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Winter 1984

Reflections on Money
and In fla tion .................................................2
Current forecasts for inflation suggest that
recent high monetary growth rates will
not cause a resurgence of inflation. Econo­
mist William T. Gavin reviews the historical
connection between money and prices. The
upward inflationary trend common to all the
nominal variables was broken in 1981. Since
then, the monetary trend has continued to
rise while inflation has declined. Gavin
discusses the implications of this anomaly
for the inflation forecasts.
The Outlook for Inflation ....................... 7
The behavior of final product prices since
1980 has been consistent with price models
used by mainstream economists. Final
product prices fall, or at least grow more
slowly, during recessions and do not in­
crease significantly during the first year of
economic recovery. According to economists
K.J. Kowalewski and Michael E Bryan, cur­
rent estimates of economic activity and
capacity output suggest that these prices
should not grow significantly faster in 1984.
The inflation outlook for 1985 is less cer­
tain, however, because the future course of
monetary and fiscal policies and possible
errors in our measures of capacity output
are unknown.
Economic Review is published quarterly by the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Cleveland, P.O. Box 6387, Cleveland, OH 44101.
Telephone: 216/579-2000.
Editor: Pat Wren. Assistant editor: Meredith Holmes.
Design: Jamie Feldman. Typesetting: Lucy Balazek.
Opinions stated in Economic Review are those of
the authors and not necessarily those of the Fed­
eral Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Material may be reprinted provided that the source
is credited. Please send copies of reprinted materi­
als to the editor.
ISSN 0013-0281

Economist William T.
Gavin writes on
issues in monetary
theory and mone­
tary policy for the
Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland.

Reflections on Money
and Inflation
by William T. Gavin

1. See also Improv­
ing the Monetary
Aggregates, Staff
Papers, Board
of Governors of the
Federal Reserve
System, 1978.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Current economic forecasts indicate that
inflation will reach 4 percent to 5 percent in
1984. These forecasts have been made in an
environment of unprecedented acceleration in
the growth of the money supply. People who
are accustomed to thinking of inflation as
a monetary phenomenon will experience a
sense of deja vu. Throughout the 1960s
and 1970s, forecasters and policymakers
underpredicted the basic trend of the price
level. These predictions led to errors in both
the public and private sectors of the economy.
By now, these errors, and their consequences,
have been well documented. However, our
inflationary heritage should prompt us to
question recent forecasts of so little inflation
in the face of so much money supply growth.
The link from money to prices is char­
acterized by a long and variable lag. There are
many reasons for this variability. We do not
have empirical measures of either inflation or
money that correspond to the theoretical con­
cepts of inflation and money in economists’
models (see Alchian and Klein 1973).1 Since
the measures of money and inflation that
we use will approximate ideal measures only
on average over extended periods, we should
expect that the relationship between the two
will be a long and variable one. Additional
explanation for the long and variable lag
can be found in the literature of monetary
economics (see Friedman and Schwartz,
for example). What is most relevant in this
short note is that the “money-causes-prices”
hypothesis offers a simple, reliable, and
long-term perspective on inflation.
People who predict inflation with the
quantity theory of money do not necessarily
deny the sort of short-term price formation
process outlined by Kowalewski and Bryan in
this issue of the Economic Review. For some
purposes, understanding the process of short­
term price formation is quite useful. How­
ever, to use their framework for longer-term

inflation forecasts requires knowledge of
many variables and entails many risks. The
quantity theory approach is attractive, because
it requires fewer variables and because it per­
forms over broad sweeps of time.

The Money Connection

We begin by considering the past relation­
ship between money and prices. The average
annual inflation rate for the United States
since 1960 is shown in table 1, column 2.
Between 1960 and 1980, the rate of increase
in the GNP implicit price deflator has grown
rather steadily from 1.4 percent in 1960 to
9.7 percent in 1980. The low rates in 1971-72

probably reflect the Nixon adm inistration’s
wage and price controls. The high reported
inflation rates in 1973 through 1975 reflect
the relaxation of those controls and the tem­
porary increase accompanying the quadru­
pling of world oil prices.
To illustrate the connection between past
money growth and current inflation rates,
the average money supply growth over the
three previous years is shown in table 1,
column 3. As expected, there is no clear rela­
tionship between short-run changes in the
money supply and the price level. However,
the trends over time clearly correlate.
The annual percentage increase in wages
is shown in column 4. The trends in wages,

Table 1 Long-Run Trends in Prices, Money, and Interest Rates




supply growth,b Wage growth,
3 -year moving average annual
percent change


bond rate

Ex post
real interest

money growth,b
percent change




a. The inflation rate is measured as the average annual percent change in the GNP implicit price deflator.
b. Because historical data were not available at press time, the M-l data used in these calculations do not reflect revisions made in February 1984.
SOURCES: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; U.S. Department of Commerce; and Moody’s Investor Service.

Economic Review • Winter 1984

prices, and monetary growth all display
the same upward sweep between 1960 and
1980. Almost any price index for a broad
category of goods or services will display this
same trend. The final nominal price listed
in table 1 is the Aaa corporate bond rate.
Market interest rates also show this same
upward trend.
Interest rates are determined in markets
for loanable funds. As do other prices, inter­
est rates fluctuate with changes in supply
and demand. The market interest rate has
two components—a premium for expected
inflation and the real interest rate. The pre­
mium for expected inflation is the amount
that borrowers must pay lenders so that the
real value of the funds loaned is maintained
over the life of the contract. The real interest
rate is the market interest rate minus the
expected inflation premium. In the long run,
the real interest rate is independent of both
reported inflation and money supply growth.
From 1960 to 1980, there was no trend in
the real interest rate series (column 6), as
there was in the other series.
It has been the aim of monetary policy
for a number of years to reverse the infla­
tionary trend common to all of the variables
in columns 2 through 5 of the table. This
policy was presented as a way to reduce
money supply growth gradually until the
inflation trend was eliminated. The decline
in prices and wages since 1980 suggests that
the Federal Reserve has moved toward that
goal. The average annual increase in wages
fell quickly and evenly, about 1.8 percentage
points each year, from 10.2 percent in 1980
to 4.7 percent in 1983. There has been a
similarly large, but not as even, drop in the
inflation rate from 9.7 percent in 1980 to
4 percent in 1983. Most of that decline—over
4 percent—occurred in 1982. From column 3
of the table, it is apparent that the three-year

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

average growth of money did not slow by
much in 1981 and, in fact, increased in both
1982 and 1983. The actual yearly pattern was
much more volatile (column 7). M-l growth
peaked at 7.9 percent in 1978 and declined to
7.2 percent in 1979 and to 7.0 percent in 1980.
M-l growth declined further to 5.0 percent
in 1981, but in the next 2 years M-l growth
accelerated to 8.1 percent and 9.2 percent,
respectively. How could this pattern of money
growth be responsible for such a sharp decel­
eration in inflation? Did not the 1981-83
acceleration in money growth merely offset
the 1978-81 deceleration?

Putting Velocity in Perspective

The quantity theory of money implies that
trends in money growth can be used reliably
to predict inflation if a stable relationship
exists between money and GNP, or if changes
in the velocity of money are predictable
within a narrow range. If velocity were to
change over time simply as a function of time
itself, velocity could be predicted far into the
future and the Federal Reserve could set
targets for money far into the future as well.
However, if velocity is a function of many
factors that could change over time, it would
be imprudent to set money targets for many
years ahead and not adjust them if velocity
veered from its expected course.
The long-run trend in velocity depends
on the stage of development in the market
economy and on factors that determine the
costs and benefits of holding money. An
examination of M-l velocity from 1915 to the
present reveals three periods during which
velocity shows distinctly different trends (see
figure 1). During 1915-30 velocity growth
was approximately zero on average; during
1930-45 velocity declined considerably; and
during 1945-80 velocity grew steadily. Within
each of these periods, velocity growth was
reasonably predictable, but at the time of
transition from one of these historical periods
to the next, velocity growth was uncertain.

Currently, it is not clear whether M-l
velocity is establishing a new trend. When
velocity declined precipitously in the first
half of 1983, analysts contended that a new
trend was emerging; when velocity rebounded
strongly in the second half of 1983, analysts
held that the performance of the first half
was merely an aberration. To complicate
matters further, it is likely that revised data

for 1983 show only a moderate decline and
rebound in velocity.

Deregulation and Velocity

The unusual behavior of M-l and its velocity
since 1981 remains somewhat mysterious,
but it is most likely because of the transition
effects stemming from the Depository Insti­

Fig. 1 Velocity of Money: 1910-83

SOURCE: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. There is a break in the series in 1960, because the definition of money differed after 1960.

Economic Review • Winter 1984

tutions Deregulation and Monetary Control
Act of 1980. The implementation of this law
Alchian, Armen A., and Benjamin Klein. “On
changed many of the regulations governing
a Correct Measure of Inflation,” Journal
the payment of interest on bank deposits.
of Money, Credit, and Banking, vol. 5, no. 1
These regulations changed the opportunity
(part 1, February 1973), pp. 173-91.
cost of holding money balances and may have
caused a temporary surge in M-l, as people
Friedman, Milton, and Anna Jacobson
shifted savings balances into NOW (negotia­
Schwartz. A Monetary History of the
ble order of withdrawal) and Super-NOW
United States, 1867-1960, Princeton:
accounts (both included in M-l). The new
Princeton University Press, 1963.
regulations may also have resulted in a per­
Improving the Monetary Aggregates, Staff
manent shift in the amount of money that
Papers, Board of Governors of the Federal
people would be willing to hold, given the
Reserve System, 1978.
level of economic activity. The large growth
rates of M-l in 1982 and 1983 are consistent
with the notion that people shifted savings
balances into NOW and Super-NOW accounts.
The slowdown in the second half of 1983
could indicate an end to this transition.
Some people contend that, since enact­
ment of the Monetary Control Act, M-l has
become more like historical definitions of
M-2. If M-l grows 6 percent in 1984—the
midpoint of the 4 percent to 8 percent range
suggested by the Federal Reserve in Feb­
ruary 1984—then the three-year average
M-l growth would be approximately 8 per­
cent in 1984. Depending on how much M-l
has become like M-2, the inflation trend
would probably fall between 5 percent and
8 percent. This range is somewhat higher
than ones posted by forecasters who do not
rely heavily on money growth rates.
Unfortunately it is difficult to be confident
about the inflation outlook because of recent
erratic behavior in the velocity of money.
When errors in prediction of velocity become
unusually large, the simple quantity theory
approach becomes less reliable, and the basic
factors determining velocity itself must be
examined. Once this Pandora’s box is opened,
quantity-theory inflation forecasters might
appreciate the difficulties that confront infla­
tion forecasters who use a GNP-gap approach
(e.g., Kowalewski and Bryan). And they can
wish that velocity will soon become predicta­
ble again and remain so for a long time.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

The authors are
economists with the
Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland.
Sections of this
paper draw heavily
from unpublished
research of the
Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland.

The Outlook for
by K.J. Kowalewski and
Michael E Bryan

1. Gordon (1981)
argues that the law
of supply and demand
is incomplete, since
it ignores (1) the
speed at which
prices adjust to
imbalances between
supply and demand,
and (2) the identi­
fication of the agent
that changes prices.
2. Gordon, p. 517.
3. The multiplicity of
markets suggests
that, as a practical
matter, it would
be cumbersome and
expensive for firm s
selling non-auction
goods to adjust prices
continuously to
changes in demand
in all markets.

The past three years have witnessed a
dramatic decline in the rate of inflation in
the U.S. economy. Over the twelve months
ending in December 1983, consumer prices as
measured by the Consumer Price Index fell
to a 3.7 percent rate of growth, its slowest
pace in over a decade. Because this disinfla­
tion occurred as the U.S. economy suffered
three years of economic slack, we might
question whether a return to a period of pro­
longed economic growth would coincide with
a reacceleration of prices. Given the high
costs already incurred in bringing down
inflation to its current pace, the potential
for renewed price pressure is possibly a more
urgent issue now than ever before.
This article addresses the prospects for
returning to a higher inflationary track
during the current economic recovery. Sec­
tion I contains an overview of the past behav­
ior of prices and wages during periods of
recovery. Section II outlines a framework of
price and wage behavior. Section III examines
the prospects for recovery price behavior in
light of historical precedent, current eco­
nomic conditions, and both fiscal and mon­
etary policies.

I. The Past Is Prologue

One reasonable place to begin an analysis of
the recovery price outlook is to examine the
price indexes themselves and how prices and
wages have behaved in previous recoveries.
Taken at face value, the evidence of past
experience is encouraging for 1984. Three
major price indexes (the Consumer Price
Index, the Producer Price Index, and the im­
plicit GNP deflator) over the past six recover­
ies have decelerated on average between 1 per­
centage point and 3 percentage points in the
first year of recovery (see figure 1). These
price indexes continue to grow more slowly
than during the four quarters ending in the
trough quarter. In other words, inflation mea­
sures of common product markets have tended
to follow a nonincreasing path throughout

Economic Review • Winter 1984

the first two years of recovery. Compensation the recovery phase of the cycle. On average,
per hour and the prices for industrial raw
prices of spot industrial raw materials accel­
materials demonstrate far less restraint over erate concurrently with real economic growth,

Fig. 1 Prices, Wages, and Output in P ost-1953 Recoveries
Change in growth rates from trough3

----------- Industrial raw materials prices
----------- Real GNP
— ----- GNP implicit price deflator
-----------Producer price index
.............. Consumer price index
-----------GNP gap (actual level values)



Quarters from trough



a. Growth rates at trough are four-quarter growth rates ending in the trough quarter. Growth rates after trough are four-quarter growth rates ending four, eight,
and twelve quarters after trough.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

rising about 14 percentage points faster than
their trough rate of increase. Compensation
per hour in the nonfarm business sector also
accelerates on average during the first two
years of recovery, although at much slower
rates of increase than the prices of raw indus­
trial materials.
How do current price movements com­
pare with those of past recoveries? From the
early stages of processing through consumer
markets, product price advances have been
more moderate than in either of the recover­
ies of 1970 or 1975 (see figure 2). Consumer
prices rose 3.1 percent between the Novem­
ber 1982 business cycle trough and Decem­
ber 1983, compared with growth rates of
6.4 percent over a similar period in 1975 and
3.9 percent in 1971. About 40 percent of the
1975 price increases in excess of 1983 price
data is associated with the energy and food
components of the respective indexes. Yet,
even after adjusting for food and energy short­
ages, the 1983 price data strongly indicate a
more subdued and pervasive pace for con­
sumer market prices in the current recovery
than during either of the recovery periods
in the 1970s.
A look at earlier processing stages leads
to the same conclusion, as the pace of current
price advances remains below 1975 and 1971
recovery price patterns. For example, fin­
ished goods prices at the wholesale level are
currently 0.9 percent higher than at the
business cycle trough, whereas they rose
6.5 percent and 3.3 percent by this stage of
the 1975 and 1971 recovery periods, respec­
tively. At the intermediate stage of process­
ing, prices rose 1.9 percent since Novem­
ber 1982, compared with 4.4 percent in 1975
and in 1971. Crude materials prices show the
greatest moderation from past experience,
rising 4.6 percent from the November 1982
business cycle trough, compared with
11.9 percent 13 months following the 1975
trough and 6.2 percent 13 months following

Economic Review • Winter 1984

the 1970 trough. Moreover, because of an un­
precedented deceleration in wage advances,
recent movements in unit labor costs are also
below the two earlier periods (currently
I.3 percent, compared with 2.3 percent in
1975 and 2.0 percent in 1971).
Unlike the product and labor markets,
materials markets are showing price advan­
ces in excess of those in the past. Volatile
industrial materials prices rose 21.4 percent
over the past 13 recovery months, on a par
with the 1950 and 1960 recovery patterns
but well above the experiences in the
1970s (10.2 percent in 1975 and -1.8 per­
cent in 1971).
Average past experience shows that prod­
uct price inflation should not be expected to
increase during the first two years of recov­
ery. Since the 1983 experience was at least
qualitatively consistent with past experience,
we might conclude that product price infla­
tion in the second year of recovery, i.e., 1984,
would be, at least qualitatively, consistent
with past experience. Given the better than
average experience of 1983, one might expect
better than average price behavior in 1984.
It is one matter to describe how prices
and wages behave over short periods of time
(and longer), while it is yet another to explain
their behavior. History repeats itself only if
the factors that determined that history
recur. That is to say, the outlook for price
inflation in 1984 and beyond must be evalu­
ated with a model of price determination.

II. Rationalizing Price Behavior

Aggregate price and wage movements result
from the actions of millions of buyers and
sellers of goods and services, in product as
well as factor markets. Thus, an explanation
of aggregate behavior should be grounded
in theoretically sound microeconomic behav­
ior. While economists have devoted consider­
able effort, especially since the late 1960s,
to attempting to strengthen the linkages
between the microfoundations and aggregate
price behavior, they have met with limited

success. Such linkages are crucial because
Keynesian, Monetarist, New Classical—
the price models of every school of thought— have failed to explain price movements accu-

Fig. 2 Recovery Price Patterns in Select Markets




PPI—crude materials

PPI—finished goods

Raw industrial materials



PPI—intermediate goods



SOURCES: U.S. Departments of Labor and Commerce. Data plotted as cumulative percent changes from NBER reference cycle trough. CPI data for urban
wage earners and clerical workers. Unit labor costs plotted quarterly.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

rately. In this article we do not claim to have
found the missing link; we instead rationalize
aggregate prices and wage behavior with a
variety of arguments that seem to point us
in the appropriate direction.
The law of supply and demand helps
put later points in perspective. Consumers
demand goods and services that give them
satisfaction, or utility. The amount of any
good or service that a consumer demands
depends to a large extent on the price of the
good or service and the consumer’s income.
All else constant, the higher the price, the
lower the amount demanded. Firms supply
goods and services that yield profits. The
amount of any good or service that a firm is
willing to supply depends on the difference
between the selling price and the additional
cost of provision. Generally speaking, the
higher the selling price, the higher the unit
profit and the greater the amount supplied.
Transactions between the demanders and
suppliers determine the equilibrium selling
price and the equilibrium quantity of the
good or service sold. When the amount
demanded is greater (or less) than that sup­
plied, the price rises (or falls) until the two
quantities are balanced.
This simple paradigm omits many impor­
tant details; indeed, the mechanisms of the
law of supply and demand differ in different
markets.1 Generally, we can distinguish
between two kinds of markets in which
goods are sold—auction markets and cus­
tomer markets. A key distinguishing feature
of these markets is that prices are adjusted
more frequently in auction markets than
in customer markets.
In the archetypical auction market,
a supply of an item is announced for sale in
its market and is sold at whatever price
the market will bear. In reality, the precise
mechanics of price adjustment vary across
auction markets. In some markets, such as

Economic Review • Winter 1984

those for industrial raw materials or raw
agricultural commodities, market prices vary
literally from one minute to the next as new
information and new buyers and sellers enter
the market.
In customer markets, where most inter­
mediate and final output goods are sold,
suppliers announce and maintain prices
until they determine that prices must change
to achieve market equilibrium. Sometimes
suppliers determine very quickly that prices
must change, meaning that price adjustments
are sometimes frequent in these markets.
Often, however, price adjustments occur
slowly. Such prices are best described as sticky,
that is, established and maintained despite
market disequilibrium.
Why do some prices adjust very quickly to
imbalances between supply and demand,
while others do not? Gordon (1981), among
others, cites the “pervasive heterogeneity in
types and quality of products, and in the
location and timing of transactions.”2 Auction
goods are relatively homogeneous, or at least
easily distinguishable by quality; non-auction
goods typically have a number of close sub­
stitutes in terms of both quality and style.
Unlike auction markets, of which there are
very few for any one auction good, there
are thousands of markets across the United
States, and possibly the world, for non­
auction intermediate and final output goods.
This heterogeneity confers a temporary
monopoly advantage of price-setting to firms
selling non-auction goods.3 The existence of
many substitute goods sold by competitor
firms creates severe short-run information
problems for customers. To make rational
decisions, customers need to learn the price/
quality/style trade-offs available for every
good they buy, but the necessary comparison
shopping is costly. Customers will do only a
limited amount of shopping in the short run,
balancing the shopping costs against the
benefits of additional information. However,
incomplete searches allow firms to charge

4. Recall that
monopolists maxi­
mize their profits
by setting prices
and outputs, using
the condition that
marginal revenue
equals marginal cost.
5. Gordon also distin­
guishes between local,
or market-specific,
information and
aggregate, or econ­
omy-wide, informa­
tion, assuming that
firm s do not know
aggregate information
when pricing deci­
sions are made.
6. Customers have
the ability to mon­
itor supplier pricing
decisions by period­
ically comparison
shopping and by read­
ing advertisements.
7. Gordon, p. 516.
8. Okun (1981),
p. 81.
9. Azariadis (1975),
Baily (1974), and
Gordon (1974) show
that wage stickiness'
can resultfrom differ­
ent risk preferences
of employers and
of employees.


prices in the short run that are inconsistent
with long-run market equilibrium. Okun (1981)
argues that shopping costs represent a sur­
plus that can be split between the customer
and the seller. By entering into an implicit
contract with sellers, customers are willing
to pay somewhat higher prices for goods in
return for more certainty about the availabil­
ity and prices of the goods they wish to buy.
Such contracts help in building firm /cus­
tomer relationships.
This temporary monopoly advantage
cannot explain price stickiness, because it
says nothing about how monopolists change
prices in response to changes in marginal
revenue or marginal cost.4 Gordon (1981)
completes the argument by suggesting that
firms know their revenues but do not know
their current production costs with cer­
tainty.5 Because supplier firms influence
costs, changes in demand (revenues) may
say nothing about how costs are changing.
When firms experience demand shocks,
they respond by partially changing price
and partially changing quantity sold. The
better a firm is at identifying cost changes
in the short run, the more frequent will
be price changes.
Okun also proposes a production cost
explanation of price stickiness. He argues
that the implicit contract between custom­
ers and sellers includes a clause that only
permits price increases resulting from per­
manent cost increases and not from transi­
tory cost increases or from desires to boost
profit margins.6 According to Gordon (1981),
“Okun’s model shifts the locus of attention
from ‘price rigidity’ to ‘mark-up rigidity’ and
thus requires an auxiliary model of wage
stickiness to explain why costs are not com­
pletely responsive to demand changes.” /
Okun, among many others, first argues that
this temporary monopoly power, combined

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

with the costs of continually adjusting prices,
leads many firms to set prices by marking
up their unit production costs measured at
normal, or average, rates of production. The
markup is the firm ’s target profit margin,
calculated so that the price is competitive
with those set by other firms selling similar
goods, and the stockholders earn a competi­
tive return on their investments. Unit pro­
duction costs include raw materials, capital
depreciation, energy usage, taxes, and unit
labor costs, the latter typically being the
largest component for most finished goods.
Firms measure unit costs at normal rates of
production because of the expense involved
in monitoring actual daily production costs,
especially in large or complex manufacturing
plants and because unanticipated production
fluctuations average out over time. Indeed,
since unit costs usually rise as output falls,
markups over actual costs would generate
higher prices in periods of slack demand than
in periods of strong demand.
Okun theorizes that unit labor costs
are inflexible in the short run because of
implicit and explicit labor contracts between
firms and workers. He argues that, as in prod­
uct markets, the market for labor services
can be divided roughly into two types—one
for casual workers and one for career workers.
The casual labor market “attracts] workers
with short horizons and any others who are
not willing to make the sacrifice of taking
substandard novice pay to develop the long
attachm ent [to a particular firm], and also
workers who lack the skills to meet stringent
screening requirements.”8 Their wage rates
tend to be lower and more variable than those
for career workers, although there is likely to
be a floor to these wages provided by the min­
imum wage laws.
Career workers, however, constitute
the vast majority of the work force in the
United States. The career labor market is
much like the customer market for products
in that heterogeneity in labor services and
skills, and in jobs, creates information gaps

10. Fischer (1977),
Taylor (1979,1980),
and McCallum
(1982) also use
multi-period labor
contracts to ration­
alize sticky prices.
Also see Azariadis
and Stiglitz (1983)
for a review of im ­
plicit contract work.
Kahn (1983) argues
that increased use of
explicit long-term
contracts in the postWorld War II era
has magnified the
observed inertia or
stickiness in wages.
11. In recoveries
from recession,
compensation per
hour typically accel­
erates because the
re-employment of
higher wage workers
raises total compen­
sation faster than
total hours worked.
12. There are other
possible explana­
tions for price iner­
tia. For example,
Heal (1983) shows
that increasing
returns to scale in
production can lead
to “prices which are
stable, yet which do
not clear all mar­
kets." Blinder (1982)
suggests that inven­
tories act as buffers
against random
shocks to demand,
absorbing some
pressure to change
prices in the short
run. Phelps and
Taylor (1977)
assume that firm s
consider average
profitability and set
prices in advance of
the period in which
the goods are sold.

and adjustment costs. These imperfections,
in addition to firm-specific on-the-job train­
ing, give career workers temporary monopoly
power, which they use to negotiate fair rela­
tive and real wages. Career workers are con­
scious of the wages paid to their counterparts
employed at other firms and seek equal pay
for equal work. They perceive real wage ero­
sion during periods of inflation and attempt
to protect themselves by negotiating explicit
and automatic cost-of-living adjustments
(COLAs) or implicit COLAs that accord with
their expectations of the course of inflation
over the life of their wage contract. They are
also more sensitive to issues concerning job
security. Employers, on the other hand, seek
high-quality workmanship and loyalty to the
firm, especially during periods of tight labor
markets, to minimize the costs of training,
production below peak efficiency, and missed
deadlines. Relative and real wage standards
in career labor markets thus underlie the
bargain over performance and working con­
ditions set between employers and workers.
These standards are essentially set in
implicit or explicit labor contracts that usu­
ally extend over several years. Multi-year
contracts are often used because wage nego­
tiations are costly, although the length of a
contract may also depend on product market
conditions and the degree of uncertainty
about future economic activity.9 The impor­
tant implication of multi-year contracts is
that they impart a significant degree of iner­
tia to career wages; hence, a large share of
production costs is insensitive to the imbal­
ance between labor supply and demand in
the short run.10 Under these conditions, the
upward wage pressure from excess labor
demand is resisted by an increase in overtime
hours and employment of casual workers.
Should the excess demand continue for a
longer time period, real wages are increased
as firms attempt to prevent employees from


Economic Review • Winter 1984

migrating to competitors.11 Conversely,
downward wage pressure from excess labor
supply is met with a reduction in overtime
hours, the indefinite layoff of career workers,
and temporary layoffs of career workers.
Only persistent excess labor supply will lead
to significant wage concessions by the career
labor force. However, the amount and dura­
tion of slack in labor markets required to
obtain wage concessions may be quite large.
The relatively high total compensation rates
(wages and benefits) granted to career
workers in some very depressed industries
over the past three years clearly demonstrate
the insensitivity of wages to conditions of
excess supply.
In the short run, unit cost and markup
stickiness yield non-auction prices that
do not respond as quickly or as completely as
do auction prices to imbalances in demand.
Prices are announced and maintained in
the short run, transm itting the initial impact
of market forces to production rates and
inventory levels. It is important to realize
that this inertia does not continue in the long
run; non-auction prices eventually adjust.
Like auction markets, if the demand price in
the longer run does not cover at least the unit
production costs, the good will not be sup­
plied; if demand persistently exceeds supply,
prices will rise first with the ultimate price
response being determined by the long-run
supply response.12
The inertia of wages and prices is evi­
dent in figure 3. Shown here are growth
rates, measured over the previous four quar­
ters, of the GNP implicit price deflator and
compensation per hour in the nonfarm busi­
ness sector for the period 1955:IQ through

1983:IVQ.13 Recessions are associated with
declines in price and wage growth rates rather

than with general declines in price and wage
levels. Contrary to the auction market story

Fig. 3 Inflation, Wages, and GNP




Inflation rate


GNP gap



Note: Shaded areas indicate periods of recession as defined by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland



13. Four-quarter
growth rates are used
to average the tem­
porary random
disturbances that
affect wages and
prices, allowing the
underlying trends to
appear more clearly.
14. Some of the ob­
served price inertia
is probably purely
statistical. Forexample, Stigler and
Kindahl (1970)
argue that prices are
substantially more
flexible than they
appear in official
statistics. However,
the use of official
price statistics for
COLAs of labor con­
tracts and social
security payments
builds inertia into
production costs and,
in turn, prices.
15. This measure
was first proposed by
Okun (1963). The
measure of potential
output used in fig­
ures 1 and 2 derives
from Clark (1982).
Estimates of poten­
tial output depend on
estimates of the non­
accelerating infla­
tion rate of unem­
ployment (NAIRU).
The potential output
estimate used in
figures 1 and 2
assumes that the
NAIRU has risen
from 4.5 percent in
the early 1950s to
7 percent by 1976
and thereafter.
NO T E: footnotes 16
and 17 appear
on page 16.

of price adjustment, most prices and wage
levels do not fall in periods of excess supply;
instead, they only grow more slowly. Relative
prices and wages adjust in the context of dif­
ferences in growth rates.14
Recessions are not the only periods when
conditions of excess supply prevail. In fact,
recessions might also be defined as periods
when the economy is moving toward greater
amounts of excess supply. A crude summary
measure of the imbalance between demand
and supply in all markets in the economy
at any time is given by the GNP gap. The
GNPgap is the difference between aggregate
demand and potential output expressed as
a percentage of potential output; positive gaps
imply excess demand, and negative gaps
imply excess supply. Aggregate demand in
any quarter is represented by the actual
value of real GNP in that quarter. Potential
output is measured here as the maximum
value of real GNP that the economy could
produce consistent with no change in the
inflation rate.15
The relationship between the GNP gap
and change in price and wage inflation rates
is unmistakable; periods of excess demand
(1955-56, 1965-69, 1971-74, 1977-79) have
been associated with accelerating prices and
wages; periods of excess supply (1957-1964,
1970, 1975-76, 1980-83) have been associated
with decelerating prices and wages. The
same degree of excess demand or supply (that
is, the same value of the GNP gap) is associ­
ated with different wage and price inflation
rates. The point is again made: the inertia
component of wage and price growth, which
includes the COLA inflation expectations
component, is stronger in the short run than
the component that results from the imbal­
ance between aggregate demand and supply.16
However, the imbalance between supply
and demand becomes more important when a
longer time period is examined. The trend


Economic Review • Winter 1984

increase in wage and price inflation rates
since 1964 might be attributed to the prev­
alence of excess demand in 12 out of the
last 18 years. Arguably, if the opposite had
been true, the trends in price and wage infla­
tion probably would have been much lower.
In other words, short-run variations in nom­
inal GNP typically show larger real GNP
increases than inflation-rate variations;
short-run increases in output can be pur­
chased with little immediate price pressure.
However, once the GNP gap is closed, the
price component typically assumes a larger
share of a nominal GNP increase; in the long
run, there may be no trade-off between infla­
tion and real output above potential.17

III. The Inflation Outlook

The model outlined in the previous section
highlights wages and other production costs,
excess demand, productivity, and expecta­
tions of inflation as fundamental determi­
nants of prices. The outlook for inflation
depends on these factors. In addition, price
indexes such as the CPI can be affected
by temporary changes in relative prices;
these changes need to be considered as well.
The unpredictable behavior of supply
shocks makes it difficult to speculate about
the continuing moderation of these price
increases. Given the current state of the oil
markets, seemingly abundant world crop
production, and a persistently high foreign
exchange rate, there appears to be little
immediate concern for a serious supply
shock price increase. By their very nature,
supply shocks are generally unforeseen
events, and the possibility of another shock
in the near future cannot be discounted.

16. The issue of
asymmetric price
response is not yet
resolved. That is, it
is not clear whether
prices rise faster
in periods of excess
demand than they
fall in periods
of excess supply.
Kuran (1983) dem­
onstrates that the
prices of monopolistic
firm s facing a nonincreasing price
elasticity of demand
and nondecreasing
marginal costs can
be relatively more
rigid downward
than upward. He
also shows that
such firms raise their
prices to a greater
extent than they
lower them when they
expect equivalent
deflation. However,
there is little strong
empirical evidence
of this asymmetry.
17. This does not
mean that price and
wage inflation rates
do not rise and fall
temporarily over
short periods of
time. The quarterly
growth rates of wages
and prices exhibit
considerable varia­
bility. They do so
because of a variety
of temporary, ran­
dom, unpredictable
developments in
particular product
and labor markets;
but these are mostly
temporary movements
around a markedly
resilient inertia


The key to a noninflationary recovery,
not achieved in either the 1970-73 or 1975-79
periods, is a continuing moderation in unit
production costs. The future behavior of this
price determinant initially would be affected
by continuing success in maintaining wage
demands in line with price advances and
productivity, and over time by the rate of cap­
ital accumulation. The likelihood that these
two developments would improve from past
recoveries is highly uncertain.
Real business fixed investment (BFI) in
the 1981-82 recession declined at an annual
rate of 6.2 percent (peak to trough), about the
same rate of decline as in the 1969-70 reces­
sion (6.0 percent) and about one-half the rate
of decline in the 1973-75 recession (11.5 per­
cent). So far in this recovery, real BFI growth
exceeds that of the 1971 and 1975 periods
when investment growth did not develop mean­
ingful strength until well into the second
year of expansion. Key ingredients are cur­
rently in place to sustain an above-average
accumulation of business investment. Rates
of return on capital have improved since
1980, a trend that should continue as profits
rise. Given a normal cyclical expansion in
profit margins and capacity usage rates, the
expansion in corporate profits should con­
tinue in 1984.
Postwar recessions in the United States
typically have been associated with labor
cost slowdowns and, to a lesser extent, con­
cessionary union contracts. Some evident
differences in the 1981-82 recession have given
rise to speculation regarding a slow building
of wage pressures during this expansion. But
the current evidence does not conclusively
demonstrate that damaging inflationary ex­
pectations have been altered from an average
of past behavior.
Although forecasters generally expect
the national unemployment rate to remain
above 7 percent through the end of 1984, con­
tinued high rates of unemployment may not
be a major drag on wages as in previous recov­

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

eries (see table 1). The natural rate of unem­
ployment (also known as the NAIRU, or non­
accelerating inflation rate of unemployment)
may be higher than during past expansions
(about 7 percent). The differential between
expected unemployment and the NAIRU for
1984 is not significantly different from pre­
vious recoveries. Concession bargaining at
the level of 1981-82 is not likely to be as pro­
nounced in 1984—concessions are repeated
very rarely in subsequent contracts, and
affected unions quickly return to a policy of
pay maximization instead of employment
maximization. Nevertheless, the amount of
concession activity in the past two years was
relatively large, especially in terms of the
number and percent of workers influenced.
Thus, it would be reasonable to expect previ­
ous concessions to provide a temporary drag
on labor contracts. Likewise, the erosion of
pattern bargaining may promise some tempo­
rary relief. Inertia (affected by concessions)
and imitation (affected by pattern bargaining)
are two important forces that make wagesetting unresponsive to firm, industry, and
economic conditions. The cycle-related
changes in these two forces, however, prom­
ise only temporary (two or three extra
quarters) additional wage stability.
The 1981-82 recession was characterized
by a more dramatic decline in the pace of
wages than any postwar downturn except
that of 1953-54. Hourly earnings for private
nonfarm workers rose just 4.4 percent in
the 12 months ending in May 1983. Manu­
facturing compensation per hour increased
5.6 percent (annual rate) from 1982:IIIQ to
1983:IQ, well below the record pace of
13.8 percent in 1980 and the smallest increase
since 1972 (during the latter part of Nixon’s
wage-price controls). The recent labor cost
slowdown was also more widespread across
industrial, occupational, and union/nonunion
classifications than in any recession in recent
history. Finally, we have seen highly visible
and pattern-setting labor contracts incorpo­
rating concessions at a record rate, indicating
some reduction in contract inertia and less
contract imitation.

18. For an infor­
mative theoretical
discussion of shortrun and long-run
impacts of fiscal
and monetary
policies, see Tobin
and Buiter (1980).
19. The Economic
Outlook, Congres­
sional Budget Office,
February 1984.

decrease in net investment has little effect on
total productivity. Prudent economic policies
thus are necessary to achieve a disinfla­
tionary recovery.
The impact of a change to any one or
any subset of fiscal and/or monetary policies
can be examined over different horizons but
cannot be understood without knowing
what the remaining policy settings are and
what the GNP gap is before and after the
change is enacted.18 The existence of sticky
prices means that stimulative policies to
boost nominal output result in larger shortrun increases in real output than in prices.
The difference between the real output and
prices outcomes depends on how much slack
is in the economy. The greater the amount of
slack in the economy, the larger will be the
real outcome. Stimulative policies that do not
create excess demand also result in relatively
larger real outcomes, both in the short run
and in the long run.
Currently, fiscal policy is projected to
to aggregate demand over
Policy Expectations and
The latest Congressional
Future Inflation
Budget Office estimates show the federal
A necessary condition for a disinflationary
unified budget on a standardized 6 percent
recovery is the avoidance of both excess
unemployment rate basis averaging 2.4 per­
demand and the expectation that excess
cent of cyclically adjusted GNP in fiscal year
demand will occur. Federal government fiscal 1984, 3.3 percent in fiscal year 1985, and
and monetary policies are crucial determi­
3.8 percent in fiscal year 1986.19 Compared
nants of the balance between aggregate
with the actual 1982 value of 0.9 percent
supply and demand and, in turn, inflation
and an average value of 1.0 percent since the
and its expectations. Taxes, transfers, pur­
late 1950s, these figures suggest that, with­
chases of goods and services, loan guarantees, out budgetary changes, the stimulus to aggre­
and interest rates, for example, can affect
gate demand provided during the next three
aggregate demand by altering various relative years will be large for a recovery period.
prices, disposable incomes, costs of credit,
Many analysts worry that large federal
wealth positions, and tax incentives to save
budget deficits will crowd out private cap­
and spend. While such policies may also
ital investment and hence potential output
affect potential output by altering the attrac­ growth. Few analysts think that this crowd­
tiveness of saving and productive capital
ing out will be real in the sense that there
accumulation, the short-run impact is not
are too few resources to spread around. The
large because the incremental increase or
important issue, should Congress decide
not to cut back this fiscal stimulus, is the
financing of these deficits. The Treasury
always sells enough bills, notes, and bonds to
cover a deficit, but the fraction of these new
There have been expectations by market
analysts that the current recovery would be
associated with a longer period of wage sta­
bility before the next cyclical rise in wages
because of the psychological influence of
dramatic price index declines, continued high
unemployment rates, concession bargaining,
and the erosion of pattern bargaining. In a
survey of consumer attitudes by the Univer­
sity of Michigan, the mean expected price
increase during the 12 months following the
survey fell from 12.1 percent in January 1980
to 4.6 percent in June 1983—roughly the
same magnitude of the Consumer Price Index
plummet over the same period. But past ex­
perience clearly shows that inflationary ex­
pectations can accelerate with as much speed
as they decline. In fact, the mean expected
12-month inflation rate moved upward from
4.3 percent to 4.6 percent during the second
quarter, partial evidence that inflationary
expectations are already on the rise.

Economic Review • Winter 1984

issues that is held by the domestic private
sector depends on the fraction purchased by
foreign investors and the fraction purchased
by the Federal Reserve System (FRS).
The course of interest rates depends on
the state of the economy and on who pur­
chases this new debt, directly through flows
of funds and indirectly through expectations.
All else constant, relatively large purchases
by foreign investors or by the FRS will lower
real interest rates (nominal interest rates
minus their inflation premia) in the short
run. However, foreign capital is not a steady
long-term source of financing, and all else is

never constant. Inflation expectations and,
in turn, uncertainty about future policy
actions may change and raise real long-term
interest rates, crowding out some private cap­
ital formation and possibly slowing potential
output growth. Relatively large purchases by
the domestic private sector would raise short­
term interest rates but may raise or lower
long-term interest rates, depending on how
expectations and uncertainty are affected. To
lower the probability of excess demand and
a reacceleration of inflation, the private domes­
tic sector would have to absorb much of the
new debt.

Table 1 GNP Gap Revisions
Billions of 1972 dollars

Gap estim ates







estim ates
Gap estim ates
GNP value
(7% NAIRU)
(7% NAIRU)
(7% NAIRU) minus 1982 minus 1977 minus 1977 minus 1977 minus 1977



Economic Report of the President,






U.S. Government Printing Office, January 1977; and Peter K. Clark, “O k un ’s Law and Potential GNP,” Manuscript.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, October 1982.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Errors in Potential
Output Estimates
A remaining uncertainty is exactly how
much noninflationary excess capacity exists
in the economy today. Comparisons of past
and current GNP gap estimates show large
revisions, not only from inevitable revisions
in the historical GNP data but also from un­
foreseen shifts in the determinants of poten­
tial output. The economy thus may not be
where we perceive it to be.
Every potential output estimate is con­
structed using essentially two relationships,
one relating certain production inputs to total
output and the other relating these inputs to
excess demand pressures and hence inflation.
The first relationship is an aggregate produc­
tion function for the economy as a whole, and
the second relationship estimates the input
levels (employment levels, plant capacity)
associated with nonaccelerating inflation.
Data revisions and changes in the assumptions affect not only
the growth rate of potential output but also the gap between
potential and actual output. Examples of such revisions are
shown in the accompanying table. In the second column of the
table are estimates of the GNP gap, by the Council of Economic
Advisors (CEA) in 1976. The third column shows more recent
estimates, using essentially the same assumptions but revised
data. The difference between these two gap estimates (shown in
the eighth column) can be expressed as the sum of the revision
to potential output (sixth column) and the revision to the GNP
data (fifth column). The differences in the gap estimates before
1973 are not large, since the bulk of the revisions to the GNP
data had been made; it is curious that the latest potential output
estimates are smaller than the previous estimates between
1952 and 1958 and larger after 1958. After 1973, however, the
gap differences are relatively large because of the more recent
and large GNP revisions. In fact, the GNP data revisions ac­
count for much of the gap differences after 1973. Note that in
1975, at the trough of the 1973-75 recession, the GNP gap was
revised downward by $27.6 billion.
The gap differences are even greater when an increase in
the NAIRU is assumed. The CEA estimates assume an upward
trend in the NAIRU from 4.0 percent in 1955 to 5.1 percent in
1976. If, as some analysts believe, the NAIRU rose from 4.5 per­
cent in 1955 to 6.9 percent in 1976 and after, different GNP gap


Economic Review • Winter 1984

Both relationships are inferred with statis­
tical methods and historical time series data.
Even if we knew the true functional forms
of these relationships and the data were
never revised, there still would be unavoid­
able errors in our potential output estimates,
although the estimates would be correct
on average.
Since the early 1970s, however, we have
become less certain about the true functional
forms of the relationships. It appears to many
that the aggregate production function has
shifted downward unexpectedly, meaning
that less output is produced for given levels
of inputs. The main reason for this adverse
shift appears to be an unexplained decline in
productivity growth since 1973. To see this,
we can use the identity that (potential) out­
put growth equals the sum of the (potential)
growth rates of output per hour, average
hours worked per worker, and the size of the
labor force.

estimates (fourth column) are produced. Note the dramatic
differences: instead of a $98.6-billion gap as first estimated in
1976, for example, the most recent estimates with a higher
NAIRU show only an $18.9-billion gap. Note also that the dif­
ferent labor-market assumption accounts for the majority of the
differences in the gap estimates since 1952, and that the latest
potential output estimates are uniformly lower than the previ­
ous estimates. Figure 4 shows the changes in GNP and potential
GNP from 1970 to 1976.
These data can be used to estimate the possible error in the
current 1983 gap. In particular, we use the revisions of the
1974-76 period, because they are probably most similar to the
errors in our current figures. Expressed as a percentage of poten­
tial output, the changes in the gap figures without assuming
an increase in the NAIRU are 1.4 percent, 2.2 percent, and
1.8 percent for 1974 through 1976, respectively, averaging 1.8 per­
cent. Thus, our current 1983 gap estimate of -6.6 percent may
be about 2 percentage points too low. In the unlikely event that
the NAIRU is above 7 percent, the error in our current 1983 gap
figure may be close to 5.7 percent, implying that the true GNP
gap is only -0.9 percent in 1983. Given the inevitability of some
data revision, it may be prudent to use a 3 percentage-point
confidence interval around our current and projected nearterm gap figures until we are more certain of the underlying
trends determining potential output growth.

From 1962 to 1970, the trend, or potential
growth, in productivity stayed around 2.5 per­
cent per year, labor force growth was about
1.5 percent per year, and average hours worked
per worker fell about 0.25 percent per year;

potential output grew about 3.75 percent per
year. By 1970, the trend growth rates of both
labor force and productivity were thought to
be about 0.25 percentage points higher, and
potential output growth as high as 4.25 per-

Fig. 4 GNP and Potential GNP Revisions: 1970-76
Billions of 1972 dollars



Potential Q 1982 (5%)
Potential Q 1977 (5%)
Potential Q 1982 (7%)
-------Actual Q 1982
-------Actual Q 1977








Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland





20. See Gordon
(1982) and Eng­
lander and Los (1983).
Not all economists
agree that these trend
shifts were so severe;
see, for example,
Klein (1983).

cent per year. Because the stability of these
trends provided a remarkably useful and accu­
rate guide for judging the need for economic
policy actions to prevent excess demand or
supply, policy in the early 1970s was deter­
mined with these estimates in mind.
After 1970, unfortunately, it became ap­
parent that a shift in these trends may have
occurred. Potential labor force growth accel­
erated to about 2.5 percent per year as the
baby-boom generation came of (working) age
and the participation rate of women and teen­
agers rose; yet productivity growth fell to
about a 1.0 percent trend rate. These shifts
unexpectedly slowed potential output growth
to about 3.25 percent per year and raised the
NAIRU above 4.0 percent to over 5.0 percent
in the early 1970s and to 7 percent by 1976.20
Inevitable data revisions also confound
the estimation of potential output. Quarterly
GNP figures currently are revised at least
six times as additional source data become
available. These revisions affect measures of
output and capital stock levels, because the
revisions differ by component of GNP.
The capacity utilization rate and the labor
input measures used in some potential output
calculations also are revised periodically
as additional source data become available
and new estimation techniques are employed.
Thus, it is an inevitable and unavoidable
fact that we usually are not where we think
we are. This thinking affects all empirical
economic research as well as potential
output estimates.

the empirical evidence of the past 20 years
shows little precedent for maintaining price
restraints indefinitely.
This does not mean that moderate infla­
tion rates beyond 1984 are impossible. In
theory, we can have nonaccelerating infla­
tionary recoveries. Lower inflation expecta­
tions, faster productivity growth, and wage
demands in line with productivity giowth
can help put inflation on an unprecedented
downward trend. However, a necessary con­
dition for this to occur is the avoidance of
prolonged exposure to excess aggregate
demand, which is to say that economic pol­
icymakers must be cautious in their actions.
Fiscal actions of taxing and spending and
monetary actions of monetary base growth
taken today affect economic activity in future
years. Prudent actions now will avoid
squandering the progress we made on the
inflation front or pushing the economy into
recession, while helping to lower inflation
expectations and uncertainty about future
economic activity.


Azariadis, Costas. “Implicit contracts and
Underemployment Equilibria,” Journal of
Political Economy, vol. 83, no. 6 (Decem­
ber 1975), pp. 1183-1202.
______, and Joseph E. Stiglitz. “Implicit
Contracts and Fixed Price Equilibria,”
Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 98
(Supplement, 1983), pp. 1-22.
Baily, Martin Neil. “Wages and Employment
IV. Conclusion and Summary
under Uncertain Demand,” Review of Eco­
Can we have an economic recovery without
nomic Studies, vol. 41, no. 125 (Janu­
reaccelerating inflation? Casual evidence of
ary 1974), pp. 37-50.
past wage and price behavior suggests that
Alan S. “Inventories and Sticky
there is little cause for worry about an imme­ Blinder,
More on the Microfoundations of
diate acceleration of prices. Unfortunately,
Macroeconomics,” American Economic
Review, vol. 72, no. 3 (June 1982), pp. 334-48.
Clark, Peter K. “Okun’s Law and Potential
GNP,” Manuscript. Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System, October 1982.

Economic Review • Winter 1984

Congressional Budget Office. The Economic
Outlook, February 1984.
Englander, A. Stephen and Cornelis A. Los.
“Recovery without Accelerating Inflation?,”
Quarterly Review, Federal Reserve Bank of
New York, vol. 8, no. 2 (Summer 1983),
pp. 19-28.
Fischer, Stanley. “Long-Term Contracts,
Rational Expectations, and the Optimal
Money Supply Rule,” Journal of Political
Economy, vol. 85, no. 1 (February 1977),
pp. 191-205.
Gordon, Donald E “A Neo-Classical Theory of
Keynesian Unemployment,” Economic
Inquiry, vol. 12, no. 4 (December 1974),
pp. 431-459.
Gordon, Robert J. “Output Fluctuations and
Gradual Price Adjustment,” Journal of
Economic Literature, vol. 19, no. 2
(June 1981), pp. 493-530.
______ “Inflation, Flexible Exchange Rates,
and the Natural Rate of Unemployment,”
in Martin Neil Baily, Ed. Workers, Jobs, and
Inflation. Washington, DC: Brookings Insti­
tution, 1982.
Heal, Geoffrey. “Stable Disequilibrium Prices:
Macroeconomics and Increasing Returns I,”
Processed. Cowles Foundation Discussion
Paper No. 650, 1983.
Kahn, George A. “Wage Behavior in the
United States: 1907-80,” Economic Review,
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City,
vol. 68, no. 4 (April 1983), pp. 16-26.
Klein, L.R. “Identifying the Effects of Struc­
tural Change,” Paper for Symposium
on Industrial Change and Public Policy,
organized by Federal Reserve Bank of
Kansas City, at Jackson Hole, Wyoming,
August 1983.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Kuran, Timur. “Asymmetric Price Rigidity
and Inflationary Bias,” American Economic
Review, vol. 73, no. 3 (June 1983), pp. 373-82.
McCallum, Bennett T. “Macroeconomics after
a Decade of Rational Expectations: Some
Critical Issues,” Economic Review, Federal
Reserve Bank of Richmond, vol. 68, no. 6
(November-December 1982), pp. 3-12.
Okun, Arthur M. “Potential GNP: Its Mea­
surement and Significance,” Reprinted
from 1962 Proceedings of the Business and
Economics Statistics Section of the American
Statistical Association, Paper No. 190,
New Haven: Cowles Foundation for Re­
search in Economics at Yale University, 1963.
______Prices and Quantities: A Macroeco­
nomic Analysis, Washington, DC: Brookings
Institution, 1981.
Perry, George L. “Potential Output and Pro­
ductivity,” Brookings Papers on Economic
Activity, 1:1977, pp. 11-47.
Phelps, Edmund S., and John B. Taylor.
“Stabilizing Powers of Monetary Policy
under Rational Expectations,” Journal of
Political Economy, vol. 85, no. 1 (Feb­
ruary 1977), pp. 163-90.
Stigler, George J., and James K. Kindahl. The
Behavior of Industrial Prices, New York:
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1970.
Taylor, John B. “Staggered Wage Setting in a
Macro Model,” American Economic Review,
vol. 69, no. 2 (May 1979), pp. 108-13.
______ “Aggregate Dynamics and Staggered
Contracts,” Journal of Political Economy,
vol. 88, no. 1 (February 1980), pp. 1-23.
Tobin, James, and Willem Buiter. “Fiscal and
Monetary Policies, Capital Formation, and
Economic Activity,” in The Government
and Capital Formation. Ballinger Publish­
ing Company, 1980.

The Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland
publishes an infor­
mative research
periodical called
Economic Commen­
tary. Following are
the titles published
since January 1983.
If you are interested
in receiving this
publication, either
future or back issues,
please contact our
Public Information
Center, Federal Re­
serve Bank of Cleve­
land, P.O. Box 6387,
Cleveland, OH


Geographic Banking Markets
Paul R. Watro

Social Security: Issues and Options
Amy Kerka

The Japanese Postal Savings System:
A State-Run Financial Monster?
Laura A. Kuhn

Soil Conservation: Market Failure and
Program Performance
Paul Gary Wyckoff

Banking and Commerce:
To Mix or Not to Mix?
Thomas M. Buynak

Issues in the 1983 Auto-Sales Outlook
Michael E Bryan

Sources of Regional Growth Disparity:
The Case of Ohio’s Industries
Roger H. Hinderliter

Loan Quality of Bank Holding Companies
The International Debt Situation
Gary Whalen
Owen E Humpage
Economic Outlook for 1983
Commercial Bank Holdings of
Paulette Maclin and Joanne Bronish
Treasury Debt
Gary Whalen
Exchange Rates and U.S. Prices
Gerald H. Anderson and Owen E Humpage
Closely Watched Banks
Paul R. Watro
Velocity and Monetary Targets
William T. Gavin
Collective Bargaining and Disinflation
Mark S. Sniderman and Daniel A. Littman
The M ythology of Domestic Content
Michael E Bryan
Monetary Policy in the 1980s
Karen N. Horn
Economic Recovery and the
Fourth District
Banking without Interstate Barriers
Robert H. Schnorbus and Sandra Pianalto
Thomas M. Buynak, Gerald H. Anderson, and
James J. Balazsy, Jr.


Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Economic Trends

Economic Trends is published monthly by the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland. The periodical includes
charts, explanations of what is happening in
a particular series, and a current overview
of the economy.
Different series are featured in each
month’s Economic Trends, depending on cur­
rent economic events. Following is a list of
contents of the February 1984 Economic Trends:
The Economy in Perspective
Gross National Product and Components
Changes in Net Exports and GNP
The Fourth District Recovery
Industrial Production
Personal Income
Retail Sales
Auto Production and Sales
Capital Investment
Business Inventories and Sales
Labor Compensation
Labor Markets
Consumer Prices
Federal Budget
Federal Budget Outlays
Federal Budget Revenues
Credit Market Borrowing by
Nonfinancial Sectors
The M -l Aggregate
The M-2 Aggregate
Money Markets
Capital Markets
Velocity of Money
If you are interested in receiving this pub­
lication on a regular basis, please contact
our Public Information Center, Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, P.O. Box 6387,
Cleveland, OH 44101 (216/579-2000).

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
The last year for regularly published issues is 1972.
titles noted are as follows:
1973 - Bound Volume
January-February 1973

Economic Review
Irregular issues with article

The Effect of Federal Reserve Membership on
Earnings of Fourth District Banks, 1963-1970.
A Measure of Monetary Policy.

March-April 1973

A Reexamination of the "Full Employment" Goal,
Performance of Banks Acquired by Multi-Bank
Holding Companies in Ohio.

Fall 1976

The Foreign Exchange Market.
Characteristics of High Perfor­
mance Banks: 1969-1975.
The Future of Demand Deposits.

Economic Review/
Annual Report 1976

The Origins of Commercial Banking in the
Fourth Federal Reserve District.

Annual Report/
Economic Review *78

Income Growth and Industrial in the
Fourth District.

Winter 1979

Repurchase Agreements: Their Dramatic Growth,
The Teenage Labor Market: Its Distinctive

January 1980

Current Development in the Regulations of
International Banking.
The Local Labor-Market Response to a Plant

April 1980
July 1980

Economic Review:

Winter 1980-81

Spring 1981

Summer 1981

Winter 1981-82

1981-82 Index

U.S. Taxation of Foreign-Source
Corporate Income: A Survey of Issues
Unemployment Insurance: A Case for a
Private System
The Monetary Base, the Economy, and
Monetary Policy
Prices of O h i o ’
s Banks: The Multi­
bank Holding Company Experience
The High-Employment Budget: Recent
Changes and Persistent Shortcomings
The New Procedure
Mortgage Redlining:

Some New Evidence

A Basic Analysis of the New
Operational Policies of Multibank
Holding Companies

Spring 1982

Personal Bankruptcy: Theory and
The Case for Staggered-Reserve

Owen F . Humpage
Mark S . Sniderman
John B. Carlson
Paul R. Watro
Owen F. Humpage
E.J. Stevens
Robert B. Avery
and Thomas M. Buynak
Owen F. Humpage and
Gerald H. Anderson
Gary Whalen
K.J. Kowalewski
William T . Gavin