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s tn tn n u tK / u u u H tK

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A review from the
Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago

T h e g e o g ra p h y o f v a lu e ad d ed

2 5 th C o n fe re n c e on
B a n k S tru c tu re a n d C o m p e titio n :
C o n tro llin g ris k in fin a n c ia l services

P u b lic in v e s tm e n t an d p ro d u c tiv ity
g ro w th in th e G ro u p o f S even

■ ■


■" ■ :


T h e g e o g ra p h y o f v a lu e a d d e d ................................................................ 2
Philip R. Israilevich and W illiam A . Testa

The decline of manufacturing in the Northeast
and the Midwest has been exaggerated by the
peculiarities of data-reporting on value added

2 5 th C o n fe re n c e on
B a n k S tru c tu re a n d C o m p e titio n :
C o n tro llin g ris k in fin a n c ia l s e r v ic e s ................................................... 13
M ary J. W illiam son

Risk management is the key theme as
the conference marks its quarter-century

P u b lic in v e s tm e n t an d p ro d u c tiv ity
g ro w th in th e G ro u p o f S e v e n ................................................................ 17
D avid A . A schauer

The investment of public money has
positive direct and indirect effects on
private sector output and productivity


SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1989 Volume X llljssu e 5

Karl A. Scheld, Senior Vice President and
Director of Research

ECONOM IC PER SPEC TIV ES is published by
the Research Department o f the Federal Reserve
Bank o f Chicago. The views expressed are the
authors’ and do not necessarily reflect the views
of the management o f the Federal Reserve Bank.
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Editorial direction
Edward G. Nash, editor, David R. Allardice, regional
studies, Herbert Baev, financial structure and regulation,
Steven Strongin, monetary policy,
Anne Weaver, administration
Nancy Ahlstrom, typesetting coordinator,
Rita Molloy, Yvonne Peeples, typesetters,
Kathleen Solotroff, graphics coordinator,
Roger Thryselius, Thomas O ’Connell,
Lynn Busby, graphics,
Chris Cacci, design consultant,
Kathryn Moran, assistant editor

ISSN 0164-0682

T h e g e o g ra p h y o f
v a lu e a d d e d

Marketing, R&D, even accounting and
legal departments, add value to a
manufacturer's product, but that value is
attributed solely to the production site, a
practice that distorts our understanding
of regional manufacturing activity

Philip R. Israilevich
and W illia m A . Testa

Amoco Corporation, a diver­
correctly measured value added in understand­
sified manufacturer of chemi­
ing regional economic behavior.
cal and petroleum products,
T ak in g s to c k o f m a n u fa c tu rin g
refines crude petroleum into
It may come as a surprise to some, but we
gasoline and other products
measure manufacturing output by the
at such locations as Texas City, Texas, and
value of goods such as automobiles,
Whiting, Indiana.1 However, many of the
refined petroleum. Rather, we
support services which contribute to the value
value that is added by manufac­
of these refined products are performed at
to raw materials, such as
Amoco’s corporate headquarters in Chicago,
gasoline, and intermediate
Illinois, and at its research center in Naper­
steel and rubber for autos,
ville, Illinois.
manufactured prod­
The sprawling geography of these activi­
in the processes of
ties presents a considerable problem in track­
these intermedi­
ing the location of manufacturing across U.S.
are designated
states and regions. In the case of Amoco, how
of labor
much manufacturing activity should be attrib­
uted to its Chicago area headquarters and
R&D center and how much to its refineries in
“value added in manufacturing” or manufac­
Texas and Indiana?
turing output.
The U.S. Census Bureau currently attrib­
Formally, value added is the value of
utes all of a company’s manufacturing output
shipped by manufacturers less the
to the locations of the production plants, i.e.,
goods (which is embed­
the refineries in the Amoco example. While
final manufacturing
there may be no one correct method of appor­
tioning output to states and regions, the Census
method is clearly inadequate. Consequently,
1) Value Added = Value of Shipments much of what we think we know concerning
Materials and Intermediate Goods.
the changing geography of manufacturing
Value added is, then, a residual, represent­
across the U.S. may need to be re-examined.
ing the incremental value contributed to the
In this article, the regional biases inherent
product by the manufacturing company (see
in the Census measure of manufacturing out­
Figure 1). Quite correctly, the value of raw
put, which is called value added (VA), are
Philip R. Israilevich and W illiam A. Testa are econo­
explained and illustrated. Two potential meth­
mists at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
ods of correcting the problem are evaluated.
The assistance of Tirza Haviv is gratefully
We conclude by discussing the importance of




counted (quite correctly) in the national sum­
mation of value added.2 The national totals of
Measuring value added as a residual
value added are not at issue. However, auxil­
iary activities are wrongly apportioned to
states and regions on the basis of operating es­
For example,
tablishment site while neglecting the location
value added in
of the auxiliary establishments. The problem
is, therefore, one of geography and not of sum­
mation to national industry totals.3 The total
VA of each manufacturing company is allo­
cated to states and regions solely on the basis
of where the company’s operating or produc­
Cost of m aterials &
Value of product
purchased inputs
tion establishments are located.
shipped (i.e., gasoline)
(i.e., petroleum)
However, the geography of the overall
company can be quite different from the oper­
materials and intermediate products is attrib­
ating establishments where VA is reported. A
manufacturing product’s design and engineer­
uted to the industrial sectors in which they
originate, such as mining, construction, serv­
ing may originate at the company’s R&D cen­
ter and not at the operating establishment
ices, or agriculture.
location.4 Similarly, the product’s advertising
The current Census method inappropri­
and image may be fashioned at an out-of-state
ately apportions a large part of manufacturing
sales office or corporate headquarters of the
value added to states and regions. This inap­
manufacturing company. All these activities,
propriately apportioned part is the activity of
“auxiliary” establishments of manufacturing
which provide services to the operating
establishments, do legitimately contribute to a
firms, i.e., corporate headquarters, research
product’s value. We believe that this contribu­
and development labs, data processing cen­
tion to manufacturing output should be
ters, and warehouses (see Figure 2). The ac­
counted at the site of the auxiliary activity. In
tivities of auxiliary establishments are
practice, no VA at
all is reported and
recorded by auxil­
Value added to a company’s product takes
iary establishments.
place throughout the nation...

T h e a u x ilia ry
eco n o m y



.but geographically all value added is attributed to its operating establishments


It is apparent
from the payrolls of
auxiliary establish­
ments that the share
of VA originating
at auxiliary estab­
lishments is signifi­
cant. Auxiliary
payroll amounted
to almost 11 per­
cent of the nation’s
total manufacturing
payroll in 1986 (see
Figure 3 and Table
1). In individual
regions, auxiliary
payroll ranged from
negligible amounts
in several states and


the 2-digit SIC (Standard Industrial Classifica­
tion) code level, the wide-ranging importance
of auxiliary payroll is revealed. For example,
some industries that fall under the “chemicals
industry” banner report over one-fourth of
total payroll at auxiliary establishments; some
industries in “petroleum and coal products”
report over one-third of payroll outside of
operating establishments.
A u x ilia rie s and regions

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas
(SMSAs) to as high as 49 percent for the State
of Delaware and 54 percent in the Stamford,
Connecticut, SMS A in 1982.
Among the various types of auxiliary ac­
tivities, administrative and managerial activi­
ties were most prominent in 1982, followed by
general office and clerical, and third by re­
search, development, and testing (see Figure
4). For individual industries, the evidence on
the significance of auxiliary activities is also
striking (see Figure 5). Disaggregating total
manufacturing into its 19 major components at

Auxiliary establishments for
manufacturing firms—1982
Number Share
Total m anufacturing
A dm inistrative and
Office and clerical
Research, development,
and testing
W arehousing







Electronic data processing



Other activities



NOTE: Detailed establishm ent data exceed totals and
sum to m ore than 100 percent because som e estab­
lishm ents participate in m ore than one activity.
SO U RCE: U.S. Departm ent of Com m erce, Bureau of
the Census, 1982 Census o f Manufacturing Subject
Series, Vol. 1, p. 1-100.


In studying the corporate organization of
the manufacturers, some regional analysts
have recognized that diverse activities are
undertaken within companies and industries in
producing a single product. Moreover, these
activities are often located at sites away from
each other—even across state borders and
regional divisions.
Industry studies by economic geographers
have documented the spatial separation of ac­
tivities within single corporate entities. For
example, the R&D functions of pharmaceuti­
cal companies in Great Britain have been
studied. One study reports that basic re­
search—that of a generally applicable na­
ture—is frequently undertaken at large central­
ized R&D facilities of large pharmaceutical
companies. At the same time, specific and
applied R&D is overwhelmingly conducted at
the production plant site (Howells 1984).
Studies of manufacturing establishments
have also reflected the cumulative importance
of such establishment specialization to regions.
Jusenius and Ledebur (1976) were among the
first to document specialization in the U.S.
South by branch production plants of U.S.
manufacturing companies. More recently,
Malecki (1985) has examined regional spe­
cialization in corporate headquarters versus
branch plants across U.S. regions for four
high-tech industries: computers, semiconduc­
tors, medical instruments, and computer soft­
ware. But despite this wide recognition of
regional specialization in diverse manufactur­
ing activities, data covering VA in manufac­
turing has continued to be allocated to U.S.
regions according to the location of production
activity alone.
The observed geographic distribution of
auxiliary activity varies quite widely across
states and across metropolitan areas.5 More­
over, a cursory view of the distribution of


auxiliary payroll suggests a systematic bias
across the U.S. (see Figure 6). States in the
New England and Middle Atlantic regions are
home to very large numbers of auxiliary estab­
lishments. Similarly, individual Northern
states including Illinois, New Jersey, Michi­
gan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania display manufac­
turing sectors which are highly intensive in
auxiliaries. Meanwhile, states in the South
and especially those of the East South Central
Region have a dearth of auxiliary locations,
tending instead to specialize in operating es­
tablishments. Accordingly, we would expect
that, in measuring manufacturing output, the
North and Midwest actually have greater lev­
els than currently reported while manufactur­
ing activity in the South is overstated.


Activities at auxiliary establishments
(percent of employees)




A fo rm a l te s t

Auxiliary payroll share by industry





Petroleum and
coal products
Chemicals and
allied products
Instruments and
related products
Electric and
electronic equipment
Food and
kindred products
Leather and
leather products
Total manufacturing
Stone, clay, and
glass products
Machinery, except
Misc. mfg.
Textile mill
T ransportation
Rubber and misc.
plastic products
Apparel and other
textile products
Paper and
allied products
Printing and
Lumber and
wood products
Primary metal
Fabricated metal


SO U R C E: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census.



It is reasonable to expect
that the Census VA is under­
estimated in states which
specialize in auxiliary estab­
lishments and overestimated
in states with high concen­
trations of operating estab­
lishments. However, the
problem may be insignificant
if the proportion or split of
activity between auxiliaries
and operating units is largely
the same in each state and
SMSA. If such is the case,
the difference between the
Census and true VA will be
insignificant; i.e., operating
establishment activity serves
as a good allocator of total
manufacturing output of
companies to SMSAs and
To test whether the
Census method has a strong
bias in overlooking the site
locations of auxiliary estab­
lishments, a formal hypothe­
sis can be constructed. The
current Census method of
estimating VA as the resid­
ual between value of ship­
ments and materials at oper­
ating establishments is
equivalent to assuming that



1. the auxiliaries make no contribution to
VA; or
2. the auxiliaries locate in close proportion
to operating establishments with re­
spect to their effect on VA.
The first assumption can be rejected since
we have seen that the auxiliaries’ payroll com­
prises a sizable part of total VA (see Figure 3).
The second assumption can be tested if we
assume that region-to-region variations in VA
of both types of units, operating and auxiliary
establishments, can be approximated by the
variations in their respective payrolls. Based
on assumption 2, we then can formulate the
following null hypothesis:
HO: the Census-determined VA and true
VA are the same.
If true, this hypothesis implies that the
elasticities of VA with respect to auxiliary unit
and operating unit payrolls are the same. A
dollar of either auxiliary payroll or operating
payroll will contribute equally to a region’s
manufacturing VA.
The null hypothesis can then be formally
tested using the following ordinary least
squares (OLS) regression equation:


2)7 V = c + b aA + b oO
V = VA in logarithmic form.
A = payroll for auxiliaries in
logarithmic form.
O = payroll for operating units in
logarithmic form.
Equation 2 was estimated for both SMSAs
and states. There were 172 SMSAs and 46
states which disclosed auxiliary payroll. The
estimated results are:
SMSAs: c = 1.149 b = 0.031 b =0.941
(12..3) a (2.4) ° (49.3)
adj. R2= 0.97 n=172
States: c = 1.197 b = 0.006 b =0.961
(9.5) a (0.3) ° (39.3)
adj. R2 = 0.99 n=46
NOTE: Numbers in parentheses are t-statistics.

For SMSAs, coefficients for auxiliary and
operating units payrolls are both significant
and strongly different (bu is 30 times smaller
than b ). This means that estimated elasticities of VA (bu and bo ) with respect to payroll
in auxiliaries and operating units are very dif­
ferent. This leads to the rejection of the H hy-


pothesis.6 For states the rejection of the H
hypothesis is even more obvious, since bo is
positive and significant while ba is insignifi­
cantly different from zero. Therefore the hy­
pothesis that bo is infinitely larger than ba can­
not be rejected.
To test the H hypothesis, we had to as­
sume that the payrolls of operating and auxil­
iary establishments parallel their respective
VA for each state and metro area. However, if
this assumption is relaxed, it is still evident
that the H would be rejected. It is inconceiv­
able that differences in the payroll/value-added
ratio could offset the large differences between
the elasticities of auxiliary unit and operating
unit payrolls that were uncovered in the re­
gression estimation.
S e cu lar and c yc lic al bias

There are reasons to believe that manufac­
turing value added, as currently measured, dis­
torts our view of both long-term regional
manufacturing growth and also of the nature of
manufacturing activity over the course of the
business cycle. Over the long term, the pay­
roll of employees at auxiliaries has been grow­
ing steadily for the past 25 years, now ac­
counting for almost 11 percent of the total
industry payroll in comparison to 6 percent
around 1960 (see Figure 3). To the extent that
growth in auxiliary activity is skewed toward
particular regions, long-run growth in manu­
facturing across regions will be biased there.
For example, in a region experiencing greater
growth in auxiliary activities than in other
manufacturing activities, output growth re­
ported by the Census is likely to be biased
downwards over time. As a case in point, the
Great Lakes Region, i.e., Minnesota, Wiscon­
sin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio, has
maintained its national share of payroll at
manufacturing auxiliary establishments from
1963 to 1986 even while its share of national
share of total payroll and output declined.
Distortion of output changes over the
course of the business cycle can also be dem­
onstrated. Analysts have long puzzled over
the severity of the business cycle in manufac­
turing regions (Borts 1960; Bolton 1978). In
general, they have found that, due to the sensi­
tivity of durable goods sales during business
downturns, manufacturing regions undergo
wide fluctuations in economic activity over the
course of the business cycle.


In measuring the volatility of any region with
the Census VA, cyclical volatility will be
overstated. VA is based on fluctuations in ac­
tivity at operating establishments over time.
But operating or production activities will
likely be more cyclical than the manufacturing
sector overall, thereby overstating cyclical
swings. This further implies that a greater
intensity of auxiliary activities in a region will
magnify the cyclical bias.
One hypothesized reason for heightened
volatility of operating establishments in com­
parison to auxiliary establishments concerns
the differing firm behavior affecting semi­
skilled versus highly-skilled workers over the
course of the business cycle. With downturns
in sales, production workers are more likely to
be laid off in comparison to more highly
skilled or white collar workers at auxiliary
facilities (Williamson, et. al. 1975). If em­
ployees at auxiliary establishments acquire
“firm-specific” skills to a greater extent than
production workers at operating establish­
ments, it will be advantageous for the firm to
retain auxiliary workers even when their pres­
ence is not required by current production
levels. If skills are firm-specific and not trans­
ferable by the employee to other firms, the
firm must partly pay for training. Accord­
ingly, firms will be reluctant to lay off these
workers during downturns for fear that they
will need to train new workers once economic
conditions begin to improve.
For the problem at hand, this means that
manufacturing activity appears to be more
volatile than it actually is because manufactur­
ing shipments gyrate with the business cycle.
However, the presence of auxiliary workers
(who tend to be retained during downturns)
suggests that actual manufacturing activity
(including R&D, strategic planning, etc.) con­
tinues even while production activities are
curtailed. From a geographical perspective,
this cyclical reporting bias would tend to be
greater at locations of higher auxiliary concen­
trations where a higher percentage of auxiliary
activity fails to be recorded.
Evidence to the effect that auxiliary activ­
ity undergoes milder cyclical swings than
overall manufacturing activities can be seen by
regressing the share of the nation’s employ­
ment at auxiliary establishments on the busi­
ness cycle and other variables:


3)' AUX = c + b tT + b gG + b yY
where :
AUX = current year share of auxiliary
employment in total manufactur­
ing employment.

annual time trend 1958 to 1986.


year-over-year percentage growth
in U.S. gross domestic product in
constant dollars (1982=100).


a binary variable; one for census
year, zero otherwise.


Change in auxiliary payroll and
GDP growth rate
percent change

RHO = autoregressive parameter.7
Results of the maximum likelihood esti­
mation procedure are:
c =-2.48 b = 0.0013 b =-0.42 b =-0.0006
(18.1) 8 (-2.3) V (-0.06)
RHO = 0.34
n = 29 adj. R2 = 0.97 D-W =1.83.
We included the binary variable Y for two
reasons. During census years, questionnaires
are addressed to each establishment while,
during non-census years, Annual Survey of
Manufactures (ASM) questionnaires are ad­
dressed to company headquarters. Second,
during census years the entire population is
observed, while in an ASM year observations
are sampled. For these reasons one could
argue that these two types of observations
would have different results.
The regression does not confirm this argu­
ment. The regression does confirm that there
is a significant positive linear relationship
between the share of auxiliary employment
and time which means that the demand for
auxiliary services increases in the long run for
total manufacturing.
In addition, a significant negative sign for
the variable G, a proxy for the business cycle
(i.e.,the short run effect), lends support to the
hypothesis that business downturns tend to
raise the share of manufacturing employment
at auxiliaries (see also Figure 7). Apparently,
the employees of operating establishments are
more likely to be laid off than the employees
of the auxiliaries.
Thus, in both the long run and the short
run, the Census VA may exert a strong re­


N O TE: Year-to-year difference in share of auxiliary jobs is expressed
as a multiple of 1,000. G D P growth rate is expressed as a percent.

gional bias relative to the true but unknown
manufacturing output.
C o rrec tin g th e p ro b lem

Since the strong statistical difference be­
tween the Census and true VA is evident and
important, the next question is whether the
true VA can be estimated with greater accu­
racy. Two approaches can be identified. We
argue that one of them, already being used, is
deficient while the other holds great promise.
The Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S.
Dept, of Commerce, attempts to rectify the
misapportionment of VA by manipulating ag­
gregate regional data with national ratios
(BEA 1985). However, their methodology to
do so can only be correct under some highly
stringent assumptions.
As their first step, BEA multiplies each
state’s VA (for a given industry) by a national
factor which nets out the VA contribution
made by auxiliary establishments. This adjust­
ment can only be correct if the proportion of
total VA contributed by auxiliaries is identical
for each state.
In a second stage of estimation, the BEA
method re-allocates the nation’s VA of auxilia­
ries to states, adding it back into the estimated
VA of operating establishments. For each in­
dustry, the method assumes that each state or
region has the same relation between auxiliary
VA and auxiliary payroll as the nation. Then
the re-allocation of VA to states and regions is


performed according to the reported payrolls
of auxiliaries of each industry in the state.
The key assumption of this second stage,
that VA can be spatially allocated in propor­
tion to payroll for broad industry categories, is
not necessarily erroneous. But it is an assump­
tion that remains untested. Only an analysis
using the micro data can validate or reject the
second BEA assumption.
The deficiencies of using aggregate data
strongly suggest the use of Census data at the
establishment level to re-compile VA for states
and regions. One obvious but unworkable
method would be to sum the factor payments
at each establishment—both operating and
auxiliary establishments alike. (VA is equiva­
lent to the sum of factor payments including
wages, rental, capital costs, and profits.) Un­
fortunately, this approach must be discarded
because several individual data items on factor
payments are not gathered by the Census.
However, using existing data from the
Census, the analysis can be conducted at the
company level. The Census collects payroll
and other data on each establishment. The
Enterprise Statistics Division subsequently
combines these data to portray company struc­
ture. Each company can be viewed as a unit
of observation composed of both operating and
auxiliary facilities. The true VA for the over­
all company (and each product) is known from
existing data (using the residual method). The
remaining problem is to apportion each com­
pany’s VA according to the contribution of
each of its establishments.
For the companies with an intricate and
integrated structure, the flow of services from
auxiliary to operating units may be difficult to
determine. This problem is compounded be­
cause many operating establishments are de­
fined by a single industry code, yet produce
products outside that industry as well. There­
fore, an auxiliary service provided to an oper­
ating unit will have to be subdivided into as
many components as there are products pro­
duced by the operating unit. No data series of
such detail exists to determine service corre­
spondence between operating and auxiliary
units. However, by combining companies into
an industry sample set, one can estimate the
relationship between auxiliary and operating
units in creating VA using econometric tech­
niques. Finally, stepping back once again and
viewing each establishment separately, data


can be recombined to arrive at better estimates
of VA for SMSAs and states according to the
locations of their auxiliary and their operating
Im p lic a tio n s fo r reg io n al research

A correct accounting of manufacturing
output will significantly affect the outcome of
current regional research on the existing distri­
bution of manufacturing in the U.S.; on the
importance of manufacturing to regional eco­
nomic bases; on the movement of manufactur­
ing activity across regions over time; on re­
gional productivity differences; and finally, on
the determination of the linkages between aux­
iliary services and operating units located in
different regions.
To illustrate, a heated debate focuses on
whether the nation’s manufacturing sector has
been diminishing in recent years. The ques­
tion has been raised, in particular, for the na­
tion’s manufacturing intensive regions—espe­
cially the Midwest (Hill and Negrey 1987;
Schnorbus and Giese 1987). As evidenced by
declining shares of employment and income,
the Midwest has lost a significant share of the
nation’s manufacturing activity. However,
revised VA may indicate that the losses have
been overstated. If, as several studies have
suggested, the older industrial belt has retained
auxiliary activities even while production
operations have decentralized (Jusenius and
Ledebur 1976; Giese and Testa 1988), the
method by which VA is currently reported
would have failed to notice it.
Generally speaking, regions which have
witnessed a relative decline (or rise) in the
share of manufacturing vis a vis other industry
sectors probably are understating (or overstat­
ing) the extent that manufacturing fortunes
influence the regional economy.
The revised VA may also contribute to a
better understanding of the growth process
among regions. Some analysts believe that the
spread of manufacturing from the North­
east-Midwest manufacturing belt to outlying
U.S. regions has taken place within a “product
cycle” process (Norton and Rees 1979).8 His­
torically, the Northeast-Midwest served as the
nation’s innovative center, creating new tech­
nologically-advanced industries. Over time, in
order to economize on costs, these industries
have decentralized their routine production op­
erations to the peripheral regions of the South


and West. Initially, growth in peripheral re­
gions was composed of branch plant open­
ings—usually production plants of companies
headquartered in the Northeast and Midwest
Regions. A recent acceleration in manufactur­
ing growth in peripheral regions may reflect a
reversal in regional roles; the Southwest and
West finally having reached a critical mass of
technology and infrastructure so as to spawn
their own high-growth industries. The division
between VA attributable to auxiliaries versus
operating establishments for each region could
be used to test for the changing specializations
of regions over time.
A more precise measure of output may
also change conclusions of papers devoted to
measuring regional productivity (Hulten and
Schwab 1984; Beeson 1987). While several
different measures of productivity have been
examined, they all focus on a region’s manu­
facturing output in relation to inputs such as
labor and capital. To the extent that the ob­
served output trends are not reliable, conclu­
sions regarding regional performance and
competitiveness will not be reliable. Our data,
for instance, suggests that productivity in a
number of Northeast and Midwestern states is
understated, i.e., the numerator, VA, is under­
estimated, in these studies.
One of the more intractable problems in
modeling regional economies has been the

observation of the economic linkages and trade
flows between regions in services. The inter­
regional flow of goods can be observed from
Census of Transportation data while the flow
of services cannot. The corporate linkages be­
tween operating establishments and auxiliaries
of manufacturing companies would fill in part
of this puzzle. Accordingly, interregional
input-output models, which attempt to exam­
ine the economic linkages across regions,
could be specified more fully. Estimated rela­
tionships can be expressed in the form of ex­
ports flowing from regions with auxiliary
services to regions with operating units. This
information can be incorporated into the multiregional input-output model, which would
allow analysts to estimate the effect of the
change in the output of the operating units for
one region on the auxiliary employment for
another region.
In a broader context, observing whether
these operating-auxiliary linkages are increas­
ing in distance over time would reflect on the
question of whether, because of enhanced
transportation and communication ability, the
service sector can be thought of as an “export
base” for regions. Over time, are regions with
specialized service sectors serving customers
that are farther and farther apart?

1Am oco’s activities are also large in energy exploration and
development. These activities constitute value added in the
mining, services, and other sectors.
2Another problem, which we will not address in this essay,
concerns the fact that this Census Bureau definition of VA
also includes the value of services purchased by the manu­
facturing company from either outside service companies
or other manufacturers. Also, the Census does not subtract
the materials costs of auxiliary establishments. Both of
these practices lend an upward bias to the Census concept
o f VA.3
3Others have taken up the possible biases in the national
measures o f manufacturing output (Mishel 1988). Mishel
argues that manufacturing growth has been overstated at
the national level by the BEA. This results from a failure to
properly deflate the value of intermediate components in
manufacturing over time. Foreign-source components are
routinely deflated by a domestic price deflator— a proce­
dure that Mishel believes has understated the foreign con­


tent of domestically manufactured goods and concurrently
overstated the value of domestic manufacturing activity.
4With existing data collection procedures, distinguishing
auxiliaries from similar activities that take place at operat­
ing establishments is somewhat capricious. Often, by the
choice of the survey respondents, auxiliary activities that
take place at the same site as the operating establishment
can be combined and reported as one. In this paper, we
single out auxiliary establishments because they are most
likely to be located at different sites from operating estab­
lishments; the nature o f the problem is most easily commu­
nicated by making the auxiliary versus non-auxiliary dis­
tinction. However, a skewed distribution of support activi­
ties versus operating establishments of multi-plant manu­
facturing companies across the U.S. would result in the
same problem. Support services are often located at the
same site as production activities.
5Here are the summary statistics for states and SMSAs
in 1982:


Auxiliary payroll / total payroll


Std. deviation















‘For formal testing of the equality between ba and b t
coefficients, we proceed as follows. Equation 2 can be
rewritten as:
V = c + ba(A + O) + yoO = c + baA + (ba + yo )0 .
It is obvious that the equality between two coefficients
cannot be rejected if yo is insignificantly different from
zero. [See Pindyck and Rubinfeld (1981)]. In both SMSAs
and states yg had t-statistics o f 30 and 23 respectively,
which strongly rejects the hypothesis o f equality between
two coefficients in both cases.

7OLS estimation resulted in a D-W statistic of 1.33, falling
within the uncertain region. After first-order correction for
serial correlation, the D-W statistic was 1.83.
8Some analysts have long maintained that regional econo­
mies can be understood by focusing on “export base”, the
key industries for which the region produces and trades
with the rest of the nation or world. Typically, the export
base has comprised manufacturing, mining, and agriculture
although many service sectors are now also receiving such
recognition. For seminal discussions see Andrews (1953),
North (1955), and Tiebout (1956).

Andrews, Richard B., “Mechanics of the Ur­
ban Economic Base,” Land Economics, Vol.
29, 1953, pp. 161-167.
Beeson, Patricia, “Total Factor Productivity
Growth and Agglomeration Economies in
Manufacturing, 1959-73,” Journal of Regional
Science, Vol. 27, 1987, pp. 183-199.
Bolton, Roger, “Review of Literature on Re­
gional Econometric Models and Regional
Business Cycles,” working paper, Williams
College, Williamstown, Mass., 1978.
Borts, George H., “Regional Cycles of Manu­
facturing Employment in the United States,
1941-1953,” Journal of the American Statisti­
cal Association, Vol. 55, 1960, pp. 151-211.
Garnick, Daniel H., “The Regional Statistics
System” in Modeling the Multiregional Eco­
nomic System, F. Gerard Adams and Norman
J. Glickman, eds., Lexington Books, Lexing­
ton, Mass., 1979, pp. 25-55.
Giese, Alenka S., and William A. Testa,
“Can Industrial R&D Survive the Decline of
Production Activity: A Case Study of the Chi­
cago Area,” Economic Development Quar­
terly, Vol. 2, 1988, pp. 326-338.
Hill, Richard Child and Cynthia Negrey,
“Deindustrialization in the Great Lakes,” Ur­
ban Affairs Quarterly, Vol. 22, 1987, pp.


Howells, J.R.L., “The Location of Research
and Development: Some Observations and
Evidence from Britain,” Regional Studies,
Vol. 18, 1984, pp. 13-29.
Hulten, Charles R., and Robert M. Schwab,
“Regional Productivity Growth in U.S. Manu­
facturing: 1951-78,” American Economic Re­
view, Vol. 74, 1984, pp. 152-161.
Jusenius, Carol L., and Larry C. Ledebur, A
Myth in the Making: The Southern Economic
Challenge and Northern Economic Decline,
Washington D.C., U.S. Dept, of Commerce,
Economic Development Administration, No­
vember 1976.
Malecki, Edward J., “Industrial Location and
Corporate Organization in High Technology
Industries,” Economic Geography, Vol. 61,
1985, pp. 345-69.
Mishel, Lawrence R., Manufacturing Num­
bers, Economic Policy Institute, Washington,
North, Douglas C., “Location Theory and
Regional Economic Growth,” Journal of Po­
litical Economy, Vol. 63, 1955, pp. 243-58.
Norton, R.D., and J. Rees, “The Product
Cycle and the Spatial Decentralization of
American Manufacturing,” Regional Studies,
Vol. 13, 1979, pp. 141-151.


Pindyck, R.S., and D.L. Rubinfeld, Econom­
etric Models and Economic Forecasts,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981.
Schnorbus, Robert H., and Alenka S. Giese,
“Is the Seventh District’s Economy Deindus­
trializing?,” Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago,
Economic Perspectives, Vol. 11, No. 6, November/December 1987, pp. 3-9.
Tiebout, Charles M., “Exports and Regional
Economic Growth,” Journal of Political Econ­
omy, Vol. 64, 1956, pp. 160-64.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of
the Census, Annual Survey of Manufactures,
1959-62, 1964-66, 1968-71, 1973-76,
1978-81, 1983-86, U.S. Government Printing
Office, Washington D.C.


U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of
the Census, Census of Manufactures, 1958,
1963, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, U.S., Govern­
ment Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of
Economic Analysis, Experimental Estimates of
Gross State Product by Industry, Bureau of
Economic Analysis Staff Paper 42, BEASP85-042, U.S. Dept, of Commerce, May
Williamson, O.E., M.L. Wachter, and J.
Harris, “Understanding the Employment
Relation: The Analysis of Idiosyncratic
Exchange,” The Bell Journal of Economics,
Vol. 6, 1975, pp. 250-278.


2 5 th C o n fe ren c e on
B an k S tru c tu re a n d C o m p e titio n :
C o n t r o llin g ris k in fin a n c ia l s e rv ic e s

M ary J. W illiam son

Risk management has always
been a major challenge for the
financial services industry.
Today, however, the increas­
ing number of failures of
distressed depository institutions seems to
indicate that managing risk has become more
difficult. At the 25th annual Conference on
Bank Structure and Competition, sponsored by
the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, several
industry leaders discussed their recommenda­
tions for controlling risk in today’s environ­
ment. These participants shared several points
of emphasis and presented some personal
concerns about regulation, supervisory inter­
vention, and deposit insurance.
D iffe re n t p ersp ectives

The panelists were in practical agreement
about the fundamental issues affecting the
industry, and all agreed that regulation has
been used excessively to control risk. Each,
however, had a different perspective on risk
and, therefore, advocated different approaches
for managing it.
“Banking by definition is the management
of risk,” began Federal Reserve Board gover­
nor John LaWare. This ex-banker-tumedregulator said that he resents the underlying
assumption inherent in the regulatory structure
that bankers do not know as much as legisla­
tors or regulators about how to run a bank.
This false assumption has fostered excessive
regulation and has created an anti-competitive
atmosphere, said LaWare. He added, “it is
increasingly creating a disadvantage for the


American banking system in world markets, to
say nothing about domestic markets.” Accord­
ing to LaWare, “supervision, rather than regu­
lation, ought to be the focus” for controlling
bank risk.
Continental Bank Corporation chairman
Thomas Theobald agreed with LaWare that
regulation has gone too far. Taking a broad
perspective on the future of the financial serv­
ices industry, Theobald said that the business
of banking will likely undergo “colossal re­
structuring,” but it is not appropriate for “cen­
tral planners,” i.e., legislators and regulators,
to decide “the finer points” of the restructur­
ing. “I don’t think . . . a sincerely motivated,
highly intelligent, nationally interested bunch
of people in Washington . . . are going to be
able to design the proper response to these
changes.” Rather, according to Theobald,
those decisions belong with the market partici­
pants—the consumers and the producers of fi­
nancial services.
Early in the Conference, Carter H. Golembe, chairman and managing director of The
Secura Group, asked, “Why is the market so
distrusted as an efficient regulator of bank­
ing?” He conjectured that the reasons are that
first, history has painted American banking
during the first century and a half as “a chaotic
black hole that was cured only by the estab­
lishment of the Federal Reserve System . . .
and federal deposit insurance;” and second,
“the market can be a brutal regulator.”
Mary J. W illiam son is deputy librarian at the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


Federal Home Loan Bank Board member
Lawrence J. White said that “depositories are
special.” According to White, their liabilities
are special, and that is why they are insured
and why controlling the risk of depository
institutions is so important. But, like the other
panelists, White did not advocate regulation as
a primary tool to control risk. Rather, White
preferred risk-based capital requirements and
risk-based deposit insurance premiums as well
as better and earlier supervisory intervention.
R eg u lation and re-re g u latio n

Regulation is one approach to controlling
risk, and according to the panelists, it is the
approach most often used—and overused—in
the banking and thrift industries. Said White,
we regulate “with a vengeance.” Many regu­
lations, originally designed to protect the
safety and soundness of the financial system,
now are considered by some to be outmoded,
anticompetitive, and too stringent.
Furthermore, Theobald pointed out that
regulations do not always work as planned.
He noted that the thrift industry has “just man­
aged to lose $100 to $200 billion in a beauti­
fully regulated business.” He added that this
loss is greater than the cost of all the land
acquisitions throughout the history of the
American republic.
LaWare said that regulations can create
inefficiencies and used the interstate banking
formula as an example. He asked why banks
operating in a multi-state environment should
be burdened with the operating restrictions of
each state in which they operate. LaWare
contemplated the possibility of interstate bank
holding companies operating under one set of
federal rules. This, he said, could stimulate
managerial and operating efficiencies rather
than replicate the whole regulatory structure
in each state.
While all panelists agreed that regulation
is not the best way to control risk, LaWare
expressed serious concern that the thrift crisis,
bank failures, and scandals in the investment
banking industry “have created a counterbal­
ance to what was beginning to be a very
healthy tendency on the part of Congress to
deregulate the financial industry. . . .What we
do not need now is a re-regulation binge.”
Paul Horvitz, professor of banking and finance
at the University of Houston, observed at the
Conference that both the regulated and regula­


tors have learned from their mistakes and that,
given the proper incentive, these human errors
will not be repeated. Nevertheless, Horvitz
emphasized that the regulatory system does
need some reforming, although not extensive
S upervision and in te rv e n tio n

Rather than regulation, said LaWare, “we
need intelligent supervision doing an in-depth
job of monitoring what is going on in all these
institutions and the authority to move quickly
and peremptorily when something goes
wrong.” Supervisory attention should concen­
trate on institutions that threaten the insurance
system. LaWare emphasized aggressive moni­
toring and authority to intervene quickly to
change the course of action. Fellow Federal
Reserve Board governor, Manuel Johnson,
earlier had said “to prevent problem banks
from becoming threats to the safety net and the
financial system, it is necessary to give exam­
iners stronger tools.”
Rather than legislate against risky behav­
ior, which would constitute credit rationing
and asset allocation, LaWare recommended
improvement in the supervision of banks. For
example, LaWare suggested that examiners of
financial institutions that are involved in
highly leveraged finances need to determine
that the proper credit policies are in place and
that limits on the proportion of the portfolio
that can be dedicated to this kind of lending
have been established. As Joseph A. Manganello, Jr., an executive vice president at Bankers
Trust Company, said, “Don’t make the same
bet in your whole portfolio.”
In addition, directors should be informed
and approve what is going on so that there is
some feeling that there is control over the risk.
This method is more effective than legislation,
which is inflexible and hard to manage, con­
cluded LaWare.
In fo rm a tio n system s

White agreed that there is a need to
strengthen the ability of regulators to intervene
before an institution becomes insolvent. Insur­
ance losses would decrease if supervisory
authorities could force recapitalization before
insolvency and subsequent loss to the deposit
insurance corporations occurred.
Accurate information, however, is crucial
to early intervention. Current information


systems make it difficult to detect risk expo­
sure. In fact, financial reporting is based on
accounting methods that do not necessarily
provide an adequate assessment of present
conditions or the value of assets. White, a
strong advocate of market value accounting,
said that relying on generally accepted ac­
counting principles (GAAP) for banks may
indicate financial soundness when market
value measures would indicate otherwise. For
example, book value measures of capital can
be a very misleading measure of an institu­
tion’s ability to absorb losses.
George Benston, professor of finance,
accounting, and economics at Emory Univer­
sity, said that “the accounting system was not
and is not designed to present economic values
that regulators, economists, and investors
might use. . . . It’s to control the use of re­
sources, particularly cash.” Yet, a crucial
piece of information for controlling risk and
learning about risk is market information.
According to Benston, market value account­
ing is generally difficult to do, “but not for
banks” because of the nature of banks’ assets
and liabilities. “There really is no substitute
for market value accounting,” said White.
Although initially “it won’t be perfect,” it
would be “a whole lot better than GAAP ac­
counting.” GAAP is inadequate and will be­
come increasingly divorced from economic
reality, said White. Insurers and regulators
need to have a better idea, even if approxi­
mate, of the market value of the assets and
liabilities of financial institutions.
James Annable, chief economist at First
National Bank of Chicago, said, however, that
information between the regulator and the
regulated is so unbalanced that “a cost-effec­
tive regulatory process may not be possible to
design.” Therefore, deregulation may be the
best alternative.
R isk-based c a p ita l and
insurance p rem iu m s

In the sense that capital is akin to an insur­
ance deductible, risk-based capital require­
ments and deposit insurance premiums go
hand-in-hand. As White pointed out, “every
auto insurance company in the land will
charge a lower premium . . . if you take out a
larger deductible. And the same principle
ought to apply to deposit insurance premi­
ums.” These two means of controlling risk


were discussed by the panelists and strongly
advocated by White.
“Capital is going to be the focus of man­
aging risk in the financial industries,” pointed
out LaWare. Capital adequacy has played a
central role in controlling the risk of individual
institutions because capital protects the deposit
insurance funds by reducing any incentives to
take risks.
The definitions of capital and acceptable
capital requirements are frequently modified
and studied by the regulators, and the need to
reform and substantially tighten capital re­
quirements has been acknowledged throughout
the industry. Recent risk-based capital guide­
lines, which incorporate off-balance-sheet
items into the capital requirements, are cer­
tainly a step in the right direction.
Theobald observed, however, that the
financial services industry is overcapitalized,
while some individual institutions are under­
capitalized. The banking industry has never
earned more than 10 percent on equity capital,
while the rest of American industry is earning
15 to 18 percent. “This is an unsustainable
situation,” said Theobald. “Now I understand
that the regulators want to see more capital,
but I think what they really want to see is more
capital per enterprise. . . .You can’t say you
want more capital in the industry when it’s
already earning a nonmarket clearing return.”
While more capital would lead to a lower
premium under a typical insurance scheme,
deposit insurance is not typical in that all insti­
tutions are charged a flat rate. Therefore, the
current system overprotects some depositors,
while it encourages other institutions to take
on higher risks. White commented that he
finds it “absurd that the [deposit] insurers do
not and cannot charge premiums that are also
White also said that practicing co-insur­
ance, i.e., cutting back on coverage, is fine if
bank runs are not a problem. He said, how­
ever, that he believes in 100-percent deposit
coverage and employing other tools to control
risk. Theobald disagreed: “What started off
as a life vest is now a luxury yacht. We need
to limit the deposit insurance . . . I submit that
there is no logic that will get you away from
the fact that if we don’t limit deposit insurance
we’re going to forever be fighting futile cen­
tral planning of the financial business.”


C o m p etitive n es s

Theoretically, restrictions on financial
activity prevent financial institutions from
taking excessive risk. In practice, however,
these restrictions increase risk when they pre­
vent institutions from adapting to the changing
needs of their customers. One type of restric­
tion is the “firewall,” which legally and opera­
tionally separates banking activities of a hold­
ing company from nonbanking activities.
“Firewalls that are too high can indeed
create risks and inefficiencies, rather than
minimize them,” said Dennis Weatherstone,
president of J.P. Morgan & Company, during
the Conference. Referring to investment and
commercial banking, he said “the business we
do today weaves the two together so tightly
that we really have to rip the fabric to separate
the threads.” Nevertheless, firewalls require
that an investment banking subsidiary and a
commercial banking affiliate maintain “sepa­
rate capital, different people, and duplicate
support functions.” Manuel Johnson conceded
that “firewalls will lead to some sacrifice of
synergies,” but he said that firewalls are neces­
sary to protect the safety net.
LaWare addressed the issue of expanded
powers in light of one aspect of the safety net,


deposit insurance. He said that he supports the
idea of a financial services holding company.
If insured banks are isolated from nonbank
affiliates, LaWare noted, there should be no
limit to other businesses those affiliates could
get into. In particular, LaWare said, as many
others have, that such financial activities as
insurance, real estate, and securities are appro­
priate for financial services holding compa­
nies. But LaWare added, “an industrial corpo­
ration cannot own a bank and a bank cannot
own an industrial corporation.”
This separation of commerce and banking
needs to be reexamined. There may be better
and cheaper access to capital markets by com­
bining the two. The outcome of the current
debate over controlling risk will significantly
affect the strength of financial organizations in
the years to come. Fundamental reform is
needed for insuring deposits and regulating
financial institutions. The ongoing appraisal
of all risks facing the management of bank
funds regardless of size and status is an impor­
tant priority. The panelists agreed that the fi­
nancial industry must adapt information, regu­
lation, and supervisory controls to avoid unrea­
sonable and excessive risk.


P u b lic in v e s tm e n t and
p r o d u c tiv ity g ro w th in
th e G ro u p o f S e v e n

A general shift in government spending
priorities— from capital investment to
consumption— has negatively affected
productivity in the G-7 industrial countries

D avid A . A schauer

Public policies to promote
economic growth and interna­
tional competitiveness have
traditionally been focused on
savings and private invest­
ment in plant and equipment. And with good
reason. In the words of Martin Feldstein, “an
increase in the saving rate is the key to a
higher rate of economic growth and a faster
rise in the nation’s standard of living. . . .
[T]he evidence is overwhelming that countries
with high rates of saving and investment are
the ones in which productivity, income and the
standard of living rise most rapidly.”1
Such a focus leads to specific policy ini­
tiatives to boost the national savings rate as
well as to stimulate private capital accumula­
tion. Among these initiatives are consump­
tion-based tax systems, individual retirement
accounts, preferential tax treatment of long­
term capital gains, accelerated depreciation of
physical capital assets, and investment tax
credits. While economists quibble about the
quantitative importance of these savings and
investment incentives, they are in near unani­
mous agreement on their qualitative signifi­
cance for economic growth.
However, there is another potential “sup­
ply-side” avenue by which public policy may
be able to exert significant influence on the
process of sustained economic expansion.
What the above policies have in common is
that they work through the tax system to affect
either the supply of loan funds—savings—or
the demand for those funds—private invest­



ment in capital goods. Instead, we might look
to the opposite side of the government’s
budget, at the composition of public expendi­
ture and the possible effects various budget
policies may have on private sector productiv­
ity and economic growth.
In this paper, I distinguish between the
public consumption and public investment and
argue that this distinction is as important for
economic growth calculations as the analogous
calculation on the private side of the economy.
Public nonmilitary investment—which I take
as a proxy for a public infrastructure of roads,
highways, mass transit, airports, port facilities,
and the like—is argued to have positive direct
and indirect effects on private sector output
and productivity growth.
The direct effect on private sector output
growth arises from the availability of public
capital to support private sector production;
roads, highways, and airports allow the distri­
bution of goods and services throughout na­
tional and international markets. The indirect
effect evolves from the complementarity be­
tween private and public capital in privatesector productive activity; an increase in the
stock of public capital raises the return to
private capital which, in turn, serves to spur
the rate of expansion of the private-sector
capital stock.2 Supporting these arguments, I
offer empirical evidence of a positive effect of
public investment on private investment and
private output growth.
David A. Aschauer is a senior econom ist at the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.


T rend s in p u b lic e xp e n d itu re

In all the Group of Seven (G-7) industrial­
ized countries, the growth in gross domestic
product (GDP) per employed person—labor
productivity growth—has fallen over the last
twenty years. Productivity growth for these
countries taken together averaged 4.0 percent
per year during 1960-68, 3.2 percent during
1968-73, 1.4 percent during 1973-79, and 1.5
percent during 1979-86. In each of the G-7
countries, productivity growth during the
1970s and 1980s was some 50 percent less
than that attained during the 1960s. At the
same time, there was wide dispersion in aver­
age productivity growth across these countries.
For instance, between 1960 and 1986, Japan
achieved a productivity growth rate of 5.5
percent per year, West Germany one of 3.2
percent per year, and the United States one of
only 1.2 percent per year.
Figure 1 depicts trends in public net (of
depreciation) investment during the years 1967
to 1985 for the major industrialized econo­
mies.3 Three broad features stand out. First,
in five of the seven countries, the ratio of pub­
lic investment spending to gross domestic
product trended downward; in the United
States (from 1.7 percent of GDP in 1967 to 0.3
percent by 1985), in West Germany (from 3.1

percent to 1.5 percent), in France (from 3.5
percent to 1.6 percent), in the United Kingdom
(from 3.9 percent to 0.7 percent), and in Can­
ada (from 3.1 percent to 1.0 percent). In Ja­
pan, public investment as a share of GDP rose
from 3.8 percent in 1967 to 4.1 percent in
1985, peaking at 5.8 percent in 1979. In Italy,
public investment climbed from 2.8 percent in
1971 to 3.3 percent in 1983 and then declined
slightly to 3.1 percent in 1985.
Second, there exists fairly wide differ­
ences in some of the public investment ratios
across countries. While public investment
absorbed some 5.1 percent of gross output in
Japan over this time period, the United States
devoted a much smaller output share to up­
grading its public capital stock, less than 1.0
percent. In between are to be found the Euro­
pean countries of France, Italy, the United
Kingdom, and West Germany along with Can­
ada. Finally, there seems to be no pursuit of
countercyclical public works policies; for
example, in the United States the public in­
vestment ratio was 0.7 percent in 1973 and
1974, 0.6 percent in 1975 and 0.4 percent in
1976 while it was 0.3 percent in 1980, falling
to 0.1 percent in 1981 and 1982.
On the other hand, no downward shift in
government consumption spending—inclusive


Public investment as a share of gross domestic investment: 1967-1985
percent of GDP



of military spending—is apparent in the data
for these countries. As can be seen in Figure
2, the ratios of public consumption to gross
domestic product rose in all countries, with the
exception of the United States, and in most
cases by 2 or 3 percentage points. In the
United States, no clear trend is readily discern­
ible, although public consumption was close
to one percentage point lower in 1985 than it
had been in 1967.
These statistics paint an interesting picture
of government spending priorities in the G-7
countries over the roughly twenty-year period
from 1967 to 1985. Generally speaking, while
public investment slid downward, public con­
sumption climbed. What, if any, effect might
this alteration in government budget shares
have had on output and productivity growth
across these countries? I argue that public
capital—particularly infrastructure capital
investments such as roads, highways, dams,
water and sewer systems, mass transit, airport
facilities, and the like—is a vital input to the
private production process. If this is the case,
then the general shift in budget priorities away
from capital accumulation toward consump­
tion may offer a partial explanation for the
productivity decline experienced by the G-7
industrial economies.

M e th o d o lo g y

assume a neoclassical production tech­
nology whereby private sector output is ob­
tained by application of labor services to pri­
vate and public capital stocks. As shown in
the box, this framework leads to the following
regression equation
= b0 + b, * Dn, + b2 * ir, , + b3 * gir, , +
b4 *D cu t


Dp, = labor productivity growth; Dn, = em­
ployment growth; ir,, = ratio of private net
investment to gross domestic product (lagged
one year); gir, , = ratio of public nonmilitary
net investment (also lagged); and Dcu, = rate
of change in capacity utilization. According to
standard restrictions on the production func­
tion, we expect b} to be estimated negatively.
Simply stated, the application of more laborers
to given quantities of private and public capi­
tal stocks lowers the productivity of labor. On
the other hand, given the number of workers,
raising the amounts of private or public capital
should, on average, make each worker more
productive, so we also expect b2 and b1to be
estimated positively. As labor productivity
growth is highly procyclical—rising in booms
and falling in recessions—it is likely we will


Public consumption as a share of gross domestic product: 1967-1985
percent of GDP



Estimating productivity growth
In algebraic form, we have the production

The relationship between the two variables is given

y, = f(ne k,-p k§i-r cu.)

ir = (k/y)*Dk


where ir = ratio o f (private) investment to gross
output. As long as the capital-to-output ratio, kty,
is fairly stable the ratio o f investment spending to
output, ir, will be a good proxy for growth in the
capital stock. The obvious extension o f the public
side is left undiscussed.
We finally write the equation to be estimated
empirically as

yt = private sector output during year t; nt = em­
ployment during the same year; kt ) = the private
capital stock at the beginning of year t; kgt = the
public nonmilitary capital stock also as o f the start
of year t; and cut = the rate o f utilization o f capacity
in production. This last variable is entered to cap­
ture shocks to the production technology as well as
to convert capital stocks into flo w s o f capital serv­
Unfortunately separate estimates o f private
and public capital stocks are currently unavailable
for the Group o f Seven industrial nations; however,
we can finesse this data deficiency by shifting the
emphasis from the level o f production to the
growth in production. First, by assuming a loga­
rithmic form for the production technology we may
derive the expression
D yt = a0+ a,*Dnt + a2*Dk( + a3*Dkgt + a4*Dcut
Dxt denotes the percentage growth rate o f variable x
during period t. In this form, we can employ a
proxy for growth in capital stocks, i.e., the ratio of
investment, private and public, to gross output.

find b4 is positive. We now confront the data
with the above equation to see if they perform
according to our theoretical expectations.
E m p irical results

I estimated the equation on data gathered
for the Group of Seven countries over the
period 1966 to 1985. Detail on these data are
given in the Appendix. In general, the data
provide strong support for the idea that public
investment is a critical determinant of labor
productivity growth. An increase in the level
of public nonmilitary investment by one per­
cent of gross output yields a gain in productive
growth of about 0.4 percent per year. The
strong positive relationship between public
investment and productivity growth is robust
to changes in the set of countries included in
the data sample and after consideration of the
effects of oil shocks in the 1970s.


Dpt = b0 + bj*Dn( + b2*ir , + b3*girt , + b4*Dcut
Dpt = D y -D n t = labor productivity growth and so
b, = (a ,- l). Under the standard assumptions o f a
positive but diminishing marginal product of labor,
we expect to find bt to be negative. We also as­
sume a complementarity between labor and the
services o f private and public capital stocks. Thus,
by raising the stocks o f either private or public
capital— given labor input— the productivity of
labor should be boosted, so we expect b2 and b3 to
be positive. Further, it is likely that the capacity
utilization rate— proxying for technological shocks
as well as converting capital stocks into flows o f
capital services— will enter the final expression

Table 1 contains the basic set of estimated
relationships between the level of public in­
vestment and productivity growth. The public
investment variable is exclusive of military
capital expenditures; is expressed relative to
the level of gross domestic product; and is
lagged one period. I believe this variable to be
a good proxy for the percentage growth in the
nonmilitary public capital stock during the
previous period. The productivity growth
variable measures labor productivity growth as
the percentage growth rate of gross domestic
output per employed person in each of the
Group of Seven industrialized economies.
Column 1 of Table 1 illustrates the
strength of the independent effect of public
investment on the growth rate of labor produc­
tivity. A one-percentage-point increase in the
share of GDP devoted to public capital accu­
mulation is associated with a 0.73-percentage-



Public investment and productivity growth in the Group of Seven
(dependent variable—Dp)








-0 .2 1


( - 0.46)

-0 .2 1


g ir












-0 .3 5

-0 .2 9

-0 .6 4

-0 .3 2

- 0 .3 5









-1 .2 6
- 0 .1 3























C o lum n
C o lum n
C o lum n
C o lum n
C o lum n
C o lum n

1 d isp la ys th e basic re la tio n sh ip betw een p u blic in ve stm e n t and p ro d u c tiv ity g ro w th .
2 is th e basic eq u a tio n in the text.
3 excludes Japan and th e U nited States fro m th e sam ple.
4 excludes Japan, th e U nited States, and Canada fro m the sam ple.
5 a llo w s d u m m y variab les to capture th e effects o f oil shocks.
6 a llo w s a separate effect o f g o v e rn m e n t co n su m p tio n spending.

N O T E: F ig u re s in p a re n th e s e s rep re se n t th e sta n d a rd error.

point rise in the labor productivity growth rate.
The standard error of 0.14 yields a ninety-five
percent confidence interval which lies well
above zero, namely (0.45, 1.01). The public
investment variable alone is capable of ex­
plaining 17 percent of the variation in produc­
tivity growth across time and countries.
Column 2 expands the list of variables
allowed to influence productivity growth to
include private investment, growth in total
employment, and capacity utilization. As with
the public investment variable, private invest­
ment is expressed relative to GDP and is
lagged one year to proxy for previous growth
in the private capital stock. The capacity
utilization variable is entered in the attempt to
convert growth in the stocks of public and
private capital (captured by gir and ir, respec­



tively) into service flows from these stocks.
While the estimated coefficient on public
investment is markedly reduced—from 0.73 to
0.44— it still is statistically significant at better
than a ninety-nine percent level. The private
investment variable enters positively, suggest­
ing that a one-percentage-point increase in the
ratio of private capital accumulation to gross
domestic product will raise productivity
growth by an amount equal to nearly onequarter of a percentage point. Consistent with
the expectation of a diminishing marginal
productivity of labor, a one-percentage-point
increase in the rate of growth of total employ­
ment lowers the rate of growth of labor pro­
ductivity by somewhat more than one-third of
a percentage point. Within the organizing
context of a Cobb-Douglas production technol­


ogy, the coefficient on total employment
should equal unity minus labor’s share in gross
domestic product; the estimated coefficient
therefore suggests that labor’s output share
was some 65 percent—a reasonable estimate.4
Finally, as expected, the capacity utilization
variable bears a positive relationship with
productivity growth.
Columns 3 and 4 of Table 1 exhibit the
robustness of the estimated relationship by
limiting the samples to exclude the United
States and Japan (Column 3) and to include
only the four major European economies (Col­
umn 4). Excluding the United States and Ja­
pan—the countries with the lowest and highest
public investment ratios during this period—
does not erode the relationship between public
investment and productivity; indeed, the esti­
mated coefficient on public investment is
increased from 0.44 in the full sample to 0.59
in the limited sample. There is a sizable re­
duction in the coefficient associated with pri­
vate investment, however, and the adjusted
coefficient of determination is reduced from
58 percent to 46 percent. Focusing on the
European countries of France, Italy, the United
Kingdom, and West Germany, the relationship
between public investment and productivity
growth remains significantly positive, although
the estimated standard error of the coefficient
rises by a non-trivial amount.
The period of analysis, 1966 to 1985,
includes years in which there were significant
“supply-side” disruptions to production in the
highly industrialized economies. Most obvi­
ous are the oil price shocks of late 1973 and
1979. Column 5 allows for the separate ef­
fects of these oil price shocks by including
dummy variables for 1974 (the first year in
which the effect of the first major oil price
shock would be apparent) and 1979. As ex­
pected, the dummy variables are significantly
negative, indicating that productivity growth
fell by more in those years than can be ex­
plained by the private capital and public in­
vestment variables and employment growth.
The estimated coefficients on these latter vari­
ables, however, are not altered in an important
way from those in Column 2 and the adjusted
coefficient of determination rises only a small
amount, from 58 percent to 61 percent.
Column 6 illustrates that the ratio of gov­
ernment consumption—measured residually

by subtracting public investment from total
government spending on goods and services—
bears a marginally significant negative rela­
tionship with productivity growth. A onepercentage-point increase in the share of gross
domestic product devoted to government con­
sumption is estimated to reduce labor produc­
tivity growth by somewhat more than onetenth of a percentage point. Note that this
result, in conjunction with the positive associa­
tion between productivity growth and public
investment, indicates that countries should be
able to achieve substantial productivity gains
by holding fixed their tax revenues and alter­
ing the composition of government spending
away from public consumption and toward
public nonmilitary capital accumulation.
Thus, the results of Table 1 are fully com­
patible with the idea that public investment is
a necessary input to the private production
process. Without sufficient investment in a
public infrastructure of roads, local transporta­
tion, airports, and port facilities, the task of
private-sector production becomes much more
exacting in terms of sacrifice of either current
consumption or leisure activities.
Of course, this is not the only possible
explanation for the positive association of
public investment and labor productivity. One
could argue, for example, that the statistical
correlation is the reverse—that public invest­
ment slumps in periods of low productivity
and (presumed) reductions in tax revenues
and is stepped up in times of prosperity and
more generous growth in revenues. In econo­
mists’ language, public investment would be
considered a “normal” good. This argument,
however, has a number of hurdles that it
must clear.
First, the public (and private) investment
variable is lagged one year. Statistically, it is
therefore a predetermined variable; this re­
duces the force of the reverse causation argu­
ment to some degree. Second, as Column 6
indicates, while there is a positive association
between public investment and productivity,
there is a negative association between public
consumption and productivity. The counterar­
gument thus must explain why public con­
sumption, unlike public investment, appears to
be an inferior good. Third, the estimated coef­
ficients in Column 2 are all of the right sign
and of a reasonable economic magnitude from



a technological standpoint; it seems unlikely
that this is a mere happenstance.
Finally, the results in Table 2 provide
more concrete evidence against the reverse
causation hypothesis. In these equations, the
public investment variable has been purged of
its direct relationship with the level of eco­
nomic activity by prior regression on the rate
of growth of gross domestic product. The
residuals from this estimated equation are then
used in place of the “raw” public investment
variable in the regressions reported in Table 2.
Column 1 shows the simple relationship be­
tween productivity growth and public invest­
ment, purged of its income growth component,
to be statistically strong and positive. Column

2 allows for the additional effects of private
investment, employment, and capacity utiliza­
tion. As in Table 1, the relationship between
public investment and labor productivity
growth is attenuated but still of quantitative
and statistical importance. Column 3 allows
for dummy variables for 1974 and 1979 with
only a minor change from the results of Col­
umn 2. In Column 4, private investment is
also purged of its direct association with out­
put growth, with the result a significantly
lower estimated relationship between private
investment and growth in output per employed
person. Finally, Column 5 adds in the ratio of
public consumption to GDP. As with the re­
sults in Table 1, the estimated relationship
between productivity growth
and the share of government
consumption in gross output is
negative, but now at a consid­
Cyclically adjusted investment and productivity
growth in the Group of Seven
erably diminished level of
(dependent variable—Dp)
statistical significance.
Table 3 contains reduced
form estimates of the relation­
ship between private invest­
ment, public investment, and
public consumption over the
same sample. Column 1 shows
a rise in public investment of 1
percent of gross domestic prod­
-0 .2 9
-0 .2 7
-0 .3 0
uct is associated with an in­
crease in total investment (pub­
lic plus private) of 2.5 percent­
age points, or an increase in
private investment of 1.5 per­
cent of output. Column 2 cal­
culates that a rise in govern­
ment consumption of one per­
-0 .0 9
cent of gross output depresses
national investment by 0.59 of
a percentage point. The effect
public investment on na­
tional investment is reduced
substantially, from 2.5 to 1.4
Column 1 displays the basic relationship between cyclically
percentage points. This last
adjusted public investm ent and productivity growth.
result is due, no doubt, to the
Column 2 is the basic equation in the text w ith cyclically
strong negative relationship
adusted public investment.
between public investment and
Column 3 allow s dum m y variables to capture the effects of
oil shocks.
consumption and associated
Column 4 is the basic equation w ith cyclically adjusted
omitted variable bias in Col­
private and public investment.
umn 1. Columns 3 and 4 repeat
Column 5 allow s a separate effect of governm ent consum p­
previous regressions but
tion spending.
with public and total investNOTE: Figures in parentheses represent the standard error.




C onclusion


Public and private investment
(dependent variable—ir)







-0 .0 6

























Column 1 shows the basic relationship
between public and private investment.
Column 2 displays a separate effect of
goverm ent consum ption.
Columns 3 and 4 duplicate Columns 1 and
2, but w ith cyclically adjusted investment.
NOTE: Figures in parentheses represent the
standard error.

ment ratios which are purged of their correla­
tion with the growth rate of gross domestic
product. As can be seen, the positive associa­
tion of national investment with public invest­
ment and the negative relationship with public
consumption is maintained.

There exists a strong, positive correlation
between various productivity measures and
public nonmilitary capital expenditure.
Aschauer (1988) has established this correla­
tion for annual United States data over the
period 1949-1985 and Barro (1989) has at­
tained similar cross-sectional results for a
sample of 72 countries.5 Further, Garcia-Mila
and McGuire (1987) have found a statistically
significant positive association between
gross state product and public capital—high­
ways and educational structures—for the 48
contiguous states.
The contribution of this paper is to expand
this list of results and to offer evidence against
the “reverse causation” hypothesis that low
productivity growth tows in its wake low pub­
lic capital expenditures. Table 2 contains
results which establish a positive correlation
between labor productivity growth and public
investment even after the latter variable has
been purged of its economic growth compo­
nent by previous regression on the growth rate
of gross domestic product. On this basis, I
submit that public capital is a vital ingredient
in the recipe for economic growth and rising
standards of living.

LSee Martin Feldstein, “A National Savings President,”

Wall Street Journal, November 21, 1988, p. A 14.
2See David A. Aschauer, “Government Spending and the
‘Falling Rate o f Profit’,” Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago,
Economic Perspectives, May/June 1988 for elaboration and
supporting evidence for the United States.
3For Italy, data on public consumption and public invest­
ment is available only after 1970.

sHowever, Barro suggested that this relationship is due to
the reverse causation discussed above. He also estimates a
public-capital-stock-to-output ratio and, upon regressing
the growth in output (per person) on this estimated variable,
finds that while the relationship is still positive, it is not
statistically significant at conventional levels. By his own
admission, however, his public capital stock measures are
subject to large errors in measurement. Indeed, for the
United States (for which there are direct estimates of
public capital) his measure deviates by 50 percent from its
actual value.

4In the United States, the ratio o f employee compensation
to gross domestic output equalled 58 percent in 1966 and
60 percent in 1985.



Aschauer, David A., “Government Spending
and the ‘Falling Rate of Profit’, ” Federal Re­
serve Bank of Chicago, Economic Perspec­
tives, Vol. 12, May/June 1988, pp. 11-17.
__________, “Is Public Expenditure
Productive?,” Journal of Monetary Economics,
Vol. 23, March 1989, pp. 177-200.

Feldstein, Martin, “A National Savings
President,” Wall Street Journal, November 21,
1988, p. A14.
Garcia-Mila, Theresa and Therese
McGuire, “The Contribution of Publicly Pro­
vided Inputs to States’ Economies,” unpub­
lished mss. dated July 10, 1987.

Barro, Robert J., “A Cross Country Study of
Growth Saving, and Government,” Harvard
University, January 1989.


Dp = growth in real gross domestic prod­
uct per person employed (OECD Historical

gcr = government final consumption ex­
penditure relative to gross domestic product
(OECD National Accounts).

Dn = growth in total employment (OECD
Historical Statistics).

Dcu = rate of change of capacity utiliza­
tion. Raw data are as follows: for the United
States, Canada, France, West Germany, and
Italy, rate of capacity utilization; for Japan,
judgment on capacity utilization; for the
United Kingdom, percent of firms operating at
full capacity (OECD Main Economic Indica­
tors). The raw data have been normalized to
account for differences in mean values and
volatility across countries.

gir = public gross fixed capital accumula­
tion minus consumption of fixed capital ex­
pressed relative to gross domestic product
(OECD National Accounts). This variable is
lagged one year.
ir = private gross fixed capital accumula­
tion minus consumption of fixed capital ex­
pressed relative to gross domestic product
(OECD National Accounts). This variable is
lagged one year.



As part of the ongoing research at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, there are
in-depth studies available on a variety of topics. Recent studies have covered
such timely issues as bank deregulation, banking risks, the infrastructure, foreign
trade policy, unemployment insurance, and regional development.
were occasional papers prepared by
members of the Research Department
for comment and review by the aca­
demic community. Although the
series was discontinued in December
1988, a limited number of the studies
are still available. A few recent
papers included:
Risk and Solvency Regulation of
Depository Institutions: Past Poli­
cies and Current Options. George G.
Kaufman (SM-88-1);
A Note on the Relationship between
Bank Holding Company Risks and
Nonbank Activity. Elijah Brewer III

includes research studies covering
three areas—regional economic is­
sues, macroeconomic issues, and
issues in financial regulation. Current
research has studied a number of
areas, such as:
Unemployment Insurance: A State
Economic Development
Perspective.William A. Testa and
Natalie A. Davila (WP-89-2);
The Opening of Midwest Manufac­
turing to Foreign Companies: The
Influx of Foreign Direct Investment.
Alenka S. Giese (WP-89-3);

Is Public Expenditure Productive?
David Aschauer (SM-88-7);

Determining Manufacturing Output
for States and Regions. Philip R.
Israilevich and William A. Testa

Imperfect Information and the Per­
manent Income Hypothesis. Abhijit
V. Banerjee and Kenneth N. Kuttner

A New Approach to Regional Capi­
tal Stock Estimation: Measurement
and Performance. Alenka S. Giese
and Robert H. Schnorbus (WP-89-6);

Does Public Capital Crowd Out
Private Capital? David Aschauer

Why Has Illinois Manufacturing
Fallen Behind the Region? William
A. Testa (WP-89-7);


Imports, Trade Policy, and Union
Wage Dynamics. Ellen Rissman

Technical Change, Regulation, and
Economies of Scale for Large Com­
mercial Banks: An Application of a
Modified Version of Shepard’s
Lemma. Douglas D. Evanoff, Philip
R. Israilevich, and Randall C. Merris
Back of the G-7 Pack: Public Invest­
ment and Productivity Growth in
the Group of Seven. David A.
Aschauer (WP-89-13);
Are Some Banks Too Large to Fail?
Myth and Reality. George G.
Kaufman (WP-89-14).



Copies o f the WORKING
MEMORANDA, as well as a
complete listing o f all studies
and their availability, can
be ordered from the Public
Information Center, Federal
Reserve Bank o f Chicago, P.O.
Box 834, Chicago, Illinois,
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