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Rebirth of Commercial Paper
Ribbons if Cinerete
Oily Treasure 1mm



Rebirth ©f C o m m e rcial Paper
. . . A major money-market instrument of the turbulent 20's scores
a remarkable resurgence in the soaring 60's.

Ribbons of C o n crete
... Gasoline and auto taxes pay for 41,000 miles of interstate
highways, and for 3l/2 million miles of other roads as well.

O ily Treasure Trove
... Enough petroleum to meet the nation's needs for centuries to come
is locked within Green River shale ... How to get it out?

E d ito n W illiam Burke

July 1968



Rebirth of Commercial Paper
he recent commercial-paper boom dem­
onstrates how well the flexible U.S. fi­
nancial system can respond to new challenges
by rehabilitating traditional financial instru­
ments. Commercial paper was a major
borrowing instrument immediately following
World War I, but its importance then began
to decline. Even with its renewed growth
after World War II, the 1919 peak in out­
standings was not regained until 1951, and
at the end of 1960, outstandings totaled only
$4.5 billion.
But commercial paper has scored a sharp
resurgence during the present decade. Out­
standings at the end of May 1968 reached
$17.8 billion (seasonally adjusted), or about
four times the end-19 60 figure— and out­
standings have doubled within the last 2Vi
years alone. Commercial paper thus has be­
come a new source of finance to industrial
concerns and a renewed source of competi­
tion for the commercial banks.


Short-term unsecured debt
Briefly, commercial paper is short-term,
unsecured corporate debt. The maturity date
is usually under nine months; if it is longer,
the issue must be registered with the Se­
curities and Exchange Commission. The
commercial-paper market is organized so
that once the concern has become a recog­
nized issuer of paper, it can obtain funds
with a minimum of formality and delay. Gen­
erally high credit standards must be met
before a company’s paper will be accepted.
Commercial paper is relatively riskless, and
thus carries interest rates just above those on
Treasury bills and bankers’ acceptances.

Of the two types of commercial paper-—
direct ( “finance” ) paper and dealer ( “in­
dustrial” ) paper— the former is the more
important category in terms of dollar volume,
accounting for over two-thirds of total out­
standings. Direct paper is sold by the larger
finance companies through their own sales
organizations; hence the name of “finance”
paper. Moreover, it is sold directly to pur­
chasers, with banks and securities dealers
acting only as agents. These finance com­
panies stand ready to issue paper in the
amounts and maturities specified by the pur­
chaser at a posted rate. Maturities can be
as short as 3 days.
In practice, only the largest finance com­
panies have the financial standing to guaran­
tee a favorable customer reception for such
unsecured issues. Furthermore, only they
have the ability to utilize such large volumes
of funds regularly. For the largest salesfinance companies, commercial paper pro­
vides about a quarter of their total financial
needs— more, indeed, than they obtain from
bank loans.
The second category, dealer paper, is as
its name implies sold only through dealers.
These dealers buy on their own account from
issuers and then sell to customers, and are
rewarded for their efforts by the V s -V a per­
cent spread between the purchase price and
the price charged buyers—plus or minus the
effect of price changes on their inventories.
The paper they handle is sold in blocks of a
specified maturity, often 30 days. The paper
is not tailored to the buyer’s needs as is direct
paper, although in some cases dealers can
arrange for issues to suit the needs of a spe­
cific buyer.





For the issuer, the dealer plays a key role
by providing advice about maturity dates and
appropriate rates, and then by marketing the
issue. For the buyer, the dealer helps not only
by obtaining securities with proper maturity
but, most important, by assessing the credit
standing of the issuer. But issuing companies
— except the very largest concerns—must
establish bank lines of credit equal to their
outstanding issues.
These safeguards have helped maintain
credit standards, so that there have been no
major losses since the 1930’s. As a conse­
quence, interest-rate differentials are very
narrow between prime dealer paper and
other money-market instruments, with rates
on such paper typically running lA to 3A
percent above equivalent Treasury-bill rates.
As another consequence of these rigid credit
requirements, only about 400 firms are rec­
ognized as qualified issuers of commercial
paper, mostly in manufacturing. For this rea­
son, dealer paper is often called “industrial”
paper, although the smaller finance com­
panies also issue through dealers rather than

Both t y p e s of commercial paper
post sharp gains in recent years
Billions of Dollors




Recent trends
The trend in direct paper has been strongly
upwards over the past decade, with outstand­
ings rising on the average by 20 percent an­
nually. This upsurge primarily reflects the
growth in consumer credit and the resulting
expansion of sales-finance firms’ financing
requirements. It also reflects the entry into
the field of new direct issuers, with their
greater emphasis upon commercial paper as
a regular source of funds.
The strength of the underlying economic
expansion since 1961 has also contributed
to this expansion, since the volume of direct
paper usually declines only in recession years,
when finance companies’ own borrowing
needs fall off as consumers retrench. More­
over, the severe monetary restraint in the
later stages of this expansion has led these
companies to rely more heavily on direct
issues, even though most firms normally try
to maintain their existing borrowing arrange­
ments with commercial banks also.
Nonetheless, the most interesting devel­
opments recently have been in the smaller
category of dealer paper. Until well into
1966, the volume of dealer paper exhibited
no upward movement— if anything, it had
been drifting downward during the four pre­
ceding years. But the monetary “crunch”
of 1966 and the continued monetary restraint
since then has turned many non-financial
corporations toward the commercial paper
Finance companies had always been will­
ing to rely heavily upon commercial paper,
so monetary conditions since 1966 have
merely reinforced an existing trend for direct
paper. But with dealer paper, there was a
distinct break with the past. Not only did
existing issuers increase their borrowings,
but new borrowers appeared and began to
issue paper too.
In the second half of 1966, the volume
of outstanding dealer paper jumped almost

July 1968


50 percent, rising to $3.24 billion by yearend. During 1967, o u tsta n d in g s jumped
about 60 percent more, to $5.14 billion by
year-end, and the rise has continued strongly
into 1968.
In 1965, there were only 335 issuers—no
more than in 1957— but by the end of 1967
there were 391. Significant changes also oc­
curred in the composition of borrowers. Be­
tween 1965 and 1967, the number of manu­
facturing borrowers increased by over a third
and, perhaps even more indicative of in­
creased interest by new borrowers, the num­
ber of public utilities in the market jumped
from 3 to 36.
These developments, especially the sudden
growth of dealer paper and the entry of new
firms into the field, help explain the recent
attention given to commercial paper in the
financial press. For corporations which are
borrowing or lending money, commercial
paper is seen to have definite advantages,
either as a source of funds or as a liquid as­
set. In some respects, the market can be con­
sidered as the nonbank-corporations’ coun­
terpart of the banks’ Fed-funds market.
Yet all the comments have not been fav­
orable. Some commercial bankers, for ex­
ample, have expressed concern as they have
seen important customers turn away from
bank loans to do their financing directly
through commercial paper, and some have
worried about the threat to their time de­
posits because of the existence of commercial
paper as an alternative source of funds. But
these questions require more detailed anal­
ysis before it is possible to assess their over­
all implications for the market.
Advantages for the lender
Commercial paper, being a money-market
instrument, is designed to meet the demands
of lenders of short-term funds. Banks, espe­
cially smaller country banks, have tradition­
ally been an important source of demand for


G r o w in g num ber of firms, especially
manufacturers, now issue paper
Numbirof Issues

commercial paper, because of the safety and
liquidity of this type of asset. But recently
corporate buyers have replaced banks as the
principal source of demand, and now hold an
estimated 60 percent of total outstandings.
This demonstrates the increased sophistica­
tion of corporate treasurers, with their in­
creased skill in managing cash flows to mini­
mize idle funds.
Corporate tre a s u re r s have steadily re­
duced their cash balances over the years,
mostly through their increased efforts to find
suitable short-term investments. Commer­
cial paper, both direct and dealer, fits into
this scheme as a safe, liquid asset, competing
directly with other m o n e y -m a rk e t instru­
ments. Being unsecured, it is not a perfect
substitute for Treasury bills, and thus it bears
a higher yield in compensation for the greater
risk. But the character of commercial paper
makes this risk minimal, so that commer­
cial paper ranks close to Treasury paper as a
desirable liquid asset.
The low risk attached to commercial pa­
per is related to the high market standards
already noted. These standards are main­
tained by independent rating and by the deal­
ers themselves. The rating agency for com­
mercial paper, the National Credit Office (a
division of Dun and Bradstreet), assigns





grades to corporate paper only after thor­
ough analysis of the issuing corporations’ fi­
nancial statements. In a d d itio n , dealers
themselves watch closely the c o m p a n ies
whose paper they sell.
Ratings are important because corporate
treasurers and banks do not buy paper with
less than a “desirable” rating and many limit
themselves to “prime” paper. Each borrower
must have sufficient resources to remove any
doubt about its ability to repay, and nor­
mally must have a line of credit with a bank
equal to its outstandings, though this require­
ment is often waived for blue-chip firms. Be­
cause of these financial requirements, then,
only the larger companies qualify; over twothirds of all issuing companies have a net
worth of $25 million or more, and the rest
are generally subsidiaries of larger compa­
Apart from low risk, the major advantage
of commercial paper is its liquidity. This is
not achieved through a formal secondary
market, but rather through the provision of
maturities which closely meet the needs of
lenders. In the case of direct paper, the lend­
er can specify the exact maturity required,
down to three days if desired. While buyers
are expected to hold their paper until matur­
ity, the contracts contain “buy-back” provi­
sions whereby the issuer agrees to repurchase
the paper without capital loss, except for ad­
justing the yield to the shorter maturity.


For dealer paper, the practices are some­
what different. This paper is ordinarily sold
in blocks to dealers, with the maturities based
on the dealer’s assessment of market needs.
In some cases, a buyer can arrange for a spe­
cific issue, although this is not the usual prac­
tice. Again the expectation is that the buyer
will hold his purchases until maturity. There
are no formal “buy-back” commitments, al­
though dealers will on occasion repurchase
paper from customers experiencing unex­




pected needs for cash. A high degree of li­
quidity is normally achieved by the short ma­
turities of the issues, with repurchase avail­
able in need. Yet, as a result of these differ­
ent arrangements— and, in some cases, more
risk—prime dealer paper bears a yield of
about X
A percent above prime direct paper.
Direct commercial paper has an edge over
Treasury bills in that it offers maturities ex­
actly m a tc h in g th e needs of the lender.
(Treasury-bill repurchase agreements offer
similar results, but these entail some addi­
tional costs.) In addition, a buyer who re­
gards prime direct paper as a riskless security
would find that its higher yield makes it the
preferred short-term investment. For those
prepared to accept more risk and less exact
scheduling of maturities, the various grades
of dealer paper offer even higher yields.
Advantages for the issuer
The issuer of commercial paper has obvi­
ous advantages: low relative cost, and ease
of selling issues. But these advantages are
not open to all prospective borrowers. The
first barrier is the amount of financial strength
required of paper issuers. High standards
are necessary if an issuer wants his paper to
be considered practically as riskless as Trea­
sury bills. A low borrowing cost implies low
risk, which in turn implies high credit stan­
dards. Thus, only large, financially secure
companies qualify as issuers.
To obtain the lowest possible interest rate
the issuer must sell direct paper, and here the
requirements are even higher. Quite apart
from unquestioned financial standing, which
dealer issuers have, the company must have
the ability to handle outstandings of at least
$50 million in order to justify the expense of
a separate sales organization and a constant
presence in the market. All direct issuers to­
day are large sales-finance companies with
outstandings running into several hundred
million dollars.

July 1968


For such firms, the commitment to issue
tailored maturities is not a problem since
the object is to obtain a regular flow of funds.
Minor management problems may occasion­
ally arise, in the sense that inflows of funds
may be too heavy at times. While the issuer
can always lower its rate slightly to reduce
purchases, the need to meet regular custom­
ers’ demands means that it will generally
have to be close to the going market rate and,
if necessary, re-invest in other securities any
excess funds from the sales of its own issues.
But most corporations are not in a posi­
tion to issue directly, either lacking the fi­
nancial size to make their issues acceptable
or, more typically, lacking the ability to
handle large amounts of funds on a contin­
uing basis. The smaller finance companies
face the first limitation, and most industrial
issuers come under the second.
The industrial issuer traditionally uses
paper to meet temporary seasonal needs; for
example, canning companies during the proc­
essing season. In this case, commercial pa­
per supplements normal sources of finance,
as borrowers continue to rely upon bank
loans for their regular needs. Other compa­
nies may borrow so as to delay going to the
market for long-term financing. Part of the
recent increased borrowing by public-utility
firms is of this longer-term, but still tem­
porary type. Moreover, normal SEC regis­
tration requirements for issues under 270
days can be waived only when funds are
raised for temporary additions to working
capital. It may sometimes be difficult to de­
termine where “ te m p o r a r y ” borrowing
shades into “permanent” borrowing, but
nonfinancial firms generally still try to limit
their b o rro w in g in the commercial-paper
market to temporary purposes only.
With dealer paper as with direct paper, the
practical advantage to the issuer is the low
relative cost. There are further advantages.

C e m m e re lq l^ p ap e r rates move
in tandem with Treasury-bill rates

The dealer provides advice about timing and
maturities and handles the actual selling of
the issue. The dealer buys the issue and
thereby supplies the company immediately
with its funds and relieves it of the task of
finding buyers.
A company issuing dealer paper, unlike a
direct borrower, is able to suit the timing and
maturity of each issue rather closely to his fi­
nancing needs, since there is no commitment
to issue regularly. Once the borrowing com­
pany has become an accepted commercialpaper issuer, it encounters few borrowing
formalities and finds a very flexible borrow­
ing instrument ready at hand. Besides, there
are some indirect benefits. A small regional
company, once its name becomes known and
accepted by large investors through this me­
dium, finds it easy to market subsequent long­
term issues. Finally, there is the insurance
element embodied in being a regular issuer,
in that commercial paper is available as an
alternative source of funds should monetary
restraint once again slow down or dry up the
flow of bank loans.




Cause for concern?
The sharp expansion of the commercialpaper market provides a prime example of
the process, hastened by rising interest rates,
whereby corporate treasurers find more effi­
cient means of managing their cash positions.
On the level of the individual firm, commer­
cial paper is both an attractive source and an
attractive application of funds. Temporar­
ily excess funds can be readily invested for a
specified period, and temporary needs can
be readily financed at minimal cost. There­
fore, it is not surprising that the market has
expanded as its advantages have become
known. This rapid growth, however, has
created some uneasiness concerning its im­
pact on the commercial banks.
Since commercial paper outstandings have
roughly doubled within the past 2Vi years,
substantial sums obviously must have been
diverted from other institutions—primarily
the commercial banks, the largest alternative
source of short-term finance. The diversion
is not so obvious in the case of direct issuers,
since bank finance has been a minor source
of funds for the large sales-finance compa­
nies for some time. Of course, these compa­
nies have sharply increased their outstand­
ings, because of their rising need for funds
to finance the higher volume of consumer
Developments in dealer paper, however,
suggest a stronger movement away from




commercial-bank financing. More new bor­
rowers have entered the dealer side of the
market—public utilities, for example— and
these are firms which until now did not issue
commercial paper, but instead relied primar­
ily on banks for their short-term financial
needs. While examination of any individual
company’s financial statements may not re­
veal a clear shift away from bank loans, nonfinancial corporations as a group have tended
recently to rely much more heavily than here­
tofore upon the commercial-paper market.
Thus, dealer paper outstandings have almost
tripled since the end of 1965, to about $5.7
billion today— and this is an increase to war­
rant some concern by the banks.
In sum, the sudden expansion of the com­
mercial-paper market is consistent with re­
cent developments in financial markets gen­
erally. This development, like other recent
changes, reflects the emphasis on effective
cash management, the rise of new financial
instruments, and the diversification of sources
of finance. In some cases, these innovations
have helped the banks’ competitive position
— time CD’s, for example. Elsewhere, as in
the commercial-paper field, the changes have
been partially at the banks’ expense. But no
financial system and no financial institutions
can expect to avoid the consequences of
change. In most cases, the net result has
been to evolve a more complex but more effi­
cient financial system.
Robert Johnston

Publication Staff: R. Mansfield, Chartist; Karen Rusk, Editorial Assistant.
Single and group subscriptions to the Monthly Review are available on request from the Admin­
istrative Service Department, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 400 Sansome Street,
San Francisco, California 94120



July 1968


Ribbons of Concrete
he 41,000-mile Interstate Highway Sys­
tem — centerpiece of the nation’s road
network — is the most extensive long-range
road-building program ever undertaken. The
System, planned for completion in 1972, will
link all major metropolitan, industrial and
agricultural areas in this country and also
connect with the major continental routes of
Canada and Mexico. Although this vast net­
work will comprise only about 1 percent of
the total U.S. highway mileage, it will carry
more than 20 percent of the nation’s traffic.
Nearly 26,000 miles of the System are now
in use.


in te rsta te Sy ste m


The nation contains some 3Vz million
miles of highways, roads, and streets, whose
construction and maintenance is supported
generally through state-local gasoline taxes
and motor-vehicle fees. But Federal support
is increasingly important, especially in the
Interstate Highway System and the ABC
System of other primary, secondary, and ur­
ban routes. Over the 1957-67 period, Fed­
eral aid in the construction of those two sys­
tems amounted to $34.3 billion, with the
West receiving 17 percent of that total.
The Federal role
Federal funds have helped support rural
and (later) urban road-building for the past
half-century. But the present Federal role
was delineated only in 1944, when the Fed­
eral Aid Highway Act provided for a na­
tional system of interstate highways as part of
a primary road network connecting the prin­
cipal metropolitan areas, and industrial cen­
The system was not formally designated
until 1947, when it was established with a
total of 37,700 miles, 4,400 of them in urban
areas. The law set the system’s maximum
mileage at 40,000 miles, but failed to provide
enough funds to complete the system within
any predictable time limit. Initially, Federal
aid to the Interstate was available on the
customary 50-50 basis, but the Federal share
was raised to 60 percent in 1954.
Then, the Federal Aid Highway Act of
1956 gave a green light to an expanded high­





way program. The Interstate matching-funds
basis was raised to a 90-10 Federal-State
split. The System’s maximum mileage was
increased from 40,000 to 41,000 and the
name was officially changed to the National
System of Interstate and Defense Highways.
The System was designed mostly for 4-to-6lane traffic, free from railroad crossings and
traffic lights. (According to the Bureau of
Public Roads, it should help save 8,000 lives
every year, along with billions of dollars in
operating costs and millions of hours in driv­
ing time.) And the Act also provided for
increased aid to supporting (ABC) networks.
Million — or more — a mile
Federal-aid funds are the major source of
capital outlays for highway construction in
each state, including the Interstate and ABC
Systems (other primary, secondary, and
urban extensions). The Interstate program
gets 72 percent, the largest share, of total
Federal funds. This amounted to $24.7 bil­
lion out of the total $34.3 billion spent be­
tween 1957 and 1967, the remainder going to
the ABC program.
The cost of the complete Interstate System
was originally estimated at $25.8 billion for




the 13 years from mid-1956 through mid1969. New additions and increased construc­
tion costs boosted the estimate for comple­
tion in mid-1972 to $46.8 billion.
The West received 17 percent of Federal
Interstate funds, totaling $4.2 billion, from
1957 to 1967. Several states received dis­
proportionately large Federal aid because of
their large areas in public domain, as the Fed­
eral share of total interstate funds exceeded
94 percent in Nevada, Utah, and Arizona.
Alaska is the only state excluded from the
Interstate program, and Hawaii was included
under 1960 legislation as an outpost of stra­
tegic defense.
Under the 1956 Act, Federal aid to the
ABC program rises annually by $25 million,
from $825 million in 1957 to a $ 1-billion
ceiling. These funds are split three ways: 45
percent for aid to the primary system, 30
percent for aid to the secondary system, and
25 percent for urban extensions. ABC high­
way improvement is shared on a 50-50 Fed­
eral-State basis. In addition to these regular
ABC funds, the Federal government pro­
vided in fiscal 1959 for an additional $400
million to accelerate the ABC program, on a
basis of two-thirds Federal, one-third state.

New Possibilities
A report by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, recently
submitted to Congress, urges large-scale research-and-development of new systems
of public transit.
The department estimates its proposals would cost $980 million to develop
over the next five to fifteen years. Among the “more promising” possibilities:
• “Dial-a-bus” would permit commuters to telephone for a small bus to
pick them up at their doors or at a nearby bus stop.
• “Personal rapid transit” would utilize individual four-passenger capsules
to speed travelers to a specific destination along a rail network.
• Dual-mode vehicle systems would allow commuters to drive special cars
onto automated guideway-tracks, for high-speed trips from suburb to city and back.

July 1968


The West received 17 percent, or $1.6 bil­
lion, of the total $9.7 billion of ABC Fed­
eral aid between 1957 and 1967. The match­
ing formula for the District as a whole gave
it 67.8 percent in matching Federal aid
funds. Alaska received the highest matching
amount with 93.0 percent.
The chief sources of Federal highway aid
are the Federal excise taxes on motor fuel
and automotive products, and truck use
taxes. In the first decade of the program,
revenues accruing to the fund totaled $27.3
billion. Gasoline contributes more than half
the total receipts flowing into the Highway
Trust Fund. It is followed by taxes on motor
vehicles, which account for one-third of the
Rocky financial road
Progress has been slow on the construction
front during the past several years. For the
first time in the 10-year life of the Highway
Trust Fund, the Federal government has
wielded the highway fund as an anti-infla­
tionary tool. In 1966, for example, the
budget was trimmed from $4.0 to $3.3 bil­
lion, and the West shared fully in this reduc­
tion, losing $137 million. More recently, the
fiscal 1969 budget called for a $ 600-million
cutback in scheduled program spending.
Construction is also beset by continuing
squabbles in urban areas, generally related
to the criticism that the System, by building
highways in cities, is destroying or burying
neighborhoods and scenic areas. As an ex­
ample, San Francisco rejected plans for a
$267-million, 12-mile Interstate freeway
project within the city in 1965.
Because of constantly rising costs and dif­
ficulties in acquiring land in urban areas, the
Department of Transportation now estimates
that the System will miss its completion
deadline of September 1972, and will be
lucky to make it by June 1974. It also esti­
mates that the cost will jump to about $56.5


Spending continues to rise
for interstate and A B C systems
Billions of Dollars

billion, up nearly $10 billion from the 1965
figure and twice the original 1956 estimate.
The Federal share of this cost would be
$50.6 billion instead of $42 billion.
At the end of 1967, a total of 25,642 miles
of the Interstate System was open to traffic.
In the West 4,267 miles were open, making
the regional system 62 percent complete.
Oregon led the West with 88.4 percent com­
pleted, while Utah, with 31.2 percent,
showed the smallest completion rate.
W hy the need?
Motor vehicles have increasingly domi­
nated the transportation scene since the first
mass-produced Model-T Ford rolled off the
assembly line in 1909. By 1966, U.S. auto
registrations totaled 78 million, a substantial
increase over the 1950 total of 40 million.
Trucks and buses likewise increased during
that time from 9 million to 16 million. Total
motor vehicles thus numbered more than 94
million in 1966 — almost double that of 15
years ago. And total motor travel more than
doubled between 1950 and 1966, jumping
from 458 to 932 billion vehicle miles.





The growing crisis in transportation is
largely the result of the growth of population
and economic activity— and the near-explosion of vehicular activity. Now more than
90 percent of intercity travel is made by
motor vehicles, either for passenger travel or
for freight movement. For every one person
using public transportation to commute to
and from work, six use autos. Private cars
are also preferred for virtually all urban non­
commuter trips as well as for social and rec­
reational travel.
In this highly automotive age, the West
has experienced the largest post-war growth.
Total motor vehicles in District states dou­
bled from 1950 to 1966, reaching a total of
16 million. California leads the West, having
67 percent of the 1966 total for a ratio of
roughly one car for every two persons (in­
cluding non-driving infants). In many Cali­
fornia cities the proportion of car owners is
much higher — and in the state as a whole,
about 9 out of 10 families own one car, and
1 out of 3 own two or more cars. Nation­
wide, 8 out of 10 families own a car.
Automobiles continue to function more or
less as they did several decades ago — al­
though at greater speeds— but modern high­
ways are built stronger, wider, straighter and




safer in response to increased traffic require­
ments. Of the 3.7 million miles of the na­
tion’s roads and streets in use in 1966, 76
percent were hard-surfaced. In 1950 only
58 percent were surfaced.
The West — with ribbons of highway
stretching half a million miles— accounts for
14 percent of the nation’s total mileage. Cali­
fornia, the Pacific Northwest, and the Moun­
tain states each account for about one-third
of the regional total. Of the District’s total
road mileage, 62 percent is surfaced and 80
percent is in rural areas.
Stiearp gcalras in auto population
create demands tor more highways
Millions of Vohiclot

Good Idea
In a recent poll of some 700 Los Angeles families, the question was asked,
“If by some miracle, a rapid transit system were in effect tomorrow morning, would
you ride to work on it?” In response, 50 percent said they “Wouldn’t, definitely,
flatly.” Another 10.8 percent said they probably would not, while only 7.2 percent
said they would definitely or probably ride the new system. On the other hand, an
overwhelming number— 86.8 percent-—said they believed Los Angeles needed a
new rapid transit system.
Apparently the respondents did not want a new system for themselves, but
they thought it was a good idea for everybody else.


July 1968

Future approach
Because vehicular traffic is notoriously
slow and frustrating in many of the nation’s
leading cities, the future approach to road
building may be somewhat different than it
has been in the past. It is more likely to
stress road construction in and near urban
areas than it has heretofore. The Department
of Transportation (DOT) now claims that in
the future it will emphasize an enlarged Fed­
eral role in the solution of urban transporta­
tion problems. This year DOT requested an
appropriation of $250 million from general
funds, starting in fiscal 1970, for urban ex­
tensions of primary and secondary highway
Future projections of highway construc­
tion are tied into projections of population,
travel, and motor-vehicle growth. There were
94 million motor vehicles on the highways in
1966 — but the total may reach 118 million
by 1976 and 144 million by 1985. The West
will claim a major share of the future growth.
If the region grows only at the national pace,



there will be 24 Vi million vehicles in the
West by 1985, 18 million of them in Califor­
Highways for these vehicles will cost an
average of $30 billion a year between 1973
and 1985, according to DOT estimates. DOT
now has on the drawing boards an “inter­
mediate” system of about 66,000 miles of
highway, ready to go upon completion of the
Interstate System.
Highway safety and beautification have
commanded a great deal of attention in re­
cent years. Cities are spreading and scatter­
ing and “supercities” are emerging— depend­
ent upon the automobile. Research and de­
velopment are proceeding on such pictur­
esque solutions to the transportation problem
as monorail trains, hydrofoil boats and auto­
mated highways. Whatever the solution, it is
certain that highways will have a major im­
pact on people— on their environment, hous­
ing, recreation, and cultural interests— dur­
ing the final third of the 20th century and
the opening stages of the 21st.
Paul Ma

Federal Reserve Film

A new motion picture, “Monetary Policy and Economic Activity: A Postwar
Review,” produced by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, is
now available without charge (except for return postage) to university and college
classes in economics, to business and other professional groups, and to other
interested groups.
The 16 mm color film is 37 minutes in length and is based on a chart show
presented to the Symposium on Money, Interest Rates, and Economic Activity
which was held in Washington, D.C., in April, 1967. Through the use of charts
and comments by members of the Board’s staff, the film discusses some of the prob­
lems dealt with in the formulation of monetary and fiscal policies over the postwar
years, and highlights significant changes in financial markets during that period.
The film is available on request from the Administrative Service Department,
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 400 Sansome Street, San Francisco,
California 94120, or from any of the Bank’s four branches. The branch addresses
are: P.O. Box 2077, Los Angeles 90054; P.O. Box 3436, Portland 97208; P.O.
Box 780, Salt Lake City 84110, and P.O. Box 3567, Seattle 98124.








Oily Treasure Trove
he lonely canyon-slashed Green River
country, located near the headwaters
of the Colorado, 50 million years ago was a
luxuriant land dotted with a number of fresh­
water lakes. But with the passage of thou­
sands and then millions of years, the land
turned into semi-desert, and the silt and or­
ganic material in the drying lakebeds grad­
ually turned into shale. Today that shale is
an oily treasure trove valued at as much as
$2^trillion, because it contains, locked with­
in the rock, enough petroleum to meet the
nation’s needs for centuries to come.
The steward of this treasure trove is In­
terior Secretary Udall, since the Federal Gov­
ernment owns most of the shale-rich land in
this area. In recent public proposals, Secre­
tary Udall has attempted to develop means
of exploiting this resource, in such a way as
to balance the conflicting demands of the pe­
troleum industry, consumers, conservation­
ists, and the Federal Government itself. But
in so doing, he is dealing with a vast amount
of uncertainty— not uncertainty regarding the
location and size of the oil deposits, since
these are accurately known, but rather uncer­
tainty regarding the future technology, eco­
nomics, and politics of shale-oil production
and marketing.
Some of the oil-bearing lands contain dawsonite, an important source of aluminum, as
well as valuable sodium materials. Thus, a



number of interests besides the petroleum
industry might eventually become interested
in the mineral exploitation of this area.
Moreover, Secretary Udall’s task is compli­
cated by the fact that the exploitation of
shale oil involves the multiple use of re­
sources. Parts of these mineral-bearing lands
have non-mineral values, such as scenic and
recreational resources, that mining can easily
damage. Almost by definition, multiple uses
imply multiple constituencies, so that the
solution of the shale-oil question must take
into account conservationist and consumer—
as well as commercial— interests.
W hy shale is needed
Shale oil has broken into the headlines be­
cause it is an obvious means of supplement­
ing conventional sources of oil. Energy spe­
cialists expect the U.S. to consume over 80
billion barrels of liquid fuel in the 1966-80
period, considerably more petroleum than
the U.S. industry produced in its first century
of operation. To meet this increased demand,
domestic and foreign crude-oil production
will be expanded, but a number of other
resources besides liquid-fuel reserves may
also have to be called into play. The possibil­
ities include coal liquefaction, tar sands, nu­
clear energy— and the nation’s vast shale-oil
Major interest is centered on 11 million

July 1968


acres of land in the Green River Basin, where
the three states of Utah, Colorado, and Wyo­
ming come together. The ancient lake beds
in this now semi-arid region contain the
world’s largest concentration of hydrocar­
bons. The known reserves of 1.7 trillion bar­
rels of oil amount to over half of the world’s
total shale resources and roughly 60 times
the nation’s crude oil reserves.
Crude undoubtedly will continue to supply
most liquid-fuel requirements over the nearterm future. (The 80-billion barrel estimate
for total needs in the 1966-80 period as­
sumes a 3.3-percent annual increase in total
energy needs and a fairly constant liquid-fuel
share of the overall market.) Proved reserves
of crude amounted to 31.5 billion barrels at
the end of 1966. A like amount is probably
recoverable with today’s technology from the
nation’s crude reserves, and perhaps 40 bil­
lion barrels more can be obtained through
improvements in technology and higher price
levels. Thus the physical exhaustion of the
nation’s petroleum is still far in the distance.
Looking further into the future, however,
shale oil assumes an increasingly important
prospective role. The growing size of the
world market for oil suggests the need to
develop other resources besides crude, and


the vast size and relatively high quality of the
Green River shale resources make these beds
attractive for eventual commercial exploita­
Yet the large-scale development of shale
will depend on its ability to compete eco­
nomically with other fuels— that is, the future
of the Green River deposits will depend on
the technology and economics of the energy
industry itself. Developments in the means
of extracting oil from shale, in the demand
for energy and for petroleum chemicals, and
in the competing means of satisfying these
requirements, all deserve close attention at a
time when long-term decisions are being
made by public and private interests con­
cerned with these problems.
Where it is
The most extensive of the shale deposits
are in the Uinta Basin of northeastern Utah,
with almost 5 million of the total 11 million
acres of shale. The richest deposits, however,
are found in the adjacent Piceance Basin of
northw estern Colorado, with about twothirds of the known reserves of 1.7 trillion
barrels. The Green River formation as a
whole contains about 590 billion barrels in
higher-grade shale, yielding over 25 gallons
a ton in deposits at least ten feet thick, plus
1,150 billion barrels in lower-grade shale,
yielding 15 to 25 gallons a ton. Indeed, a
single Federally owned parcel, a standard
5,120-acre tract in the center of the Piceance
Basin, contains oil equivalent to 40 percent
of the nation’s total known crude-oil reserves.
Oil shale is sedimentary rock containing
large quantities of organic material, the re­
mains of the plant life which flourished in
the lake beds when the deposits were laid
down 50 million years ago. The potential
energy of the shale is locked within a finely
divided wax-like hydrocarbon, kerogen,
which is distributed in uneven concentrations
throughout the rock. (Conventional petro­
leum, in contrast, consists of deposits of





liquid hydrocarbon.) The process of extract­
ing usable petroleum from shale consists of
crushing the rock, applying at least 800° F.
heat to transform the kerogen into liquid,
removing impurities from the liquid, and
then disposing of the waste rock which
amounts to 90 percent of the initial weight
of the shale.
Much of the necessary technology has
been developed at a demonstration plant at
Rifle, Colorado, which was operated first by
the Bureau of Mines during the 1944-56 pe­
riod and then by the Colorado School of
Mines Research Foundation in the 1964-68
period. (Over the years, too, at least one
major oil firm has done some R & D work on
its own holdings.) This demonstration plant
was re tu r n e d to Federal control several
months ago and has recently been offered for
sale or lease by the Bureau of Mines.


How to get it out
The basic procedure for obtaining shale oil
— mining, crushing, liquefaction, refining —
can be carried out either above-ground or
under-ground. The ideal mining system
would work nearly 100 percent of each shale
deposit, extract the maximum economic
amount of energy from the shale, and at the
same time prevent land-surface damage. The
key elements in an efficient above-ground
system would be continuous shale-breaking
and inexpensive loading and hauling— essen­
tially problems in the use of large mecha­
nized equipment— along with optimum waste
disposal by filling the underground voids with
spent shale. But to reduce the expenses of
mining, crushing, and waste disposal, which
account for the major part of total produc­
tion costs, shale could better be retorted
Underground (in situ) processing would
not only avoid heavy production costs; it
would also permit the exploitation of deep
faulted beds which are not presently amenable to conventional mining, and it would




strictly limit the problems of air, land, and
water pollution. The technology of under­
ground processing is still very complicated,
especially in regard to creating adequate per­
meability of the shale bed for oil recovery.
The basic technique looks promising, how­
ever, and a number of alternatives exist for
penetrating the strata—high-voltage electric­
ity, liquid nitroglycerin, hydraulic fracturing,
or underground nuclear explosions.
Nevertheless, other factors might hamper
the near-term development of a shale-oil in­
dustry in this isolated semi-arid land—prob­
lems of water and labor supply, for example.
Industrial and municipal requirements for
water under current conditions of water sup­
ply could perhaps limit ultimate oil produc­
tion to 2 million barrels a day, or substan­
tially below the 3 million b /d production rate
envisioned for the year 2000. This limitation
thus suggests that the producing area will
have to pay some attention to the commu­
nity’s water needs, as well as to the industry’s
technology, over coming decades.
The development of a 1 million b /d pro­
ducing unit, the type of unit envisioned for
the year 1980, would involve about 16,000
construction and operating employees plus
perhaps 27,000 workers in supporting activ­
ities. Such an operation would probably
double the area’s present population of
72,000 and generate an annual payroll of
close to $300 million, but, at the same time,
it would create expensive needs for commu­
nity services which could bear heavily on
private and public resources.
Economics of shale ...
The most extensive study of the economics
of the shale-oil industry was prepared by the
University of Houston’s Henry Steele for
Senate Judiciary Committee hearings last
year. In his study, Dr. Steele estimated the
total costs of producing shale oil at a 25,000
b /d plant, shipping by small pipeline to the
Four Corners area, and thence delivering by

July 1968


large pipeline to the Los Angeles market. On
the basis of late-1965 price and cost data, he
estimated that oil could be delivered in Los
Angeles at a cost of $1.96 a barrel—yielding
an $0.89 margin when compared with the
$2.85 cost of crude oil of comparable quality.
This margin would yield a return of 15
percent after taxes on average invested capi­
tal in shale-oil production. Yet, in view of
the high initial risks involved, at least this
much return is needed to elicit the required
capital investment in the creation of a shaleoil industry.
These estimates may be conservative, since
no allowance is made for the exploitation of
profitable byproducts, such as aluminumyielding material, or for the tax benefits avail­
able through the percentage-depletion allow­
ance. On the other hand, some cost elements
may be understated, since the calculations
assume that the company mining the shale
encounters only negligible land costs, despite
the possibility that high lease or royalty pay­
ments may eventually be required for the ex­
ploitation of shale land.
. . . and economics of crude
Yet to the investor contemplating an in­
vestment in shale, Dr. Steele suggests that the
most relevant comparison may be between
U tah has huBk of acreage, but
Colorado has richest shale deposits


the relative profit positions of shale and crude
oil, rather than between shale’s expected rate
of return and shale’s probable risk. But cost
and revenue estimates for crude oil may be
even more difficult than for shale, especially
in view of the uncertainty surrounding the re­
turns to petroleum exploration. Moreover,
an important distinction arises in the com­
parison of the two competing fuels because
of the difference in their ratios of current
operating costs to total costs.
To a major petroleum producer, out-ofpocket costs are much lower than current
prices, while total costs per barrel are in­
creased by heavy fixed exploration costs. But
to the producer of shale oil, out-of-pocket
costs may amount to 80 percent of total costs
because of the expense of mining and retort­
ing, while exploration risks are largely absent
because the extent and quality of existing re­
serves are generally known.
In crude-oil production, the major risk of
an insufficient discovery rate is now increas­
ing, as is evident in the long-term downtrend
in the petroleum discovery rate. On the other
hand, the risk of price fluctuations has been
greatly diminished through price-stabilization
policies, such as conservation regulations and
import controls.
In Dr. Steele’s view, the long-run costs of
crude production, especially exploration
costs, are likely to increase, barring major
technological breakthroughs in oil-finding
procedures. But shale costs in the long run
are apt to decline, especially after commer­
cial plants get into operation and stimulate
technological improvements.
Even so, large-scale development of shale
will not automatically occur simply because
of its cost advantage. In crude-oil produc­
tion, there are large existing reserves and
producing capacity which can be exploited at
low operating costs at acceptable production
levels. In shale-oil production, there are
major technological advances on the horizon
which could discourage investors from mak-

15 1




ing any commitments in the near-term future.
Moreover, potential investors may be held
back by the uncertainty which surrounds
public decisions over such major questions as
land-leasing policies.


Crucial Federal role
Perhaps the most essential difference be­
tween shale oil and other forms of energy
is the Federal dominance of this industry
through its ownership of shale deposits. Fed­
eral acreage contains almost 80 percent of
the known oil resources of the Green River
Basin. The Federal title to about 4 million
acres is clouded by the existence of some
2,500 private claims, yet private interests
hold full title to only 350,000 acres, of which
some 200,00 acres are in the hands of major
oil companies. Moreover, the private and
state shale lands are generally lower-grade
than the Federal holdings.
Federal lands were first exploited during
the 1920’s in the wake of World War I con­
cern over the inadequacy of U. S. petroleum
resources. But following the Teapot Dome
scandal, President Hoover closed these lands
to private development (1930), and the In­
terior Department ever since has been faced
with the thorny task of creating a policy
which would best serve the diverse needs of
producers, consumers, and taxpayers. The
pressures for a clear-cut Federal policy have
become especially strong in the last several
years, largely because of the developments
already cited— the dwindling of the nation’s
reserves of conventional petroleum, the in­
creasing costs of drilling for crude, and the
approaching reality of economic methods of
extracting oil from shale.
The Oil Shale Advisory Board, reporting
to Secretary Udall in 1965, could not agree
on the key question of commercial exploita­
tion of Federal shale lands. Some committee
members proposed immediate private devel­
opment of oil-bearing lands, but others preferred the creation of a TVA-style public




agency or a Comsat-style quasi-public agency
to develop the resources. Faced with this im­
passe, Secretary Udall came up with a com­
promise plan in early 1967 and, after lengthy
Senate hearings, a second compromise plan
this spring. In his recent report, he set forth
the guideline: “A Federal shale program
must assure wide utilization and adequate
controls to protect the environment, as well
as resource payments that return a fair mar­
ket value to the public.”
Last year's plan ...
The Secretary’s 1967 plan called for leas­
ing relatively small acreages to private firms
for specific R&D projects. The plan stipu­
lated that larger acreages, up to 5,120 acres
per lessee, could be made available for com­
mercial production after the completion of
each research project. Royalty payments
would be placed on a graduated schedule,
ranging from 3 percent of the gross value of
oil products to 50 percent of the net income
from oil production, with renegotiation pos­
sible after 20 years.
This leasing policy, however, encountered
stiff opposition in Congressional hearings.
Oilmen pointed out that those who entered
upon research contracts would not be guar­
anteed that reserves would be made available
for commercial production, and so they con­
tended that the leasing plan offered them
nothing but further uncertainty. On the other
hand, conservationists argued that the Fed­
eral government should do its own R&D and
should then license the resultant technologi­
cal processes to all comers. (They noted in
passing that the major oil producers had
failed to develop the lands already in their
hands.) One member of the Oil Shale Ad­
visory Board, Professor John Kenneth Gal­
braith, opposed the Secretary’s leasing plan
with the words, “The government would be
offering a subsidy of unknown value for a
development of unknown costs, promising a
return of unknown amount.”

July 1968


The Congressional hearings also unveiled
disagreements over the tax treatment of de­
pleted natural resources. The depletion al­
lowance, which is designed to compensate
producers for the gradual exhaustion of their
capital assets, is presently fixed at 15 percent
(the mineral rate) for oil shale, and is based
on the value of mined shale before retorting
instead of on the value of the product after
liquefaction. But oil producers at the hear­
ings insisted that oil shale should be treated
the same as crude oil, receiving the typical
27 Vi-percent deduction after retorting. On
the other side, former Senator Paul Douglas
contended that the allowance actually should
be zero, since the asset being depleted differs
from petroleum in that it is neither owned by
oil producers nor requires any high-risk dis­
covery costs.
The hearings also uncovered problems
with the handling of royalty payments. Under
terms of the 1920 Mineral Leasing Act, 10
percent of the royalties go to the Federal
government, 37 Vi percent are earmarked for
educational expenses in the three shale-con­
taining states, and 52Vi percent are distrib­
uted to all “reclamation” states in the West.
Local authorities of course would like to see
a continuation of the present royalty system,
but Senator Douglas, again in opposition,
claimed that royalty payments should benefit
all taxpayers instead of only those residing
in the Mountain West.
.. . and this year's plan
Late last year, Wisconsin Senator Proxmire introduced a bill which would delay the
leasing of shale land until the Federal gov­
ernment completes a resources survey, title
clearance, R&D work on the undergroundrecovery problem, and full-scale pilot-plant
operation. This May, however, Secretary
Udall unveiled new leasing proposals de­
signed to meet some of the industry’s criti­
cisms of his 1967 plan.


The new plan reduces restrictions on pat­
ents which firms might develop while con­
ducting research under leasing agreements.
In contrast, last year’s plan stipulated that
any technical discoveries made while con­
ducting pilot operations would become Fed­
eral property.
The latest proposal is an effort to encour­
age further R&D before committing the Gov­
ernment to large-scale leasing of its shale-oil
holdings. The plan suggests a delay — per­
haps five years — before land is made avail­
able for commercial production, to permit
enough time to clear up questions of conflict­
ing land ownership and to demonstrate the
economics of existing technology. Mean­
while, it proposes competitive bidding for
two 20-to-30-year test leases, with each re­
quiring an investment of $140-200 million
for a plant producing 35-to-50,000 barrels a
The Udall proposal, which asked for com­
ments by this September, thereafter envisages
the submission of bids for test leases on shale
land. If there are no takers on this proposal,
the Government might perhaps undertake
joint ventures with private industry, encour­
age development work by private consorti­
ums, or even operate once again its own
demonstration plant.
The report repeatedly emphasized that
shale-oil development has been held back by
economic and technological factors rather
than by the availability of land for exploita­
tion. Eventually those economic and tech­
nological problems will be overcome. But
the exploitation of this vast treasure trove
will eventually require the resolution of a
number of conflicting claims, including (in
the words of the Proxmire bill) the needs to
“insure competition, protect the environ­
ment, provide the consumer with low-cost
petroleum products, and provide the Fed­
eral Government with an adequate return.”
William Burke








Western Digest
Large S a in in Bank Loans
Large Twelfth District banks reported an increase of $332 million in bank
credit in June. To support a heavy $727-million loan expansion, banks reduced
their holdings of U.S. Government securities and municipals by almost $400 million.
. . . In the District, as in the nation, business loans accounted for about one-half of
the loan increase, as corporations borrowed even more heavily than in June 1967
to meet their mid-month tax payments. Increases in real-estate and consumer in­
stalment loans, although relatively large, were somewhat smaller than the gains made
during the preceding month.
Mixed Trends in Deposits
Large District banks reported a $316-million increase in demand deposits
adjusted in June. This increase reflected substantial gains in the deposits of indi­
viduals and corporations, and of states and political subdivisions. . . . Total timeand-savings deposits declined by $90 million in June, in contrast to a $299-million
gain in June 1967. The decrease in the District, as in the nation, was mainly due
to large withdrawals of time deposits by states and political subdivisions. The at­
trition in large negotiable time CD’s was somewhat greater than in May but well
under the large run-off which occurred in April.
Strength in Farm Receipts
District farmers reported a 4-percent year-to-year gain in cash receipts during
the first four months of 1968. Farmers elsewhere posted only a 2-percent gain in
this period, although they had a larger increase in April than did their Western
counterparts. . , . In April alone, District receipts were up only modestly, despite
higher prices for both crops and livestock and products. Prices continued strong in
May. . . . Production estimates available to date suggest some rise in Western crop
output in 1968. Deciduous-fruit production, for example, is expected to be 14
percent higher than last year.
Grand Coulee's Mammoth Turbines
The Interior Department this month selected a Portland firm to build three
huge hydro-turbines for the planned third powerplant at Grand Coulee Dam on
the Columbia River. The turbines will cost $19.5 million and will be the world’s
largest, being designed to spin generators having a capacity of 600,000 kilowatts
each. . . . The latest Grand Coulee installation would be seven times heavier than
the largest installation now operating in the U.S., at the Bureau of Reclamation’s
Davis Dam on the Colorado River between Arizona and Nevada. It would also
take the world leadership in hydro-generation away from the Soviet Union, which
now operates three 500,000-kw turbines at the Krasnoyarsk Dam on the Yenesei
River in Siberia.