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What Price Knowledge?
Western Factory Exports
Steel and its Rivals

1 9 66



W h a t P ric e K n o w le d g e ?
. . . The W est, with its emphasis on education and scientific research,
accounts for one-fourth of this crucial growth-creating sector.

W estern Factory Exports
. . . District manufacturers sell $2 billion of their products in overseas
markets—especially aircraft, lumber, food, and metals.

Steel a n d its R iv a ls
. . . Despite its strong recent performance, the steel industry faces
stiff competition from imported steel and domestic substitutes.

Editor: W illia m Burke

January 1966


W h a t Price Knowledge?
economists gather together
total includes the cost of all types of education
-—elementary, secondary, and higher educa­
these days, they not only exchange
knowledge; they also talk about knowledge.tion, plus the knowledge acquired at home, on
the job, or in the armed services. More than
(Witness the program at the recent American
that, it includes the earnings foregone by
Economic Association convention, which was
those who are absorbing knowledge rather
devoted almost entirely to discussions of that
than contributing to the community’s physical
particular subject.) This intense interest is
or knowledge output.
due in large part to the rapid growth of the
Research and development (R & D) prob­
knowledge-investment sector of the economy,
ably contributed over $20 billion to gross na­
that is, the nation’s investment in education
tional product last year— and roughly $10
and research-and-development.
billion, or almost one-half of that total, was
The importance of knowledge was recog­
produced in Twelfth District states.
nized as long ago as 1776. Adam Smith at
that time argued that “Man educated at the
Education + R & D = investment
expense of much labor and time may be com­
Education is designed to produce existing
pared to an expensive machine.” And Benja­
knowledge in new minds and to make these
min Franklin, Smith’s contemporary, declared
minds more receptive and more capable of
that “An investment in knowledge pays the
absorbing, transforming, creating, and using
best interest.” But only recently has the in­
knowledge. R & D, meanwhile, is designed to
terest of economists been centered on the sub­
produce new knowledge. Neither education
ject of economic growth and on the types of
nor R & D creates tangible assets on a balance
investment— such as investment in the pro­
sheet. But both make a contribution to future
duction of knowledge— that will pay off in
returns, that is, to the increased productivity
the future through growth-stimulating in­
of resources.
creases in productivity. A prime example is
This crucial segment of the knowledge in­
the work of Princeton Professor Fritz Machdustry sustains a two-way link between suc­
lup, The Production and Distribution of
cessful investment, which permits the faster
Knowledge in the United States.
growth of GNP, and GNP growth, which per­
mits more investment in knowledge produc­
Crucial categories
tion. In underdeveloped countries, the inabil­
According to Machlup’s all-encompas6ing
ity to sustain this link creates a vicious circle
definition, the knowledge industry includes
of poverty; in developed countries, the suc­
education, research and development, com­
cessful operation of this mechanism creates a
munications media, information machines,
beneficent spiral. Increases in education and
and information services. But the crucial
technology promote rising incomes, and these
categories are education and R & D—the
higher incomes afford rising expenditures for
knowledge-investment categories — which in
education and R & D.
1965 expended roughly $120 billion in the
nation and an astonishing $30 billion in the
Chicago Professor Theodore Schultz points
West alone.
out that “The growth of this investment in
Education, the largest knowledge sector,
human capital may well be the most distinc­
amounted to roughly $100 billion in the na­
tive feature of the economic system. Increases
tion and $20 billion in the West last year. The
in national output have been large, compared


h en ev er


Higher Education-1965
The Higher Education Act of 1965, signed into law last November at Southwest
Texas State College, more than doubles the $410-million annual authorization for
colleges and universities established under the Higher Education Act of 1963. The
new law lowers to 3 percent the interest rate on Federal loans for undergraduate
school construction (about a full percentage point below the current rate) and it
also increases the types of facilities for which Federal construction aid may be ob­
tained. The act, moreover, for the first time provides for:
1. Scholarships averaging $500 a year each for needy students, particularly those
whose parents earn $3,000 a year or less. The aim is to ensure that as many as 140,000
poor but talented youths each year are afforded a college education.
2. A low-interest loan program, eventually to total $700 million a year or more,
for middle-income students. The loan funds would be provided partly by the Gov­
ernment and partly by private lending institutions, and a significant portion of the
interest payment would be underwritten by the Government if a student’s parents
earn less than $15-18,000 a year.
3. A far-ranging “university extension” program to propel colleges and univer­
sities into a variety of community services. These include research on urban problems
— such as air and water pollution, juvenile delinquency, and consumer education—
and the training of urban experts and other professionals.
4. A grant program to raise academic standards of small, poorly financed col­
leges, particularly 106 predominantly Negro schools in the South. Federal assistance
would help those schools attract and hold competent faculties; in addition, it would
help them establish formal ties with wealthier institutions, in such forms as faculty
and student exchanges, joint use of facilities, and postgraduate teacher training.
5. A postgraduate fellowship program to help up to 10,000 elementary- and
secondary-school teachers a year obtain masters degrees. This program would ex­
tend already existing programs which help defray the costs of Ph.D. training.
6. A “teachers corps,” composed eventually of 6,000 volunteers (novices and
veterans alike), to teach in poverty-stricken areas where educational problems are
severe and school resources scant. Corps members, after a three-month university
training period, would be assigned as requested by local school districts, but would
be paid completely out of Federal funds.

January 1966


with increases in land, manhours, and physi­
cal reproducible capital. The investment in
human capital is probably the major explana­
tion for this difference.”
According to the widely cited estimate of
Brookings Institution’s Edward Denison,
knowledge investment accounted for about
40 percent of the 2.9-percent annual rate of
growth in the 1929-1957 period. Denison esti­
mates that the rising education of the labor
force was responsible for 23 percent of the
growth in real national income in that period,
and that the general advance in knowledge,
typified by R & D and improved management
techniques, was responsible for another 20
percent of the growth rate. He estimates also
that knowledge investment will account for
a comparable proportion of the increase in
growth between now and 1980.

W hat education costs
Nonetheless, knowledge investment can be
a costly affair, as the West’s educational sta­
tistics amply demonstrate. In the public-education sector alone, California increased its
spending for lower schools from about $lVi
billion to about $2 Vi billion between 1958
and 1965, and undoubtedly will substantially
exceed the $3 billion mark by 1970. District
states as a whole increased their spending in
this category from about $2 billion to almost
$4 billion in the 1958-1965 period, and may
well approach the $5 billion level by 1970.
Expansion of higher-education costs has
been even more startling. For public institu­
tions alone, these costs more than doubled in
the 1958-1965 period, to roughly $1 billion
in California and $lVi billion in all District
states. Moreover, according to the Council of
State Governments, higher-education costs
will soar by 1970 to around $2Vi billion in
California and almost $3V2 billion in the Dis­
trict as a whole. Yet, in view of the region’s
long educational tradition, it may be quite
willing to sustain costs of this magnitude.

W hy it costs
The necessity for increased educational in­
vestment is due in large part to the simple
pressure of numbers. These pressures are
most obvious in the nation’s most populous
state, California. Primary and secondary public-school enrollment in California increased
from 2.9 million to 4.1 million between 1958
and 1965, and state officials anticipate further
growth to 4.8 million in 1970 and 5.9 million
in 1980. Moreover, California’s enrollment
of full-time college students increased by twothirds, to 400,000, in the 1960-65 period
alone. Already, 53 percent of California’s
high-school seniors enter college. (The ratio
is much higher in some areas; for example, 62
percent in San Diego.) And, as the lowerschool enrollment figures indicate, there is a
rising flood of students behind the present
college generation.
The same pressure of numbers is seen at
the national level. Federal officials expect that
degree students at public colleges and univer­
sities will increase from 4.5 million to 7.7 mil­
lion in the 1963-1970 period and will then
rise to 9.5 million by 1975.
But far more than numbers is involved in
the rising demand for higher education. With
increases in family income, a larger propor­
tion of the population is able to afford the
costs associated with sending children to col­
lege and foregoing their earnings while there.


Education costs continue rapid rise,
especially at college level
B illio n s of D o llars

Source: Bureau of the Census; Council of State Governments

With the migration of the population to urban
industrial areas, a larger proportion of the
population resides in communities where fa­
cilities are available and where higher educa­
tion is demanded as a job passport. And, with
rapid advances in technology, a phenomenal
increase in demand has occurred for graduates
possessing the necessary skills.


W hy it’s worth it
The average high-school student and his
parents now understand, fully as well as does
the average economist, the importance of in­
creased investment in knowledge. Whether or
not they have seen the figure of $100,000 as
the value of a college education— that is, the
difference in lifetime earnings between the
man with a degree and the man without one
— they are well aware that inequality in the
distribution of income is positively related to
inquality in educational background, and that
unemployment hits most severely those who

have the weakest educational backgrounds.
By now, an impressive body of evidence sup­
ports the thesis that educated and skilled per­
sons almost always earn more than others—
a thesis which is true for different types of de­
veloped countries (such as the U. S. and the
U. S. S. R .), for different types of underde­
veloped countries (such as India and Cuba),
and for completely different time periods
(such as the U. S. a century ago as compared
with today).
A number of attempts have been made to
calculate the rate of return on investment in
education. According to one such estimate,
made by Columbia Professor Gary Becker,
the average college entrant obtains a 10-12
percent annual return on his investment— and
the urban-white-male college graduate obtains
an even higher return. Other specialists would
estimate the rate of return differently— some
higher, some lower— but few would dispute
the fact that those who receive the most edu­
cation are going to move into virtually all the
key jobs. In the words of HEW Secretary John
Gardner: “The question, Who should go to
college?, translates itself into the more com­
pelling question, Who is going to manage the

The crucial link
The university, or multiversity, has in any
event become the center of the knowledge in­
dustry. A heavy demand exists for certain
kinds of knowledge and for knowledgeable
people to move the nation toward the social
and technological goals it sets for itself, and
the modern university has come forward to
meet those demands. It has done this especi­
ally by welding a closer association with the
other crucial element of the knowledge indus­
try— research and development.
The interlocking of the two types of knowl­
edge investment was emphasized in a widely
quoted report, “The Changing Patterns of
Defense Procurement,” issued by the Defense

January 1966


Department in mid-1962. “Management
planners, in considering sites for new or ex­
panded facilities, have found the availability
of trained minds overshadows even such fac­
tors as the labor market, water supply, and
power sources. The evidence is overwhelm­
ing: Route 128 encircling Boston, the indus­
trial complex around San Francisco Bay, that
related to the institutions in the Los Angeles
area, and similar situations are cogent ex­
amples of the clustering of industry around
centers of learning.” And not only do produc­
tion contracts follow research contracts, but
the acquisition of production contracts in
turn leads to the ability to strengthen research
staffs. “The process is circular; and it re­
generates itself.”
R & D is the only sector of the industry
which deals with knowledge production in
the narrow sense, that is, production of so­
cially new knowledge. This sector consists of
several activities: basic research, applied re­
search, and development. Basic research
looks for general laws with no regard for
practical use; applied research looks for re­
sults promising some ultimate use. (The for­
mer searches for discoveries and the latter for
inventions.) Development, on the other hand,
is technological activity using scientific knowl­
edge already developed for the production of
useful materials, systems, or processes.

W hat R & D costs
The growth of R & D has been phenomenal,
as every reader of the stock-market page can
testify. R & D spending increased from about
$16 billion in 1940 to $14 billion in 1960— a
20-percent annual rate of growth— and it
probably exceeds $20 billion today. The Fed­
eral Government’s role in financing R & D is
conspicuous, but private industry predomi­
nates in the performance of this activity, and
in recent years it has also increased its spend­
ing for this purpose. Today, stock-market
analysts use a corporation’s R & D budget as

an index of its future profit performance, and
consumers seem more impressed by a firm’s
reports on its research activities than they are
by the TV programs it sponsors.
The R & D sector’s record of rapid growth
was affected recently, however, when spend­
ing restraints were imposed by the industry’s
dominant paymaster, the Federal Govern­
ment. Federal R & D expenditures, after ris­
ing steeply to $11.3 billion in fiscal 1963 and
$13.8 billion in 1964, then leveled off in 1965
near the 1964 level. This setback was caused
primarily by a slowdown in the hitherto rapid­
ly expanding space program, and by the com­
pletion of the planned buildup in strategicmissile production.
California and the other District states,
which had been prime beneficiaries of the
earlier R & D boom, felt the full impact of the
recent shift in Federal policy. Even in heavyspending 1964 (the last year for which de­
tailed data are available), R & D spending in
District states increased less than half as much
as in the rest of the country, and California
showed an increase only because a heavy in­
flow of space-research funds offset a reduction
in DOD spending.
This shift in Federal R & D spending policy,
along with the related cutback in defense pro­
curement, led to a sharp (albeit temporary)
reduction in regional aerospace employment,
and persuaded California state agencies to
encourage the rechanneling of R & D efforts
into such diverse fields as transportation,
waste disposal, crime detection, and informa­
tion retrieval.

W hy it’s worth it
Despite such occasional setbacks, R & D
investment remains very attractive, in large
part because of the enormously lucrative re­
turns which are frequently obtainable from
R & D projects. The measurement of rate of
return is complicated, however, by the likeli­
hood that the social return will be higher than


the private benefit from each such investment.
The investor and the initial user will certainly
benefit from the economically successful de­
velopment of an R & D project, but total bene­
fits are likely to be much greater. If the proj­
ect permits reduced prices, consumers will
benefit, and if it permits the spread of new
technology, competitors also will benefit.
A crucial element in R & D investment to­
day is the computer-based information revolu­
tion. Spending for computers has expanded
rapidly, doubling in the 1959-63 period after
an eight-fold increase in the preceding fouryear period. The computer revolution has
affected every aspect of the economy, pri­
marily by providing decision-makers with
completely new perspectives on their opera­
tions. Business management, which formerly
dealt with an organization of bits and pieces
(engineering, production, inventory, account­
ing, marketing, etc.), with the help of the
computer is now enabled to see the organiza­
tion in terms of a continuous flow of informa­
tion which ties all individual operations to­
All of the above simply measures the extent
of the nation’s $ 120-billion knowledge in­
vestment. But describing this crucial sector
does not indicate which regions should receive
new funds for knowledge investment, which
fields should be emphasized in new education­
al and R & D spending, and especially, what
the eventual consequences of all this will be.
Around each of these issues a great deal of
controversy now rages.


Geography: where allocated?
Consider the geographical allocation of
R & D spending. For example, Federal R & D
allocations (which differ somewhat from the
expenditure data cited earlier), reached $12.3
billion in 1963 and $14.3 billion in 1964, and
in each of those years the West received more
than the next three geographical areas combined. California alone received 35 percent

of these Federal funds, or four times as much
as New York, the second state in line. Thus,
despite the recent slowdown in the inflow of
R & D funds, the West retains a dominant
position in this crucial growth-generating
A similar concentration occurs in the allo­
cation of funds on an agency basis. The De­
partment of Defense, the National Aeronau­
tics and Space Administration, and the
Atomic Energy Commission spent 90 percent
of all Federal R & D funds in recent years, and
each of those agencies allocated the largest
single block of its funds to District states. In
1963, for example, the six largest DOD con­
tracts went to Western firms, five of the first
six NASA contracts found their way to the
West, and six of the fifteen largest AEC con­
tracts were spent here.
On a university basis, Federal expenditures
are heavily focused on a relatively few uni­
versities which are concentrated in three
major geographical areas. (Twenty univer­
sities—only one-tenth of all universities in the
country—have received four-fifths of all such
funds in recent years.) These high plateaus
of academic excellence are the Western range
extending from Berkeley and Stanford to
Pasadena and Los Angeles, the Eastern range

W estern dom inance in R&D
based on strong aerospace research
Obligations (1964)
B il l i o n s of D o lla rs




Source: National Science Foundation



January 1966


extending from Boston to Washington, and
the Midwestern concentration centered
around the Big Ten and Chicago. At the uni­
versity and research laboratories situated in
the California concentration are found 36
percent of the Nobel Prize winners in science,
and in the Eastern and Midwestern concen­
trations are found 46 percent and 10 percent,
respectively, of the Nobel science laureates.
And as a group these universities produce
three-fourths of the nation’s Ph.D.’s
The concentration of Federal R & D spend­
ing in these centers has strengthened the hand­
ful of front-rank institutions and thus has
widened the gap between them and all other
research institutions. Moreover, since the
Federal Government is the major supporter of
university-based science, and since scientists
(through the project system and other ad­
visory procedures) determine which institu­
tions will obtain new project funds, the frontrank institutions have been able to attract
more and more research-oriented industry
and thereby have generated a faster pace of
economic growth in the regions in which they
are located.
Some dispensers of Federal funds see no
alternative to this procedure. One agency
spokesman told a Congressional investigat­
ing committee: “DOD would probably like to
see a more uniform distribution, but we have
to go where the talent is, and we have to get
the best weapons system we can get.” Another
agency spokesman added: “NASA cannot,
nor can any other agency of the Government,
place research projects at universities which
do not have the resources to make a valued
contribution to the agency’s mission.” But
some Congressmen argue that science is too
important a matter to be left to the scientists.

High-energy politics
The question came to a head in a stillcontinuing controversy over the construction
of a $300-million high-energy nuclear ac­

celerator— the world’s most powerful “atom
smasher.” Nuclear accelerators, the basic
tools of high-energy physics, are employed to
probe the structure of the infinitesimally small
particles that make up the nucleus of the atom.
They utilize energies in the multibillion-electron-volt range to hurl subatomic particles
into collision with other particles; the greater
the energy, the deeper the physicist can probe
into the heart of the atom.
In the competition for the construction of
this mammoth machine, a scientific advisory
committee to the Atomic Energy Commis­
sion decided on a California design and there­
by rejected a Midwest-designed accelerator.
Most scientists agreed with the decision, but
the controversy raised a political storm that
was felt at the very highest level. Even now,
the site of the proposed machine remains un­
decided. Proposals were initially received
from 126 communities located in 46 of the
50 states; 85 of those communities still remain
in contention for the AEC’s award, and all of
them feel uniquely qualified to provide a home
for a 200 billion-electron-volt nuclear accel­
The eventual consequence may be a shift
from a situation of “intuitive imbalance” to
one of “bureaucratic balance,” through a de­
liberate Federal effort to develop a much
larger number of outstanding research cen­
ters. The National Education Improvement
Act of 1963 signalled this shift by providing
for the expansion of outstanding research cen­
ters from 20 to 70, and President Johnson in
a recent directive emphasized the new direc­
tion by stating that research funds “are still
too concentrated in too few institutions in too
few areas.”
But some authorities worry that a shift of
such magnitude would draw too heavily upon
the very small pool of top-flight scientists and
thus hamper research efforts at the leading
institutions. Former Presidential adviser
George Kistiakowsky, speaking for the Na-


tional Academy of Sciences, supports this
view but also suggests a possible compromise:
“The 10,000 research grants now given by
the Federal government are chosen on the ba­
sis of excellence plus past record of achieve­
ment; these should continue in the same way
. . . Quite a separate program should be insti­
tuted for other institutions— after the selection
of these possible new centers of excellence,
they can be given temporary grants for a
quantum jump to the next level of excellence.”


Brains: where allocated?
A somewhat related argument centers
around the charge that too many of the na­
tion’s top brains are allocated to the wrong
tasks, no matter what region they work in.
Critics of the present concentration of top­
flight talent in aerospace programs contend,
for example, that much of this talent could be
better utilized in the civilian economy—the
nation’s basic growth-creating mechanism.
As examples of misallocation of resources,
these critics point to the large number of
weapons systems developed at great cost but
never produced, the large number of firms
competing for development and production
contracts in such esoteric fields as orbitalguidance equipment, the use of scientific man­
power in administrative and subprofessional
duties (such as the preparation and market­
ing of project proposals), and the stockpiling
of skilled manpower as a hedge against fu­
ture contract activity.
Professor Machlup, in discussing the best
uses of knowledge investment, points out
that scientific manpower has three alterna­
tive uses— education, basic research, and ap­
plied research. The cost of using scientists
to produce new technology consists of the
loss of either new trained minds (education)
or new scientific knowledge (basic research).
Despite the obviously high rate of return on
R & D, it would be wrong to allocate resources
predominantly to applied work, since the con-

In modern industry, research,
| Has come to be a kind of church,
Where rubber-aproned acolytes
Perform their Scientific Rites,
A nd firms spend funds they do not hafter,
In hopes of benefits Hereafter.
— Kenneth Boulding

centration on R &D in the here and now could
be achieved only by sacrificing future R & D .
But this opposition of alternative uses does
not occur in the case of basic research, where
the performer is at the same time a teacher.
“The would-be scientist must learn what it is
like to do science, and this, which is research,
is the most important thing he can be taught.”

Future: certain or uncertain?
Needless to say, more and more revolu­
tionary changes lie ahead as a consequence
of continuing investments in knowledge. A
glimpse at the shape of this future may be
afforded by a recent Rand Corporation sur­
vey, in which 82 experts from a number of
fields suggested developments that they con­
sidered likely to occur by the end of this
The experts foresee the development of
thermonuclear power, the mining of the ocean
floor, the production of synthetic protein for
food, the establishment of a permanent moon
base as well as stations on Mars and the other
planets— and the conquering of the common
cold. They foresee the displacement of onefourth of the present workforce within a
decade through the automation of office work
and teaching, and they also predict the de­
velopment of a computer-based world langu­
age, of completely automatic highways and
skyways, and of automated tax (and garbage)
collection. In the field of warfare, they foresee

January 1966


the development of bio-psychological weap­
ons that would harm neither life nor property
but would destroy the will to resist. (New
Yorkers, with their water-power-subway
problems, may be forgiven for visualizing
themselves as the initial victims.)
Yet, despite the forthright nature of these
predictions, the most certain thing about
knowledge investment is its very uncertainty.
Investment resulting in significant scientific
advances is universally uncertain, with occa­
sionally happy and frequently unhappy sur­
prises being its normal consequences. And, in
addition to technological uncertainty, knowl­
edge investment shares with other types of
investment the condition of environmental
uncertainty— uncertainty about the kinds of
new products that will be useful or saleable in
the unknown environment of the future period
in which they become available.
What response can be made to knowledge
investment in this era of uncertainty? The an­

thropologist Margaret Mead argues that every
user of the new technology has mixed atti­
tudes— “each is a potential supporter and
advocate sufficiently entranced by the possi­
bilities of new devices to use them and dream
of a form of life which will be permeated with
the new technology and which will yet be
human and desirable—yet each is a potential
rejector, bemused, frustrated, and left be­
hind.” To deal with this situation, French
historian Raymond Aron agrees that un­
doubtedly everyone should understand science
better and everyone should receive a better
education—but “the supreme virtue of the
mind in a scientific society and in a revolu­
tionary era is . . . flexibility, imagination, the
capacity of not being a prisoner of stereotypes,
of remaining open to new developments.” For
the individual, for the nation, and for every
region of the nation, there is probably no
better response.
— William Burke


W e s t s Factory Exports Reach $2 Billion
Twelfth District states exported $2.06
billion of their manufactured products in
1963, and thereby accounted for 12.6 per- j
cent of the nation’s total factory exports in
that census y e a r.. . . Los Angeles by itself
accounted for about 6 percent of the na­
tion’s total overseas sales. Other California
areas accounted for 3.2 percent of the na­
tional total, and the comparable figures for
the Pacific Northwest and the other Dis­
trict states were 2.4 and 1.0 percent, re­
spectively. . . . California and the Moun­
tain states recorded substantial gains in
export sales between 1960 and 1963, •
(California led all other states in sales in
both of those years.) Northwest exports
declined because of a drop in aircraft sales. ;

W e s t Dominates Several Export Fields
Western producers accounted for over
58 percent ($597 million) of the nation’s
total aircraft exports in 1963, despite
Washington’s export decline that year. Los
Angeles producers alone accounted for al[ most half of U. S. aircraft export sales----District states—primarily the Northwest
states— also dominated the lumber-andpaper export field, with 31 percent ($200
million) of the national total----- Western
manufacturers in 1963 exported $291 mil­
lion in food products and $300 million in
metals and machinery. Their share of the
nation’s total overseas sales in those two
sectors amounted to 17 and 6 percent,

P tr c e n l of U.S. Exports








January 1966


Factories Ship 4 Percent O verseas

E x p o rts / T o ta l Ship m ents (P e r c e n t )








The West, like the rest of the nation,
exported roughly 4 percent of its factory
output in the 1963 census year. . . . The
aircraft industry dominated the export
scene, in relative as well as dollar terms. Its
$597 million in overseas sales amounted
to about 12 percent of its total shipments
— considerably better than the export per­
formance of the aircraft industry nation­
wide. . . . The Western lumber-and-paper
industry, with about V /i percent of its
products going overseas, also bettered the
export performance of its industry com­
petitors. But most other District manufac­
turers shipped a smaller proportion of their
output overseas than did their competitors

High Ranking in Sales per W o rker



" ™”


~” 77


Alaska led the rest of the nation in terms
of export sales per factory worker in the
1963 census year. Alaska’s $6,167 figure
far exceeded the national average of $954
per employee, since its exports were con­
centrated in the highly efficient paper in­
dustry___Washington and California also
exceeded the national average in this re­
gard. But California, which led the nation
in total export sales, lagged behind several
other major industrial states (Illinois,
Michigan, Ohio) in terms of export sales
per worker___Utah, Nevada, and Arizona,
with relatively high exports per employee,
ranked near the middle of the national
— Paul Ma

Rank i n g : Export S a le s Per Em plo ye*


Idaho - $ SIT


Steel and its Rivals
steelmakers poured 130 mil­
Western gains
lion tons of steel in 1965, and so, for the
The Western industry, like the national
second straight year, they exceeded the pre­ industry, has only recently returned to the
vious peak of 117 million tons recorded in
peak levels of a decade ago. Its performance,
1955. The industry’s performance in the in­
nonetheless, has consistently exceeded that of
tervening decade was somewhat sluggish,
the national industry. District mills expanded
however, as production year after year held
ingot production by one-third, from 5.0 to
below the 100-million-ton level. Two reces­
6.8 million tons, in the 1955-1965 period—
sions and a major steel strike helped account
and, in the process, increased their share of
for this uninspired performance, but the in­
national output from 4 to 5 percent.
dustry’s declining competitive position was
The Western industry’s growth differential
also a contributing factor.
has reflected the vigorous growth in Western
The industry’s critics during steel’s sluggish
demand for steel and for everything else be­
decade suggested that the industry had be­
sides. The differential has also reflected the
come too complacent about its previous run
success of District producers in maintaining
of successes. Steelmakers, after all, had run up
a dominant position, vis-a-vis other domestic
a string of new production records through­
producers, in the regional market. Over the
out most of the 1940-1955 period. During
decade Western producers have supplied
World War II, they consistently were forced
about 60 percent of regional receipts of do­
to allocate tonnage. During the first postwar
mestically produced steel-mill products.
decade, they continued to strain capacity,
first to meet pent-up demands for reconver­
Customers and challenges
sion, then to fulfill Korean War requirements,
In any event, the recent strength of the
and then again to meet the demands of the
national and regional industries cannot dis­
guise the threat posed by foreign steel proproducer-durables boom of the mid-1950’s.
Despite substantial
Steel output ex ceed s form er p eak, but production
success, however,
still lags behind output of major customers
frequent shortages (955 = 100
Steel Output (T o n i)
of supply and con­ !40
Ratio Scale
(00 “
stantly rising prices
occurred, so that
^ ---- Other U.S.
W E S T ---steel users turned 120
increasingly to im­
ported steel and 110
substitute materials.
These shifts, plus a
slowdown in dura­
ble goods produc­
tion, helped to bring
about the industry’s
more recent prob70
Source: U. S. Department of Commerce; American Iron and Steel Institute
h e n a t i o n ’s



January 1966


ducers and by domestic producers of sub­
stitute materials. The industry’s strong 19641965 performance may testify perhaps more
to the recovery of the steel industry’s major
customers than to its ability to stave off the
strong competitive challenges of foreign steel
and domestic substitutes.
This point was at issue in the controversy
over the industry analysis conducted last year
by the Council of Economic Advisers. The
Council argued: “The long-term decline in the
industry’s operating rate reflects steel’s loss
of markets to other materials— mainly alu­
minum, plastics, cement, and glass— and to
foreign steel producers. The doubling of steel
prices in the 1950’s played an important role
in these losses.” But a leading critic of the
Council’s report, New York University’s Pro­
fessor Jules Backman, replied: “The role of
competitive products has been considerably
exaggerated by the CEA in its explanation of
the loss in steel markets. The lag in steel pro­
duction and consumption reflected primarily
the lag in demand for capital goods and for
consumer durable goods. As the rate of
growth for capital goods and consumer dur­
able goods once more has increased, the de­
mand for steel also has expanded strongly.”
The question is still open, although recent
data suggest that both the Council and its
critics may be correct. The industry’s produc­
tion has recovered strongly in tandem with
the ebullient performance of the major steel­
consuming industries. At the same time, the
industry’s competitors have, if anything, con­
tinued to increase their market penetration.

Derived dem and?
During the industry’s sluggish decade, it
became abundantly clear that steel demand is
a derived demand. Production tended to lag
during that period as a consequence of the
relatively sluggish performance on the part of
such industries as heavy construction, autos,
appliances, containers, and machinery.

Even so, shipments of finished steel-mill
products declined in relation to activity in
consuming industries. Construction and dur­
able goods industries regained their 1955 level
of activity by 1961, and then grew by 31 per­
cent in the 1961-1965 period. But steel ship­
ments declined 22 percent between 1955 and
1961, before advancing to a point about 7
percent above the decade-ago level in 1965.
By 1965, then, steel shipments would have
been about 20 million tons above the level
actually attained if consuming industries had
increased their steel purchases as much as
they did their own output.
Admittedly, the steel industry’s own tech­
nological progress has been a major factor in
reducing tonnage demand. The declining ratio
of shipments to durable goods production re­
flects the development of stronger yet lighter
gauges of steel, so that each ton of steel now
yields far more finished products than here­
tofore. For one example, a ton of new thin
tinplate produces 40 percent more citrus-juice
cans than does a ton of ordinary electrolytic
plate. For another example, a ton of improved
line pipe is now capable of transmitting 60
percent more gas than a ton of the standard
pipe material of a decade ago. Since steel
prices in general have risen very little over
the last five years, reduced tonnage resulting
from the development of lighter gauges of
steel has served to hold down revenues.
To cure this problem, the industry has be­
gun programs designed to bring about sub­
stantial cost savings. In the 1964-65 period it
spent about $1.8 billion annually in moderniz­
ing and expanding its facilities— over onethird more than its average annual spending
for such purposes in the 1955-63 period. Rev­
olutionary production processes have been
introduced, including the concentration and
beneficiation of lower-grade ores, the intro­
duction of continuous casting, and the con­
version to oxygen converters. About one-eighth
of the industry’s output is now produced in


oxygen converters (and the proportion is ex­
pected to approach one-half by 1970), where­
as hardly any was produced by this efficient
process a decade ago.

Challenge: foreign
But foreign producers, like American pro­
ducers, have also made rapid technological
strides, and the result has been a vast increase
in the availability of attractively priced foreign
steel in the American market. Between 1955
and 1964, steel imports rose from less than
1 to more than 6 million tons, and then
jumped to over 10 million tons in 1965. Since
steel exports trended down from 4 to 2V2
million tons over the entire period, almost 11
million tons of steel shifted from American to
foreign orderbooks.
Imported steel represented only about one
percent of the domestic market in 1955, but
it began a significant market penetration dur­
ing the 116-day steel strike of 1959, gaining
over 6 percent of the domestic market in that
year. By 1964 the import share increased even
more, to over 7 percent, and it then jumped
to 10 percent in 1965, on the heels of a sub­
stantial strike-anticipation inventory buildup.

Foreign invasion of American market
creates substantial export deficit

This development has been most striking
in the West, where imports increased their
penetration to 18 percent in 1964 and ap­
parently gained an even stronger market share
in the following year. In some sectors, imports
have now gained a dominant position, ac­
counting for as much as 40 percent of the
District market for pipe and 25 percent of the
regional market for sheet and strip steel.
This penetration of imports has continued
in the face of a 1962 action designed to help
the Western industry combat steel imports.
In earlier years, Western producers could
charge a higher base price than other domes­
tic producers because of the high freight
charges on steel shipped in from the East, but
in doing so they made the West an uncom­
monly attractive market for foreign producers.
Consequently, in late 1962, regional mills re­
duced their base price an average of $12 a
ton in order to improve their competitve
situation vis-a-vis imports. Nonetheless, the
import flood continued and, if anything,
gathered more strength in subsequent years.
Price increases announced by regional and
other mills early in January certainly will not
help the industry’s import problems. Domes­
tic producers increased structural-steel prices
by $2.75 a ton at that time, even though im­
ported structurals already were selling $ 1025 a ton below American prices.

Millions of Toni




St«st Exports

Enporl Surplus



Source: American Iron and Steel Institute


Challenge: domestic
But foreign competition remains only one
of the industry’s competitive problems. Even
when imported steel is included, total steel
shipments nationwide have lagged behind the
rise in output of steel-consuming industries.
Between 1955 and 1965, total shipments
(domestic plus imports) increased 21 percent,
but output in construction and durable goods
industries increased 31 percent in the same
period. This difference is attributable in large
part to the market penetration of substitute


January 1966

M arket penetration by steel's major competitors
helped along by their more successful price performance
P«rc«nt Chongt in Output, 1955-65

1955 =100

140 r_

Averagt Price






Source: U. S. Department of Labor; Federal Reserve Board

Over the past decade, shipments of alterna­
tive materials have risen substantially— ce­
ment by 27 percent, aluminum by 80 percent,
and plastics by over 350 percent. These in­
dustries have not expanded simply through
displacement of steel; in many applications,
such as aluminum foil, they are noncompeti­
tive with that metal. But in many other mar­
kets they have clashed head-on with steel.
Thus, the construction, transportation, and
container industries, which account for more
than half of the total steel market, also ac­
count for more than half of the total aluminum
market. (In tonnage terms, steel remains a
giant among its competitors—with aluminum
shipments, for example, amounting to only
about 5 percent by weight of total steel ship­
Substitution has been stimulated by both
the versatility and the price behavior of these
alternative materials. The average price of
steel-mill products today is about 26 percent
higher than a decade ago, primarily as a con­
sequence of a strong upsurge in the 19551959 period. But over the same period, ce­
ment prices have increased just 15 percent,
and aluminum prices 12 percent, while plas­

tic-materials prices have actually declined 25
percent. And even where price factors con­
tinue to favor steel, substitutes are often
chosen because of advantages in appearance,
ease of fabrication, or cost of maintenance
and transportation.
Consider construction . . .
Steel shipments to the nonresidential and
heavy construction industry were very sub­
stantial during the 1955-1957 boom, but steel
usage has declined relatively since that time.
This industry takes 18 percent of steel ship­
ments nationwide but it is by far the dominant
steel-user in the regional economy, account­
ing for some 56 percent of Western steel
In construction, steel has faced a broad
range of competitive materials, but concrete
has made the heaviest inroads. Reinforced
concrete requires only one-third to one-half of
the amount of steel needed for a similar allsteel structure. Pre-stressed concrete— rein­
forced concrete in which steel is tensioned by
controlled stretching — requires only onefourth as much steel or one-half as much con­
crete as is needed for ordinary reinforced con­
crete, and it also offers large savings in con­


struction time and increased flexibility of de­
sign, Pre-stressed concrete first became a
major factor in the bridge-construction field,
and it has come to be highly favored through­
out the building field since major buildingcode revisions were instituted in 1963.
Aluminum has also invaded the construc­
tion market, doubling its shipments to this
industry within a decade. About one-fourth of
aluminum’s total market is now in construc­
tion, where it has replaced both wood and
steel in windows, siding, and sash, and where
it has gained a foothold in larger structures
through the development of curtain-wall de­
sign by modern architects. Price increases
averaging $2.75 a ton over the full range of
structural steel products, announced by the
industry in January of this year, could help to
accentuate the trend toward the use of sub­
stitute materials in construction.

for 22 percent of total steel shipments na­
tionwide, steel output has moved fairly close­
ly with auto production, sharing in both the
industry’s earlier decline and its recent come­
back. But steel has not shared completely in
the auto boom, especially because of the
growing consumer preference for cars which
require less steel than the mammoths of
yesteryear. (In the 1961-1965 period alone,
compact and intermediate cars increased their
market share from 24 to 41 percent.)
Aluminum, moreover, has made a specta­
cular penetration into the auto market. The
average 1965 model contained about 69
pounds of aluminum-—triple the usage of a
decade ago— and the 1966 models may con­
tain even more of the light metal. Aluminum
also has taken an increasing role in the pro­
duction of heavy-duty trucks, as well as trailer
containers for rail piggy-back service.
In the railroad-equipment field, which ac­
counts for about 4 percent of the national steel
market, usage has been drifting down for a

. . . and transportation
In the automotive industry, which accounts

Steel output lag s behind output of major consuming industries,
partly because of technology gains and partly because of market losses
1955 = 100
















1965 1955

Source: U, S. Department of Commerce; Federal Reserve Board; American Iron and Steel Institute


January 1966


decade. Production of railroad equipment is
now back to decade-ago levels, but steel ship­
ments to that industry are off by about 20
Technological improvements have helped
to account for the lower steel-use per unit. In
contrast to the prewar period, when increases
in locomotive pulling power required expan­
sion of engine size and weight, present-day
technology through dieselization permits in­
creases in pulling power with less weight than
was required heretofore.
Aluminum has made inroads in the railequipment business since about 1960, when
the railroad industry placed orders for 1200
aluminum gondola and hopper cars. Despite
its higher sales price, aluminum can compete
in this field because of its light weight and low
maintenance cost, which is far below the
$300-a-car annual maintenance cost of steel
railroad cars.

. . , and packaging
Steel has also had competitive problems in
the container and packaging market, which
accounts for 8 percent of total steel shipments
nationwide and for 18 percent of the Western
steel market. Technological improvements
have helped account for the relative decline in
steel usage in canning, primarily because of
the trend to thinner gauges of steel, but alu­
minum’s inroads have also been a major fac­
tor. Other substitute materials have found in­
creasing usage in plastic bottles and bottle caps and in composite aluminum-paperboard
oil cans.
Since 1960, when aluminum moved into
this field, it has come to dominate the frozen

citrus market and has made progress in the
10-billion-a-year beer-can market. The indus­
try developed in turn the soft top, the pull top,
and, finally, the seamless all-aluminum can.
But steel fought back recently by introducing
the unsoldered tin-free can, and then by ad­
justing price schedules in order to make these
new cans cheaper than ordinary tinplate cans.

Meeting the challenge
From an earlier situation of complacency,
steel in recent years has moved increasingly
to meet the competitive threats of imports
and substitute materials. While its research
and development budget is still lower than that
of any other heavy industry, it is now almost
double the expenditure of the late 1950’s. The
industry also has attempted to develop new
markets, to anticipate customer needs, to im­
prove sales techniques— and, as always, to
produce at lower costs.
A key change is the industry’s growing
recognition that it is participating in a dollar
and not a tonnage business. It is not simply
turning out tonnage and forcing the customer
to decide how to use its products; rather, it
is determining the needs of its potential cus­
tomers and then moving to meet those require­
ments. One result has been a substantial im­
provement in the industry’s profit perform­
ance— net income, which had declined by half
between 1957 and 1962, recovered sharply
thereafter and reached a new high in the first
three quarters of 1965. The industry may be
producing relatively fewer tons of steel than
a decade ago, but each ton of metal is now
doing a far better job than before.
— Yvonne Levy

Publication Staff: R. Mansfield, Chartist; Phyllis Taylor, Editorial Assistant.
Single and group subscriptions to the M o n th ly R eview are available on request from the Adm in­
istrative Service Departm ent, Federal Reserve Bank o f San Francisco, 400 Sansome Street,
San Francisco, California 94120.


W estern Digest
Banking Developments
Twelfth District weekly reporting banks increased their total credit by $166
million in December. The increase was only half as great as a year earlier, since the
loan expansion was smaller and security holdings were actually reduced. But this
December’s loan expansion exceeded the year-ago gain after adjustment was made
for the security-loan and loan-to-domestic-bank categories.. . . Business-loan demand
was especially strong—up $227 million—with heavy borrowing over the tax date
followed by further increases in the following two weeks. Other loans (mainly
consumer) rose $100 million during the month, and real-estate loans also recorded
a year-end spurt, rising by $48 million.. . . December’s reduction in demand deposits
adjusted was larger than a year earlier. However, the gain in total time and savings
deposits was greater than in the year-ago period, mostly because of larger deposits
by states and political subdivisions as well as a small increase in negotiable certificates
of deposit. In early January, rates offered by banks on CD’s were in the process of
further upward adjustment to remain competitive with other market instruments.
Employment and Unemployment
Twelfth District nonfarm employment rose substantially in November, with man­
ufacturing showing an especially strong (0.9-percent) gain.. .. The aerospace sector
continued to recover from its earlier slump. District aerospace employment in No­
vember was 7 percent above the March-1965 level; however, the rest of the national
industry boasted an even stronger recovery. . . . The District unemployment rate
dropped from 5.4 to 5.3 percent in November. In the nation, the jobless rate dropped
a comparable amount to 4.2 percent— and it continued declining to 4.1 percent in
Production Developments
District construction awards rose sharply in November, and consequently the
11-month total almost matched the corresponding 1964 total. But this comparison
masked sharply divergent movements in the different sectors of the industry. For the
January-November period as a whole, residential construction ran 16 percent behind
the year-ago pace, while nonresidential building and heavy construction together
recorded an offsetting increase. . . . Lumber orders held above year-ago levels in
early December, as extremely favorable building weather in other sections of the
country spurred the need for retail replacement buying. The heavy flow of orders
resulted in price increases ranging from $1 to $2 per thousand board feet. . . . The
Western steel industry ended the year on a strong note. Production increased 4
percent between early and late December— an even stronger gain than that recorded
in the rest of the booming national industry.