers, unpaid family
workers, domestic household workers and
self-employed persons (including propri­
etors). These estimates are developed from
a number of sources, such as the decennial
population census, agricultural reports, un­
employment-insurance data, and information
obtained from various tax permits and pro­
fessional licenses. Government employment
information comes from Federal agencies,
state personnel departments, and surveys of
local governments and school boards.
Similarly, adjustments must be made to
the reported information for covered unem­
ployment — those persons protected by un­
employment insurance programs. In fact,
even the number of persons collecting unem­
ployment compensation at any one time may
fall short of the actual number of persons on
covered status. Persons may have exhausted
their benefits and still remain unemployed,
or they may have filed claims and been found
disqualified, or been qualified but have not
filed. In addition, there are other unemployed
workers who are not covered by unemploy­
ment compensation programs, principally
the selTemployed, unpaid family workers,





farm workers, and some state-and-local gov­
ernment workers. Generally speaking, how­
ever, the incidence of unemployment among
u n c o v e re d workers bears some correspon­
dence to the rate of unemployment among
covered workers.
Estimates must also be made for new
entrants to the labor force — would-be work­
ers with a minimum or complete lack of work
experience. Allied to these new entrants are
the re-entrants who have had earlier work
experience but have then dropped out of the
labor force, such as a housewife who worked
prior to marriage and whose children are now
old enough to allow her to seek employment
once again.
The ingress of new entrants to the labor
force generally is bunched at the end of the
school year. The re-entrants to the labor
force demonstrate less of a seasonal pattern;
instead, they tend to respond to changes in
life cycle or living style, as well as to the
degree of tightness or ease in labor markets,
which fluctuates (albeit irregularly) with the
general level of economic activity. If the
demand for labor is strong and wage rates
are rising and attractive, former workers
might well be coaxed back into the job
market. Conversely, if the labor market
softens, and the primary income earner in
the family loses his (or her) job, other mem­
bers of the family unit with work experience
may re-enter the labor force in an attempt
to maintain the family income.
Herbert Runyon