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JUNE 1952



Is Agriculture A Growth Industry?








Steel for Civilian Use

. . . .


Resources of the Ocean






Vol. 34— No. 6




Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Cleveland 1, Ohio

Steel for Civilian Use
the tightness in finished steel supply since
(000’s of net tons)
Korea is not attributable solely to direct military
demand is illustrated once more by a recent analysis1
1943 1950 1951
of shipments of finished steel products during 1951. Total steel shipments ..................... 59,900 72,200 78,900
Whereas the current international situation is com­
Aircraft, ordnance, shipbuilding 19,900
600 2,200
monly regarded as a condition somewhere between
conventional peace and full scale war, actually, in
terms of finished steel shipments, the civilian market
Instead of producing a vast volume of finished
has been scarcely disturbed.
armaments, as is necessary in a full scale war, national
At the peak of World War II, military require­
policy has concentrated on a considerable build-up of
ments took nearly 20 million tons of finished steel, or
plant capacity over a wide range of industries, includ­
approximately every third ton produced, and most
ing, of course, all stages of iron and steel manufacture.
of the remainder went into highly essential nonmili­
The situation is regarded as one in which it is prefer­
tary use. On the other hand, last year’s direct re­
able to enlarge the ability to produce rather than to
armament requirements totaled only slightly over 2
pour out a stream of finished war materials which
million tons, or only one ton out of each 36 pro­
might soon become obsolete.
Enlarging Indicative of the emphasis which is being
1 American Iron & Steel Institute.
Industrial placed upon the increase in capacity to
2 The definition of defense steel consumption used by the A.I.S.I.
produce war goods rather than the pres­
obviously does not include all steel that is required for the defense
ent output of such products, is the rise in
effort. For example, steel shipped to an atomic energy project is classi­
fied by A.I.S.I. as “construction”, and steel used for boilers and equip­
to railroads and machinery manufac­
ment is classified as “machinery”. Steel used by automobile plants for
turers and to the construction industry. The railroad
military trucks is classed as “automotive”. In the fourth quarter of
1951, the Department of Defense was given an allotment of about 1.9
industry took nearly 6,000,000 tons of steel products
million tons of steel for its diverse activities, and the Atomic Energy
1951, or 1,500,000 tons more than in 1950, and
Commission was allotted 183,000 tons.
accounted for nearly 8 percent of the total supply,
However, last year almost 13 million tons of steel were shipped to
jobbers, dealers and distributors, who in turn resold it to thousands
about the same proportion as during World War II.
of small manufacturers. No estimate has been made of the proportion
Shipments to the construction industry increased
of this steel which ultimately went into direct military use.
On the other hand, it should be noted that the Institute does in­
1,350,000 tons during 1951 to a record high level of
clude in “ordnance and other military” sales of carbon and alloy
10,000,000 tons. This represented more than 16 per­
material to be made into artillery, small arms, ammunition, combat
cent of all shipments and marked construction as the
tanks and other combat vehicles, sighting and fire control equipment,
and ordnance accessories. for any military service.
second largest steel market. The contrast with the



Monthly Business Review

Page 2

June 1, 1952



19 4 3 ------



. . . shipment of finished steel products to ordnance, shipbuilding and aircraft during
1943 consumed one-third of the nation’s steel. Last year, however, the “national defense”
market took less than three percent of total output.
Source: American Iron and Steel Institute.

World War II period is sharp as consumption of
steel in construction last year was more than double
the average of the three years 1943-1945.
Machinery and tools absorbed an additional mil­
lion tons during 1951 to reach a new high of over
6,000,000 tons, also more than double the industry’s
take during the War.
Shipments to jobbers, dealers and distributors and
other miscellaneous groups expanded sharply during
1951 but these are the classifications through which
filter the shipments for which the end-use cannot be
determined at the time of sale. Suffice it to say that
deliveries to these market classifications increased in
roughly the same proportion as did the over-all
The question now is, “Where did the
steel come from, cutbacks in nonessential uses or expanded production?” The
left side of the balance in the illustra­
tion shows that by far the greatest part of it came
from increased production. Total shipments of steel
products increased 6,700,000 tons during 1951 as
the industry turned out steel at top speed throughout
the year and as new furnaces and processing mills
were brought into operation.
In addition, shipments to the automotive, appli­
ance, and oil and gas industries were cut below 1950
by government regulations.
Autos and trucks suffered the largest cut, 1,500,000
tons, but at 13,000,000 tons still remained the largest
individual steel market. Shipments during 1951 to
the automobile industry were second only to the
record year, 1950, and more than four times as large
as during the second World War.
The appliance industry received 250,000 fewer
tons of steel in 1951 but this represented a 12 percent
Sources of

cut from 1950 as compared with 10 percent in the
case of automobiles. Shipments were, of course, well
above World War II levels.
The oil and gas industry’s take of steel during 1951
was 150,000 tons or 3 percent smaller than 1950.
Included in this classification is steel for the drilling
of wells and the laying of pipelines. The principal
reason for the decline in steel shipments to the petro­
leum industry is found in the diversion of plates, used
in the fabrication of line pipe, to defense-related uses
such as construction of tanks, railroad cars, ships, and
heavy machinery.
The amount of steel which was diverted from these
civilian uses, although moderate, totaled substanti­
ally more than the increase in military demand as
typified by shipments to ordnance, shipbuilding, and
aircraft. The excess, of course, went to other essential
Changes in shipments by the various
types of products last year were
somewhat less striking than the
shifts by markets. The reason, un­
doubtedly, is that there are comparatively few differ­
ent steel forms, many of which have a wide variety
of uses.
Steel plates experienced the largest increase of any
product group as shipments at 7.9 million tons during
1951 exceeded 1950 by 2.2 million tons or 39 per­
cent. Plates which represented about 8 percent of
all products in 1950 increased to 10 percent in 1951.
Part of this increased production of plates was
achieved by converting some sheet and strip mills to
light plates. Other large increases occurred in hot
rolled bars, up 900,000 tons or 14 percent, tubular
products up 840,000 tons or 16 percent, and struc­
tural shapes up 720,000 tons or 17- percent. The deShipments by
Type of

Monthly Business Review

June 1, 1952

creases occurred in galvanized sheets, tin and terne
plate, down 12 and 5 percent, respectively, and line
pipe which fell off 13 percent as plates which had
been going into large diameter pipe were diverted
to other uses. Shipments of most other products
changed relatively little. The shift therefore was from
the light to heavier steel products.
Evidence has been accumulating that the
steel supply is approaching a closer balance
with demand than existed during 1951. The Defense
Production Administration pointed out that over-all
requests for carbon steel allotments in the fourth
quarter of 1951 exceeded supply by 47 percent. With


respect to third quarter 1952 allocations it was noted
that . . it has been possible to meet substantially
100 percent of many of the small users materials
This approach to a steel demand-supply balance
may be attributed to three main factors:
1. Increasing production as new capacity is
2. A topping out, or actual decline, in de­
mand for steel for some uses such as mili­
tary, industrial building, and railroads.
3. A let-up in the demand for steel for in_____ ventory accumulation.
3 Defense Production Record, March 27, 1952, p. 8.

Changes by Market Classifications
(000’s of net tons)

. . . the increase in production of steel products during 1951 supplied most of the
increased demand for steel and obviated the need for deep cuts in civilian steel use.
Source: American Iron and Steel Institute.

Page 3

Monthly Business Review

Page 4

June 1, 1952


W O R L D WAR n -









>4 »


’ 51










. . . after the close of World War II, the various peacetime markets for steel expanded
rapidly and absorbed all of the output which had been diverted to ordnance, etc. The
impact of post-Korean rearmament has not altered that demand pattern appreciably.
Source: American Iron and Steel Institute.



June 1, 1952

Monthly Business Review

Steel ingot capacity amounted to slightly less than
109 million tons on January 1, 1952. It has already
passed the 110-million-ton mark and substantial
amounts of new capacity are scheduled to be com­
pleted during the second half of this year.
Easing demand in the coming months was fore­
told when the D.P.A. reported that as of March 31,
1952, a little more than half of the industrial expan­
sion covered by Certificates of Necessity was com­
pleted. By the end of this year an estimated 63 per­
cent will be finished. This suggests that the peak in
demand for structural steel has been or will soon be
passed since the framework of the buildings must be
put up first. The greatest demand for steel products
by machinery manufacturers on the other hand will
be attained somewhat later. The future scope of steel
•demand for construction depends greatly upon the
volume of residential, commercial and recreational,
and the various types of public building. Housing
starts are expected nearly to match last year. Many
commercial and public projects have received ap­
proval to commence construction in the third and
fourth quarters of 1952 but there is a growing feeling
that the increase in steel demand for such buildings
will prove insufficient to fill the vacuum left by the
anticipated decline in industrial plant expansion.
It has been estimated that at least 5 million tons
of steel went into inventory in 1951, or more than
twice last year’s shipments to the military'. Much of
this increase consisted of so-called pipeline-filling in
new or reactivated defense plants and was not outand-out hoarding which would have been in violation
of government orders.
Although allotments of steel to appliance manu­
facturers are being increased in the third and fourth
quarters there is some evidence that they may not be
using up all their second-quarter tickets. This is es­
pecially true of makers of heavy consumer durables
such as refrigerators and ranges.
Automobile manufacturers will also be allowed
additional quantities of steel during the second half
of 1952. While they appear to be boosting produc­
tion whenever permitted, there are serious doubts
that they will continue to do so indefinitely.
According to the Annual Survey of Consumer
Finances conducted by the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System, consumers planned to
buy somewhat fewer new automobiles and major
household goods in 1952 than in 1951. It will be
recalled that 1951 purchases of such items numbered

Page 5

United States








. . . both steel ingot production and finished steel ship­
ments rose to all-time highs last year and exceeded the
World War II peaks by nearly one-fourth.
E Estimated by Research Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
Source: American Iron and Steel Institute.

fewer than in 1950. Thus it seems unlikely that the
consumption of steel by either the automotive or
appliance industries will return to the peak 1950
rates, much less maintain that pace.
Shipments of finished steel products in the
United States rose to an all-time high
during 1951 of 79 million tons. This re­
sulted from the higher steel ingot capacity, 104 mil­
lion tons on January 1, 1951 as compared with 99
million tons a year earlier, and through more inten­
sive utilization of that capacity. (Finished steel ship­
ments total about three-fourths of ingot production
because of the losses incurred when raw steel ingots
are processed into the various shapes and forms.)
If production can be maintained throughout the
rest of 1952, an estimated 110 million tons of ingots
will be turned out which will yield approximately 82
million tons of finished steel products, an increase of
about 3 million tons over 1951. Even if direct mili­
tary requirements should rise to four or five million
tons, or some other figure far short of the 20 million
consumed in each of the war years, the quantity of
steel available for other uses will still be nearly the
largest on record.


Monthly Business Review

Page 6

June 1, 1952

Is Agriculture A Growth Industry?
widely realized that the volume of
food consumed every day in this country has been
increasing much more rapidly than can be explained
solely in terms of population growth. After adjusting
dollar volume of food purchases for price changes it
appears that the rate of food consumption by the
American people may have doubled in the past two
The expansion represents far more than a gain in
mere poundage; in fact the bulk of the increase may
be ascribed to the gradual but far-reaching changes
in the character of the national diet. Those wide­
spread changes, together with a 28 percent rise in pop­
ulation, are providing a market for farm products
which, in a sense, is twice as large as that of the pros­
perous year of 1929. Neither the automobile indus­
try, nor the home building industry—nor probably
many others—have experienced a unit volume gain
equal to that which has occurred in agriculture. And
this performance raises the question: how much more
will farm output increase in the next twenty years, in
response to population growth, dietary standards, and
other factors affecting the demand for food?


t m ay n o t be

The ability of the nation as a whole
to buy more, and especially better,
food than ever, is largely a result of
almost continuous high-level employment for the past
decade or longer. Simultaneously, by a combination
of good weather, increasing mechanization, and a
constant advance in technology, agriculture was able
to bring about a tremendous increase in output, not
only in weight, but also in quality of product. Only
the newest industries can match that increase in
“capacity” over the past twenty years. Parenthetic­
ally, it may be observed that but for this prodigious
expansion in output, per capita consumption of food
could not have risen so substantially, and the cost
of eating would probably be much higher today.
During the period from 1932 to date, not all types
of food products shared in the very substantial in­
crease in demand. The lower-priced bulky and starchy
foods lost ground, at least relatively, to the more
desirable foods such as meats, eggs, milk, fresh fruits
and vegetables. Any subsequent recession in aggregate
demand would probably reverse the sequence.
Moreover, a goodly share of the expanding de­
mand can be attributed to the ability of the lower
income groups to enlarge their food purchases, quali­
tatively as well as quantitatively. Perhaps the lowest
third of incomes will continue to grow more rapidly

High Level

(after taxes) than the highest third. Conversely, if
the nation’s real disposable income should shrink,
either through industrial unemployment, or through
less effective and less efficient employment, the urban
population will have to be content with less food, and
of poorer quality, and the market for farm products
will shrink.
It may be taken for granted that
the population will not voluntarily
revert to lower consumption stand­
ards. It is true that from 1946 to 1948, for example,
the volume of “grocery” purchases declined even
more sharply than it did during the years of depres­
sion, 1929 to 1932. But the more recent shrinkage was
due to special circumstances. After one year of the
best diet in history, some of the money formerly spent
for “marginal” foods began to be diverted to the at­
tractive and needed consumer durables becoming
available in growing quantities. Since 1948, the meat,
milk, and grocery bills have been competing more
successfully again with nonfood purchases.
On the other hand, a noticeable contraction in
industrial activity and employment would impose
economies in the family food budget. If economic
depression should materialize during the next five to
ten years, it would not take much of a curtailment in
quality of diet to create a considerable excess of food
supply. In fact, even if the population should con­
tinue to expand at the prevailing rate, readoption of
the 1939 diet on a national scale would mean a sta­
tionary agriculture until the mid-1960’s at best (see
chart). And if population growth should slow down,
it would take much longer for the country to “grow
up” to its present capacity to produce food.
Conversely, if it can be assumed that the present
relatively high consumption standards are here to
stay — or possibly will be raised still further — the
existing volume of food production will hardly be
adequate for a static population. And if, as appears
more likely, there will be twenty million more mouths
to feed by the time another decade has elapsed, a
further substantial expansion of agricultural output

Future Dietary

Note: The Bureau of Agricultural Economics’ two indices, Per Capita
Food Consumption, and Farm Output For Sale and For Farm Home
Consumption, would indicate a considerably smaller increase in aggre­
gate consumption since 1929. Those indices, however, are inclined to
place greater emphasis on purely quantitative changes in volume,
without giving full effect to the widespread dietary changes and the
improved quality of many foods. A precise and sure-footed method of
measuring such relatively intangible factors still remains to be devised.

Monthly Business Review

June 1, 1952

Page 7

(Under Two Consumption Standards and a Range of Population Growth)
1929 = 100


. . . the domestic market for food would be sharply smaller if 1939 dietary standards
were to prevail again during the next decade. Conversely, given continuation of current
birth and death rates, and current consumption standards in 1975 the national food
requirements will be double the pre-Pearl Harbor figure.
Source: Data for 1929-51 from Department of Commerce food expenditure series deflated by Bureau of
Labor Statistic Retail Food Price index. Projections are derived from Census Bureau population
projections multiplied by the adjusted per capita rate of expenditure during 1939 and 1951.

is warranted. Not two, but three ears of corn will
have to be grown where only one was harvested
In short, whether agriculture can be classified as an
economic activity destined to expand for years to

come, depends in minor part upon the future rate
of population growth, and in major part upon the
kind of diet American consumers will be able to pur­
chase, out of the proceeds of their urban industrial


Regulation W, establishing minimum down pay­
ments and maximum maturities for consumer instal­
ment credit, was suspended on May 7, 1952, by the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.



On .May 2, 1952, the Board of Governors of the
Reserve System issued the following state­

ment regarding the Program for Voluntary Credit
The Board of Governors of the Federal Re­
serve System has concurred unanimously in
the recommendation of the National Volun­
tary Credit Restraint Committee that the
screening of applications for financing, in
accordance with the principles established by
the Voluntary Credit Restraint organization,
be suspended in the light of current circum­
stances. The Voluntary Credit Restraint or­
ganization will continue on a standby basis
so that the Voluntary Program may be re­
instated should subsequent developments

Page 8

Monthly Business Review

Resources of the Ocean

June 1, 1952

by CLYDE WILLIAMS, Director, Battelle Memorial Institute
In this process, a specific resinous material carrying hydro­
Until recently, man’s thinking
on natural resources has been pri­
gen ions is exposed to sea water in a column. The hydro­
gen ions enter the sea water and the element to be
marily concerned with the land.
The existence of animal, vegetable,
extracted is chemically combined with the resin. After
separating the water from the resin, the element is re­
and mineral wealth in, around, and
beneath the ocean has been known
covered from the resin, for example, by the use of an acid.
for centuries, but the cost of re­
Ion-exchange materials have already been developed for
covering this wealth — except for
recovery of potassium, sodium, magnesium, and chlorine.
fish, common salt, iodine, and
Some are being applied commercially. More are in pros­
potash—has been prohibitive when
compared with recovering the same
Fresh water from sea water is no longer a sailor’s dream.
wealth from the land. Recent com­
The recovery of fresh water by a new process known as
mercial successes in extracting bro­
vapor-compression distillation is economically promising.
mine and magnesium from sea water, however, have in­
Use of the ion-exchange technique as part of a method
spired more extensive development of the ocean’s fabulous
for converting sea water to fresh water has been demon­
resources. Improved recovery techniques are opening the
strated. Eventually, these processes could greatly increase
the nation’s water supply, especially where natural fresh
There are approximately 300 million cubic miles of sea
water is scarce or inadequate. In both techniques, the by­
water covering 71 per cent of the earth’s surface. This vast
product recovery of minerals would be necessary to make
storehouse can supply unlimited amounts of fish, plants,
fresh water from sea water economically worth while.
and fresh water. It also contains an estimated fifty million
Scientists are studying techniques for removing greater
billion tons of dissolved materials or salts that have im­
quantities and varieties of plant and animal life from the
portant applications in our everyday life.
sea. The Scottish Institute for Seaweed Research has re­
Around the borders of the ocean are extensive sea
ported the discovery of a starch-like material that is de­
beaches that contain minerals such as ilmenite (the most
posited on very dense growth of Laminaria seaweed. The
common titanium ore), magnetite, monazite, rutile, garnet,
same organization has demonstrated the possibilities of
diamond, zircon, and quartz. The sea bottom has large de­
increasing both plant and fish production by using fertil­
posits of iron, manganese and tin minerals, and phosphate
izers. Flounders transplanted into a fertilized area grew
rock, to mention only a few. Petroleum resources beneath
about four times as fast in length and sixteen times as
the ocean bottom have been tapped only partially.
fast in weight as those not transplanted.
Fish and common salt have been taken from the sea
The seaweed industry has declined since World War I,
for hundreds of years. Iodine and potash were extracted
because technology did not advance enough to
from seaweed until more economical sources became avail­
produce iodine and potash at costs competitive with land
able. Only a beginning, however, has been made in the
sources. To replace the old industry, however, a new one
recovery of other resources from the ocean.
has grown up, based almost entirely on the manufacture
Interest in recovering minerals from sea water began
of agar, carrageen, and alginic acid. These products are
to surge upward in 1934, when the development of anti­
used principally in the pharmaceutical and food industries.
knock gasoline was bringing about a sharp increase in
seaweed industry, including possibly iodine and potash
the demand for ethylene dibromide. The demand could
should regain much of its lost ground in years
not be met with the output of bromine plants using sub­
if recent advances in technology are properly
terranean brines. A new technique was developed by one
of the large chemical companies which permitted removal
Geophysical methods are well developed and may be
of bromine directly from sea water, without the prior con­
for more extensive exploration of mineral deposits on
centration that had been necessary for earlier commercial
and beneath the ocean bottom. These deposits are known
to include oil, manganese and iron oxides, phosphate rock,
Successes in bromine recovery led to a method for ex­
glauconite, and cassiterite, a tin mineral. Cassiterite is al­
tracting magnesium from sea water in 1941. By this
ready being dredged from the shallow water off the coast
method, magnesium hydroxide is precipitated directly from
of the Dutch East Indies. Offshore oil is a growing com­
sea water by treating the water with slaked lime or
development. Notable so far are substantial re­
off the shores of Louisiana, Texas, and Southern
Because the recovery of bromine and magnesium from
sea water proved profitable, production from this source
The ocean offers unlimited opportunity for increasing
has survived competition with land sources. A large per­
our supply of food, fresh mater, and minerals. Commercial
centage of present domestic output of virgin magnesium
successes in extracting bromine and magnesium have
and bromine is extracted from sea water.
proven that it is possible for the ocean to compete favor­
One of the most important new developments that may
ably with the land, where the same types of resource are
make sea water more valuable is known as ion exchange.
available from both. Continuing improvements in the
Editor’s Note—While the views expressed on this page are not nec­
technology of recovery promise that greater varieties and
essarily those of this bank, the Monthly Business Review is pleased to
of the ocean’s resources will be brought within
make this space available for the discussion of significant develop­
the range of man’s benefit.
in industrial research.