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Monthly Review
In this issue

Brighter Farm Picture
Variable Rates on Mortgages?

April 1972

B rig h te r Farm Picture
. . . W estern farmers posted larger income gains than their national
counterparts in 1971, but the reverse may be true this year.

V ariab le Rotes @n M o r tg a g e s ?
. . . M o re attention now centers on this and other proposals designed
to moderate the im pact of tight credit on the housing market.

Editor: W illia m Burke

April 1972



Brighter Farm Picture
griculture was a bright spot in the
„ sluggish Western economy of 1971.
Cash receipts advanced 8 percent to a record
$8.2 billion, reflecting not only a heavy vol­
ume of marketings but also a strong rise in
farm prices. Crop receipts in particular were
very strong, primarily as a result of a bumper
wheat crop in the Pacific Northwest.
Cash receipts far outstripped the rise in
production expenses last year, in contrast to
the performance of other recent years, and
net farm income thus rose roughly 10 percent
to $2.0 billion. (In contrast, net income de­
clined elsewhere in the nation.) California
and Washington registered the strongest
gains, in both absolute and percentage terms.
Moreover, with the continued attrition in the
numbers of Western farms, net income per
farm rose about 13 percent, increasing in all
District states except Hawaii, Nevada and
Farm employment again declined in all
parts of the West except California. In that
key state, increased reliance on hired workers
more than offset a reduction in the number
of family workers. Farm wage rates mean­
while continued to advance, even in the face
of the substantial worsening of unemploy­
ment throughout the region.
On the financial side, District commercial
banks continued to reduce their holdings of
farm mortgage loans but Federal Land Banks
again expanded their portfolios. Production
loans increased substantially, with Produc­
tion Credit Associations accounting for a
relatively large share of the expansion. Even
so, District commercial banks accounted for


over three-fourths of the outstanding pro­
duction credits and for over one-sixth of
the outstanding real-estate loans held by
Western financial institutions last year.
W hat farmers can expect
Whether Western farmers can match last
year’s performance in 1972 depends largely
upon the underlying strength of the national
economy. According to projections released
this February at the annual outlook confer­
ence of the U.S. Department of Agriculture,
rising employment and income nationwide
should provide a considerable expansion in
domestic demand for food and fiber. Do­
mestic demand also should be bolstered by





increases in social-security payments and by
the expansion of food-stamp and schoollunch programs; in fiscal 1973, the foodstamp program should benefit over 13
million people, and the school-lunch program
about 8 million more. However, export de­
mand may not be much higher than last year,
after adjustment for the effects of 1971’s
prolonged dock strikes. Grain exports may
increase because of abundant supplies and
low prices, but cotton and soybean exports
may weaken because of restricted supplies.
USDA forecasters expect the nation’s
gross farm income to rise about 5 percent to
perhaps $62.0 billion, primarily because of a
sharp rise in government payments and a
substantial increase in livestock prices and
thus in livestock receipts. (In this connection,
it should be noted that raw agricultural pro­
ducts are exempt from price restraints under
Phase II controls.) They also project some
moderation in production expenses, reflecting
lower feed costs as well as Phase II restraints
on price increases for nonfood items. As a
result, net income of the nation’s farmers
could rise as much as 13 percent, to $17.7
billion, following 1971’s no-growth year.
Net income per farm should rise con­
siderably, with the continued reduction in
the number of farms nationwide. (There are
now fewer than three farms for every four
that existed in 1960.) Also, farm income
per capita should continue to improve in re­
lation to nonfarm income, rising perhaps to
76 percent of the nonfarm average in 1972,
as opposed to 74 percent in 1971 and only
55 percent in 1960.
Because of the expected rise in livestock
prices, consumer food prices could rise per­
haps W i percent between 1971 and 1972,
in contrast to last year’s 3-percent increase.
(Indeed, most of the expected increase has
already occurred.) P o rk p ric e s, w hich
slumped sharply last year, have risen substantially in recent months because of re-




¥mm re e e lp fs rise in West, with
boost from bumper wheat crop

duced supplies. Beef prices, which increased
sharply in both 1971 and 1972 to date, may
hold near current levels even in the face of
increased supplies. Meat imports may be
almost 7 percent higher this year, in view of
the Administration’s recent agreement with
meat-exporting nations to lift the ceiling on
shipments to this country. But this ruling,
which affects mostly beef used in hamburger,
probably will not dampen price rises sig­
nificantly, since imported meat normally ac­
counts for a very small share of total U.S.
W hy the W est differs
Western farming will be strongly influ­
enced by these national trends, but the im­
pact will vary considerably among individual
states, depending on its product specializa­
tion. In Nevada, sales of cattle and calves
account for almost two-thirds of the state’s
returns from marketings. (No other District
state is so heavily dependent on any single
commodity.) In California, marketings of
fruits and vegetables amount to well over
one-third of total receipts. In Idaho, vegeta­
ble marketings (especially potatoes) account
for over one-fourth of the total, while in
Washington and Arizona, field crops (mostly
wheat in the one case, and cotton in the
other) account for over one-fifth of the total.

April 1972


Consequently, indications of farm-income
trends in these major producing areas can
be obtained only from an analysis of the out­
look for each of the major regional products.
These include wheat, cotton, fruits and vege­
tables, and livestock.

Bumper wheat crop?
The nation produced a bumper crop of
wheat last year, with the West producing
one-eighth of the total— 253 million bushels
—primarily in Washington, Oregon and Ida­
ho. But when it seemed likely that another
bumper crop would develop in 1972, largely
because of a 9-percent increase in winterwheat acreage planted last fall, the USD A
moved to reduce both the plantings of spring
wheat and the harvests of winter-wheat acre­
age. Department planners hope to divert 5 to
6 million acres from wheat production this
year, at a cost to the Federal government of
perhaps $154 million. But another bumper
crop could still develop, both regionally and
nationally, especially if yields continue high.
Wheat farmers in the Pacific Northwest
were unable to gain the full benefits of last
year’s bumper crop, because their crucial
export markets were cut off by the 100-day
dock strike during the harvest season. (Ex­
port markets grew rapidly over the past
decade, and in 1970 took over 80 percent of
the Northwest’s wheat production.) As a
result, the volume of wheat in storage jumped
more than 30 percent (34 million bushels)
over the course of the year, and stocks would
have increased even more rapidly if inship­
ments from other producing states had not
dropped sharply in the first half of the mar­
keting year.
The Pacific Northwest boasts considerable
grain-storage capacity— 273 million bushels
—but these facilities are adequate only if
there is reasonably unimpeded movement of
wheat into export markets. The facilities are
used to handle shipments of grain into the
area as well as storage of other locally pro­


duced grains as well as wheat. With carry­
over stocks now considerably above normal,
the storage problem could become serious
when the 1972 wheat crop is harvested, espe­
cially if that too should be a bumper crop.
If inventories are not reduced to a manage­
able level, a great deal of downward pressure
will be exerted on the cash price of wheat
when the 1972 crop moves to market. But
already, because of the slow movement of
wheat into export outlets, the cash price in
late January was about 20 cents per bushel
below year-ago levels at major terminal mar­
kets, although it still remained above the
Commodity Credit Corporation’s effective
loan price.
Northwest wheat farmers p a rtic ip a te d
heavily in the price-support program during
the 1971 marketing season, placing 75 mil­
lion bushels under the loan program up to
December, or several times as much as in
the previous marketing season. In addition,
loan repayments were light, with about 65
million bushels remaining under loan at the
end of 1971. But even if this wheat remains
under CCC control, it will not mitigate the
N e t incom e gelns, with California
accounting for over half of total...
M i l l io n s o f D o l l a r s


A la s k a

------W a s h in g t o n

. Id a h o
N e v a d a ------


. A r iz o n a ' '
______ - H a w a i i '

--------C a l if o r n ia ---------








... while net income per farm
rises in almost every District state

need for providing adequate storage capacity
for the 1972 crop.
Perhaps the greatest fear, however, is that
the export markets lost in the West Coast
dock strike will never be regained. Many
years have been required to develop over­
seas markets for Pacific Northwest wheat, but
it may take considerably less time for those
markets to be lost to Canadian and other


Continued cotton shortage?
With cotton, the major problem may be
shortages rather than surpluses. Western pro­
duction, centered in California and Arizona,
declined last year for the second consecutive
year, and production elsewhere increased
slightly but still fell far short of normal re­
quirements. (However, the West still ac­
counted for over one-sixth of the nation’s
cotton crop.) Moreover, carryover stocks
from earlier crop years were already very
low, with only token amounts in CCC in­
ventories. Nonetheless, USDA planners set
forth generally the same program for the
1972 crop as for last year’s crop.




Among other features, the program sets
a guaranteed support price of 35 cents per
pound or 65 percent of parity (whichever
is higher), on production from a national
base-acreage allotment of 11 Vi million acres.
The price-support payment would be the
difference between 35 cents and the market
price, but in no event less than 15 cents per
pound. Also, a $55,000 limit would be set on
annual payments to any producer.
Supplies are now tight in both domestic
and export markets, and as a result, the
price trend has been strongly upward. In
California, cotton-lint prices this February
were up more than one-fourth over year-ago
levels, to more than 35 cents a pound. Re­
sponding to this favorable situation, Califor­
nia and Arizona producers announced inten­
tions to boost plantings by 8 percent and
5 percent, respectively, compared with a 7percent increase nationally.
Western producers will find it difficult to
expand their dollar returns, however, .unless
they improve their yields. Between 1968 and
1971, insect and weather damage in Cali­
fornia cotton fields helped cause a 35-percent
reduction in yields, to 726 pounds per acre,
with a 14-percent reduction occurring last
year alone. But if yields could be brought
up to the 1968 level again, producers would
pocket about $100 million more in market­
ing receipts, at current market prices, and
without any increase in acreage.
Strength in fruits, vegetables?
Fruit and vegetable producers expect a
generally strong year in 1972, largely because
of favorable price trends. These products
play a large role in the Western farm econ­
omy, especially in California, where they ac­
count for well over one-third of total farm
receipts. In fact, fruit and vegetable produc­
tion is very important throughout the West;
last year, District farmers again produced
about one-half of all the nation’s fruit and
vegetables. Tomato processors received a

April 1972


bumper tomato crop in 1971, and they will
take probably an even heavier tonnage this
crop year.
Deciduous-fruit output in the District var­
ied considerably last year; grape tonnage in­
creased substantially and pear production
was also up, but declines were reported for
most other major fruits. In the near future,
however, fruit output could rise very rapidly,
since 1969 Census figures indicate that a
very large number of trees had been planted
but had not yet reached bearing age in that
year. In Washington, for example, over onethird of the total apple-tree population was
reported in this category, and thus may soon
be producing fruit.
Foreign imports present an increasing
threat to some domestically produced fresh
vegetables, especially in the winter and earlyspring marketing seasons, although the threat


to Western-produced winter products has
not yet become intense. Imports now account
for practically all of the nation’s winter sup­
ply of cucumbers, peppers and eggplant, and
for most of the fresh tomatoes, but they do
not appear to be cutting into the market for
such Western-produced winter vegetables as
lettuce, celery and carrots. However, the
unusually high prices for the latter commodi­
ties during the past winter season might well
persuade foreign growers to enter these mar­
kets too.
Western strawberry producers meanwhile
face a difficult future, in view of the increas­
ing competition in the U.S. market from
Mexican growers, whose production has
grown very sharply with the help of large
infusions of American capital. (Mexican
producers now account for one-third of the
U.S. frozen-strawberry market — and they

Structure o f form ing v aries from stale to state, with coastal states
specializing in specialty crops and wheat, and mountain states in livestock

C a lifo rn ia





dominate the Canadian market almost com­
pletely.) Imports of fresh strawberries from
Mexico jumped from practically zero to 53
million pounds between 1960 and 1970, and
imports of processed strawberries jumped
four-fold to 102 million pounds. Mexico has
now signed a voluntary agreement to limit
exports of non-fresh strawberries into the
U.S. market to 82 million pounds annually
— considerably below the heavy inshipments
of the past several years.




Boom in livestock?
Western livestock producers hope to match
last year’s 3-percent increase in cash receipts
(to $3.4 billion), because of the currently
high level of prices and the large number of
cattle now in feed lots. Receipts were much
stronger in the West than in the rest of the
nation last year, since marketings in this
region were little affected by the slump in
hog prices, which largely affected the cornhog belt of the mid-West states.

Less Land in Farms
Land devoted to commercial farming in the West declined from 119.1 million
acres in 1964 to 113.6 million acres in 1969, according to recently released data
from the 1969 Census of Agriculture. (Commercial farms are those which have
annual sales of $2,500 or more.) This lost acreage is roughly equivalent to all
the acreage planted to winter wheat in District states this year. In addition, a
comparable amount of land was taken out of production by small, noncommercial
farmers during this five-year period.
The decline in commercial acreage was concentrated in Arizona, Utah, Ore­
gon, and Washington, each of which took close to 10 percent of its farmland
out of production between 1964 and 1969. Nevada actually increased its acre­
age, while California and Idaho recorded only modest declines. (Data are not
yet available for Hawaii and Alaska.)
Irrigated acreage declined slightly, from 15.4 million to 15.2 million acres,
between the two Census years. This decline, however, can be attributed to Cali­
fornia, which accounts for almost half of the West’s entire irrigated acreage.
(Under the State Water Project, roughly 100,000 acres of new irrigated acreage
have been developed since 1968, but this does not offset the sharp decline reported
between 1964 and 1969.) Oregon and Nevada also lost some irrigated acreage,
but Arizona, Idaho, Utah and Washington all put more land under irrigation, and
thereby increased their production potential.
The number of commercial farms — close to 127,000 in 1969 — declined
only slightly between the two Census years. The number increased in California,
Arizona and Nevada, but declined in other states of the region. With commer­
cial farmland declining faster in terms of acreage than in terms of numbers, the
average size of farm dropped from 936 acres to 897 acres between 1964 and
1969. Idaho was the only state in the District to post an increase.

April 1972


California’s egg producers, in response to
1971’s low prices, have sharply reduced the
number of potential layers added to their
flocks. In the last half of February, the num­
ber of pullets placed with producers declined
one-third below year-ago levels, and the
number of eggs set for hatching also dropped.
In addition, producers recently have been
reducing laying flocks in an effort to control
the spread of a virulent strain of Newcastle
disease. Perhaps 4-5 million of California’s
25 million laying hens may have to be ex­
terminated, and output of the remaining birds
should decline for several months because of
intensive vaccination programs, all of which
could lead to higher prices for eggs and
poultry in coming months.
Western ranchers began the year with a
record high number (12.4 million) of cattle
and calves, and the number on feed was also
a peak for that date. (But the number of
sheep and lambs continued to decline, mak­
ing for a drop of one-third over the past
decade.) At the same time, cattle-feeding
operations appear to be in a profit squeeze,
despite somewhat lower feed-grain prices.
The cost of feeder cattle is now about 5.0
cents a pound higher than a year ago, while
slaughter cattle prices have advanced only
about 2.5 cents a pound. Thus, although re­
ceipts should be higher, the narrowing of
the margin between the cost of feeder cattle
and the price of fed cattle should mean less
profitability for feeding operations.
Western cattle feeders may face more
difficulty in the future obtaining supplies of
feeder cattle. Feeding operations now center
increasingly in such areas as Kansas, Ne­
braska, and the Texas-Oklahoma Panhandle
— areas which have readier access to supplies
of both feed grains and feeder cattle. (Early


this year, in fact, two-thirds of the cattle
shipped into Arizona were from Texas.) Per­
haps the only real advantage in establishing
feeding operations in this region today is
proximity to one of the nation’s major beef
Long-run USD A forecasts indicate an
increasing deficiency of local production of
meat, poultry and dairy products in Pacific
Coast states. By 1985, local production may
account for less than half of the meat and
poultry requirements of California consum­
ers. Prices in this deficit producing area
should tend to be higher than nationally, but
the cost of production inputs should be even
higher. Although the flow of cash to the
area’s livestock and poultry producers would
then tend to rise, the profitability of such
enterprises could well compare unfavorably
with the profitability of alternative enterprises
in the area.
Yet for 1972, the farm-income picture
may be the reverse of last year’s, with West­
ern farmers recording smaller (rather than
larger) increases than their national counter­
parts. The area’s farmers will share only in a
minor way in the increased government pay­
ments for diversion of feed-grain acreage,
and they will benefit little from an anticipated
boost in pork prices. (These two sources
combined account for only 3 percent of the
value of farm products sold in the District,
compared with 18 percent nationally.) Even
so, Western farmers can expect to benefit
from the increasing strength of domestic de­
mand for food and fiber, bolstered by the
current high level of farm prices. They must
reckon, however, with the possibility of
price controls over raw agricultural products,
which are now exempt from Phase II ceilings.
Donald Snodgrass








Publications AwailabSe
(40 pp. 1972)— An analysis of two centuries’ trade between China
and the West. The study describes the development of trade under Western auspices
during the 19th and early 20th centuries, and then describes the completely different
trading environment existing today. After analyzing the structure of China’s current
imports and exports, the study concludes with estimates of the future magnitude of
the China trade.
The C hina Trade

Silver: End of an Era (32 pp. 1972)— A revised version of an earlier study of the
politics and economics of the silver industry. The study describes a century of silver
legislation (leading up to the recent demonetization), the development of the
Western mining industry, world coinage and industrial demand, and the sharp price
fluctuations of the past decade.
N ation-Spanning C re d it C a rd s (12 pp. 1972)— An analysis of the rapid growth of
bank credit cards, with emphasis on the nationwide coverage recently obtained by
two major card plans. The study describes the advantages to cardholders and
merchants from widespread credit-card usage, technological developments enhancing
the spread of a general electronic-payments system, and the increasing profitability
of card plans with the growing maturity of the industry.
W a ll Street: Before the Fall (36 pp. 1970)— An analysis of basic stockmarket de­
velopments of the past 15 years. The booklet describes the supply and demand
factors underlying general price trends, and analyzes the industry’s operational
problems and the expanded role of institutional buying in recent years.
C alibrating the Building Trades (20 pp. 1971)— An analysis of the unique features
of the construction industry and their effect on construction wage trends. The study
describes the Administration’s development of an “incomes policy” tailored to that
specific industry.
Alum inum : Past and Future (64 pp. 1971)— An analysis of the long-term growth of
the aluminum industry, with its eight-fold expansion in consumption over the past
quarter-century. The study describes the locational factors responsible for the
national and international spread of the industry, and analyzes the reasons for recent
fears over the industry’s sharp expansion of capacity.

(56 pp. 1968)— An historical study of the copper in­
dustry, with emphasis on the growth of Western producers. The report describes
copper’s response to the competitive inroads of other materials in traditional copper­
using industries.
C o p p e r: Red M etal in Flux

Law of the River (16 pp. 1968)— An analysis of present and future sources of water
for the Pacific Southwest. The report describes how Southern California and Arizona
are looking beyond the Colorado River to meet their 21st-century needs for water.

Individual copies of each publication are available on request, and bulk shipments
are also available free to schools and nonprofit institutions. Write to the Administra­
tive Service Department, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, P.O. Box 7702,
San Francisco, California 94120.

April 1972



Variable Rates on Mortgages?
he variable-rate mortgage (VRM) is de­
signed to attack a problem inherent in
the very nature of the o p e ra tio n s of the
mortgage-lending thrift institutions—namely,
the lack of symmetry in their asset and lia­
bility structures. These financial intermedi­
aries — commercial banks, mutual savings
banks, and (particularly) savings-and-loan
associations — allocate their funds borrowed
at short term, to the financing of long-term
mortgages at fixed rates of interest.
The relatively long average life of mort­
gages exposes thrift institutions to special
difficulties during upward swings in short­
term interest rates. In an atmosphere in
which interest rates on other savings instru­
ments — such as those highly sensitive to
market pressures — rise more rapidly than
the rates paid to depositors by thrift institu­
tions, the latter not only have difficulty at­
tracting their customary volume of new sav­
ings, but also in retaining their previous ac­
If the thrift institutions had to compete
only for additional savings, the forces oper­
ating on the market for their incremental
assets could be counted on to cover the
higher costs they would have to pay on their
liabilities. But, when these higher per-unit
costs must also be paid on each dollar of
deposits acquired in the past when interest
rates paid and received were lower, the new
stronger market for funds cannot prevent
the development of serious financial prob­
lems for these institutions. Such problems
can be met by massive assistance programs


of regulatory authorities. They might also be
met, however, by raising the flow of interest
on the pool of assets acquired in the past, if
that were feasible. The variable-rate mort­
gage attempts to do just that.
Problem spotlighted
This problem, of course, has always ex­
isted, but it is only in the last decade that
changing credit conditions have spotlighted
the imbalance in asset and liability structures
at thrift institutions. Until the late 1920s,
most home mortgages were single-payment
loans written for five years or less, with in­
terest rates subject to adjustment upon rene­
gotiation of the maturity. This practice con­
tributed to soaring foreclosures during the
dramatic credit crunch of the Great Depres­
sion, and it was eventually supplanted by the
now widespread practice of long-term amor­
tization of mortgage loans.
For many years, the problem of imbalance
was obscured by the insensitivity of depos­
itors to more favorable yields available on
alternative financial instruments. By the early
1960s, however, a significant degree of finan­
cial sophistication and market sensitivity had
developed among thrift-institution depositors.
The situation worsened as the decade pro­
gressed and interest rates rose. FHA second­
ary mortgage yields averaged 9.05 percent in
1970, but lenders’ portfolios contained not
only the mortgages made at that rate, but
also those made at the lower rates of earlier
years, such as the 5.46-percent average rate
of 1965. Hampered by the low rate of re­
turn on their older mortgage portfolios, many




of the well-established thrift in s titu tio n s
would apparently have been in difficulty had
they been forced into open competition for
investors’ funds, and they found some sanc­
tuary in the regulatory authorities’ ceilings
on the rates they could offer savers, thus
moderating somewhat the rate competition
among themselves.
This, however, left them at the mercy of
market-oriented investors able and willing,
in their efforts to attract funds, to bid up
rates on other savings instruments above the
regulatory ceilings that apply only to the
thrift institutions and not to themselves. The
spread between the S&L’s average savings
rate and the bellwether Treasury bill rate,
which had favored the former by 50 to 100
basis points during the first half of the de­
cade, turned negative in 1966, and at the
worst of the 1969 crunch, it amounted to
about minus 325 basis points (100 basis
points equals one percentage point). This
helped lead to a sharp reduction in net sav­
ing inflows to the S&Ls and to a slowdown
in their residential mortgage lending. Over
the entire 1965-69 period, the average cost
of S&L funds rose by about 70 basis points,
while the average rate of return on S&L
mortgage loans increased by only about 60
basis points, even in the face of a 250-basispoint rise in the effective rate on new home
loans. (This discrepancy in rates of return
reflects the fact that new mortgage loans —
the ones made at peak 1969 rates — ac­
counted for only 15 percent of the S&L’s
total mortgage portfolios at the end of that


Peak— and turnabout
Yet although savers could obtain a con­
siderably higher rate of return from depos­
itary institutions in 1969 than they could in
1965, they could obtain very much higher
returns from other investments, such as an
8-percent return on Treasury bills in late




Y ield cu rve became unfavorable
to thrift institutions in late ' 60 s

1969. The result was an unprecedented $2billion outflow of savings and time deposits
from these institutions, including a 50-per­
cent decline in net inflows to the S&L’s. It
took the massive intervention of the housing
agencies — sharply expanded lending by the
Federal Home Loan Banks and substantial
mortgage purchases by the Federal National
Mortgage Association — to maintain the
flow of funds in the housing market. Agency
support, which accounted for over half of
the net residential mortgage lending during
the worst of the 1969 crunch, helped to limit
the decline in mortgage transactions, and
homebuilding that year fell only 5 percent
below the 1968 level.
The turnaround of 1970-71 was the sharp­
est on record. Thrift institutions again be­
came competitive, as market rates plummet­
ed while S&L interest ceilings were raised
from 4% to 5 percent and thrift institutions
moved the rates they paid to these new maxi­
mum levels. Savers responded dramatically,
channeling a larger share of their expanded
savings flow into savings deposits, and the in­
stitutions then used these funds to support
a record homebuilding boom. But many ob-

April 1972


servers, remembering recent history, contin­
ued to search for alternative ways to avoid
such problems. In particular, the Commis­
sion on Financial Structure and Regulation
(Hunt Commission) proposed the use of
variable rates on mortgages to help alleviate
the differential impact of rising interest rates
on thrift-institutions’ financial structures, so
as to help stabilize the flow of funds available
to housing. Last month, moreover, the Fed­
eral Reserve Board of Governors commented
favorably on this technique, as did also the
Chairman of the Federal Home Loan Bank
Board in a recent speech.
W hat is V R M ?
As the term implies, a variable-rate mort­
gage (VRM) differs from the standard fixedrate mortgage in that the contract interest
rate may vary over the life of the loan. A
VRM may assume either of two forms, al­
though both entail changes in the interest
component of the amortized loan.
The first type of VRM adjusts the month­
ly payment to reflect a change in the interest
rate, with the maturity of the loan remaining
the same. Consider a new $20,000 mortgage
loan with a 25-year maturity and an initial
c o n tra c t in te re s t rate of 8 percent. The
monthly payment (interest and principal) on
such a loan would amount to $154.40. But
if, at the end of one year, the rate of interest
fell to IV i percent in response to a decline in
other interest rates, the new monthly pay­
ment would be set at a level which would pay
off the loan balance ($19,737.80) over the
remaining 24 years of the loan. The new
monthly payment thereupon would fall to
$147.98 from the original $154.40. A raise
in interest rates of course would mean a
higher rather than a lower monthly payment.
The second type of VRM adjusts the ma­
turity of the loan to reflect a change in the
interest rate, with the monthly payment left
unchanged. In the above example, a constant


monthly payment, combined with a drop in
the interest rate from 8 to IV i percent after
one year, would be sufficient to pay off the
loan in 21 years, 6 months rather than the
original 24 years. But, here again, a rise in
interest rates would mean a longer rather
than a shorter loan maturity.
A variable-rate mortgage essentially is an
escalator-type agreement of the type widely
used throughout the economy — in cost-ofliving adjustments to wage and pension agree­
ments, in rental-property contracts (especial­
ly for office buildings), and in welfare and
alimony payments. (Many escalator agree­
ments provide only for upward movements,
however, while the VRM would provide for
movements in both directions.) Commercial
banks sometimes include escalator clauses in
the loan agreements they make with business
borrowers, and for that matter, the Home
Loan Banks frequently a tta c h e s c a la to r
clauses to the advances they make to savingsand-loan associations.
W hat difference?
The variable-rate mortgage would have
made a great difference to the thrift insti­
tutions if it had been utilized during the
tight-money period of 1969. In that year,
the S&Ls recorded a 7.84-percent average
yield on the $22 billion of new mortgage
loans made, in contrast to the 6.45-percent
yield on their entire mortgage portfolio of
$135 billion. The income from these new
loans amounted roughly to $890 million,
but about twice as much more would have
been earned on the books if it had been
possible to adjust rates on all loans upward
to the average charged on new loans. In
that case, S&L gross income would have
reached about $11.7 billion instead of the
$9.9 billion actually earned.
This does not mean that any more funds
would have been available to finance more
housing (or that proportionately more houses
would have been available and in demand to





H ig h e r ro te s under ¥ RM would
have meant boost in S&L income in '69

B illio n s of D o lla r s

be financed). The variable-maturity variant
of the VRM would have yielded exactly the
same cash flow to the thrift institutions as
otherwise and, indeed, more of this would
have been drained off in taxes on the higher
income. Under the variable-payment variant,
the thrift institutions would have received
more funds flowing in on past loans, but at
least part of this would be offset by increased
demands for funds by some debtors hard
pressed to meet their new higher mortgage
payments. Even in the case of relatively
wealthy debtors, at least some of the higher
payments to thrift institutions on their mort­
gage loans might well be at the expense of
funds that would otherwise have found their
way into the financing of new mortgages.


How widespread?
In actuality, the variable-rate mortgage has
received only limited acceptance in this
country. A 1969 survey by the U.S. Savings
and Loan League revealed that only 10 per­
cent of its surveyed members had rateadjustment clauses in their loan contracts,
and no more than an additional 10 percent
planned to employ them in the future. A




majority of those associations that actually
used VRM’s applied them to less than 20
percent of their loans, and a substantial part
of these were commercial rather than resi­
dential mortgages.
A 1970 survey by the American Bankers
Association showed that only 18 percent of
the surveyed banks utilized VRM’s, and in
these too, their use was limited primarily to
commercial properties. (VRM’s were used in
the financing of single-family housing in only
five states—four of them in New England.)
Again, half of those banks that actually used
VRM’s employed them in less than one per­
cent of the mortgage loans they originated
in 1969. In the West, commercial banks have
utilized variable-rate loans only to a limited
extent, while only a half dozen or so S&L’s
have actively written such loans. Apparently,
the difficulty of reconciling the differing in­
terests of borrowers and lenders has tended
to limit its more widespread acceptance.
Legal obstacles
In addition, legal restrictions still impede
the acceptance of the variable-rate mortgage
throughout most of the nation. To protect
borrowers, several states have limited the
number of rate adjustments which can be
made within any single year, and have re­
quired that the lender give the borrower 90
days’ notice of any rate change— which in
itself effectively limits the number of changes
to four a year. California legislation requires
that lenders employing a variable-rate con­
tract provide for rate reductions on the same
basis as rate increases; prohibits any more
than semi-annual rate changes; limits the size
of rate changes during any semiannual period
to Va percent; and requires that partial or
total loan prepayment be permitted without
charge within 90 days of notification of a
rate increase.
Other legal restrictions impede the spread
of the VRM through their impact on either
the length of maturities or the size of monthly

April 1972


payments. Nationally chartered banks are
prohibited from making real-estate loans
with maturities exceeding 30 years, while all
but four states have usury laws limiting con­
tract rates on home mortgages. Ceiling rates
in Twelfth District states range from 10 to 12
percent, but fifteen states elsewhere have rate
ceilings of 8 percent or less. The Department
of Housing and Urban Development recently
modified the absolute prohibition against
variable-rate clauses in FHA and VA loans,
but while lenders are now authorized to re­
duce the contract rate on outstanding loans,
they cannot subsequently raise rates to a level
above that originally stipulated in the mort­
gage contract.
But whatever happens to these legal ob­
stacles, the spread of the VRM may still be
limited by doubts concerning the salability in
the secondary market of a mortgage con­
taining such a clause. Depending on their
assessment of the future course of interest
rates, investors may be reluctant to acquire
mortgages that might turn out to carry a
declining yield. It could also be argued,
however, that the speculative nature of the
VRM would enhance its attractiveness dur­
ing periods when rates are low. In any event,
the Hunt Commission has recommended the
elimination of obstacles to the use of vari­
able-rate mortgages (with appropriate safe­
guards to borrowers), as well as the inclusion
of VRM’s in the secondary-market opera­
tions of the Federal National Mortgage Asso­
ciation and the Federal Home Loan Mort­
gage Corporation. The FHLMC is now
making its purchase commitments for multi­
family mortgages on that basis.
W h a l reference rate?
Other questions arise concerning the
choice of a reference rate to which the
variable-rate mortgage would be tied. If the
borrower is to share to an increasing extent
in the risks of interest-rate changes, then the
reference rate probably should be short-term,


since thrift institutions generally compete in
the short-term market to attract funds. How­
ever, the lender should not be able to control
the rate chosen. Also, for the sake of equity,
it is argued, the reference rate should be well
publicized, generally reflective of market
forces, and yet not subject to extreme vola-

Between 1965 and 1970, the price of
the average new home financed with a
conventional mortgage increased by 40
p e rc e n t, from $25,000 to $35,500,
while the contract interest rate on the
average home loan rose by 43 percent,
from 5.76 percent to 8.27 percent. At
the rate and terms which prevailed in
1965, the average loan on the $25,000
home would have amounted to about
$18,575 and entailed monthly (interest
and principal) payments of $117. But
at the rate and terms which prevailed
in 1970, the average loan on the more
costly home would have been about
$25,560 and entailed m o n th ly pay­
ments of $211 — an 80-percent in­
crease, or 70 percent after allowance
for an increase in average home size.
Rising interest rates thus were only
one among many factors accounting for
the sharply rising cost of housing over
the 1965-70 period. R e c o g n itio n of
this fact has led many observers to ar­
gue that dealing with the underlying
problem of inflation would reduce the
need to expand the growing arsenal of
compensatory devices designed to help
tility or frequent change, if such a combina­
tion of criteria is not self-contradictory.
Volatility of the reference rate could in­
deed lead to over-frequent changes in the
mortgage rate, and thus create unnecessary





costs and inconveniences for the lender and
borrower alike, although this does not neces­
sarily follow. A mid-year correction, for
example, could be based on the average level
of the reference rate over the preceding six
months, and a change could then be made in
mortgage rates only when the average refer­
ence rate changes by (say) Vi percentage
point. With such provisions, the well-known
Treasury bill rate, which otherwise could be
considered to o v o la tile , m ight q u a lify .
Against the criterion of “neutrality”— that is,


freedom from direct control of either lender
or borrower— the prime business-loan rate
fails to qualify, and the same can be said for
the Federal Home Loan Bank series on cur­
rent mortgage-lending rates.
The long-term Treasury bond rate might
be a more acceptable reference rate, since it
is neutral in regard to lender or borrower
influence, and is also relatively stable, with
only 6 changes of Vi percent or more during
the 1965-71 period. An even better choice
might be the rate on Treasury intermediateterm (3-5 year) obligations, since it represents a reasonable compromise between the




long and short ends of the maturity spectrum.
This rate is rather volatile, with 21 changes
between 1966 and 1971, but the problem
could be overcome by monthly, quarterly,
or semiannual averaging of rate movements.
In fact, a Federal Reserve staff study con­
cludes that the rate on Treasury mediumterm securities comes closest to meeting all
the various criteria of desirability as a refer­
ence mortgage rate.
Another possible reference rate would be
the cost to the lender of new funds— an index
currently used by British building societies.
This type of index, however, can be influ­
enced by lenders’ policies or by regulatory
rate ceilings. Even so, California’s Savings
and Loan Commissioner has ruled that Cali­
fornia S&L’s using variable-rate mortgages
must employ a reference rate of this type, by
tying changes in their rates on past loans to
the weighted average cost of their savings,
borrowings, and advances from the Federal
Home Loan Bank of San Francisco.
How burdensome?
The VRM would involve a greater degree
of sharing, between borrowers and lenders,
of the risk to the liquidity of intermediaries
from increases in interest rates over time, and
would also facilitate the sharing that now
takes place awkwardly and sporadically when
interest rates decline. With the normal type
of fixed-rate mortgage, borrowers bear none
of the risk of interest-rate increases, all of
which is borne by the intermediary lenders.
The fixed-rate mortgage usually permits the
borrower to refinance his loan (with some
prepayment penalty) if interest rates decline,
but it does not permit the lender to require
the refinancing of low-rate loans if interest
rates increase. Lenders, of course, can obtain
by stiff prepayment penalties, some protec­
tion against the loss of certain contracted
profits from borrowers’ prepayment when
rates decline. Some state-chartered S&L’s in
the West charge as much as six months’ in­

April 1972


terest on the unpaid balance, although prac­
tices vary considerably among individual
banks and S&L’s. In any case, the extended
sharing that would be provided by VRM
might still be considered a burden on the
VRM supporters contend, however, that
the borrowers’ increased burden under such
a plan would not really be too great, par­
ticularly if the borrower originally has a
choice between a fixed- and variable-rate
mortgage at initially different rates. Admit­
tedly, average payments under a variable-rate
formula would have risen sharply between
1966 and 1969, in a period of fast-rising
interest rates (but not nearly so fast as
average incomes actually rose), yet the possi­
bility of lower rates before, within, and after
this period, plus the likelihood of an initially
lower relative rate, would provide at least
some offset.
Critics argue, however, that the typical
home owner, with a limited range of options
in the credit markets, a limited ability to
change his income, and a limited ability to
forecast future changes in interest rates, has
a limited capacity to absorb more risk. If he
should assume higher monthly payments un­
der a VRM, his susceptibility to default
might increase disproportionately. If he
should instead assume a longer maturity, he
could be burdened with a 50-year or longer
maturity. Such extensions would probably be
unacceptable to the regulatory authorities or
to the vast majority of home owners, even if
maturities were to shorten again later on.
Counter-cyclical impact
Supporters of the VRM contend that, to
the extent that borrowers pay more for hous­
ing during an inflationary period because of
rising VRM payments, they would tend to
spend less for other purchases— thus, they
would shift some of the burden of anti-infla­
tionary policies from housing to other sectors
of the economy. (Of course, they could also


save less, but the posted higher rates of in­
terest in the market should tend in the direc­
tion of maintaining, if not increasing savings
flows.) Conversely, during an economic
slowdown, lower monthly payments would
permit a greater proportion of household in­
come to be released for the purchase of other
goods and services, thereby stimulating other
sectors of the economy. In that situation, too,
an unemployed or underemployed homeowner would find his burden eased.
Of course, as critics claim, it is difficult
to judge just how borrowers would adjust to
changes in their monthly payments or in the
maturity of their mortgage debt, or how
savers would respond to VRM-related
changes in yields on various investment in­
struments. Thus, during an inflationary pe­
riod, some borrowers might adjust by spend­
ing less, and others by saving less, including
those who would borrow more to finance a
constant level of current expenditures.
Strong enough impact?
In addition, critics wonder whether the
adoption of variable rates would have a
strong enough impact to offset the depressing
influences on the mortgage market during
periods of tight money. The additional funds
that might have been forthcoming in 1969
from the application of a well-established
variable-rate fo rm u la (variable-paym ent
variant) to the S&L’s entire mortgage port­
folio would have financed only 90,000 new
homes. Even if the demand for such an ad­
ditional volume of new housing had been
present in the market, and even assuming
the same massive intervention by Federal
housing agencies, this would have led only
to a modest increase in housing starts over
the 1968 level.
Alternatively, assuming an accommodative
administration of regulatory rate ceilings, if
those additional funds had been allocated
completely to the payment of higher interest
on savings deposits, the average rate could





have risen from 4.8 percent to about 6.0
percent. However, that rate still would have
been substantially below the rates actually
paid on Treasury bills and other market in­
struments during 1969, and the mammoth
outflow of funds from the thrift institutions
undoubtedly would still have occurred.
Critics also ask whether borrowers could
have handled the steep increase in payments
that would have followed from the execu­
tion of a variable-rate mortgage system
(variable-payment variety) during the in­
flationary period of the late 1960’s. For a
borrower who acquired a $20,000 25-year
mortgage loan at 6.00 percent in 1966, and
who then was faced with late 1969’s average
rate of 8.35 percent, monthly payments un­
der a variable-rate formula would have risen
from $129 to $158, or 22 percent.
Opponents of the variable-rate mortgage
contend, in particular, that a wide difference
exists between the conditions which might
make the VRM most acceptable to the bor­
rower and those which might be most ac­
ceptable to the lender. Lenders might be
quite willing to accept a VRM when rates
are low, and borrowers might be willing to
accept it when rates are high, but the reverse
certainly would not be true. Lenders would
prefer to lock themselves into fixed-rate con­
tracts when interest rates are high, so as to
avoid the decline in income which would ac­
company a subsequent drop in interest rates.
In contrast, borrowers would prefer to lock
themselves in at low rates, so as to avoid
the higher monthly payments or extended
maturities which a subsequent increase in
interest rates would entail.


How to assess
Any assessment of the desirability of the
VRM would depend upon the assumptions
the analyst makes about the future course
of interest rates over the balance of the
mortgage loan. Given certain assumptions
about the number and amount of changes




in interest rates in any specific time period,
conclusions can be drawn about the relative
impact on holders of variable-rate mortgages
as opposed to holders of fixed-rate mort­
gages. However, no financial model has yet
been devised which can accurately predict
how borrowers, lenders, or savers will re­
spond to the changes in the interest-rate
structure associated with the widespread
adoption of variable-rate mortgages, with or
without an attendant elimination of reg­
ulatory ceilings on deposit rates. During the

tight-money period of 1969 and early 1970,
prospective homebuyers might have bor­
rowed more if they had been assured of the
future possibility of lower monthly payments
or shortened maturities, and if the funds
had been available.
In the short-run, of course, even an ex­
clusive reliance on the variable-rate mortgage
for new mortgage loans would have only a
marginal effect on the mortgage market, be­
cause new mortgages constitute only a small
fraction of the total stock of mortgage loans
outstanding. But if it were to become more
widespread, a number of special incentives
would probably be necessary to make the
VRM acceptable to both borrowers and
lenders. Borrowers might have to be offered
some inducement such as a base rate lower
than that prevailing on fixed-rate mortgages.


April 1972

Conversely, lenders might have to be of­
fered some attraction such as the right to
hold relatively low reserves against VRM’s.
Vote of approval
The Federal Reserve Board of Governors
addressed the various pros and cons of
variable-rate mortgages in a recent report
considering means of creating a more stable
supply of housing credit. The report, pre­
pared at the request of Congress’ Joint Eco­
nomic Committee, generally endorsed this
approach, but emphasized that the VRM
should be complementary to — rather than a
substitute for — the traditional fixed-rate
contract. The Board’s report included these
other proposals:
— Removal of interest-rate ceilings on
Government-backed loans as well as the lift­
ing of state usury ceilings, so as to ease mort­
gage-credit flows during tight-money periods;
— Eventual end of interest-rate ceilings
on consumer time-and-savings deposits, to
permit thrift institutions to compete better
for funds when interest rates rise;
— Encouragement of more commercialbank participation in the residential-mort­
gage market, through changes in Federal
banking laws; and
— Presidential authority to alter the in­
vestment-tax credit within a specified range
(perhaps from zero to 15 percent), so as to
dampen business-spending demand during


inflationary periods and accelerate demand
during business slowdowns.
The Board of Governors underlined the
importance of a variable tax credit for busi­
ness investment, in view of the fact that the
business sector plays a particularly dominant
role in the credit competition which tends
to create shortages of housing funds during
tight-money periods. This proposal by it­
self might go a long way toward correcting
the conditions the VRM was designed to at­
tack. If the Board’s recommendations are
adopted as the consistent set of proposals
they were intended to be, more flexibility
would be introduced into credit markets, in
such a way as to moderate swings in the
flow of funds into the housing market.
The Board emphasized, however, that “the
most important single contribution that could
be made to stability of housing production
would be to obtain better control over the
forces of inflation.” This suggests the need
for a more balanced use of the instruments
of stabilization policy — especially, heavier
reliance on fiscal tools such as the investmenttax credit — so as to avoid sharp fluctuations
in interest rates and credit conditions. With
greater stability in general credit conditions,
both the supply of mortgage credit and the
rate of housing construction should become
more stable over time.
Dennis Roth and Verle Johnston

Publication Staff: Karen Rusk, Editorial Assistant; Janis Wilson, Artwork.
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