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of Credit and Business Conditions

Second Federal Reserve District
Federal Reserve Agent

Federal Reserve Bank, New York



Business Activity


Bill m arket. M on th ly , pages 2, 10, 18, 27, 34, 42, 51, 58, 66,
74, 82, 90....................... ................................... .........................................................

Indexes o f busin ess a ctiv ity . M on th ly , pages 7, 14, 28, 31, 38,
46, 55, 62, 68, 79, 86, 94......................................, ..............................................

Chart. T otal volu m e o f bankers a ccep ta n ces ou tsta n d in g and
am ou nt held b y a ccep tin g in stitu tion s, 1 9 3 0 -1 9 3 2 .................. .


T abulated indexes o f b u sin ess a ctiv ity in variou s lines. M on th ly,
pages 7, 15, 23, 31, 38, 47, 55, 63, 69, 80, 87, 94.................. ................

C hart. B ankers a ccep ta n ces held b y F ederal R eserv e B anks f o r
ow n a ccou n t and am ou nt held by a ccep tin g banks, 1 9 3 1 -1 9 3 3 -


Chart. D ealers’ offerin g rate fo r ninety day bankers a ccep ta n ces
and yield on T rea su ry n otes o f five yea r m atu rity , J an u a ry D ecem ber, 1933 .............................................................................................


Capital Goods
Chart. Output o f capital g o o d s and o f co n su m e rs’ go o d s, 19201933 .....................................................................................................................


Car Loadings

Chart. Index o f fa rm p rices at th e fa rm and p rices o f all co m ­
m odities excep t fa rm p rod u cts and fo o d s , 1 9 2 9 -1 9 3 2 ................


C rops........... ................ .............................................. ................................ ..............


Chart. A u g u st 1933 p rod u ction estim ates o f D epartm ent o f
A g ricu ltu re f o r ten principal crops com pared w ith a vera g e
h arvests o f 1926 to 1930............................. ..............................................


Chart. R ise in fa rm p rices durin g recoveries from m a jor d e­
p ression s, 1 875-80, 1 892-97, 1 91 8 -2 3, .1929-33..............................


A g ricu ltu ra l in com e in 1933 ............................ .............................................


Chart. T otal num ber o f railroad cars loaded w ith revenue
fre ig h t, 1933 com pared w ith 1931 and 1932...................................


Chart. W e e k ly index o f ca r loa din gs o f m iscella n eou s and less
than carload fre ig h t, 1 9 2 9 -1 9 3 3 .............................................................


Chart. W e e k ly indexes o f e le ctric p ow er p rod u ction and loa d ­
ings o f m iscellaneous and less than carload fre ig h t, 1929-1983


Chart. W e e k ly index o f railroad loadin gs o f m iscellaneous and
less than carload fre ig h t, 1 9 3 2 -1 9 3 3 ....................................................


Central Banks
C entral bank ra te ch an ges. M on th ly , pages 5, 13, 21, 29, 35,
44, 52, 61, 67, 76, 84, 92.....................................................................................

Chart. D aily a vera g e retail sales o f new p a ssen ger autom obiles,
1 9 3 1 -3 3

Balance of Payments of the United States,

s u m m a r iz e d ......



L ist o f d iscou n t rates a t 34 cen tral b a n k s; rates in m o st cases
lo w e st ever e sta b lish ed ............................ ..................................................

Chain Stores
Chain store trade.

Banking Act of 1933
A m en d m en ts to th e Federal R eserv e A c t resu ltin g fro m the
pa ssag e o f th e B an king A c t o f 193 3 .............................................. .


R ed u ction in excess reserv es in N ew Y ork and accu m u la tion o f
excess reserv es in oth er cen ters due to term in ation o f interest
paym ents on dem and d ep osits as required b y A c t .........................



P a ges 16, 24, 48, 6 4 ...........................................................

P e rce n ta g e ch an ge o v e r p rev iou s years in nu m ber o f stores,
total sales, and sales p er store, tabulated b y ty p e o f store.
P ages 16, 24, 48, 64..............................................................................................

Chart. M on ey in circu lation in the U nited States and total
reserv es o f F ederal R e se rv e B anks, 1 9 3 1 -1 9 3 3 ..............................


Banking Moratoria
C h ron olog y o f spread o f restriction s on bank op eration s in d i­
ca tin g dates on w h ich h olidays b eca m e effe ctiv e in d ifferent
S tates. P a ges 25, 2 6 .............................................................................................

Commercial Paper
C om m ercial paper m arket. M on th ly pages 3, 10, 19, 27, 34, 42,
51, 59, 66, 74, 82, 90............ ................................................................................

Consumers’ Goods

Bill Market— See Acceptances


Bonds— See Securities

O utput o f capital g ood s and co n su m e rs’ g o o d s , 1 920-33..


W o rld p ro d u ctio n o f co tto n and w h e a t.................. .................................



B uildin g. M on th ly, pages 7, 15, 28, 32, 40, 47, 56, 63, 71,
79, 88, 95................................ ....................................................................................

B uildin g con tracts awarded in 37 S tates, 1 9 2 8 -1 9 3 2 .........


Chart. D aily a vera g e value o f bu ild in g con tra cts aw arded, b y
m ajor typ es. P a ges 79, 95......................................... ......................................

Chart. C hanges in a ctu a l a m ou nt of m on ey ou tsta n d in g , co m ­
pared w ith usual seasonal variation s in cu rre n cy c ir c u la tio n ;
and ch an ges in a m ou nt o f m o n e y o u tsta n d in g a fte r a llow an ce
for usual seasonal m ovem en ts, J an uary to D ecem ber, 1932....


INDEX FOR THE YEAR 1933 (Continued)
Currency— Hoarding


T h e tw o great w aves o f cu rren cy hoa rd in g in Jan uary and J uly
1932 offset b y red ep osits and less than seasonal w ithdraw al o f
cu rren cy at end o f y ea r................. ............................................................

Foreign Exchange


F o re ig n exch a n g e. M on th ly , p ages 4, 12, 21, 29, 34, 48, 52, 60,
67, 76, 84, 91............................................................................................................

C losin g cable ra tes a t N ew Y o rk tabulated. M on th ly , p ages 4,
12, 21, 29, 35, 44, 52, 60, 67, 76, 84, 92............ ................... , .................
Chart. C ourse o f s terlin g , fra n c , and b elga ex ch a n g e ra tes a t
N ew Y o r k , J u n e-D ecem ber, 1 93 2 .....................................................


D epartm ent s tore trade. M on th ly , p a ges 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 47,
56, 63, 72, 80, 88, 96............ .......... ............................................................

Chart. F o re ig n exch a n g e qu otation s a t N ew Y o r k on E ngland ,
F ra n ce, S w itzerland, and H ollan d, J a n u a ry -M a rch , 1 933.........


P ercen ta g e ch an ge fro m p rev iou s yea r in m on th ly n e t sales and
s tock s on hand and co llection s o f a ccou n ts ou tsta n d in g , ta b u ­
lated b y loca lity . M on th ly , pages 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56,
64, 72, 80, 88, 96............................ .............................................................


Department Stores

P ercen ta g e ch a n ge fro m p rev iou s yea r in m on th ly n e t sales and
stock s on hand, tabulated b y departm en ts. P a ges 16, 48, 64.—

M o v em en t o f d olla r exch a n ge. P a ges 35, 44, 52, 84..... ............

E x e cu tiv e ord ers rela tin g to g o ld and fo re ig n ex ch a n g e tra n s ­
a ctio n s ..................................................................................................................


Chart. C ourse o f s te rlin g e xch a n g e a t N ew Y o r k , J an u a ry J u ly, 1933 ........................................... .............................................................


Chart. D iscou n t on th e d olla r and th e p ou n d ste rlin g fr o m g o ld
p a rity .
P a ges 76, 9 2............_ ...........................................................................

S av in gs bank d ep osits in N ew Y o r k S tate rea ch ed new high
level o f $ 5,306,000,000 on Jan uary 31..... ..........................................


C hart.

D ep osits in N ew Y o r k S tate S avings b an k s, 1 92 5 -1 93 3 ..


S h ift o f d ep osits fro m dem and t o tim e as a r e s u lt o f B an king
A c t o f 1933............................ .................................... * ..................................

F o re ig n trade. M on th ly , p a ges 5, 13, 21, 29, 39, 47, 54, 63, 70,
76, 85, 95.................................................................. ........................................


Chart. D ep osits o f w eek ly rep ortin g m em b er ban ks in N ew
Y o r k C ity, 1 9 3 2 -1 9 3 3 ..................... .............................................................

Chart. C om pon ent grou p s o f th e e x p o rt tra d e o f th e U nited
S tates, 1 9 2 1 -1 9 3 2 .................................... ......................................................



C hanges in d ep osits o f w eek ly rep ortin g m em ber ban ks, June
1 4 -J u ly 19 .........,..............................................................................................

Chart. M erch a n d ise exp orts and im p orts o f th e U n ited States
1921-1933 ............................................................................ ............................



C hart. R ate o f tu rn o v e r o f dem and d ep osits in p rincip al cities,
1 91 9-1933 ........................................................- ..... ........................................


Chart. Q uantities o f im p orta n t com m od ities in e x p o rt and im ­
p o rt trad e o f the U nited S tates, 1933 com pared w ith p rev iou s
tw o y e a rs ..... ..... ................ ...............................................................................



Foreign Trade


Chart. R ise in fa rm p rices d u rin g recov eries fro m m a jo r d e­
p ression s, 1 87 5 -8 0, 189 2 -9 7, 1 91 8 -2 8, 1 92 9 -3 3 .............................


Gold m ovem en t. M on th ly , p a ges 4, 12, 20, 29, 35, 43, 52, 60,
67, 76, 84, 91.................. ...„ ................................ .. .„ ............................................


M on eta ry g o ld s to ck o f th e U nited S tates. P a ges 5, 2 1 ...........

E x e cu tiv e ord ers re la tin g t o g o ld and fo r e ig n e xch a n g e tra n s ­
a ctio n s ................. ....................... - .......................................................................

M ov em en t o f d olla r exch a n ge.


P a ges 35, 44, 52, 84................

Chart. D iscou n t on th e d olla r and th e poun d s terlin g fro m gold
p a rity . P a ges 76, 92.............................................................................................

Electric Power
Chart. W eek ly indexes o f electric p ow er p rod u ction and loa d ­
in g s o f m iscellaneous and less than carload fre ig h t, 1929-1933

Gold Market
P re sid e n t annou nced th a t R e co n stru ctio n F in a n ce C orp oration
w ou ld be au th orized to b u y g o ld .................. ........................................


R e co n s tru ctio n F in a n ce C orp oration p u rch a ses o f g o ld ..................



Great Britain
E m p loy m en t and p a yrolls. M on th ly, p ages 5, 13, 22, 31, 39, 46,
54, 62, 70, 77, 87, 94............ ................................................................................
Chart. Indexes o f p rod u ction o f m an u fa ctu res and fa c t o r y em ­
p lo y m e n t 1929-1933 ...................................................................................


Chart. N u m b er o f fa c t o r y em ployees a ffected b y w a g e ra te
in creases and decreases 1 92 9 -1 9 3 3 .................................... ....................


Chart. T ota l nu m b er o f p erson s u n em p loyed in th e U nited
S tates, 1 930-33 ......................................... .................. - ..............................


P a ym en t b y B ritish G overn m en t o f $95,550,000 in g o ld on its
debt to th e U nited S ta tes..........................................................................

A gricu ltu ra l in co m e .........................................................................................

Farm Prices
Chart. In d ex o f fa rm p rices at th e fa rm and p rices o f all
com m od ities excep t fa rm p rod u cts and fo o d s , 1 9 2 9 -1 9 3 2 .........


Chart. R ise in fa rm p rices d u rin g recov eries fro m m a jo r de­
p ression s, 187 5 -8 0, 189 2 -9 7, 1 9 1 8 -2 3, 1 9 2 9 -3 3 ..... ......................


Interest Rates

D iscou n t rates a t t h ir t y -fo u r cen tral b an k s.......... ................................


Chart. Dealers* o ffe rin g ra te f o r n in ety day ban kers a cce p t­
ances and yield on T re a su ry notes o f five y e a r m atu rity ,
J an u a ry -D ecem b er, 1 933 ...... ......................................................................


Liberty Lean
R e fu n d in g o p e ra tio n s......................................................................................

Federal Reserve Act


M on ey rates at N ew Y o r k , tabulated. M on th ly , p a ges 2, 10, 18,
26, 34, 42, 50, 58, 66, 74, 82, 89......................................... ...........................

Exports— See Foreign Trade

A m en d m en ts t o th e F ederal R eserv e A c t re su ltin g fro m th e
p a ssa g e o f th e B an kin g A c t o f 1938............................. ......................



Loans and Investments— See Member Banks


INDEX FOR THE YEAR 1933 (Continued)
Member Banks




M em ber bank credit. P a ges 2, 10, 18, 2 7, 50, 82, 90................................

C orp oration earnings in 1832 ............. ...................... ...................................


Chart. E stim a ted a m ou nt o f reserv es held b y m em ber banks in
excess o f legal reserv e requirem ents, 1 9 3 2 -1 9 3 3 ...........................

C orp oration earnings in firs t q u arter o f 1 933 ....................... ...........



Chart. M em ber bank reserv e balances at th e F ederal R e se rv e
B anks, 1 9 3 1 -1 9 3 3 ............................................................ .............................


Chart. L oans and in v estm en ts and net dem and and tim e d e­
p osits o f w eekly rep ortin g m em b er banks, 1 9 3 1 -1 9 3 3 ..................


Chart. L oa n s and in v estm en ts o f w eek ly re p o rtin g m em ber
banks in N ew Y o r k C ity and oth er leadin g cities, and excess
reserv es held at R eserv e B anks b y N ew Y ork C ity banks and
oth er m em ber banks, M a rch -J u ly 1933 ...............................................


C hanges betw een J u n e 14 and J u ly 19 in th e loans and in v e s t­
m ents o f w eek ly rep ortin g m em ber banks su m m a rized.............


C harts. L oans and in v estm en ts o f w eek ly rep ortin g m em ber
banks in 90 leadin g cities, 1 9 3 2 -1 9 3 8 ...............................................


N e t p rofits tabulated b y corporation g ro u p s. P a ges 30, 46, 68, 93
Chart. Q u arterly net p rofits o f 163 industrial and m erca n tile
corp oration s, and n et op era tin g in com e o f cla ss I railroads,
1933 com pared w ith 1929, 1930, 1931, and 1 932.......................


C orp oration earnings in first h a lf o f 1933.............................................


C orporation ea rnings, th ird q u arter o f 1933.......................................


Chart, Q u arterly n et p rofits o f 163 industrial and m erca n tile
corp oration s and n e t op era tin g in com e o f class I railroads,
1933 com pared w ith 1929, 1930, 1931, and 1932............ ...............


Realty Stabilization Corporation

Money Market

A n n ou n ced F eb ru a ry 10 b y M r. Owen D. Y o u n g .................................


Reconstruction Finance Corporation

M on ey m arket. M on th ly, p ages 1, 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, 49, 57, 65,
73, 81, 89.................. ........................................................................................

D isbu rsem en ts f o r a cco u n t o f R e co n s tru ctio n F in a n ce C orp ora ­
tion accou n ted f o r a bou t $ 1,2 00,000,000 o f th e $ 2 ,9 00 ,0 0 0 ,000 in crease in th e N a tion a l d eb t d u rin g calendar yea r 1932..
C ooperation w ith R ealty S tabilization C orp ora tion .................. .........

Open Market Policy Conference
S tatem en t.................... ...........................................................................................


P resid en t annou nced that R e co n s tru ctio n F in a n ce C orporation
w ou ld be a uthorized t o b u y g o ld ..................................... ....................
R e co n stru ctio n F in a n ce C orporation p urchases o f g o ld ..................

C om m od ity p rices. M on th ly, p ages 6, 14, 22, 32, 39, 44, 53, 61,
69, 78, 85, 93....................................................................... ...................................

Chart. E stim ated am ou nt o f re se rv e s held b y all m em b er banks
in e xcess o f legal re se rv e req u irem en ts, 1 9 3 2 -1 9 3 3 .....................

Chart. Index o f fa rm p rices a t th e fa rm and ind ex o f p rices o f
all com m od ities ex cep t fa rm p rod u cts and fo o d s , 1 92 9 -1 93 2 ....


Chart. B ureau o f L a b or S ta tistics w eek ly index o f w h olesale
prices. 1 9 2 9 -1 9 3 3 .................................................... .....................................

Chart. M on ey in circu la tio n in th e U nited States and total
reserv es o f th e F ederal R e se rv e B anks, 1 9 3 1 -1 9 3 3 .......................





C hart. M em ber bank re s e rv e balances at th e F ederal R e serv e
B an ks, 1 93 1 -1 93 3 ...........................................................................................


C hart. L oans and in v estm en ts o f w eek ly rep ortin g m em ber
banks in N ew Y o rk C ity and oth er cities and e xcess reserv es
held a t F ederal R e se rv e B anks b y N ew Y o rk C ity banks and
oth er m em ber banks, M a rch -J u ly , 1933.................. ..........................


Chart. E x ce ss re se rv e s held a t F ederal R e serv e B anks b y N ew
Y o r k C ity, C hicago, and o th e r m em ber banks, 1 93 2 -1 9 3 3 .........


P rice m ovem en ts o f im p orta n t com m od ities, 1 93 2 -3 3 ......

Chart. B ureau o f L a b or S ta tistics in d ex o f gen eral w holesale
com m od ity p rices and R eserv e Bank o f N ew Y o r k p rice index
o f sen sitiv e b asic com m od ities, 192 9 -1 93 3 . P a ges 45, 62, 85...........
C hart. B ureau o f L a b or S ta tistics w eek ly p rice indexes o f
c om m od ity g rou p s, J an u a ry -J u n e 1933 ...............................................


Chart. R ise in fa rm p rices d u rin g recov eries fr o m m a jo r
d ep ression s, 187 5 -8 0, 189 2 -9 7, 1 91 8 -2 3, 1 9 2 9 -3 3 .........................


Chart. M ovem en ts o f w h olesa le com m od ity p rices durin g
N ovem b er ..... .............................................. ............... -...................................


Savings Deposits— See Deposits

P ro d u ctio n

N ew financing. M on th ly , p ages 3, 11, 20, 28, 36, 43, 52, 59.
67, 75, 83, 91............................................................................................ .

P rod u ction . M on th ly , p a ges 7, 13, 22, 30, 37, 45, 54, 61, 69,
77, 86, 94....*— ................................................................................................
T abulated indexes o f prin cip a l in d u stries. M on th ly , p ages 7, 14,
22, 31, 38, 45, 55, 61, 69, 77, 86, 9 4 .......................................... ..................
P rod u ction and trad e in 1932.......................................................................


Chart. In d ex o f gen eral p rod u ction and trad e in the U nited
States, 1 9 1 9 -1 93 2 ..................................................... ............. ................... ..


W orld p rod u ction o f b asic com m od ities sin ce 1865............................


S ecu rity m arkets. M on th ly , p ages 3, 11, 20, 28, 35, 43, 51, 59,
66, 74, 83. 9 0 ................................................................ .................................
Chart. A v e ra g e p rice
1 9 3 1 -1 9 3 2 .............


L ib e rty

L oan


T rea su ry

b ond s.

Chart. P rice m ovem en ts o f U nited States G overnm ent bonds,
h ig h est grade d o m e stic corp ora tion bon d s, and less high grade
corp oration bond s, 193 2 -1 93 3 . P a ges 11, 36............................................

N ew se cu rity offe rin g s, 1 9 2 5 -1 9 3 2 ..... .......................................

Chart. Indexes o f tota l w orld p rod u ction o f b asic com m od ities
sin ce 1865, and o f crop p rod u ction and ou tp u t o f m inerals
and m eta ls— .............................................. ............................................... .


Chart. A v e ra g e p rices o f va riou s grades o f d om estic co r p o r a ­
tio n bon d s, 1 9 3 2 -1 93 3 . P a ges 20, 75....................... ............................

Chart. Ind ex o f ind ustrial p rod u ction 1933 com pared w ith 1929,
1930, 1931, 1932.............. ...........................................................................


Chart. M ov em en ts o f s to c k and bond p rice s, 193 2 -1 93 3 , pages
28, 43...................... ........................ ..................................................................

C hart. Ind exes o f p rod u ction o f m an u fa ctu res and fa c t o r y em ­
p loym en t, 1 92 9 -1 9 3 3 ...................................................................................


Chart. M ov em en ts o f s to ck p rices and a ve ra g e daily nu m ber o f
shares sold, 193 1 -1 93 3 . P a ges 51, 59..................................................

C hart.


Steel p rod u ction in p rincip al cou n tries, 1 9 2 8 -1 9 3 3 ...........


Chart. Ind exes o f p rod u ction o f textiles, s h oes, steel in g o ts ,
and au tom ob iles, 1 9 3 0 -1 9 3 3 ............ ........................ .................................

C hart. O fferin gs o f n ew d o m e stic capital issues durin g first six
m on th s o f each year, 1 9 3 0 -1 9 3 3 ............................................... ..............




P rice m ovem en ts o f p rincip al grou p s o f s to c k s, 1931-1933





P rice m ovem en ts o f sto ck s and b on d s, 1 9 3 1 -1 9 3 3 ..............



M ov em en ts o f b on d and s to ck p rice s, 1 9 3 2 -1 9 3 3 ............ .


O u tpu t o f capital g ood s and con su m ers’ g o o d s , 1 920-1933

Chart. In d exes o f tex tile m ill a ctiv ity , steel p rod u ction , ca r
loa din gs o f m erch an dise and m iscella n eou s fre ig h t, and e le c­
tric p ow er ou tp u t, 1933 com pared w ith 1931 and 1 93 2 .............


Chart. P u b lic offe rin g s o f n ew secu rities in the U nited States
and E ngland du rin g th e first ten m onths o f 1 9 3 0 -1 9 3 3 ..............


INDEX FOR THE YEAR 1933 (Continued)
Short Term Funds


International m ovem en t o f s h o rt term fu n d s ........................................


F oreig n fu n d s in th e U nited States tabulated, D ecem b er 31,
1929, 1930, 1931, 1 932.................................................................................



Chart. T otal nu m ber o f persons un em ployed in the U nited
States, 1 9 3 0 -1 9 3 3 ..........................................................................................



Chart. R atio o f steel p rod u ction to th eoretica l ca p a city 1933,
com pared w ith 1930, 1931, 1932...........................................................


S teel p rod u ction in prin cip a l cou n tries...................................................




Steel p rod u ction in principal cou n tries, 1 9 2 8 -1 9 3 3 ...........

E m p loy m en t and p a yrolls. M on th ly , pages 5, 13, 22, 31, 39, 46,
54, 62, 70, 77, 87, 94....................................................................................
Chart. N um ber o f fa c t o r y em p loyees a ffected b y w age ra te in ­
creases and decreases 1 9 2 9 -1 9 3 3 ...........................................................


Sterling— See Foreign Exchange
Treasury Financing
D ecem b er 1932 fin a n cin g.............................................. ..........................

W orld p rod u ction o f co tto n and w h eat....................................................

Paddin g o f su b scrip tion s p ro te st by O gden L. M ills.......................


June 1933 fin a n cin g..........................................................................................


A u g u st fin a n c in g ............. ..................... ...........................................................


O ctob er fin a n cin g...............................................................................................


F ou rth L ib erty Loan refu n d in g op era tion s..........................................


Chart. D ealers’ offerin g rate f o r n in ety day bankers a cce p t­
ances and yield on T rea su ry notes o f five yea r m atu rity ,
J an u a ry -D ecem b er, 1933............................................................................


Wholesale Trade
W h olesa le trade. M on th ly , pages 8 , 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64,
72, 80, 8 8 , 96.................................................... ...............................................
P e rce n ta g e ch an ge fro m prev iou s m onth and p rev iou s ye a r in
net sales and sto ck s on hand, and p er cen t o f a cco u n ts o u t­
sta n d in g collected , tabulated b y p rincip al lines. M on th ly ,
pages 8 , 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 8 8 , 96.......................