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F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K of C L E V E L A N D
Financial Flows in Credit and
C a p ital M a rk e ts...................................2

fuly J96t

Steel Finishing C a p a c ity in a
H eavy Industry A r e a ........................... 7

Recently published
sum m aries of fi­
nancial flows con­
firm the fact that
demands for funds
were down sharp­
ly in 1960 from the
u n u su a lly l a r g e
volume of the pre­
vious year. It is ex­
pected that finan­
cial flows of this
year will be larger
than those of 1960.








Financial Flows In Credit And
Capital Markets
through credit and equity
panied by an exchange of instruments repre­
markets in 1960 amounted to $39.2 bil­
senting indebtedness or ownership claims.
lion. In short, this means that last year vari­The pipeline actually consists of credit and
equity instruments such as government ob­
ous sectors of the domestic economy and the
ligations, mortgages, consumer and security
rest of the world on balance raised (de­
credit, business and foreign securities, and
manded) $39.2 billion in credit and capital
markets in the United States, and that an
bank and other loans. The instruments rep­
resent a mechanism by means of which funds
identical amount of funds was being ad­
vanced (supplied) simultaneously by the
can be moved from the sectors (individuals
same or other sectors.
and institutions) which are willing and able
to advance funds to those sectors which are
As shown on the cover chart, the volume
interested in raising such funds.
of funds supplied to the economy through
e t fin a n c in g


credit and equity markets varies substanti­
ally from year to year. For example, the net
flow in 1960 of $39.2 billion was in contrast
to net flows of $61.4 billion in 1959 and
$26.1 billion in 1951.
It should not be overlooked that financing
through credit and equity markets is only
part of the total financial flows that take
place within the economy. The items which
are counted in the total of financial flows are
those involving, for example, gold, demand
deposits and currency, time and savings de­
posits, savings through life insurance and
pension funds, trade credit, as well as credit
and equity market instruments. The tracing
of such flows and the accompanying changes
in financial assets and liabilities is especially
helpful in understanding the nation’s finan­
cial structure. In the discussion which fol­
lows, attention is limited principally to those
financial flows which pass through credit and
capital markets.
The credit and equity markets serve as a
pipeline through which funds flow as they
are transferred within the economy, accom­

In broad terms, the sectors of the economy
include consumers, businesses, governments,
and financial institutions. The sectors that
raise funds through credit or equity instru­
ments may also be the sectors that advance
funds. Such a situation is possible because
individual sectors consist of many individuals
or groups, of which some may be borrowing
funds while others are lending. Moreover, the
same individual or organization may even be
borrowing and lending concurrently, as in the
case of a corporation that raises long-term
funds in the capital market through a bond
issue, while investing temporarily ‘ ‘ idle ’ ’
cash in Treasury bills.
Since the flow of funds through credit and
equity instruments is perhaps the most com­
prehensive measure of the supply-demand re­
lationships for credit in the economy, such
data in part reflect the current status of
economic conditions. These data also shed
some light on the influences which affect
interest rates in both money and capital
Data on credit and equity markets in terms

of types of financial instruments used, sectors
advancing funds, and sectors raising funds
in these financial markets are included as a
portion of the flow of funds system of ac­
counts published by the Board of Governors
o f the Federal Reserve System. Broadly
speaking, the flow of funds system is a social
(or national) accounting system designed to
measure the flow of both financial and nonfinancial activities in the domestic economy,
and to present such information within a
single accounting framework. The data are
made available on both an annual and a
quarterly basis. Let us take a closer look at
both sides of the financial transactions (the
demand and the supply) as well as the intruments that make the transactions possible.

Funds Raised
In 1960 the largest single demand for
funds came from the consumer sector, which
includes consumers, personal trusts, and non­
profit organizations. This sector raised $16.1
billion in the credit markets in 1960, or
roughly two-fifths of the total amount of
funds raised by all sectors through these
markets during the year. (This proportion
was about the average ratio of consumer bor­
rowing to total borrowing over the entire
postwar period.) Most of the consumer bor­
rowing was in the form of mortgage and
consumer credit, as consumers borrowed to
purchase homes, durable goods such as auto­
mobiles and appliances, and services. Most
of the $16.1 billion that was raised by the
consumer sector was advanced directly by
financial institutions such as savings associa­
tions and credit unions, insurance companies,
commercial banks, and finance companies.
As shown in the chart on page 4, the
consumer sector, compared with each of the
other sectors, has made the largest demands
for credit in nearly every year of the past
decade, with particularly sharp upswings
evident in both 1955 and 1959. These peaks
occurred virtually simultaneously with large
year-to-year increases in consumer purchases
of housing and automobiles, among other
durable goods.

Standing second in the volume of credit
demands in 1960 was the corporate nonfinancial business sector, which raised $10.2
billion in credit and equity markets. This
sector, which also includes holding companies
and closed-end investment companies, raised
funds through financial instruments such as
bonds, mortgages, issues of stock, bank loans,
open-market paper, and other loans. In gen­
eral terms, the funds so obtained were used
for capital spending, inventory build-up, and
the financing of customers. Although it is
difficult to trace the original sources of the
funds raised by the corporate sector, funds
were supplied (net) by insurance companies,
pension funds, savings institutions, and the
consumer sector. The corporate sector of the
economy, like the consumer sector, has been
a major borrower throughout the 1950-1960
period, with larger-than-usual demands for
funds evident in both 1956 and 1957— years
that were highlighted by large amounts of
plant and equipment expenditures.
Each of several other sectors of the econ­
omy, by and large, contributed approxi­
mately equal volumes of credit demand in
1960. The state and local government sector
raised $4.0 billion in 1960, mainly by issuing
notes and bonds. (During the year, the net
holdings of these credit instruments increased
within the insurance sector and the consumer
sector, although these sectors may not have
purchased directly the instruments as they
were issued.) Last year the financial sectors
raised $4.2 billion in the credit and equity
markets through such instruments as stocks,
bonds, and loans. These sectors cover com­
mercial banks, the Federal Reserve System,
the Treasury monetary funds, savings institu­
tions, insurance companies and retirement
plans, finance companies, securities dealers,
mutual funds, and other financial companies.
In conjunction with larger-than-usual de­
mands for funds by other sectors of the econ­
omy, as the chart shows, the financial sectors
had borrowed more heavily in 1955 and 1959.
Farm and noncorporate nonfinancial business
obtained $4.3 billion in 1960 through the
use of credit instruments such as commercial

by Sectors
through credit and equity
market instruments

of d o lla r s












With reference to the final sector of the
economy— the Federal government— in seven
of the years from 1950 through 1960 (includ­
ing the year 1960) the Federal government
on balance raised funds through credit and
equity markets. As the chart shows, in the
other four years this sector retired more debt
than it issued. Such a turn of events results
from the fact that Federal government de­
mands for funds are tied principally to the
budget position for the particular calendar
year. For example, if the Federal budget is
in surplus and a portion of the Federal debt
outstanding is repaid, this sector becomes a
net supplier of funds to the economy. Such
net repayments were made in 1950, 1955,
1956, and 1960; in the latter year net repay­
ments amounted to $1.6 billion. In contrast,
the Federal government has been a substan­
tial user of credit in other years, for example,
1958 and 1959. The fact that the budget was
in deficit in these years made it necessary for
additional U. S. Government securities to be
issued to finance the deficits.

Funds Advanced













mortgages and loans. Here, too, an increased
demand had been evident in 1955 and 1959 as
shown in the accompanying chart. Foreign
borrowers in financial markets in the United
States raised a smaller volume of funds in
1960 than the above sectors, with borrowing
amounting to $1.9 billion.

'5 3

'5 5

'5 7

'5 9


of da ta : Flow of funds system of
accounts, Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System.


On the other side of the credit and equity
markets is the supply of funds, i.e., the funds
that are advanced in these markets by the
various sectors of the economy. The suppliers
of funds to individual borrowing sectors have
been mentioned above, but a detailed de­
scription of the volume of funds supplied
may be helpful.
The financial sectors, as defined here, ad­
vanced nearly 90 percent of the $89.2 billion
total of funds that were raised through credit
and equity market instruments in 1960. As
would be expected, financial institutions func­
tioned in considerable part in the role of the
intermediary, channeling funds from the

original savers. The financial sectors were the
source of $34.3 billion last year— an amount
that was close to the all-time high of $37.3
billion for the sectors in 1958. In 1960, the
funds were advanced in the form o f nearly
every type of credit and equity instrument,
although the largest dollar amount was
loaned through mortgage credit,

by Sectors
through credit and equity
market instruments
B i ll io n s o f d o l la r s

As shown in the accompanying chart,
smaller amounts of credit were advanced by
other sectors of the economy. The Federal
government sector, for example, supplied
(net) $2.5 billion (including loans and mort­
gage credit) to the credit markets. This was
the second-largest amount of credit supplied
to these markets by this sector since 1950.
Last year the consumer sector advanced $2.2
billion through credit and equity market in­
struments— a volume that was down sharply
from the peak level of 1959. The net funds
supplied by the consumer sector took the
form of gains in the sector’s holdings of state
and local government obligations, corporate
and foreign bonds, and commercial mort­
gages that were larger than concurrent
liquidations of their holdings of Federal
obligations. State and local governments ad­
vanced $1.0 billion to the economy in 1960.
This was done primarily by adding to hold­
ings of corporate bonds. Last year’s volume
was the smallest amount of funds supplied by
this sector in the past decade. In addition to
the above sectors, foreign lenders advanced
$1.2 billion in the credit markets of the
United States in 1960.
On the other hand, the corporate nonfinancial sector actually liquidated (net)
holdings of credit market instruments to the
extent of $2.2 billion in 1960, as a result of
its liquidation of holdings of Federal obliga­
tions exceeding small additions to other mar­
ket assets. By way of contrast, in the previous
year the corporate nonfinancial sector had
advanced $5.5 billion to the economy, mainly
in takings of Federal obligations. The accom­
panying chart illustrates clearly the sub­
stantial year-to-year fluctuations in the
amount of funds advanced by the corporate
sector. Similar variations are also evident in


















the data for the financial and consumer sec­
to r s /1’
Credit and Equity M arket Flows,
By Instrument
The net flows during the year in each of
the various types of credit and equity market
instruments reflect demands for funds in
credit and capital markets, and how these
demands are matched with the supply of
funds available. These flows also reflect to
some extent the prevalent type of financing
and the preferred type of security given in
exchange for credit.
In 1960, as in previous years, the largest
financing flow among the credit and equity
instruments was in home mortgages. Mort­
gages on 1- to 4-family dwellings increased
$10.9 billion, thus accounting for more than
one-fourth of the total financing through the
credit and equity markets during the year.
When combined with other mortgages, which
have shown an average annual flow of about
billion in recent years, it can be seen
that mortgage credit in each year accounts
for a substantial volume of the financial flows
in the economy.
Other credit market instruments that have
increased in volume in recent years are
corporate and foreign bonds held in the
I'nited States. In 1960, the outstanding vol­
ume of such instruments rose $5.5 billion. A
fractionally-larger gain of $5.6 billion was
posted by credit instruments identified as
other loans. This was the largest annual in­

In addition to the year-to-year fluctuations in the
amounts of funds raised and advanced in credit and capital
markets, there are also seasonal fluctuations within each
year, as revealed in the quarterly data on credit and capital
markets. Since annual fluctuations in financial flows can be
associated to some extent with the cyclical course of the
economy, it would be of interest to investigate the cyclical as
well as the seasonal factors in order to evaluate their respec­
tive influences. O f particular interest, for example, would be
the quarterly patterns revealed in financing through credit
and equity markets during periods of recession, paying
special attention to the sectors of the economy whose demands
for funds respond quickly to changes in the level of business
activity. Such a study is beyond the scope of this article,
however, which is intended to be an introduction to financing
in credit and capital markets as reported in the flow of
funds system of accounts.


crease in such instruments in the entire post­
war period, and was due to the increased use
of open market financial instruments such as
commercial paper and bankers’ acceptances,
as well as Federal government and Com­
modity Credit Corporation loans.
Each of four types of credit and equity
instruments increased by virtually the same
dollar volume in 1960. Consumer credit was
up $3.9 billion, state and local obligations
$3.6 billion, bank loans (mainly business and
agricultural loans) $3.4 billion, and net
corporate stock issues amounted to $3.5 bil­
lion. In each case, however, the net flow dur­
ing the year was smaller than that of 1959.
Contrary to the change in all other credit
and equity market instruments, the amount
outstanding of Federal obligations declined
by $2.2 billion in 1960. This was due to the
influence of the Federal budget, as men­
tioned above, which in 1960 was in surplus,
and was related to changes in the govern­
ment’s cash balance position. All of the de­
cline took place in the volume of direct
marketable debt maturing within one year,
i.e., the floating debt. Other Federal obliga­
tions, both direct and guaranteed, actually
increased in the amount outstanding during
the year.
1961. It is still too early to make a de­
termination as to the amount of financing
which will take place in money and capital
markets in 1961. However, on the basis of
widely recognized indications, it is likely that
the Federal government, because of the an­
ticipated budget situation for calendar year
1961, will on balance raise funds in 1961,
although probably not in the same magnitude
as two years ago in 1959. In addition, if cur­
rent widely-held expectations are fulfilled, it
is conceivable that there will be a larger
amount of financing through mortgages in
1961 than in 1960. Taken together, these two
developments are likely to bring a larger
total volume of financing this year than
occurred last year.

Steel Finishing Capacity In A
Heavy Industry Area
to the most recent information
in tonnages as well as in percentages of total
„ available, steel mills within the Fourth
U.S. capacity. The table also shows the per­
Federal Reserve District have the capacity to centage changes in capacities in the District
since the survey in early 1957.
produce 44,923 thousand tons of hot-rolled
steel products, or about two-fifths of the total
Steel Consumption
of such capacity in the United States.'11 The
In addition to producing a substantial
steel finishing potential of mills in 1he Fourth
share of the nation’s finished and semi-fin­
District alone is thus greater than that of
ished steel, the Fourth District contains a
the entire U.S.S.R., the world’s second
sizable concentration of metal fabricating
largest steel producer; the potential in the
firms which provide a market for large quan­
District is also greater than that of the com­
tities of District-based steel production. Fore­
bined capacities of the United Kingdom and
most among these firms are the stamping
West Germany, the two leading steel produc­
plants (particularly for autos and appli­
ing nations of Western Europe.
ances) and sheet metal fabricators, both of
Between early 1957 and 1960, steel finish­
which are major customers for the flat rolled
ing capacity in the Fourth District has been
and coated products of local steel mills.
enlarged by 3.6 million tons, increasing the
The importance of metalworking in the
total to nearly 45 million tons in 1960. With
District is indicated by the fact that, as a
proportionate increases being made elsewhere
group, metalworking firms have provided
in the nation, the Fourth District’s share of
about 4:3 percent of all manufacturing jobs
the total remained unchanged between 1957
in the District during the last two years. In
and 1960. Most of the increase in the District,
the rest of the nation during the same period,
as well as in the nation as a whole, consisted
such industries provided only 34 percent of
of expansion of facilities for the hot rolling
all manufacturing employment.
of sheet and strij^ steel. Other increases in the
Although figures on steel consumption for
finishing capacity of mills in the District
Fourth District are not available, ship­
were for the cold rolling and coating of sheet
figures for the nation as a whole give
and strip steel. Although steel mills in the
as to the nature of steel con­
Fourth District have specialized for a long
sumption by metal fabricating industries in
time in finishing flat rolled products (both
the District. Thus, in the nation as a whole1,
hot and cold rolled) the specialization ap­
metal fabricating industries purchased in
pears to have intensified between 1957 and
1960 more than three out of every five tons
1960. The accompanying table shows the
of all finished and semi-finished steel shipped
various capacities for selected steel products
by U.S. mills.(2) An additional 20 percent of
in the District on January 1, 1960, expressed
c c o r d in g


( i ) The American Iron and Steel Institute compiles steel
finishing capacity figures triennially. The latest estimates are
for January 1, 1960.

(2) The metal fabricating category, as used here, includes
firms in the fabricated metal products, nonelectrical m a­
chinery and equipment, electrical machinery and equipment,
and transportation equipment industries.


steel shipments went to warehouse distribu­
tors. Since many of the warehouses’ cus­
tomers are metal fabricators, the first figure
cited, i.e., the more than three out of five
tons, probably understates the true size of
the over-all market. Such firms often pur­
chase from warehouses rather than directly
from producing mills, because the quantities
of steel they need are too small for eco­
nomical direct shipment, or because the firms
want faster delivery, or are short of storage
Expansion in Flat Rolled C a p a city
For many years there has been a trend
toward wider use of light, flat rolled steel
which can be easily stamped or drawn into
the shapes required in the manufacture of
products such as automobile bodies, appli­
ances, and kitchenware, as well as miscel­
laneous items such as bottle
caps. A t least two widely
recognized factors help to ex­
plain the trend toward great­
er use of flat rolled steel:
(1) the growth in the de­
mand for consumer goods
items and (2) the develop­
ment of new metalworking
techniques which use sheet
and strip steel. Such a trend
is reflected in the changes
which have occurred in the
finishing capacity in the Dis­
trict during the three-year
period bounded by the two
most recent surveys on finish­
ing capacity (see accompany­
ing table).
Sheet and Strip. Hot rolled
sheet and strip capacity regis­
tered the largest increase in
tonnage of any type of prod­
uct. During the 1957-1960
period, steel mills in the Dis­
trict added 3.3 million tons
of sheet and strip capacity,
which accounted for 92 per­
cent of the total increase in

hot finishing capacity. At the beginning of
1960, the District’s hot rolled sheet and strip
capacity amounted to a record 23.7 million
tons. Relatively smaller gains in other areas
of the nation boosted the District’s share of
the national total by one point to 45 percent.
The fact that sheet and strip capacity ac­
counts for 53 percent of all hot rolling
capacity in the District, as compared witli
only 49 percent three years earlier, is an­
other indication of the growing specialization
in the flat rolling of steel by the steel mills
in the District. This increase was somewhat
greater than for the nation as a whole, where
sheet and strip capacity amounted to 47 per­
cent of all hot rolling capacity in 1960, as
compared with 45 percent three years earlier.
Turning again to figures on steel shipments
for the nation as a whole to obtain some idea
as to probable patterns in the District, it has

Fourth District
(as of Ja n u a ry 1 ,1 9 6 0 )

E ach dot e q u a ls 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 to n s

(Note: The dots for Pittsburgh refer to all mills
located In the four counties of the
Pittsburgh Metropolitan Area.)

Fourth District, January 1, 1960


Capacity 1960
(000’s net tons)

Pipe and tubing.................................................
Cold finished bars.............................................
Plain w ire ...........................................................
Cold rolled sheet and strip.............................
Galvanized sheet and strip.............................
Long terne sheets..............................................
Tin and terne plate..........................................


— 90



4th District
Percent of
U. S. Total 1960


Structural shapes...............................................
Sheet and strip® ..........................................
Steel for further conversion into wire and
tubular products® .......................................
Other hot rolled products..............................




Percent Change
1957 to 1960




— 30


+ 19
+ 16

Hr 2
— 5
+ 10
— 56



(1) Capacities of hot rolled products are limited to steel available from own ingot capacity plus estimated
steel supply normally obtained from others.
(2) Also includes coils for cold reduced black plate and tin plate.
(3) W ire rods, skelp and blanks, and tube rounds or pierced billets for seamless tubes.
(4) Capacities of other finished products are annual capacities without regard to the available supply of
ingots, semi-finished steel, or hot rolled products.

Less than 1 percent decline.

Source: American Iron and Steel Institute

been estimated that substantially less than
one-half of the hot rolled sheet and strip
steel mentioned above goes to final steel con­
sumers without additional processing. In
19G0, 9.1 million tons of hot rolled sheet and
strip were shipped directly to customers. The
automobile industry took 40 percent of these
shipments, while an additional 20 percent
was purchased by manufacturers of indus­
trial and domestic machinery and equipment.
The manufacturers of tin cans and other con­
tainers received 7 percent of the total, while
warehouses took 15 percent of the shipments
for resale to final consumers. An additional
11 percent was shipped directly to the con­
struction and other nonmanufacturing indus­

tries, while the remaining 7 percent of the
shipments was purchased by firms for con­
version into other steel products.
Cold Rolled Products. Well over one-half
of the the hot rolled sheet and strip steel
produced in the U.S., however, receives addi­
tional processing by cold rolling, coating, or
other operations designed to impart certain
desired characteristics to the steel.
The increase in Fourth District capacity
for cold rolling of sheet and strip was second
only to the area’s increase in hot rolled sheet
and strip capacity. At the beginning of 1960,
steel mills in the District had a cold rolling
capacity of 11.3 million tons of sheet and
strip, reflecting a gain of 10 percent from the

1957 capacity. Between 1957 and 1960, ex­
pansion was slightly greater in other parts
of the U.S., and the District’s share of the
total capacity in the nation declined from
46 percent to 44 percent.
According to figures made available by the
American Iron and Steel Institute, steel ship­
ments to the automotive industry accounted
for almost one-half of the cold rolled sheet
and strip shipments in the nation during
1960. Manufacturers of machinery and
equipment received 22 percent of the mill
shipments to domestic users, while 5 percent
was accounted for by the container indus­
try.<3) The remainder was received by ware­
houses and non-metal fabricators.
Coated Steel. It has been estimated that
metal corrosion costs the national economy
about $2 billion annually. In an attempt to
reduce this loss, metal fabricators have in­
creased the use of corrosion-resistant metals.
The steel industry has met this increased de­
mand by expanding the capacity to apply
thin layers of corrosion-resistant lead, tin, or
zinc to cold rolled sheet and strip steel.(4)
District mills have held for some time a
substantial part of the nation’s capacity to
coat steel, especially that which is done by
galvanizing. Between 1957 and 1960, Fourth
District mills expanded their steel galvaniz­
ing capacity by 8 percent to a total of 2.5
million tons. This increase compares with a
gain of 5 percent in the same period for the
nation as a whole. The difference in the re­
spective rates of increase was sufficient to
allow the District to increase its share from
56 percent to 57 percent of the industry’s
total capability.
Demand for a large part of galvanized
steel production comes from the construction
industry and the industrial and domestic ma­
chinery and equipment industries, as well as
from agriculture. In recent years, the rapid
growth of the air conditioning and ventilat(3) The container industry, as referred to here, includes
manufacturers of metal barrels, cans, drums, pails, com­
pressed gas cylinders, and boxes.
(♦) The metallic coatings most commonly used to give steel
corrosion-resistant properties include zinc (used in produc­
ing galvanized steel), tin, and terne metal (an alloy of tin
and lead).


M ills in the Fourth D istric t tend to sp e cia lize in
fiat rolled a nd tubula r p rodu cts.
C a p a c it y in
m illio n s of s h o rt to n s







Sheet an d strip
Steel for w ire a nd
tub ular products

Structural shapes

A ll others


C a p a c it y in
m illio n s o f s h o rt to n s






Cold rolled sheet
an d strip
Pipe a n d tubing




Tin an d terne plate
G a lv a n iz e d sheet
an d strip
Plain w ire

Cold finished bars
Capacities as of January 1, 1 9 6 0 .
Source of d a ta : American Iron and Steel Institute.

ing equipment industry has made the latter
industry an increasingly important market
for galvanized steel.
Mills in the Fourth District also expanded
the capacity to produce tin and terne plated
steel products. The 6 percent increase be­
tween the survey dates brought total capacity
to 3.2 million tons, an amount equal to 40
percent of the nation’s potential production
of such products. During 1960, all but about

6 percent of the tin and terne plated steel
went to manufacturers of tin cans and other
Plate. Compared with all other steel prod­
ucts, plate rolling capacity showed the
largest percentage gain in the District dur­
ing the 1957-60 period.(5) Mills in the area
increased their plate capacity by 19 percent,
reaching a 3.0-million-ton total by the begin­
ning of 1960. While this tonnage represents
only 27 percent of the industry total, the
District mills are able to turn out a con­
siderably larger amount of lighter plate by
using the rolling mills now producing sheet
and strip steel, if demand conditions are such
that larger quantities of plate are needed (as
was the case in W orld W ar II, for example).
The most important peacetime user of
plate is the construction industry. Of the
6.0 million tons o f domestic shipments of
plate in 1960, 30 percent went to the con­
struction industry. Manufacturers of indus­
trial equipment and machinery received an
additional 21 percent, warehouses and dis­
tributors took about 15 percent, and the re­
mainder was widely distributed among other
users. During wartime, of course, shipbuild­
ing and ordnance provide an important mar­
ket for plate steel.
Other Mill Products
In addition to the flat rolled and coated
items already mentioned, steel mills in the
Fourth District turn out a variety of other
steel products. These products include steel
for further conversion into wire and tubular
products, structural shapes and rails, pipe
and tubing, wire, and steel bars.
Steel for Further Conversion. The group
of semi-finished steel products stands second
to sheet and strip in the amount of capacity
in the District devoted to production. How­
ever, it is the only major product group
which did not register an increase in capacity
between 1957 and 1960. The 10.3 million tons
of capacity reported by the mills in the Dis( 5) Plate is thicker than sheet or strip. In general, sheet
and strip run to about 0 .2 0 inches in thickness, while plate
is more than 0 .2 0 inches thick.

trict at the beginning of 1960 was, in fact,
slightly lower than three years earlier.
The decline in productive potential has
been due in part to a reduction in the de­
mand for domestically produced wire rods
to be processed into wire products. Looking
back over the last decade, domestic shipments
of wire rods for conversion into nails, staples,
woven wire fencing, barbed wire, and baling
wire have shown a persistent downward
movement from the peak levels set in 1950
and 1951. On the other hand, imports of wire
rods and wire products into the U.S. have
risen steadily since 1952. In 1960, nearly 53
percent of all barbed wire, 43 percent of the
nails and staples, and 31 percent of the wire
rods available to consumers in the U.S. origi­
nated in foreign countries. According to
many observers, this turn of events is due in
part to price differences.
Pipe and Tubing. Over one-half of the
nation’s pipe and tube-making capacity is
located in the Fourth District. The bulk of
the capacity is centered in the production of
small diameter pipe and tubing (less than
24 inches in diameter). Approximately onethird of the capacity in the District is for the
production of seamless pipe, a high quality
product requiring close control during pro­
cessing. Such a requirement explains in part
why a relatively large share of the pipe is
produced in the District, fairly distant from
many of its ultimate users. The nearer the
pipe mill is to the source of its raw material
(tube rounds and billets, in this instance)
the easier it is to control the quality of the
steel used, and thus the quality of the end
product. On the other hand, electric-weld
facilities for making the larger diameter pipe
(over 24 inches in diameter) which is used
in gas and oil transmission lines, are more
widely distributed throughout the country.
As might be expected, there is a heavy con­
centration of electric-weld facilities in Texas
and California.(6)
(6) Considerations of market location are especially impor­
tant to electric-weld mills for m aking large diameter trans­
mission pipe. In this instance, quality considerations are
outweighed b y the savings gained from shipping plate in­
stead of the bulkier pipe.


According to the figures provided by the
American Iron and Steel Institute, about
one-half of the 7.1 million tons of pipe and
tubing shipped by U. S. mills to domestic
users during I960 were delivered to ware­
houses and distributors for resale, and an­
other 17 percent went directly to construc­
tion firms. The remaining 33 percent was pur­
chased in small quantities by a wide variety
of manufacturing and other firms in the U. S.
In addition to the principal use in the con­
struction of pipelines, pipe and tubing have
a number of industrial applications. How­
ever, most of these uses require only small
quantities of pipe and tubing. The applica­
tions range from plumbing fixtures to furni­
ture, bushings, and printing press rolls. The
automotive, machinery, appliance, and commerical equipment industries are the major
consumers of smaller diameter pipe and
Structural Shapes and Rails. District mills
have expanded the capacity to produce
structural shapes (girders, beams, and other
steel members used in construction) at about
the same pace as the rest of the nation. The
fact that proximity to markets is an impor­
tant consideration in the location of capacity
for structural shapes suggests why the Dis­
trict accounts for only 22 percent of the total
capacity of the industry. Large tonnages of
structural steel capacity are located in or
near major consuming areas of the northeast,
southeast, mid-west, and far west.


Production of rails has ceased to be im­
portant in the Fourth District. The transfer
by one company of its rail production from
a location in the District to a mid-western
facility accounted for the entire 90 percent
decline in District capacity between 1957 and
I960. The latest reduction in capacity lowered
the District’s share of the national total to
1 percent. Moreover, the industry as a whole
registered a 12-percent decline during the
same period.
Steel Bars. Steel mills in the Fourth Dis­
trict have two-fifths of the capacity in the
nation for producing cold rolled bars and
about one-third of the hot rolled steel bar
capacity. Bars produced by the hot and cold
rolling processes are generally divided into
four classes: hot rolled shapes, concrete re­
inforcing bars, cold finished bars, and tool
steel. These classes accounted for 65 percent,
21 percent, 13 percent, and 1 percent, respec­
tively, of the 10.5 million tons of steel bars
shipped to domestic users in 1960.
The largest consumers of hot rolled shapes
are the automotive industry, the construction
industry, the machinery and industrial equip­
ment industries, the forging industry, and
the metal fastener industry. The construction
industry purchases most of the concrete re­
inforcing bars. The automotive and industrial
machinery industries are the largest con­
sumers of cold finished bars. Metalworking
and industrial equipment industries purchase
a large part of the tool steel output.