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Expansion And Modernization of The
Japanese Iron And Steel Industry. ..

. .2

Notes on Federal Reserve Publications.


Regional Construction Patterns..........


‘Japan’s Crude SteelProduction
M illions of Ingot Tons
3 5 ------------

M illions of Ingot To ns

Development Period


World War II
Postw ar Period




XvXvXvEx pansion >>>>>>£
a ad
Modernization Period-:


S o u r c e of d a t a : J a p a n Ir o n a n d S t e e l F e d e r a t io n

a p a n ’s

unparalleled postwar recovery has

J showncommerce, andprogress inA culture,

part of the industrial recovery was the devel­
opment of the Japanese iron and steel indus­
try. In 1962 Japan — representing 7.6 per­
cent of the world’s crude steel production —
was the fourth largest producer of crude
steel, surpassed only by the United States,
U.S.S.R., and West Germany.
The iron and steel industry has made a sig­
nificant contribution to Japan’s economic
development and prosperity. The development
of the industry has been a salient factor in
enabling Japan to become a leading nation in
the world and the most industrialized coun­
try in Asia. The industry has been successful
not only in fulfilling domestic demands for
steel, but it has also become one of the lead­
ing exporters of steel products, competing
vigorously with the United States.
As illustrated by the chart on the cover,
the Japanese iron and steel industry devel­
oped slowly during the 1920 decade. The
1930’s were marked by increasing govern­
ment ownership and control of the industry
and by more rapid development in produc­
tion, mainly to meet increasing military de­
mands for iron and steel products.
Although there were a number of small
concerns in the industry during the period
from 1937 to 1941, output was concentrated
in Nippon Seitetsu, a state owned and oper­
ated company.(1) Government control of the
industry, in regard to raw materials, produc­
tion, distribution, price, and subsidies, was
extensive. As steel producing facilities were

expanded, the prewar Japanese iron and steel
industry depended upon obtaining pig iron
from China and Manchuria, and semifinished
steel products from Korea and Manchuria.
Because Japan is poorly endowed with natu­
ral resources, the industry was required to
import vast quantities of raw materials:
namely, coking coal from China and Man­
churia; iron ore from Korea, China, Malaya,
the Philippines and India, and scrap from
the United States.
Through the war years from 1941 to 1945,
government control continued and the gov­
ernment spent freely in all fields in which it
wished to encourage production. Under these
conditions, the industry achieved a peak war­
time production level of 8.4 million tons of
crude steel in 1943. The basic wartime weak­
ness of the industry was its great dependence
upon imported raw materials. With the
Allied blockade of Japan late in the war,
vessels that transported raw materials for
the industry were destroyed at a drastic rate.
The import of raw materials dwindled, stock­
piles vanished, and with extensive physical
plant damage, production continued to fall
until 1945 when the industry reached a state
of collapse.
After World War II, the shortage of do­
mestic coal and the dearth of coking coal,
iron ore, and other essential raw materials
kept output at a low level. Imports of raw
materials were narrowly limited by the short­
( i ) In accordance w ith the Japan Iro n and Steel M anufac­
turing Company Law, N ippon Seitetsu (Japan Iron and
Steel M anu factu ring C om pany) was form ed by the merger
o f governm ent-operated steel plants w ith m ajor n on govern­
m ent-operated enterprises. A t the time o f its form ation in
1934, N ippon Seitetsu produced 96 percent o f the entire
pig iron output, m ore than half o f crude steel output, and
over two-fifths o f the finished steel in Japan.

age of foreign exchange and by the policy of
the occupation authorities, who at first con­
templated permanent restrictions over the
future size of the industry. Thus, in 1946
production was at a low level with an annual
output of 0.6 million tons of crude steel.
The industry, affected by the confusion in
Japan’s postwar economic community, faced
a major recovery problem before it would be
able to meet domestic needs for steel. The
problem involved finding new sources of ma­
terial supply and coping with obsolescence,
deconcentration, and loss of subsidies.
The industry could no longer obtain pig
iron from China and Manchuria and semi­
finished steel products from Korea and Man­
churia. Coking coal was not obtainable from
China and Manchuria. Korea and China were
no longer a source of iron ore supply. Conse­
quently, firms in the industry had to find new
sources of material supply. The establishment
of new sources of materials not only raised
the cost of raw materials because of an in­
crease in transportation distance, but also
made the cost unstable since it was sensitive
to fluctuations in freight rates. The result was
a higher cost of Japanese iron and steel
Another reason for the high cost of Japa­
nese iron and steel products was obsolescence.
Although obsolescence was present in blast
furnace equipment, open-hearth melting fa­
cilities, and electric furnace equipment, it
was most serious in the rolling mill sector of
the industry. The obsolescence had been
caused mainly by the World War II focus on
armaments and on machinery other than
steel-making equipment; replacement was
deferred during the postwar period because
of the scarcity of capital funds.
As stated earlier, before and during World
War II, output was very highly concentrated
in the government-owned Nippon Seitetsu.
To overcome excessive concentration in the
industry, an anti-monopoly program was
decided upon by occupational authorities in
December 1947, with the passage of a farreaching measure: the Law of the Elimina­

tion of Excessive Concentration of Economic
Power. In compliance with this law, the re­
organization of Nippon Seitetsu into two
privately-owned steel companies introduced
additional competition into the industry. To
be competitive, individual firms were com­
pelled to undertake programs to increase the
efficiency of their steel-making operations.
In the governmental vacuum existing im­
mediately after the war, huge amounts of
military funds were disbursed.(2) With the
output of commodities sharply curtailed, the
disbursements caused an unprecedented and
sudden expansion of the money supply that
released a full-scale inflationary spiral.
To cope with soaring prices, the Supreme
Commander for Allied Powers introduced a
program of fiscal and monetary reform in
February 1949.(3) When the economic stabil­
ization plan was put into effect with the ter­
mination of all government subsidies, the
industry was extremely apprehensive as to
whether it could really become self-support­
ing. Its leaders were worried about their
future operations because the disparity be­
tween international and domestic prices be­
came more conspicuous than ever.
With the outbreak of the Korean War in
June 1950, international prices of iron and
steel were raised and the industry was able
to export some of its products, enabling firms
to pursue small-scale rehabilitation programs.
The high cost of iron and steel products
caused by new sources of material supply
and obsolescence, additional competition due
to the deconcentration of Nippon Seitetsu,
and the elimination of government subsidies,
pointed in only one direction: modernization
of the industry.
In 1951 the industry commenced to over­
come its difficulties and expanded output
through modernization. For the first five
years, the primary object was to modernize
obsolete rolling mill equipment, with empha(2) M ilitary fun ds were paid principally as indemnities to
w a r industries and as discharge allowances and m ilitary
pensions, often fo r years in advance.
(3) The Supreme Comm ander fo r Allied P ow ers, w ho con ­
trolled Japan follow ing W orld W a r I I , was an international
agent designated by the U nited States.


Chart 1.
The increase in Japan's crude steel pro*
duction w as slightly less than the increase
in gross national product from 1951 to
1958. In the last four years, steel produc­
tion increased faster than gross national
INDEX 1951=100

Source o f da ta : Japan Iron and Steel Federation,
and the B ank o f Japan

sis on sheet mills. In the following years, in­
tegrated steel plants were built and the con­
struction of blast furnaces and converters
was stressed to expand the industry.
The growth achieved by the industry under
expansion and modernization was outstand­
ing. Output increased more than threefold
from 1951 to 1962. In 1961 six leading firms
of the industry and a large number of small
firms (approximately five hundred) produced
an all-time high of 31.2 million tons of crude
As shown in Chart 1, the increase in steel
production was slightly less than the increase
in gross national product from 1951 to 1958.
(*) The six leading firms o f the industry accounted fo r 92
percent o f total p ig iron production, 68 percent o f total
crude steel production and approxim ately two-thirds o f ordi­
nary rolled steel products.


However, steel production increased faster
than gross national product from 1958 to
1962 because of the rapid expansion and
modernization of the industry. The growing
steel industry suffered from three recessions
that account for the irregular nature of its
growth. In 1954 the industry experienced a
slackening of production. More severe reces­
sions brought sharp decreases in steel produc­
tion in 1958 and 1962. In all three circum­
stances, the recessions were caused by a
rapidly expanding Japanese economy. As a
result there was a sharp rise in imports,
which caused a balance of payments deficit.
To correct the deficit, the Bank of Japan,
Japan’s central bank, pursued a restrictive
monetary policy that contributed to a reduc­
tion in inventory and fixed investment:
accordingly, the demand for steel decreased.
Once the balance of payments difficulty was
corrected, Japan’s economy, including the
iron and steel industry, expanded further.
To aid understanding of the expansion and
modernization of Japan’s steel industry from
1951 to 1962, the following pages examine
some of the reasons for the phenomenal
growth of the industry, focusing on the ex­
panding use of steel products, raw material
supply, labor relations, technology, and be­
havior of costs and prices.

The growth of the Japanese iron and steel
industry rested on the expanding use of steel
products that was evident in the annual in­
crease in steel consumption, as illustrated in
Chart 2. Japan’s increased consumer purchas­
ing power was reflected in per capita steel
consumption (measured in crude steel equiva­
lent) that increased from 138 pounds in
1951 to 600.2 pounds in 1961. The decline in
per capita steel consumption in 1962 to 525.9
pounds was caused by a decrease in general
business activity and steel production. In
1960 Japan’s steel consumption of 460 pounds
per capita was considerably lower than the per
capita consumption in the United States (1105
pounds), West Germany (1232 pounds), or

Great Britain (988 pounds); however, it was
ten times that of countries in Southeast Asia.

Chart 2.

Basically, there are four reasons for the
expanding use of steel products. First, steel
found its way into all phases of daily life as
a result of changes in the nation’s mode of
living. In urban areas new buildings went up
at a rapid pace and the construction industry
enjoyed a booming business. In suburban
areas new apartment buildings and an in­
creasing number of steel-frame or reinforced
concrete single dwellings replaced wood struc­
tures. The most notable change in the na­
tion ’s mode of living was the extensive **elec­
trification’ ’ of Japanese homes. Electric rice
cookers, refrigerators, television sets, air con­
ditioners, and other electrical appliances
became household necessities. Steel furniture
became commonplace in offices and found its
way into homes by virtue of its durability
and improved design. The growing number
of privately-owned automobiles, as well as the
thousands of other new vehicles that appeared
on Japan’s steadily improving roads, reflected
the rising standard of living.


Second, use of steel increased because of
the needs of the manufacturing industries
who were catching up to the most advanced
countries in the world. New industries in the
engineering and chemical fields, emphasizing
heavier industrialization — e.g., electronics,
electrical household appliances, business ma­
chines, and petro-chemicals — stimulated the
use of steel products. Japan’s growing indus­
trial structure, impelled by technical improve­
ments, required steel for the production of
steel products, additional equipment, and re­
placement of obsolete and inefficient equip­
Third, demands for steel also resulted from
the expansion and improvement of public
utilities, such as communications, harbor
facilities, power and water supplies, and rail­
way and highway networks.
Last, the export of iron and steel products
increased as the industry served Japan’s ex­
port drive. When the Korean War began in
1950, iron and steel exports increased to over








* Measured in crude steel equivalent
S ource o f data: Japan Iron and Steel Federation,
and the B an k o f Japan

0.6 million tons as a result of the use of steel
for military application, followed by 1.1 mil­
lion tons in 1951 and 1.8 million tons in 1952.
Since then exports have been characterized
by heavy fluctuations from year to year, tend­
ing to contract when the domestic use of steel
products was brisk. As evidenced by Chart 3,
iron and steel exports, which were 4.4 million
tons in 1962, showed a large overall increase
from 1951 to 1962. However, over the 12-year
span, the ratio of iron and steel exports to
total production decreased, as is also shown
in Chart 3.(5) The decline indicates that a
larger proportion of the industry’s growth
was absorbed by greater domestic use of iron
and steel products.

Another of the principal reasons for the
success of the industry’s expansion and mod­
es) M easured in crude steel equivalent.

Chart 3.
Japan's iron and steel exports have been
characterized by heavy fluctuations from
year to year, tending to contract when
the domestic use of steel w as brisk. From
1951 to 1962, exports showed an overall
increase; however, the ratio of exports
to total production decreased.
M illio n s of tons

and the United Nations

ernization is the development of raw material
supply — namely, coking coal, iron ore, and
Japan’s paucity of raw materials, a con­
tinuing handicap, compels the industry to de­
pend on the import of raw materials: imports
amount to 40-50 percent of coking coal, 90-95
percent of iron ore, and 20-35 percent of
To overcome the disadvantage of imported
raw materials and to reduce their cost, the
development of the three essential raw mate­
rials was directed mainly toward source de­
pendability, high quality, cost reduction, and
cost stability.
Coal is one of the chief weaknesses in
Japan’s industrial structure. The nation has

a considerable quantity of coal reserves; how­
ever, the supply of high-grade coking coal,
which represents 20 percent of total Japanese
coal production, is not sufficient to fulfill the
requirements of the industry.
Coking coal from the United States is the
main source of foreign supply, primarily be­
cause of its excellent quality. The amount of
coking coal furnished by the United States
was 69 percent of total imported coking coal
in 1951, 93 percent in 1954, and 89 percent in
1955. Since there was every reason to expect
a large increase in future steel production,
the industry was interested in securing less
distant quality sources. Extensive world-wide
exploration resulted in the opening of efficient
coal mines in Australia. In 1962 Australia ac­
counted for 27 percent of Japan’s total im­
ported coking coal, whereas the quantity im­
ported from the United States was 57 percent
of the total, a sharp decline from 1955.(6) The
development of Australia as a new source of
high-grade coking coal reduced the trans­
portation distance of imported coking coal
that, in turn, lowered the cost per ton. Fur­
thermore, the efficiency of the coal-coke proc­
ess and the sale of various by-products also
played a role in the reduction of the cost of
coking coal.
Achievements in obtaining iron ore were
also prominent in the modernization process.
Indigenous iron ore resources are so limited
in Japan that annual production from 1951
to 1962 was relatively stable at 1.2 million
tons per year, and in 1962 domestic produc­
tion accounted for only 5 percent of total
iron ore requirements. Consequently, the
industry had to depend on iron ore imports.
The heavy reliance upon imported iron ore
stimulated the industry to develop depend­
able and high-quality sources at the lowest
possible cost. In cooperation with mining and
trading firms in Japan, the industry extended
loans and gave technical assistance to appro­
priate countries throughout the world for the
development of iron ore sources. In addition,
(6) A lthough the fraction of im ported cokin g coal from the
United States in relation to total im ported coking coal was
declining from 1955 to 1962, the absolute quantity showed
a substantial increase with the expansion o f the industry.

some investm ents in
mining projects were
undertaken to achieve a
stable and long - range
supply. The Japanese
government also offered
financial assistance to
underdeveloped coun­
tries with iron ore re­
serves to expand fur­
ther the in d u s tr y ’s

Chart 4
M illio n of tois

As shown in Chart 4,
the supply of iron ore—
including domestic pro­
duction and imports by
country or area — in­
creased more than four­
fold from 1951 to 1962.
In 1962 Malaya was the
largest su p p lier, fol­
lowed by South America
(Chile, Peru, and Bra­
zil), N orth A m erica
(United States and Can­
ada), Goa, and India, in
that order. The eight
countries accounted for
83 percent of Japan’s
total iron ore require­
As the industry grew,
the procurement of for­
eign iron ore involved
an increase in trans­
portation distance. Iron
ore mines in Malaya
and the P h ilip p in e s
Source of d a ta : Ja p a n Iron and Steel Federation
were unable to satisfy
all of the new demands
and the industry had to
The last principal raw material to consider
obtain iron ore from more distant sources
is scrap. Generally speaking, an industralized
such as India, Goa, and South America. Thus,
nation should be able to supply most scrap
the increased transportation distance for iron
needs from its own market. However, since
ore tended to raise its cost. Transportation
Japan grew rapidly and many of its steel
costs, however, were reduced substantially
with the construction of large carriers built
products were just developing or were ex­
specifically for ocean transportation of iron
ported, domestic supplies of scrap were in­
sufficient. To overcome domestic deficiencies,


scrap was imported mainly from the United
States, as was the case before World War II.

though it was still obliged to depend on im­
ported materials.

Among the raw materials for steel, scrap
was relatively more costly in Japan than in
other countries. The price of scrap was ex­
tremely sensitive to market fluctuations; the
abrupt rise and fall in scrap prices con­
tributed to the instability in the price of
steel products.

The installation of new and larger blast
furnaces for the production of pig iron in
Japan was designed to meet the increasing
use of steel. As efforts were made to modern­
ize blast furnace techniques, steel plants in
Japan made a special effort to control the
size of iron ore for furnace charging. Im­
provements in blast furnace porosity played
an appreciable part in reducing the coke ratio
(defined as the amount of coke required to
produce a ton of pig iron) to the lowest level
in the world.

To act as a buffer against excessive com­
petition among steel producers in the pur­
chase of scrap, cartels were formed to pur­
chase domestic and foreign scrap. Since the
cartels controlled approximately 80 percent
of scrap consumption in Japan, domestic and
import scrap prices tended to be stabilized by
the cartel organization.
One bottleneck in the industry was the
handling of the large volume of incoming
foreign raw materials. To surmount the diffi­
culty and to accommodate large ore carriers
and other vessels, the industry made invest­
ments in anchorage and large-scale unloading
facilities. The fact that most of the new plants
were located at tidewater on land reclaimed
from the ocean, with facilities to receive large
carriers, was important in eliminating the

While the Japanese iron and steel industry
had a serious raw material problem during
its expansion and modernization from 1951 to
1962, it was not confronted with a correspond­
ing labor problem. The advancement of the
industry was, in part, the product of close
cooperation between employers and workers.

Because of various qualities of iron ore
imported from many sources, the proper
blending of iron ore became a major consider­
ation. The proper blending of different kinds
of iron ore by the industry helped in the suc­
cessful operation of blast furnaces and pro­
duced pig iron of the homogeneous quality
necessary for efficient open-hearth operations.
The development of open-hearth furnaces
for the production of steel was always directed
towards enlargement. Although combustion
systems were improved and automatic con­
trols were adopted, the main feature in the
technical development of open-hearth steelmaking was the high utilization of oxygen.
Of the 130 open-hearth furnaces in operation
in 1960, over 90 percent used oxygen.

Labor agreements were concluded between
the management and the labor union of indi­
vidual companies. There was no industry-wide

In addition to increased blast furnace and
steel-melting facilities, expansion and modern­
ization of the industry were directed toward
installation of additional rolling mill and
auxiliary equipment. Blooming mills, plate
mills, slabbing mills, bar and merchant mills,
and other mills were modernized. Soaking
pits, reheating furnaces, continuous pickle
lines, flying shear lines, and other auxiliaries
were thoroughly renewed.

Another reason for the prosperity of
Japan’s steel industry was the development
of a technology that helped the industry to
overcome its geographical disadvantages, al­

An automatic control system, using a card
programming process, was adapted in the
operation of slabbing and hot strip mills,
while the final automatic gauging of a hot
coil of steel was generally done by the use of
X-rays or radioactive isotopes. The automatic

card programming ensured measurement uni­
formity, minimized the loss of time between
rolling cycles, and assured an optimum oper­
ational schedule, besides reducing the num­
ber of operators.
With the installation of new equipment,
marked advances in operating efficiencies,
yield rates, and cost reductions were notable.
Japan was no longer inferior to Western
countries in steel-producing equipment.
The industry expanded through the acquisi­
tion of experience and technique from ad­
vanced countries in the world. Company
executives, labor leaders, and technicians
visited the United States and other countries
and brought back technical and professional
knowledge. Also, experts were brought to
Japan, usually from the United States, to
provide on-the-spot consultation and advice to
Japanese leaders. Both ways of accumulating
knowledge had a bearing on the technical
progress of the industry, and it should be
recorded as an epoch-making event in the
history of cultural interchange.
The fast-growing technical innovations in
the years of modernization led the industry
to recognize the importance of basic research
aimed at developing new techniques and
products, in addition to research conducted
along the line of improvements.

Expansion and modernization activities, as
disclosed in the preceding accounts of raw
material supply, labor relations, and tech­
nology, come to focus in their impact on
cost and prices.
Through modernization, the industry was
successful in reducing the cost of raw mate­
rials, but materials still remained the largest
element in the cost structure. Generally, as
employee compensation increased, absolute
labor costs were relatively constant, although
some larger firms actually experienced a de­
Manufacturing costs, including material
and labor costs, together with repairs, motive

power, and other miscellaneous costs showed
a reduction with modernization of the indus­
try. Productivity played a prominent role in
lowering manufacturing costs, although mate­
rial and labor costs were important. Produc­
tivity, expressed in the usual sense of output
per man-hour, more than doubled during the
expansion and modernization of the industry
after 1951. Of course, no inference is possible
as to the source of the improvement, whether
in labor itself, raw materials, technology, or
better management.
The main upward pressure on prices, if
any, must have come from elements outside
of manufacturing costs. The other elements
include cost of capital funds, depreciation,
taxes, and profit; all merit a brief investi­
The cost of capital funds—i.e., total inter­
est and discount paid, amortization of bond
discount, and issue cost of securities— for the
industry was high during expansion and mod­
ernization. Despite wide fluctuations in the
cost of capital funds, it can be assumed that
the overall increase for the industry from
1952 to 1960, as a percent of net sales and
in absolute terms (dollars per ton), was not
appreciable. The cost of capital funds showed
no large increase because the rapid rise in
investment compared with production (which
tended to increase the cost of capital funds)
was compensated for by declining interest
To aid expansion and modernization, the
industry was given a liberal depreciation
arrangement that involved: (1) asset revalua­
tion, (2) ordinary depreciation, and (3)
special depreciation. To cope with the mone­
tary inflation following the termination of
World War II and to enable corporations to
effect reasonable depreciation, the govern­
ment enacted a law permitting asset revalua­
tion in 1950.(7)
( 7) The revaluation was to be voluntary and a 6 percent
tax was to be levied on the write-up. In 1954, to cover the
depreciation o f the currency value, the governm ent made re­
valuation com pulsory fo r larger corporations and reduced
the revaluation tax to 3 percent on a portion o f the revalu­
ation write-up. A s an example o f revaluation, one large steel
com pany revalued its assets in 1950, 1952, and 1954.


Ordinary depreciation of assets was stipu­
lated in the general tax law according to their
useful life.< ) In addition to ordinary depre­
ciation, special depreciation was authorized
by the provision of a law enacted in 1952,
expediting enterprise modernization. The
purpose of special depreciation was to pro­
mote an early recovery of the invested capital
funds by increasing the rate of depreciation,
thereby encouraging replacement and mod­
ernization of equipment. Under this deprecia­
tion system, 50 percent of the acquisition cost
of new equipment authorized by the govern­
ment was depreciated in the first year or
within the first five years of its use, and the
remaining 50 percent was depreciated at the
ordinary depreciation rate.(9)
Ordinary and special depreciation expenses
for the industry increased substantially be­
cause of the liberal depreciation arrangement.
Also, although the ratio of special deprecia­
tion to total depreciation expenses fluctuated
widely, it showed an overall increase with ex­
pansion and modernization, indicating the
fast rate of investment and the rapid recovery
of invested funds.

Japanese iron and steel industry was not
given any special tax consideration.
Profit, as the last main element in sales
revenue outside of manufacturing costs,
varied widely from 1951 to 1962. As modern­
ization progressed, however, the earning
power of the industry increased and in 1960,
after ten years of expansion, the industry’s
profit position was slightly above the average
for all Japanese industry.
When the control of steel prices and sub­
sidies was discontinued by the government in
1950, the principle of “ cost plus reasonable
profit” became the main consideration in
establishing the basic price of steel—a price
set by leading steel companies. The policy of
leading firms was to keep the basic price as
stable as possible. With economic fluctuations,
however, price leadership was ineffective.
Smaller companies did not follow the leader­
ship of large producers, and for the most
part steel products sold according to market

As of September, 1960, a tax of 55 percent
per annum has been levied on profits.(10) In
addition to the profit tax, there was a fixedasset tax levied on the land, buildings, and
machinery of an enterprise and a host of
other taxes. With such a tax structure, the

Market prices of steel products fluctuated
widely. One reason for the price instability of
steel products was the wide fluctuation of
scrap prices. Also, small producers were
financially unstable. As a result, they would
raise their prices sharply during a period of
prosperity, but in a recession the small pro­
ducers would rush to liquidate inventory at
any price, causing speculative buying among
their customers. In addition to these diffiiculties, some steel wholesalers in Japan oper­
ated with relatively small capital and there­
fore had a limited ability to maintain their
inventories. Thus, it was difficult for them to
act as a buffer between supply and demand.
Strong competition among wholesalers added
to price instability, further weakening their
financial position.

( 8) Japan M inistry o f Finance, Tax B ureau, Outline o f Jap­
anese Tax, 1961, (T okyo, Decem ber 15, 1 9 6 1 ), pp. 69-71.
(9) A s a result o f a revised tax law effective A pril, 1961,
special depreciation was reduced to one-third o f the acquisi­
tion cost.
( 10 ) The follow ing taxes w ere levied on the profits of an
enterp rise:
C orporation ta x — 38 percent per annum on profit.
L ocal taxes — Supplem entary taxes include a prefectural
tax equal to 5.4 percent o f the corporation tax, a district tax
equal to 8.1 percent o f the corporation tax, and an enter­
prise tax o f 12 percent on profit.

Price disruption became pronounced in
1956 and 1957, as the Japanese economy overexpanded. See Chart 5. To cheek the over­
expansion and to combat a deterioration in
the international balance of payments, the
government instituted a tight-money policy.
Large inventories of speculative wholesalers

Taxes levied on the industry were numer­
ous, but not all types were included. There
was no commodity tax, no tax on turnover,
or on production. No excess profits tax was
levied and capital gains were included in
regular income and taxed at the normal rate.
Royalties and interest received were included
in taxable income, but dividends received
were excluded.


and customers caused steel prices to drop
sharply. Prices dropped further because man­
ufacturers would not curtail production, espe­
cially the many small producers with limited
capital. In an attempt to maintain profit at
a respectable level, small producers compen­
sated for a drop in the price of steel products
by increasing production. The price reduction
increased bankruptcy among producers and
wholesalers and caused further price insta­
bility. Japanese steel producers, individually
or by concert, were not flexible to production

Chart 5.
The trend in the movement of Japan's
steel prices is difficult to determine be­
cause of wide price fluctuations. H ow ­
ever, it appears that steel prices have
tended to increase slightly. While whole­
sale prices were steady, the gap widened
between wholesale and consumer prices.
INDEX 1952=100

Because Japan’s steel industry was in dire
need of price stabilization, a new price system
became effective in 1958. The new system—
an agreement among leading steel producers
under the watchful supervision of the Minis­
try of International Trade and Industry —
attempted to regulate the supply of steel
products to satisfy demand through the com­
pulsory curtailment of production and an
official sales price over major steel products.
It was hoped that this would promote price
stability. In many instances, market prices
prevailed but the control of production re­
duced price fluctuations substantially al­
though not entirely.
As further indicated in Chart 5, it is diffi­
cult to determine the trend in the movement
of steel prices because of wide price fluctua­
tions. However, it appears reasonable to
assume that steel prices from 1958 to 1962
compared with 1952 showed a slight upward
tendency as compared with wholesale prices,
which showed little trend, despite short-term
movements/11* The widening gap between
wholesale and consumer prices was caused
mainly by rising public utility rates and
private service charges, as well as increases
in certain processed foods and housing.
The upward pressure on the price of steel
products was not caused by manufacturing
costs. As previously stressed, modernization
was successful in reducing manufacturing
costs. Along with a wider profit margin, the
(H ) Sharply depressed steel prices in the recession year
1962 should not be considered representative of long-term

S ource o f da ta : B an k o f Japan

upward pressure on steel prices came from
non-manufacturing costs, mainly from the
high expense of ordinary and special depreci­
ation and the cost of taxes, in that order.
While the industry had slight upward
pressure on steel prices with expansion and
modernization, steel prices in other leading
steel-producing countries apparently rose con­
siderably more than was the case in Japan.
As an example, the price index of steel prod­
ucts in the United States rose from a base of
100 in 1952 to 145 in 1962.
As modernization commenced in 1951,
Japan’s steel prices compared unfavorably
with international prices. Through a success­
ful expansion and modernization program,
the industry was able to produce steel prod­
ucts with no appreciable inflation of steel

prices in comparison with other countries in
the world. The disparity between domestic
and international prices was reduced notice­
ably. Thus, the industry was successful not

only in fulfilling domestic demands for steel,
but it also became one of the leading ex­
porters of steel products, competing vigor­
ously with the United States.

"Foreign Long-Term Borrowing in the United States"
"Decline in Home M ortgage Credit Q uality?"
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
September, 1963
"The Deficit Dilemma — Another View"
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
July-August, 1963
"The Quality of Credit — Is It Strained?"
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
August, 1963

"Measuring and Analyzing Economic Grow th"
August, 1963
( Copies may be obtained by writing to the
Federal Reserve Bank named in each case.)

the past five years the dollar
volume of total construction in the
Fourth Federal Reserve District has ac­
counted for a steadily declining proportion of
total construction in the United States. (See
Chart 1.) Construction contracts in the
Fourth Federal Reserve District in 1958
represented nearly 10 percent of the total.(1)
By 1962, however, the proportion had dropped
to 8.5 percent and the gap may widen further
in 1963. (See Table I on page 15.)


u r in g

Construction activity is usually classified
in three major categories: (1) residential
buildings, (2) non-residential buildings, and
(3) heavy engineering. Residential buildings
account for approximately one-half of the
dollar volume of construction in the U. S.;
one-third is devoted to non-residential build­
ing and the balance is heavy engineering.
The remainder of this article examines each
of these three classifications to determine
whether the recent sluggishness in construc­
tion in the Fourth District is characteristic
of all types of construction or whether it is
attributable to a lacklustre behavior in one
particular category.

dropped to 7.7 percent of the total. There is
some indication that residential construction
may be relatively better in the District this
year as the seasonally adjusted annual rate
of contracts climbed back to 8.0 percent of
the U. S. total in the first half of 1963.
For purposes of analysis, residential build­
ing activity is usually divided into one- and
two-family dwellings, multi-family dwellings

Chart 1.
Since 1958, annual increases in the dollar
volume of construction contracts in the
Fourth District have been substantially
below that of the nation as a whole. (The
1963 data are seasonally adjusted projec­
tions based on the first half of the year.)
INDEX 1951=100

(Dollar V*l«m)



Between 1958 and 1963, contracts for resi­
dential building increased at an average
annual rate of 6.4 percent in the United
States and 4.5 percent in the District. In
1958 residential building contracts in the
District were 8.7 percent of total U. S. resi­
dential contracts. By 1962, however, they had
( i ) This study is based on F . W . Dodge construction con­
tract figures. The figures fo r the U nited States d o not include
construction contracts fo r either A laska or H aw aii. The fig­
ures fo r the F ourth Federal R eserve D istrict are based on
the F . W . D odge Fourth R egion Sum mary w hich includes all
o f Kentucky and W est V irgin ia as well as Ohio and W estern
Pennsylvania. H ereafter, references to Fourth D istrict will
be based on figures fo r the D odge Fourth R egion.



Plotted end of year





in s


Source o f da ta : F . W . D odge Corporation


Chart 2.
The number of apartment units constructed in both the Fourth District and the United States shows
sizeable gains since 1958, whereas the number of one- and two-fam ily housing units has declined.
Since 1962, increases in the rate of construction of apartment units in the Fourth District have
outpaced that of the United States; however, in the case of one- and two-fam ily dwelling units
the Fourth District has trailed behind the nation a s a whole.


INDIX 1958=100

INDEX 1958=100









Ratio S c a le

Ratio S c a le














* The 1963 data are seasonally adjusted projections based on the first half of the year. Figures are plotted at the end
of the year.
Source of data: F. W . Dodge Corporation

(apartments) and other shelter.(2) The two
most common measures of residential build­
ing activity are the number of dwelling units
erected and the dollar volume of construction.
Chart 2 shows that the Fourth District has
experienced greater gains than the [United
States as a whole in apartment building con­
tracts, but it lags behind the national trend
with respect to one- and two-family housing
contracts. In fact, the construction of single
and two-family homes has continued to de­
cline since 1959.
The drop-off in construction may, in part,
be blamed on rising costs. Average housing
(2) Nearly 90 percent o f the residential construction in the
United States is com prised o f one- and two-fam ily housing
and m ulti-fam ily dwellings. Other shelter includes such struc­
tures as hotels, motels, and dorm itories but excludes hospi­
tals and penal institutions which are classified as nonresidential buildings.


costs per unit in this District are now 17
percent higher than in the country as a whole
—not a negligible difference.
Even though the number of new apartment
units in the District is growing at a faster
rate than the rest of the country, the District
has not yet experienced the current 35 per­
cent ratio of apartment units to total dwell­
ing units reported for the entire country.
Nevertheless, construction contracts for apart­
ments in terms of housing units in the Fourth
District now account for nearly 30 percent of
the total, as compared with only 8.1 percent
in 1958. This reflects the recent trend toward
multi-family dwellings.
One of the important ramifications of the
shift toward apartments has been to curtail
the dollar volume of residential construction

Table I

contracts. Considering the fact that in this
District the average cost per unit for single
and two-family homes is two-thirds higher
than the cost per apartment unit, it is obvi­
ous that a displacement of housing units by
apartment units may cause a further drop in
the dollar volume of construction activity.
Construction contracts for other residential
buildings have increased in absolute value
and as a proportion of residential building in
both the Fourth District and the United
States since 1958. The Fourth District shows
a greater growth rate, however, reflecting in
large part the relatively lower base point
of 1958.
Construction contracts for hotels, motels,
and dormitories increased from 5.0 percent
to 7.5 percent of total residential contracts
between 1958 and 1962 in the United States.
In the District the ratio was up from 3.8 per­
cent to 6.5 percent of residential contracts.

In 1958 non-residential building contracts
in the Fourth District, which include com­
mercial and manufacturing buildings, schools,
churches, hospitals, etc., were 9.8 percent of
the total dollar volume in the United States.
In 1962, the District accounted for 8.4 per­
cent of the national level, and data for the
first six months of 1963 indicate that nonresidential construction in the District is 7.9
percent of the national total. As shown in
Table I, all types of construction contracts
for the District, measured as a percent of the
United States, dropped 1.2 percent between
1958 and 1962 and an additional 0.3 percent
in the initial six months of this year.
Since annual growth rates for a period of
years may conceal large upswings or down­
swings in intervening years, it is advisable to
consider the growth rate for non-residential
building between 1958 and each succeeding
year. Table II makes it apparent that there
have been no sharp fluctuations in growth
rates of either the United States or the
Fourth District during the past five years.
Nevertheless, the consistently larger growth



United States
44,208.6 (a)

District as
a Percent of
T o tal U. S.

3,624.5 (a)


(a ) A nnu al estimates are based on construction contracts fo r
the first six months o f 1963, seasonally adjusted.
S ou rce: F. W . D odge Corporation

Table II
C O N ST R U C T IO N C O N T R A C T S (a)

United States

Fourth District
- 0 .8

(a ) Measured by dollar volume.
S ou rce: F. W . D odge Corporation

rate of non-residential contracts in the United
States has resulted in a declining proportion
of total contracts accounted for by the
Fourth District.
A check of the sub-divisions within the
non-residential grouping indicates that a
slowdown in construction of commercial
buildings and manufacturing buildings has
been chiefly responsible for the relative de­
cline in non-residential building activity in
the Fourth District. On the other hand, con­
struction of education and science buildings
and other non-residential buildings in the

District, with the exception of an erratic year
or two, has more closely reflected the national

stems primarily from a sizeable reduction in
the dollar volume of public works contracts
in the Fourth District.

Heavy engineering construction encom­
passes public works and utilities, with the
dollar volume for the contracts being divided
approximately into four-fifths public works
and one-fifth utilities.(3)

No one of the three categories of construc­
tion contracts is responsible for the decline
in dollar volume of building activity, as all
three experienced a decline. In terms of abso­
lute dollar volume, non-residential contracts
are down the most as a result of a greater
amount of slowdown occuring in the con­
struction of commercial and manufacturing
buildings. Heavy engineering construction
was not as sluggish as non-residential build­
ing activity but the reduction in dollar vol­
ume of public works contracts since 1958 is
significant. The increase in the number of
apartments being constructed has kept resi­
dential building activity at a higher level
than other types of construction. Neverthe­
less, some decline in dollar volume is to be
expected because of the lower per unit cost of
apartments as compared to single dwellings.

Heavy engineering construction contracts
in the United States remained below the 1958
level until 1962. To date in 1963, the dollar
volume of heavy engineering contracts in the
United States is 5% above that of 1958. The
Fourth District, on the other hand, has con­
sistently been below its 1958 level and thus
far in 1963 is 16% below the 1958 pace.
The cause of the constantly decreasing
ratio of heavy engineering contracts of this
region to those of the country as a whole
(3) P u b lic w orks include streets, highways, bridges and
sewerage systems. Utilities include electric light and power
systems, w ater systems, and airports excluding buildings.

Additional copies of the MONTHLY BUSINESS
REVIEW may be obtained from the Research De­
partment, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland,
Qeveland 1, Ohio. Permission is granted to reproduce
any material in this publication.