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Anatoli Kuprianov

Options are contracts that give their owners the
right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a specified
item at a set price on or before a specified date. An
active over-the-counter market in stock options has
existed in the United States for about a century.
Options began to be traded on organized exchanges in
1973 when the Chicago Board Options Exchange
(CBOE) was organized and began listing standardized
stock options. Soon after the start of trading on the
CBOE, the American, Pacific, and Philadephia stock
exchanges also began listing standardized stock options. As interest in options trading among institutional
investors and other financial market participants became evident the number of exchange-traded options
grew rapidly. Today several different types of standardized options trade on virtually all major futures and
stock exchanges, including stock options, other financial options such as foreign currency options, commodity options, and futures options.
Futures options are options on futures contracts.
Currently traded money market futures options include
options on three-month Treasury bill and three-month
Eurodollar time deposit futures. The most active trading in both Treasury bill and Eurodollar time deposit
futures options takes place at the International Monetary Market (IMM) division of the Chicago Mercantile
Exchange (CME), although Eurodollar futures options
also trade on the London International Financial Futures Exchange (LIFFE). Options on actual threemonth Treasury bills are listed for trading by the
American Stock Exchange (ASE), but this market is not

A call option gives the buyer the right, but not the
obligation, to buy a specified item at a stipulated price
called the exercise or strike price. The underlying
* This article was prepared for Instruments of the Money Market, 6th

instrument, or item specified by the option contract,
can be a security such as a common stock or a Treasury
bond, a specified amount of a commodity, or a futures
contract. Call options are bought and sold for a marketdetermined price termed the premium or call price. In
exchange for the premium, the seller (or writer) of a call
option obligates himself to sell the underlying instrument at the strike price at the option of the buyer.
When the buyer (or holder) of the option chooses to
purchase the underlying instrument he is said to exercise the option.
A call option is said to be in-the-money when the
market price of the underlying instrument is above the
strike price and out-of-the-money when the market price
of the underlying instrument falls below the strike
price. When a call option is in-the-money the buyer has
the right to purchase the underlying instrument at a
price below the market price. The holder of an in-themoney American option can exercise it at any time
before expiration date. In contrast, a European option
can only be exercised on the expiration date.
Before the expiration date, out-of-the-money options
will typically sell at a positive premium because of the
possibility that the price of the underlying instrument
will rise before expiration. At expiration the buyer will
exercise the option if it is in-the-money or let it expire
unexercised if it is out-of-the-money. An out-of-themoney call option has no value at expiration, since
buyers will not purchase the underlying instrument at a
price above the current market price. The value of an
in-the-money call option at expiration is the current
market price of the underlying instrument minus the
strike price.
The buyer (holder) of a put option receives the right
to sell a specified security at the strike or exercise price
stipulated by the contract. In exchange for a cash
premium (put price), the seller (writer) of a put option
becomes contractually obliged to buy the underlying
security at the strike price at the option of the holder. A
put option is in-the-money when the market price of the
underlying instrument is below the strike price and out-



of-the-money when the market price is above the strike
Exchange-traded or standardized options, like futures
contracts, are standardized contracts traded on organized exchanges. An option contract is completely specified by the description of the underlying instrument,
strike price, and the expiration date. An exchangetraded option always specifies a uniform underlying
instrument, one of a limited number of strike prices,
and one of a limited number of expiration dates. Strike
price intervals and expiration dates for traded contracts
are determined by the exchange. Contract performance
for exchange-traded options, as with futures contracts,
is guaranteed by a clearing corporation that interposes
itself as a third party to each option contract. The
clearing corporation becomes the seller to each buyer
and the buyer to each seller, thereby removing the risk
that the seller of an option might fail to meet contract
Contract standardization together with the clearing
corporation guarantee facilitates options trading. A
holder or seller of an exchange-traded option can
always liquidate an open position in an option before
expiration by making an offsetting transaction. For
example, a holder of a Treasury bill futures call option
can offset his position by selling a T-bill futures call with
the same strike price and expiration date; the net profit
or loss from such a transaction is determined by the
difference between the premium originally paid for the
call and the price received when it is sold. Similarly, the
holder of a put option can liquidate his position by selling
a put with the same strike price and expiration date. As
with futures contracts, most positions in standardized
options are liquidated before the expiration date with an
offsetting transaction rather than being held for the
purpose of selling or buying the underlying instrument.
Unlike futures contracts, buyers of put and call
options are not required to deposit funds in a margin
account because their risk of loss is limited to the
premium paid for the option. Sellers of put and call
options are required to maintain margin accounts,
however, since they face a considerable risk of loss, as
will become evident when the payoffs to different option
positions are examined below.
Finally, over-the-counter (OTC) options are customtailored agreements for which option specifications (the
underlying instrument, amount, strike price, exercise
rights, and expiration date) are all negotiated by the
two parties to the contract. OTC options are usually
sold directly rather than through an exchange. Major
commercial and investment banks often write customtailored interest rate options for their commercial
customers. A bank, for example, might write a cap, or

series of interest rate put options, for a commercial
customer to fix a maximum interest rate on a floatingrate loan tied to short-term interest rates.

Put and call options on Treasury bill and Eurodollar
futures are actively traded at the IMM in trading areas,
or trading pits as they are called, located next to the
trading pits for the underlying futures contracts.l Exercising a futures option results in either a long or short
futures position. When a holder exercises a futures call
option he buys the underlying futures contract at the
strike price, or takes on a long futures position. To
completely liquidate his resulting futures position, the
buyer must undertake an offsetting futures transaction.
The writer of a call option must in turn sell, or take on a
short futures position, in the underlying futures contract
when it is exercised. When a futures put option is
exercised the holder takes on a short futures position
and the writer a long position.
The primary advantage of futures options over options for actual securities stems from the liquidity of
futures contracts. Because futures markets tend to be
more liquid than underlying cash markets, offsetting a
position resulting from the exercise of an option is
usually easier with futures options than with options on
actual securities. This can be especially important to
put and call writers, who usually enter into options
agreements to earn fee income rather than with the
ultimate goal of buying or selling the underlying instrument.
IMM money market futures options are American
options. ASE Treasury bill options, in contrast, are
European-type options for actual Treasury bills. LIFFE
Eurodollar futures options are American options specifying LIFFE Eurodollar time deposit futures contracts
as the underlying instrument.
At present trading activity in IMM Treasury bill
futures options is relatively light but greatly surpasses
trading in ASE bill options, which is almost nonexistent.
IMM Eurodollar futures options are very actively traded while volume in LIFFE Eurodollar futures options,
although significant, is considerably smaller. Contract
specifications for IMM money market futures, options
are described in the enclosed box on the following page.

The difference between options and the underlying
futures contracts becomes evident once the payoff
Kuprianov [1986] contains a detailed description of IMM short-term
interest rate futures contracts.


Options on Treasury Bill Futures

IMM Treasury bill futures options were first
listed for trading in April of 1986. The underlying
instrument for these options is the IMM threemonth Treasury bill futures contract. Expiration
dates for traded contracts fall approximately
three to four weeks before the underlying futures
contract matures.1 IMM futures options can be
exercised any time up to the expiration date.
Strike Price Internals Strike price intervals
are 25 basis points for IMM index prices above
91.00 and 50 basis points for index prices below
91.00. Strike prices are typically quoted in terms
of basis points. Thus, the strike prices for traded
Treasury bill futures options can be 90.50 or
92.25, but not 90.25 or 92.10.
Price Quotation Premium quotations for
Treasury bill futures options are based on the
IMM index price of the underlying futures contract. As with the underlying futures contract, the
minimum price fluctuation is one basis point and
each basis point is worth $25. Thus, a quote of
0.35 represents an options premium of $875 (35
basis points x $25). The minimum price fluctua-

The precise rule used to determine IMM Treasury bill
futures options expiration dates is as follows. The expiration
date is the business day nearest the underlying futures
contract month that satisfies the following two conditions.
First, the expiration date must fall on the last business day of
the week. Second, the last day of trading must precede the
first day of the futures contract month by at least six business

diagrams for each contract are compared. The payoff
diagrams depicted in Figures 1 through 3 show how
profits and losses from different futures and options
positions held to expiration vary as underlying futures
prices change.
Futures Contracts

tion for put and call premiums is one basis point.
There is no upper limit on daily price fluctuations.
Options on Eurodollar Futures

IMM options on Eurodollar futures began trading in March, 1985. Eurodollar options expire at
the end of the last day of trading in the underlying
Eurodollar futures contract. Since the Eurodollar
futures contract is cash settled the final settlement for Eurodollar futures options follows the
cash settlement procedure adopted for the underlying Eurodollar futures contracts.
To illustrate, suppose the strike price for a
bought Eurodollar futures call option is 91.00 and
the final settlement price for Eurodollar futures is
91.50. Exercising the call option at expiration
gives the holder the right, in principle, to place
$1,000,000 in a three-month Eurodollar deposit
paying an add-on rate of nine percent. But since
the contract is settled in cash, the holder receives
$1250 (50 basis points x $25) in lieu of the right to
place the Eurodollar deposit paying nine percent.
Strike Price Intervals for Eurodollar futures
options are the same as Treasury bill strike price
Price Quotation Premium quotations for Eurodollar options are based on the IMM index price
of the underlying Eurodollar futures contract. As
with the underlying futures contract, the minimum price fluctuation is one basis point and each
basis point is worth $25.

are ignored in drawing these diagrams. The buyer of a
futures contract earns or loses one dollar for each dollar
the price of the contract rises or falls. Thus, the payoff
can be depicted by a 45 degree line showing a zero
profit at the original purchase price, denoted by the
point F in Figure 1a. A trader with an unhedged short
position is in the opposite position, profiting when
futures prices fall and losing money when prices rise.

Figure 1 displays payoff diagrams for unhedged long
and short futures positions. The horizontal axis in these
diagrams measures the price, F, of the futures contract
while the vertical axis measures any profits or losses
stemming from changes in futures prices. To simplify
the analysis, transaction costs, such as brokerage fees,

Futures Call Options

Figure 2a shows the payoff diagram for an unhedged,
or naked, bought call option held to expiration. In
return for the payment of the call premium, C, the



Figure 1


Figure 2


Figure 3



buyer receives the right to buy the underlying futures
contract at the strike price S. At expiration an out-ofthe-money option has no value. A buyer holding an outof-the-money call option will allow the option to expire
unexercised, earning a total net profit of -C; that is, he
loses the call premium paid at the time the option was
purchased. When the price of the underlying futures
contract is above the strike price the buyer can exercise the option, buy the underlying futures contract at
the strike price, and liquidate his futures position at a
profit. The buyer’s net profit in this second case is the
difference between the market price of the futures
contract,, F, and the strike price, S, less the premium
paid for the call, C.
To take an example, suppose that a buyer pays a
premium of $800 for a December 1986 Treasury bill
futures call option with a strike price of 94.50 (IMM
index price).2 This option is in-the-money when December Treasury bill futures prices rise above 94.50. If
the price of a Treasury bill futures contract is 95.00,
the buyer can exercise the option and immediately
liquidate his futures position at a $1,250 (50 basis points
x $25) profit. His net profit is $450 ($1,250-$800).
Figure 2b shows the payoff at expiration earned by
the seller of a call option. His profit will be the full
amount of the call premium C if the option is not
exercised, that is, if the price of the underlying futures
contract on the expiration date is below the strike
price. If the price of the underlying futures contract is
above the strike price, however, the option will be
exercised and the writer will be required to sell the
underlying futures contract at the strike price S.
Liquidating the resulting futures position requires buying the contract back at the higher market price F.
Thus, the writer’s net profit if the option is exercised is
the call premium C minus the difference (F-S). The
net profit is negative if the premium C is less than the
loss (F-S) incurred from selling the underlying futures
contract at the strike price.
Futures Put Options

Figure 3a shows the payoff diagram for a bought put
option held to expiration. The buyer pays a put premium P in exchange for the right to sell the underlying
futures contract at the strike price S. He will allow the
option to expire unexercised if the price of the underlying futures contract is above the strike price. In this
case, he loses the put premium. When the underlying
futures price is below the strike price the put holder can
exercise the option, sell the underlying futures con2

The IMM index mice for Treasury bill futures is 100 minus the
futures discount yield to be paid on the deliverable bill. Each one basis
point change in the index price corresponds to a $25 change in the
price of the deliverable bill.

tract, and liquidate the resulting futures position at a
profit. The put holder’s net profit in this second case is
the amount by which the strike price S exceeds the
market price F of the underlying futures contract,
minus the put premium.
As an example, suppose that a buyer pays a premium
of $525 for a put option on December Treasury bill
futures with a strike price of 95.00. If the price of the
underlying futures contract is 94.90 the put holder can
earn $250 (10 basis points x $25) by exercising the
option, selling Treasury bill futures at 95.00, and then
liquidating his position through an offsetting purchase at
94.90. His net profit (loss in this case) is $250-$525 =
Finally, Figure 3b shows the payoff at expiration
earned by the seller of a put option. If the option is outof-the-money (that is, if the market price of the underlying futures contract is above the strike price) at
expiration, the seller earns a profit equal to the full put
premium, P. Otherwise, the option will be exercised
and the writer will be forced to buy the underlying
futures contract at a price above the market price.
Liquidating the resulting futures position results in a
loss, which may more than offset the premium earned
from writing the option.
As the payoff diagrams in Figures 2 and 3 make clear,
buying a put does not offset a long call position. Instead,
the holder of a call option can liquidate his position only
by selling a call with the same expiration date and strike
price. Similarly, the holder of a put can liquidate his
position by selling a put with the same contract specification.

An option hedge combines an option with a cash
position in the underlying instrument in such a way that
either the underlying instrument protects the option
against loss or the option protects the underlying
instrument against loss. Buying a put option, for example, protects against a large loss resulting from a long
position in the underlying instrument. Options on futures can be used to hedge cash market positions
because futures prices tend to be highly correlated with
prices of the deliverable securities. Some futures options, such as the IMM Eurodollar futures option,
expire on the same day the underlying futures contract
matures. Exercising a futures option on the maturity
date of the underlying contract amounts to exercising
an option on the actual cash instrument.
The Difference Between a Futures and an Options

The basic difference between hedging with options
and hedging with futures is that options enable hedgers



to limit losses from adverse price movements while
leaving open the opportunity to profit from favorable
price changes. A futures hedge, in contrast, just fixes
the price at which a planned future transaction takes
place-the hedger is protected from the risk of loss if
the value of his cash market holdings falls, but loses the
opportunity to profit if those holdings appreciate.
Thus, options can be thought of as providing a form
of price insurance. Like any other form of insurance,
however, buyers are required to pay a premium for
protection against loss, which means that although they
have the opportunity to profit if the value of their
underlying cash position rises the returns to a position
hedged with options will be smaller on average than the
returns to an unhedged position.
Over-the-counter put and call options on short-term
interest rates are sometimes called caps and floors,
terms that derive from descriptions of the basic hedging
strategies each type of option can be used to structure.
Buying an interest rate put option caps or establishes a
maximum borrowing rate on a floating-rate loan tied to
short-term interest rates. Buying a call option sets a
floor or minimum yield on a future investment.
Interest rate caps and floors can also be created
using options on interest rate futures, as is illustrated
by the following two examples.
Creating Interest Rate Floors

A futures call option establishes a maximum purchase
price for the underlying instrument. Since the price of
an interest-bearing security varies inversely with market interest rates, establishing a maximum purchase
price on an interest-bearing security amounts to fixing a
minimum yield on the anticipated investment. The
following example illustrates the mechanics of an options hedge undertaken to fix an investment floor.
On August 15 a corporate treasurer learns that his
firm will receive a cash inflow of $1 million in three
months. Such funds are typically invested in threemonth Treasury bills. The treasurer can fix a minimum
yield on the anticipated investment either by buying a
Treasury bill futures contract or by buying a Treasury
bill futures call option. Call options on December
Treasury bill futures expire on November 14, which
turns out to coincide exactly with the date the hedger in
this example anticipates receiving the cash inflow.
IMM Treasury bill futures can be bought at a price of
94.71 on August 15, implying a futures discount yield of
5.29 percent. Treasury bill futures call options with a
strike price of 94.75 (implying a discount yield of 5.25
percent) sell for a premium of 21 basis points, or $525.
The results of a futures and an options hedge are
compared below under two different assumptions about

market rates of return prevailing on the date of the
planned investment.
Results of the Futures Hedge First, consider the
rate of return fixed by a futures hedge. If the corporate
treasurer could buy a Treasury bill futures contract
maturing on November 14, when he plans to invest in
T-bills, the hedge would be perfect and the rate of
return fixed by the futures hedging strategy would be
known with certainty. However, the nearest maturity
date for a Treasury bill futures contract falls in December. Uncertainty about the exact relationship between
futures and spot Treasury bill prices on the date of the
anticipated cash inflow introduces the risk, known as
basis risk, that the yield produced by the hedge may
differ from the expected yield.3 For the sake of simplicity this source of risk will be ignored in this example;
specifically, it will be assumed that the futures discount
yield always equals the actual yield on a thirteen-week
Treasury bill on November 14. Under this assumption
the futures hedge will always result in an effective
discount yield of 5.29 percent on the planned investment. Although this convenient relationship could not
be expected to hold in reality, the error this assumption
introduces is unimportant for purposes of this simple
Calculating the Investment Floor Suppose that interest rates fall after August 15 and the discount yield
on Treasury bill futures contracts declines from 5.29
percent to 5.00 percent on the November 14 expiration
date. Since the resulting price of the underlying futures
contract, 95.00, is above the strike price of 94.75, the
option can be exercised and the resulting futures
position liquidated at a profit of 25 basis points, or $625.
This profit is partially offset by the 21 basis point call
premium, reducing the net profit to 4 basis points.
Again assuming no basis risk so that the discount yield
on thirteen-week Treasury bills is 5.00 percent, the
effective hedged discount yield in this case is 5.04
percent. This outcome produces a discount yield 4
basis points higher than the unhedged yield, but 25
basis points lower than the 5.29 percent yield that could
have been fixed by the futures hedge.
Notice that in this example 5.04 percent is the
minimum discount yield the hedger would face, no
matter how low interest rates turn out to be on the
expiration date. This is because-in the absence of
basis risk-any additional decline in the Treasury bill
discount yield below 5.00 percent would be exactly


See Kuprianov [1986] for a more detailed discussion of futures
hedging and basis risk.


offset by additional profit from the hedge. In actual
practice basis risk would make the calculation of an
absolute floor impossible, although an expected floor
could be estimated.

futures with a strike price of 93.75 sells for a premium
of 6 basis points. The results of a futures hedge and a
hedge structured using the put option are compared

Results of the Options Hedge When Interest Rates
Rise Now consider the rate of return produced by the

Result of a Futures Hedge IMM Eurodollar futures
mature on the same day options on those contracts
expire. Thus, the firm in this example can put together
a perfect futures hedge. Such a hedge would lock-in a
borrowing rate of 7.01 percent (6.01 percent fixed by
the sale of the futures contract plus the 100 basis point
markup charged by the lending bank).

option hedging strategy if interest rates rise before the
planned investment date. Suppose that on November
14 the price of an IMM Treasury bill futures contract
falls to 94.45, implying a discount yield of 5.55 percent.
In this case the price of the underlying futures contract
is below the strike price of 94.75, so the option will be
permitted to expire unexercised. Assuming once more
that the spot price equals the futures price, the discount yield for a thirteen-week Treasury bill bought in
the spot market is 5.55 percent. For the hedger, the
net effective yield is 5.34 percent (5.55 percent minus
the 21 basis point call premium), which is 5 basis points
higher than the yield that would have been earned using
a futures hedge.
This second case illustrates the potential advantage
an options hedging strategy has over a futures hedge.
While the interest rate floor established by the options
hedge is lower than the rate fixed by the futures hedge,
the options hedge permits the hedger to earn a higher
yield if interest rates rise by enough to offset the cost of
the call premium.
Interest Rate Caps

Buying a put option on an interest rate futures
contract sets a minimum price the cash security can be
sold for at a future date. Fixing a minimum price on an
interest-bearing security is equivalent to fixing a maximum interest rate, however, so that an interest rate
futures put option can be used to fix a maximum
borrowing rate, or cap. If interest rates fall before the
loan is taken out, the hedger loses part or all of the put
premium, but can borrow at the lower market rate.
To take a specific example, suppose that on October
15 a large corporation makes plans to take out a threemonth, $1 million loan in two months. The firm’s bank
typically charges 100 basis points over the three-month
LIBOR for such loans. The firm can protect itself
against the risk of a rise in interest rates before the loan
is taken out either by selling Eurodollar futures or by
buying a Eurodollar futures put option.
For purposes of this example assume that options on
Eurodollar futures expire on December 15, the exact
date the planned loan is to be taken out. As of October
15, December Eurodollar time deposit futures trade at
a price of 93.99 on the IMM, implying a futures LIBOR
of 6.01 percent. A put option on December Eurodollar

Calculating the Interest Rate Cap

Now consider the
result of the option hedge when interest rates rise
before the loan is taken out. Suppose that the threemonth LIBOR is 6.30 on the expiration date, so that the
final settlement price for Eurodollar futures is 93.70.
The underlying futures contract price is 5 basis points
below the 93.75 strike price, so the option can be
exercised and the underlying position settled in cash to
earn a $125 profit. Since IMM Eurodollar futures
options expire on the same day the underlying futures
contract matures and that contract is cash settled, this
profit is paid directly to the hedger. The profit from
exercising the option is more than offset by the 6 basis
point put premium, however. The net loss from the
hedge is thus 1 basis point. The resulting effective
borrowing rate is 7.31 percent (6.30 market LIBOR,
plus the 1 basis point net hedging cost, plus the 100
basis point markup), 30 basis points higher than the
effective borrowing rate that could have been fixed with
a futures hedge and 1 basis point higher than the
unhedged borrowing rate.
The interest rate cap of 7.31 percent is attained
whenever the underlying contract settlement price hits
the strike price. Notice that no matter how high
interest rates were to rise, effective borrowing costs
would never go above this level because any further
increase in market rates would be exactly offset by the
additional profits gained from exercising the put option.
Result of the Options Hedge When Interest Rates
Full Finally, consider the effective borrowing cost

resulting from the option hedge if the three-month
LIBOR were to fall to 6.00 percent on the expiration
date. If LIBOR is 6.00 percent the settlement price for
December Eurodollar futures will be 94.00, which
means that a put option with a strike price of 93.75 is
out-of-the-money. The interest rate paid on the loan in
this case is 7.00 percent, but the net effective cost is
7.06 percent because of the loss of the put premium.
Notice that in both of the cases considered above the














borrowing rate produced by the options hedge was
higher than either the unhedged borrowing rate or the
rate that could have been fixed with a futures hedge.
This points to an important characteristic of options
hedges. The premium paid on an option protects the
hedger from heavy losses due to large price fluctuations
while permitting gains in the form of lower borrowing
costs or higher investment rates in cases where favorable price movements occur. When only small price
movements occur, however, any benefit from holding
the option may be more than offset by the cost of the
option premium. Thus, unless large price movements
are realized, an options hedge can easily prove to be
more costly than a futures hedge.
Although options on interest rate futures have only
been actively traded for a short time, a large number of
interest rate option hedging strategies have been developed. At present, the heaviest commercial users of
money market futures options are commercial and
investment banks that write caps and floors for their
customers and then hedge their resulting net over-thecounter positions with standardized interest rate futures options. 4

As noted earlier, an out-of-the-money option will
typically have value before the expiration date because
of the possibility that the option could go in-the-money
before it expires. The difference between the strike
price and the market price of the underlying instrument
is called the intrinsic value of the option. An option’s
intrinsic value, is the gain that could be realized if it were
exercised. Any excess of the option premium above its
intrinsic value is called the time value of the contract.
The time value of an option is greater the longer the
time to expiration because an option with a longer life
has a greater chance of going deeper in-the-money

For a more detailed description of the development of interest rate
options markets see Bank for International Settlements [1986,
chapter 3].


before it expires. As the expiration date draws nearer
time value declines; once the expiration date arrives,
the time value of an option is zero and the only value the
option has is its intrinsic value.
To illustrate, the table above presents call prices,
underlying futures prices, and time values for IMM
Eurodollar futures options with different expiration
dates as of the end of trading on November 6, 1986.
The first row in the table gives data for options on
December Eurodollar futures. As of the end of trading
on November 6, a Eurodollar call option on a December
1986 futures contract with a strike price of 93.50 sold
for a premium of 53 basis points. The price of the
underlying futures contract at the end of the same
trading session was 94.02, so this option was in-themoney. The intrinsic value of the December option was
52 basis points; thus, the difference between the call
premium and its intrinsic value is one basis point, or
$25. As noted above, the time value of the options for
successively distant expiration dates grows larger.
A comprehensive discussion of factors determining
options prices is beyond the scope of this article.
However, two concluding observations are in order.
First, the deeper an option is in-the-money, the greater
the proportion of the option premium is due to intrinsic
value and therefore the more closely price movements
in the underlying futures contracts are reflected by
changes in the option premium. Thus, in-the-money
options provide hedgers with greater risk reduction
than out-of-the-money options. Second, all other things
equal, the time value of an option is greater the more
volatile are underlying futures prices. This is because
more volatile underlying futures prices make it more
likely an option will go deeper in-the-money before it
Readers interested in a formal theoretical development of the pricing formula for options on futures
contracts are referred to Black [1976]. Less technically
oriented readers will find Koppenhaver’s [1986] introductory exposition useful. Emanuel [1985] shows how
to apply the Black formula to the pricing of Eurodollar
futures options.


Bank for International Settlements. Recent Innovations in International Banking. Basle, Switzerland, April 1986.
Black, Fisher. “The Pricing of Commodity Contracts.” Journal of
Financial Economics 3 (January/March 1976), pp. 167-79.
Emanuel, David. “Eurodollar Volatility and Option Pricing.” Chicago
Mercantile Exchange, Market Perspectives 3 (April 1985).
Koppenhaver, G. D. “Futures Options and Their Use by Financial
Intermediaries.” Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Economic
Perspectives 10 January/February 1986), pp. 18-31.
Kramer, Samuel L., Lyn Miller Senholz, and Carl O. Helstrom, III.
Options Hedging Handbook. Cedar Falls, IA: Center for Futures
Education, Inc., 1985.

Kuprianov, Anatoli, “Short-Term Interest Rate Futures.” Federal
Reserve Bank of Richmond, Economic Review 72 (September/
October 1986), pp. 12-26.
Mates, Christopher I. “Cap Rate Loans: ‘Put’ a Stop to Runaway
Interest Expense: Part 1.” Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Market Perspectives 3 (June 1985).
Mates, Christopher I. and James E. Murphy. “Investment Floors and
Fences Using T-bill Options.” Chicago Mercantile Exchange,
Market Perspectives 4 (April 1986).



Michael Dotsey

This paper presents an analysis of Japanese monetary policy, and concentrates on the operating mechanisms used by the Bank of Japan in conducting policy.
References are made to U.S. monetary policy in an
attempt to highlight the major similarities and differences between the respective monetary policies. The
major conclusion is that although there are some
interesting differences, the two central banks’ daily
operating procedures are very similar. Both monetary
authorities basically use the interbank market interest
rate as their policy instrument. Therefore, any major
differences in Japanese and U.S. macroeconomic performance that can be attributed to the behavior of the
two monetary authorities are not due to dissimilar
operating procedures. Profitable research attempting
to discover reasons for differences in monetary policy
should concentrate on understanding the political nature of the monetary institutions and the political
constraints that are associated with each country’s
institutional framework. Such considerations, however,
are far beyond the scope of this paper, which focuses
chiefly on comparable operating procedures and macroeconomic performance.
The conclusion that both the United States and
Japanese central banks use similar operating procedures casts doubt on the importance of many criticisms
directed at the Federal Reserve. These criticisms often
emphasize poorly constructed operating procedures as
being responsible for perceived failures of U.S. monetary policy. For example, Friedman [1982] states that
one of the five major points of monetarist policy is that
“monetary authorities should avoid trying to manipulate
either interest rates or exchange rates.” The basic idea

* This paper was written while the author was a Visiting Scholar,
Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan. Discussions with Hideo Hayakawa, Yoshiharu Oritani, Chihiro Sakuraba and
Yoshio Suzuki of the Bank of Japan, Minoru Okada and Hirozumi
Tanaka of the Dai-ichi Kangyo Bank, Ltd., and Kenji Kariya of the
Norin Chukin Bank have been very helpful. Needless to say, the
opinions expressed in this paper are solely those of the author and do
not necessarily express the views of the Bank of Japan, the Federal
Reserve Bank of Richmond, nor the Federal Reserve System.

that is often stressed in many criticisms of this type is
that an interest rate instrument is inconsistent with the
objectives of long-term monetary control and price
stability. Further, the Japanese experience is often
cited as the shining example among advanced economies of achieving monetarist objectives. Yet, as it is
shown below, the Bank of Japan uses an interest rate
instrument in achieving the objectives of its monetary
policy. While there may exist differences in the relative
efficiency of various operating procedures, these differences do not account for the variation in performance
between the central banks of the United States and
Japan. Concentrating on operating policies is probably
counterproductive in trying to understand the relative
performance of each monetary authority.
The structure of the paper is as follows. In Section
II, the macroeconomic performances of the United
States and Japan over the last decade are compared and
contrasted. Japan is observed to have had lower,
although not less variable, inflation and to have had
higher and less variable real output growth. In Section
III interest rates are examined. With the exception of
the behavior of the long-term government bond rate,
interest rate behavior in both countries appears quite
similar. Section IV includes a detailed look at the
Japanese interbank market and discusses some of the
operations conducted by the Bank of Japan. The behavior of this market is quite similar to the behavior of the
U.S. federal funds market. Section V discusses Japanese monetary policy in more depth, while Section VI
presents a simple model that captures a number of
essential characteristics of Japanese monetary policy:
The model is similar in spirit to McCallum’s [1981]
investigation of interest rate pegs and McCallum and
Hoehn’s [1983] investigation of various U.S. operating
procedures. Section VII contains a brief summary and
JAPAN (1975-l 985)

In this section a brief overview of the macroeconomic
performance of the United States and Japan is present-


Chart 1

a. Japan

















b. U.S.







ed for the period 1975-1985. This sample is chosen to
avoid the contaminating influence of the first oil price
shock which had a differential impact on the two
countries. Also, it was not until the mid-1970s, with the
creation of large government bond issues, that the




Bank of Japan could initiate monetary policy in a manner
comparable to policy in the United States. Prior to the
1970s, the money market in Japan was not nearly as
active or diversified as in the United States.
Charts la, lb, and 2 and Table I depict the relevant



Chart 2








data. In comparing monetary aggregates, U.S. Ml is
compared with Japanese M2 + CD, although Japanese
Ml statistics are given in parenthesis in Table I. The
different aggregates are used for two reasons. One
reason is that these are the aggregates that each

Table I


Sample 1975:1 - 1985:4 (Quarterly Data)

Average real output growth (percent)
Standard deviation of real output
Average inflation (percent,
using GNP deflator)
Standard deviation of inflation
Average monetary growth (percent)1
Standard deviation of money growth









10.26 (6.79) 7.36
2.54 (4.53) 2.08

Sample 1981:1 - 1985:4

Average real output growth (percent)
Standard deviation of real output





Average inflation (percent)
Standard deviation of inflation



Average monetary growth (percent)
Standard deviation of money growth

8.28 (4.30) 8.19
1.19 (2.87) 2.39

1. Money growth for Japan is M2 + CD, while for the United
States it is Ml. The Ml figure for Japan is included in






central bank pays the closest attention to and generally
uses as an intermediate target. The other reason is that
in terms of controllability and the implications for a welldefined price level, Japanese M2 and U.S. Ml are quite
similar (the CD component in Japan is under quantity
restrictions and is relatively small). Specifically, most of
the components of these two aggregates are subject to
reserve requirements and binding interest rate ceilings.
Unlike Japanese M2, U.S. M2 contains many components that have market determined interest rates and
no reserve requirements, implying that U.S. M2 does
not meet the requirements given in Patinkin [1961] and
Fama [1983] for determining a well-defined aggregate
price level.
The data shows that Japanese money growth has
been less erratic than U.S. money growth. ‘This is
visible in the charts and is confirmed by the standard
deviations of money growth in Japan and the United
States of 1.19 and 2.39 over the second half of the
sample, a period reflecting extremely low Japanese
inflation rates of less than 2 percent on average. The
standard deviation for the entire sample in some sense
overstates Japanese monetary variability, since Japan
was following a gradual reduction in its rate of money
growth. Therefore, differences in money growth from
its mean indicate variability some of which is merely a
reflection of a gradual disinflationary policy.
This gradual slowdown in money growth is reflected
by lower inflation rates in Japan than in the United
States of 3.78 versus 6.86 for the entire sample and
1.78 versus 5.48 over the last five years. The reduction
in inflation was accomplished without significantly af-


fecting real output growth. In contrast the United
States reduced its money growth from 6.9 percent in
1979-1980 to 2.4 percent in 1980-1981.1 This resulted
in a slowdown in inflation and a severe decline in output
growth. Also, real activity is much less variable in Japan
than in the United States as measured by standard
deviations of 1.10 and 3.06, respectively. When comparing the relative performance of the two economies,
it is clear why many regard Japan as an outstanding
example of sensible monetary policy.

The basic behavior of interest rates is depicted in
Charts 3a and 3b and Table II. Regarding the shortterm money market, overall interest rate behavior in
both countries appears to be quite similar. Rates in the
United States are somewhat higher and more variable
reflecting higher levels of inflation and perhaps more
variable monetary policy. The rates in both countries
show a good deal of flexibility and are characterized by
similar correlation coefficients.
The lower variability of Japanese money market
rates may also be due to greater restrictions on
movements in rates in the call market and bill discount
markets prior to 1979.2 Many of these restrictions
prohibited interbank rates from changing on a daily
basis, but still allowed for flexibility on a biweekly basis.
The use of quarterly data may effectively mask these
rigidities since the money market rates in Japan show
even less variability over the 1981:1-1985:4 period
when interbank rates fluctuated freely. Also, in the
1970s the Bank of Japan probably used its interest rate
instrument more aggressively to bring down money
growth and inflation than did the Federal Reserve.3
This would tend to offset the effects of institutional
rigidities on short-term Japanese interest rates when
analyzing quarterly data.
Although the behavior of money market rates shows
great similarity in the two countries, the behavior of
long-term yields on government bonds is quite different. In the United States, long-term bond yields fluctuated a good deal more, as depicted by a standard
deviation of 2.30 versus a standard deviation of .89 for
Japan. Also, these yields are much more highly corre-

lated with other interest rates in the United States than
in Japan. Again, one may conjecture that the high
degree of regulation that existed in the Japanese bond
market during the 1970s is responsible. Prior to 1975
there were relatively few long-term government bonds
and during the late 1970s long-term bonds were marketed entirely to financial institutions who were “requested” not to resell them in the secondary market.
Gradually as the government tried to market more
debt it was forced to liberalize subscription rates and
resale arrangements if entire issues were to receive
subscriptions. For instance, in April 1977, members of
the government bond purchasing syndicate were permitted to resell bonds after holding them for one year
and in 1978 the Bank of Japan repurchased bonds on an
auction basis. In May 1980, government bonds could be
resold after they were listed on the securities exchange, amounting to a holding period of seven to nine
months, and in 1981 the holding period was shortened
to 100 days. Furthermore, the initial subscription yield
was gradually liberalized and the difference between
this yield and the yield in the secondary market has
become virtually nonexistent. Moreover, if one examines only the last five years of the sample the comparative statistics are quite similar. Long-term bonds have a
standard deviation of .75 in Japan as compared to 1.51
in the United States and have a correlation coefficient
with the three-month market rate of .47 as compared to
.88 for the United States.
With the loosening of regulations in both domestic
and foreign exchange markets and the large increase in
government debt, the Japanese bond market has become the second most active bond market in the world.
This growth is also reflected in the money markets
giving Japan well diversified and deep markets for
borrowing and lending. Although these markets are not
as large or diversified as markets in the United States,
the differences in the money and bond markets can not
be responsible for difference in the performance of the
Japanese and U.S. monetary authorities.4

In order to understand Japanese monetary policy it is
essential to examine the workings of the Japanese


These figures are for effective Ml growth and are taken from
Broaddus and Goodfriend [1984].


For more detail see Cargill [1985] and Fukui [1986].

For a detailed discussion concerning the Federal Reserve’s operating procedures in the 1970s see Hetzel [1981].

The above discussion has concentrated on deregulation in the longterm government bonds market. However, many other liberalization
measures have taken place in this same period, e.g., the liberalizations in the markets of CDs, BAs and the conversion of foreign
currency into yen. The working of the interbank market is strongly
affected by the working of these new markets, and it might be useful
to examine this interaction. However, this point is not discussed
explicitly here since several papers are already available on this issue.
See Cargill [1985] and Fukui [1986], among others.



Chart 3

a. Japan













b. U.S.








1978 1979








Table II
1975:1 - 1985:4
Japan U.S.

Average discount rate (percent) (d)
Standard deviation discount rate
Average interbank rate (percent)1 (i)
Standard deviation interbank rate
Average 3-month rate (percent)2 (r 3 )
Standard deviation 3-month rate
Average lo-year bond rate (percent) (r10)
Standard deviation 10-year bond rate


United States

r1 0





r1 0







1. The interbank rate in Japan is the overnight call market rate
while in the United States it is the overnight Federal funds
2. The 3-month rate for Japan is the Gensaki or RP rate, while
for the United States the 3-month Treasury bill rate is used.
There is no comparable Treasury bill in Japan.

interbank market, since this is the market in which the
Bank of Japan performs daily operations. Currently
there are two markets in which Japanese banks exchange reserves. There is the call market, which is a
short-term market analogous to the federal funds market, and there is a bill discount market where commercial bills are discounted. The maturity of loans in the call
market varies from one-half day to three weeks, while
the maturity of bills traded in the bills discount market
varies from 30 to 180 days.5
Over the period from 1975 to present, there have
been a number of changes liberalizing the movements
of rates in these markets. Prior to 1978, both the call
rate and bill discount rate were based on a quotation
system in which the rate was determined by a consensus of major borrowers and lenders. During this period
the call rate was changed only once or twice a month
while the bill rate fluctuated less frequently. Also,
participants in the bill market were prohibited from
rediscounting bills. Starting in June 1978, however,
quotations on the call rate were changed more frequently and permission was given to resell bills freely
one month after their purchase. In October 1978
seven-day call money with a freely determined rate was
introduced, while in November one-month bills were

The maximum term of call loans was extended from seven days to
three weeks in August 1985 while the maximum term in bill discount
market was extended from 120 days to 180 days in June 1985.

introduced at an unregulated rate. Also, rates on threemonth bills were liberalized. The process of liberalizing
the interbank market was largely concluded in 1979. In
April the quotation system in the call market was
abolished and call money with terms between two and
six days was introduced. In October rates on twomonth bills were also liberalized. Thus from late 1979
until the present, rates in both the call and bill market
could fluctuate on a daily basis and interdaily fluctuation,
although infrequent, did occur.6 However, rates do not
fluctuate quite as freely as in the federal funds market.
This may be due to the fact that interest rates are used
as an operating target. Specifically, the Bank of Japan
stands ready to supply or absorb funds at its target
rates in order to achieve equilibrium in the short-term
money markets.
The volume of trading in the call and bill markets has
increased threefold over the last decade with monthly
volume in June of 1985 reaching Y13.4 trillion. The
market is therefore quite active in allocating funds
among banks.
Detailed Organization of the lnterbank Market

Call Market The major participants in the call
market are the Bank of Japan, the six Tanshi Kaisha or
dealers, city banks, long-term credit banks, regional
banks, mutual loan and savings banks, trust banks,
foreign bank branches, Norin Chukin Bank (the central
cooperative of agriculture and forestry credit unions),
and insurance companies. Also, beginning in November
1980, securities companies that are authorized to underwrite public and corporate debentures have gradually been allowed to take funds in this market.’ City
banks are the major takers (demanders of funds) in the
call market while the major placers are Norin Chukin
Bank, trust banks, regional banks, and life insurance
companies. Regarding the Nor-in Chukin Bank, proceeds from the rice crop and other agricultural products
flow into this institution making its supply of funds vary
seasonally. The supply of funds originating with regional
banks is also significant but fluctuates seasonally.
These regional banks are particularly big suppliers
when central government subsidies are paid to local
With respect to the actual workings of the markets,
the Tanshi Kaisha are the pivotal figures both with
regard to the implementation of the Bank of Japan’s


Another movement toward liberalization occurred in November
1980 which allowed institutions to simultaneously borrow in one
market and lend in the other.

For a more detailed listing and description of institutions participating in this market see Short-Term Fund Market in Japan [1983].



monetary policy and the movement of funds among the
various participants. This is because almost all call fund
transactions must involve a Tanshi Kaisha as a counterparty. Also, the link between the Tanshi Kaisha and the
Bank of Japan is much closer than the link between U.S.
dealers and the Federal Reserve. The Tanshi Kaisha,
in some instances, seem to operate as if they were
under the direct supervision of the Bank of Japan. 8 At
the beginning of each day, the Tanshi Kaisha quote the
placers’ rate (takers’ rate is usually l/16 higher).
Placers and takers then submit orders with the Tanshi
Kaisha. Unlike the federal funds market, each repaid
transaction, with the exception of half-day calls (i.e.,
call loans that are initiated and repayed on a particular
morning or afternoon), requires collateral.’ At the
initially quoted rate demand and supply may not be
equalized and the rate may change (an occasional
occurrence), or the Bank of Japan may enter the
market late in the day and supply or absorb funds as
needed. There are primarily four means for absorbing
funds in the call market. One is the sale of Treasury
bills to the market at a rate that is based on the mean of
the bill discount rate and the Gensaki rate (the Japanese
equivalent of the rate charged on long-term repurchase
agreements in the United States). 10 A second method
is through the sale of bills drawn on the Bank of Japan
(Bank of Japan bills), while a third method is the sale of
commercial bill in the Bank of Japan’s portfolio directly
to city banks. A fourth method, which accounts for
roughly 30 percent of the absolute volume of monthly
reserve operations, is the use of the discount window
to change the volume of outstanding loans to banks. In
the case of absorbing funds the volume of loans would
be decreased. Supplying extra funds to the call market
is accomplished by reversing the transactions just
In employing the various methods of reserve operations the Bank of Japan tries to take into account the
nature of the reserve deficiency or excess. If it appears
that conditions in the reserve market will persist, the
Bank of Japan conducts operations with long-term
government bonds. Seasonal, or short-term reserve
fluctuations, are primarily met through the use of


The exact nature of the relationship between the Tanshi Kaisha and
the Bank of Japan is not clearly defined, but there is certainly a much
more detailed flow of information and consultation between these
parties than exists between the corresponding institutions in the
United States.

Starting in July 1985 noncollateralized call loans of all maturities
have been allowed. They still represent a small portion of overall call
market volume.
Treasury bills are sold by the government at yields well below
market. Consequently the Bank of Japan purchases all Treasury bills.


commercial bills when there is a need to add reserves
and by selling Treasury bills or Bank of Japan bills when
there is a desire for draining reserves. Discount window lending is the major avenue for supplying or
absorbing reserves in response to daily fluctuations.
Thus, the type of transaction conducted by the Bank of
Japan in response to reserve market conditions may
serve as a valuable source of information to participants
in the interbank market. For example, an excess
demand for reserves that is met by a purchase of longterm bonds could indicate that the prevailing level of
interest rates is consistent with the long-run policy
objectives of the Bank of Japan. The use of different
operations as a potential signal and the effects that
signaling has on the equilibrium conditions in the interbank market is explored in more detail in Section VI.
The types of call loans are quite varied and provide a
great deal of funding flexibility. Transactions are generally in multiples of y-100 million and range in term from
one-half day to three weeks. There are also unconditional calls that are automatically renewed if no notice is
given prior to 1:00 p.m. (11:30 a.m. on Saturday). The
rate applicable to the renewed call is the rate prevailing
at the time of reserve settlement. Half-day calls are of
two types, morning and afternoon. A morning call fund
begins at 9:00 a.m. and lasts until the first daily clearing
settlement at 1:00 p.m. (11:30 a.m. on Saturday). An
afternoon call fund begins at the end of the first
settlement and ends at final settlement (3:00 p.m. on
weekdays and 1200 noon on Saturday). These calls are
used when a bank expects large withdrawals or deposits that will be reversed later in the day and are a direct
result of twice a day settlement of reserve balances.
Bill Discount Market The bill discount market is
also an active market for transferring interbank funds
over a longer time interval and is analogous to the term
market in federal funds, although the bill discount
market may be somewhat deeper. Currently there are
four terms of bills that are transacted with the transaction size in multiples of 100 million. The shortest term
is 30 days while the longest term is 180 days with terms
of maturity varying anywhere between 30 and 180
days. Bills may also be rediscounted after they have
been held for one month, and there is no minimum
holding time for future rediscounts. Also, when rediscounting, the Tanshi Kaisha involved in the original
discount is usually given priority in buying the bill back.
Bills that may be used in this market are original bills
which consist of commercial bills, prime industrial bills,
trade bills, prime single-name papers, and yen denominated export/import usance bills. Cover bills, which are
bills that financial institutions draw on themselves and
that are secured by original bills, are also used and
currently constitute almost all of the transactions.


Bill discount rates are quoted each day by each
Tanshi Kaisha. As with call money rates, these rates
may not clear the market. The rate may change during
the day, but the usual practice is for the Bank of Japan
to enter the market and supply or absorb the necessary
funds. The Bank of Japan participates in the bill market
by drawing bills for sale on the Bank of Japan, buying
and selling original or cover bills through Tanshi Kaisha,
or directly dealing with financial institutions. The initial
use of Bank of Japan bills was to provide collateral to
Tanshi Kaisha in the call market, but with the growth of
the bill market the Tanshi Kaisha may also be authorized to rediscount these bills. Regarding the use of
cover bills, the Bank of Japan informs the Tanshi Kaisha
of its intentions and the Tanshi Kaisha acting as brokers
find institutions willing to participate in the transaction.
From the above description it is evident that the call
and bill discount markets constitute active, deep, and
well-diversified markets that allow financial institutions
to allocate funds among themselves. It is also clear that
this market gives the Bank of Japan flexibility in terms
of using open market operations for the purpose of
administering monetary policy.

Over the last decade the Bank of Japan has successfully implemented a monetary policy that has been less
inflationary than the policies of most developed nations.
It has accomplished this with daily operating procedures that are not based on procedures that many
monetarists advocate. For example, the Bank of Japan
uses the interbank market rates as its operating target
rather than total reserves. Further the reserve accounting regime is not contemporaneous, but is a
mixture of contemporaneous and lagged reserve accounting. Specifically, the deposit base used to calculate required reserves for a given month is based on
deposits for that month. Average reserve balances
used to meet this requirement are held from the 16th
day of that month to the 15th day of the next month.
Also, the Bank of Japan does not place a great deal of
weight on short-term movements in money but seems
to be quite concerned with producing a low inflationary
environment for the economy. While the long-run
policy of the Bank of Japan appears to take seriously
some monetarist proposals, its method of operation
does not seem to be that prescribed by mainstream
In comparison the Federal Reserve also uses interbank market rate (i.e., the federal funds rate), either
directly on indirectly through a borrowed reserve

targeting scheme, as its operating instrument.11 The
Federal Reserve does, however, basically use a system
of contemporaneous reserve accounting which is generally recommended by monetarists. Also, the Fed,
like the Bank of Japan, does not target total reserves
nor does it seem to be overly concerned with shortterm movements in monetary aggregates. Over the
long run, as evidenced by the data in Section II, the
Federal Reserve seems less committed to price stability than the Bank of Japan.
The description of the Bank of Japan’s operations in
the interbank markets is certainly consistent with the
use of an interest rate instrument. Call rates do not
frequently fluctuate on an intraday basis. 12 The Tanshi
Kaisha, with close informational contact with the Bank
of Japan, set the rates at the opening of the markets and
the Bank of Japan stands willing to supply or absorb the
necessary funds.
Discount Window Lending

While direct open market operations in the call and
bill discount markets form an integral part of monetary
policy, the Bank of Japan has another extremely important and flexible means of influencing conditions in the
interbank markets. This instrument is the discount
window and it operates in a very different manner from
the discount window in the United States.
In Japan, the discount window is an extremely
important avenue for supplying funds to banks. As
shown in Chart 4, the level of discount window borrowing frequently exceeds the level of required reserves. 13
By comparison, in the United States the ratio of
borrowed reserves to required reserves rarely exceeds 5 percent.
The administration of the discount window is also
very different in the two countries. In the United States
banks initiate the decision to borrow and the borrowing
privilege is subject to a complex non-price rationing
scheme. 14 In Japan, the Bank of Japan decides on the
level of bank borrowing up to a predetermined quarterly ceiling, the term of the borrowing, and therefore the
effective interest rate associated with borrowing. Also,


For a detailed introduction to monetary policy see Goodfriend
[1982] or Goodfriend and Whelpley [1986].

However, there is a trend of increasing intraday fluctuations. This
is especially so since the mid-1980s.
In Japan, some of the large fluctuations in discount window lending
are due to the large fluctuations in currency holdings by the public.
Currency is supplied elastically by lending the needed reserves to
For a detailed analytical model of the discount window and bank
borrowing behavior in the United States see Goodfriend [1983].



Chart 4







the interaction between city banks and the Bank of
Japan through the discount window constitutes an
important line of communication between banks and the
monetary authority.
Borrowings from the Bank of Japan are usually at a
subsidized rate, although the amount of the subsidy
varies with the term of the loan. The variation in
subsidy occurs, because accounting practices at the
discount window require an extra day’s interest payment on any loan. Thus a one-day loan requires two
days’ interest and is therefore usually associated with a
penalty rate, while a nine-day loan requires ten days’
worth of interest and thus is made at a subsidized rate.
Therefore, as the length of the loan increases the
effective interest rate approaches the official discount
rate and the amount of subsidy increases. This procedure makes it undesirable for a bank to be caught with a
severe shortage of reserves near the end of a reserve
maintenance period, since any discount window loans (if
the loans are forthcoming) would by definition be for a
short period of time. Further, if a bank should fail to
meet its reserve requirement, it must borrow at a oneday rate or pay a penalty of 3.75 percent above the
official discount rate on the amount of the reserve
deficiency. Given the accounting practices, this would
amount to a severe penalty and banks, therefore, are
rarely in this position.







The large volume of discount window borrowings
means that the Bank of Japan is able to confer substantial subsidies to individual banks. This practice may also
give the Bank of Japan some leverage in influencing
bank behavior, a process referred to as “window
guidance,” although the extent and effectiveness of this
activity is open to debate. 15
In administering the discount window, the Bank of
Japan basically has the ability to call up each city bank
and tell it how much it will borrow on any given day.
The length of the borrowing need not, and is not
generally, specified. However, since borrowing usually
amounts to a subsidy, city banks never refuse the
amount offered. A refusal could end up reducing future
subsidization as well. The basic elements involved in
the use of the discount window seem somewhat arbitrary. However, the actual use of discount window
borrowing in the conduct of monetary policy is performed in a more subtle manner.
A member of the banking division of the Bank of

There are two distinct usages of the term window guidance. One
refers to directing the credit expansion of banks on a quarterly basis,
while the other refers to shorter term behavior in the interbank
market. It will be shown that the former interpretation is difficult to
understand as a means of controlling credit in an equilibrium context
(for a more detailed critique of the first definition see Horiuchi [1984].


Japan is given oversight responsibilities of each city
bank. Officials at each bank communicate their expected funding needs over a reserve maintenance period
and they also have close contact with the members of
the Bank of Japan. The Bank of Japan usually gives
them very general information concerning its outlook
on money market conditions and on the method of fund
supply (bills purchase, loans, etc.). This communication
is not exact and is not a commitment by the Bank of
Japan. If for some unexpected reason the reserve
positions of banks are not behaving in a manner consistent with policy objectives, discount window lending is
The Bank of Japan has the ability to use the term of
loans to signal expected future money market conditions. In an effort to maximize profits, banks attempt to
satisfy their reserve requirements by holding higher
than average reserve balances when the call rate is
relatively low just as they seek to economize on
reserve balances when they believe that the call rate is
relatively high. By suggesting the amount of lending
that will be forthcoming and the future looseness or
tightness that can be expected in the interbank market,
the Bank of Japan can influence the expectations of
future call rates. In doing so the pattern of reserve
accumulation can be changed without movement in the
current call rate.
This communication of information to the banking
system may be an important component of window
guidance. There are many different views of window
guidance in Japan and there is debate over the extent to
which it is used. One interpretation is that since the
Bank of Japan is able to confer subsidies on city banks
who are regular borrowers, it has power to influence
bank behavior without resorting to market mechanisms. While there may be some truth to this claim, it is
difficult to see in any equilibrium context why such a
policy would be useful in obtaining the objectives of
price stability or desired long-run money growth. In the
case of money, equilibrium of the demand for and
supply of money is achieved through movements in
interest rates and prices. Since the targeted level of
money must lie on the demand curve for money,
market rates must adjust so that the demand for money
is consistent with the target. Moral suasion with respect to banks can not alter this.
Another interpretation of window guidance is given
by Yasuda [1981]. In his view, because loan supply is
determined by both today’s call rate and the future path
of call rates, the movement of today’s call rate will not
have a large immediate effect on bank behavior. This
lack of sensitivity by banks to current call market
conditions implies that the Bank of Japan would have to
initiate drastic movements in the call rate in order to

generate a contemporaneous response. Rather than
actually doing so, the Bank signals (or threatens) that it
will do so if banks do not alter their behavior. The signal
is a rise in the official discount rate. City banks, upon
observing this signal, find it optimal to lower their
supply of loans thus preventing the Bank of Japan from
following through on its threat. Technically, this behavior is viewed as part of a cooperative game. The
cooperative nature of the game results from direct
communication between banks, although it would be
possible for the Bank of Japan to transmit information.
The implicit assumption in this theory is that banks
have fairly static expectations of future call rates. For
instance, if banks (1) had the same information set as
the Bank of Japan, (2) knew the policy objective, and (3)
formed expectations rationally, they should be able to
discern the effects of any deviations from policy objectives on the expected future path of the call rate. Thus,
if a rise in the call rate is called for because money is
growing too fast, banks’ expectations of future call rates
should rise as well and no dramatic swings in interest
rates are needed to generate a contemporaneous response. There is therefore no need for moral suasion.
The position taken here is that what is normally
called window guidance is largely a signaling process in
which the Bank of Japan communicates some information that it alone possesses. This information may
result from observations of aggregate reserve balances
or aggregate money balances that would not be observed by individual banks. The seeming complexity of
the relationship between the Bank of Japan and individual banks may indicate that more than just a signaling
process is going on, but signaling is certainly an
important part of the relationship.
General Set Up

In this section the effects of signaling through window guidance (and similarly through different types of
reserve supply procedures) are investigated. Particular
attention is given to the way in which signaling affects
the behavior of the call market rate. It is shown that
signaling can lower the variance of the call rate forecast
error but that it also raises the variance of the call rate.
Since the Bank of Japan may be interested in lowering
both variances, signaling implies a tradeoff that could
result in the use of a noisy signal.
The model used to investigate the effects of window
The material in this section is quite technical and the reader may
wish to skip to the summary.



guidance is one in which the Bank of Japan pegs the
interest rate. Detailed studies of an interest rate
instrument are found in McCallum [1981, 1984], Dotsey and Ring [1983, 1986], and Canzoneri, Henderson,
and Rogoff [1983]. In all these studies the interest rate
is used as a policy instrument and the pegging scheme
is related to a money supply rule.
For the purpose of this article, the exactness of detail
found in these papers is not necessary. Rather the
Bank of Japan’s objective is postulated in terms of a
price level target, while its instrument is the interbank
rate. Casting the analysis in terms of money supply
targets (or growth rates) would not alter the qualitative
results of the model. Further, it is unclear whether the
Bank of Japan uses long-term money growth as an
intermediate target or merely as an information variable
for achieving a desired price level or inflation rate. For
example, the Bank of Japan does not announce any
monetary targets, but merely gives a forecast of money
growth that is consistent with its policies. Also, over
the past four years when prices have been fairly stable,
money growth rates have fluctuated more than prices,
varying between annual growth rates of 7.1 and 9.6
percent while inflation has only varied between 0.8 and
1.65 percent. On the basis of the data it would be
diffcult to discriminate between which policy is actually
in effect.
The basic model used for analyzing the signaling
effects of window guidance is a somewhat standard
rational expectations macro-model. However, in this
model decisions in the interbank market are assumed to
be made over a shorter time interval than decisions in
the output market. Specifically, the interbank market
period is assumed to be half that of the output market.
The log of output supply (yt)s is positively related to
unanticipated movements in the log of the price level
(pt) and is depicted by:
where E*t-1/2 is the conditional expectations operator
based on the information set I*t - 1 / 2 . I*t-1/2 contains
prices, quantities, and disturbances dated t - 1/2 and
earlier. The disturbance ut is a random walk that
reflects technological innovations and is equal to ut- i +
vt where vt is a mean zero serially uncorrelated normally distributed random variable with variance of ov 2
The log of output demand (yt)d is negatively related to
the expected real rate of interest, it + pt - E*t- 1/2 pt+1,
where it is the one period nominal rate. This relationship is given by

uncorrelated normally distributed random variable with
variance on2It is also uncorrelated with vt. Output
demand disturbances have some persistence but gradually dampen over time.
The timing of the model works in the following
manner. At each half period (t - l/2, t, t + l/2, etc.)
the interbank market meets and the call rate (rt-1/2, rt,
rt+1/2) is determined. The one period nominal rate i t is
related to the call rate by the arbitrage condition it = rt
+ Etrt+1/2 where the information set I, contains the
information in I*t-1,2 plus observation of rt, it, and pt.
Output markets also meet at the beginning of each half
period, but prices and output are determined for a
period one unit in length. The model is, therefore,
similar to Fischer’s [1977] overlapping contracts model
and is schematically, depicted in the figure below.
Fischer’s Overlaping Contracts Model

The policy of the Bank of Japan is to target the price
level, p*, and therefore produce stable prices. While
this is a simplification of the actual policy process it is a
convenient device for examining the role of signaling.
The instrument used for implementing policy is the call
market rate. In order to investigate the effect of
signaling, the model will be solved with and without
signaling. It is assumed that the Bank of Japan possesses full current information and that in the case of
signaling it accurately communicates this information to
market participants.
The Solution without Signaling

Given the assumptions concerning the information
possessed by the Bank of Japan (i.e., it knows v t and nt)
it can set the call rate rt so that the price level will equal
p* exactly. This rate is given by:

where al = a1d + a1s .
Because this procedure produces a price of p* each
period, expectations of the current and future price
level will be p*. Therefore, (3) can be rewritten as

where wt =

and nt is a mean zero serially

Using the method of undetermined coefficients yields


the reduced form expression for interest rates

Analogously, if the Bank of Japan accurately reveals
vt and nt to the market, then

the fact that the Bank of Japan does not possess
complete information. However, it may also in part be
due to a desire to smooth movements in the call rate by
reducing the variance of rt+1/2 - rt Analysis of U.S.
monetary policy indicates that this is an objective of
Federal Reserve behavior (see Goodfriend [1986a],
[1986b], and Dotsey [1986]), and it also may be
important to the Bank of Japan. If so, one can show that
signaling increases the variance of rt+ 1/2 - rt and hence
a desire to smooth interest rates would make signaling
undesirable. The presence of a desire for both better
forecasting and smoother interest rates would imply
the use of a noisy signal.


Equations (5) and (6) can be updated and used to
calculate the conditional forecast error of next period’s
call rate under conditions of signaling and no signaling
(see Appendix). One observes that the accuracy of the
forecast in terms of the conditional variance of the
forecast error generally improves with signaling, implying that providing information is desirable from the
standpoint of improving market forecasts. However,
the ability of the Bank of Japan to control the price level
is not affected by whether or not it provides additional
information to the market.*’ Therefore, the effects of
signaling are not a major determinant in determining the
success or failure of monetary policy.
A more exact treatment of this process would endow
the monetary authority with superior rather than complete information. One might reasonably believe that
observing aggregate reserve behavior would only
transmit a signal to the Bank of Japan that was a linear
combination of real and money demand disturbances.
This would imply that the price level would deviate
from its targeted value as a result of expectational
errors on the part of the Bank of Japan. This would
make the agent’s signal extraction problem more complex but would not alter the basic result that the
communications involved in window guidance reduce
the forecast error variance of future call rates.
In general the type of signaling that occurs through
window guidance is not precise. This is in part due to

This result would also apply to monetary targeting. It would also
apply to situations where the Bank of Japan had imperfect knowledge
of current shocks, but where the information set of market participants was a subset of the information possessed by the Bank of Japan.

This article gives a description of operating procedures used by the Bank of Japan and concludes that it is
not operating procedures that distinguish the different
macroeconomic outcomes of monetary policy in Japan
and the United States. In fact, Japan achieves results
that are monetarist in nature without using the procedures frequently advocated by monetarists. This indicates that attempts to understand the general behavior
of monetary authorities should be focused on areas
other than operations.
In analyzing Japanese monetary policy, the article
presents a description of the environment in which
policy is implemented and finds that this environment is
quite similar to that of the United States. One major
difference, however, is the discount window and it is
analyzed in detail. A model is derived based on the
premise that an important aspect of window guidance is
its use as a signaling device. This behavior is shown to
affect the forecastibility and variance of call rate movements, two subjects that are likely to concern any
monetary authority. The use of a noisy signal is
consistent with a tradeoff between improving the forecast error variance of future call rates and smoothing
the variability of interest rates. However, while window guidance is an interesting and important part of
Japanese monetary policy it does not appear to account
for the lower inflation experienced by the Japanese


To calculate the conditional variance of the forecast
error of next periods call rate, rt+1/2 , first update
equations (5) and (6) and subtract Etrt+1/2 where the
information set depends on whether or not the Bank of
Japan signals the value of vt and nt. Without signaling,




Let the conditional variance of the forecast error
without signaling be denoted by CV. With signaling,

Denote the conditional variance of the forecast error
with signaling by CV*. Then using (Al) and (A2) it can
be shown that CV > CV* if and only if
Therefore, signaling is
likely to improve the quality of market forecasts.
With respect to the variance of rt+l/2 - rt, using (5)

The signaling case employs (6) to give,

It can be shown that the variance of r t+1/2 - rt i s
greater under signaling if and only if
which is the case for finite variances of output supply
and demand shocks and for
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John R. Walter

Short-term municipal securities are defined by two
characteristics. First, they are issued by state and local
governments and the special districts and statutory
authorities they establish. Second, they either have
original maturities of less than three years or have
longer final maturities but include features which, from
the investor’s point of view, shorten their effective
maturities to less than three years.1 During 1985
approximately $82 billion in short-term municipal securities were issued.
The interest income received by holders of municipal
securities is generally exempt from federal income tax.
The federal tax-free status of municipal debt was firmly
established in the 1895 Supreme Court case Pollock v.
Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company and was reaffirmed
by the first federal income tax law, passed in 1913
following the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment.
Since 1913, each new tax law has included a clause
exempting interest income on most municipal securities
from federal income taxes. As federal income tax rates
increased, the importance of this exemption to investors and to municipal issuers grew. Because the interest income received by holders of most municipal
securities is tax-exempt, the securities carry a lower
rate of interest which in turn considerably lowers the
borrowing costs of states and municipalities.2,3
States and municipalities borrow to finance their own
expenditures, to provide funds to be used by private
firms and individuals (although changes to the Tax Code
This article was prepared for Instruments of the Money Market, 6th
Municipal market participants generally call securities short-term if
they have maturities less than three years, or if they have features
shortening their effective maturities to less than three years. Most
major data-collecting firms, however, consider municipal securities
short-term if they have maturities of no more than 12 or 13 months,
or have features making their effective maturities no more than 12 or
13 months. As a result, the figures quoted throughout the article are
based upon this criterion.

Because tax law prohibitions or limitations have eliminated or
restricted the ability of certain municipal issuers to issue tax-exempt
debt, or may do so in the future, some municipal issuers have
recently issued taxable securities.
’ In this article the term municipality refers to local governments and
the special districts and authorities created by state and local
governments. Some writers also use the term to refer to state

in 1986 will significantly limit this borrowing), and to
provide funds to some tax-exempt entities such as
private nonprofit hospitals, colleges, and universities.
Because municipal security issuers vary greatly in size
and motivation for borrowing, the methods and instruments chosen to meet funding demands vary considerably. While a small city may sell a fixed-rate note directly
to a local bank to finance the purchase of a snowplow
until bonds are issued, a waste management agency
may sell, through a municipal underwriter, numerous
large denomination variable-rate securities to mutual
funds and corporations to raise funds to build a solid
waste disposal project.
Until 1980 almost all short-term tax-exempt securities had fixed interest rates and maturities of less than
three years. Since then two new instruments have
been developed and have grown rapidly: tax-exempt
commercial paper and variable-rate demand obligations.
These instruments have enabled state and municipal
issuers to fund long-term projects at short-term rates.
Issuers have had the incentive to raise funds at shortterm rates because historically the yield curve in the
tax-exempt market has been upward sloping.
In the past, state and local governments, school
districts, public power and water authorities, and transportation authorities were the major issuers of shortterm tax-exempt debt. In recent years agencies and
authorities of municipal governments, such as housing,
pollution control, and economic and industrial development authorities, have been growing in importance.
Since the newer districts and authorities are more
frequent users of the new instruments, the increase in
the importance of these types of borrowers in the
municipal market accounts for some of the growth in
these instruments.
Characteristics of Short-Term
Municipal Securities

Definition and Features Municipal securities are
promises made by state and local governments and the
districts and authorities they create to pay either one
interest and principal payment on a particular date or a
stream of interest payments up to maturity and a
principal payment at maturity. They are backed by the
issuer’s ability to tax and borrow, by certain sources of
funds, or by collateral. Municipal securities with original



maturities of greater than three years are generally
called bonds, and those with maturities of three years
or less are called short-term securities or notes.
Short-term municipal securities are issued in coupon
or discount form. Coupon securities, the most prevalent by far, pay a stated tax-exempt interest rate, called
the coupon rate, at maturity or on specified dates. This
rate varies over the life of the issue in the case of
variable-rate instruments. Discount securities are issued at a price less than their face value. The difference
between the issue price and face value is tax-exempt
interest income.
Short-term municipal securities are issued in either
bearer or registered form. The 1982 tax law included a
provision requiring all municipal securities issued after
January 1, 1983 with maturities of greater than one
year to be issued in registered form.
Short-term municipal securities are normally issued
in denominations of $5,000 or more. The denomination
chosen depends upon the issuer’s assessment of who
the purchasers are likely to be. If the issuer is trying to
sell to individuals, it will use a smaller denomination
than if the issue is intended for institutional investors.
Smaller denominations increase the average cost of
marketing a new issue.
Short-term municipal securities can be either general
obligation securities or revenue securities. General
obligation securities are backed by the full faith and
credit of the issuer, which uses its ability to tax and any
other possible source of income to meet debt payments. The ability to tax may be limited by statute or
constitution, in which case the general obligation security is called a limited tax security. Revenue securities
are backed by revenues generated by the project the
securities finance and not by the full faith and credit of
the issuer. The revenues are usually future earnings on
projects such as tolls from roads or rental income from
a facility leased to a business. In some cases, however,
the revenues can be funds from specific taxes, receipts
from bond sales, or transfers from the federal government.
Most of the securities issued by special districts and
statutory authorities are revenue securities backed by
revenues from the projects the securities finance.
Many districts and authorities cannot tax, so they do
not have the ability to make a general obligation pledge.
At times, however, the securities of such a district or
authority are backed by a general obligation pledge
from the state or local government that founded it.
Table I lists the major issuers of municipal debt and the
types of securities they normally issue.
Traditional Instruments Traditionally, short-term
municipal securities have been issued to meet short26


Types of Debt
Generally Issued

State government
Local government:




Authorities, districts, and
agencies created by state and
local governments:
Public school
Higher education
Public power
Water or sewer
Health facilities
Student loan
Housing finance
Pollution control
Industrial development
Waste management

G.O. and revenue
G.O. and revenue

Note: G.O. denotes general obligation.

term demands for cash and have paid fixed interest
rates. The popular traditional issues are revenue anticipation notes (commonly called RANs), tax anticipation
notes (TANS), grant anticipation notes (GANs), tax and
revenue anticipation notes (TRANs), and bond anticipation note (BANS). Each receives its name from its
source of repayment. These issues have minimum
denominations of $5,000 and their maturities are fixed
with repayment coming from funds available at. or
before the maturity date. Traditional notes remain
significant in the short-term municipal market (Chart
Funds from such sources as taxes, grants, and
project revenues are often received as large payments
a few times a year, while expenditures must be made
continually. In order to make expenditures before funds
are received, states and municipalities issue notes that
are paid back by future receipts. Funds from future
bond issues are used to repay bond anticipation notes.
Here, states and municipalities construct projects to be
financed with bonds but require immediate funds for
payrolls and purchases. Rather than issuing bonds
before a project is finished and the final costs are
certain, states and municipalities may first sell notes
that are retired with the proceeds of bonds issued upon
completion of the project. For example, a county
recently issued $32 million of one-year fixed-rate bond
anticipation notes to finance part of the construction of a
waste water treatment facility. The notes were revenue securities, backed by funds to be received from
future bond sales.


Chart 1

Volume Issued During Year







Source: Securities Data Company. Inc.; Standard & Poor’s

There are other uses for bond anticipation notes. For
example, at certain times states and municipalities may
expect to be able to sell long-term securities in the
future at lower rates than are available currently, so
they issue notes and retire them with future bond
proceeds. Also, municipalities frequently finance several projects with one bond issue. Short-term notes can
be issued to pay for the completion of the individual
projects, after which the notes are retired with one
long-term bond issue. Despite the various uses to
which bond anticipation notes may be put, they have
become fairly uncommon in recent years as frequent
tax law changes have made issuers wary that changes
in the law could eliminate their ability to issue bonds
needed to repay these notes.
New Instruments Since 1980 two new instruments
have become prominent: tax-exempt commercial paper
and variable-rate demand or put obligations. A number
of factors contributed to the development of these
instruments. The volatile interest rates of the late
1970s and early 1980s lead to greater demand by
investors for short-term and variable-rate investments.
Issuers were also interested in relying more on short-

term debt to meet their demand for longer-term funds
because the tax-exempt yield curve was strongly and
persistently upward sloping. Issuers were unwilling,
however, to use the traditional short-term instruments
to raise long-term funds because of the high legal,
administrative, and marketing costs of issuing and
reissuing these securities for an extended period.
Finally, the ability of issuers to sell the new instruments
was greatly facilitated by the rapid growth of taxexempt money market mutual funds which expanded
the market for these instruments considerably by
increasing the ability of investors to purchase them.
Tax-exempt commercial paper, which began to grow
in late 1979, is short-term fixed-rate paper, normally
issued with the intention of redeeming maturing paper
with funds from newly issued paper. Almost all maturities are between 1 and 270 days and are determined by
negotiation with investors. Tax-exempt commercial
paper is used to fund both short- and long-term projects. When funding long-term projects, maturing paper
is replaced with new issues at current market rates.
The tax-exempt commercial paper market is a highly
sophisticated market requiring the issuer to maintain



daily contact with the market and good communication
with its marketing agent. This is necessary because
tax-exempt commercial paper issuers generally allow
investors to choose from a span of maturities so that
some paper is maturing almost every day and therefore
must be replaced with new paper on a daily basis. The
frequent involvement of issuers and their agents in the
market imposes a significant cost on issuers. Because
of this cost states and municipalities do not find it
attractive to issue commercial paper unless they are
borrowing $15 to $25 million or more.
Minimum denominations generally range from
$50,000 to $100,000. Money market funds are the
major investor in tax-exempt commercial paper. Some
tax-exempt commercial paper also is purchased directly
by corporations, bank trust departments, and wealthy
individuals. While there is no developed secondary
market in commercial paper because of its extreme
short-term nature and its individualized maturities,
dealers will as a rule buy back paper they have sold.
As an example of a commercial paper issue, one state
has been using a tax-exempt commercial paper program for four or five years to finance its capital
projects. The amount outstanding in the program varies
with funding demands and is authorized by the state
government to be as much as $90 million. Denominations range between $50,000 and $5,000,000 with the
securities typically sold in $1,000,000 lots. Maturities
are between 3 days and 210 days depending upon
investors’ desires. Most of the commercial paper has
been purchased by money market funds. This program
will be continued unless the state decides that bonds
can provide lower cost funds.
Variable-rate demand obligations began to grow in
1981. 4 They can be either general obligation or revenue
securities, but the majority are revenue securities.
Minimum denominations range from $5,000 to
$100,000. Variable-rate demand obligations now come
in many forms with almost as many variations as there
are dealers in the tax-exempt money market. They
share certain characteristics, however. Fist, while
these instruments may have final maturities from shortterm up to forty years, they all include features which
allow for periodic interest rate adjustments. Second,
they include a feature known as a demand option which
gives the investor the right to tender the instrument to
the issuer or a designated party on a specified number
of days’ notice at a price equal to the face amount (par
value) plus accrued interest. The length of the notice


The terms “demand” and “put” are used interchangeably in the
municipal security market. In this paper “demand” is used.

period normally corresponds with the frequency of
interest rate adjustment. For example, if the interest
rate is adjusted on a weekly basis, the variable-rate
security will generally have a seven-day notice period..
If in the investor’s judgement the new rate is too low or
if the investor wants his money back for some other
reason, he exercises his demand option. In this case
the instrument is resold to another investor. Third,
many of these securities contain a provision allowing
the issuer, after properly notifying all holders and
allowing them the opportunity to tender their holdings,
to convert the variable-rate security into a fixed-rate
security with no demand feature. For example, a higher
education authority issued $9 million of variable-rate
revenue bonds, in $100,000 minimum denominations,
to finance campus construction and renovation. These
securities have a 25-year final maturity but include a
weekly demand feature. Most of the securities are in
the portfolios of tax-exempt money market funds.
Variable-rate demand obligations have one important
advantage for states and municipalities over tax-exempt
commercial paper. When commercial paper matures
and is replaced with new commercial paper, the new
security is legally defined as a new debt issue and is
subject to regulations in place at the time of its issue.
Since Congress has been imposing and shrinking limits
on certain types of issues in recent years, issuers
wishing to borrow for an extended period by using
commercial paper face the danger of having a newly
imposed or tightened limit eliminate their source of
funds. In contrast, because new debt is not issued
when an investor exercises his demand option, variable-rate demand obligation issuers are not faced with
this danger. This advantage of variable-rate demand
obligations over tax-exempt commercial paper may
explain their rapid growth compared with commercial
paper (Chart 1).
The length of the notice period on a variable-rate
demand obligation determines its effective maturity
from the investor’s point of view and therefore strongly
affects the interest rate which must be paid on the
instrument. The most common notice periods are one
day, seven days, and thirty days. As a result of a fairly
consistently upward sloping yield curve in the municipal
market, it is generally true that the shorter the notice
period the lower the rate paid.5
Information on each of the commonly used ‘shortterm municipal instruments is provided in Table II.

For a more detailed discussion of tax-exempt commercial paper and
variable-rate demand obligations see Smith Barney, Harris Upham
and Company, Incorporated [1986, pp. 10-14].



Types of


Revenue Anticipation Note

G.O. or revenue

Fixed maturity of a few weeks to one year,
fixed interest rates

Tax Anticipation Note

G.O. or revenue

Fixed maturity of a few weeks to one year,
fixed interest rates

Grant Anticipation Note

G.O. or revenue

Fixed maturity of a few weeks to three
years, fixed interest rates

Tax and Revenue Anticipation

G.O. or revenue

Fixed maturity of a few weeks to one year,
fixed interest rates

Bond Anticipation Note

G.O. or revenue

Fixed maturity of a few weeks to three
years, fixed interest rates


Variable Rate Demand Obligation

G.O. or revenue; Liquidity
facility, Credit facility

May be tendered to issuer or designated
party on a specified number of days’ notice, floating or variable interest rate.
Many include features which allow conversion to a fixed rate long-term maturity.

Tax-Exempt Commercial Paper

G.O. or revenue; Liquidity
facility, Credit facility

Maturities of a few days to one year depending on investor and issuer preference; interest rate fixed to maturity; continuously offered.

Note: G.O. denotes general obligation.


Most large banks and securities firms, along with
some firms specializing only in municipal securities
trading, act as dealers in the short-term municipal
market. Municipal securities dealers underwrite and
market new security issues and provide a secondary
market for outstanding securities. With a few exceptions, banks are limited by the Glass-Steagall Act of
1933 to underwriting only general obligation securities.
Underwriting is the purchase of securities from the
issuer with the intention of reselling them to investors.
Once the underwriter has purchased the securities it
bears the risks of marketing them. Security issues may
be underwritten by one dealer if the issue is small or by
a group of dealers, called a syndicate, if the issue is
larger than one dealer would like to handle. In a
syndicate one dealer acts as the lead dealer in the
group, taking the largest proportion of securities and
managing the sale of the issue. Syndicates are used to
spread the market risk among more dealers and to
enlarge the number of possible investors. As compensation the underwriter receives the spread between the
price paid the issuer for the securities and the price
received from investors. The risk faced by the under-

writer is that the security issue will not sell at a price
that will earn a profit. A major source of this risk occurs
when interest rates unexpectedly rise before the underwriter has sold the issue to the public.
Municipalities that choose a public offering must
decide whether to sell their securities by competitive
bidding or by a negotiated sale. In competitive bidding
the issue is advertised for sale and then sold to the
underwriting dealer or syndicate of dealers offering the
highest price. In a negotiated sale an issuer chooses
one dealer or syndicate without soliciting bids from
other firms. Variable-rate municipal securities are most
frequently sold through negotiated deals, while taxexempt commercial paper is always sold in this manner.
In a traditional note issue the dealer’s responsibility
to the issuer is limited to the initial sale of the
securities. For variable-rate and commercial paper
issues the lead dealer’s responsibility is more extensive. When variable-rate obligations are used, the lead
dealer generally becomes the remarketing agent and
has the responsibility of resetting the interest rate on
interest rate adjustment dates and reselling any securities which are tendered by investors. When commercial
paper is issued, the dealer is involved in the daily



setting of rates and in selling new paper to replace
maturing paper.

less than top rated securities to these funds must obtain
a credit substitution promise.

Dealers generally will make a secondary market in
the short-term securities they have sold, which means
they will stand ready to buy and sell these securities at
any time. Dealers are kept informed of securities being
offered and rates being paid through several electronic
services and daily publications. Due to the heterogeneous nature of municipal issues, the secondary market
in municipal securities is not nearly as developed as that
for corporate and government debt issues.

Most liquidity substitution agreements are provided
by large U.S. and foreign banks. The agreements come
in the form of either a bank line, a standby letter of
credit, or a standby purchase agreement. The liquidity
substitution promise provides the investor with the
assurance that funds will be immediately available when
he redeems his security.

Brokers in the municipal market line up dealers
selling particular issues with dealers who are interested
in buying these issues. Brokers deal only with large
volumes and charge a small fee for their middleman
Providers of Credit and Liquidity

In order to improve the credit ratings and marketability of their securities, municipal issuers frequently get
credit or liquidity enhancing agreements. Under these
agreements banks, corporations, and insurance companies promise, for a fee, to provide funds if an issuer is
unable or unwilling to make payment to the holders of
the issuer’s debt. Such an agreement substitutes the
credit or liquidity of the bank, corporation, or insurance
company for that of the municipal security issuer.
These agreements fall into one of two categories.
The first is the credit substitution agreement. This is
simply a contract made with the municipal security
issuer to make payment if the issuer does not. Under
this contract the security holder has a claim against the
promising party if the issuer defaults. The second
category is the liquidity substitution agreement. This is
a promise, generally made by a bank, to provide a loan
to the municipal issuer or its agent to redeem maturing
or tendered securities, or to itself purchase such
securities outright. The liquidity agreement is activated
when the remarketing agent cannot resell the maturing
or tendered securities at an interest rate below some
maximum set by the issuer or when it cannot resell
them at all.
Banks are the most common providers of credit
substitution agreements in the short-term municipal
market. Banks provide the agreement, for a fee, by
means of an irrevocable letter of credit. Insurance
companies provide the same type of promise through
municipal bond insurance. Also, a corporation that
benefits from a project often guarantees payment of
principal and interest for the related securities. Since
only municipal issues with top ratings are purchased by
the money market mutual funds, issuers wishing to sell

The traditional short-term municipal securities typically do not require liquidity promises, while variablerate demand obligations” and commercial paper issues
almost always require such promises. Variable-rate
obligations require liquidity substitution backing because of the danger that the security holders will
exercise their demand option at a time and in sufficient
numbers that the remarketing agent will not be able to
resell the securities and the issuer will not have
sufficient funds to redeem them. Institutional investors,
the biggest purchasers of such securities, require that
this risk be covered. Similarly, there is some danger
that when existing paper matures the commercial paper
issuer’s marketing agent will be unable to sell new
paper and that the issuer will not have sufficient funds
to redeem them. Issuers of commercial paper must
back their issues with liquidity facilities to assure
investors that funds will be immediately available at

An investor’s decision whether to purchase a taxable
or tax-exempt security depends largely on his marginal
tax rate and the rates being paid on tax-exempts and
taxables. The after-tax return on a taxable security is
r(1-t) where r is the before-tax rate of return on the
taxable security and t is the investor’s marginal tax
rate. Yields on tax-exempt securities are frequently
stated in taxable equivalent terms, or in terms of what
taxable interest rate would be necessary to provide the
same after-tax interest rate. The taxable equivalent
formula is
rT = rTF/1-t,
where rTF is the rate paid on the tax-free instrument
and rT is the equivalent yield of a taxable instrument for
investors with a marginal tax rate of t. For example, if
an investor in the 33 percent marginal federal tax
bracket purchases a tax-exempt security paying 6.7
percent, then a taxable security paying 10 percent
would yield this investor the same after-tax rate as the
tax exempt security. If the investor’s taxable equivalent
yield on municipal securities is greater than the yields
he can earn on taxable securities of comparable risk he
will profit by investing in tax-exempt securities.



The value of the tax exemption to the investor is
increased when the income earned also is exempt from
state income tax. This is true for investors purchasing
securities issued by their home state or by municipalities located in their home state. In this case the
security is “double tax-exempt” for the investor and the
relevant taxable equivalent formula is
rT = rTF/l-[tF+ts(l-tF)],
where tF is the marginal federal tax rate of the investor
and ts is the marginal state tax rate of the investor.
This formula takes into account that state income taxes
are deductible on the federal return. Suppose the above
investor in the 33 percent federal tax bracket has a 10
percent state income tax rate. The total tax rate faced
by the individual is .33 + .10(l - .33)=.40. If the
municipal security being considered is exempt from
state income taxes and is paying a 6.7 percent rate of
return then the taxable equivalent yield for this investor
is 11.1 percent.

Chart 2 graphs the implicit marginal tax rate that
equated the after-tax yields on six-month maturity
Treasury securities and six-month maturity prime taxexempt notes from 1978 through mid-1986. This tax
rate averaged 49.4 percent from January 1978 through
September 1981, fell to an average 45.4 percent from
October 1981 through April 1985, and then fell further
to an average 33.6 percent from May 1985 through
June 1986. The reasons for the decline in the period
after September 1981 are not entirely clear. The 1985
decline probably resulted from the massive issue of
new short-term debt brought on by municipal issuers’
fears of tax law changes taking affect after the end of
Individuals Most individuals investing in shortterm municipal securities do so through tax-exempt
money market funds, which held approximately 50
percent of all short-term municipal debt at the end of
1985 (Chart 3). Tax-exempt money funds allow smaller
investors to diversify their portfolios of municipal secu-

Chart 2



(Six-Month Maturities)






Yield series are from Salomon

Brothers, An Analytical



Record of Yields and Yield Spreads.



Chart 3


Source: Smith Barney, Harris Upham & Co. Incorporated, Public Finance Division.

rities, which would not otherwise be possible for most
of these investors because minimum denominations of
short-term tax-exempts start at $5,000. Some individuals do invest in short-term securities directly, either
through a securities dealer or through a bank with a
dealer department. Chart 3 shows that approximately 7
percent of outstanding short-term municipal debt was
held by individuals investing directly.
Individuals can invest in short-term tax-exempt securities through a bank trust department. Bank trust
departments held 15 percent of short-term municipal
debt outstanding at the end of 1985. Bank trust departments also often invest their customers’ funds in taxexempt money funds, which show up in Chart 3 as
investment by money funds.
Corporations At the end of 1985, corporations directly held about 23 percent of the outstanding short32

term municipal securities. In addition they indirectly
held some short-term municipal securities through
money market funds. Corporations invest in these
securities because their corporate federal and state tax
rates together generally have been high enough to
make tax-exempts profitable. Corporations invest in
short-term municipal debt mostly as a repository for
their short-term operating reserves or seasonal reserves.
Commercial Banks At the end of 1985 banks held
about 5 percent of all short-term municipal debt. Banks’
holdings of municipal debt as a percentage of their total
assets declined from 1980 through 1984. This decline
can be explained by two factors. First, aggregate bank
profits consistently fell over those years, which diminished banks’ incentive to protect income from taxes.
Second, the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act


(TEFRA) of 1982, eliminated part of the interest
deduction of municipal security carrying costs, and
therefore lowered the effective return banks could earn
on tax-exempts beginning in 1983.6 In 1985, however,
banks’ holdings of municipal securities as a percent of
total assets grew to slightly more than it was in 1980.
This growth was the result of banks’ concern over the
possibility of enactment of legislation in 1986 making
municipal securities purchased after 1985 less attractive and because of somewhat higher income in 1985.
As it turned out, banks’ concern about the 1986 tax
law was well-founded. The new tax law will in most
cases eliminate banks’ ability to deduct the interest
expense of funds used to carry municipal securities
purchased after August 7, 1986. Before the change,
banks were allowed to deduct from their taxable income
an amount equal to 80 percent of the interest expense
of funds used to carry municipal securities. The elimination of this tax deduction has already caused banks to
reduce their investments in municipal securities and will
significantly diminish their importance as purchasers of
municipal securities.
Banks will be allowed to continue to deduct 80
percent of the interest expense for funds used to
purchase municipal securities financing traditional governmental projects or hospital and university projects if
the issuer expects to issue less than $10 million in debt
per year. This will enable these small issuers to
continue to sell securities to some banks, but will
largely eliminate banks as purchasers of other issuers’
Regulatory and Legislative Effects

Regulation has only a limited direct effect on the
municipal securities market. Issuers’ debt offerings are
not regulated except by general financial regulations.
For instance, conditions under which tax-exempt commercial paper can be issued are set by the Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC). The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) was established in
1975 to develop and update regulations by which
dealers, dealer banks, and brokers in the municipal
market are to operate. These regulations are enforced
by the SEC, the federal bank regulators, and the
National Association of Securities Dealers.
The regulation of money funds by the SEC indirectly
affects the short-term municipal market significantly
since municipal money funds are such important purchasers in the market. SEC regulations governing
money market funds’ purchases and holdings have been


Proctor and Donahoo [1983-84, pp. 31-32].

important in promoting certain types of short-term
municipal securities. (See the chapter on money market
Federal tax legislation can result in significant
changes in the municipal market. In particular, the
repeal or proposed repeal of the tax-exempt status of
certain types of issues can drive the market to extreme
reactions. Such a reaction was seen at the end of 1985
when Congress’ proposed restrictions on tax-exempt
borrowing produced a record volume of municipal
issues. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 should have a
number of effects on the municipal market. Banks
should become less active investors in municipals because of the loss, in most cases, of their interest cost
deduction. The ratio of tax-exempt to taxable yields
may rise because the act lowers marginal tax rates for
many individuals and corporations. And many private
use issuers will lose their ability to issue tax-exempt
debt, while others will have caps imposed on the
amount of tax-exempt debt they are allowed to issue.
State legislation can also cause changes in the municipal market by limiting the amount or type of tax-exempt
debt that may be issued. For example, following California’s Proposition 13 the volume of general obligation
debt issued by California municipalities fell significantly.

Short-term municipal securities have become important instruments of the money market. Traditional
notes such as revenue anticipation notes, tax anticipation notes and bond anticipation notes, remain important to issuers wishing to borrow funds for short-term
purposes, but these notes have been responsible for
only a small portion of the recent growth of the shortterm municipal market. Most of the growth in this
market has resulted from states’ and municipalities’ use
of variable-rate securities and tax-exempt commercial
paper. The newer instruments have augmented the
traditional short-term notes to provide the investor
with securities having little interest rate risk, while
enabling issuers to gather funds for long-term projects
at short-term rates.
Conery, Kevin. “Short-term Municipals: An Often Misunderstood
Market,” in “The Yield Curve.” Shearson Lehman Brothers,
January 20, 1986.
Feldstein, Sylvan G., and Frank J. Fabozzi. “Option Tender or Put
Bonds.” The Municipal Bond Handbook, Vol. 1. Edited by
Frank J. Fabozzi et al. Homewood, Illinois: Dow Jones-Irwin,
Feldstein, Sylvan G., and Frank J. Fabozzi. “Tax, Revenue, Grant,
and Bond Anticipation Notes.” The Municipal Bond Handbook,
Vol. 2. Edited by Sylvan G. Feldstein, Frank J. Fabozzi, and
Irving M. Pokack. Homewood, Illinois: Dow Jones-Irwin, 1983.
Goodwin, James J. “Tax-exempt Commercial Paper.” The Municipal



Bond Handbook, Vol. 2. Edited by Sylvan G. Feldstein, Frank J.
Fabozzi, and Irvmg M. Pollack. Homewood, Illinois: Dow JonesIrwin, 1983.
Hicks, Cadmus M. “Letters-of-Credit Backed Bonds.” The Municipal Bond Handbook. Vol. 1. Edited by Frank J. Fabozzi et al.
Homewood, Illinois:. Dow Jones-Irwin, 1983.
Lamb, Robert and Stephen P. Rappaport. Municipal Bonds: The
Compehensive Review of Tax-Exempt Securities and Public
Finance. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980.
Laufenberg, Daniel E. “Industrial Development Bonds: Some Aspects of the Current Controversy.” Federal Reserve Bulletin 68
(March 1982), pp. 135-41.
Longley, Alan. “Variable Rate Bonds and Zero-Coupon Bonds.” The
Municipal Bond Handbook, Vol. 1. Edited by Frank J. Fabozzi et
al. Homewood, Illinois: Dow Jones-Irwin, 1983.
Peterson, John E. “Recent Developments in Tax-Exempt Bond
Markets.” Government Finance Research Center, Government
Fiance Officers Association, Washington, D. C., April 15, 1985.


Proctor, Allen J., and Kathleene K. Donahoo. “Commercial Bank
Investment in Municipal Securities.” Federal Reserve Bank of
New York, Quarterly Review (Winter 1983-84).
Public Securities Association. Fundamentals of Municipal Bonds.
New York: Public Securities Association, 1981.
Schrager, Steven D. “Special Report: Investor’s Guide to Municipal
Bond Insurance.” L. F. Rothschild, Unterberg, Towbin, Inc.,
Municipal Bond Research, 1986.
Smith Barney, Harris Upham and Company, Incorporated, ShortTerm Finance Group. “An Introduction to Short-Term TaxExempt Financing, Innovations and Techniques.” Smith Barney,
Harris Upham and Company, Incorporated, 1986.
Standard and Poor's. Credit Overview, Municipal Ratings. New York:
Standard and Poor’s Corporation, 1983.
U.S. Congress. Joint Committee on Taxation. Tax Reform Proposals:
Tax Treatment of State and Local Government Bonds. Report
prepared for the Committee on Ways and Means and the
Committee on Finance. 99th Cong., 1st sess., 1985. Joint
Committee Print.