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Volume 46

Liquidity in O u r Expanding Economy:
A n Address by Alfred Hayes ....................


The Business Situation and Recent
Price Trends ............................................


The M oney Market in January .....................


Forecasting Currency in Circulation .............


Fiftieth Anniversary of the Federal Reserve
System— The Banking System in 1914........


No. 2



Liquidity in O ur Expanding Economy*
By A l f r e d H a y e s
President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

It is a pleasure to meet again with this distinguished the domestic economy advanced further while the balancegroup and discuss some of the common problems affecting of-payments deficit displayed disappointing stubbornness.
the commercial banker and central banker. In talking to By the middle of 1963 the further gains in our domestic
you a year ago I devoted my remarks to the urgent prob­ economy made more feasible, and the deterioration in our
lem of our balance-of-payments deficit and the consequent balance of payments made imperative, a more overt move
international challenge which our monetary policy has had toward less ease— designed particularly to check the out­
to meet. While that problem and challenge remain urgent flow of funds attracted by higher interest rates available
— notwithstanding some good progress in the past six abroad.
months— I’d like to concentrate today on domestic mone­
The increase in the discount rate last July, and the
tary matters. In particular, I should like to call attention accompanying firming of the money market atmosphere,
to some questions raised by the state of liquidity inside was immediately reflected in higher short-term interest
and outside the banking system as our economy continues rates, which in turn contributed importantly to the im­
the expansion that began some three years ago. For on provement in our balance of payments during the second
this “home ground” for the commercial and central banker half of last year. At the same time, the growth of bank
I believe we are evolving important new experience of credit has continued practically unabated, as monetary
mutual interest. I hasten to add, however, that in focusing policy from the domestic standpoint has retained a dis­
on domestic credit developments we cannot, these days, tinctly accommodating posture— albeit a less openly
afford to ignore balance-of-payments implications; for stimulative one than earlier. As a result, the economy is
these are clearly an inseparable part of the total economic about as liquid, and by some standards even more liquid,
picture, and they have played, and will certainly continue now than in the recessionary period of a few years ago
to play, a significant role in shaping the course of mone­ when the Federal Reserve was aggressively pushing re­
serves into the financial stream. In dollar terms the econ­
tary policy.
As a starting point, it might be appropriate to sketch omy’s liquidity has scaled unprecedented heights.
During earlier postwar expansion periods, in contrast,
quickly the economic position and monetary policy posture
liquidity of the economy typically sustained a marked
of the past few years. Essentially, the Federal Reserve
Growth in money supply slowed down and in­
System has faced the task over this period of fostering
total liquid assets proceeded more moderately
sustainable domestic economic growth while strengthening
and protecting the international position of the dollar. than the increases in total spending, while higher interest
Toward the end of 1961, with economic recovery from a rates throughout the maturity range and for various types
mild recession well under way, the System began to move of debt registered the increased pressure of demand on
gradually toward reducing the degree of monetary ease loanable funds. Of course, in partial explanation of the
adopted during the recession. These moves continued as contrasting experience in the current expansion, we have
had along with the recent rise in economic activity a per­
sistent margin of unemployed resources, and a welcome
An address before the thirty-sixth annual midwinter meeting absence of general inflationary pressures. With unemploy­
of the New York State Bankers Association, New York City,
ment rates hovering between 5 and 6 per cent of the labor
January 20, 1964.



force and broad price averages holding relatively steady,
there has been no call for restrictive monetary policies of
the kind that were appropriate in some earlier postwar
years of business expansion.
Nevertheless, I think we must ask ourselves whether
the growth in volume, and changes in form, of liquidity
instruments characteristic of the past year or two will re­
main appropriate for our economy as it moves ahead.
Apart from any balance-of-payments impact of our high
liquidity, there is the cumulative effect on the domestic
financial climate to be considered. This is of broad con­
cern not only to the central banker, because of his neces­
sary preoccupation with the totality of financial develop­
ments, but also of particular concern to the commercial
banker because of the special role of bank demand deposit
money in the economic adjustment process and the very
striking role of bank time deposits in recent liquidity
Before proceeding further to examine the recent record,
it might be well to agree on what we mean by the term
“liquidity” in the nonbank sectors of the economy. For
any single individual or business, liquidity may be defined
simply as holdings of cash and ready access to cash
through sale of assets. In turn, ready access to cash may
be thought of as assets that are marketable at little risk
of loss of principal. Thus we have in mind here a number of
types of assets, ranging from “money” in the usual nar­
row sense of currency plus bank demand deposits through
a wide variety of “near-money” instruments, such as sav­
ings deposits and short-term Government securities. The
liquidity of any of these short-term assets depends on the
ability of financial markets to convert them into money in
the narrow sense at little or no sacrifice. Needless to say,
there are different degrees of liquidity or “nearness to
money” depending on how readily and at what price this
conversion can be accomplished.
Commercial banks and many other financial institutions
share the ability to provide liquid assets in exchange for
longer term or other less liquid claims on the private and
public sectors of the economy. A good deal of the liquidity
required by the economy is generated as banks and other
financial intermediaries attract personal and corporate
money savings or temporarily idle funds and give, in re­
turn, interest-earning deposits, shares, insurance policies,
or comparable instruments. These intermediary financial
institutions, in turn, assure their ability to meet liquid
liabilities by keeping cash or near-money reserves the
size and nature of which are determined by experience,
custom, and official regulation. Among the intermediaries,
however, commercial banks have the unique ability to
create the most liquid kind of financial asset— demand

deposit money— which, together with currency, is the only
universal means of payment.
This little discourse on our monetary system is rather
elementary fare for this group, but I assure you that I find
it most useful to remind myself of these fundamentals
before treading on the more slippery ground that I’d like
to cover today. For when it comes to considering the role
of particular types of institutions in this broad framework,
and especially the changing position occupied by com­
mercial banks in recent years— and the potential implica­
tions of such changes for monetary policy— it is quite
desirable indeed to have these elementary points in mind.
Let me approach these considerations by noting, as you
well know, that commercial banks have become increas­
ingly aware in recent years of the desirability of acquiring
savings and other time deposits to be channeled into
higher yielding assets. For personal savings accounts, this
tendency goes back through most of the postwar period,
although there has been a notable acceleration in the last
few years. As regards corporate and other time deposits,
the period of rapid growth is more recent but the total
increments have been even more spectacular. The ability
of commercial banks to enlarge their role as financial in­
termediaries has been strikingly enhanced by the recent
series of changes in Federal Reserve Regulation Q, par­
ticularly since the end of 1961, and by the emergence of
negotiable time certificates of deposit as a major money
market instrument. Raising the ceiling rates that commer­
cial banks may pay on time deposits placed the banks in a
position to compete for corporate and other funds seeking
temporary investment. A large volume of funds that pre­
viously might have been invested mainly in Treasury bills
or private money market instruments was thus retained in,
or brought back to, the banking system.
I promise not to weigh you down with statistics, but I
think a few numbers are needed here to nail down some
of the general magnitudes involved. Thus the growth in
commercial bank time deposits last year was over $14
billion, and this followed on the heels of a similarly large
increase in 1962. Perhaps about a third of that two-year
rise has taken the form of negotiable time certificates of
deposit, issued mainly to corporations. By itself, of course,
the liberalization of Regulation Q was merely permissive,
with the active force provided by aggressive bank bidding
for funds. However, the sharp burst of expansion in time
deposits has not taken place, in any readily obvious man­
ner, at the expense of growth in other near-money forms.
Substantial growth has continued in mutual savings bank
deposits and savings and loan shares, and there has been
a continuing growth in holdings of Treasury bills, other
short-term Government securities, and various types of


commercial paper outside the banking system. For the
most part, then, the enormous growth of commercial bank
time deposits has come from new savings and transfers
from demand balances of funds that either had been rela­
tively idle or that were newly created through the familiar
processes of bank credit and deposit expansion. Thus in
the same two years that commercial bank time deposits
rose by some $29 billion, or 35 per cent, the demand
deposit component of money supply rose only about $5
billion, or roughly 4 per cent. Even currency in circulation
—which one does not usually think of as a highly sig­
nificant component of a financial mechanism as sophisti­
cated as our own— expanded more quickly than bank
demand deposits, rising about $3 billion or 10 per cent
over the past two years.
The accelerated growth of near-money assets and rela­
tively slower growth of money supply are not products
merely of the past few years. These trends have been in
process ever since the end of World War II, and par­
ticularly since the 1951 Treasury-Federal Reserve accord,
when flexible monetary policy was re-established in this
country. Once some of the excessive wartime liquidity
was siphoned off in the immediate postwar years, an at­
mosphere re-emerged in which holders of financial assets
continuously appraised the relative attractiveness of vari­
ous near-money assets; yields were weighed in relation to
liquidity and to the risk of capital losses (or possible
gains) in the event of conversion into money. Higher
short-term interest rates provided the incentive to move
funds into these various near-money forms, but the ability
and willingness of individual, corporate, and other hold­
ers of cash to reduce their cash balances to the minimum
also reflected the success of financial intermediaries and
final borrowers in providing attractive financial instru­
ments. In addition, it has reflected the successful efforts
of those who help provide a smooth and flexibly function­
ing money market. Incidentally, very much the same trend
toward more economical use of cash balances— or, if you
will, higher velocity of circulation of money— has taken
place in a number of other countries, too.
While our money supply has declined markedly in rela­
tion to total spending in the economy (or gross national
product), the total amount of liquid assets held by the
public has grown alongside GNP, at a roughly comparable
rate. And in fact, in the past few years nonbank liquid
asset holdings have risen somewhat faster than total spend­
ing, so that the ratio of liquid assets to the annual rate of
GNP increased from about 78 per cent in late 1961 to
over 81 per cent last year. But before commenting on that
increase, let me point out that, while the declining trend
in money supply relative to GNP has persisted through


the postwar period, it is only in the past few years that
accelerated growth in time deposits of commercial banks
has enabled the commercial banking system as a whole
to maintain a roughly proportionate share of the econ­
omy’s credit expansion. This has been desirable, I think,
because banks are able, in terms of both technical facili­
ties and experienced judgment, to place funds in a variety
of alternative ways; this flexibility, with the banks picking
and choosing among alternatives on the basis of yield and
liquidity considerations, helps to produce an economically
efficient result that has much to commend it.
As you know, some observers of the financial scene
have expressed considerable misgivings over the slower
growth in money supply proper, and the faster growth in
near-money assets, compared with GNP, apparently feel­
ing that the relative shrinkage of money supply also im­
plies a diminution of influence for monetary policy. Such
concern seems misplaced to me, however, for the very
slowdown in growth of money supply, as excess liquidity
was squeezed out or absorbed into minimum required
working balances, has represented one of the successful
results of monetary policy. So long as the monetary au­
thorities retain an effective control over growth in the
bank reserve base and the general climate of bank reserve
availability, I believe that we have considerable influence
over new credit formation. The fact that some of the
newly created deposits shift out of the demand form into
near-money assets endowed with varying degrees of li­
quidity is a significant development that we watch closely,
but not a cause for concern since I think that these are
factors we can take into account in providing marginal
reserves to the banks with more or less alacrity or reluc­
tance. The Federal Reserve’s strategic influence on the
over-all cost and availability of credit also tends to be
preserved because financial intermediaries must maintain
adequate cash working balances, usually in the form of
demand deposits, and because the intermediaries rely on
their ability to shift quickly between liquid assets and
money, to meet fluctuating cash needs with minimum cash
There might be greater cause for concern on this point
if we had reason to expect large and sudden shifts, or
desires to shift, from near-money assets to money, or if
we had reason to anticipate sudden changes in the at­
tractiveness of different types of liquid assets as money
substitutes. On this score the experience of recent years
provides some basis for confidence. While there have
been some large shifts from one type of asset to another
— such as from demand to time deposits— these shifts
have not been so sudden as to throw our stabilization
mechanism off balance.



Are these judgments altered because so much of the
recent growth in near-money assets has been in the form
of commercial bank time deposits? It could be argued that
central bank influence is weakened because time deposit
claims can be converted more readily into demand de­
posits than can some other types of liquid assets. Again,
however, recent experience suggests no great volatility
here— except perhaps for the artificial volatility that may
emerge if the rates payable under Regulation Q become
noncompetitive with market rates. On the other side it
might even be argued that the increased proportion of
near-money asset growth within the banking system has
enhanced the position of monetary policy, in that such
growth within the banking system may be a little more
susceptible to central bank reserve influence. Of course,
favorable recent experience is no proof that we will not
experience future problems on this score.
I mentioned earlier that the recent period of expansion
has been noteworthy not only for the enlarged financing
role of commercial banks, but also because the over-all
growth in credit and liquidity has been larger than usual
for a period of business expansion. While the degree of
monetary and credit ease has been reduced in the past two
years, this reduction seems to have found little reflection
in any lessened availability of bank funds for employment
in new loans and higher yielding investments. It has been
reflected, however, in the trend of bank holdings of
Treasury securities, which is an area that often feels the
first impact of monetary policy; in 1962, commercial
banks refrained from adding to their holdings of Treasury
securities, and in 1963 they reduced their holdings by
some $3 billion to $4 billion. This disinvestment, of course,
played a part in firming the level of short-term interest
rates last year. It has probably had some effect on longer
rates as well, although in such major areas as bank loans
to business and home mortgage loans there has been no
significant rate increase. In fact, for mortgage loans, a
market in which increased bank participation has been of
particular importance in the past two or three years, rates
were still moving lower until the latter part of last year.
The continuing ready availability of United States bank
loans to foreigners is another indication of relative credit
ease and substantial liquidity.
Without taking time here to review each segment of the
credit markets in detail, I think it can be asserted with
some confidence that after three years of business expan­
sion and over two years of gradually lessened applications
of ease from the central bank, we still have an ample
availability of credit in this country. This shows up not
only in the rate and volume trends I have alluded to, but
also in the occasional outcroppings of poor credits. I do

not by any means want to convey an impression that there
has been a wholesale deterioration of credit standards, but
I do think that the few well-publicized instances of un­
sound financing serve as timely reminders— first, that the
over-all availability of credit is plentiful and, second, that
while there is no way of determining precisely how much
credit is just the right amount at any particular time, there
is also no satisfactory substitute that I know of for sound,
informed judgments in making individual loans and invest­
The large expansion of credit through banks and other
financial institutions, and the sharp rise in nonbank li­
quidity that I mentioned earlier, are simply two sides of
the same coin. And with liquidity, too, as with the volume
of credit, there is to my knowledge no simple test that
can determine whether this is now too high, too low, or
just about right in relation to the economy. I do feel rather
strongly, however, that the recent pace of increase bears
careful watching as our resources become more fully
utilized. The mere fact, also noted earlier, that the propor­
tion of nonbank liquid assets to GNP has risen in the past
two years, even though there has usually been a decline in
periods of business expansion, is enough to give one
I have been speaking thus far mainly about liquidity
outside the banking system, which is the direct counterpart
of credit extended by banks and through other financial
intermediaries. As commercial and central bankers we
are, of course, also concerned with liquidity within the
banking system, which is a kind of fulcrum on which the
central bank seeks to operate in order to affect the will­
ingness of commercial banks to extend new credits. There
are, of course, different ways of viewing bank liquidity,
none of them right or wrong in themselves, but each add­
ing a different perspective to this complex subject. Thus
while the total reserves of member banks usually would
not be included in measures of bank liquidity— if only
because the bulk of such reserves is used simply to meet
official requirements— I think this may make a useful
starting point in considering the expansion potential in
the banking system. By this standard— the size of total
member bank reserves held with the Federal Reserve
Banks or in the form of vault cash— there has been sub­
stantial growth in “bank credit potential” in the past two
years, after including an appropriate allowance for the
lower reserve requirement ratio against time deposits
adopted some fourteen months ago. A good part of this
growth, however, was needed merely to back the swiftly
rising volume of time deposits.
At the same time, some portion of the increased re­
serves held by member banks was obtained through the


“discount windows” of the various Federal Reserve Banks,
and hence could not be regarded as having the same po­
tential for credit expansion as the rest of the banks’ re­
serves. Thus on the basis of so-called “nonborrowed
reserves”— or reserves other than those obtained through
the discount window—bank credit expansion potential grew
more slowly. An even greater contrast is provided by con­
sidering the net “free reserve” position of the banking sys­
tem, or excess reserves less borrowings from the Reserve
Banks, which is usually considered part of the standard
bank liquidity measures. This quantity, which has de­
clined appreciably in the past two years, is a rough indi­
cator that might be associated with the current unused
margin of reserve availability; while it does not measure
total bank liquidity, it is sometimes a sensitive indicator of
the net pressures on banks to speed up or slow down the
aggregate formation of credit and liquidity. We should
be aware, however, that the significance of any given level
of free reserves can vary greatly, depending on the pres­
sure of demand for bank credit.
Bank liquidity, of course, comprises many elements in
addition to the margin of free reserves held with the cen­
tral bank. By and large these broader measures— such as
ratios of loans to deposits and ratios of short-term liquid
assets to deposits— suggest a decline in liquidity during
the past few years, although of somewhat smaller propor­
tions than in other business expansion periods. There
should be nothing at all surprising in these declines. The
banking system generally emerges from a period of reces­
sion and actively easy money with a relatively low propor­
tion of loans and high proportion of liquid assets compared
with deposits. As the expansion flowers, more attractive
opportunities arise for putting funds to work profitably
and safely, but in less liquid forms.
The thought occurs to me, however, that, given the
major shift in the composition of bank deposits in recent
years, the decline in these conventional measures of bank
liquidity may not have quite the same significance as be­
fore. With a substantially larger portion of its deposit
claims in the form of time rather than demand deposits,
it would seem only natural for a bank to feel somewhat
less constrained by particular loan-to-deposit or liquid
asset-to-deposit ratios than it did before. Thus, while our
usual measures of bank liquidity do show some decline in


the past few years of business expansion and lessening
credit ease, I feel that liquidity is still quite ample within
as well as outside the banking system. Nevertheless, the
decline in conventional measures of bank liquidity does
mean that the banking system is, so to speak, on po­
tentially closer rein than before. If it should happen that
a sharply accelerated business expansion generated greater
needs for cash balances and induced substantial switching
from time to demand deposits, the decline of bank liquid­
ity would have a sharper impact on bank lending and
investment policies.
As we face the new year, the underlying economic
situation seems to be about the same as in the past two
years. There has been solid economic expansion, although
not enough to eliminate a margin of excessive unemploy­
ment. And there has been a persisting balance-of-payments
deficit which was materially reduced in the second half
of last year but the elimination of which must continue to
command our strongest exertions. In fact, the longer the
deficit lasts, the more urgent its elimination becomes, if
the dollar is to retain its status as the principal reserve
currency. While the business expansion is now about three
years old, it does not yet seem to have run out of steam,
and prospects for an early tax cut should help to keep it
moving along—perhaps even accelerate it. Fortunately,
the Administration’s current economy drive and stream­
lined budget should mean that there will be no great de­
mand for additional Federal financing on top of the
private demands that would be generated by further
business expansion.
In coming months, we in the Federal Reserve System
will be weighing the extent to which banks may appropri­
ately supply a part of over-all credit and liquidity require­
ments. As in the past, we shall be guided by the continuing
need to see the country’s resources as fully employed as
possible, but also by the need to avoid a build-up of de­
mand pressures or of unnecessarily ample liquidity that
would spill out in the form of upward price movements
at home and further dollar outflows abroad. In short, we
shall be trying to do the job for which the Congress
created the Federal Reserve System fifty years ago. And
in doing so, I know that we can count on the whole­
hearted and informed support of bankers throughout the



The Business Situation and R e c e n t P r ic e T re n d s

Buoyed by the economy’s appreciable gains in Decem­
ber and in the fourth quarter as a whole, business sentiment
in the early weeks of 1964 was almost uniformly optimistic.
Most observers felt that these gains and the absence of
speculative inventory accumulation in the current upswing,
together with the stimulus of a prospective tax cut, would
provide a firm basis for a fourth consecutive year of expan­
sion. The achievement of so sustained an advance would
be truly impressive, having no post-World War II parallel.
The stronger note on which 1963 closed carried gross
national product to $600 billion in the fourth quarter, with
the rise from the previous quarter being the largest in two
years. The gains recorded in December contributed im­
portantly to this outcome, as retail sales surged to all-time
highs and industrial production and employment advanced
further. Moreover, economic activity seemed to be continu­
ing at a high level in January.
Favorable appraisals of business prospects were thus
based on both the recent strength of the economy and the
increasing certainty that a tax cut would shortly be enacted.
Indeed, the Council of Economic Advisers suggests that
1964 GNP could amount to about $621 billion (plus or
minus $5 billion), about 6 per cent higher than in 1963,
on the assumption that a tax cut is effective March 1. Such
a sizable rise, in the Council’s view, might reduce the un­
employment rate to about 5 per cent by the end of the
year. Despite the possibility that a substantial amount of
human resources may continue to be unused, the recent
rise in industrial prices, though modest in size, makes it ap­
parent that a close watch of price developments will be
necessary in 1964.

Industrial production, as measured by the Federal Re­
serve’s seasonally adjusted index, advanced by 0.5 per­
centage points in December, with small gains spread
through most industries. This brought the December-toDecember advance in production during 1963 to 7 per
cent, compared with a rise of only 3 per cent during 1962.

In both years, most of the gain occurred during the
January-July period, partly reflecting in each case the tem­
porary surge in steel output in anticipation of a possible
strike. There is no threat of a steel strike in 1964 but,
with steel consumption high and still rising, ingot produc­
tion continued to move up in January. On the other hand,
assemblies of new automobiles in the opening month of
the year fell off from the very high rate in December, as
the industry attempted to bring production more closely
into line with expected sales.
In contrast to the rise in production during December,
new orders received by manufacturers of durable goods
declined for the second consecutive month. The total fall
since October amounted to 5 per cent. Most of this
slippage was concentrated in the transportation equipment
sector, and reflected a sharp decline for the second month
in a row in the somewhat erratic series on aircraft orders
and a decrease in orders for motor vehicles and parts. (The
statistics for the motor vehicles series largely represent
manufacturers’ shipments of new cars to dealers rather
than orders for future production.) Total new orders for
durables excluding those for transportation equipment re­
mained about unchanged in December.
Total employment rose substantially in December and
the number of persons on nonagricultural payrolls in­
creased by 182,000, reflecting gains in the government,
service, and construction sectors as well as in manufactur­
ing. Over the past year as a whole, total employment grew
by 1.1 million persons but, with the labor force rising by
about the same amount, there was no net reduction in
unemployment. Thus, the over-all unemployment rate—
although down from 5.9 per cent in November to 5.5 per
cent in December-—was unchanged from a year earlier.
There was a small net decline over the year in unemploy­
ment of adult men, but this was offset by an over-the-year
rise in joblessness among teen-agers.
Perhaps the brightest note in December was the strong
support coming from the consumer sector. Following a
relatively sluggish performance from August through No­
vember, retail sales jumped substantially in December.



A part of this rise, to be sure, reflected a recouping of
sales lost in November, owing to the assassination of Pres­
Chart I
ident Kennedy and also the later than usual date of
S e a so n a lly adjusted annual rates
Thanksgiving. But the very fact that Christmas shoppers
indicated a desire to catch up seems to have removed
many of the doubts about the underlying strength of
Change from second quarter
Change from third quarter
to third quarter 1963
to fourth quarter 1963
consumer buying intentions. Weekly figures in January
suggest that total retail sales remained at about the high
December level, on a seasonally adjusted basis, despite
a slackening in the pace of automobile sales from the
Inventory investment
very high December rate. Even with this decline, dealers
were still selling the new models at weekly rates high
Final demand
enough to suggest that seasonally adjusted annual rates of
sales exceeded 7 million units.
Consumer expenditures
-for durable goods
Residential construction in the closing months of 1963
Consumer expenditures
was at record levels, with December only fractionally be­
for nondurable goods
low the high November rate. Indicators of future activity
Consumer expenditures
point to continued strength in the months ahead, as hous­
for services
ing starts edged upward in December while new permits
Residential construction
jumped to record levels.
Partly as a result of the year-end surge in consumer
Business fixed investment
buying, GNP in the fourth quarter rose by $11.3 billion
Government purchases of
(seasonally adjusted annual rate, Council of Economic
goods and services
Advisers estimate)— a somewhat larger advance than in
Net exports of goods
the previous quarter (see Chart I). Although there was
and services
some step-up in the rate of inventory accumulation, most
of the fourth-quarter gain came in final purchases, with
outlays for consumer durables providing the largest push.
Sources: United States Department of Commerce; Council of Economic Advisers.
Government purchases of goods and services also rose
appreciably, as the military pay rise boosted Federal spend­
ing and as state and local government expenditures con­
tinued upward. Outlays for residential construction and
business fixed investment also rose, although less than in a reasonable degree of stability cannot be taken for
the third quarter; and increased United States exports, granted. Moreover, further gains in business activity,
together with a slight decline in imports, contributed to an which would tend to reduce excess manufacturing capacity,
could leave the economy more vulnerable to inflation.
advance in the “net exports” component of GNP.
With the gain in the fourth quarter, GNP for the year Awareness of the danger has led President Johnson to re­
as a whole reached $585 billion, 5.4 per cent above the affirm his predecessor’s wage-price “guideposts” and to
1962 level. From the fourth quarter of 1962 to the fourth institute an “early warning system” for detecting prospec­
quarter of 1963, the rise was even larger, amounting to tive price and wage increases.
6.2 per cent. Price rises accounted for some of the ad­
Last year’s price movements included another rise in
vance on either basis, but more than two thirds of the the Consumer Price Index, as now computed, with the
increase reflected a gain in real output.
December figure 1.7 per cent above its year-earlier level.1
The increase was somewhat greater than in 1961 and
1962, though about equal to the advances registered in
The absence of strong upward price movements through
a three-year expansion is certainly encouraging, par­
ticularly when contrasted with the experience of the early
and mid-1950’s. Nevertheless, prices have continued to
rise modestly in an irregular pattern, and continuation of

1 The Consumer Price Index, like other important economic
statistics, is updated and refined from time to time. A revised
series is due shortly; among its major changes will be weights
based on urban spending patterns in 1960-61 rather than 1950,
and reflecting budgets of single persons as well as of families.



each of the three preceding years. Prices of services, food,
and nonfood commodities all rose a bit more last year
than in 1962, with the largest advance— as usual— coming
in the service category (see Chart II). At the wholesale
level, the over-all price index showed virtually no net
change on a December-to-December basis, as a drop in
farm product prices offset a modest 0.5 per cent increase
in the average price of industrial goods (see Chart 111).
Within the year, however, wholesale prices declined slightly
through mid-April, and then turned moderately upward—
reflecting price boosts in the spring and fall.
i n d u s t r i a l c o m m o d i t i e s . The wholesale index for com­
modities other than farm products and processed food has
fluctuated within a remarkably narrow range since the
late 1950’s. In December 1963 this measure was a shade
below its level of four years earlier, but slightly higher
than at the end of 1962, because of a moderate updrift
after early spring.
This strengthening of wholesale industrial prices over
the last two thirds of 1963 was clearly associated, at least
in part, with the continuing business expansion. As slack
capacity was gradually being taken up and demand
strengthened, producers of certain important items were

Chart !i

Per cent

* Includes all items other than food and services.
Source: United States Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Per cent

Per cent

Per cent

* Includes all items other than farm products and processed foods.
Source: United States Bureau of Labor Statistics.

able to make price increases “stick”, while others could
reduce or drop discounts from list prices. Thus, prices
were boosted in either the spring or early fall for such
heavily used steel mill products as sheet, strip, bars, and
plates, with the over-all steel industry index advancing by
about 2 per cent. At the same time, higher steel produc­
tion apparently helped reverse the previous downdrift in
steel scrap prices, which had partly reflected reduced use
of scrap per ton of steel manufactured. In the aluminum
industry, ingot prices— after tending downward for sev­
eral years as a result of severe competition and slackened
demand—recovered some ground last October. Prices of
other nonferrous metals also strengthened noticeably in
1963, with lead and zinc hikes reflecting growing demand
and a removal of the drag exerted by previous high levels
of inventories.
Prices of metals and other industrial commodities are of
course very closely related to world market conditions.
The continuing growth of industrial production in Western
Europe and other major manufacturing centers over the
last few years, combined with the sustained United States
expansion, appears at long last to have brought demand
for primary goods into closer balance with supplies, after
years of actual or potential surplus. Tin production, for
example, has failed to expand sufficiently during the last


half decade to match a rapidly rising world-wide industrial
demand. In spite of new techniques that economize on
tin, the previously accumulated stockpiles of the metal, in­
cluding those of the International Tin Council, have been
drawn down gradually so that tin prices have now come
under increasing upward pressure. In 1963, the tin price
reached a high not matched since early in the Korean
Last year’s moderate rise in industrial prices was not
limited to metals. Increases were registered also for cer­
tain types of machinery and construction materials as well
as for other goods. Moreover, several announced rises for
industrial products have just taken effect or are scheduled
to take effect shortly, and hence have not yet been re­
flected in the available statistics. On the other hand, some
price hikes could not be maintained —among them two
recent attempts to boost further the price of aluminum
ingot— and declines such as those registered by fuels,
leather, and chemicals were by no means uncommon in
1963. The maintenance of prices for new car models at
essentially the levels prevailing in the previous year and
the apparently widespread practice among fabricators of
absorbing increases in their material costs also contrib­
uted to the relative over-all stability of industrial prices.
At the retail level, increases occurred for apparel, news­
papers, and cigarettes— although higher sales and excise
taxes were a factor in some instances, along with higher
manufacturing costs.
There is always a question whether cyclical changes are
faithfully reflected in the wholesale index. Company re­
porting on price discount practices may at times be less
than complete, particularly when salesmen and buyers are
given some discretion in negotiating these arrangements.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics uses a variety of survey
techniques to ascertain at what prices transactions are
actually consummated, but it is doubtful that even the
most refined methods provide a full solution. Thus, the
index may not reflect the direction of unrecorded shortrun adjustments in actual transaction prices, which would
of course be upward when demand increases relative to
supply and downward when the opposite condition holds.
With a gradual fading-away of the “buyer’s market” in a
number of lines, unreported changes may in recent months
have led to an understatement of actual price rises.
f a r m p r o d u c t s a n d f o o d . The wholesale farm products
index— which moved downward after early 1958 but
turned moderately upward in 1962— resumed its decline
in the past year. The downdrift in 1963 was mainly due
to a substantial easing of livestock prices. Indeed, move­
ments in meat-animal prices have been a prime influence


on the course of the wholesale farm products (and
processed foods) index over much of the postwar period.
These changes have in turn been associated with livestock
production cycles, which are fairly independent of general
business conditions. In early 1958, when the low points
in the cycles of cattle and hog production coincided and
fewer animals were marketed, farm product prices reached
a peak. Since then, livestock prices have generally trended
downward, with most of the decline occurring in 1958-59.
This movement was interrupted, however, in the third
quarter of 1962, when many farmers temporarily with­
held animals from slaughter. Partly in reaction to this
development, marketings subsequently rose and prices
again declined.
In contrast to the farm products index, wholesale prices
of processed foods— although easing a bit in early 1963—
were close to their year-earlier level in December. At re­
tail, prices of food consumed at home, which tended
moderately higher in 1961 and 1962, showed a further net
rise last year. Declines for meats and several other items
were more than offset by higher prices for fruits and
vegetables, baked goods, and sugar. Restaurant meals—
which contain a large service element— continued their
long-term uptrend.
Price gyrations of one single commodity— sugar—have
recently had a significant influence on the wholesale and
retail food indexes. The price of raw sugar advanced very
strongly in April and May, mainly reflecting tightened
world supplies associated with poor beet crops in Western
Europe and reduced availabilities from Cuba. The price
increase in the raw material spread to the refined product
and to such sugar-using items as canned and frozen fruits,
beverages, and confectioneries. Sugar prices subsequently
experienced wide fluctuations, with a downward influence
from an unusually high domestic beet crop and further
upward pressure from hurricane damage to Caribbean
cane. As of mid-December, they were substantially higher
than a year before but somewhat below their May peak.
c o n s u m e r s e r v i c e s . The index of consumer service
prices has continued the seemingly inexorable climb that
has characterized its postwar history. Although the annual
rate of advance dropped to less than 2 per cent in 1961
and 1962 from the 3 per cent average registered in the
1952-60 period, the pace last year was again somewhat
steeper, with the over-the-year increase to December
reaching 2.3 per cent.
Nevertheless, there is little in the past year’s experience
to suggest the likelihood of a renewed and prolonged ac­
celeration of service price rises. A good part of the step-up
was in transportation services, which resumed their 1960-



61 rate of increase after an unusually small advance in
1962. The main influence here was the cost of auto insur­
ance, which declined in 1962 when many persons first
became eligible for lower “merit” rates but rose again last
year, perhaps partly as a result of some large accident
awards made by the courts. Although greater price rises
were recorded in 1963 for several other services, such as
dry cleaning, increases in costs of medical care and rent
again slackened, as they had for several years.
t h e f u t u r e . Prospects for further general price stability
depend largely, of course, on such underlying elements
as world market trends in primary products and move­
ments in the rate of capacity utilization, productivity, and
wages and salaries. The outlook for raw material prices is
mixed. Prices of metals and selected foodstuffs may rise
further; coffee prices have already moved upward follow­
ing the frost and drought damage to the Brazilian crop.
Nevertheless, a wide range of key materials— including
many foodstuffs and fibers—have been and are likely to
remain in ample supply. As regards the utilization of pro­
ductive resources in this country, factory output is still
significantly below capacity levels, but the available meas­
ures indicate that some decrease in the gap occurred
during 1963. Recent surveys, moreover, suggest that op­
erating rates were fairly close to preferred rates in several

individual manufacturing sectors, notably the textile, pa­
per, and aluminum industries. A further expansion with
concomitantly higher operating rates could strengthen
tendencies toward higher prices.
It is, of course, desirable— indeed necessary— that fur­
ther movements toward fuller use of the economy’s re­
sources will be achieved while keeping price rises in check.
Some developments of recent years give cause for en­
couragement in this regard. Thus, strong import competi­
tion has placed restraints on upward price adjustments of
domestic producers, and will most likely continue to do so.
In addition, manufacturing output per man-hour has risen
at an accelerated pace since the beginning of 1961, thereby
helping to offset wage increases, which in turn have been
relatively more moderate than in most of the earlier post­
war years. The acid test will, of course, be the actual
wage and price changes that may follow this year’s im­
portant labor negotiations in such industries as automobile
manufacturing, meat packing, and East Coast stevedoring.
Price stability is required not only to protect the domes­
tic purchasing power of the dollar but also to strengthen
the international competitiveness of the United States and
thus improve the balance of payments. The progress
achieved thus far toward price stability in a period of
business expansion has been encouraging; the country
should aim to do as well or better in 1964 and beyond.

The M oney M ark et in January
The money market remained firm during most of Janu­
ary while smoothly accommodating the substantial flows
associated with the unwinding of year-end financial ad­
justments and the Treasury’s January advance refunding.
At times, particularly in the first half of the month, sizable
reserve pressures converged upon the New York City
banks, as those banks met a large part of the expanded
financing needs of Government securities dealers. Accord­

ingly, banks in the central money market made large pur­
chases of Federal funds, which were generally in good
supply from banks outside the money centers, although a
margin of needs remained to be satisfied at the “discount
window”. Later in the month, a somewhat easier tone
developed at times, as the needs of money market banks
declined while a good availability continued at other
banks. Thus, Federal funds traded almost exclusively at


3V2 per cent through the middle of the month but occa­
sionally dipped lower in the latter part of the month when
member bank borrowing also declined. Unexpected addi­
tions to reserves from float and other market factors con­
tributed to the occasionally easier market tone.
Treasury bill rates edged higher in early January as of­
ferings— particularly from commercial banks— expanded.
In the latter part, of the month, rates receded slightly,
largely reflecting both reinvestment demand from holders
of “rights” issues in the Treasury’s advance refunding and
seasonal nonbank demand. Rates posted by the major
New York City banks on new and renewal call loans to
Government securities dealers were most often quoted in
a 3% to 4 per cent range through January 20, and largely
in a 3 Vi to 3% per cent range thereafter. Toward the
middle of the month, dealers in bankers’ acceptances, after
experiencing a sharp rise in inventories to a record level,
increased their rates on all maturities by Vs per cent, mak ­
ing the rate on 90-day unendorsed paper 3% per cent
(bid); subsequently, demand for acceptances improved
considerably and inventories were reduced substantially
in the latter part of the month. Offering rates for new
time certificates of deposit issued by the leading New York
City banks moved moderately higher during the early part
of the month, as did the range of rates at which such
certificates were offered in the secondary market, and then
declined in the latter part of January. Rates on directly
placed finance company paper were reduced by Vs per
cent on paper maturing in less than 179 days, with an
offering rate of 33A per cent being quoted on 90- to 179day paper at the month end. Late in the month, commer­
cial paper dealers lowered their rates by Vs of a per cent,
making the rate on prime 4- to 6-month paper 3% per
cent (offered).
On January 8, the Treasury announced the terms of an
advance refunding operation in which holders of $24.7
billion of six outstanding notes and bonds maturing in
1964 and 1965— including $15.3 billion held by the pub­
lic—were given the opportunity to exchange these securi­
ties for reopened 4 per cent bonds of August 1970 or for
additional amounts of the outstanding 4X
A per cent bonds
of May 1975-85. Subscription books were open from
January 13 through January 17, with total potential allot­
ments limited to $4 billion additional 4’s of 1970 and
$750 million 4V4’s of 1975-85. On January 21, the
Treasury disclosed that subscriptions had totaled $3.1 bil­
lion— including $2.2 billion for the 4 per cent bonds
($189 million from official accounts) and $900 million
for the 4Vi per cent bonds ($150 million from official
accounts). Subscriptions for the 4 per cent bonds con­
sequently were allotted in their entirety; subscriptions for


the 4 V a per cent bonds were allotted in full up to $50,000,
while subscriptions in excess of $50,000 were subject to
an 8 3 ^ per cent allotment, with $50,000 the minimum
Prices of outstanding Treasury notes and bonds drifted
slightly lower in early January. With reaction both to the
refunding and its results favorable, a firm tone generally
prevailed in the market for Government notes and bonds
in the latter part of the month. During that period, the
market was also influenced by various official messages
stressing, along with the desirability of a tax cut, the need
to hold down Federal spending and restrain inflation. For
the month as a whole, prices of coupon securities were
generally higher, although the issues reopened in the ad­
vance refunding—and a few others— declined. Prices of
corporate and tax-exempt bonds moved somewhat higher.
After the close of business on January 30, the Treasury
announced the terms of its February refunding operation.
Holders of $8.4 billion of the 3lA per cent certificates and
the 3 per cent bonds maturing on February 15— $4.3 bil­
lion of which is publicly held— were given the opportunity
to exchange their holdings either for a new 3% per cent
note maturing on August 13, 1965 (priced at 99.875 to
yield approximately 3.96 per cent) or for additional
amounts of the outstanding 4 per cent notes of August 15,
1966 (priced at par). Subscription books were open from
February 3 through February 5, and the exchange of se­
curities was scheduled for February 17 (cash subscrip­
tions were not acceptable).

Market factors provided reserves on balance from the
last statement period in December through the final state­
ment week in January. Reserve gains—largely reflecting
sharp seasonal contractions in currency in circulation and
in required reserves—-were only partially absorbed by
declines in float and in vault cash. During part of the
month, float declined more slowly than expected as snow­
storms delayed the processing of checks.
System open market operations absorbed reserves dur­
ing the month and more than offset the release of reserves
by market factors. System outright holdings of Govern­
ment securities decreased on average by $813 million from
the last statement period in December through the final
statement week in January, while holdings under repur­
chase agreements declined by $34 million. System outright
holdings of bankers’ acceptances rose by $10 million, and
such holdings under repurchase agreements were reduced
by $56 million. From Wednesday, December 25, through
Wednesday, January 29, System holdings of Government



In millions of dollars; (-f-) denotes increase,
(—) decrease in excess reserves
Daily averages— week ended







_ 49
_ 291
4 - 416
4~ 17
4- 94

_ 69
— 258
+ _ !

_ 19
4 - 162
4- 293
4- 19

4- 177
_ 601
4- 326
-4- 6
4 - 26

— 1,227
- f 169

Total................ — 255

4 - 188



4- 456

— 67


— 32

— 193

— 394

— 205


— 11

_ 156




— 197

1 —

Operating transactions
Treasury operations*..............
Federal Reserve float ............
Currency in circu lation ..........
Gold and foreign account.. . .
Other deposits, etc....................

Direct Federal Reserve credit
Government securities:
Direct market purchases oi
sales ........................................
Held under repurchase
agreements ............................
Loans, discounts, and
Member hank borrowings...
Other ......................................
Bankers' acceptances:
Bought outright ..................
Under repurchase
agreements ............................




4- 241

— 1


4- 32

Total................ 4- 352
Member bank reserves
With Federal Reserve Banks. 4- 97
4- 345
Cash allowed as reserves!


4- 442

Total reservesf
Effect of change in required


Excess reservesf ........................

4- 297

Dally average level of member
Borrowings from Reserve Banks
Excess reservesf




— 194





— 13

—156 _













_ 22

— 45




— 242





_ 222 — 314 — 309
4- 32
—305 — 44 —127 4- 2
—266 —441 —307
— 273
— 49 4- 403 4 - 128 4 - 284
—322 4-137 _ 313 — 23














Note: Because of rounding, figures do not necessarily add to totals.
* Includes changes in Treasury currency and cash,
t These figures are estimated.
t Average for five weeks ended January 29, 1964.

securities maturing in less than one year fell by $951 mil­
lion, and holdings maturing in more than one year were

In the market for Government notes and bonds, prices
drifted lower in the first few trading sessions of the new
year when offerings expanded moderately. Sharper down­
ward price adjustments immediately followed the Treas­
ury’s announcement, after the close of business on January
8, of an advance refunding operation. The announcement
surprised many investors, who had apparently not expected
such a financing until somewhat later in the year, but
reaction to the terms of the refunding was generally favor­
able. Activity both in rights—the issues eligible for con­

version— and in the reopened securities, was restrained at
first as investors cautiously appraised the offering in the
light of a fairly widespread market feeling that interest
rates might move upward in 1964. In early trading, prices
of rights rose by
to 5/m9 while the reopened 4 and AlA
per cent bonds declined by 13/32 and 2%2 , respectively. Prices
of other outstanding intermediate- and long-term bonds
moved slightly lower in adjustment to the prospective
additional market supply in these maturity areas.
A more confident atmosphere developed during the
January 13-17 subscription period. The market was en­
couraged by its belief that Treasury borrowing needs
would be smaller than had been anticipated earlier, since
the President’s State of the Union Address and the Budget
Message forecast a decline in the Federal deficit in fiscal
1965. At the same time, demand spilled into the Govern­
ment securities market from the corporate bond sector,
where the calendar of scheduled flotations remained light.
Hence, demand expanded both for rights and for the “whenissued” securities— the two reopened bonds offered in the
exchange— while switching activity was also generated.
Broad buying interest— including some short covering—
also developed for the 2Vi per cent wartime issues and for
selected issues in the 1965-67 area. Offerings of high-coupon
issues, moreover, which appeared against swaps into the re­
opened 4’s of 1970, were readily absorbed. Accordingly,
prices of the reopened issues and of outstanding securities
moved irregularly higher from January 13 through the end
of the month. The advance refunding results announced on
January 21 buoyed the market, particularly since subscrip­
tions for the 414 per cent bonds had exceeded most expec­
tations. Subsequently, a somewhat more hesitant atmos­
phere appeared briefly, as the payment date for the ad­
vance refunding approached and talk of the possibility of
higher interest rates resumed. At the month end, however,
a more confident tone reappeared. Official statements sug­
gested that interest rates might remain relatively stable
near current levels, and the announcement of the February
refunding terms dissipated lingering fears that the Treasury
might offer an issue that would compete with the reopened
4’s of 1970. Over the month as a whole, prices of Govern­
ment notes and bonds were generally %2 to a%2 higher.
Treasury bill rates edged a bit higher in the opening
days of January, as offerings expanded both from com­
mercial banks-—which were disposing of bills purchased
in late December for year-end “window-dressing” pur­
poses— and from other investors. At the higher yield
levels, demand for bills increased somewhat, and a steadier
tone emerged from January 6 through January 13. Never­
theless, interest wras rather light at the January 9 auction
of $2.5 billion of 159-day tax-anticipation bills— appar­


ently as attention was devoted to the advance refunding
terms announced the night before— and the new bills were
sold at an average issuing rate of 3.650 per cent with
some bills sold at rates as high as 3.69 per cent in the
auction. In the latter part of the month, a lively demand
for bills from the holders of the one-year issue— which
matured on January 15— as well as from sellers of rights to
the Treasury’s advance refunding and from other investors
exerted some downward pressure on bill rates. By the
end of January, rates for outstanding bills were slightly
below rate levels prevailing at the end of December. At
the last regular weekly auction of the month held on Jan­
uary 27, average issuing rates were 3.501 per cent for
the new three-month issue and 3.613 per cent for the new
six-month bill— 2 and 4 basis points, respectively, below
the rates established in the final weekly auction in De­
cember. The January 30 auction of $1 billion of new oneyear bills resulted in an average issuing rate of 3.680 per
cent, compared with an average issuing rate of 3.707 per
cent at the preceding month’s one-year bill auction. The
newest outstanding three-month bill closed the month at
3.50 per cent (bid) as against 3.53 per cent (bid) at the
end of December, while the newest outstanding six-month
bill was quoted at 3.61 per cent (bid) on January 31,
compared with 3.65 per cent on December 31. The June
tax bill, which had elicited only modest investor interest
when auctioned at an average rate of 3.65 per cent, closed
the month at 3.55 per cent (bid).

Prices of seasoned corporate and tax-exempt bonds
generally were fractionally higher in January as activity
expanded seasonally. The corporate sector was buoyed


by the good receptions accorded the small volume of new
bond issues floated during the period, and by indications
of a relatively light calendar immediately ahead. Early in
the month, a somewhat more cautious atmosphere pre­
vailed in the tax-exempt sector, where a sizable calendar of
scheduled flotations took shape and dealers already held
large inventories. However, the market atmosphere im­
proved notably during the month, as both new and recently
marketed tax-exempt issues moved well. Over the period
as a whole, the average yield on Moody’s seasoned Aaarated corporate bonds was unchanged at 4.37 per cent and
the average yield on similarly rated tax-exempt bonds de­
clined by 3 basis points to 3.08 per cent.
The total volume of new corporate bonds reaching the
market in January amounted to approximately $335 mil­
lion, compared with $590 million in the preceding month
and $345 million in January 1963. The largest new cor­
porate bond flotation marketed during the month was an
Aaa-rated $130 million utility issue consisting of 4% per
cent refunding mortgage bonds maturing in 2004. The
bonds, which were reoffered to yield 4.53 per cent and are
not redeemable for five years, were very well received. New
tax-exempt bond flotations in January totaled approxi­
mately $915 million, as against $405 million in December
1963 and $840 million in January 1963. The Blue List of
tax-exempt securities advertised for sale rose by $19 mil­
lion (from the revised December 31 level of $490 mil­
lion) to $509 million on January 31. One of the large
new tax-exempt bond issues of the period consisted of
$140 million Aaa-rated housing authority bonds. The
bonds, which were reoffered to yield from 1.90 per cent
in 1964 to 3.50 per cent in 2004, were accorded an excel­
lent investor reception. Most other new corporate and taxexempt bonds marketed in January were also well received.



Forecasting Currency in Circulation *
Currency in circulation is one of the more important
factors that absorb or supply member bank reserves.1 The
short-term movements in this and other reserve factors
which are outside the direct control of the Federal Re­
serve System are capable of absorbing or adding sub­
stantial amounts to the reserves available to member
banks.2 These fluctuations could be disturbing to the
credit and money markets and might create mistaken im­
pressions regarding the current posture of monetary pol­
icy. The Federal Reserve generally attempts to minimize
these problems by offsetting the changes in these reserve
factors through appropriate open market operations. In
order to assist the Manager of the System Open Market
Account in determining and anticipating the need for such
operations, forecasts have been prepared at this Bank for
many years.3 An earlier article discussed the techniques
for forecasting one of these factors—float4— while this
article describes forecasting methods for currency in cir­
culation and discusses some of the principal factors caus­
ing variations in this factor.
Changes in the amount of currency in circulation affect
the reserve positions of member banks, because their
accounts with the Reserve Banks are debited when they

* Irving Auerbach had primary responsibility for the
of this article.


Of the major operating factors that affect member bank
reserve positions, the periodic changes in the demand for
currency are the least difficult to predict. Seasonal changes
in currency demand are not highly volatile and remain
relatively stable from year to year. Unlike float, the
amount of currency in circulation is generally not in­
fluenced by such erratic factors as weather or work over­
loads in bank transit departments. Furthermore, the
flows of currency to and from Reserve Banks are deter­
mined to some extent by the forecasts each member
bank makes of its own currency needs, and since these
individual forecasts are in turn largely based on past
experience, there is a natural tendency toward repetitive­
Cyclical or longer run factors do, however, influence
the demand for currency. These influences are more dif-

i A s used in Federal Reserve statistics, the term “currency in
circulation” includes paper bills and subsidiary coin issued by the
Treasury and the Federal Reserve Banks and held either by the
public or in bank vaults, but excludes currency held by the Treas­
ury or the Reserve Banks themselves. In comparison, the term
“currency outside banks” represents currency in circulation less
vault cash held by commercial banks.
2 The other factors are float, Treasury operations, vault cash
(if considered separately from total currency in circulation), and
required reserves. Actual changes in each of the major factors
affecting bank reserves for the preceding month appear regularly
in this R eview in the article on the money market.
3 For a description of the role served by the reserve projections
in the System’s decision-making processes, see Robert V. Roosa,
Federal Reserve Operations in the Money and Government Securi­
ties M arkets (Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1956), Chap­
ter VII.
4 See “Forecasting Float”, this R eview, February 1963, pp.

withdraw currency from the Reserve Banks and credited
when they return it.5 To be sure, the effect on bank re­
serves of such withdrawals and deposits is not immediate
if there is a compensating change in vault cash. But
aggregate vault cash holdings, which can be counted in
the banks’ reserves,6 do not normally fluctuate greatly
over time. Hence, movements of currency in circulation
principally reflect the effect on bank reserves of changes in
public demand for currency.7

5 When Treasury currency increases, the amount of currency in
circulation expands without affecting bank reserve positions be­
cause the reserves absorbed when this currency is first issued
accrue to the Treasury and are later returned to the banking sys­
tem as the Treasury uses the funds to meet Government expendi­
6 In December 1959, member banks were permitted to count
part of their vault cash as reserves. Since November 24, 1960, all
vault cash has been eligible.
7 For determining the reserve effects of currency flows, estimat­
ing the change in currency outside banks (i.e., currency in circu­
lation minus vault cash) would be more direct and require less
effort. However, it has been found that more accurate results can
be obtained by estimating changes in vault cash and total currency
in circulation separately.



ficult to anticipate than seasonal movements; they do not
constitute a major forecasting obstacle, however, since
such demand shifts tend to be gradual and spread over
a period of months or years. There have been only two
periods since the 1920’s when unusual influences caused
large fluctuations in currency in circulation. The first was
during the Great Depression (mid-1931 to early 1934)
and the second during World War II. There is some ques­
tion whether recent larger than usual month-to-month
changes may portend a third period of extraordinary
changes in demand. This intriguing question—which is
easier to come by than the answer— is discussed in a
later section.
With these exceptions, the month-to-month fluctuations
in seasonally adjusted levels since 1929 have seldom been
larger than Mo of a percentage point. In terms of today’s
levels, this means that seasonally adjusted figures for cur­
rency in circulation rarely change by more than $110
million from one month to the next. Thus, even if the
change in the demand for currency attributable to special
factors is not correctly predicted, it is unlikely that fore­
casts of the current month’s level will be off by more than
about $100 million. Furthermore, whatever error exists
will probably be distributed over the daily estimates for
the month as a whole rather than be concentrated in a
brief period. With Federal Reserve float, in contrast,
forecasting errors of as much as $200 million in one
week are fairly common.

The technique used in forecasting the daily changes in
currency in circulation is almost identical to that used for
estimating float movements. Seasonally adjusted monthly
averages are derived by extrapolating the observed trend
for recent months and multiplying the results by an
appropriate seasonal factor for each month. Intramonthly
patterns are then applied to these adjusted monthly totals,
and the resulting daily levels are adjusted by an intra­
weekly term. Finally, daily changes are derived from
these estimated levels and compared with the actual
changes for analogous days in previous years. Whenever
the current estimate differs widely from the figures for
past years and there appears to be no ready explanation,
the estimates are re-examined and sometimes adjusted.
d e r i v i n g t h e b a s e l e v e l . The basic demand for cur­
rency is influenced by a number of factors. The most
important of these is the growth of business activity and
of population, although other influences—general habits
with regard to the amount of pocket money carried, the

Chart I

A nnual average=10Q

Per cent

degree of public confidence in the banking system, shifts
in bank policies with respect to vault cash, and hoarding
currency for tax evasion— can at times also have a sig­
nificant effect on the demand for currency. Even the rela­
tionship between currency demand and the growth in
population and economic activity is not precise, however,
and the influence of some of the other factors is fre­
quently difficult to measure or to predict. The estimated
base level for short-run forecasts of changes in currency,
therefore, is derived by using a straight-line projection of
the current rate of increase. Only in long-range forecasts
is an attempt made to relate the demand for currency to
longer run factors of varying predictability.
estimated level of currency outstanding for any given
month is prepared by applying the appropriate seasonal
factor to the estimated base level.8 As Chart I indicates,
there are strong seasonal influences on the demand for
currency; the three most pronounced are summer vaca­

8 The seasonal factors are obtained by using the Census X-9
computer method. This program provides moving seasonals, but
the patterns have not changed significantly from year to year.



tions, Christmas, and the usual business lull during the
winter months.
The amount of currency in circulation is at its annual
peak in December at the height of the Christmas shopping
rush. It declines sharply during January and February—
as cash spent by holiday shoppers and vacationers flows
back to the banks— and more moderately in March. The
revival of economic activity in the spring, combined with
Easter spending, stimulates a modest rise in April and
May. Demand becomes much larger in June with the
advent of the vacation season and the Independence Day
holiday, and for July the seasonal factor reaches a sec­
ondary peak of 100.3. The needs for currency ease off in
August, but with the beginning of fall they increase
steadily. The monthly seasonal factors rise from 100.2
in October to 101.0 in November and then to 102.7 in
i n t r a m o n t h l y p a t t e r n s . Within any given month, the
primary influences on the demand for currency are pay­
rolls and bills. For both purposes the increase in demand
tends to be concentrated at the turn of the month. Thus,
as shown in Chart II, currency begins to flow out from
the Reserve Banks on or about the eighteenth working
day of the month, partly because the banks are then in­
creasing their stock of currency in anticipation of the
public’s needs. By the eighth working day of the following
month, the outflow typically reaches the monthly peak
and cash begins to flow back. The net outflow from one
month’s low to the next month’s peak generally amounts
to about $220 million.
Demands within a month are also influenced, however,
by holidays and by the seasonal forces noted earlier. As
a result, each month has its own pattern, and there is
considerable variation among them. In January, the postChristmas return flow outweighs all other influences. The
patterns for May, June, July, and September are skewed
by the demands accompanying the Memorial Day, Inde­
pendence Day, and Labor Day holidays. Thanksgiving has
a marked effect on the November pattern, and that for
December, of course, primarily reflects Christmas.
As a first step in developing a pattern for a particular
month, a chart is plotted showing each working day’s
value for that month over at least the five preceding years
as a percentage of the monthly average, after adjusting
the daily totals by an intraweekly “seasonal” to remove

the influence of the day of the week. The mode of each
day’s observations is then selected by inspection. If the
points do not fall within a narrow area, greater weight is
given to the observations for the most recent years. These
modal points are then adjusted to make their average
value equal to 100. The results are multiplied by the
estimated daily average for the month in order to obtain
an estimated level of currency in circulation for each day
of the month.
The most typical of all the monthly patterns, that for
August, is shown in Chart III. Even in that case, it is
obvious that at the beginning and the end of the month
the points plotted for the past five years are widely dis­
persed. The differences at the beginning of the month
cannot be readily explained. Those at the end are related
to the Labor Day holiday. In each instance, the upturn
starts on the Monday prior to the holiday, whatever that
date may be.
Since holidays are usually determined by cal­
endar days and the monthly charts are based on the
working days, a major holiday tends to obscure the align­
ment of the daily observations on the charts. To overcome
this problem, separate charts are prepared for each ma­
h o l id a y s .

9 The movements of the seasonal factors are small in relative
terms but large in absolute terms, since the amount of currency
in circulation today exceeds $36 billion.


jor holiday. The data are then aligned in terms of the
days preceding and following the holiday, and the modal
points for the days influenced by the holiday are selected.
These points are superimposed on the monthly chart and
integrated into the other observations.
The effect of holidays on the demand for currency
varies, depending on how generally the holiday is ob­
served, the amount of increased spending associated with
the day, and the proximity to a week end. The special
demand for currency generated by the holiday generally
begins to develop about five days in advance and extends
for one day after the holiday itself. The duration of the
return flow varies so widely that it is not readily subject
to generalization. Holidays frequently serve as the start­
ing point for a large seasonal change in cash demands;
when this occurs, the post-holiday movement cannot be
isolated from other seasonal influences.
forecasts for the influence of the day of the week, the
appropriate intraweekly arithmetic term is added to the
estimated level for each day that is read off the monthly
chart, and estimated daily changes are then computed.
Absolute, rather than relative, values are used for the
intraweekly factors, because they are a function of the

Chart III

Percentage deviation from w o rk in g-d ay average; adjusted data, 1959 - 63
Per cent

Per cent


day of the week and are not closely related to changes in
the size of currency movements or to intramonthly, sea­
sonal, or trend forces.
The intraweekly currency factors have been modified
considerably since banks were permitted to count their
vault cash as part of their reserve balances in 1960. Pre­
viously, there was a heavy outflow of currency from the
Reserve Banks on Thursdays, when the banks prepared to
meet large cash withdrawals on Fridays for payrolls and
week-end needs. Now the Thursday outflow is down to
only $5 million, since banks no longer have an incentive to
keep their vault cash at minimum levels in order to maxi­
mize their reserve balances. On Fridays, about $30 mil­
lion usually flows back as banks with excess currency
return the cash to avoid having it in their vaults over the
week end. Cash withdrawals on that day are negligible,
because most banking offices would receive supplies too
late to meet their depositors’ needs.
On Mondays, there is a $25 million outflow to banks,
probably to replenish the vault cash holdings of banks that
experienced heavy pre-week-end drains. The final two
days of the Federal Reserve statement week— Tuesday
and Wednesday— have no consistent pattern. In the past,
a large decline in currency outstanding occurred on Tues­
days, when the banks returned the cash deposits they had
received on Mondays in order to replenish their reserve
a d j u s t i n g f o r f o r e c a s t i n g e r r o r s . The daily forecasts
of changes in the amount of currency in circulation are
reviewed as actual figures become available. If there was
a large error in the estimate for a particular day, a deci­
sion must be made whether to alter the estimated changes
for the days ahead— in order to keep the same net outflow
or inflow over a week or a month— or to assume the level
has changed. Ordinarily, the subsequent daily estimates
are routinely adjusted to retain the same net flow for the
period, unless sufficient evidence has accumulated to indi­
cate that the original target level for the longer period is
off. Determining what is “sufficient evidence” requires
considerable knowledge of the behavior of the data, but
even with that the correct choice is not always made.


W orking days

Most of the long-term increase in currency, as noted
earlier, is accounted for by growth in population and in
the dollar volume of economic transactions. But the rates
of expansion have seldom been parallel over consecutive
long periods (see Chart IV ). During the early 1930’s,
when bank failures reached record levels and fearful de-



Chart IV

A nn ually 1 9 2 9 -6 3


Ratio scale
500 —

Gross national product
B illions of d o llars

-»— Scale


.<*** 60

_ 50
















% f
\ i


__ 15

....United States population


M onthly ave rage s
M illions of persons
/ J
-«— Scale
/ Jf
y Currency in circulation
D a ily a ve rage s
Billions of dollars
Scale— *-


I I I 1I I I I 1I I 1 1 1 ! 1 1 11 11 1 I I I ! I l l 1 1 4
1929 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63



Note: Gross national product estimated for fourth quarter 1963, and
population estimated for October - December 1963.

positors preferred cash, currency outstanding increased
rapidly despite the economic contraction. In World War
II, the sharp rise in prices, the large number of transient
soldiers and defense workers, and hoarding to cover up
black market activities and tax evasion combined to pro­
duce a larger relative increase in currency than in gross
national product. During most of the postwar period, on
the other hand, the increase in currency has been con­
siderably slower than the growth in economic activity
partly because redundant amounts put into circulation
during the war were gradually absorbed into active use.
Most recently—beginning in late 1961— the demand for
currency began to accelerate, suggesting that some special
factors may again be at work.
Over the past two years the rate of growth in GNP has
been considerably less than the rates experienced during
the Korean war years and in 1955 and 1959, which were
years of economic boom. Yet the average annual increase
of currency in circulation in 1962 and 1963 (4.5 per
cent) was more than twice the 1959 and 1950-53 in­
creases and over six times the 1955 increase; moreover,
it was triple the 1.5 per cent average annual rate of in­
crease for the 1950’s as a whole. As a result, the postwar
decline of currency in circulation as a percentage of GNP
virtually stopped in 1963. At the end of 1946, currency

in circulation was equal to 13.4 per cent of GNP for
that year. By 1962 the ratio had declined to 6.1 per cent,
and it remained there in 1963. Nevertheless, this is a fairly
high level by historical standards— the 1929 ratio, for ex­
ample, was 4.3 per cent. Measured as a proportion of the
money supply, currency in circulation has actually begun to
show a modest increase. The significance of this observa­
tion, however, needs to be qualified— a considerable pro­
portion of the recent large increases m bank credit has been
reflected in rising time deposits rather than in either de­
mand deposits or currency in circulation.10
There is no single clear-cut explanation of the recent
increase in the demand for currency, but several factors
that may have contributed are worth noting. For one
thing, economizing on the use of cash may have gone as
far as is possible within present institutional patterns. If
so, any given increase in economic activity now or in the
near future may require a somewhat larger rise of cur­
rency in circulation than formerly.11
A second factor is undoubtedly the increased amount
of vault cash currently being held by banks. This increase
may, in turn, have several causes: a rising demand for cur­
rency on the part of the general public and hence a need
for the banks to maintain larger working balances; an
attempt by the banks to lay in additional supplies of coin
in the face of the current coin shortage; and possibly a
continuing adjustment to the change in the Federal Re­
serve Act which permitted banks to count vault cash as
part of their legal reserves. However, if the $480 million
increase in vault cash during 1962 and 1963 (9 per cent
per year) is subtracted from the increase in total currency
in circulation, the absolute increase in that part of the
total held by the public is still substantially larger than in
any other postwar year except 1952 and 1953. In com­
parison with those two previous years of rapid growth in
the public’s demand for currency, the current increase is
somewhat greater in absolute terms but about equal in
relative terms.
A third factor is the rapid rate of growth in the demand
for coins, in conjunction with the phenomenal expansion
in the use of vending machines. There has also been a

10 For a discussion of the long-range relationship between cur­
rency and the money supply, and the factors influencing this rela­
tionship, see Phillip Cagan, The Demand for Currency Relative to
Total M oney Supply, (Occasional Paper 62, National Bureau of
Economic Research, 1958).
11 Unfortunately, it is not feasible to measure the rate of turn­
over of currency in circulation. If this could be done and a recent
substantial rise in that rate be established, the point might become
more nearly subject to proof, although no obvious upper limit to
such a velocity increase necessarily exists.


large increase in the demand for silver dollars, apparently
reflecting the hope that a further rise in the price of silver
will make it profitable to sell these coins as bullion. Coin
shortages themselves encourage hoarding, thus adding to
the demand. Coins, however, usually represent only some
8 per cent of currency in circulation.
But the increases in vault cash and coin are only part
of the story, for the expansion in the public’s demand for
bills also appears to have exceeded the rise that might be
attributed to increased transactions needs. Two explana­
tions for this new demand have been suggested. One is
the marked increase in the relative number of teen-agers,
many of whom earn and spend quite a bit of money but
few of whom have checking accounts. The proportion of
youngsters in the 15-19 age group in the total population
rose from 7.5 per cent in 1961 to 8.0 per cent in 1962
and to 8.2 per cent last year. Between 1950 and 1956, in
contrast, the proportion of teen-agers in the total popula­
tion declined, and it rose by only Mo to %o of a percentage
point annually from 1956 through 1960.


Another suggested explanation is an increase in the de­
mand for currency by would-be income tax evaders who
seek cash payments in attempting to conceal current in­
come or who are converting into cash other more readily
traceable assets in what would probably be a vain attempt
to hide past delinquencies. It is possible that these attempts
may be related to recent Congressional and administrative
moves to enforce fuller reporting of certain kinds of income.

It is readily apparent that forecasting currency, while
a highly technical problem, cannot be considered in isola­
tion from the more general monetary, economic, and in­
stitutional factors that affect buying and spending habits.
For this reason and because of the inherent variability of
the data, the accuracy of the forecasts should not be
expected to attain perfection, although further refinements
and other improvements of the forecasts are subjects of
constant study.



Fiftieth A nniversary o f the Federal R eserve System —
The Banking System in 1914In early 1914, the nation’s commercial banking system
was very different from the system we know today. For
one thing, there were almost twice as many commercial
banks— 25,500, compared with 13,400 today. About
7,500 had national charters; the remaining 18,000 were
chartered by states.
Demand deposits and currency totaled $11.6 billion in
1914, compared with the current money supply of about
$155 billion. Currency then included national bank notes,
gold coin, and gold certificates— all of which have now
disappeared— as well as the still-familiar United States
notes, silver certificates, and silver and minor coins. Fed­
eral Reserve notes, the bulk of today’s currency, were of
course unknown.
Banking services were neither as flexible nor as diversi­
fied as they are today. Bankers’ acceptances, which were
widely utilized in Europe to finance domestic and foreign
trade, could not be created by national banks until pas­
sage of the Federal Reserve Act, nor by New York State
banks until shortly afterward. The earlier restriction had
weighed particularly on banks in New York City, because
one third of the nation’s exports and more than one half
of its imports passed through this port.
Markets in which banks could readily obtain and dis­
pose of short-term earning assets were poorly developed
by today’s standards. Most of the relatively small amount
of United States Government securities held by commer­
cial banks was unavailable for trading, because these
securities were required as legal backing for the outstand­

ing notes of national banks.
Even in 1914, payments by check were estimated to
account for about 90 per cent of all business payments.
Local clearing-house arrangements were efficient, but the
collection of out-of-town checks often proved slow and
costly. Many banks, particularly those outside financial
centers, deducted exchange fees from the face value of
checks drawn on their deposits. To avoid these charges,
banks sought to route checks only to correspondent banks,
and some of the travels of individual checks through these
correspondent links proved absurdly time consuming.
Lending consisted primarily of short-term commercial
financing based on promissory notes or secured by
marketable staples. These notes were generally not very
liquid; correspondent relationships— under which smaller
banks could rediscount this paper with larger banks when
pressed for funds— were of extreme importance in provid­
ing what liquidity there was. Correspondent deposits and
discounting concentrated in money centers— especially
New York City— where the banks did not themselves have
ready access to a source of liquidity in times of stress.
One of the purposes of the new Reserve System was to
fill this void. As the Reserve Bank Organization Commit­
tee, established under the Federal Reserve Act, began to
deliberate on how many Reserve Districts to create (the
law specified a maximum of twelve and a minimum of
eight) and where to locate the Federal Reserve Banks, it
was certain that New York City would have one of the
Federal Reserve Banks.