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Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago
Second Quarter 2002




The center restored: Chicago’s residential price
gradient reemerges


Location trends of large company headquarters
during the 1990s


Post-resolution treatment of depositors at failed banks:
Implications for the severity of banking crises, systemic
risk, and too big to fail


Following the yellow brick road: How the United States
adopted the gold standard



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ISSN 0164-0682


Second Quarter 2002, Volume XXVI, Issue 2

The center restored: Chicago’s residential price
gradient reemerges
Daniel P. McMillen

After a long period during which house prices were not affected by distance from
Chicago’s central business district, values now decline by more than 8 percent per mile.
Annual appreciation rates in house prices are higher in neighborhoods close to the city
center with large minority populations, high concentrations of poverty, and many vacant
homes in 1990.

Location trends of large company headquarters during the 1990s
Thomas Klier and William Testa

This article documents changes in the spatial distribution of corporate headquarters
of large U.S.-domiciled corporations during the 1990s. The authors find that the largest
metropolitan areas continue to host a disproportionate share of headquarters, but there
have been significant shifts toward cities with population between one and two million.

Post-resolution treatment of depositors at failed banks:
Implications for the severity of banking crises, systemic risk,
and too big to fail
George G. Kaufman and Steven A. Seelig
Losses from bank failures have significant adverse implications for bank stakeholders,
as well as for the macroeconomy. This article examines the potential sources of such
losses, in particular the losses that may occur after the date a bank is failed, and makes
recommendations on how to minimize these losses.

Following the yellow brick road: How the United States
adopted the gold standard
Francois R. Velde
The United States, with some difficulty, adopted the gold standard in the late nineteenth
century, thus pegging the dollar to the pound sterling and other currencies. Some have
argued it was a mistake, others that it was inevitable. This article recounts the historical
background and uses a model to shed light on the choices faced by policymakers of the time.

The center restored: Chicago’s residential price
gradient reemerges
Daniel P. McMillen

Introduction and summary
Income growth and the development of new methods
of transportation have made the decentralization of
American cities a long-standing and ongoing process.
Higher income raises the demand for land and housing,
which typically are less expensive farther from the
city center. The development of horse car lines, subways and elevated train lines, and most importantly,
the automobile and highway system facilitated the
growth of more remote locations by making long commutes feasible. The trend toward residential decentralization is reinforced by employment decentralization.
Suburban locations offer firms low land costs, ready
access to interstate highways, and the availability of
a skilled labor force of nearby residents.
In many metropolitan areas, the traditional city
center retains a strong job core in spite of the trend
toward decentralization. Central business districts tend
to specialize in high-skill, high-wage service jobs.
Such jobs attract young professionals who enjoy city
living and do not want to incur the long commute required from the suburbs. Re-gentrification of neighborhoods near the city center may take place as older
housing is converted to modern condos and apartments to serve these households. The subsequent rise
in housing prices provides cities with much-needed
new revenue from property taxes.
In this article, I document the restoration of
Chicago’s city center from 1983 to 1998. Using a
sample of single-family homes that each sold at least
twice during the sample period, I find that prices rose
far more rapidly near the city center than at the edge
of the Chicago city limits. In the early 1980s, house
prices increased with distance from the city center.
In contrast, house prices declined by nearly 8 percent
with each additional mile from the city center by the
end of the 1990s.


The rapid growth of house prices in the city
center has costs as well as benefits. Existing residents
may find themselves forced to move when they can
no longer afford what now are prime locations, and
those who remain may not like the new character of
the neighborhood. New residents may demand better
provision of costly services, such as schools and police protection. Secondary effects will occur in other
neighborhoods as displaced former residents move
elsewhere. Nevertheless, the overall effect of a resurgent central city housing market is likely to be positive. Increased property tax revenues can more than
pay for the new services, generating a surplus than can
be used elsewhere in the city. New households attract
stores and restaurants that in turn attract more residents.
Just as urban decay can generate a flight to the suburbs, urban revitalization can generate additional
growth that benefits the entire city.
Historical trends in Chicago
Chicago was a highly centralized city at the beginning of the twentieth century. Figure 1 shows that
the City of Chicago then accounted for 81.5 percent
of the population of the six-county region that today
defines the Chicago metropolitan area.1 Chicago’s
population peaked at 3.6 million in 1950, when it
accounted for 69.9 percent of the metropolitan area’s
residents. The city’s population then fell steadily up
until 1990, while the rest of Cook County and the
five collar counties grew rapidly. In 1998, Chicago’s
2,802,079 residents accounted for 36.0 percent of the
metropolitan area’s residents, while the rest of Cook
County and the collar counties accounted for 30.7
Daniel P. McMillen is a professor of economics at the
University of Illinois at Chicago and a consultant to the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

2Q/2002, Economic Perspectives

31, 1998. The data are obtained from tax
records and reflect actual transaction
Chicago regional population
prices. In order to construct an index that
controls for housing quality, I restrict the
sample to repeat sales. When houses are
not remodeled between sales, the average
change in prices provides an estimate of a
Suburban Cook
constant-quality house price index. ObserChicago
vations are not included in the final sam6,000,000
ple if the building size, lot size, or the
number of stories changes between sales
dates. I also discarded a small number
of observations without addresses or
sales dates. The final sample includes
52,972 transactions.
The Chicago metropolitan area is
1900 '10 '20 '30 '40 '50 '60 '70 '80 '90 '98 '10 '20
somewhat unusual in that very little inforSource: Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission.
mation is available on house sales other
than price and location. Although the
City of Chicago collects information on
percent and 33.2 percent, respectively. However, the
lot size, building area, age, and the number of stories,
1990s saw a reversal of the City of Chicago’s 40-year
no information is available on such common varidecline in population, as its population increased by
ables as the number of rooms or the presence of air
18,353, or 0.6 percent. The Northeastern
Illinois Planning Commission expects the
trend to continue, with Chicago’s populaChicago
area population change
tion rising to 3,007,025 in 2020.
The distribution of population is also
changing within the City of Chicago.
Figure 2 shows the growth rates in population between 1990 and 2000 across the
77 community areas that comprise the
city. Community areas on the Far South
Side lost population over the decade.
In contrast, the city center grew rapidly.
The Loop added 4,434 residents, which
is a growth rate of 37.1 percent. The
Near North Side grew from a population
of 62,842 to 72,811, or 15.9 percent.
The Near South Side had a growth rate
of 39.3 percent, adding 2,681 residents
over the decade. The growth near the
city center is significant because it reverses many years of decline, and it has
Percentage change
–100.0 to –10.0
occurred in some of the most expensive
–10.0 to –4.5
areas of the city.
–4.5 to –1.7

To analyze trends in housing prices
in the City of Chicago, I use a data set that
includes all transactions of single-family
homes that sold at least twice during the
period from January 1, 1983, to December

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

–1.7 to 0.4
0.4 to 5.2
5.2 to 14.0
14.0 to 20.0
20.0 to 100.0





Source: U.S. Census of Population and Housing, 2000.



Descriptive statistics, house sales










Log sales price






Distance from CBD






Lot size
(square feet)






Building area
(square feet)











More than one story (%)






Number of observations






Sales price

Age (years in tens)

Notes: Means are followed by standard deviations in parentheses for the continuous variables. CBD is central business district.

conditioning.2 Table 1 presents descriptive statistics
for the available variables. Over the full sample, sales
prices average $106,983 over 1983–98. Average prices
are much higher for houses near the city center: The
average price for houses located within six miles of
the city center is $136,343, compared with $95,785
for houses located more than 12 miles from the center.
Lot sizes are smaller near the city center, with average
lots of 3,345.72 square feet within six miles of the
center versus 4,963.86 square feet in the most distant
areas of the city. Building areas do not differ much
across locations, but the housing stock is much older
on average near the city center (88 years, compared
with 61 years for all houses in the sample). The traditional center of Chicago is the intersection of State and
Madison streets in the Loop. For the sample of house
sales, distances range from 0.27 to 16.73 miles, with
an average of 8.76 miles.
Estimated house price indexes
Figure 3, panel A plots the averages of the natural
logarithms of house sales prices, calculated separately
for each quarter from 1983 to 1998. I calculated separate price indexes for four intervals of distance from
the Chicago city center, 0–6 miles, 6–9 miles, 9–12
miles, and 12–18 miles. During the early 1980s, average


house prices were much lower for the 0-6 mile interval
than for any other interval. Though average prices rose
over time for all distance intervals, the rate of appreciation was much more rapid in the interval closest to
the city center. By the end of the 1990s, average prices
were much higher in the area surrounding the city
center than in any of the other intervals.
Although figure 3, panel A shows a clear tendency
toward the return of Chicago’s center, simple averages
are not the best way to construct price indexes. The
composition of house sales may change systematically
over the business cycle and by location. For instance,
it is possible that only expensive homes remain in demand near the city center when the economy slows,
which would tend to overstate the rate of price appreciation near the city center during economic downturns.
Such changes in housing composition violate the spirit
of a house price index, which is supposed to represent the rate of price appreciation for homes whose
quality is not changing over time. A better measure
then is a constant-quality price index.
Constant-quality price indexes
Two econometric methods are commonly used to
construct constant-quality price indexes. The hedonic
approach is based on a straightforward regression of
house sales prices on housing characteristics, which

2Q/2002, Economic Perspectives

include location and the date of sale in addition to standard house features such as living area. The hedonic
price index is simply the set of predicted house prices
for a house with given characteristics, constructed at
varying target dates.3 The other common method for
constructing constant-quality price indexes is the repeat sales method.4 The repeat sales approach is less
vulnerable to missing variable bias than the hedonic
approach because it estimates the rate of price appreciation from houses that sell at least twice during a
sample period. If houses have not been remodeled
between sales, then the change in prices across sales
dates provides a measure of the rate of appreciation
that is not contaminated by the effects of unobserved
housing characteristics. Details on these estimation
procedures are provided in the appendix.
By confining the sample to houses that sell at least
twice during the sample period, the repeat sales estimator ignores the information provided by homes that
sell only once. In addition to this potential inefficiency, the repeat sales estimator may be subject to sample
selection bias if the sample of repeat sales homes differs systematically from the overall housing market.
These problems are not likely to be serious in our sample, which covers a long period. In an active housing
market, the set of houses that sell at least twice over
16 years is not likely to differ much from the overall
stock of houses in the city.
Figure 3, panel B shows price indexes constructed
by the hedonic method for various distance intervals.
The representative house is 60 years old, has a single
story, 1,200 square feet of living space, and a 4,200
square foot lot. The results are quite similar to the simple averages shown in panel A. Prices start out lowest in the interval closest to the city center, but this
area has the most rapid rate of price appreciation over
time, so that it has the highest prices at the end of the
1990s. Prices appreciated least rapidly in the most distant region, which is 12–18 miles from the city center.
For the full sample of 0–18 miles, figure 3, panel C
compares the price indexes calculated using the hedonic
and repeat sales approaches. The indexes are similar,
although the repeat sales estimator shows a slightly
lower overall rate of price appreciation.
Estimated city-center gradients
Although dividing the sample into four distance
intervals provides a useful illustration of the effects
of distance from the city center on house-price appreciation rates, it is based on the unrealistic assumption
that prices change discretely across intervals while remaining constant within them. A more conventional
approach is to use distance from the city center as an

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


Chicago house price indexes
A. Average quarterly sales prices
log sales price



0–6 miles
6–9 miles
9–12 miles
12–18 miles


1983 ‘85







year of sale

B. Hedonic sales price indexes
log sales price



0–6 miles
6–9 miles
9–12 miles
12–18 miles


1983 ‘85







year of sale

C. Hedonic and repeat sales price indexes
index for log sales price






1983 ‘85







year of sale



City center price gradients
A. Hedonic city center gradients:
95% confidence intervals
log sales price

Upper bound

Lower bound


Estimated CBD gradient
1983 ‘85







year of sale

B. Hedonic and repeat sale city center
gradient indexes
log sales price

Repeat sales



become significantly negative by the beginning of the
1990s. By 1998, house prices are estimated to decline
by more than 7 percent with each mile of distance from
the city center. Figure 4, panel B presents the estimated index of repeat sales city-center gradients, along
with the implied hedonic index, which is calculated
by subtracting the estimated first-quarter gradient from
the hedonic index. The repeat sales index shows a less
rapid decline in the gradient because missing variables
that help produce the sharp rise in house prices near
the city center are correlated with distance to the city
center, leading to a downward bias in the hedonic
gradient term. Nonetheless, the repeat sales index also
shows a significant decline in the gradient over time
as areas near the city center regain their popularity
and increase sharply in price.
Figure 5 provides an alternative view of the sequence of events. The hedonic estimates are used to
generate predictions for four dates—the second quarters
of 1983, 1988, 1993, and 1998—at varying distances
from the city center. The representative home again
is 60 years old, with a single story, 1,200 square feet
of living space, and a 4,200 square foot lot. In 1983,
house prices rose with distance from the center. House
prices are not affected significantly by distance from
the center in 1988. By 1993, prices are much higher
near the center than in distant locations. Prices simply
appreciate in all locations between 1993 and 1998,
maintaining the city center premium. Over the full
1983–98 period, prices do not increase significantly
in the most distant locations, whereas they rise dramatically in the city center.

1983 ‘85







year of sale
Note: CBD is central business district.

Shift over time in the sales price functions
log sales price


explanatory variable in the hedonic price function. The
coefficient for this variable—the “city-center gradient”—represents the rate at which prices change with
each additional mile of distance from the city center.
The distance variable can also be interacted with the
explanatory variables for the repeat sales model to
form an index of time-varying city-center gradients.
The estimated hedonic city-center gradients and
the associated 95 percent confidence intervals are presented in figure 4, panel A. The figure clearly illustrates
the return of centralization to the City of Chicago. In
the early 1980s, house prices increased with distance
from the city center by a rate of about 2 percent per
mile. The gradient fell throughout the 1980s and had












distance from the CBD
Note: CBD is central business district.

2Q/2002, Economic Perspectives

Census tracts
Confining the effects of location to discrete intervals or a single variable representing distance from
the city center may obscure variation in appreciation
rates across small geographic areas. Prices may move
together in some city neighborhoods while they diverge
greatly in others. It is difficult to estimate accurate price
indexes for small tracts because some areas occasionally have only a few sales. However, McMillen and
Dombrow (2001) show that price indexes can be estimated accurately for small samples when prices change
smoothly over time. They use a Fourier expansion to
estimate the time trend in house prices.
In the remainder of this section, I use McMillen
and Dombrow’s approach to estimate the rate of increase in house prices from 1990 to 1996 for 851 census tracts in the City of Chicago. I use a nonparametric
estimator that uses the standard repeat sales estimator
as its base. The estimator places more weight on nearby observations when constructing an estimate for a
given geographic location. The target geographic locations are the midpoints of the 851 census tracts that
are represented in the sample of repeat sales. All observations are used in constructing the estimated

Annual house price growth rates

Percentage change
0.000 to 3.690
3.690 to 4.340
4.340 to 4.727
4.727 to 5.570
5.570 to 6.475
6.475 to 7.086
7.086 to 7.593
7.593 to 10.000





Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

price appreciation rate for a census tract, but the estimator places more weight on house sales from the
target tract.
The estimated price appreciation rates are illustrated in figure 6. As with previous results, the results
in figure 6 show that housing prices grew much more
rapidly near the city center than in more distant locations. Appreciation rates do not decline uniformly with
distance, however. Growth rates do not decline as rapidly on the Near North Side as in locations that are
comparable distances from the city center on the South
and West sides of the city. The Far South Side has
higher appreciation rates than comparable locations
on the North Side. The Englewood area on the South
Side is a pocket of no growth in the midst of moderate appreciation rates.
Calculating the appreciation rates for 1990–96
allows us to match the housing data with data from the
1990 U.S. Census of Population and Housing to explain differences in appreciation rates across census
tracts. Table 2 presents the regression results, along
with descriptive statistics for the explanatory variables.
The regression results imply that growth rates decline
by .401 percentage points with each additional mile
from the city center. House-price growth
rates increase by 0.0392 percentage points
when the percentage of African-American
residents in a tract rises by 10 percentage
points. An increase in the percentage of
Hispanic residents has a larger effect on
growth rates: An increase of 10 percentage points in the number of Hispanic residents increases growth rates by 0.0876
percentage points.
Interestingly, Census tracts bordering Lake Michigan and tracts with high
median incomes do not have higher appreciation rates than other tracts. Another
striking result is that census tracts with
high poverty rates and a lot of vacant
housing in 1990 have high appreciation
rates: Growth rates rise by 0.1052 percentage points when the percentage of
households that are in poverty rises by
10 percentage points, and they rise by
0.1781 percentage points when there is a
similar increase in the amount of vacant
housing in the census tract. Census tracts
with older housing do not have lower
growth rates, but increasing the amount
of housing that is owner occupied by 10
percentage points adds 0.1053 percentage
points to appreciation rates.



House price growth rate regressions, census tracts
Descriptive statistics
Distance from city center
Census tract borders lake
High-school dropout
Completed college
Median income ($10,000)
Median house age (years)





Standard error

Notes: The dependent variable is the estimated average growth rate in house sales prices between 1990 and 1996.
The mean of the dependent variable is 5.620 and the standard deviation is 1.574. There are 851 observations.
The R2 for the regression is 0.855. An asterisk indicates statistical significance at the 5 percent level.

Figure 6 and table 2 suggest that a process of gentrification is underway in the City of Chicago. Census
tracts closer to the city center that had a higher percentage of vacant housing, high poverty rates, and high
percentages of African-American or Hispanic households experienced higher appreciation in house prices
than other locations in the 1990s. These census tracts
are the same ones that the 2000 Census shows have
had significant increases in population, and much of
this population increase is accounted for by higherincome, white households. These areas are served by
public transportation and are close to the center of
Chicago’s central business district. New, expensive
housing is being built for young professionals who
formerly were moving to the suburbs.
This article presents strong evidence of the return
of centralization to the City of Chicago. Growth in suburban employment caused Chicago’s central business


district to decline in importance steadily until the 1980s.
By 1990, the city center was enjoying renewed employment growth. Partly due to this growth, high-priced
housing returned to locations near the city center.
Although house prices increased slowly in census tracts
near the city limits, prices rose very rapidly near the
city center. By the end of the 1990s, the traditional
negative house-price gradient had been restored. House
values are estimated to decline by more than 8 percent with each mile of distance from the city center.
It is too early to judge whether this trend will continue. The majority of the Chicago metropolitan area’s
jobs are now in the suburbs. Furthermore, the city continues to suffer from poor schools and other social problems. But employment growth in the central business
area, the presence of numerous million-dollar homes,
the destruction or conversion of housing projects near
the city center, and the growing importance of households with two central-city workers suggest strongly
that the inner city is enjoying a resurgence.

2Q/2002, Economic Perspectives


Let Vit represent the sales price of house i at time t, and
let yit = log(Vit). The following regression equation is
the basis for the hedonic house price index:

yit = dt + Xitb + uit.

In equation 1, Xit is a vector of housing characteristics,
uit is an error term, and dt and b are parameters to be
estimated. In our application, Xit includes the natural
logarithms of lot size and building area, the age of the
house, a dummy variable indicating that the house has
more than one story, and distance from the city center.
The estimates of dt are the coefficients for a series of
dummy variables indicating the quarter during which
a house is sold.
The estimated coefficient will be biased if unobserved housing characteristics are correlated with the error term. The repeat sales estimator avoids this bias by
analyzing differences in sales prices of houses that sell
at least twice during the sample period. If the coefficients
for the housing characteristics do not change over time,
the estimating equation for the repeat sales estimator is

yit – yis = dt – ds + uit – uis.

In equation 2, s represents the date of a house’s earlier
sale. The base coefficient, d0, is normalized to zero because it is not identified.
McMillen and Dombrow (2001) generalize the standard repeat sales estimator by using a smooth continuous function g(T) to represent the time trend in house
prices, where T represents the date of sale. The estimator is written as:

yit – yis = g(Ti) – g(Tis) + uit – uis.

In equation 3, Ti is the day of sale for house i and Tis is
its previous sale date.
Following Gallant (1981, 1982), McMillen and
Dombrow (2001) use a Fourier expansion to model
g(Ti) and g(Tis). The first step in the Fourier expansion
is to transform the time variable to lie between 0 and
2p. The transformed variables are zi = 2pTi / max(T) and
zis = 2pTis/max(T). The Fourier expansions are g(Ti) =
a0 + a1zi + a2zi2 + Sq(lqsin(qzi) + gqcos(qzi)) and g(Tis) =
a0s + a1szis + a2szis2 + Sq(lqssin(qzis) + gqscos(qzis)),
where q = 1, , Q. The restriction that g(Ti) and g(Tis)
are the same underlying function is imposed by setting
a1 = a1s, l1 =ÿl1s, and so on. These restrictions imply:

yit – yis = a1(zi – zis) + a2(zi2 – zis2) +

Sq[lq(sin(qzi) – sin(qzis)) +ÿgq(cos(qzi) –
cos(qzis))] + uit – uis.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

By convention, the price index is normalized to
zero in the first period. Imposing a similar constraint
on the Fourier index implies g(0) = 0, which implies
a0 + g1 + + gQ = 0. The estimated price index can
then be constructed from ordinary least squares (OLS)
estimates of equation 4 as a1z + a2z2 + Sq(lqsin(qz) +
gq(cos(qz) –1)), where z is a set of target dates.
The standard repeat sales estimator and McMillen
and Dombrow’s extension rely on an assumption that a
single regression is adequate for an entire city. Nonparametric estimation allows for local geographic variation
in house price appreciation rates. The nonparametric
estimator used here was proposed by Cleveland and
Devlin (1988), and is referred to as locally weighted regression (LWR). In constructing an LWR estimate for a
given location, more weight is placed on nearby house
sales than on distant sales. Let di be the distance between
observation i and the target location for the price index.
LWR uses a window of nearby observations to estimate
the regression: The nearest b observations are given weights
that decline with distance, whereas more distant observations receive no weight. In the empirical application,
I set b equal to 10 percent of the total sample size. Let
d(b) represent the distance of the most distant observation receiving weight in estimation. Following common
practice, I use the tri-cube function:

¨ ¥ d ´3·
5) wi  ©1 ¦ i µ ¸ I di b d (b) ,
©ª § d (b) ¶ ¸¹
where I(•) is an indicator function that equals one when
the condition is true and zero otherwise. The weights
fall smoothly from a maximum of one at the target
location to zero at distance d(b).
The LWR estimate at the target location is simply
the predicted value from the weighted least squares
regression. Letting yi represent the dependent variable
and xi the vector of explanatory variables, the LWR
prediction is:




¥ n
´ ¥ n
wi xi xi 'µ ¦ wi xi yi µ .
§ i 1
¶ § i 1

6) yˆi  xi ' ¦

The target site can be any arbitrary location. Each
site will have a unique set of coefficient estimates, which
implies a complete price index for the repeat sales estimator. The estimator varies smoothly over space, so estimated price indexes will be similar for nearby sites.
However, estimates can differ significantly across more
distant locations.


The centers of 851 census tracts within the city limits
of Chicago are the target points for estimation, leading
to 851 separate weighted least squares regressions. I construct price index estimates for each census tract for each
day between 1983 and 1998. To summarize the estimated price indexes, I calculate the estimated index for

January 1, 1990, and January 1, 1996, and solve for the
implied yearly growth rate in prices. The former date
corresponds to the 1990 Census, while the latter date is
chosen to reduce the potential sensitivity of the estimates
to small numbers of observations at the end of the sample period.

The six counties in Illinois are Cook, DuPage, Lake, Kane,
McHenry, and Will.
The situation is worse in the suburbs, which do not collect information on lot size.
Examples of the hedonic approach include Bryan and Colwell
(1982), Kiel and Zabel (1997), Mark and Goldberg (1984),
Palmquist (1980), and Thibodeau (1989).

The repeat sales house price index was first proposed by Bailey,
Muth, and Nourse (1963). Applications include Abraham and
Schauman (1991), Case, Pollakowski, and Wachter (1997), Case
and Quigley (1991), Case and Shiller (1987, 1989), Clapp and
Giaccotto (1998), Follain and Calhoun (1997), Gatzlaff and Haurin
(1997), Geltner and Goetzmann (2000), Goetzmann and Spiegel
(1997), Hill, Knight, and Sirmans (1997), Kiel and Zabel (1997),
McMillen and Dombrow (2001), and Stephens et al. (1995).


Abraham, J. M., and W. Schauman, 1991, “New
evidence on house prices from Fannie Mae repeat
sales,” AREUEA Journal, Vol. 19, pp. 333–352.
Bailey, M. J., R. F. Muth, and H. O. Nourse, 1963,
“A regression method for real estate price index construction,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 58, pp. 933–942.
Bryan, T. B., and P. F. Colwell, 1982, “Housing
price indexes,” in Research in Real Estate, C. F.
Sirmans (ed.), Greenwich, CT: Jai Press.
Case, B., H. O. Pollakowski, and S. M. Wachter,
1997, “Frequency of transaction and house price
modeling,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and
Economics, Vol. 14, pp. 173–187.
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Location trends of large company headquarters during the 1990s
Thomas Klier and William Testa

Metropolitan areas highly value the presence of company headquarters, and local governments tend to actively pursue and attract them. The keen competition
among Chicago, Dallas-Ft. Worth, and Denver in April
and May 2001 in the wake of Boeing’s announcement
that it would relocate its headquarters from Seattle
highlighted the perceived benefits, including prestige,
that the presence of a well-known company can confer on a metropolitan area. Of course, there are also
tangible benefits. Headquarters employ a sizable and
highly skilled white-collar work force and generate
local demand for numerous specialized business services such as accounting and legal. In addition, headquarters often play a major role in corporate giving,
as well as what are generally referred to as corporate
citizen activities (Schwartz, 1997). It is not unusual
to find that the landscape of a town has been defined
by the presence of one or more corporate headquarters.
For example, Columbus, Indiana, is dominated by public buildings designed by noted architects, courtesy
of Cummins Engine and other local donors. Similarly, Eli Lilly, headquartered in Indianapolis, supports
numerous local charities and public programs through
the Lilly Endowment.
In this article, we provide information on recent
locational trends for company headquarters, which will
be helpful to policymakers as they design development
efforts and expenditures. We document changes in
the spatial distribution of corporate headquarters of
large U.S. domiciled corporations during the most recent decade. In order to perform this analysis, we use
a comprehensive set of data on publicly traded companies—specifically companies employing more than
2,500 people worldwide. We allocate headquarters to
the 50 most populous metropolitan areas for 1990 and
2000 and examine the spatial changes that have taken
place across 1) individual metro areas, 2) U.S. Census
regions, and 3) the distribution of metro areas with
respect to their population size. To identify and


disentangle spatial changes, we further examine the
sources and nature of headquarters growth across
metropolitan areas using both simple data displays
and multiple regression analysis. The regression analysis allows us to distinguish among competing factors
in their influence on the location of headquarters.
Because policymakers are interested in attracting
footloose headquarters, and perhaps nurturing small
local companies as they grow to become large ones,
we also document the extent and nature of headquarters
turnover or “churn” for three sample cities—New York,
Chicago, and San Francisco—between 1990 and 2000.
We find a high degree of turnover and migration of
headquarters, but an even higher degree of headquarters
growth that has come about as small local companies
have grown large. This result implies that policies to
assist the growth of local indigenous firms of smaller
size may be more beneficial than policies aimed at
recruitment of footloose companies.
Policymakers and site selection professionals will
also be interested in the evidence we provide as to
where headquarters are now emerging. Several broad
spatial shifts in headquarters location have been observed prior to the 1990s. One of the persistent characteristics of the U.S. economy has been the concentrated
location of large company headquarters in a relatively small number of large metropolitan areas. That is
not surprising if one considers the nature of headquarters operations. Headquarters employ highly skilled
professionals and they demand ready access to highlevel business services, such as legal, financial, and
advertising—all of which tend to be found in large

Thomas Klier is a senior economist and William Testa
is a vice president and senior economist at the Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago. The authors would like to thank
Dan McMillen for helpful comments and Woong Lim and
Jeff Rasmussen for research assistance.

2Q/2002, Economic Perspectives

metropolitan areas. Furthermore, since headquarters
facilities must control and administer an often far-flung
organization, ready access to state-of-the art communications infrastructure, as well as personal transportation—that is, air transportation and connections—are
a necessity in today’s economy. As a result of these
demands, a relatively small number of metro areas enjoy a comparative advantage in hosting headquarters.
Our findings on headquarters location are generally consistent with those of earlier studies. Large metropolitan areas continue to have a comparative advantage
in hosting headquarters of large companies. In fact,
our analysis reveals no change in the overall share of
large company headquarters domiciled in the 50 largest U.S. metropolitan areas between 1990 and 2000.
However, there have been significant shifts within
this distribution of metropolitan areas. Among the 50
largest metropolitan areas, those with population between 1 million and 2 million experienced the largest
growth in population in the 1990s and developed concentrations of large company headquarters. In contrast,
New York, the largest metropolitan area, continued
its long-term trend of slowly losing dominance in terms
of headquarters count. More generally, we find no
evidence that the very largest metropolitan areas increased their share of corporate headquarters during
the decade. Indeed, the share of headquarters domiciled in the five largest metropolitan areas fell from
36 percent in 1990 to 33 percent in 2000.
This shrinkage at the top of the distribution is
something of a surprise, because the rapid globalization trends during the 1990s were predicted to give rise
to an increased concentration, that is, a few global
headquarters cities. The reasoning goes that, as trade,
transportation, and communications barriers fall, as
they did in the 1990s, the potential market size of large
companies grows. At the same time, the complexity
of the corporate control functions for these companies
increases. As a result, headquarters will increasingly
locate in a small number of cities having abundant and
specialized business and financial services or in cities
with very intense concentrations of such industries.
In these places, the firm administering a national or
international market can stay abreast of innovation and
otherwise acquire the information, ideas, and assistance it needs to succeed. Furthermore, headquarters
will find it advantageous to locate near others of their
ilk, again supporting the trend toward concentration
in a small number of services-intensive metro areas.
To some degree, this tendency was borne out in our
multiple regression analysis; those metropolitan areas
containing high concentrations of financial services
activity were favored with greater headquarters gains

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

over the decade of the 1990s. However, our finding
that the most populous cities continue to lose share may
also mean that the technological advances and falling
costs of travel and communication have improved the
ability of headquarters located in smaller cities to gather
information and services and to administer their farflung global markets and operations.
Another reason that large cities have not done
better is that population and associated markets have
been shifting to mid-tier cities, especially in the South
and West. Headquarters locations often follow shifting
markets; indeed, we find that a regression variable
reflecting market growth—specifically, population
growth—tends to correlate with headquarters growth.
A variable indicating that the metropolitan area is located in the South census region is also significantly
related to headquarters growth. While the West gained
population as well, it did not gain headquarters to the
same extent as the South. Apparently, in addition to
the beneficial effects of local market growth, several
prominent urban areas in the South have matured as
commercial centers. In particular, Atlanta, Houston,
Nashville, and Southeast Florida laid claim to much
of the region’s increase in corporate headquarters.
We also find that, since regions tend to specialize in certain industries, headquarters concentration
has tended to grow along with metro areas and their
specialized industries. Large headquarters often
emerge in the cities and regions in which successful
new companies or industries grow. This is especially
so for young industries and companies that rely heavily
on research and development (R&D) and new technologies, for which close communication between the
central office, lab, and production operations is essential. For example, we would expect the emergence of
high-technology industries in Silicon Valley to have
been accompanied by the growth of large corporate
headquarters in the San Francisco Bay area, and this
has in fact been the case. This metropolitan area did
remarkably well in increasing its tally of corporate
headquarters during the 1990s, garnering most of the
growth of companies associated with the so-called
new economy. In fact, just under half of the increase
in headquarters there during the decade resulted from
the growth of existing companies.1 More generally, we
find that the shift in the geographic distribution of
high-tech industry headquarters over the decade is unlike the overall trend displayed for all industries. That
is, high-tech headquarters are becoming more concentrated in large metropolitan areas rather than dispersing toward the smaller and medium-sized cities.
Financial companies—especially banks—have also
bucked the general trend by shifting toward larger


metropolitan areas. In this instance, profound deregulation has encouraged firm consolidation and market expansion. In response, the now-larger companies have
chosen to locate their headquarters in larger metropolitan areas.
Overall, then, our findings for the 1990s suggest
that the largest urban areas continue to be highly preferred as headquarters locations. However, we identify
a changing trend in the distribution of large headquarters across metropolitan areas. This trend implies that
the second tier of metropolitan areas may begin to enjoy greater success in the competition for headquarters. The evidence shows that corporate headquarters
are dispersing to mid-sized metropolitan areas and
following shifting population and markets, especially
toward the South. We also find that, for all metro areas, policies that emphasize the nurturing and growth
of local companies rather than, or in addition to, recruitment of firms from outside the area may be beneficial. Our research indicates that company headquarters
do not migrate so much as they grow and decline.
Literature review
The growth and locational patterns of large corporate headquarters have been a subject of research since
the latter half of the twentieth century (see Lichtenberg,
1960, Evans, 1973, and Quante, 1976, for a synopsis
of earlier work). Studies have examined various periods
and drawn on a variety of data sources. Generally, the
work utilizing large data sets tends to be cross-sectional, whereas studies tracking the distribution of headquarters over time tend to rely on Fortune 500 data.
Horst and Koropeckyi (2000) and Holloway and
Wheeler (1991) base their time-series analysis on data
for Fortune 500 companies. Holloway and Wheeler
(1991) conduct their empirical analysis for the 1980s
using annual data for that decade. Horst and Koropeckyi
(2000) utilize the same data from 1975 through 1999
(in five-year intervals). Shilton and Stanley (1999)
utilize data for all publicly traded companies, regardless of company size, and Davis (2000) draws on data
from the Survey of Auxiliary Establishments (U.S.
Bureau of the Census).
A common finding in all these papers is the high
degree of concentration among headquarters. For example, Shilton and Stanley (1999) report that 40 percent of their sample is located in only 20 U.S. counties.
They explain this stylized fact by the comparative advantage of cities to support headquarters operations.
In fact, Horst and Koropeckyi (2000) report a strengthening of that effect during the 1990s as evidenced
by a substantial drop in Fortune 500 headquarters located in non-metropolitan counties. In addition, the


advantage of certain cities in hosting headquarters seems
to depend little on the historical and perhaps serendipitous presence of individual companies. For example,
despite Boston’s ongoing strength as a domicile of
Fortune 500 companies headquarters, only two of the
15 present in 1999 had been there since 1975 (Horst
and Koropeckyi, 2000).
What exactly are the competitive advantages of
large cities? The central function of corporate headquarters is the acquiring and dissemination of information. The demand side of the profit equation requires
that corporate headquarters stay abreast of emerging
developments in their markets. Meanwhile, the competitive supply or cost element of the profit equation
suggests that firms must adapt new production technologies and management strategies. In turn, both of
these categories of activities will often require dissemination of information and administration to a wideranging geography of operations. Thus, major airports
represent a critical infrastructure for corporate headquarters, along with major highways, and telecommunications (Dow Jones, Inc., 1977). Air connections
allow headquarters personnel to travel to direct their
own operations both domestic and international, as
well as to interact with others in their industry at conventions and trade shows (Boyle, 1990). Significantly, a major airport also brings meetings, conventions,
suppliers, and customers into the home city.
Several other features of the headquarters as a
learning operation also imply a need for the large scale
of a metropolitan area. The learning curve of technology is often shortened by proximity to other similar
firms, as firms learn of new ideas through interaction.
For example, Walcott (2001) documents the location
of both health and bio-tech firms in proximity to Eli
Lilly in Indianapolis (and in other production centers
and emerging markets) as contributing to the company’s
successful acquisition of information. Accordingly,
the clustering of firms can reflect a competitive advantage (Porter, 2000; Glasmeier, 1988). Professionals and highly skilled personnel are also more easily
recruited and retained in cluster locations (Dow Jones,
1977). This follows as job mobility and advancement
are enhanced by the information and career advancement opportunities that proximity to a host of firms
and jobs provide to both the primary worker and, often, to the spouse (Ady, 1986).
The persistent concentration of headquarters in
certain individual cities that contain important business service sectors, such as New York and Chicago,
also points to the ready access to purchased services
as enabling factors for the concentration of headquarters. Concentrations of business service firms, such

2Q/2002, Economic Perspectives

as media, law, accounting, and consulting, in large cities
may enable firms to achieve cost and price advantages by shopping among a host of nearby business service providers. Possibly these services are purchased
by headquarters and subsequently delivered to branch
operations throughout the organization (see Ono, 2001).
So too, the purchase of business services can be
part of the organization’s learning functions. Companies
also learn and acquire services effectively from sources
outside of their own industry. Lichtenberg (1960) observed the following 40 years ago: “Like producers
of unstandardized products, the central office executives
‘produce’ answers to unstandardized problems, problems that change frequently, radically, and unpredictably. These problems are solved quickly only by
consultation with a succession of experts. But most
central offices would find it inefficient if not impossible to staff themselves internally with all of the specialized personnel and services that they must call on
from time to time to solve their problems. Nor is it
convenient to transport the experts to their plants or
maintain effective contact by telephone or letter.
All of these considerations dictate a concentration of
central offices in a tight cluster near each other and
near their ‘suppliers’.”
In recent years, however, we have seen a loosening of the location ties of business services industry and
corporate headquarters. In particular, the phenomenon
of outsourcing, along with advances in communication and air travel, may be facilitating a shift of large
corporate headquarters away from the very large metropolitan areas that once dominated. Sassen (2001a)
observes that many of the largest cities worldwide—
particularly London, New York, and Chicago—have
been losing numbers of headquarters of the world’s
largest companies for over three decades, even while
business service industries there continue to grow.2
She hypothesizes that the outsourcing of complex
service functions by global headquarters operations
has been accelerating, and that this has liberated corporate headquarters to locate in any number of places
that may be strategic for administration or control of
the company’s establishments. Drucker (1989) once
advised firms to “sell the mail room,” while Sassen
now claims that they are selling both the mail room
and the board room. Hence, the locational concentration of complex business services rather than headquarters themselves has become the key feature by
which to identify dominant “global cities.”3
It is not only outsourcing of business services that
may be liberating corporate headquarters from large
cities. Technological changes are inexorably lowering
the costs of communications and travel to corporate

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

headquarters themselves. While globalization and technological changes are expanding potential markets for
companies and increasing the complexity of management operations, they are also enabling cheaper and
more effective communication across the world and
across the spectrum of a company’s facilities. The need
for face-to-face communication to efficiently solve the
most complex problems and the most delicate negotiations may never be eliminated by electronic communication (Quante, 1976). However, the use of remote
communications is certainly accelerating (Townsend,
2001). As a result, administration from smaller and
more remote locations may be easier than before. For
now, the tensions between firm complexity/scope and
better communications technology may be partly offsetting each other in terms of their effects on headquarters location and city size.
Still, headquarters concentrations may be shifting
toward metro areas that do not rank at the top of the
size distribution. Horst and Koropeckyi (2000) and
Holloway and Wheeler (1991) analyze the change over
time in the concentration of headquarters location
across metropolitan areas. Both studies find evidence
of redistribution among the headquarters cities away
from New York to mostly mid-size metropolitan areas.
In 1955, the first year the Fortune 500 list was compiled, the New York metro area was home to 31 percent of all company headquarters on the list, the vast
majority of which were located right in the city (28
percent of all Fortune 500 headquarters). While the
metro area share of national headquarters remained
stable until the early 1970s, the city began to lose headquarters to its surrounding areas in the mid-1960s.
For the last 30 years, the share of headquarters domiciled in the New York metro area has been steadily declining. By 1999, it had fallen to 10 percent of Fortune
500 companies (see Quante, 1976, and Horst and
Koropeckyi, 2000).
Of course, the location of company headquarters
has also been affected by the varying fortunes of industries and lines of business over time. As Holloway
and Wheeler (1991) clearly establish, shifts in headquarters dominance by city size are related less to relocations of existing headquarters than to the growth
of local companies that become large enough to be
included in the Fortune 500 list. This implies that the
indigenous growth of stellar companies and emerging
industry clusters are an important explanatory factor
in the shifting of headquarters concentration.4 Of course,
this effect is symmetric with respect to industry decline. However, as an added wrinkle, a continued concentration of corporate headquarters has been observed
to lag behind the decline of its overall industry in a


region (Rees, 1978). For example, corporate headquarters of large manufacturing companies tended to remain
in large Northeast and Midwest cities long after their
production capacity had migrated south and west. In
sum, previous studies have documented a strong central tendency for headquarters to locate in large urban
areas. However, the distribution of headquarters among
regions and along the size hierarchy of urban places has
been less stable, and the underlying reasons more elusive. Accordingly, the data must tell their own story
for the 1990s.
In order to document recent location patterns of
large company headquarters, we analyze Compustat
data on publicly traded companies for the years 1990
and 2000. The data represent a panel of all public companies whose shares are traded in the U.S., with the
exception of American Depository Receipts (ADRs),
closed-end mutual fund and index shares, and preFinancial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) companies.5 Active companies are either publicly traded or
are required to file with the Securities and Exchange
Commission. Similar to the previous literature, this
article focuses on the headquarters of large companies.
We define a company to be large if its total employment worldwide is at least 2,500.6
The data do not identify information on employment located at the headquarters site itself. However,
data from the Census of Enterprise Statistics (U.S.
Department of Commerce, 1992) are somewhat helpful in identifying employment at so-called auxiliaries,
which are defined as separate establishments of multiestablishment companies that perform administration,
management, research, and other supporting functions.
These data report the average employment at auxiliary
establishments to be 68, while companies with auxiliaries averaged 1,555 domestic employees overall.
Most, but not all, of these auxiliaries are headquarters.
Since the companies in our data set are only modestly
larger in total employment size, their average headquarters size is also likely to be modestly larger. A recent
survey by Aksoy and Marshall (1992) of 20 major international firms domiciled in the United Kingdom,
employing as many as 150,000, reported only two
head offices with more than 300 employees. (Furthermore, headquarters employment for these large U.K.
companies declined appreciably during the 1980s and
early 1990s.)
In this article we aggregate headquarter locations
by metropolitan areas. In particular, we use the most
extensive definitions of metropolitan areas available,
the so-called consolidated metropolitan statistical


area (CMSA).7 Thus, our results are not affected by
relocations of headquarters from a central city to a
suburban location within the same metropolitan area.
We believe that these metropolitan areas largely share
common locational attributes that are considered in
the headquarters siting decision. Some of the important attributes include hub airports, access to business
service firms, and a common skilled labor pool. Using
our company-wide employment cutoff of 2,500 employees results in 1,397 metropolitan-area based records
for 1990 and 1,805 records for 2000, about 22 percent
of all records in the database.8 Hence, our sample is considerably larger than the Fortune 500, yet it includes
essentially all the 2000 Fortune 500 companies.
Geography of headquarters
The distribution of large company headquarters
across U.S. metropolitan areas is highly concentrated.
In 1990, only 47 percent of the 276 metropolitan areas
were home to at least one large company headquarters
facility; in 2000, the figure was 52 percent. Even among
headquarters-occupied metropolitan areas, the distribution of headquarters is highly skewed. However,
the list of metro areas that are home to most company headquarters hardly changed during the 1990s.
Both at the beginning and at the end of the last decade,
the 50 most populous metropolitan areas were home
to 87 percent of all large company headquarters (see
table 1).9 There was considerable variation in the
growth of headquarters during the decade among the
largest metropolitan areas. Ten of the largest 50 metropolitan areas showed no net gain of headquarters.
On the other hand, the ten fastest growing metropolitan areas experienced a net increase in headquarters
of at least 100 percent (see table 2).
It turns out that among the 50 largest metropolitan areas, those with population between 1 million and
2 million (ranked 23–50 in table 2) experienced the largest growth in both population and large company headquarters during the last decade (see table 1). In contrast
New York, the largest metropolitan area, continued
its long-term trend of slowly losing dominance in
terms of headquarters count. Despite this erosion, even
at the end of the 1990s New York was home to more
than twice as many headquarters of large companies
than the runner-up metropolitan area, Chicago.
Figure 1 shows the distribution of headquarters
and population among metropolitan areas by quartiles
(defined by population) in the year 2000.10 Notice the
remarkable concentration of headquarters—in absolute
terms as well as relative to the concentration of population—in quartile 1, the 69 most populous metropolitan areas. The top quartile (labeled quartile 4 in

2Q/2002, Economic Perspectives


Population and headquarters across metro areas
Percent of population
Top 5 metro areas
Top 5 excl. New York
Rank 6 to 22
Rank 23 to 50
Top 50

Percent of headquarters

% Change, 1990–2000













Sources: Compustat, Census Bureau, and authors’ calculations.

the figure) of metropolitan areas contain 78.6 percent
of population and 92.1 percent of the large publicly
traded company headquarters. This corroborates for
the decade of the 1990s the agglomerative pull of
large metropolitan areas found in previous studies.
An alternative, more comprehensive, way to characterize the geographic distribution of headquarters
location across metropolitan areas is by means of a
Lorenz curve. A Lorenz curve graphs cumulative frequency distributions. It shows the degree to which a
distribution is concentrated by the distance between
the actual distribution and the 45 degree line, which
represents an egalitarian distribution. Figure 2 shows
the concentration of headquarters among the 50 most
populous metro areas. It graphs the cumulative distribution of headquarters on one axis versus the cumulative distribution of metropolitan areas on the other
axis. In that distribution, each metro area is treated as
an equally weighted entity. The shape of the plotted
line reveals the degree of concentration in the distribution of headquarters. For example, if each of the
largest 50 metropolitan areas contained the same number of corporate headquarters, the graph line would
be identical to the 45 degree line. In contrast, to the
extent that some metropolitan areas host disproportionate numbers of headquarters, the graph curve will
be bowed out toward the “southeast,” away from the
45 degree line. Figure 2 shows these curves for both
1990 and 2000 to illustrate changes in the concentration of headquarters within the largest 50 metropolitan
areas. The various panels show curves for all headquarters and headquarters classified by selected major industry group (we chose a few prominent industries).
For the year 2000, we find that the degree of concentration of headquarters among the largest metropolitan areas is quite similar across the various sectoral
breakdowns, with about 60 percent of headquarters
residing in the largest ten metro areas, as measured

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

by the number of headquarters. One notable exception
to that general finding is the high-tech manufacturing
sector, which is significantly more concentrated (about
80 percent of headquarters are found in the ten largest,
by headquarters, metropolitan areas). Over the past
25 years, high-tech industries, such as computing and
telecommunications equipment and software, have
grown rapidly and displayed an acute tendency to
concentrate heavily in a few metro areas, such as San
Jose, Raleigh–Durham, Austin, and Boston. Young
industries characterized by a high degree of innovation and competition appear to be loath to spatially
separate their headquarters activity from their R&D
or their production plants (Malecki, 1980).
A comparison of Lorenz curves for headquarters
for 1990 and 2000 also illustrates that corporate
headquarters have become more ubiquitous across
medium-sized metropolitan areas—spreading to less
headquarters-intensive areas. This trend is consistent
across major industry groups with two exceptions.
High-tech manufacturing shifts outward along part
of its distribution—with the more headquarters-intensive MSAs gaining share of high-tech activity from
1990 to 2000. The same can be said for the finance,
insurance, and real estate (FIRE) sector, only to a
more pronounced degree. Upon further investigation,
the increase in concentration of headquarters in that
sector can be explained by an increase in the concentration of headquarters in the banking sector. This presumably is a response to regulatory changes—largely
loosening—beginning in the early 1980s and continuing through the 1990s. So called deregulation has encouraged banks to grow in size which has, in turn,
shifted the distribution at the top of the industry even
further toward larger banks. Regulatory changes have
allowed banks to enter new product lines, which has
acted to increase their size and, in some instances,
to merge with other, nonbanking, financial firms.



Top 50 metro areas, by 2000 population

Metro area
New York–Northern New Jersey–Long Island,
Los Angeles–Riverside–Orange County, CA CMSA
Chicago–Gary–Kenosha, IL–IN–WI CMSA
Washington–Baltimore, DC–MD–VA–WV CMSA
San Francisco–Oakland–San Jose, CA CMSA
Philadelphia–Wilmington–Atlantic City,
Boston–Worcester–Lawrence, MA–NH–ME–CT CMSA
Detroit–Ann Arbor–Flint, MI CMSA
Dallas–Fort Worth, TX CMSA
Houston–Galveston–Brazoria, TX CMSA
Atlanta, GA MSA
Miami–Fort Lauderdale, FL CMSA
Seattle–Tacoma–Bremerton, WA CMSA
Phoenix–Mesa, AZ MSA
Minneapolis–St. Paul, MN–WI MSA
Cleveland–Akron, OH CMSA
San Diego, CA MSA
St. Louis, MO–IL MSA
Denver–Boulder–Greeley, CO CMSA
Tampa–St. Petersburg–Clearwater, FL MSA
Pittsburgh, PA MSA
Portland–Salem, OR–WA CMSA
Cincinnati–Hamilton, OH–KY–IN CMSA
Sacramento–Yolo, CA CMSA
Kansas City, MO–KS MSA
Milwaukee–Racine, WI CMSA
Orlando, FL MSA
Indianapolis, IN MSA
San Antonio, TX MSA
Norfolk–Virginia Beach–Newport News, VA–NC MSA
Las Vegas, NV–AZ MSA
Columbus, OH MSA
Charlotte–Gastonia–Rock Hill, NC–SC MSA
New Orleans, LA MSA
Salt Lake City–Ogden, UT MSA
Greensboro–Winston–Salem–High Point, NC MSA
Austin–San Marcos, TX MSA
Nashville, TN MSA
Providence–Fall River–Warwick, RI–MA MSA
Raleigh–Durham–Chapel Hill, NC MSA
Hartford, CT MSA
Buffalo–Niagara Falls, NY MSA
Memphis, TN–AR–MS MSA
West Palm Beach–Boca Raton, FL MSA
Jacksonville, FL MSA
Rochester, NY MSA
Grand Rapids–Muskegon–Holland, MI MSA
Oklahoma City, OK MSA
Louisville, KY–IN MSA
Richmond–Petersburg, VA MSA



Net change
HQ number

Net change
HQ %









Note: HQ indicates headquarters.
Sources: See table 1.


2Q/2002, Economic Perspectives



Headquarters and population
by MSA quartiles, 2000

Distribution of headquarters among
50 largest metro areas


A. All


cumulative frequency of headquarters










Quartile 1

Quartile 2

Quartile 3

Quartile 4


Sources: Compustat, Census Bureau, and authors’ calculations.


Presumably, the tendency of larger organizations to
prefer headquarters locations in larger metropolitan
areas has thus brought about the shift observed in
figure 2, panel C. In addition, deregulation has loosened restrictions that had been placed on banks to serve
markets across state lines, or within states, across
county lines, and other boundaries. This has facilitated
geographic consolidation of markets in the banking
sector, often through a merger.11 For example, the
merger between Banc One of Columbus and NBDFirst Chicago in 1998 resulted in a headquarters choice
of Chicago. These industry-specific events produced
a headquarters location trend in the 1990s that was
the opposite of that of most industries in which midsized metropolitan areas were the relative gainers.
Mid-sized metropolitan areas were the gainers not
only because of headquarters choices, but also because
they grew faster in population size. They emerged
as sizable markets so that their companies and headquarters grew along with them. Nonetheless, the growing prominence of mid-sized metropolitan areas does
not account for the entire shift of headquarters toward
these places. Figure 3 illustrates the distribution for
headquarters across all industries, as well as for population for the largest 50 metro areas in 1990 and 2000.
We can see that headquarters are more concentrated
among metro areas than population. This is true for
both 1990 and 2000. However, during the 1990s the
relative difference between the distribution of headquarters and population narrowed. This is demonstrated
in panel B of figure 3, which plots the vertical distance
between both distributions at both points in time. While
the contour of that distance has not changed much, it
narrowed across the entire range of the distribution

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago







cumulative frequency of MSAs

B. High-tech manufacturing
cumulative frequency of headquarters












cumulative frequency of MSAs

C. Finance, insurance, and real estate
cumulative frequency of headquarters











cumulative frequency of MSAs
Sources: Compustat, Census Bureau, and authors’ calculations.


during the decade. In addition, from panel A of figure 3
we can tell that that movement was driven in large part
by a redistribution of headquarters as opposed to a
redistribution of population.
Different growth and reorganizational experiences
across industries also become important in understanding the regional shifts in headquarters that have taken
place. In examining the shifts among the four major
regions as defined by the U.S. Bureau of the Census,12
we find that at the beginning of the decade, both the
Northeast and the Midwest regions were the most headquarters-intensive among the four. That is not surprising as the industry structure of the Northeast and
Midwest reflects their rich manufacturing history. Even
though manufacturing plants spread beyond their regions’ boundaries long ago, many of the country’s
headquarters of industrial companies continued to be
located there in 1990 (see Rees, 1978). As these industries’ companies decline in size and importance or are
acquired by overseas companies, these headquarters
are evaporating. So too, with a lag, headquarters sometimes follow their operating manufacturing plants to

Distribution of headquarters and population
A. All large headquarters














cumulative frequency of MSAs

B. Vertical distance between the two distributions









cumulative frequency of MSAs
Sources: Compustat, Census Bureau, and authors’ calculations.


Sun Belt locales.13 As a result, both the Northeast and
Midwest regions—but especially the Northeast—continued to shed such headquarters during the 1990s.
Figure 4 illustrates the U.S. geography of all large
company headquarter locations in the year 2000.14
Figure 5 clearly shows the 1990s to be the decade
of the South. While leading the country in population
share at the beginning of the decade, it represented
just over 25 percent of all large company headquarters.
But during the 1990s the number of headquarters domiciled in the South grew much faster than its population share. In fact, at the end of the decade that
region’s share of headquarters had virtually pulled
even to its share of population. Apparently, in addition to the beneficial effects of local market growth,
several prominent urban areas in the South have matured as commercial centers. In particular, Atlanta,
Houston, Nashville, and Southeast Florida laid claim
to much of the region’s increase in corporate headquarters (see figure 6).
In contrast, the West continued to grow its population at a faster rate than its headquarters. Hence, it
remains the least headquarters-intensive region on a
per capita basis, despite the tremendous growth in
high-tech manufacturing in the 1990s (see figure 7).
High-tech manufacturing—defined at the 3-digit SIC
level as pharmaceuticals, computers and office equipment, communication equipment, electrical components, and aircraft and parts—behaved very differently
from the rest of manufacturing during the 1990s.15
The West experienced the strongest growth in hightech manufacturing headquarters, leaving it with the
highest share at the end of the decade, ahead of the
Northeast. The Midwest, on the other hand, experienced an almost commensurate drop in its share. Underlying that phenomenon is the well-known growth
of the high-tech sector during the 1990s, a large part
of which occurred in and around Silicon Valley. The
“rest” of manufacturing experienced little change in
its regional distribution; the Midwest region’s share
remained essentially unchanged, whereas the Northeast lost share and the South gained share.
The role of regional industry specialization can
be seen in examining the individual components of
growth and decline for a few representative metropolitan areas. (see table 3). Table 3, panel A starts in 2000
and looks at the history of large headquarters over the
previous ten years. We distinguish the following categories: 1) survivor in same metropolitan area with
same company name and as large company; 2) indigenous company that grew during decade above 2,500
employees; 3) company is the result of merger involving companies listed separately in 1990—merged

2Q/2002, Economic Perspectives


Where the headquarters are, 2000

Note: Figure includes boundaries of four census regions: West, Midwest, South, and Northeast.
Sources: Compustat, Census Bureau, and authors’ calculations.

entity in MSA as listed; 4) company relocated; 5) company newly established, and 6) other. Panel A shows
interesting differences and similarities across the three
metropolitan areas. First, the incidence of companies
relocating across metropolitan areas, while big news
in the business press, does not affect the distribution
of headquarters in a noticeable way. For all three metropolitan areas, between 7 percent and 10 percent of

the headquarters active in 2000 had moved since 1990.16
On the other hand, we can see strong differences in the
degree of churn across these three metropolitan areas.
San Francisco, the center of the Internet and high-tech
expansion of the last decade, finds itself with 57 percent of its large headquarters in 2000 either having
been started during the decade (26 percent)17 or growing above the large company threshold (31 percent).


Distribution of headquarters and population by region
B. 2000

A. 1990























Sources: Compustat, Census Bureau, and authors’ calculations.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago




Population and headquarters growth in 1990s,
50 largest MSAs
HQ growth rate

West Palm Beach


















population growth rate
Sources: Compustat, Census Bureau, and authors’ calculations.


To more rigorously test the relationship between the factors discussed above
and the change of headquarters at the MSA
level, we use multiple regression analysis.
Below, we briefly explain the variables
and present the results. The dependent
variable in our model is the percentage
change in the number of headquarters in
a metropolitan area. In order to minimize
the effect of a small base at the start of
the decade, we use only the 50 most populous metropolitan areas (see table 2).18
The descriptive data presented earlier suggest a number of influences on the
change in the concentration of headquarters during the last decade. The high degree of concentration of headquarters
among a relatively small number of metro
areas suggests the existence of a scale
effect in hosting headquarter operations.
That effect is measured in our model by
the level of population. While the coeffi90
cient for this variable should reflect the
scale effect, we estimate the model only
for the largest metro areas, so it should
also pick up the redistribution from the
largest to the medium-sized metro areas.
Hence, the expected sign is ambiguous.
We also include a variable measuring the percent
change in population during the decade. This variable

Neither New York nor Chicago approaches these numbers. By the same token, the latter two are characterized
by larger survival rates of large company headquarters.
Table 3, panel B traces the 1990 headquarters to the year 2000. The table disFIGURE 7
tinguishes the following categories:
manufacturing headquarters
1) survivor in same metropolitan area
with same company name and as large
company; 2) indigenous company whose
employment fell below 2,500 over the
1990 non-high-tech manufacturing
2000 non-high-tech manufacturing
decade; 3) company is the result of merg1990 high-tech manufacturing
er involving companies listed separately
2000 high-tech manufacturing
in 1990—merged entity in MSA as listed; 4) company is result of merger in30
volving companies listed separately in
1990—merged entity in different MSA;
5) company relocated to different MSA;
6) company went out of business; and
7) other. Again, similarities dominate.
About half of the 1990 headquarters
survived in the same metro area. With
the exception of New York, we find
relocation of companies to be a rather
Sources: Compustat, Census Bureau, and authors’ calculations.
rare occurrence, involving between 5
percent and 8 percent of the companies.


2Q/2002, Economic Perspectives

sector to proxy for the degree to which a
metro area specializes in the provision of
Churn rate of headquarters
business services. We expect a positive
sign for two reasons. First, much of the
A. Looking back from 2000
activity in FIRE industries is of the type
New York
San Francisco
purchased and outsourced by headquarters.
(- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - percent - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -)
Purportedly owing to the forces of gloSurvivor
balization, headquarters are increasingly
seeking to locate where such services are
Merged or acquired
accessible. Second, headquarters of FIRE
Moved in
industries, especially banking, have been
rapidly consolidating, forming companies
of large size, and perhaps doing so in
B. Looking forward from 1990
metropolitan areas that already specialize
New York
San Francisco
in such activities. We also control for the
regional composition of headquarters
No longer large
growth by a binary variable that measures
Merged/acquired stayed 8
if the MSA is located in the South, as deMerged/acquired left
fined by the census region.
Moved out
Out of business
The regression results point to the
effect of the change in population as well
as the provision of business services in
Note: Total may not add to 100 due to rounding
Source: Compustat.
influencing headquarters growth at the
metro area level (see table 4). Consistently, these two variables are statistically
should capture the shifting of markets away from the
significant in the three model variations we estimattraditional centers of commerce and population and
ed. We find that headquarters growth is elastic with
show a positive sign. We might also see such a rerespect to growth in population: An increase in the
sponse to growing population because the universe
growth of population by 1 percent is associated with
of large companies is increasingly composed of sera 2 percent increase in the growth of headquarters.
vice rather than manufacturing companies.19 In addiA 1 percent increase in the earnings share in the FIRE
tion, service companies tend to be more
regional than national or international in
market scope. However, various past
Regression results
studies argue that headquarters need not
follow markets. That is because enhanced
Model 1
Model 2
communication technology may allow
control and oversight functions to be
conducted from afar.
Level of population (millions)
Two variables control for the sectoral
composition of the metropolitan areas.
Change in population
First, we measure the share of manufac(0.96)
turing earnings in all nonfarm earnings
Manufacturing share
(1989 data) in each metropolitan area.
We expect a negative sign insofar as the
FIRE share
Northeast and Midwest have been losing
their dominance in manufacturing proSouth
duction to other regions. However, as
documented by Rees (1978) and others,
headquarters tend to remain behind, or
Adjusted R-squared
follow regional demand shifts only with
Notes: Standard errors are in parentheses. Numbers in bold are
long lags. Second, we compute a compastatistically significant. FIRE is finance, insurance, and real estate.
rable share for employment in the FIRE

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


sector corresponds to a 9.5 percentage point increase
in the growth rate of headquarters. Finally, if a metro
area is located in the South, we observe headquarters
growth that is about 0.6 percent higher than in metro
areas located in the rest of the country.
Headquarters of large companies continue to be
desired and actively pursued by states and regions.
Our findings for the 1990s provide further evidence
to support the historical trend that the largest urban
areas are highly preferred as headquarters locations.
The momentum of this locational preference apparently continued throughout the decade. However, the
evidence does point to some changes in the distribution of large headquarters among sizable metropolitan areas. First, the very largest metropolitan areas
witnessed a drain of headquarters to the middle tier
of cities during the 1990s. New York City had been
experiencing an erosion for several decades, but the
trend is more pervasive than that. Apparently, secondtier cities have improving chances of success in the
competition for large company headquarters. This

tendency for gains among the second tier may surprise
some analysts of globalization, who have predicted
that the larger and more complex companies that
result from globalization would flock to the very
largest metropolitan areas in search of the most extensive communications, talent, ideas, and transportation. Further investigation is needed to understand
the nature of the shifting distribution of headquarters
by size of metropolitan area.
Significant shifts are also taking place among regions and among metropolitan areas. Among large
multi-state regions, the South was a big gainer in the
1990s. To some extent, this reflects the shifting of
markets and population growth to the South. Yet, the
West also gained population but did not experience
headquarters gains to the same extent. Apparently, in
addition to market growth, the maturing of key urban
areas in the South is contributing to the region’s attractiveness. Among both metropolitan areas and regions, the performance of indigenous industries and
individual companies is also key. Our research clearly shows that company headquarters do not migrate
so much as they grow and decline.

Of 91 headquarters in the San Francisco Bay area at the end of
2000, 28 represent public companies that grew during the decade
and 20 represent companies that went public during the decade.

See Sassen, 2001a, p. 109.


See, for example, Scott, 2001, p. 82.


It is essentially unchanged from 1990.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (2000) and DeYoung et al.


The four census regions are defined as follows: West: Alaska,
Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada,
New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming; Midwest:
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri,
Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin;
Northeast: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire,
New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont;
and South: Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia,
West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida,
Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana, Texas, and Oklahoma; also see figure 4.

Microsoft may be one prominent example where a dominant
company chose a non-standard indigenous location. In contrast,
Gateway Computer’s move from North Sioux City, SD, to San
Diego, CA, in 1999 attests to the countervailing pull that urban
economies can exert on large companies.
Compustat created “pre-FASB” company records upon introduction of FASB rule 94 regarding the accounting of financial service
subsidiaries to show consistency between current and historical data.

Our results are robust to lowering the cutoff for large companies
to 2,000 employees.

For example, the Chicago CMSA encompasses the primary metropolitan statistical areas of Chicago, IL, Gary, IN, Kankakee, IL,
and Kenosha, WI.

In 1990, there are 61 (4.2 percent of all large company records)
large company headquarters located outside metropolitan areas;
in 2000 there are 66 (3.5 percent).

Horst and Koropeckyi (2000) note that a metro area must have an
employment base of at least 750,000 to be considered large enough
to develop a strong agglomeration of support services (p. 26).


This continues a trend that has been documented for the 1960s
and 1970s; see Rees, 1978.

The figure shows a dot for each headquarters location in the database, regardless of location in metro area. This map represents 1,871

We use the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development definition of high-tech industries, which is based on R&D
intensity (see National Science Board, 2000).

Holloway and Wheeler (1991) identified the dynamics for all the
records in their data set. Their finding on the importance of moves
very closely matches ours: 10 percent of all additions of headquarters in the top 55 metropolitan areas were due to relocation.

2Q/2002, Economic Perspectives

That term is somewhat misleading as start-up is measured relative to the universe of the database; in other words, a private company that was taken public would be classified as a start-up. In
fact, 20 of 24 “new” companies in the San Francisco metro area
were initial public offerings.


Holloway and Wheeler (1991) estimate a model for 55 metro areas.
In order to be included in that set, a metro area had to be host to
at least one Fortune 500 headquarters both in 1980 and 1987. Their


dependent variable is a measure of the change in corporate dominance, which is measured by the change in the proportion of total
Fortune 500 assets held within a metro area.
From 1990 to 2000, the share of service sector companies in our
database increased from 9.6 percent to 17.2 percent, while manufacturing companies fell from 43.1 percent to 37.2 percent.



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in the 1980s, Norman Walzer and David L. Chicone
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“Corporate headquarters relocation and changes in
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2Q/2002, Economic Perspectives

Post-resolution treatment of depositors at failed banks:
Implications for the severity of banking crises, systemic risk,
and too big to fail
George G. Kaufman and Steven A. Seelig

Introduction and summary
Bank failures are widely viewed in all countries as
more damaging to the economy than failures of other
types of firms of similar size for a number of reasons.
The failures may produce losses to depositors and
other creditors, break long-standing bank–customer
loan relationships, disrupt the payments system, and
spill over in domino fashion to other banks, financial
institutions and markets, and even to the macroeconomy (Kaufman, 1996). Thus, bank failures are viewed
as more likely to involve contagion or systemic risk
than are failures of other firms.
The risk of such actual or perceived damage is
often a popular justification for explicit or implicit government-provided or -sponsored safety nets, including
explicit deposit insurance and implicit government
guarantees, such as “too big to fail” (TBTF), that may
protect de jure uninsured depositors and possibly other
bank stakeholders against some or all of the loss.1 But
even with such guarantees, bank failures still invoke
widespread fear. In part, this reflects a concern that
protected and/or unprotected depositors may not receive full and immediate access to their claims on the
insolvent banks at the time that the institutions are legally declared insolvent and placed in receivership.2
That is, they may suffer post-resolution losses in addition to any loss at the time of resolution. Unprotected
depositors may be required to wait until the proceeds
from the sale of the bank’s assets are received. Protected depositors may also not be paid in full immediately if the insurance agency has no authority or
procedures for advancing payment before receipt of
the sales proceeds, or if there is insufficient time to
collect and process the necessary data on who are the
insured depositors and how much is insured for each
depositor. If depositors are not paid the full value of
their claims immediately, some or all of the deposits
are effectively temporarily “frozen.” In the absence

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

of an efficient secondary market for frozen deposits,
both protected and unprotected depositors will experience losses in liquidity. Protected depositors will
also experience present value losses if they are paid
the par value of their claim after the date of resolution
without interest. At the same time, the ability of the
bank to conduct its normal lending business is greatly
reduced. It is effectively partially or totally physically,
as well as legally, closed. Indeed, a European bank
analyst recently observed that
The issue is not so much the fear of a domino
effect where the failure of a large bank would
create the failure of many smaller ones; strict
analysis of counterparty exposures has reduced substantially the risk of a domino effect. The fear is rather that the need to close
a bank for several months to value its illiquid
assets would freeze a large part of deposits
and savings, causing a significant negative
effect on national consumption (Dermine,
1996, p. 680).

That is, both the great fear of bank failures and
the magnitude of any damage that such failures impose
on other sectors of the economy are triggered as much
if not more by losses in liquidity by both insured and

George G. Kaufman is the John Smith, Jr., Professor of
Finance at Loyola University Chicago and a consultant to
the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Steven A. Seelig is
a financial sector advisor at the International Monetary
Fund (IMF). The authors are indebted to George Benston
(Emory University), Maximilian Hall (Loughborough
University), Edward Kane (Boston College), Daniel Nolle
(Office of the Comptroller of the Currency), Yuri Kawakami
(IMF), and participants at the annual meeting of the Financial
Management Association and at seminars at the IMF,
Concordia University (Montreal), York University, Dalhousie
University, and the University of the South for helpful
comments on earlier drafts. The views expressed in this
article are those of the authors and not necessarily those
of the IMF.


uninsured deposits as by credit losses in the value of
uninsured deposits.3, 4
The potential magnitude of losses to depositors
and other stakeholders in bank failures is likely to affect both the supply of and demand for government
guarantees to protect some or all bank stakeholders and
to influence the resolution options available to a deposit
insurer. The larger the potential losses in bank resolutions are perceived to be, the greater the demand for
government guarantees by depositors and other stakeholders is likely to be and the more willing governments
are likely to be to bow to such political pressures and
supply the guarantees. Likewise, the larger the potential losses, the greater the probability that the accounts
will be partially or totally frozen, the greater the potential harm to the macroeconomy, and the more likely
the government will supply the guarantees to minimize
the potential damage.
Thus, the way depositors are treated at insolvent
institutions in terms of the magnitude of the losses they
may incur and their access to the value of their deposit
claims has important public policy implications. It
follows that the probability and magnitude of government guarantees may be reduced by reducing the perceived losses to depositors and other stakeholders in
resolving insolvent banks.
This article examines both the sources and implications of potential depositor losses in bank resolutions.
In particular, we examine post-resolution depositor
losses due to delays in paying both protected and unprotected depositors at failed banks the full current
value of their claims in a timely fashion after a bank
is officially declared insolvent and resolved. For de
facto insured depositors, the value of their claims is
the par value of the eligible deposits at the time of
resolution less any explicit deductible or loss-sharing
amount. For de facto uninsured depositors, the value
of their claims is the present value of the estimated
eventual pro-rata recovery value of the bank’s assets,
which is likely to be less than the par value. Although
losses in value to depositors in bank failures at the
time of resolution have been frequently analyzed, this
article contributes to the literature by analyzing the
implications of losses in liquidity after resolution, in
particular, losses from delayed depositor access through
the freezing of insured and/or uninsured accounts,
which have not been thoroughly analyzed up to now.
Because the magnitude and timing of the losses
in both value and liquidity to depositors in bank insolvencies are in some measure under the control of
the deposit insurance agency or the government, the
article also develops public policy recommendations
on how to minimize losses to depositors from all


sources, but in particular the losses to depositors from
delayed access to their funds after resolution. On the
one hand, as noted, if this loss could be reduced, it
could contribute to reducing both the demand for and
supply of broad government guarantees, including
reducing if not eliminating the need for TBTF. In the
United States, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) currently pursues such a strategy. In many
instances, it effectively makes the current value of their
permissible claims available to both insured and uninsured depositors one or two business days after a bank
is legally failed. Combined with faster resolution after
economic insolvency that reduces depositor losses at
the time of resolution, this strategy makes it more politically possible to resolve even large insolvent banks with
losses to uninsured depositors. The banks are legally
closed in terms of effectively terminating the ownership
claim of the old shareholders and transferring ownership to new shareholders. Except in infrequent cases
of liquidation, when there is no demand for the banking services in the community, the resolved banks are
not physically closed. Thus, there is little, if any, interruption in their banking business.5
However, this practice is not followed in most other
countries. Rather, in these countries, both insured
and uninsured depositors are paid the value of their
claims only through time after the resolution of the
bank. These delays may at times stretch many
months for insured deposits and many years for uninsured deposits. As a result, to reduce the potential adverse economic and political ramifications from such
additional losses to depositors, governments in these
countries are often reluctant to resolve insolvent banks
with losses to uninsured depositors and permit the
banks to continue in operation by effectively protecting all depositors and other stakeholders, including
senior management.
On the other hand, reductions in potential losses
and in delays in payment could reduce depositor discipline on banks, thereby increasing the banks’ fragility
and the probability of failure. Thus, either solution appears to have drawbacks as well as advantages; and an
intermediate solution in terms of delay time in paying
depositors may be preferred in reducing the potential
damage from bank failures and maximizing aggregate
economic welfare. This article models the tradeoffs
between increased market discipline and increased
probability of government bailout as the time delay
by the insurance agency in paying depositors the full
value of their claims is varied to solve for the optimal
depositor access delay time.
First, we identify and analyze the sources of potential losses to depositors in bank failures. Then, we

2Q/2002, Economic Perspectives

discuss the implications of delayed depositor access
at insolvent banks in terms of the effects on depositor
discipline, on the one hand, and depositor pressure to
protect all deposits, on the other. We consider ways
that policymakers can reduce depositor losses from
bank failures. Next, we describe the FDIC’s current
procedure to provide depositors with full and immediate access to their claims at the time institutions are
declared insolvent and placed in receivership and provide an overview of the history of immediate payment
in the U.S. Then, we consider the advantages and disadvantages of full and immediate depositor access.
We model the access timing decision graphically to
solve for the optimal delay time. We then report on a
survey of depositor access practices across countries
conducted by the FDIC in spring 2000. Finally, we
develop conclusions and “best practice” recommendations regarding depositor access to funds at resolved
insolvent institutions to enhance the safety and efficiency of banking systems.
Sources of potential losses to depositors
Past analyses have identified five potential sources
of economic loss to depositors or the government deposit insurance agency, which stands in the shoes of
the de jure insured depositors, from the resolution of
insolvent depository institutions:
1. Poor closure rule—Embedded losses in value
from a delay between the time when a bank becomes
economically insolvent (that is, where the market value
of the assets declines below the market value of the
liabilities, which is the present value of the maturity
value of the deposits and other debt) and the time it
becomes eligible to be declared legally insolvent.
2. Regulatory forbearance—Embedded losses in
value from a delay in the time from when a bank becomes legally eligible to be declared insolvent and the
time it is actually resolved—that is, legally declared
insolvent by the regulators or other authorized party
(official recognition of the insolvency), a receiver
appointed, and the existing owners removed.
3. Insufficient information and processing delay—
Possible losses from any time necessary after resolution
for the deposit insurance agency to determine the identity of qualified protected and unprotected depositors
and the qualifying deposits and to pay the depositors.
4. Bad market conditions after resolution—Possible losses (or gains) from any delay in the receiver’s selling the bank as a whole or in parcels after the
bank is declared legally insolvent, either because of
operational problems or to wait for a better market.
5. Inefficient receiver—Losses from delay in
the receiver’s distributing the proceeds from the

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

sales to the uninsured depositors and the deposit
insurance agency.
These potential losses occur sequentially. The first
two sources of losses occur before the date of resolution because economically insolvent banks are permitted
to stay open and operate under their existing owners
and managers. The first loss arises from a poor legal
closure rule that focuses on book or regulatory values
that often overstate bank assets and understate bank
liabilities compared with their economic or market
values, particularly when a bank approaches insolvency.
In the United States, banks (although not bank holding
companies), unlike other corporations, are not subject
to the jurisdiction of the bankruptcy process and courts.
Rather, they are legally closed and a receiver appointed by their chartering or primary federal regulator.
The second loss reflects regulatory forbearance
from fear of imposing losses and injuring favored
stakeholders of the insolvent bank (for example, shareholders, management, other employees, borrowers,
or uninsured depositors), injuring other financial institutions, reducing the availability of banking services,
or injuring the regulators’ own reputation as public
guardians against bank failures. In addition, until the
date of official resolution of the bank, embedded losses
from the continued operation of insolvent banks are
not booked and accrue only to the deposit insurance
agency. Both insured and uninsured depositors can
withdraw their maturing funds from these banks at
par value, effectively stripping the banks of their best
and most liquid assets. Because they are not officially
booked, the embedded losses to the insurance agency
are generally difficult for much of the public to recognize and easy for regulators to disguise, hide, and
deny. Only at and after the date of official recognition
of insolvency are the total embedded losses booked
and visible to all and a pro-rata share imposed on the
remaining unprotected depositors. This encourages
regulators to delay closure. As a result, regulators are
at times poor agents for their principals—healthy banks
and taxpayers. The costs of regulatory forbearance in
encouraging moral hazard behavior by the banks and
increasing eventual losses to depositors in the U.S. and
abroad have been amply documented (Kane, 1989
and 1990; Kane and Yu, 1995; Kaufman, 1995 and
1997a; Barth, 1991; and Gupta and Misra, 1999).
The costs of a poor closure rule and forbearance
include not only increased credit and market losses,
but also increased losses from fraud and asset stripping, which is more likely at insolvent or near-insolvent institutions, and the misallocation of financial
resources, leading to misallocations of real resources
and reductions in aggregate economic welfare.


The final three sources of potential loss occur after
the date of official resolution when the institution is
placed in receivership. Losses to depositors from delays in receiving reimbursement and liquidating bank
assets may be either credit/market losses or liquidity/
present value losses or both. Before insured depositors
can be paid, their identities and amount of qualifying
deposits must be determined and certified. Before uninsured depositors can be advanced the value of their
claims, they also must be identified and certified and
the recovery value of the bank assets estimated. The
length of these operational delays depends on the state
of information (record-keeping) technology in use and
represents a potential liquidity or present value loss.
The fourth source of loss is a credit loss that arises because of attempts, legitimate or not, by the receiver to
avoid fire-sale losses or depressing asset prices by selling quickly into perceived temporarily weak markets,
from self-dealing by the receiver, or legal obstacles that
prevent the receiver from disposing of assets quickly.
The fifth and last source of loss from delays in distributing the funds from the sale of the assets of the bank
is primarily a liquidity/present value loss to depositors
from operational inefficiencies by the receiver.
Implications of post-resolution delayed
depositor access to funds
Unlike the two sources of losses at the date the
institution is legally declared insolvent and placed in
receivership, which have been analyzed frequently, the
three sources of depositor losses afterwards and the
speed with which depositors gain access to their funds
have been analyzed only infrequently.6 As noted earlier,
at the time of resolution, insured depositors have claims
for the par value of their deposits (adjusted for any coinsurance) at the date of resolution and uninsured depositors for the present value of the estimated pro-rata
recovery value of their deposits. In the absence of an
efficient secondary market, delay in offering depositors
full access to their permissible funds decreases the liquidity and, in the absence of interest payments, the
present value of the deposit claims and greatly intensifies both public fears and actual costs of bank failures.
As noted by the Swedish Central Bank (Riksbank):
Freezing a company’s assets and suspending
its payments from the time the bankruptcy order is issued could have serious implications
if applied to banks. A bank’s liabilities do after all form an active part of its business operations, and its borrowing and interbank funding
activities reflect among other things the bank’s
central role in the payment system. Suddenly
freezing the repayment of the liabilities at one
or more big banks could have immeasurable


consequences for the banking system as a
whole (Viotti, 2000, p. 55).

Moreover, the fear of such inaccessibility to one’s
account is likely to have important political as well
as economic consequences. Affected depositors are
more likely to demand full and immediate access to
their funds, and regulators and governments are likely to bow to the political pressures and both delay
official recognition of insolvency (forbear) and fully
protect more if not all depositors (too big to fail) if
and when insolvency is finally declared. At the same
time, the government itself is likely to view any loss
in depositor liquidity as potentially detrimental to the
aggregate economy and may be reluctant to permit
conditions that would trigger this loss. Thus, it may
maintain insolvent institutions in operation and protect all depositors and possibly other creditors in full.
This strategy is likely to increase the ultimate cost
of the losses to the government. Moreover, such response further reduces market discipline and encourages additional moral hazard behavior by the banks.
Reducing potential losses to depositors
The adverse effects from bank failure can be reduced by reducing losses from any or all of the above
five sources to both depositors and the deposit insurance agency. Indeed, if troubled banks could be resolved before the market value of their equity capital
turned negative, losses would be restricted only to
shareholders. Depositors would be unharmed. Little,
if any, more serious adverse effects would then be felt
from bank failures than from the failure of any other
firm of comparable size. Failures could be freely permitted to weed out the inefficient or unlucky players.
Deposit insurance would effectively be redundant. In
the U.S., the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Improvement Act (FDICIA) attempts to reduce the
first two sources of losses through prompt corrective
action (PCA), which both imposes a more efficient
closure rule—2 percent tangible equity to asset ratio—
and reduces regulatory discretion to forbear by requiring mandatory sanctions on financially troubled
institutions. These include resolution when the discretionary sanctions applied appear to be ineffective
as reflected in a continued decline in the bank’s capital ratio. We describe how the FDIC reduces the third
source of loss—insufficient information and processing delay—in the next section.
The fourth source of loss, bad market conditions,
could be reduced by careful monitoring by the appropriate agency of the receiver’s motivations or justification for delaying selling bank assets. This monitoring
would verify 1) that the probabilities are sufficiently

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high that relevant asset markets are only temporarily
depressed and may be expected to recover shortly; and
2) that the assets can be managed efficiently in the meantime, so that the present value of the projected sales
proceeds to depositors and the deposit insurance agency
will be higher than without a delay. Recent experience
in most countries, including the United States, suggests
that delays in asset sales, although often politically
popular, rarely produce financial gains (Kane, 1990,
and Gupta and Misra, 1999). Thus, it may be desirable
to specify timely sales schedules. The fifth source of
loss—inefficient receiver—could be reduced by requiring receivers to distribute their proceeds more
quickly as they are received and monitoring and enforcing their compliance with this policy.
Procedures for immediate and full payment
of depositor claims at resolution
If losses are incurred in resolving an insolvency,
governments, out of fear of political pressure by depositors for bailouts or of systemic risk, may prefer to provide depositors with immediate and full access to their
claims at the time of resolution when the institution
is legally placed in receivership. To do so, the deposit
insurance agency can accelerate the identification of
the depositors and the value of their claims and advance funds to them before it is paid by the receiver
or encourage the development of an efficient secondary market in the claims.
The U.S. appears to be one of the very few countries that generally does not freeze accounts at failed
banks when they are resolved. Except in unusual instances, the FDIC provides all depositors with almost
immediate and full access to the value of their claims
at resolution, based on losses from poor closure rules
and regulatory forbearance, so that there is no loss of
either liquidity or present value from post-resolution
sources (FDIC, 1998a).7 The FDIC advances the funds.
Although it may not receive full and immediate payment for all the assets in the resolution of a failed bank,
the FDIC typically advances the pro-rata present value
of the estimated recovery value through an advance
dividend payment to all depositors at domestic offices
of the bank on or about the next business day after its
appointment as receiver.8 In addition, for insured and
ex-post protected deposits, the FDIC advances the difference between the par value of the account and the
present value of the estimated recovery amount, so that
these depositors receive the par value of their deposits.
The FDIC does not advance uninsured depositors a
dividend equal to the estimated recovery amount primarily in cases where it cannot quickly obtain reliable
estimates of the recovery value of the assets.

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Payment of insured deposits is either at the bank
that assumed the insured deposits of the resolved banks
or, if the insured deposits are not assumed by another
bank, at the site of the failed bank operating in receivership.9 Payment of the advance dividend on de facto
unprotected deposits at domestic offices, which is generally for less than par value, is at the failed bank, unless these deposits are assumed by another bank at par
value.10 However, since 1992, the least cost resolution
provisions of FDICIA have made assumptions of uninsured deposits by another bank unlikely, unless there
is no or next to no loss to the FDIC in the transaction.11
The FDIC can make funds available quickly because
it has the legal authority to advance the funds and it
has mostly solved the technical problems that underlie delays in payments after resolution. As noted earlier,
to give the FDIC sufficient time to prepare for these
payments and transfers, including identifying the
owners and total of eligible accounts, banks are generally declared insolvent at the end of business on
Thursdays or Fridays, and depositors are given access
to their funds on the following Monday.
Reliable estimation of recovery values of bank
assets, however, often requires longer than a weekend.
And examiners and supervisors in the U.S. are typically provided with additional time. Under FDICIA’s
prompt corrective action, bank examiners and supervisors are effectively required to progressively increase
their familiarity with a bank as soon as its financial
situation deteriorates to the extent that it becomes
classified as undercapitalized, including increasing
the frequency of on-site visits. Moreover, when a bank
is considered in imminent danger of failing, is declared
critically undercapitalized, or is being resolved for
other reasons by its primary federal or chartering regulator, the FDIC is notified in advance and prepares
for a possible sale of all or part of the bank to other
institutions at auction at the highest price (FDIC, 1998c).
To do this, it has to prepare detailed financial information on the bank to be provided on a confidential
basis to potential bidders prior to the auction and to
gather the information needed to make the determination as to which of several resolution alternatives will
be least costly to it. Thus, the FDIC typically sends its
resolutions staff into the bank some days prior to its
being closed to collect the needed information (FDIC,
1998a). The data collected are used to arrive at both
market valuations for the assets of the bank and estimates of the number and holdings of insured depositors and other creditor classes. As a result, except in
the case of major fraud, the FDIC is generally able to
estimate recovery values reasonably accurately before
the bank is legally resolved and put in receivership,


and the deposits need not be frozen after closure
while the magnitude and impact of the payout are
being estimated.12
If, after recovery is completed, the proceeds to the
FDIC exceed the amount it advanced the uninsured depositors, the depositors are paid the difference up to the
par value of their claims plus interest. Any remainder
is paid to more junior creditors and eventually to shareholders. If the proceeds fall short of the amount the
FDIC advanced to the uninsured depositors, the FDIC
bears the loss. Thus, to protect itself, it advances to
the uninsured depositors only a conservative estimate
of the present value of the recovery value.13
History of immediate and full payments of
depositor claims
Immediate and full access for all depositors, or even
for only ex-post protected depositors, to their permissible funds has not always been the practice of federal
deposit insurance agencies in the U.S., has not been
the practice of state insurance agencies in the U.S., and
is not the current practice of deposit insurance agencies in most other countries. In large measure, the
delayed access, particularly for protected depositors,
reflects the inability of the insurance agency both to
legally advance payment to depositors before receipt
from the receiver and to collect and analyze in a timely fashion the necessary information on what balances
and which depositors are insured and on estimates of
recovery values, as well as the inability to establish
paying agents quickly. The information on eligible insured deposits is complex because of, among other
things, poor and/or noncomputerized records and
depositor ownership of multiple accounts at the same
bank. These obstacles provide a physical rather than
a policy reason for not providing immediate and full
access to both protected and unprotected depositors.
Before the establishment of the FDIC in 1934,
depositors at failed banks, even in states with state
insurance programs, had all or part of their accounts
frozen and were generally paid only as the assets
were liquidated and funds collected (FDIC, 1998b,
and Mason, Anari, and Kolari, 2000).14 The delay in
liquidating a failed bank’s assets and paying the depositors averaged nearly six years (Bennett, 2001).
Even when the FDIC was initially established, it did
not pay insured depositors immediately. The FDIC’s
Annual Report for 1934 explains that
Payments of the insured portion of depositors’
claims against the banks which closed during
1934 were started promptly after the receiverships began. The interval between the appointment of the receiver and the first payment to


insured depositors varied from 2 to 22 days,
the average being seven days. Upon notification of suspension, preparations were begun
for payment of the insured deposits. Before
payment can be made an analysis of the deposit liabilities of the closed bank is necessary.
Balances due to depositors in the various
classes of deposit accounts carried by the bank
must be brought together in one deposit liability register, in order that the net insured deposit
of each depositor in each right and capacity
may be determined, as required by law. After
the period in which the stockholders might
enjoin the State authorities from placing banks
in liquidation had expired, depositors were
paid as rapidly as their claims were presented.
(FDIC, 1935, p. 26).

Similarly, before the mid-1960s, the former Federal Saving and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC),
which insured savings and loan (S&L) associations
before the FDIC, often disbursed funds to insured depositors at failed S&Ls only slowly through time; and
before the early 1980s, the FDIC did not advance
payments to unprotected depositors (FDIC, 1998a).15
Likewise, Ohio, Maryland, and Rhode Island, states
that experienced widespread failures of perceived state
insured thrift institutions in the 1980s, generally reimbursed insured depositors at these institutions in full,
but only slowly over a number of years, so that depositors suffered significant present value losses and liquidity costs (Kane, 1992; Pulkkinen and Rosengren, 1993;
and Todd, 1994). Contrary to current FDIC practice,
the insured depositors in these states were effectively
insured in future or nominal values only, not in
present values.
Full and immediate depositor access does not
exist in most other countries.16 For example, the
Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation provided
depositors of the failed Confederation Trust Company in 1994 with access to the insured portion of their
deposits 52 days after the bank was declared legally
failed, although faster advance payments were made
in cases of critical need (Canada Deposit Insurance
Corporation, 1995). Article 10 of the Directive of the
European Union (EU) dealing with deposit-guarantee
schemes, which became effective on July 1, 1995,
requires that each member country’s national insurance
agency pay insured depositors “within three months
of the date on which the competent authorities make
the determination” that the bank is unable to repay its
deposits in full and deposits become unavailable to
the depositors. But, this period may be extended for
three three-month periods to a maximum of 12
months if necessary in “exceptional circumstance.”

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These delay schedules appear to have been imposed
to limit the maximum delay due to obtaining and
processing the relevant deposit data and to encourage
faster payment, rather than to prolong delay in order
to increase market discipline. No harmonizing directive applies to the treatment of uninsured depositors
and other creditors in the EU. This is left to the laws
of the individual countries. The competent authority
that can declare an institution insolvent and the authority’s powers are also determined by each country. In
general, private receivers are appointed to sell or liquidate the bank. The unprotected claimants are paid
the recovered values as they are collected and distributed by the receiver.17 In most instances, this process
is not fully completed for many years, so that depositors do not have access to the full recovery value of
their claims for an equal number of years.
Advantages and disadvantages
of immediate and full payment
of depositor claims
Immediate and full payment of insured and uninsured depositor claims has both advantages and disadvantages. The major advantage, particularly for
uninsured depositors, is that it may forestall political
pressure by depositors on their governments to delay
resolving insolvent banks and to make all depositors
completely whole when they do. Moreover, by not
requiring banks to be effectively physically as well
as legally closed, speedy payments also reduce the
potential damage to the macroeconomy and reduce
the need for the government to provide guarantees.
Thus, TBTF appears alive and well in most countries
outside the U.S., which generally do not provide for
such speedy payments.
Indeed, before the enactment of deposit insurance
in the U.S. in 1933, Senator Carter Glass, the influential chairman of the Senate Banking Committee at
the time, had proposed more rapid payment to depositors at failed banks as a superior alternative to insurance (Bradley, 2000; Kennedy, 1973; and Willis and
Chapman, 1934). In describing the Glass proposal,
Willis and Chapman (1934, pp. 65–67) write:
It was a fact that the receiverships were in the
habit of extending anywhere from a few months
to as long as twenty-one years.
Recognizing that in bank failures the source of difficulty and losses is not primarily found in lack of
assets, but ... that the resources of depositors
are tied up and rendered unavailable for long
periods ... liquidation power and not guaranty
was demanded ... insuring an almost immediate settlement within a short time upon the basis of the estimated worth of the [failed] bank’s

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assets. ... This plan was considered by the
[Banking] Committee entirely adequate to the
protection of the bank depositor against most
of the evils to which he had been subject, while
leaving him still with a measure of individual
responsibility for the protection of his claims
through the selection of a well-qualified bank.

The plan called for the establishment of a federal
government liquidating corporation that would estimate
a bank’s recovery value immediately upon its failure,
quickly sell the bank as a whole or in parts, and quickly pay the proceeds to the receiver for speedy disbursement to the depositors. But this plan was found too
difficult to implement at the time, primarily because
it required accurately estimating the market value of
the failed banks’ assets quickly.
However, the advantages of such a scheme had
also been seen by others, particularly during the banking crisis of the early 1930s, when nearly 10,000 banks,
or some 40 percent of the total number of banks,
failed. For example, in 1931, the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York attempted to have depositors at failed
banks receive the recovery value of their claims faster
by requesting healthy member banks to buy the assets
of failed banks and advance the proceeds to them for
immediate distribution (Bradley, 2000, and Friedman
and Schwartz, 1963). This proposal does not appear
to have been successful. In 1933, the New York State
Banking Department entered into agreements with
several large New York City banks to partially assume
the deposits of failed banks and be reimbursed from
the liquidation of a corresponding amount of assets.
At the same time, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation began to loan funds to closed banks to make
quick partial payment to depositors (Kaufman, 2002a).
But providing immediate depositor access to the
full value of their permissible funds may also have
important disadvantages; in short, it may be a doubleedged sword. It may reduce market discipline on the
banks. Knowing that they face a delay, and at times a
very lengthy delay, in gaining access to the full value
of their claims after resolution, both insured and uninsured depositors have a greater incentive to monitor
the financial health of their banks and to discipline them
when necessary by charging higher interest rates commensurate with the greater perceived risk or transferring their deposits (running) to perceived safer banks.18
Immediate payment would reduce this incentive. In addition, under full and immediate access as practiced by
the FDIC, any unexpected losses from delays in asset
sales and distribution of the sales’ proceeds will accrue
to the deposit insurer rather than to the unprotected
depositors. This would further reduce the incentive for


unprotected depositors to monitor their banks. We
model the tradeoff between the advantages and disadvantages of full and immediate access in the next
section to examine the implications more carefully
and to identify the optimal time delay in providing
depositors with full access.
Modeling the access delay decision

expected loss from bailout pressure by the maximum
amount. In figure 1, where the two schedules are shown
as crossing, this is shown as Q. If instead the additional market discipline schedule lies above the bailout
pressure schedule at all points from the date of resolution, the optimal delay time is infinite. If the bailout
pressure schedule lies above the additional market discipline schedule at all points, the optimal delay time is
the date of resolution. This would imply that accounts
should not be frozen at all and depositors should be
given immediate access to the value of their claims.
If an inability to advance payment or technical
problems prevent the government from providing depositors with access at the optimal time, the government
is likely to bail out all stakeholders and keep the bank
in operation. This reinforces the importance of both
resolving institutions as quickly as possible with no
or minimum loss and developing faster procedures for
certifying protected deposits and estimating recovery
values. It follows that by providing depositors with
immediate and full access to their claims, as described
earlier, the U.S. implicitly assumes that additional potential losses from bailout pressures immediately exceed potential gains from additional market discipline.

As discussed above, the primary basis for reducing the cost of failure to depositors by advancing them
funds immediately after a bank failure is to minimize
the economic disruption that can result from the loss
of liquidity associated with freezing deposits. However, there is a clear tradeoff with market discipline.
On the one hand, the greater the perceived loss that
insured or uninsured depositors may potentially suffer, the greater their incentive to monitor their bank’s
condition and discipline the bank for taking excessive
risks, either by withdrawing funds or by requiring
higher interest rates to compensate for the increased
risk. On the other hand, the greater the expected loss
in either value or liquidity, the greater the public pressure will be for government protection of most if not
all stakeholders. This is likely to increase the cost of
resolution to the government. Given this tradeoff, it is
The FDIC survey of depositor access
possible to solve for the optimal time for the distribupractices across countries
tion of payments on depositor claims on a failed bank.
We can model this tradeoff graphically. Because the govIn February 2000, the FDIC surveyed 78 deposit
ernment can affect, if not set, the delay time, includinsurers in 64 countries outside the U.S. on aspects of
ing the time necessary to process the relevant deposit
their deposit insurance systems. The countries chosen
data and estimate the recovery values, it effectively
were those that had explicit deposit insurance schemes
serves as a policy tool.
in place. Thirty-seven surveys were returned, providing
Our model is shown in figure 1. The
time delay in the insurance agency proFIGURE 1
viding depositors with full access to the
Effects of additional market discipline and bailout pressure
value of their claims after resolution or
(as functions of depositor payment delay time)
the length of time accounts are frozen
Absolute value
(payment delay) is measured on the horiof additional
zontal axis. The reduction in expected
expected loss or gain
loss (or gain) from additional market disloss from
cipline and the increase in expected loss
bailout pressure
from intensified bailout pressure are measured on the vertical scale. These are
shown in absolute terms. In the absence
Expected gain
of an efficient secondary market for
from market
depositor receivership claims, both the
reduction and increase in expected loss
from additional market discipline and
bailout pressure, respectively, may be
expected to increase with the delay time.
The optimal delay time occurs when the
reduction in expected loss from additional
market discipline exceeds the increase in


2Q/2002, Economic Perspectives

insight into the deposit insurance practices of 34 countries.19 While the surveys covered a wide range of deposit insurance practices, this article examines only
that portion of the survey relating to the availability
of funds to depositors after a bank has been declared
insolvent and differences in the treatment of insured
and uninsured depositors.20
When examining fund availability practices, one
must recognize the difference between policy intent
and practice. A deposit insurer may wish to pay quickly, but not have the legal, technical, or informational
capacity to do so. Conversely, the authorities may believe in instilling market discipline by imposing costs
on depositors through delayed access to funds, but may
not have the political resolve to carry out such a policy.
Consequently, we analyzed only the 30 responding
countries that had actually experienced bank failures
since 1980. Of these, three (Bahrain, Jamaica, and
Sweden) did not specify a time frame within which
they had paid depositors, since the failures occurred
prior to the creation of a deposit insurance scheme.
Insured deposits
As table 1 shows, only three countries (Japan, Italy
and Peru) provided immediate payment of insured
deposits. Japan has protected all depositors in those
banks that it has declared insolvent to date and used
resolution techniques that provided for immediate
access to funds. In Italy, the Interbank Deposit Protection Fund also provided insured depositors with
immediate access to their insured deposits. Peruvian
depositors have had access to some but not all of their
insured deposits in some failures the day after failure,
for example, in the most recent failure in November
1999. But in other failures, the depositors have had to
wait as long as eight months for even the initial payment. According to the Peruvian Deposit Insurance
Fund, the factors that determine the speed with which
insured depositors get access to their funds are the potential systemic effects that would be triggered by the
failure of a specific bank and the quality of information given to the insurer by the liquidation agency. Five
other countries gave insured depositors access to their
funds within one month of the failure, and the majority of all respondents followed the EU guidelines and
gave insured depositors access within no more than
three months.
The Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission was still in the process of attempting to pay off
insured depositors more than six months after the failure of a bank in 1999. Three other countries, Poland,
the Czech Republic, and Greece, reported that they
were able to make funds available to insured depositors within six months. It is interesting to note that

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

almost all of the respondents provided insured depositors with all their funds at one time. Only the deposit insurers in Italy, Austria, Latvia, and Peru paid in
The responses from Peru and the experience of
the Isle of Man suggest that much of the reason for the
delay in paying insured depositors may not be a conscious policy of promoting insured depositor discipline.
Rather, it reflects the technical difficulties associated
with paying off a bank quickly.
Uninsured deposits
The survey results presented in table 2 clearly indicate that the practice of advancing funds to uninsured
depositors is largely unique to the United States. Twenty-three of the respondents indicated that uninsured depositors cannot be fully protected at failed banks in their
countries, and only three deposit insurers (Canada,
Japan, and Slovakia) indicated that they had the power
to advance funds to cover uninsured depositors.
The timing of availability of funds to uninsured
depositors is typically dependent on the type of resolution. Japan and Tanzania are notable examples of
countries that have used resolution techniques to protect all depositors. In other countries, such as Italy and
Brazil, uninsured depositors have immediate access
to their deposits if a resolution results in the transfer
of these deposits to another financial institution. In
most countries, unprotected depositors have to wait
for the liquidation process to yield sufficient cash for
payments to be made to them. The practices surrounding the liquidation of assets and payment of claims follow the national practices for bankruptcy, with discretion
vested in the courts or the liquidator, receiver, or administrator for the failed bank estate. In all cases where
the uninsured depositors were dependent on a liquidation process for their proceeds, they received access to their funds in installments.
A review of the comments received from the respondents suggests that, while most deposit insurers
do not have the discretion to protect uninsured depositors in liquidations or to advance funds from their deposit insurance funds to uninsured depositors, they can
use resolution strategies that protect uninsured depositors. This suggests that these countries will probably
resort to keeping insolvent banks in operation through
nationalization in whole or in part and/or extending
blanket guarantees to depositors.
Conclusions and recommendations
This article identifies and analyses five potential
sources of loss to depositors in bank failures, two
that are recognized at the time an insolvent bank is
resolved and placed in receivership and three that



Funds availability, insured deposits

Regulation/ Immediate

At least 1 insolvent
bank since 1980
Austria (1)
Czech Republic
Germany (1)
Isle of Man
Italy (1)
Italy (2)
Trinidad and Tobago
United Kingdom
No insolvent banks
since 1980
Austria (2)
El Salvador
Germany (2)


7 days

1 month

3 months

6 months







All at one time
All at one time
All at one time
All at one time
All at one time
All at one time
All at one time
All at one time
All at one time


All at one time
All at one time




All at one time
All at one time
All at one time
All at one time





Denotes countries whose failures occurred prior to the establishment of the current deposit insurance scheme.
Note: For countries with two deposit insurance funds, the number in parentheses following the country name indicates which fund dealt/did not
deal with bank failure. For example, in the case of Austria, deposit insurance fund 1 has dealt with an insolvent bank since 1980, while deposit
insurance fund 2 has not dealt with any bank failures in that period.
Source: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

occur afterwards. The three sources of post-resolution losses arise from delayed payment of depositor
claims which may lead to losses in credit value and/or
liquidity. The loss of liquidity through the effective
freezing of some or all of the deposits by the deposit
insurance agency, pending reliable data on what deposits and depositors are protected and/or the receipt
of the proceeds from the sale of bank assets, has two
conflicting effects. On the one hand, fear of delayed
payment increases monitoring and discipline by depositors. On the other hand, fear of delayed payment


increases pressure from depositors for protection and
government willingness to supply such protection to
reduce the chances of systemic risk.
This article analyzes these effects. Countries follow different practices with respect to delaying payment, with different consequences for market discipline
and resolution policies. In the U.S., the FDIC currently does not generally freeze deposits at resolved institutions. Rather, it effectively advances the proceeds to
depositors at the time of resolution, frequently before
it collects them from asset sales in its capacity as

2Q/2002, Economic Perspectives


Funds availability, uninsured deposits


can be fully





Italy (2)









Trinidad and



United Kingdom


At least 1 insolvent
bank since 1980
Austria (1)
Czech Republic
Germany (1)
Isle of Man
Italy (1)

insurer can



Time before accessing

5–6 months


Several months
Depends on intervention
Not permitted
No bankruptcy proceedings
have finished yet.




2 years





Immediate access if assets and
liabilities assigned to another
institution; otherwise wait until
receiver allocates assets.


All deposits protected so far




12 months
Normal bankruptcy laws between
receiver and uninsured depositors;
if funds available for creditors of
their rank, paid out in due course.
No provision for depositors of
insolvent banks to be paid from
Deposit Insurance Fund.
0–1 year
No case
Approximately 12 months


Full compensation; depositors
All at one time
had access to their deposits
within the shortest period.
Whenever sufficient funds from
realization of assets are available.
Since 1980, depositors unable
All at one time
to access explicitly uninsured





No insolvent banks
since 1980
Austria (2)
El Salvador



Germany (2)







Handled by liquidators or

No bank failure
Bank failures, but no insured
deposits system
No bank failures

All at one time






No explicitly uninsured
depositors prior to 1999.
No order to close a financial
institution during the past
15 years.

Denotes countries whose bank failures occurred prior to the establishment of the current deposit insurance scheme.
Note and source: see table 1.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


receiver. Thus, insured depositors receive near immediate payment of the par value of their deposits and
uninsured depositors generally receive near immediate payment of the present value of their pro-rata
share of the estimated recovery value. This practice
may reduce market discipline, but it may reduce bailout pressure even more. If so, given the loss at resolution, insolvent institutions are more likely to be
resolved and uninsured depositors not protected. In
contrast, most other countries freeze deposits and delay payments to both insured and uninsured depositors, according to a schedule or until the funds are
collected from asset sales, both because of the inability to estimate quickly the amount that needs to be
paid out and because of restrictions on advancing
funds before collection of the sales proceeds.
These differences in the treatment of depositors
at insolvent institutions have important implications
for a country’s bank resolution practices, in particular,
for banks considered too big to fail. The smaller the
perceived overall loss in bank failures, the easier it is
economically and politically to resolve insolvencies
with losses to de jure unprotected depositors. In the
U.S., if regulatory prompt corrective action is successful in limiting losses (negative net worth) to relatively small amounts, say, to not more than 5 percent
of assets at large banks (the loss experienced by the
Continental Illinois National Bank in 1984 was about
4 percent) and uninsured depositors have immediate
and full access to their funds, then losses to large uninsured depositors would be restricted to a rate that is
well within the boundaries that most of these depositors can tolerate without panicking (for example, losses they appear to be willing to bear in commercial
paper or other short-term debt investments). Moreover,
since enactment of depositor preference, which subordinates deposits at foreign offices and other creditors to domestic deposits and the FDIC, losses at failed
banks can be charged to these accounts before domestic depositors. Thus, losses to domestic depositors
and the FDIC may be even smaller. As a result, if the
losses are small and access to the remaining deposits
is immediate, uninsured depositors are less likely to
exert political pressure on the government to extend
the safety net to them, governments are less likely to
be fearful of systemic risk, and too big to fail protection may be avoided.
The combination of the FDIC’s payment practices
and the improved closure rule under FDICIA helps to
explain why uninsured depositors at almost all recently failed banks in which the FDIC suffered losses have
been required to share pro-rata in the losses (Benston


and Kaufman, 1998). But, because no large money
center bank has failed since FDICIA, the systemic risk
exemption under FDICIA has not been invoked, and
it is too early to declare TBTF dead in the U.S. Nevertheless, speedy payment to depositors is likely to reduce the need for its use.
In contrast, most other countries may find it more
difficult to resolve large insolvent banks with losses
to depositors, because these losses are not necessarily
minimized and uninsured deposits are often frozen
until payment is received from private receivers. These
countries’ governments are thus under greater pressure
to protect all depositors and are more fearful of igniting systemic risk if they do not. Thus, TBTF appears
to be alive and healthy in these countries, and taxpayer
losses in bank failures may be expected to be relatively larger.
Because cross-country differences in insured depositors’ access to their funds affects both the intensity
of market discipline and the probability of government
bailout, cross-country studies of the effectiveness and
efficiency of alternative deposit insurance structures
that specify the existence of such programs or differentiate between explicit and implicit programs only
by a single yes/no (or 1/0) variable, and thus omit
reference to access delay, are likely to be incomplete
and inaccurate.
Our analysis in this article suggests that the best
strategy for achieving aggregate bank stability, characterized by efficient exit of inefficient or unlucky
banks through failure at no or least cost to the economy, involves resolving these banks before or shortly
after their net worth turns negative and providing full
and immediate (or near-immediate) access for insured
depositors to the par value of their deposits and for
uninsured depositors to the present value of their prorata share of the estimated recovery value at resolution.
Such a strategy minimizes the potential for systemic
risk and permits otherwise TBTF banks to be resolved
just like any other insolvent bank. However, the ability to provide full and quick depositor access may be
constrained both by lack of legal authority for regulators to advance payment before receiving the funds
from asset sales and by technical problems that interfere with this outcome, such as the unavailability of
accurate and accessible account data and facilities for
speedy analysis of the data and the inability to estimate recovery values accurately and quickly. If this
is indeed the optimal policy, policymakers in each
country need to develop procedures for reducing the
delays caused by these problems.

2Q/2002, Economic Perspectives

“Too big to fail” in the United States does not imply that the bank
has not failed. All resolved banks since shortly after the resolution
of the Continental Illinois Bank in 1984 have been legally failed.
Rather, a large insolvent bank may be “too big not to protect some
or all noninsured stakeholders” when failed or “too big to liquidate
quickly” and, therefore, may be kept in operation temporarily, protecting all creditors during the delay (Kaufman, 1990 and 2002b).
This interpretation was recently reinforced by Federal Reserve
Chairman Greenspan (2000), who stated that “the issue is that an
organization that is very large is not too big to fail, it may be too
big to allow to implode quickly. But certainly, none are too big to
orderly liquidate ... and presumably, not to protect non-guaranteed
deposits from loss.” Since the enactment of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation Improvement Act (FDICIA) in 1991, TBTF
may more accurately be termed the “systemic risk exemption.”

Periodic restricted depositor access to accounts is common in
many countries, for example, in Argentina during the recent currency crisis, and was so historically in the United States during a
general banking crisis to reduce conversion into specie or foreign
currency, even if the banks may be solvent, for example, in the
U.S. during the banking panics of 1893 and 1907.

For example, in November 2000, Nicaragua resolved its second
bank in 100 days and guaranteed deposits of less than 20,000
cordobas (about $1,500) at the second bank. But only 10,000
cordobas would be paid within five days; the rest would be paid
as the bank’s assets were sold—“Angry customers gathered outside the closed branches of Bancafe yesterday shouting ‘thieves’
and ‘vampires’,” (Financial Times Limited, 2000).

In addition to losses in liquidity, depositors in many countries also
fear partial or complete expropriation of deposits at failed institutions by the government beyond the pro-rata share of any losses.
In many countries, banks have not always been very secure depositories for funds and, indeed, have often been perceived as less secure than mattresses.

Berger and Udell (2002) have recently speculated that loan relationships are more with the loan officer than with the bank.

Speedy payment for insured depositors at failed banks is listed
by Garcia (1999) as one of her 15 best practices for a deposit insurance system, but there is no further analysis of this practice
nor any discussion of payment of noninsured deposits. Hall (2001)
reports on payment practices by European Union countries for
insured deposits only, but with no further analysis.

Nevertheless, casual evidence suggests that at least some depositors, including fully insured depositors, are still concerned that
they may find their deposits at failed banks temporarily frozen.

Because the FDIC is generally appointed receiver, it can better
estimate losses from delayed sales and need not be concerned
with delayed distributions.

In those instances where no bank acquires the insured deposits
and there are a large number of depositors, the FDIC will either
arrange for another bank to act as its deposit transfer agent or it
will mail checks to depositors for the insured amounts.

Under the Depositor Preference Act of 1993, unsecured depositors at foreign offices of U.S. banks and other creditors, such as
fed funds sellers, have claims junior to those of domestic depositors and, unless the “too big to fail” provision of FDICIA is


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

invoked, will be paid the recovery value of their claims only as
the bank’s assets are sold and all senior claimants have already
been paid (Kaufman, 1997b).
Before FDICIA, the FDIC generally protected all depositors, including de jure uninsured depositors, particularly at larger banks,
through merger (purchase and assumption) with another bank that
assumed all deposits at par and received a payment from the FDIC
(Benston and Kaufman, 1998, and FDIC, 1998a).

In addition to speedy payment of depositor claims, the FDIC
also attempts to resolve insolvencies with minimum disruption to
either bank customers or financial markets. As noted, unless there
is no demand for banking services in the community served or the
bank is so severely impaired that there is little or no redeeming
financial value, insolvent banks are sold or merged and open for
business the next business day after resolution. If additional time
is necessary to find a buyer, the FDIC can charter a bridge bank
to temporarily continue the business in a new entity. Thus, liquidations with serious disruptions in banking services are rare and
likely only for relatively small banks. This practice also reduces
pressures for government support of insolvent institutions and is
likely to reduce losses to depositors from delayed resolution.


Because the FDIC pays the full par amount of insured deposits,
incorrect estimates of the recovery values affect only the final allocation of its costs, not the total cost of these payouts. However,
the FDIC would suffer a loss if it overestimated the recovery value
and transferred the uninsured deposits to an assuming bank that
offered a premium that was larger than the estimated loss rate at
the time but, ex post, was smaller than the loss rate that was actually realized and reported. In retrospect, it would have been
cheaper to the FDIC if it had paid off the uninsured deposits.


Note holders at failed national banks were paid the par value
of their notes immediately by the U.S. Treasury (FDIC, 1998b).
In addition, during bank panics, accounts at all banks in the affected area were frequently partially frozen to limit conversions
into specie or currency. For example, Kelly and O Grada (2000,
p.1113) note that “ on October 12[, 1857, New York]
savings banks invoked a rarely imposed clause in their articles of
agreement limiting withdrawals on demand to 10 percent of the
outstanding balance.” As noted earlier, a similar constraint was
recently imposed on banks in Argentina.


The concept of advancing payment to uninsured depositors appears to have been developed by the FDIC in the early 1980s as
part of its proposal for modified payoff resolutions, in which an
existing or newly chartered bank would assume all the insured
deposits of a failed bank in full and all the uninsured deposits
partially in an amount equal to the estimated recovery value as
reflected in the advanced dividend (FDIC, 1983, pp. III 4–5 and
FDIC, 1997, p. 250). The policy may have been modeled on a
number of earlier actual or proposed plans, which we discuss
later in the article. Advance dividends were paid in 13 resolutions
in 1983 and 1984 and again starting in 1992. The dividend was
generally funded by a loan from the FDIC corporate account to
the FDIC receiver account (FDIC, 1998a, and FDIC, 1997).


As is discussed later, only three (Italy, Japan, and Peru) of the
25 countries other than the U.S. that responded to a survey by the
FDIC and that had experienced at least one bank failure since
1980 reported paying even their insured depositors immediately.



Only three countries in the FDIC survey (Canada, Japan, and
Slovakia) report having authority to advance funds to uninsured
depositors at failed banks, but few countries responded to this


A recent study of depositor behavior in Argentina, Chile, and
Mexico in the early 1990s found that insured as well as uninsured
depositors disciplined riskier banks both by charging higher deposit rates and by withdrawing deposits (Peria and Schmukler,
2001). Among other possible reasons the authors note for this

unexpected behavior by insured depositors is potential delays in
receiving payment. Likewise, Demirgüç-Kunt and Huizinga
(1999) report finding evidence of market discipline in a large
number of countries that have government provided safety nets,
but do not list delayed payments as one of the possible reasons.



Austria, Germany, and Italy have more than one deposit insurer.


Other results from this survey are discussed in Bennett (2001).


Barth, James R., 1991, The Great Savings and Loan
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Bennett, Rosalind L., 2001, “Failure resolution and
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pp. 1–28.
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Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Second Quarter,
pp. 2–20.

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, 1998c, Resolutions Handbook, Wash-

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pp. 255–277.

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Review, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 1–25.

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Structure and Competition, Chicago: Federal Reserve
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and failure resolution in the U.S. thrift and banking
institutes,” Financial Management, Winter,
pp. 87–105.
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in Asset Price Bubbles: Implications for Monetary
and Regulatory Policies, George G. Kaufman (ed.),
New York: JAI/Elsevier Press, pp. 145–193.

2Q/2002, Economic Perspectives

Kane, Edward J., 1992, “How incentive-incompatible deposit insurance plans fail,” in Research in
Financial Services, Vol. 4, George G. Kaufman (ed.),
Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, pp. 51–92.

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Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


Following the yellow brick road: How the United States
adopted the gold standard

François R. Velde

Introduction and summary
In 1900 L. Frank Baum published a children’s tale,
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. In it, a little girl from
the Midwest plains is transported by a tornado to the
Land of Oz and accidentally kills the Wicked Witch
of the East, setting the Munchkins free. Yearning to
return home, she takes the witch’s silver shoes1 and
follows the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City,
in search of the Wizard who will help her. She and the
companions she meets on her way ultimately discover that the wizard is a sham, and that the silver shoes
alone could have returned her to Aunt Em. Littlefield
(1964) and Rockoff (1990) have decoded Baum’s tale
as an allegory on the monetary politics of late nineteenth century America. The silver shoes are the silver
standard, the witch of the East represents the “monied interest” of the East Coast, the scarecrow and the
tin man are the farmers and workers of the Midwest,
while the cowardly lion is their unsuccessful champion, William Jennings Bryan. The yellow brick road is
the gold standard, whose fallacy is exposed by Dorothy’s
triumphant return home borne by the silver shoes.
William Jennings Bryan, as nominee of the Democratic Party in the presidential election of 1896, campaigned on a platform to reverse the so-called “crime
of 1873.” The phrase referred to the change in the
United States’ monetary system from bimetallism, in
which gold and silver are used concurrently, to the gold
standard. Bryan lost, and in 1900 a law was passed
firmly committing the United States to the gold standard. The bimetallic controversy soon died away. The
United States had taken the yellow brick road.
In this article, I recount the historical background
to the bimetallic controversy, replacing it in its international context. Bimetallism, which until 1873 had
been the system in a number of other countries, disappeared abruptly. I use a model to understand how
bimetallism could have been viable in the first place,


why it disappeared so suddenly, and whether the
United States could have taken another road.
I begin with some definitions. A commodity money
system is a monetary system in which a commodity
(usually a metal) is also money; that is, the objects
that serve as medium of exchange are made of that
commodity. The essential feature of such a system is
that the commodity be easily turned into money and
back. This requires: 1) unrestricted minting, in the
sense that the public mint always be ready to convert
any desired amount of metal into coin; and 2) unrestricted melting and exporting, allowing money to be
converted into the commodity, or into other goods at
world prices.
A commodity money system based on gold or silver is also described as a gold or silver standard. In
such a standard, the medium of exchange may not be
limited strictly to coins, but may include notes (privately or publicly issued), as long as the notes are convertible on demand and at sight into coin.
The double standard is one where both gold and
silver are money. This is also called a bimetallic standard, or bimetallism. The characteristics of bimetallism
1. Concurrent use of gold and silver as money,
2. Free minting and melting of both metals,
3. A constant exchange rate between gold and
silver coins.
Condition 1 usually means that both gold and
silver coins are unlimited legal tender. Any limitation

François R. Velde is a senior economist in the Economic
Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of

2Q/2002, Economic Perspectives

on the size of debts that can be paid in coins of either
metal is therefore a departure from condition 1.
All three characteristics should be present to
have a proper bimetallic system. For example, conditions 1 and 2 alone define a regime where one metal
is the standard (say, silver) and the price of the gold
coin is not fixed, but varies according to the market.
The fluctuating coin is called trade money. Conditions
1 and 3 alone, but with only one metal freely minted,
result in a limping standard. It is similar to a single
standard based on the metal freely minted, except that
some portion of the money stock is made up of the
other metal. The government regulates the size of that
portion. A number of countries moved from a bimetallic to a limping standard, as we shall see later.
Bimetallism used coins of silver and coins of gold
with a fixed exchange rate between the two. For example, the gold eagle and the silver dollar were expected to circulate at a rate of 10:1 (10 silver dollars
for one gold eagle), and the values “$10” and “$1” were
inscribed on the coins themselves. Moreover, anyone
could take any amount of silver to the mint in exchange
for $1 coins and any amount of gold in exchange for
$10 coins.2
Let X be the amount of gold in a gold eagle, and
Y the amount of silver in a silver dollar. If both coins
circulate, then, as money, X ounces of gold are worth
10Y ounces of silver. The ratio (10Y/X) is called the
(gold–silver) legal ratio. In the United States, after
1834, an eagle contained 232 grains3 of pure gold, while
a dollar contained 371.25 grains of pure silver, so the
legal ratio was 16. The relative price of gold and silver as metals in the market is called the market ratio.
The history
We are so used to our current system of fiat money,
where the only thing that matters about a coin or a
note is the number inscribed on it, that it takes a slight
effort to think of money in earlier times.4
In the Middle Ages, various objects were used as
money: round disks made of gold, silver, and copper
(or silver alloyed with copper). These disks had designs
on them by which one could determine where they
came from and how much metal they contained. But
they did not have any numbers or other quantitative
indication of value. And, in fact, the exchange rates
between these objects were not necessarily constant.
One should think of such a system as one in which
various goods are simultaneously used as means of
exchange, because some are more suited to certain
transactions than others.
For a long time, governments endeavored to stabilize the relation between the various monetary objects,

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

with limited success. The way this was done was by
assigning a “legal tender” or “face” value to each coin.
The government assigns a number Ni to coin i, such
that coin i is legal tender for a debt of Ni units of account. Often, Nj = 1 for some particular coin j, and that
coin was by definition the unit of account. For a long
time, governments had difficulties enforcing these laws,
and market rates between two coins often diverged far
from the ratio of their legal tender values. Nevertheless, governments kept trying, and by the eighteenth
century it was commonly seen as a desirable goal to
achieve stability in the relative price between the objects that served as money, so that it might not matter
which ones were used in payment of an obligation. By
1800, enough stability had been achieved that denominations could be inscribed on the coins with increasing
frequency. But the stability had not necessarily been extended to the whole range of coins, including silver and
gold. In practice, a variety of monetary systems existed in Europe by the middle of the nineteenth century:

Gold in Great Britain, Portugal, and some


Silver in Central and Eastern Europe and the
East (India, China), with gold as trade money
in some countries (Netherlands, Germany); and


Bimetallism in France, Latin America (with a
15.5 legal ratio), and U.S. (with a 16 legal ratio).

The controversy
Bimetallism became controversial in the midnineteenth century and remained so until around 1900.
I first describe the nature of the controversy and then
sketch its history.
The controversy around bimetallism ultimately
stems from the fact that it is a system that appears to
defy economic logic. One of the textbook functions of
money is to provide a unit of account and a standard
of deferred payment. Accounts are kept in dollars, and
debt contracts promise payment of a known quantity
of dollars. Thus, money serves as “numeraire.” The
gold standard is a straightforward example, because
a dollar is simply defined to be X ounces of gold.
In reality, then, it is gold that is used as a numeraire.
This poses no particular problem in economic theory.
In equilibrium, prices are determined as a vector, or
list of numbers, that sets the sum of excess demands
for each good to zero (or clears markets). Since nothing changes when all units are consistently changed
by a given number, the price vector is indeterminate
up to a constant rescaling. Any good (gold, say) can
be chosen to be the unit of measurement of value, by
setting the price of X ounces conventionally to one. All


prices in the economy are thus expressed in ounces
of gold or gold dollars.5
But bimetallism is something else: It defines the
dollar to be X ounces of gold or Y ounces of silver.
As money, the two metals have a fixed relative price,
the “legal ratio” (16 in the United States), whatever the
market prices of gold and silver might be. This appears
to defy basic economic theory, because it amounts to
choosing two goods as numeraire, but prices are indeterminate only up to a single rescaling. In other words,
it amounts to fixing by government fiat the relative
price between two commodities.
Thus, the very existence of bimetallism was at the
heart of the controversy. Some argued that, as a monetary system, it was an impossibility and could never
be implemented or maintained over any period of time.
Rather, they argued, bimetallism would necessarily
revert to a single standard, gold or silver, depending
on which metal was cheaper on the market. Consider
a country with a legal ratio of 16, like the United States.
Suppose the market ratio was p, in grains of silver per
grain of gold. A legal obligation of $100 could be extinguished by tendering $100 in gold (2,320 grains of
gold) or $100 in silver (37,125 grains of silver). Suppose
the debtor had $100 in gold in hand, would he tender
it? The alternative would be to melt the gold, sell it on
the market in exchange for 2,320 p grains of silver,
and have the mint turn the silver into $2,320 p/371.25
= $100 (p/16), and tender $100 in silver; the net profit
being 100(p –16)/16. If p is greater than 16, it would
be better to use silver than gold. In other words, whenever the market price is above the legal ratio, bimetallism would be de facto a silver standard. Should it
fall below the legal ratio, the country would suddenly
switch to the gold standard. In either case, the cheaper
metal (compared with the legal ratio) would replace
the other, a mechanism described as Gresham’s Law
in action. Only when the market price happens to coincide exactly with the legal ratio would both gold and
silver be used concurrently. We could take into account
minting and melting costs: This would determine a narrow band around the legal ratio, within which the market price would be compatible with bimetallism. But
as soon as the market price wanders out of the band,
bimetallism would collapse to a single standard.
At best, according to this argument, bimetallism
works occasionally, so that any virtues ascribed to it
would be operational only a small part of the time.
The rest of the time, the costs of alternating between
one standard and the other (minting and melting costs
incurred by society as a whole) make bimetallism
wasteful and inefficient. It would be better to settle
on a single standard on a permanent basis.


The bimetallic camp argued that the system, far
from degenerating into an alternation between standards, could successfully maintain gold and silver in
concurrent circulation at the legal exchange rate. How
was this possible?
A model
Velde and Weber (2000) present a simple model
that formalizes the intuition underlying the bimetallists’
arguments. Clearly, the key to the argument is that the
existence of bimetallism somehow influences the market price. If the market price is completely independent
of the monetary system, and is left free to vary far from
the legal ratio, then the reasoning we have sketched
above applies, and, depending on the market price’s
relation to the legal ratio, gold or silver either disappears or circulates at a premium. Either way, bimetallism cannot survive.
To give bimetallism a chance, then, we must allow for the market price to be determined within the
model, as well as being exposed to demand or supply
shocks. This requires specifying explicit supply and
demand for gold and silver aside from their monetary
uses. One way to do so is to make consumers care
about the total stock of gold and silver in nonmonetary uses, which we’ll call “jewelry.”
Let’s begin with the case of a single metal used
as money, say, gold. The price of gold relative to other
goods is a function of the total stock of gold jewelry.
When gold coins are melted, this stock increases, and
the value of gold falls. When new coins are minted,
the stock of jewelry decreases and the value of gold
goes up. A certain amount of gold has to be in the form
of coins, that is, cash balances, in order to provide
liquidity services and serve as medium of exchange.
How is the appropriate stock of coined gold versus
uncoined gold determined?
Let m be the stock of gold coins (in ounces) and
let p be the price level, in ounces of gold per consumption good. The total real value of the cash balances,
m/p, depends only on the volume of transactions Y,
not on the particular metal used as medium of exchange;
in the classic quantity theory equation (setting velocity to 1 for simplicity), m/p = Y. Imagine now that all
existing gold is in nonmonetary use: m/p = 0, which
is not enough. At the other extreme, imagine that all
the gold is in the form of coins, so that none is left
for nonmonetary uses—then the price of gold would
be very high, and the price level (the inverse of the
price of gold) would be very low; so m/p would be
very high, perhaps infinite. In between these two extremes, there is some value of m that will make m/p
= Y. The key is that m and p are affected at the same

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time by a single variable, the split between money
and jewelry; and the equation m/p = Y only has one
unknown, which is that split.
With a single standard, then, the price level and
the money stock are determined, given the volume of
transactions. What happens with two metals? Things
become more complicated. On one hand, we have gold
and silver jewelry, and the relative value of gold and
silver are each decreasing functions of the stocks of
jewelry. On the other hand, cash balances can take the
form of either gold coins (m1) or silver coins (m2), with
silver coins valued at a certain ratio in terms of gold
coins (e). That ratio must itself be equal to the ratio of
relative prices of gold and silver, as explained earlier.
Prices can be expressed in ounces of gold per good,
noted p as before, or in ounces of silver per good, p/e.
We have an equation of the form (m1 + e m2)/p = Y, but
we now have two variables affecting the equation: the
split between gold coin and gold jewelry and the split
between silver coin and silver jewelry. Two unknowns
in one equation mean that there are many possible
solutions. (Box 1 presents the model in more detail.)
In other words, many different gold–silver ratios
are possible. Start from a given ratio, with corresponding quantities of gold and silver jewelry. If one wanted
a higher gold–silver ratio, with gold more valuable relative to silver, one could reduce the stock of gold jewelry and drive up the price of gold; then gold coins
would be minted, and silver coins would have to be
melted to make room for the gold coins, driving down
the price of silver. One could do so until the relative
price of gold to silver was pushed up to the new ratio.
This suggests that there is a whole range of possible
gold–silver ratios, with corresponding quantities of
coined silver and gold: the higher the ratio, the more
silver there is in the money stock. It also suggests that
there is ample room for a government, or a large enough
group of governments at any rate, to settle on a particular ratio between gold and silver, and that there
are no fundamental forces that would push away from
that arbitrarily chosen ratio. The relative price of gold
and silver is indeterminate, within the range.
The model says more than this. Suppose there is
a large disturbance to the supply of gold, say, a large
increase in gold supplies. How is the monetary equilibrium modified? Part of the new supply of gold can
be turned into jewelry, which would tend to cheapen
gold and move us away from the existing ratio. But
part of the new supply can also be minted; as a result,
some silver coins would have to be melted down to
make room for the new gold coins. The melted silver
would increase the stock of silver jewelry, and cheapen silver. If minting of gold takes place at the right

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pace, the melting of silver can exactly compensate for
the increase in gold jewelry so as to keep the ratio e
exactly constant.
Of course, there are limits to this process. In particular, the gold–silver ratio can be stabilized around
an arbitrary value only so long as there are stocks of
gold and silver coins to act as buffers against shocks
to gold and silver supplies. Suppose a particularly large
discovery of gold takes place. Part of it will have to be
minted, and that may completely displace silver from
the monetary circulation. If it does, no more silver circulates as coin, and no further increases in silver jewelry can offset the cheapening of gold. Bimetallism
turns into a gold standard, and the gold–silver ratio
falls. To restore bimetallism requires changing the
ratio to a new value more compatible with the existing gold stocks (in our example, reducing the ratio).
Thus, for any given worldwide stocks of gold and
silver, there exists an upper bound, as well as a lower
bound, for values of the ratio compatible with effective bimetallism. Given the stocks, a relatively high
ratio requires putting more gold into coins to drive up
the relative price of gold jewelry and putting less silver into coins. Too high a ratio cannot be sustained
because it would require taking all silver out of coinage, making the system effectively a gold standard.
Similarly, too low a ratio leads to a silver standard.
This band of possible ratios moves around with changes
in world stocks. For example, if the stock of silver increases, it makes it possible to sustain higher ratios.
As the relative quantities of gold and silver change
over time, so do the bands that constrain the feasible
ratios, and we would expect to see the ratio of prices
broadly follow the ratio of stocks over long periods.
The history (continued)
Figure 1 suggests that this was so. The figure plots,
in ratio, an estimate of gold and silver stocks since
the discovery of the New World. It dips at first, showing that relatively more gold than silver flowed in
from the New World. Then, from about 1530, it rose
steadily as vast quantities of silver began to come out
of the mines in Peru. The ratio of stocks stabilizes in
the late seventeenth century, as flows of Brazilian gold
increase. We can see that the market ratio followed
these movements, as European countries sought to
maintain concurrent use of both coins. After 1820,
the market ratio is remarkably stable, up to 1873. By
contrast, something happens to the ratio of stocks
around 1850.
Bimetallism became controversial around 1850.
The date is not a coincidence. In 1849, it was discovered that the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California


BOX 1

The model
Time is infinite and discrete. There are three types of
goods in the model: a nonstorable general consumption good c, and nondepreciating stocks of gold and
silver metal, Q1 and Q2 (in ounces). I treat gold and
silver symmetrically. In each period, there is a given
amount of consumption good and given increases
(or decreases) in the stocks of gold and silver. Total
quantities of all goods are thus exogenous.
The quantities that are determined within the model are the share of gold and silver stocks in monetary
and nonmonetary uses. Gold and silver can each be
in either of two forms: coined or uncoined. For simplicity, all gold coins are of the same size and weigh
b1 ounces each; likewise with silver coins, each weighing b2 ounces. Let mi (i = 1,2) be the number of existing coins and di the quantity of either metal in uncoined form. We then have an adding-up condition:
Qi = bi mi + di

bi oz per coin i.

I assume that it is costless to convert metal from
one form to the other. Converting from coined to uncoined is melting, and converting from uncoined to
coined is minting. A key feature of a commodity money standard is that both operations be unimpeded.
A representative household’s preferences are defined over the consumption good and over the stocks
of uncoined metal. That is, the household derives
direct utility from the uncoined metal only. Let the
total utility derived each period be u(c) + v(d), where
d stands for (d1,d2). The household discounts future
consumption by a factor b < 1.
Metal is coined because money is needed for
purchases of the consumption good; in other words,
there is a cash-in-advance constraint. Both coins are
perfect substitutes in the constraint at an endogenous ratio or exchange rate e (in gold coins per silver coin). If p is the price of the consumption good
denominated in gold coins, then the constraint is:

pc = m1 + em2.

The household maximizes utility subject to the
cash-in-advance constraint and a budget constraint.
The first-order conditions for the household’s problem include two equations that determine the optimal
holding of uncoined metal. Consider the marginal
gold coin held by the household. One could spend
the coin and consume 1/p more units of consumption good today, bringing a marginal utility u¢(c)/p.
The alternative is to melt the coin and hold b1 more
ounces of uncoined metal, which would bring a
marginal utility of b1v1(d) today (where v1(d) is the
derivative of v with respect to its first argument d1);
and then, in the next period, convert the metal back
to coin and consume 1/p more, bringing a marginal


utility b u¢(c)/p (discounted because it takes place in
the future). For a silver coin, the tradeoff is the same,
except that a silver coin buys e/p units of good. At
the optimum, the alternatives should bring the same
utility, so that:

u a (c )
 b1v1 (d )



u a (c )


u a (c )
 b2v2 (d )


u a (c )


In equilibrium, the metal stocks that the household chooses to hold, coined and uncoined, must add
up to the existing supply:


d1  Q1 ,


b2 m2

d 2  Q2 .

Equations 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are all the equilibrium conditions. The unknowns are e, m1, m2, p, d1,
and d2. This leaves one more unknown than we have
equations, so we are free to choose e.
Formally, there exists a range [ e , e ] of possible
ratios, with a different distribution of uncoined metals (d1,d2) for each ratio. At the upper end, there is
almost no silver in monetary use, and the world is
on the edge of the gold standard. At the lower end,
there is no gold coin, and the world is almost on a
silver standard.
Note that, in any equilibrium, equations 2 and
3 imply that
b2 v1 ( d )

eb1 v2 ( d )

in other words the legal ratio always equals the market ratio.
One can reduce the equilibrium conditions to a
single equation in the two unknowns d1 and d2:

u a( x) x 

1 C

[v1 ( d )(Q1  d1 ) v2 ( d )(Q2  d 2 )].

The right-hand side of equation 6 is the real value
of money balances, at market prices. This value is the
same in all bimetallic equilibria: No matter what the
gold–silver ratio is, the same resources are devoted to
monetary transactions. If one changes the legal ratio,
say, by increasing it, then silver shifts to nonmonetary
uses, driving down the marginal utility of uncoined
silver (and hence the relative price of silver). At the
same time, gold flows into monetary uses to make up
for the lost silver, which drives up the price of gold
and maintains real balances constant. This brings the
market ratio in line with the legal ratio.

2Q/2002, Economic Perspectives


Ratio of gold and silver stocks and market ratio
ratio of cumulative output, silver/gold

market ratio







silver stock/gold stock (left)


silver/gold market ratio (right)













Source: Velde and Weber (2000).

were full of gold, hitherto untouched. Figure 2 shows
how large this discovery was, relative to existing stocks,
and how the ensuing flow of new gold remained large
into the early twentieth century.
Returning to figure 1, the market ratio ceases to be
stable around 1873. In fact, the value of silver compared with gold collapses and reaches unprecedented
levels by 1900. At the same time, major changes take
place in the world’s monetary system in rapid succession.
In December 1871, newly unified Germany announced that it would switch from the silver standard,
predominant in the preexisting German states, to the
gold standard. The Scandinavian countries followed
in December 1872, as did the Netherlands a few months
later. The year 1873 saw the collapse of bimetallism.
Germany began implementing its move by retiring
existing silver coins, selling them on the world market,
and buying gold to coin in replacement. In February,
the U.S. suspended the free coinage of silver (see the
next section). By the end of the year, the European
countries that collectively adhered to bimetallism within the framework of the Latin Monetary Union of 1865
(namely, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, and
Greece) had all restricted free minting of silver, and
in 1878 they agreed to suspend it indefinitely. The price
of silver fell. In 1892, Austria, traditionally a silver

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country but under an inconvertible paper currency,
resumed convertibility; but, as the U.S. did after the
greenback, Austria made its currency redeemable in
gold, and only gold was freely minted. Russia did the
same in 1897. In 1893, India suspended free minting
of silver, and adopted a variant of the gold standard
in 1899. Latin American countries, traditionally silverbased, increasingly switched to the gold standard. In
the Far East, Dutch, English, and French colonies followed suit, as did the Philippines under U.S. control.
By 1913, China was the sole major country with free
minting of silver.
What explains the collapse of a system that had
been working for decades? The very large shock to gold
supplies in 1850 that is apparent in figure 2 is a clear
suspect. The model tells us that a discovery of gold
will lead to increased coinage of gold and displacement
of silver, leading possibly to the complete replacement
of silver. How large of a change in the supply of either
metal can be accommodated by a bimetallic system
will therefore depend on the shares of the metals in
the monetary stock. If very little silver is coined to begin with, it would not take a large increase in gold supply to drive bimetallism to a gold standard. The stability
of the market ratio around 15.5, the legal ratio in the
European bimetallic countries, suggests that the


mechanics of bimetallism were operating as the model
predicts, at least initially.
Further evidence comes from estimates of the share
of gold in the French money stock, shown in figure 3.
France, by its size and political importance, was the
pivotal bimetallic country in Europe. Figure 3 shows
that the share of gold in the French money stock mirrors the movements of the ratio of metals in figure 1.
It rises sharply from 1850, then stabilizes in 1865,
when silver discoveries in Nevada lead to increased
production and coinage of silver, and starts falling
slowly thereafter.
The model allows us to consider quantitatively
whether bimetallism was nearing its breaking point,
whether it could have survived longer, and whether
the action of Germany alone could have precipitated
its downfall. I use estimates of nonmonetary stocks of
gold and silver and data on the market ratio between
1873 and 1913 to estimate a model of the demand for
gold and silver. I then use this model to predict what
the bounds on the ratio were. I do this under three counterfactual assumptions: One is that the monetary system
of the world (who was on the gold, silver, or bimetallic standard) remained as it was up to 1871—I call this
the 1871 system. The second is that Germany alone
switches from the silver to the gold bloc—I call this

the 1872 system. Third, I suppose that Germany,
Norway, Sweden, the United States, and the
Netherlands also switch to gold—I call this the 1873
system. Details of the model are in the appendix.
The model suggests three points. One is that, in
the early 1870s, the world was indeed close to replacing all silver with gold and ending in a gold standard,
but that the relative abundance of silver in the 1880s
and 1890s would have removed that threat. The second is that Germany’s switch to the gold standard actually relieved the immediate pressure on bimetallism:
By increasing the monetary demand for gold, Germany
was helping to absorb the vast quantities of gold that
were threatening the bimetallic standard. The third point
is that Germany, by decreasing the monetary demand
for silver, was also raising the lower bound on the bimetallic ratio (the lower line in figure 4), since it gave
the remaining silver and bimetallic countries a larger
mass of silver to absorb into monetary and nonmonetary uses. Figure 4 shows even the move to gold by
Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, and the U.S. was
not enough to turn bimetallism into a silver standard,
at least immediately.
These conclusions make the sudden collapse of
bimetallism in 1873 something of a mystery. If bimetallism could continue, and if Germany’s choice


Annual world production as percentage of existing stocks, 1800–28
annual production/cumulative output (percent)




















Source: Velde and Weber (2000).


2Q/2002, Economic Perspectives


Gold share of total French coin stock













Sources: Flandreau (1995) and Sicsic (1989).

of monetary regime actually made it easier to do so,
why the sudden rush to abandon bimetallism?
Bimetallism could have survived long after 1873;
it only took enough countries to remain committed to
silver, either alone or in a double standard. Conversely, once silver was abandoned by enough countries,
its price fell and anyone who stayed on that standard
endured a depreciating currency and inflation. The
currency depreciates, moreover, not only because its
exchange rate falls, but also because the value of the
country’s money stock, as metal, is falling: The coins
are literally losing their value.
The politics of the Latin Monetary Union after
1873 illustrates the problem (Willis, 1901). Founded
under the aegis of France in 1865, the union consisted
of setting a common bimetallic standard for all member countries and making all coins legal tender throughout the union. As long as the market value of a coin
was very close to its face value, be it gold or silver, this
was a relatively innocuous provision. With the collapse
in the price of silver, free minting of silver was suspended by the member states in 1873. The silver coins
remained legal tender everywhere but were now a token coinage. Did the issuing state bear any responsibility to redeem silver coin in gold at its face value?
The question was posed when the treaty came up for

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renewal in 1878, and countries found that a sizable
amount of their silver coinage was circulating in other
states. Much as some states wished to leave the union,
they could not afford to redeem the coins, and were
forced to remain. They eventually developed a framework for the redemption of the coins, and the union continued with a limping standard until after World War I.
This suggests an explanation for the events of
1873. Once the commitment to bimetallism of a few
countries wavered, there was a rush for the door, so to
speak. The last one to abandon silver would be left
holding the bag, namely, a lot of depreciated silver
coins. Germany moved first, and for a few years was
able to sell its silver stock at 15.5:1 for gold. When
the price of gold started rising, it halted its silver sales,
and resigned itself to a limping standard. Other countries like France were able to suspend free minting of
silver while their holdings of silver were still relatively
low. Indeed, figure 3 shows that France was in fact
simply letting itself go to a gold standard, exchanging
its silver at 15.5:1, when the growth in silver output
of the 1860s, followed by Germany’s decision, reversed
the trend and made it acquire silver. Should bimetallism ever end, it would be left holding the bag. Faced
with that possibility, it may have seemed better to
abandon bimetallism.


The collapse of 1873 reflects a deep feature of my
model of bimetallism. Recall that the model displays
a multiplicity of equilibria, represented by the range of
possible gold–silver ratios; at the extremities of that
range are the gold standard and the silver standard. This
multiplicity is a familiar result for fiat currencies in
models that only generate demand for one type of currency; with two currencies, there is nothing to pin down
the real value of balances held in either form, as long
as the rates of return are the same on both. In a commodity money system, a similar effect takes place, except that quantities of gold and silver jewelry have to
adjust in order to maintain equal rates of return on both
currencies (that is, maintain a fixed price ratio). What
is properly an indeterminacy in a fiat money world
(nothing determines nominal prices, and real prices
and quantities are identical in all equilibria) is a multiplicity in the bimetallic world (some quantities are
different across equilibria, but some nominal values
are indeterminate).
The collapse of 1873 may be seen as a sudden shift
from one equilibrium (bimetallism at a 15.5 ratio) to
another equilibrium (a gold standard equilibrium).
What prompts the sudden shift is the fact that, while
monetary functions are carried out just as well by a
mixture of gold and silver at a 15.5 ratio, or by gold

alone, the relative price of gold and silver can be very
different in the two cases. In other worlds, holders of
silver are not indifferent at all about which equilibrium
prevails. In the 1860s, France was on the verge of ridding itself of all silver, and then saw that it was acquiring silver again: This made it a potential loser should
bimetallism end. Rather than run the risk, France abandoned bimetallism, thus precipitating the event it feared.
We will see that the interests of holders of silver were
also at play in the American segment of our story.
The “crime of 1873”
In the United States, the end of bimetallism became
known, by those who regretted it, as the “crime of 1873.”
Let us briefly review the historical background.
The United States had been officially on the bimetallic standard from 1792; coins of $1 and less were
made of silver, coins of $5 and more of gold. Initially,
the ratio was set at 15:1. In practice, very little was
minted in either metal, mostly old Spanish silver continued to circulate (the “dollar” was in fact the colonial name of the Spanish piece of 8 reals, minted in
abundance in Mexico with silver from Peru). In 1834,
the ratio was changed to 16:1 by debasing the gold
coin. In the late 1840s and early 1850s, the California
discoveries resulted in a great amount of gold coins


Limits on gold–silver ratio implied by model, three counterfactuals
silver/gold ratio (oz silver/oz gold)

gold standard (1873 system)


gold standard (1872 system)

gold standard (1871 system)
15.5 ratio


silver standard (1873 system)
silver standard (1872 system)


silver standard (1871 system)










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being minted—a new mint had to be set up in San
Francisco to handle the flow. At the same time, as the
model predicts, silver coinage was melted down. The
loss of small coins became particularly acute, prompting Congress to take a first step toward a gold standard
in 1853.
Until then, fractions of the dollar, ranging in value
from 5 cents to 50 cents, contained exactly the right
amount of silver in proportion to their face value:
A 5 cent coin contained 1/20 as much silver as the
dollar, etc. After 1853, the fractions of the dollar contained only 93 percent of the silver that they used to.
Moreover, their capacity as legal tender, which had
been unlimited, became limited to debts of $5 or less.
Finally, the coins were not issued freely in exchange
for silver brought to the mint. Instead, the quantities
minted were regulated by the Secretary of the Treasury,
and the coins were to be sold to the public in exchange
for gold coins.
This made the smaller denominations partly token:
Their face value was 7 percent higher than justified
by their content, and they were made on demand by
the government. For these coins, the “legal ratio” (the
ratio of the silver contained in $10 of dimes, divided
by the gold contained in a gold eagle) was 14.88 instead of 16. For those coins at least, the threat of being
melted down was held at bay. But the U.S. remained
on a bimetallic standard, because the silver dollar was
still minted on demand in unlimited quantities and
was unlimited tender.
With the Civil War, the U.S. ceased to be on a bimetallic system. Instead, during the “greenback” era
from 1862 to 1879, the government issued an inconvertible paper currency called the “greenback.” It was
legal tender just like coins. Instead of seeing bad money
displace good money, gold coins continued to circulate, but at a premium over greenbacks, a premium
that varied with the fortunes of war and reached 150
percent in 1864. Once the war ended, the premium fell
back under 50 percent and slowly declined over time,
as the government kept the quantity of greenbacks under tight control. After some debate, the decision was
taken in 1873 to resume convertibility, scheduled for
January 1, 1879.
Meanwhile, a law was passed in February 1873
to “revise and amend” minting laws. Of course, no
minting had taken place during the years of the greenback era, since the mint would have paid any incoming gold or silver in greenbacks at face value. The act
prescribes the minting of gold coins and subsidiary silver coins as before 1862, but does not mention the
silver dollar at all. The silver dollar would not be coined
on demand anymore.6

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This was the “crime of 1873.” Not much notice
was taken at the time, but it became much more controversial later, during the deflation of 1879–96. The
deflation had two sources. One was the fact that the
U.S., having expanded its money supply in the form
of greenbacks during the Civil War to finance its expenditures, now had to reduce it (or at any rate let it
grow more slowly) in order to bring the value of greenbacks up to par. Resumption of convertibility, in fact,
required that a dollar in greenback be worth the same
as a dollar in gold. After resumption, however, deflation continued for another 15 years. The second source
of deflation, one that affected all countries on the gold
standard, was the fact that these economies’ demand
for gold, driven in part by income growth,7 grew faster
than the supplies of gold; and the fact that, because
of the collapse of bimetallism, the number of countries on the gold standard increased as well.
One interest group suffered from the end of bimetallism, namely the silver producers of the western
states. But the silver party drew wider support. The
plank of a return to bimetallism at 16:1 was seen by
many as a remedy to the deflation, which was hurting
debtors, particularly farmers in the Midwest. A greenback party had formed to oppose the return to convertibility and the deflation that it required; that party
disappeared after 1880, but the agitation then turned
to silver.
The strength of the political forces aligned in
favor of silver was never quite sufficient to reverse
the crime of 1873. In practice, free minting of silver
never returned. But the silver dollar regained full
legal tender status in 1878, and from 1878 to 1893,
the government was compelled by Congress to purchase quantities of silver and turn them into money.
This, as well as the numerous nearly successful attempts at restoring free coinage of silver, was enough
for some to question the United States’ commitment
to the gold standard for 30 years.
The monetization of silver took place under two
distinct regimes. In the first regime, from 1878 to 1890,
the Bland–Allison Act of 1878 required the U.S. Treasury to purchase between $2 million and $4 million in
silver every month, at market value, and mint it into
dollars (actual purchases were between $2 million and
$3 million per month). By the end of 1889, there was
$438 million in gold and $311 million in silver in circulation in the U.S. As a result, the United States was
on a limping standard. Both metals were legal tender,
but only one metal was freely minted. Coins of the other
metal were becoming token: While the face value of
silver dollars remained $1, the value of their intrinsic
content, which was close to $1 when the market ratio


was close to 16, fell as the market ratio fell, to 80
cents by 1890.
The second regime of silver purchases began with
the Sherman Silver Purchases Act of July 1890, which
followed the shift in the balance of forces in Congress
after five western states were admitted to the Union
in 1889 and 1890. On the surface, the act seemed to go
further toward monetizing silver, since it increased
the required monthly purchases to 4.5 million ounces
at market prices (about $4.5 million at the time). This
represented the whole silver production of the United
States and about 40 percent of world silver production.
However, Treasury policy actually mitigated the effect of the act in the following way. The amount was
specified in ounces and, as the market price of silver
fell, so did the amount spent. The purchased silver,
rather than being minted into dollars, was to be held
by the Treasury as bullion. In payment of the bullion,
the Treasury issued notes which were fully legal tender and redeemable on demand into gold or silver at
the Treasury’s discretion. Had the Treasury systematically redeemed them in silver, the effect would have
been the same as simply minting the purchased silver.
The Treasury in fact pursued a policy of redemption
in gold. In effect, the government was mandated to
buy a given amount of some commodity, and issued
(gold-backed) notes in payment.
The seeds of further trouble, the “disturbed years
from 1891 to 1897” (Friedman and Schwartz 1963,
p. 104) were contained in the act. The mandated purchases of silver were adding a strain on government
finances, increasing expenditures by 25 percent at a
time when the McKinley Tariff Act reduced revenues.
The result was the disappearance of the federal surplus by 1893. The U.S. federal government finished
the fiscal year 1890 with a surplus of $105 million
and a gold reserve of $190 million. By June 1894,
with $134 million in Treasury notes outstanding, the
surplus had turned into a $70 million deficit. The act
also left the Treasury holding a growing and increasingly worthless stockpile of silver. In July 1890, when
the act was passed, silver was worth $1.06 per ounce.
By November 1893, it had fallen to 72 cents. Over
that period, the Treasury had bought 169 million
ounces of silver, at a cost of $156 million, which,
as of November 1893, was worth $121 million. Should
the Treasury decide to mint its silver, it could turn each
ounce into $1.29 of legal tender, making its stockpile
worth $218 million. In effect, the government held a
large put option on the private sector.
What prevented the Treasury from exercising that
option, by coining its silver and repaying the outstanding notes with it? Nothing but its own interpretation


of the law that “the policy of the United States [is] to
maintain the two metals on a parity with each other
upon the present legal ratio.” In other words, the policy of redeeming notes in gold at par could change
overnight. Redeeming notes in silver instead of gold
would mean an abandonment of the gold standard
and a large devaluation.
Should the government run out of gold with which
to redeem its notes, it might well be led to redeem them
with silver. The very prospect led many to present
their notes for redemption in exchange for gold. As
a result, the government’s gold reserve, which was
intended to secure the parity of the legal tender notes
(the remaining greenbacks of the Civil War), dwindled
from $190 million in June 1890 to $65 million in
June 1894.
The years 1893–94 bear interesting similarities
with modern currency crises: rising deficits, shrinking
reserves, capital flight, and speculation against the
currency (Grilli, 1990, and Miller, 1996). President
Cleveland took office in March 1893, and his administration’s commitment to the gold standard seemed
open to question when the Treasury secretary was saying that the Treasury would redeem its notes in silver
if it was “expedient” to do so. In June 1893 India suspended free coinage of silver and the price of silver
immediately fell. This prompted a major banking
crisis, with hundreds of banks failing, and a sharp
recession, with industrial production falling by
27 percent between April and September.
The Treasury nevertheless continued to redeem
its notes in gold. Faced with a dwindling reserve, it
tried to sell bonds for gold. The only bonds it had
legal authority to issue were “coin bonds,” which were
redeemable in coin, that is, either gold or silver, and
Congress refused to authorize gold bonds, arguing
that the Treasury ought to use its large silver stockpile.
The Treasury therefore had to pay a risk premium on
the bonds it was able to sell, because of the risk that
they would be paid at maturity in silver; and when a
bond issue was announced, notes were presented for
redemption to withdraw gold in order to sell it back
to the Treasury. This “endless chain” was repeated
several times.
The matter came to a head with the election of
1896, in which Republicans promised to return to bimetallism as soon as a worldwide consensus to do so
could be arranged, while Democrats argued for a return to bimetallism at a 16:1 ratio, “without waiting
for the aid or consent of any other nation.” William
Jennings Bryan, the Democratic nominee, campaigned
for bimetallism with a speech known for its peroration: “You shall not press down upon the brow of

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labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.”8 He lost the election to the
Republican William McKinley.
The year 1896 was the high watermark of bimetallism in the U.S., even if it took a few years to formally seal the country’s commitment to gold, partly
because of the silver party’s continued clout in the
Senate9 and partly because McKinley’s first term was
taken up with tariffs and the Spanish-American War.
In March 1900, however, the Gold Standard Act was
passed, unambiguously defining the U.S. dollar as 23.22
grains of fine gold. It also enacted that “all forms of
money issued or coined by the United States shall be
maintained at a parity of value with this standard, and
it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to
maintain such parity” and maintained the legal tender
status of the silver dollars; moreover, the Treasury notes
issued since 1890 could now only be repaid by the
Treasury in gold. A gold reserve was created, and the
Treasury was authorized to borrow in order to maintain that reserve.
In the ensuing years, the root cause of the silver
agitation disappeared, as deflation turned to inflation
in the wake of large gold discoveries in Australia and
Alaska and improvements in methods of extraction.
The U.S. would remain firmly on the gold standard
until 1934.
What if?
Friedman (1990a, b) revisits the crime of 1873.
In his estimation, the “crime” of 1873, although not a
crime, was a mistake. Had the U.S. restored its bimetallic minting policies in 1873, it would have effectively
been on a silver standard and, by his calculations,
would have enjoyed a steadier price level than it did.
I can use my model to evaluate one assumption
underlying Friedman’s calculations. He assumed that
the rest of the world would have pursued the monetary
policies it did, and that the U.S. would necessarily have
been on a silver standard. That is, the ratio of 16:1
would have been outside of the bounds I defined earlier. Figure 5 shows that, in my model, this would not
have been so, at least initially. Indeed, in the 1870s
the U.S. would still have been on a gold standard, and,
from 1880 to 1903, it would have been effectively bimetallic. During that period, movements of the price
level in the U.S., in the gold-standard countries, and
in the silver-standard countries would have been the
same. As Velde and Weber (2000) show, bimetallism
does stabilize the price level relative to either single
standard, as long as the shocks affecting the markets
for each metal are not perfectly correlated.

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However, figure 5 also shows that, ultimately, the
U.S. would have been forced onto silver. This is partly
due to the growth in the number of gold-based countries and their increasing demand for gold as a medium
of exchange, the very causes of the deflation experienced by gold-standard countries in that period. Over
the course of the 1880s and 1890s, that demand would
have progressively drained the U.S. of its gold coinage.
But the other factor driving the bounds in figure 5 upward is the progressive abandonment of silver by other
countries, notably Austria, Russia, and India. Those
countries might perhaps have stayed with silver had
the U.S. remained bimetallic and held out the prospect of continued stabilization of the gold–silver ratio.
Indeed, one might speculate that, as far back as 1873,
a U.S. commitment to bimetallism might have persuaded France to keep its mints open to silver.10
The need for cooperation on the “international financial architecture” was well understood at the time.
While Bryan and his more extreme followers rejected
it, moderate supporters of bimetallism in the U.S. insisted that international cooperation was needed to make
a return to bimetallism a realistic proposition. But the
difficulties of achieving such cooperation after the
events of 1873 is illustrated by an international conference that took place in August 1878 in Paris.11
According to the report of the American delegates,
the participants for the most part adhered to the notion
that silver had a monetary role to play, a change from
the 1865 international monetary conference that had
endorsed the gold standard. But the European delegates did not believe there was anything that could
be done about the fall in the price of silver, whereas
the Americans believed that “a policy of action” could
alter it. The Europeans were not a little suspicious of
American intentions and abilities, plausibly reading the
support for bimetallism as a disguised push for inflation.
Nevertheless, a maintained commitment to
bimetallism would have altered politics inside the
U.S. and the country’s relations with other countries.
Whether U.S. adherence to bimetallism could plausibly have convinced other countries, such as India, to
stay on silver and whether this would have prolonged
bimetallism up to World War I are questions for future research.
The very fact that bimetallism was abandoned by
all countries that adhered to it in a short space of time
has been seen, in and of itself, as an indictment of that
monetary system. I show that bimetallism was not an
absurdity. Rather, economic theory predicts that such
a system would have a multiplicity of possible outcomes,



Limits on gold–silver ratio, U.S. alone on bimetallism
silver/gold ratio (oz silver/oz gold)

gold standard


silver standard









Note: Assumes U.S. alone is on bimetallism, with a gold–silver ratio of 16:1.

ranging from a low to a high gold–silver ratio, corresponding to a silver standard and a gold standard,
respectively, with bimetallic regimes for all the intermediate ratios. The parameters determining the range
include the number of countries that are willing to use
silver or gold indifferently as money. Thus, bimetallism
was a viable monetary arrangement that could be maintained for long periods, if enough countries adhered to it.
Moreover, the sudden collapse is understandable
as a consequence of the very property that made bimetallism viable: Should the number of countries suddenly change, bimetallism might not be feasible at the
existing ratio anymore, prompting a switch to either
the gold or silver standard, with potential losses for
holders of the other metal. Rather than be the last one


left with silver, countries rushed for the door in 1873
and adopted the gold standard.
Thus, the decision to abandon bimetallism might
seem justified a posteriori, but not necessarily a priori.
I show that the United States could have plausibly remained on a bimetallic standard after 1873, in spite of
what other countries were doing. But other forces were
at work—growth rates in gold-standard countries and
flows of new discoveries—that could have ultimately
forced the United States off bimetallism. It would then
have had to choose between the yellow brick road and
the white brick road, and the speculative attacks that
plagued the U.S. dollar in the 1890s would no doubt
have accompanied that difficult decision.

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I wish to compute two counterfactuals. The first one assumes that the monetary systems of all countries remain
unchanged from 1871 to 1913 and determines whether
bimetallism could have continued, or whether the gold
standard was bound to occur. To answer this question,
I compute the values of the gold–silver ratio at which a
gold standard and a silver standard become inevitable
for each year.
The second counterfactual assumes that the “crime
of 1873” did not take place, and that the United States
had remained on a bimetallic standard at 16:1 which, in
practice (given what all other countries did), would have
meant a silver standard. Would the price level have been
more stable as claimed by Friedman (1990a, b)?
My strategy is to use historical data to compute or
estimate parameters of the model, and then modify certain parameters as dictated by the counterfactual assumptions. Then I compute the values of the endogenous
variables (prices and quantities) by solving the model’s
steady state equations for the new parameters.

I make use of the following annual data, from 1873
to 1913:
1. the average value in December of the gold–
silver ratio,
2. the total stock of gold and silver in the world
at the end of the year, and
3. the stock of gold and silver coin in each
country at the end of the year.
Series 1 and 2 are described in Velde and Weber
(2000). The same paper uses worldwide stocks of gold
and silver coin in 1873, taken from Kitchin (League of
Nations, 1930) and Drake (1983). With these series, however, the ratio of gold to silver nonmonetary stocks rises
by 15 percent from 1873 to 1890, even as silver depreciates by percent relative to gold. This is difficult to reconcile with the kind of preferences for gold and silver that
I wanted to use.
Kitchin and Drake both estimated monetary stocks
as residuals: They estimated how much gold and silver
was produced each year, and how much went into industrial uses, the remainder accruing to money stocks. To
get another estimate, I added up directly national money
stocks for each year. The Annual Reports of the Director
of the Mint provide estimates of these stocks for a growing list of countries in 1873, 1878 to 1883, 1892 to 1907,
and 1909 to 1913. For a number of countries, better and
continuous series can now be found. Thus, for the United
States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy,
Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, and Japan, I have

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

used the same sources as Rolnick and Weber (1997).
Furthermore, for India, I have relied on Atkinson (1909)
and Keynes (1913). These countries together accounted
for about 50 percent to 55 percent of world output in that
period (based on Maddison, 1995). They thus represent
a large, but not sufficient fraction of the world. I have
relied on the Director of the Mint’s estimates for the remaining countries.
As it turns out, the estimates for 1873 are quite close to
those of Kitchin and Drake as used in Velde and Weber
(2000), but diverge after that date. Figure A1 plots the
market ratio against the ratio of estimated stocks. The
slope is negative, which is an improvement.

The specification of preferences over stocks of
nonmonetary metal that I use is a constant elasticity of
v(d1,d2) = [(ad1) r + d2r ]1r.
My specification obviates the need for a time series of
world income.
In equilibrium, the market ratio is the ratio of marginal utilities:
e  aS (

d1 S1
) .

I regress the log of the ratio of worldwide nonmonetary
stocks of silver to those of gold on the log of the market ratio and a constant:
log(e) B log (

) C.

As figure A1 suggests, there is a somewhat anomalous period from 1893 to 1903. In 1893, India discontinued free minting of silver, and at the same time
Austria and Russia committed to a gold standard and
the American silver purchases came to an end. The resulting fall in the price of silver was not accompanied
by an immediate adjustment in quantities (see the horizontal movement in figure A1). I use the sample from
1873 to 1892 and 1904 to 1913 only. By ordinary least
squares (OLS), I find a = –0.23 (standard error: 0.022)
and bÿ= –2.36 (standard error: 0.068). I then estimate
¨ ¥ S  1´ ·
S 1/ B 1 and a  exp © C ¦
§ S µ¶ and I find

rÿ= –3.34, or an elasticity of substitution between gold
and silver of 0.23. It is not very satisfactory to exclude


the 11 observations from 1893 to 1903.
A modified version of the model with
adjustment costs would probably better match the data, at the cost of
some complexity.


Gold–silver market ratio plotted against ratio
of estimated world nonmonetary stocks
log (nonmonetary gold stock/nonmonetary silver stock)

The aim is to determine the
-3.00 1874 1877
range of possible gold–silver ratios
for which bimetallism was possible
( [ e , e ] in the notation of box 1). The
upper end of the range e corresponds
to the point at which as much silver
as possible is in nonmonetary uses
(driving down its value relative to
gold), and the world uses no silver
as money. In reality, a significant
part of the world was under a silver
standard, in which gold could not
have replaced silver as medium of
exchange, so the limit on silver in
monetary use is not 0, but rather the
amount necessary to carry out transactions in the silver countries. Like-3.30
wise, the lower end of the range, e ,
corresponds to the point at which only
log (price of gold/price of silver)
gold-standard countries use gold.
Notes: Gold–silver market ratio is the December average for each year. Estimated
worldwide nonmonetary stocks are in logs. The regression line is computed using
Let xs (respectively, xg) be the
1873–92 and 1904–13 only (see text).
share of world transactions carried
out in silver-standard (respectively,
gold-standard) countries. Then, at the
upper end of the range of ratios, the stocks of gold and
Having the actual money stocks and values for the
silver in nonmonetary uses are such that
parameters of preferences, I compute a series for x for
1873–1913. I find the series xs and xg by taking the money
(Q2 – d2)v2(d) = (1 –xg)x,
7) (Q1 – d1)v1(d) = xg x,
stocks of the countries that were on a silver standard in
1871, as share of the world money stocks. I can solve
for d1 and d2 in equations 7 and 8 and compute the corwhere x is the world volume of transactions (the left-hand
responding ratio of marginal utilities, that is, the gold–
side in equation 6, box 1). Similarly, at the lower end,
silver ratio. The results are shown in figure 4 (p. 50).
(Q2 – d2)v2(d) = xs x.
8) (Q1 – d1)v1(x) = (1 –xs)x,


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They became ruby slippers in the movie version.

Other gold coins were minted as well (double eagles and half

Bryan can be heard delivering his speech on the Web at




A troy ounce contains 480 grains.

This narrative draws on Flandreau (1996), Redish (2000),
Friedman and Schwartz (1963), and Dewey (1922).


One could also use any linear combination of goods in fixed
proportion, defining the dollar as X ounces of gold and Y ounces
of silver. This system, proposed by Alfred Marshall, is called


The Revised Statutes of 1874 limited its legal tender to debts
of $5 or less.


In 1898, the Senate passed a resolution declaring that repayment
of the U.S. debt in silver did not constitute a breach of faith.


The matter of the differing legal ratios in the two countries
(15.5 in Europe and South America, 16 in North America) would
necessarily have been addressed. Prior to the Civil War, costs
of transportation and information probably restricted the ability
of arbitrageurs to narrow the gap between the ratios across the


The Bland–Allison Act of 1878 had required the U.S. president
to invite foreign governments to an international conference on
restoring bimetallism.

Real per capita income grew by 20 percent in the U.S. and 27
percent in the United Kingdom during the deflation of 1879–96
(Maddison, 1995).



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Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

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