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of Credit and Business Conditions

Second Federal Reserve District
Federal Reserve Agent

Federal Reserve Bank, Neiv York

Acceptances— See also Commercial Paper

C rops .....................................................................................................................
Chart. U. S. B ureau o f L a b or S ta tistics w h olesa le com m od ity
p rice ind ex and g rou p indexes sh ow in g the m ovem en ts o f
p rices o f a gricu ltu ra l com m od ities and th eir p ro d u cts , 19261930
.................................................................. .......................
Chart. P rod u ction estim ates o f ten p rincip al crops A u g u st
1930 compared w ith average h arvests in th e p a st five years



Bank Earnings
B ank earnings and expen ses in 1929. A nnual stu d y o f op e ra t­
in g ratios .........................................................................................................


S um m ary

Chart. T otal loans on secu rities o f all re p o rtin g m em b er
banks less loans to b rok ers p laced in N ew Y o r k C ity b an k s’
ow n a ccou n t, 1 9 2 6 -1 9 3 0 ............................................................................


B u ild in g
B uildin g. M on th ly , P a ges 5, 13, 21, 29, 38, 46, 55, 62, 69, 77,
85, 94 ..........................................................................................................................
Chart. B uildin g co n tra cts aw arded in th e N ew Y o r k and
N orth ern N ew J e rse y D is tr ic t and in 37 sta tes as rep orted
b y th e F. W . D od g e corp ora tion f o r 1927, 1928 and 1929.....
Chart. A m o u n t o f resid en tia l, n on -resid en tia l, and p u b lic
w ork s and u tilities co n tra cts aw arded in 37 sta tes, included
in th e F . W . D od g e co rp o ra tio n re p o rts, 192 7 -1 93 0 . Pages
21, 47 ........................................................................................................................
Chart. B u ildin g co n tra cts aw arded in 37 states classified by
p rincip al typ es o f co n stru ctio n , firs t quarter 1930 com pared
w ith corre sp o n d in g p eriod o f p rev iou s fo u r y e a rs ......... .............
Chart. Index o f b u ild in g co n tra cts aw arded in 37 states,
Chart. V o lu m e o f b u ild in g co n tra cts b y p rincip al typ es
a w arded in 37 sta te s, 1930 com pared w ith p rev iou s tw o
yea rs. P a ges 62, 77 ................. .........................................................................
B u s in e s s C o n d i t i o n s
Indexes o f b u sin ess a ctiv ity .
M on th ly , pages 6 , 15, 23, 31,
39, 47, 55, 63, 71, 79, 87, 95...........................................................................
T a b u lated indexes o f b u sin ess a c tiv ity in va riou s lines.
M on th ly , p ages 7, 15, 23, 32, 39, 47, 55, 63, 71, 79, 87, 95 ....
P ro d u ctio n and trade in 1929.....................................................................
C en tra l B an ks
C entral bank ra te ch an ges. M on th ly , p ages 4, 1 1 , 19, 28, 36,
44, 53, 60, 67, 83, 92......................................................... .................................
C harts. C entral bank ra te and open m ark et ra te f o r 3 m onths
bills in leadin g E urop ean m o n e y m a rk e ts .......................................
C entral bank rates tabulated, sh o w in g high o f 1929 cu rrent
ra te and date o f la st re d u ctio n ............ ................................................. 29
C h a in S to r e s
Chain s to r e trade. P a ges 8 , 16, 24, 40, 47, 63, 79, 96............................
T abulated p e rce n ta g e ch an ge o v e r p rev iou s yea r in nu m ber o f
stores, tota l sales and sales p e r store, b y ty p e o f store.
P ages 8 , 16, 24, 40, 48, 64, 80, 9 6 ..............................................................

Balance of Payments
International p a ym en ts o f th e U nited S tates,
figures w ith com p a ra tiv e figu res fo r 1928.....



B ill m arket. M on th ly , p ages 2, 10, 18, 27, 34, 42, 51, 58, 6 6 ,
74, 82, 9 0 ............. ...................................................................................................
A ccep ta n ces ou tsta n d in g tabulated b y cla sses fo r M arch 1929
and M arch 1930, p a g e 3 4 ; f o r J u ly 1929 and J u ly 1930,
page 66 ......................................................................................................................
O u tstan d in gs o f ban kers accep ta n ces cla ssified as to
principal typ es o f u n d erlyin g tra n saction s a t clo s e o f each
m on th , 1928 and 1 929..............................................................................
C hart.
T ota l volu m e o f ban kers bills o u tsta n d in g sh ow in g
am ou nt held b y Federal R eserv e B anks, b y fo r e ig n co r re ­
spondents o f F ederal R eserv e B anks and b y oth er in v e sto rs,
................... .................. ,..................... 42
Chart. V olu m e o f bankers accep ta n ces ou tsta n d in g , 1930 co m ­
pared w ith 1928 and 1929............................................... ......... ..............
Chart. V olu m e o f ban kers a ccep ta n ces ou tsta n d in g a t end o f
m onth and m on th ly a v era g e a m ou nt held b y F ed eral R e serv e
B anks, 1928-1930 ......................................... ,.......................... ......... .........
Chart. V olu m e o f bankers accep ta n ces held b y Federal R e serv e
B anks, 1930 com pared w ith 1928 and 192 9 ....................... ..............
Chart. H old in gs o f accep ta n ces b y F ederal R ese rv e B anks fo r
ow n a ccou n t, am ou nt held b y S ystem fo r fo re ig n co r re ­
spon d en ts, and hold in gs b y a cce p tin g in stitu tion s, 1930
com pared w ith 1928 and 1 929............................................... ..............


C ir c u la t io n

Bonds— See Securities

C hart. C urren cy in circu la tio n in th e U nited States 1930 co m ­
pared w ith 1928 and 1929. P a ges 1, 41, 6 5 .............................................

Brokers Loans
S ecu rity loans ....................................................................................................
Chart. L oans on secu rities, all oth er loans and investm en ts
o f w eekly rep ortin g m em ber banks, 1930 com pared w ith 1928
and 1929. P ages 17, 73...................... ......................................................
Chart. Increase durin g p a st yea r in b rok ers loans placed b y
N ew Y ork C ity banks fo r ow n a ccou n t has p a rtia lly replaced
brokers loans w ithd raw n b y lenders oth er than com m ercial
ban ks. B rok ers loans f o r “ oth ers” and fo r N ew Y o r k C ity
banks com pared 1 9 2 6 -1 9 3 0 .......................................................................

C o m m e r c ia l P a p e r — S e e a ls o A c c e p t a n c e s

C om m ercial p ap er m arket.
M on th ly , p a ges 2, 10, 18, 26, 34,
42, 51, 58, 6 6 , 74, 83, 91...................................................................................
Chart. A m ou n t o f open m arket com m ercia l paper o u tsta n d in g
a t end o f each m on th , 1929 com pared w ith 192 6 , 1927, 1928
Chart. V olu m e o f open m ark et com m ercia l paper ou tsta n d in g
com pared w ith all o th e r loans o f re p o rtin g m em ber banks,
1 924-1930 .........................................................................................................
Chart. V o lu m e o f open m arket paper ou tsta n d in g th ro u gh 21
dealers, 1925 -1 93 0 .
P ages 18, 51................................................................

INDEX FOR THE YEAR 1930 (Continued)
Chart. P rice m ovem en ts o f selected com m od ities, J uly 1928
th rou g h Ju n e 1930. P a ges 22, 54...................... ...............................
Chart. D om estic p rice o f refined cop p er and refin ery sto ck s
held in N orth and S outh A m erica, m on th ly 1 9 1 9 -1 9 3 0 .............

P age



Country Member Banks
C ondition o f s e cu rity loans in m em ber ban ks. S tu dy o f loans
in 118 co u n try m em b er banks in the Second D istrict....*____
Chart. Tim e d ep osits and in v estm en ts o f co u n try m em ber
ban ks, 1 92 1 -1 93 0 ..................................................... ....................................
T abulated tota l loans and in v estm en ts o f all m em b er banks
in d ica tin g th e different m ovem en t o f such loans betw een
co u n try m em b er banks and rep ortin g m em ber ban ks on
O ctob er 24, 1929 and Septem ber 24, 1930......................................



C hart. C u rren cy in th e U nited States, 1930 com pared w ith
1928 and 1929. P ages 1, 41, 65............................................................


Department Stores
D ep artm en t store trade. M on th ly , pages 7, 15, 23, 32, 40, 48,
56, 64, 72, 80, 8 8 , 9 6......................................... ................................................
P ercen ta g e ch a n ge o v e r p rev iou s yea r in m on th ly n et sales
and stock s on hand. T abulated b y dep artm en ts.
M on th ly ,
p ages 8 , 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 8 8 , 9 6 ...................... . ....
P ercen ta g e ch an ge o v e r p rev iou s year in m on th ly n e t sales
and stock s on hand, and per cen t o f collected a ccou n ts o u t­
sta n d in g tabulated b y loca lity . M on th ly , pages 8 , 16, 24, 32,
40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 8 8 , 96........................................................................... .

S avings bank d ep osits. P a ges 18, 83.......................... ..................................
Chart. D ep osits in 30 rep resen ta tiv e sav in gs ban ks in the
Second Federal R e se rv e D istrict, 1930, com pared w ith 1927,
1928, 1929. P a ges 19, 83.................. ..............................................................
T im e d ep osits in w eek ly rep ortin g m em b er banks in
leadin g cities, 1 9 2 7 -1 9 3 0 .......................................................................... 88
C harts. T im e d ep osits and in v estm en t hold in gs o f w eek ly
rep ortin g m em ber banks in leadin g cities and o f all oth er
m em b er ban ks, 1 9 2 1 -1 9 3 0 .................................................. ...................

Discounts— See also Federal Reserve Bank Credit


E m p loy m en t and w ages. M on th ly , p a ges 6 , 14, 23, 31, 39, 44,
53, 61, 71, 76, 87, 95...........................................................................................
Chart. In d ex o f fa c to r y em p loym en t in N ew Y o r k State, 19231930
Chart. In d ex o f fa c t o r y em p loy m en t in th e U nited S tates,
1 92 6-1930
C hart. R atio o f orders fo r w ork ers to a pplications fo r e m p lo y ­
m en t a t N ew Y o rk S tate p u b lic em p loym en t bu rea u s, 1930
com p ared w ith p rev iou s tw o y e a rs...................... - ...........................




Foreign Exchange
F o reig n exchange. M on th ly , p ages 3, 1 1 , 19, 28, 36, 44, 52, 59,
6 6 , 76, 84, 93.......................................................................................... ................
Cable rates tabulated f o r p rin cip a l cen ters m onth end co m pared w ith prev iou s m on th end and p rev iou s year.
P a ges
11, 28, 37, 44, 52................................. ........................................... .....................
Chart. C ourse o f fo re ig n e xch a n g e q u otation s in N ew Y o rk ,
sh ow in g relation to g o ld p o in ts ................................................... ........ 19

Foreign Trade----See also Gold


Chart. M em b er bank d iscou n ts a t F ederal R eserv e B anks,
com p ared w ith open m arket com m ercia l paper rates, 19231929

Chart. M em ber bank d iscou n ts at F ederal R e serv e B an ks,
com p ared w ith open m ark et com m ercia l paper rates, 192 3 1929 ................................................................................. ............................ .
C hart. T otal volu m e o f bankers bills ou tsta n d in g s h o w in g
am ount held b y F ed eral R e se rv e B an ks, b y fo r e ig n c o r re ­
spon dents o f F ederal R e serv e B anks and b y o th e r in v e sto rs
Chart. T otal in v estm en t h old ings o f rep o rtin g m em b er ban ks.
M on th ly avera g es, 1 9 2 1 -1 9 3 0 ............................................... ................
Chart. A m o u n t o f Federal R e se rv e credit o u tsta n d in g d u rin g
June and J uly 1930 and usual seasonal flu ctu a tion s in F e d ­
eral R e serv e cred it required fro m A u g u st t o J a n u a ry_____ ___
Chart. T otal F ederal R e se rv e cre d it ou tsta n d in g , 1930 co m ­
pared w ith 1928 and 192 9 .......................................................................



S tabilization o f th e C zech oslov ak crow n ...............................................


Federal Reserve Bank Credit

C hart. P rice m ov em en t o f selected com m od ities, Ju ly 1928,
th rou g h 1930, pages 22, 5 4 . ..............................................................
Chart. C otton cloth sales, p rod u ction , stock s and unfilled
ord ers, 1 92 8 -1 93 0 .....................................................................................

Exports----See Foreign Trade

F o re ig n trade. M on th ly , pages 5, 13, 21, 29, 36, 47, 55, 63,
71, 87, 95....................................................................... ......... ..................................
Chart. M on th ly exp orts o f finished m an u fa ctu res and all
oth e r e xp orts, 1 9 2 2 -1 9 2 9 ............................................... ..........................
C harts. F oreig n trade o f th e U nited S ta t e s ; m o n th ly exp orts
and im p orts o f m erch an dise, 1930 com p ared w ith 1928 and
Chart. F o re ig n trad e o f the U nited S tates, m o n th ly exp orts
and im p orts o f m erch an dise, 1 9 2 4 -1 9 3 0 .................. ........................

Gold m ovem en t. M on th ly , p ages 3, 11, 19, 28, 37, 44, 52, 59,
67, 76, 84, 93.:........................................................................................................
N e t gain or loss o f g o ld th rou gh im p orts, exp orts and e a r­
m arkin gs tabulated b y m on th s, 1 9 2 9 ..................................................
Chart. M on eta ry gold s to ck o f th e U nited S tates, 1930 c o m ­
pared w ith 1928 and 1929. P a ges 41, 65..................................................
Chart. M on th ly net gain o r loss to the g o ld s to ck o f th e
U nited S tates, 1 9 2 5 -1 9 3 0 ..........................................................................

Interest Rates— See also Money Market
M on ey rates at N ew Y o rk tabulated. M o n th ly , p a ges 2, 10, 17,
26, 33, 41, 50, 58, 6 6 , 74, 81, 9 0 ............ ,......... .................................
Central bank rate ch an ges. M on th ly , pages 4, 11, 19, 28, 36,
44, 53, 60, 67, 76, 83, 9 2 ........................................................................
Chart. Central bank ra te and open m ark et rate f o r 3 m onths
bills in leading E uropean m on ey m arkets, 192 8 -1 9 3 0 ................
Central bank rates tabulated sh ow in g high o f 1929 cu rre n t ra te
and date o f last re d u ctio n .................................................... ......... .........
Chart. M em ber bank d iscou n ts a t F ederal R e se rv e B an ks,
com pared w ith open m ark et com m ercia l paper rates, 19231929
Chart. M on th ly rates f o r 4 to 6 m on th s com m ercia l paper,
90 day bankers a cce p ta n ce s, 60 t o 90 day s to ck ex ch a n g e
tim e m oney and d isco u n t ra te o f the F ederal R e serv e B ank
o f N ew Y ork , 1 9 1 9 -1 9 3 0 ....... ............................. ....................................




B ank in v estm en ts.
In crea se in in v estm en ts com pared w ith
liqu idation o f com m ercia l loans, and w ith th e in crease in
prev iou s years ............................,— ...........................................................
Chart. T otal in v estm en t h old in g s o f re p o rtin g m em b er ban ks,
192 1 -1 93 0 ...................... ...................- .........................................................


INDEX FOR THE YEAR 1930 (Continued)


Chart. Loans on securities, all oth er loa n s, and investm en ts
o f w eek ly rep ortin g m em ber ban ks, 1930 com p ared w ith 1928
and 1929. P ages 17, 73.............................................. .......................................
M em ber bank investm en ts in crease in O ctober....;............................
T abulated ch an ge in loans and in v estm en ts o f rep ortin g m em ­
b er ban ks, N ovem b er 19, com pared w ith tw o m onths p reviou s
and O ctob er 2, 1929.................................................... ............................ .
T abulated tota l loans and in v estm en ts o f all m em b er banks on
O ctob er 4, 1929 and Septem ber 24, 1930 w ith per cen t o f
ch an ge ..... ........................................................................................................ 90
Chart. T im e d ep osits and in v estm en t h old in g s o f w eek ly r e ­
p ortin g m em b er banks in lea din g cities and o f all other
m em ber banks, 192 1 -1 93 0 ......................................... ........................ .

L o a n s — S e e a ls o B r o k e r s L o a n s
Chart. T o ta l loans and in v estm en ts o f w eek ly rep ortin g m em ­
ber banks 1929, com pared w ith 192 8 .............................................. .
Chart. Loans on secu rities, all oth er loans, and investm en ts
o f w eek ly rep ortin g m em ber b a n k s; 1930 com pared w ith
1928 and 1929. P ages 17, 73........... ..............................................................
Chart. T otal loans and in v estm en ts o f w eekly rep ortin g m em ­
b er banks, 1930 com pared w ith 1928 and 1 929.................. .........
Chart. V olu m e o f open m ark et com m ercial paper ou tsta n d in g
com pared w ith all oth er loans o f rep ortin g m em ber banks,
192 4 -1 93 0
................................. ....................... ......................................
Chart. L iq u id ation o f loans oth er than secu rity loans (la r g e ly
com m ercia l) o f rep ortin g m em b er banks and in crease in new
bond issues du rin g tw o periods o f busin ess recession , 19201922 and 1 9 2 9 -1 9 3 0 ...................................................................................
C ondition o f s ecu rity loans in 118 cou n try m em b er banks in
th e Second D is tr ic t ......................... .............................. ............................
Chart. T otal loans on secu rities o f all rep ortin g m em ber banks
less loans to b rok ers placed in N ew Y o r k C ity ban ks’ ow n
a ccou n t, 1 92 6-1930 ...................................................................................
T abulated ch an ge in loans and in v estm en ts o f rep ortin g m em ­
ber banks, N ovem b er 19 com p ared w ith tw o m onths prev iou s
and O ctob er 2 , 1929..................................................................................
T abulated total loans and in v estm en ts o f m em ber banks indi­
ca tin g the d ifferent m ovem ent o f such loans betw een co u n try
m em ber banks and rep ortin g m em ber banks in tim es o f
d eclin in g bu sin ess, O ctob er 24, 1929 and S eptem b er 24, 1930

Machine Tools
Chart. In d ex o f m ach in e to o l ord ers com p u ted b y N ational
M ach in e T o o l B uilders A ss o cia tio n , 1 9 2 2 -1 9 3 0 ............................


Chart. M on th ly
oth er exp orts,






Monetary Gold— See Gold
Money Market— See also Interest Rates
M on ey m arket.
M o n th ly , p ages 1, 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, 49, 57,
65, 73, 81, 89........................................ .................................................. .

New Financing— See Securities
Pig Iron
Charts. P rice m ove m e n ts o f selected com m od ities, J u ly 1928
to F eb ru a ry 1 93 0 ........................................................................................


C om m od ity p rices. P a ges 22, 29, 37, 46, 54, 61, 77, 8 6 .......................
Chart. U. S. B ureau o f L a b or S ta tistics m on th ly index o f
w h olesale co m m o d ity p rice s, 1 9 1 4 -1 9 3 0 ...... .................................... 37
Chart. U . S. B ureau o f L a b or S ta tistics w h olesale co m m o d ity
p rice index and grou p indexes sh ow in g the m ovem en ts o f
p rices o f a g ricu ltu ra l com m od ities and their p ro d u cts, and
o f fu el, m etals and b u ild in g m aterials, 1 9 2 6 -1 93 0 .
P a ges
22, 46 ............................ ............................................................................ ................
C harts. P rice m ovem en ts o f selected com m od ities, J uly 1928
to F eb ru a ry 1930, page 22, th ro u g h June 1930, p a ge 5 4 ..................
Chart. W e e k ly m ovem en ts o f gen era l co m m o d ity p rices,
1 92 9-1930

exp orts o f finished m an u fa ctu res and all
1 9 2 2 -1 9 2 9 .........................................................................


Member Banks— See also Country Member Banks
M em b er bank credit. P a ges 42, 58, 6 6 , 82...... ..........................................
Chart. T otal loans and in v estm en ts o f w eek ly rep ortin g m em ­
b er banks 1929 com pared w ith 192 8 ........... ....... ............................ ...
C hart. M em ber bank d iscou n ts at F ed eral R eserv e B an ks,
com p ared w ith open m arket com m ercia l paper rates, 19231930
Chart. T otal loans and in v estm en ts o f w eek ly rep ortin g m em ­
b er banks 1930 com pared w ith 1928 and 192 9 .......... ......... ....... 26
Chart. V olu m e o f open m ark et com m ercia l paper ou tsta n d in g
com pared w ith all oth er loans o f rep ortin g m em ber banks,
192 4 -1 93 0
..................... ..............................
Chart. T ota l in v e stm en t hold in gs o f w eek ly rep ortin g m em ­
b er ban ks in leading cities, 1 9 2 7 -1 9 3 0 ........... ................ ..................
Chart. Tim e d ep osits in w eek ly rep ortin g m em b er banks in
leadin g cities, 1 9 2 7 -1 9 3 0 ...................................................... ...............
Chart. Liquidation o f loans o th e r than s e cu rity loans (la rg e ly
com m ercia l) o f rep ortin g m em b er banks and increase in
new bond issues d u rin g tw o p eriod s o f b u sin ess recession ,
192 0 -1 92 2 and 1 9 2 9 -1 9 3 0 ......................... .............. ............................... 49
C ondition o f N ew Y o r k b an k s........... .................................... .................

Chart. T otal in v e stm e n t hold in gs o f re p o rtin g m em b er banks
in leadin g cities.
M on th ly a vera ges o f w eek ly figu res,
192 1-1930
C ondition o f se cu rity loans in m em ber ban ks, stu d y o f loans
in 118 co u n try m e m b e r banks in th e S econd d is trict...... .......
Chart. T otal loans on secu rities o f all re p o rtin g m em b er
banks less loans to brok ers p laced in N ew Y o r k C ity ban k’ s
ow n a cco u n t, 1 9 2 6 -1 9 3 0 ...... ............................ .....................................
M em ber bank in v estm en ts increase in O cto b e r........... ......................
Tabulated ch an ge in loans and in v e stm e n ts o f re p o rtin g m em ­
ber banks, N o ve m b e r 19, com p ared w ith tw o m onths p re v i­
ous and O cto b e r 2, 1929........... ......... .....................................................
C harts. T im e d ep osits and in v e stm e n t hold in g s o f w eek ly
rep ortin g m em b er banks in leadin g cities and co u n try m em ­
b er banks, 1 9 2 1 -1 9 3 0 ...... ......................................................... .................
T abulated tota l loans and in v estm en ts o f all m em ber banks on
O ctob er 4, 1929 and Septem ber 24, 1930 w ith per ce n t o f
ch an ge ...... .................................................... ..................................................

P rod u ction . M on th ly , p ages 7, 14„ 20, 31, 38, 46, 54, 62, 71,
78, 8 6 , 94...................................................................................................................
P rod u ction indexes tabulated b y in d u stries.
M on th ly , pages
7, 15, 21, 31, 38, 46, 55, 63, 70, 78, 8 6 , 94 ........... ......... ........................
Chart. In d ex o f g ro w th o f p ro d u ctio n and trade in th e U nited
States 1919 to 1 929 ...... ............................ ...............................................
P rod u ction and trade in 1 92 9 ....................................................................
T abulated p e r ce n t ch a n g e 1929 fr o m 1928 f o r th e p rincip al
series .................. ....... .......................................... ......... ............................ —
Chart. In d ex o f in d u strial p ro d u ctio n com p uted b y th e F e d ­
eral R e se rv e B oard, 1929 com pared w ith 1927 and 1928 _____
Chart. Ind ex o f ind ustrial p ro d u ctio n com puted b y the F e d ­
eral R e se rv e B oard, a d ju ste d f o r seasonal variation s 1930
com pared w ith 1927, 1928, 1929.......................................... ..............
Chart. Ind ex o f m achine to o l orders com p uted b y N ational
M ach in e T o o l B uilders A sso cia tio n , 1 9 2 2 -1 9 3 0 ...........................

B usin ess p rofits.
P a ges 30, 45, 6 8 , 93.........................................................
N et p rofits tabulated f o r several grou p s o f im p orta n t co rp o ra ­
tion s 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930. P ages 30, 45, 6 8 , 93.........................
Chart. A nnual n e t p rofits o f industrial m ercantile and pu blic
u tility corp oration s and n et op era tin g in com e o f cla ss 1
railroads in 1929 com p ared w ith 1928 and 1 927.......................... 80

INDEX FOR THE YEAR 1930 (Continued)


P age
Chart. Q u arterly n et p rofits o f 105 ind ustrial corp ora tion s
and net op era tin g in com e o f cla ss 1 railroads, 1 9 2 4 -1 9 2 9 ......
C harts.
Q u arterly net p rofits o f 163 in d ustrial com panies.
N et op era tin g in com e o f 172 cla ss 1 railroads, and n et ea rn ­
ings o f 95 o th e r pu blic utilities com bin ed.
P a ges 45, 6 8 ....


C hart. P rice m ovem en ts o f selected com m od ities, J u ly 1928
to F eb ru a ry 1 930, p a g e 22, th rou g h J une 1930, p a ge 54 ......

Savings Deposits— See Deposits
Scrap Steel
Charts. P rice m ovem en ts o f s elected com m od ities, J u ly 1928
t o F eb ru a ry 1930, p a ge 22, th rou g h June 1930, p a ge 54......

Chart. N ew se cu rity offe rin g s du rin g first h a lf o f 1929 and
1930, classified as to t y p e o f se cu rity and iss u e r.......................
G overnm ental issues h a ve p red om in a ted in each o f th e three
yea rs p rior to 1929 w h ereas co rp o ra te exceed ed go v e rn m e n ta l
in 1929 and 1 93 0 ........................................................................................
T a b le s h o w in g m o v e m e n t o f rep resen ta tiv e South A m erican
and Germ an bonds com p a red w ith th a t o f an a v e ra g e o f the
p rices o f 40 issu es re p re se n tin g a w id e sam p lin g o f fo re ig n
b ond s quoted in N ew Y o rk , S eptem ber 19 and O cto b e r 29....
Charts. V o lu m e o f new bond issu es floated each q u a rter o f
1 92 7 -1 93 0 , classified as to ty p e o f b o rro w e r....................................
C hart. M ov em en ts o f yield s and ap p roxim ate p rice s o f v a ri­
ous grad es o f d o m e stic corp ora tion b on d s, 1927 to 193 0......
Chart. N e w s e cu rity issu es o f d o m e stic co rp o ra tio n s— e x c lu ­
siv e o f re fu n d in g offe rin g s, less fin a n cin g b y in v estm en t
tru sts and h old in g com panies, 1 9 2 7 -1 9 3 0 ........................................





Security Loans
S e cu rity loans ..................................................................................................
C ond ition o f s e cu rity loans In m em ber' ban ks, stu d y o f loans
in 118 co u n try m em b er ban ks in th e Second d is trict.............
Chart. L oans on secu rities, all oth er loans and in v estm en ts o f
w eek ly rep ortin g m em b er ban ks, 1930 com pared w ith 1928
and 1929. P a g es 17, 73............................................................................
Chart. T ota l loans on secu rities o f all rep ortin g m em ber
ban ks less loans t o b rok ers p laced in N ew Y o r k C ity b an k s’
ow n a ccou n t, 1 9 2 6 -1 9 3 0 ............................................................................

Chart. P r ic e m ovem en ts o f selected com m od ities, J uly 1928
t o F eb ru a ry 1930, p a ge 2 2, th ro u g h J u n e 1930, p a ge 5 4 ............

Stocks— See Securities
Time Deposits— See Deposits
United States Treasury
T rea su ry bills ..................................................................................................
T a x p eriod operation s.
P a ges 25, 73..............................................................

S ecu rity m arkets.
M on th ly , p a ges 5, 13, 20, 27, 35, 4 3, 51,
60, 67, 75, 84, 9 1 ........................................................................................
N ew fin a n cin g . M on th ly , p a ges 4, 12, 20, 27, 34, 43, 52, 60,
67, 75, 85, 92................................................................ ...............................
F oreig n issu es floated in U nited States tabulated b y m onth,
1928 and 1929............................................... ................................................
Chart. N ew b on d flota tion s o f d om estic corp ora tion s and o f
m un icip a lities, sta tes and fa rm loa n a gen cies, 1927 -1 92 9 .
P a ges 5, 20........................................................................... .................................
Chart. Issu es o f n ew s to c k b y d om estic corp ora tion s, 1929
com p a red w ith 1 928 ...... .............. ............................ .................................
Chart. P rice m ovem en ts o f U . S. G overn m en ts, fo r e ig n and
d om estic corp ora te bon d s, 1 9 2 9 -1 93 0 . P a ges 20, 60.........................
Chart. P rice m ovem en ts o f d om estic corp ora tion bonds by
w eeks, 1 9 2 7 -1 9 3 0 ..........................................................................................
N ew fo r e ig n flota tion s tabulated b y q u a rters, 1928, 1929, 1930
Chart. P rice m ovem en ts o f ind ustrial, railroad and p ublic
u tility s tock s, 1928, 1930.......................................................................
C hart. N ew secu rity flota tion s o f d om estic corp oration s,
192 7 -1 93 0
.............................................. ...................
Chart. F oreig n s e cu rity issu es fo r new capital p urp oses g o v ­
ern m en tal and corp ora te d u rin g th e firs t fo u r m on th s o f
1 92 6-1930
................................................................. ......... ................
Chart. L iq u id ation o f loans oth er than secu rity loans o f
rep ortin g m em b er banks and in crease in new bond issues
d urin g tw o p eriod s o f b u sin ess recession , 1 92 0 -1 92 2 and
192 9 -1 93 0
................................................................................. 49
Chart. A v e ra g e divid end yield on 90 com m on s tock s com pared
w ith yield on 60 bon d s, 1 9 2 7 -1 93 0 . P a ges 52, 84..............................

E m p loy m en t and w ages. P a ges 6 , 14, 23, 31, 39, 44, 53, 61,
71, 76, 87, 95.........................................................................................................
Chart. A v e ra g e w eek ly ea rnings o f em p loyees in N ew Y o rk
S tate fa cto rie s, 1 9 1 9 -1 9 3 0 .......................................................................

Chart. P r ic e m ovem en t o f selected co m m od ities, J u ly 1928 to
F e b ru a ry 1930, p a ge 22, th ro u gh June 1930, p a ge 54...................... .

Wholesale Trade
W h o le sa le trade. M on th ly, pages 8 , 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64,
72, 80, 8 8 , 96.........................................................................................................
P e rce n ta g e ch an ge o v e r p rev iou s years in net sales and sto ck s
on hand m on th ly and per cen t o f a cco u n ts o u tsta n d in g b y
co m m o d ity .
P a ges 8 , 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80,
8 8 , 96 .........................................................................................................................

Chart. P rice m o v e m e n t o f selected co m m od ities, J u ly 1928 to
F e b ru a ry 1930, p a g e 22, th ro u gh J u n e 1930, p a g e 54.......................

Chart. P rice m ovem en ts o f selected com m od ities, J u ly 1928
to F eb ru a ry 1930, p a ge 22, th rou gh June 1930, p a ge 5 4 ..................