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High speed rail in the Midwest
1984 Bank Structure Conference highlights
Individual bank reserve management

---------------------------------------------------- 'I


July/A ugust 1984
Volume VIII, Issue 4
Editorial Committee
Harvey Rosenblum, incepresident and

associate director o f research
Randall C. Merris, research economist
Edward G. Nash, editor
Roger Thryselius, graphics
Nancy Ahlstrom, typesetting
Gloria Hull, editorial assistant

Econom ic Perspectives is
published by the Research Department of
the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. The
views expressed are the authors’ and do
not necessarily reflect the views of the
management of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago or the Federal Reserve System.
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v j :___________ :_________________/
ISSN 0164-0682

C o n ten ts
High speed rail in th e Midwest
The p o w erfu l test o fp r o fita b ility ,
a p p lied to n in e p o ssib le p rojects,
su ggests th a t p u b lic su bsid ies
m ay b e req u ired f o r m ost
high sp eed ra il co n fig u ra tio n s
1984 Bank Structure C on feren ce
In terstate b a n k in g a n d th e f a t e o f
th e sm a ll b a n k d o m in a ted th e
d iscu ssion s a t th e 2 0 th a n n u a l
B a n k Structu re C on feren ce
Individual bank reserve m an agem en t
On b a la n ce, th e February>1984 ch a n g e
to n ea r-con tem p oran eou s resen>e
accou n tin g sh o u ld n o t m u ch ch a n g e
h o w b a n k s h a n d le earn in g a ssets




H igh sp e e d ra il in th e M idw est
H erbert B a er a n d D on n a V an den brin k
For years, Amtrak has struggled to attract pas­
sengers on its routes in the Midwest, using tech­
nology developed half a century ago. During the
same time, foreign railroads were developing
new passenger rail systems that could profitably
com pete with air travel. Two of these systems,
the French TGV and the Japanese Shinkansen,
reach speeds of 160 mph, while the British HST
operates at 125 mph.
The success of these systems, together with
the apparent interest of American policymakers
in promoting further investments in passenger
rail service, has sparked a number of recent
proposals for high speed rail systems throughout
the nation, including the Midwest.1This interest
is based largely on high speed rail’s success in
dramatically decreasing travel time between cit­
ies. Unfortunately, these systems are expensive
to build—as much as 3-5 billion dollars—making
their financial viability questionable. This article
summarizes a larger study which analyzes high
speed rail’s econom ic prospects in three Mid­
western corridors—Detroit to Chicago, St. Louis
to Chicago, and Milwaukee to Chicago. Three
technologies are analyzed: High Speed (1 2 5
mph); Very High Speed (1 5 0 -1 6 0 mph); and
Super Speed ( 2 5 0 mph). Combining the tech­
nologies and the corridors creates nine specific
projects for examination.
Support from policymakers and private inves­
tors for high speed rail projects in the Midwest
and elsewhere in the U.S. must await develop­
ment of better estimates of capital costs, the size
and timing of the projected revenues, and the
extent of any secondary social benefits. Existing
feasibility studies for projects throughout North
America provide a wealth of detailed informa-*
Herbert Baer and Donna Vandenbrink are economists at
the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
'Studies in the Midwest include Detroit to Chicago by
Transmode, Inc. [2], Milwaukee to Chicago by Budd Co. [3]
and Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati by Dalton, Dalton,
Newport [4]. For a more general overview of high speed rail
technologies, see [5].

Federal Reserve Bank o f Chicago

tion on the costs and/or revenues of systems
with different speeds, frequencies, and markets.
However, a review of these studies indicates that
they fail to explain how these factors interact to
affect the cost, ridership, pricing, and profitabil­
ity of high speed rail systems.
Like earlier feasibility studies, this study
develops measures of the costs and revenues of
high speed rail. But the study does not generate
any new data; it is, in fact, based entirely on the
existing body of high speed rail data.
It differs from existing studies in three ways.
First, it attempts to explain the interaction
betw een speed and frequency on the one hand,
and costs and revenues on the other. Second, it
compares competing technologies rather than
intensively studying a single technology. Third, it
attempts not only to provide bottom line answers,
but also to identify the factors which are critical
to the profitability of high speed rail systems.
C orrid or ch o ices
Experience suggests that successful high
speed rail corridors should be between 250 and
500 miles in length, be heavily populated, have
relatively high population densities, and, of less
importance, have areas of population density dis­
tributed along the entire route.
Three Midwest rail corridors fill some or all
of these requirements and are especially suitable
for analysis: Detroit to Chicago, St. Louis to Chi­
cago, and Milwaukee to Chicago. These three
corridors allow us to consider the cost and prof­
itability of high speed rail service in a number of
different environments.
The Detroit-Chicago corridor is relatively
long and urban. It covers a distance of a little
under 300 miles and it includes the five larger
metropolitan areas o f Gary, Indiana, and Kalama­
zoo, Battle Creek, Jackson, and Ann Arbor, Mich­
igan. This corridor contains over 13 million
people and is the third most populous rail corri­
dor served by Amtrak.


The distance from St. Louis to Chicago is
also just under 300 miles, but population in this
corridor is more sparsely distributed than be­
tween Detroit and Chicago. The population in
the St. Louis-Chicago corridor is about 9 to 10
million, and it is more highly concentrated at the
two end points.
The Milwaukee-Chicago corridor presents
a different case. It serves a population of almost 9
million, similar to that located in the St. LouisChicago corridor, but it covers a distance of just
under 90 miles, making a dense concentration of
potential travelers. In addition to the Milwaukee
and Chicago metropolitan areas, this corridor
includes the cities of Kenosha and Racine,


The Detroit-Chicago corridor is compara­
ble to several European high speed rail corridors
in terms of distance, total population, and popu­
lation per route-mile. But the Detroit-Chicago
corridor has more large cities, and population
densities within these cities are lower than their
European counterparts.2 The St. Louis-Chicago
route compares less closely to these European
corridors. While distance is similar, total popula­
tion, population per route-mile, and urban popu­
lation density are all lower for this U.S. corridor.
The Milwaukee-Chicago corridor is best
compared to shorter rail corridors. Although
there is currently no such corridor on which
high speed rail service is available, MilwaukeeChicago can be compared to Los Angeles-San
Diego, Amtrak’s second busiest corridor. While
total population in the Milwaukee-Chicago cor­
ridor is lower, population per route-mile and
urban population density are both higher. How­
ever, the short distance between Milwaukee and
Chicago limits the demand for higher speed
T echnology ch oices
The term “high speed rail” encompasses a
wide range of speed capabilities. We distinguish
three types of high speed rail services according
to the maximum commercial speed o f the tech­
nology: High Speed (H S) covers trains capable of

Population density in this sense is measured as the
number of people living within a given distance from a

Economic Perspectives

reaching speeds of 120-125
mph; Very High Speed ( VHS)
includes those with a top
speed of 150-160 mph; and
Super Speed (SS) refers to
tra in s w h ich can rea ch
speeds o f 2 50 mph or higher.
Characteristics of our
h yp oth etical High Speed
technology are drawn from
experience with the Amtrak
M etroliner service in the
N ortheast Corridor (u lti­
mately designed to function
as a High Speed train) as
w ell as the British High
Speed Train (H ST) inaugu­
rated in 1976. The charac­
teristics of our Very High
Speed technology are based
primarily on the French TGV
tech n o lo g y in op eration
since O ctober 1981.3 The
characteristics of our Super
Speed technology are based
on data for th e German
Transrapid-06 magnetic lev­
itation technology, which is
still undergoing develop­
ment for commercial appli­
cation. V ehicles for each
technology are shown in
Figures 2, 3, and 4.

Courtesy: GM Electromotive


Figure 2: A m t r a k 's M e t r o l i n e r e n g in e

Courtesy: TGV-US

Figure 3: T h e F r e n c h T G V , a V e r y H ig h S p e e d T r a in

Courtesy: Budd Co.

High Speed an d Very
High Speed: M etroliner
an d TGV
The Amtrak Metroliner
and the French TGV repre­
sent su ccessiv e develop­
ments in the application of
th e co n v e n tio n a l s te e lw heel-on-rail technology.
3This technology seemed more
suited to the Midwestern transpor­
tation environment than the highly
capital-intensive Shinkansen tech­

Federal Reserve Bank o f Chicago

Figure 4: T h e T r a n s r a p id - 0 6 , a n e x p e r im e n t a l
S u p e r S p e e d m a g le v t r a in


Speeds of 125 mph can be achieved without any
fundamental changes in this vehicle technology.
The major impediments to reaching service
speeds of 125 mph with conventional rail pas­
senger technology are the condition of the exist­
ing track and roadbed and the logistics of sharing
right-of-way with low speed freight and pas­
senger trains. Therefore, the implementation of
the Metroliner-HS option focuses on improve­
ments in track, roadbed, and signalling and con­
trol systems. The Metroliner equipment itself is
essentially no different from that used for other
intercity passenger service.
In contrast, the TGV represents the state of
the art in steel-wheel-on-rail technology. The
TGV vehicles were designed from the ground up
to combine the best components from existing
rail technologies and to incorporate the latest
advances in aerodynamics, stability, and braking.
Each TGV train has a fixed number of cars with
one power car at each end of a string of articu­
lated coaches. Adjacent coaches in the middle of
the train share a single set of wheels, which are
located under the articulated segments. This
design reduces aerodynamic resistance and the
number of axles, and increases passenger com ­
fort. The lighter weight and higher speed result­
ing from these design improvements enable the
TGV to climb steeper grades than other pas­
senger trains. This permits savings in roadbed
excavation and tunnel construction. The reduced
weight of the TGV also reduces track mainte­
nance costs. On the other hand, the operator’s
ability to adjust train capacity to demand pat­
terns is limited because cars cannot be added
Super Speed: Transrapid-06 Maglev
The use of magnetic levitation (maglev)
and electromagnetic propulsion to provide con­
tactless vehicle movement makes the Transrapid0 6 (T R -0 6 ) technology radically different from
either the Metroliner or the TGV. The underside
of the TR-06 carriage (w here the wheel trucks
would be on a conventional car) wraps around a
guideway. Magnets on the bottom of the guide­
way attract magnets on the “wraparound,” pull­
ing it up towards the guideway. This suspends


the vehicles about one centim eter above the
guideway. Changes in the polarity of other
magnets in the guideway cause the vehicles to
move forward or backward.
Maglev technology obliterates the familiar
distinction between track and rolling stock in
propulsion. Power-generating equipment is re­
located from the conventional locomotive to the
underside of each car and to the track and
guideway structure of the TR-06.
The fact that the TR-06 is designed to wrap
around an elevated central guideway rather than
to move on ground-level track has both advan­
tages and disadvantages. The guideway is incom­
patible with existing track and stations, and must
be newly constructed and electrified. However,
the elevated guideway can be adapted to varied
terrain with much less excavation and construc­
tion than are needed to lay ground-level track.
The maglev technology promises dramatic in­
creases in speed, but it has not yet been proven
commercially feasible. At present it is employed
in only one commercial application, a low-speed
people mover at Birmingham Airport in the Uni­
ted Kingdom. Although high-speed prototypes
are already operating, it will be perhaps another
5 to 20 years before the technology can be made
commercial in high-speed applications.
The im pact on travel tim e
Speed is an appropriate characteristic by
which to distinguish the many alternative high
speed technologies, since it helps determine
both rail demand and costs. On the demand side,
differences in travel time affect the competitive­
ness of rail with respect to other modes of travel.
Table 1 shows how travel times in the three
Midwest corridors vary with the maximum speed
of the rail technology. The travel time between
Detroit or St. Louis and Chicago is between five
and five and a half hours according to the current
( 1 9 8 3 ) Amtrak schedule. The HS technology
would reduce travel time to three-and-one-half
hours; the VHS technology would bring the time
down to a little under three hours; and with the
SS technology the trip could be made in under
two hours. Similarly, the current one-and-onehalf hour trip between Milwaukee and Chicago

Economic Perspectives

T a b le 1
T h e e f f e c t o f t e c h n o lo g y o n r a il t r a v e l t im e s
in t h r e e M i d w e s t c o r r id o r s

Rail travel time between:

St. Louis


(m in u te s )

( m in u te s )

(m in u te s )

Current Amtrak service




High Speed




Very High Speed




Super Speed




Distance (in miles)




could be made in under an hour with the HS
technology, in 45 minutes with the VHS tech­
nology, and in only a half-hour with the SS tech­
nology. It is easy to imagine that the reductions
in travel time offered by the new high speed
technologies might significantly enhance the
attractiveness of rail travel in these Midwest
However, the potential demand for these
travel-time savings must be weighed against the
costs of implementing the various technologies.
Differences in maximum attainable speed create
different engineering, technological, and con­
struction parameters that in turn affect the cost
of a rail system. For example, Super Speed ser­
vice with the magnetic levitation technology
requires the construction of a new guideway
structure along the entire route. High Speed ser­
vice, on the other hand, can be implemented
with improvements to existing rail rights-of-way
without significant new roadbed construction.

maximization (loss minimization) scenarios, we
hoped to establish the circumstances under
which the rail improvements could be made
without governmental subsidies. Where we find
that a subsidy would be necessary, our results
also indicate the minimum subsidy required by
each project. Second, since only a profit-making
project would be able to attract private invest­
ment, our analysis points out the circumstances
in which private participation in high speed rail
development is most likely. Finally, breaking
even under private profit-maximizing behavior
is, in the absence of any negative externalities, a
sufficient condition for a project to be socially
desirable, although it is not a necessary condi­
tion. Social welfare would be maximized by set­
ting railfares equal to long-run marginal social
cost and providing a lump sum subsidy to the rail
service operator. When a project fails this break­
even test, a second more complicated test is
needed to determine social desirability.4
A profitability analysis requires information
on revenues (R ), operating expenses (O E ), cap­
ital outlays (K ), the risky “real” (inflationadjusted) interest rate ( r ) , and the rate at which
ridership (and hence revenues and operating
expenses) are expected to grow over time (g ).
This information is combined to compute each
project’s net present value using the formula:5


Outlays were estimated using actual and
projected cost data for the High Speed and Very
High Speed options and projected cost data for
the Super Speed option. The passenger response
to changes in speed, frequency of service, and
rail fares was estimated using two intercity travel

An analytical fram ew ork
There are many yardsticks which could be
used to evaluate these nine projects. Profitability
is one such measure, and in this study we com ­
pare projects by focusing on the net present
value of current and future profits (losses) that
would be realized if fares and frequencies were
chosen to maximize total profits.
We chose this profit maximization criterion
for three reasons. First, by focusing on the profit

Federal Reserve Bank o f Chicago

'In this test, price is set equal to long-run marginal social
cost. If, at these prices, revenues plus the weighted sum of
consumers’ surplus exceeds the project’s costs then the
project should be built and operated with government sub­
sidies. Because this test requires knowledge of society’s wel­
fare function, it is best made by politicians and not economists.
'This formula ignores the presence of taxes. However
tax effects are of secondary importance. A more detailed
treatment would take account of income taxes including
interest deductions, depreciation deductions, and invest­
ment tax credits. Our analysis indicated that taking these
factors into account would have changed the absolute value
of a project’s net present value, but not its sign.


demand models—one developed by the firm of
Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Co., the other devel­
oped by Transmode,, Inc.6
Profits are maximized by varying both rail
fares and service frequency. Service frequencies
affect revenues, operating expenses, and capital
outlays. An increase in the frequency of service
raises capital outlays by increasing the portion of
the route which must be double tracked so that
trains moving in opposite directions may pass
one another.7 It also increases the number of
vehicles needed for smooth operation of the
system. An increase in frequency raises operat­
ing expenses by increasing labor, maintenance,
and fuel expenses. Finally, an increase in fre­
quency raises revenues by improving the avail­
ability of rail service. This is particularly impor­
tant when there are fewer than 12 trains a day.
The impact of increases in rail fares is principally
confined to revenues.8
The following two sections summarize the
results of our analysis, focusing first on capital
outlays and then on overall profitability.
Capital costs
Rail projects are highly capital intensive.
Our most expensive project required a capital
outlay of $3-6 billion. The annual costs of financ­
ing the physical structure and construction out­
lays are often twice annual expenditures for
operation and maintenance of the rail service.
Track-related expenditures can account for over
70 percent of total capital outlays. Since these
capital outlays are large—often exceeding a bil­
lion dollars—it becom es important to build only
the minimum amount of track needed for smooth
operation of the service. The amount of double
track is the chief variable under the control of
6Details of the Peat-Marwick Mitchell model may be
found in [7]. Details of the Transmode model may be found
in [2] and an unpublished report. Both models are summa­
rized in 11],
7It is assumed that once 60 percent of the route is
double tracked (7 0 percent for the Super Speed option) the
costs of switching and control make it desirable to double
track the entire route.
Tare increases could also reduce the vehicle compo­
nent of capital cost. However, this is such a small part of total
capital costs that it is ignored.


the designer. Limiting the amount of double
tracking can reduce total capital outlays by as
much as 80 percent below the outlays needed
for a fully double-tracked system. Whether or
not such savings will ultimately generate greater
profits depends on the nature of passenger
demand. Nevertheless, it is important to under­
stand that this option is available.
Faster speeds and more frequent service
both affect the amount of double tracking.
Higher speeds increase the amount of double
track needed for two trains to safely pass each
other. Increases in service frequency increase
the number of times trains must pass each other.
The more times this occurs, the greater the por­
tion of the route that will be double tracked.
Other factors such as terrain and current track
condition are also important to track-related
expenditures but were ignored in our study.
The results of our cost analysis are shown in
Table 2. These may be summarized as follows.
• Capital costs increase at an increasing rate
with decreases in travel time. Going from the
High Speed option to the Very High Speed
option causes costs to increase by 95 percent
but reduces travel time by 25 percent. Going
from the Very High Speed option to the Super
Speed option increases capital costs by an
additional 110 percent but only leads to a 60
percent reduction in travel time.
• Because the number of trains per day is a
principal determinant of the amount of track
required, the frequency of service for which
the system is designed can have a significant
effect on its capital costs. In particular, going
from 6 to 24 trains per day can increase the
capital costs of the project by as much as 66
• Once the system is completely double tracked,
the marginal costs of running another train
fall dramatically.
• While changes in frequency are costly, their
impact on capital cost is much less than
changes in speed (technology). Holding the
number of trains constant, moving from High

Economic Perspectives

Table 2
Cost estimates for three Midwest corridors
($ millions)
Trains per day

St. Louis-Chicago






































1151 1261


1738 1 149 1260 1689 1745










3046 3562 3636





High Speed System
Annual O&M Cost
Very High Speed System
Annual O&M Cost








Super Speed System
Annual O&M Cost

2417 3042 3548 3612 2421








590 1126


NOTE: O&M = operating and maintenance.

Speed to Very High Speed or Very High Speed
to Super Speed tends to about double costs.
As the reader can see from Table 2, service
frequency is important in determining the capi­
tal costs of a high speed rail system. Armed with
this result, we will now switch our focus from
costs to profitability. In order to analyze profit­
ability for each of the three technologies in each
of the three corridors, we chose the rail fare and
frequency of service which maximized project
net present value.9 In doing so, we assumed that,
given the frequency of service, the cost of serving
an additional passenger was zero.
In computing these present values we took
into account two environmental factors: the rate
of growth in passenger revenues (g ) and the
’Because in the Peat-Marwick-Mitchell model the de­
mand for passenger rail services had a price elasticity less
than one, any project could be made profitable by raising
fares high enough. To overcome this problem we developed
what we felt would be a reasonable set of fares. We used
these fares to obtain forecasts of demand and revenues from
the Peat-Marwick-Mitchell model (see Table 4). These fares
were generally higher than the fares suggested by the Trans­
mode model.
Both forecasts assume that business travelers pay 80
percent more than nonbusiness travelers.

Federal Reserve Bank o f Chicago

decision-maker’s real discount rate (r ). These
two factors will obviously have an impact not
only on project profitability but also on the char­
acteristics of the profit-maximizing project.
Changes in these factors are most likely to have
an effect when annual operating and mainte­
nance expenditures are small relative to capital
costs, as is the case with the SS option.
The choice of appropriate rates of discount
and growth is always plagued with uncertainty.
However, discussions with a number of rail spe­
cialists led us to conclude that the real rate of
discount should be at least 6 percent per year.1
Table 3 presents the results of our analysis
using demand forecasts based on the Transmode
model. Table 4 presents our results using the
Peat-Marwick-Mitchell model. These results may
be summarized as follows:
• Product pricing plays an important role in the
ultimate profitability of a project.
• The High Speed option is generally more prof­
itable (less unprofitable) than the Very High
Speed option.
l0Based on discussions with British Rail and Amtrak.
Private rail firms appear to employ a higher rate—somew here
between 11 and 16 percent.


Table 3
Characteristics of profit-maximizing high speed rail projects
based on the Transmode Model
Present value
(million dollars)
when r - g - .06
Capital cost
(million dollars)
Optimal price as a
percentage of
current price

Very High

St. Louis-Chicago


Very High




Very High



-3 4 6
-1 8 5

-12 0 2
- 959
- 595


-3 3 9
-13 7

-1 3 3 3
-11 1 5
-54 4
-24 5

-12 8
-1 2 0
-1 0 8
- 88
- 48

-2 7 2
-2 6 5
-2 5 4
-2 3 5
-1 9 8

-4 1 3
-3 7 8
-3 2 5
-2 3 7
- 60




























T a b le 4

Characteristics of profit-maximizing high speed rail projects
based on the Peat-Marwick-Mitchell model

Very High

St. Louis-Chicago


Very High




Very High


Present value
(million dollars)
when r - g = .06

-3 4 5
-2 2 2
-1 2 5

-7 3 4
-6 2 9
-20 7

- 694

-58 6
-5 9 0
-62 0

-11 3 9
-1 143
-14 3 5

-18 8 8
-39 2

-1 1 8
-10 8
- 92
- 47

-2 3 4
-1 5 9
-1 2 2
- 59

- 90

Capital cost
(million dollars)
when r - g = .06










when r - g = .06



















Price as a
percentage of
current price


Economic Perspectives

• The profit maximizing rail option in our three
Midwest corridors most often involves only
modest increases in frequency from the exist­
ing 3 to 5 trains per day operated by Amtrak.
This optimal frequency is generally far below
the levels provided in France, Great Britain, or
• Several high speed rail projects did appear to
have the ability to be profitable, but only if the
public sector discount rate of 6 percent were
applied. If the rates used by private rail compa­
nies were applied, none of these projects
would appear to be profitable.
Our findings concerning the importance of prod­
uct pricing are, we believe, novel. We found that
profit-maximizing pricing of new rail service
could raise revenues by as much as 45 percent.
Considering the sensitivity of profitability to
pricing, it is surprising that few previous studies
have spent much time addressing this issue.
Profit-maximizing pricing can make it possible
to conserve on expensive track by trading off
lower fares for lower frequencies (and longer
waiting tim es). Rail service also lends itself to
various forms of price discrimination which
make it easier to break even. For instance, pro­
motional fares can permit the filling of off-peak
trains which, given the track in place, can be
relatively cheap to run. Finally, pricing which
reflects the improved travel times available at
higher speeds will make it more likely that the
project will be able to break even.
Our conclusion concerning the relative
profitability of High and Very High speed rail
options is a direct outcome of the relatively small
increase in ridership together with the doubling
of construction costs created by moving from
the lower speed option to the higher speed one.
Our result concerning the optimal number
of trains per day for high speed rail service in the
Midwest requires more discussion. The number
of trains per day suggested by our models is far
below the number observed in countries cur­
rently operating high speed rail systems. The
French run 18 TGV trains a day in each direction
betw een Paris and Lyon and an additional 14
TGV trains which use the system but do not stop

Federal Reserve Bank o f Chicago

at Lyon. The British run 20 trains per day in each
direction betw een London and Newcastle.
Finally, the Japanese run 79 Shinkansen trains
each day in each direction on their Tokyo-Osaka
There are three possible explanations for
the divergence between our results on fre­
quency and existing overseas practice. First, the
transportation environment in the American
Midwest differs radically from that in France,
Great Britain, or Japan. Population density is
often cited as a major difference between the
United States and foreign countries. However, it
is not the density measured as population per
route-mile which differs, but population per
square mile at the end-points; European towns
are typically more compact than American
towns.1 There are other differences in the
transportation environment which also appear
to be important. Cars cost more to purchase and
operate abroad. In particular, gasoline is almost
twice as expensive in these three countries as it
is in the United States. Also, public transporta­
tion (primarily rail) is generally less expensive
abroad than in the United States. Finally, Euro­
pean and Japanese incomes, and hence values of
time, are lower than in the United States. All
these factors tend to increase the demand for rail
service and reduce the demand for other modes.
Second, all three foreign high speed rail
projects were undertaken because of heavy
demand for existing service. Demand and fre­
quent service go hand in hand. However, excess
demand is not a problem in any of the Midwest
routes we examined.
Finally, the foreign rail companies may be
pursuing a policy of welfare maximization rather
than profit-maximization. When dealing with
projects which have large fixed costs (w e can
view the single track between two points as the
fixed cost and any additional track as a variable
co st), econom ic efficiency is achieved not by
maximizing profits or attempting to break even,
1'There are exceptions to this rule. They generally occur
where an American city is situated next to a body of water or
a mountain range. In these cases population densities may be
higher than in European cities of comparable size. However,
the number of people living within a given distance of down­
town is still generally lower.


but by setting price equal to the long-run margin­
al social cost of an additional unit of service. Such
a policy would obviously entail much higher
service levels than would a policy of attempting
to maximize profits.
We find that some high speed rail projects
in the Midwest may be profitable under some
circumstances. Taking social benefits into ac­
count would increase the number of projects
which society would find attractive. However,
the reader should realize that profitable projects
involve relatively few trains per day (six to
twelve), assume that a “no frills” system is con­
structed, and assume that a “public sector” dis­
count rate is employed. None of these projects is
likely to be profitable if capital costs run out of
control or if the difference between the real rate
of interest and the annual growth in rail demand
exceeds 6 percent per year.
Of the three technologies studied, the profit­
ability results for the Super Speed magnetic levi­
tation technology are the most difficult to inter­
pret. The technology’s relatively low projected
operating costs make it ideally suited for highly
traveled corridors.12 Its high speed also permits
it to economize on track construction in rela­
tively short corridors. Unfortunately, on such
corridors, access-egress time usually becomes

important in generating riders and revenues,
making it desirable to have many stops. How­
ever, frequent stops rob the system of much of
the travel time savings obtained through higher
speeds. The SS option presents special problems
for forecasting. Cost estimates are a problem
since the technology has never been placed in
service commercially or built on a commercial
scale. In addition, the range of travel times per­
mitted by this option is so far removed from
actual experience that the validity of our fore­
casting models becomes debatable. Neverthe­
less, the two models disagree on the profitability
of the SS option in only one instance—between
Milwaukee and Chicago—and even this disagree­
ment diminishes once we take interest costs
during construction into account.1 1
Our capital cost estimates are generally on
the conservative side. If we have underestimated
the amount of track realignment required for the
High Speed or Very High Speed system, it is
unlikely that any of the projects would be profit­
able. A decision to build an overly sophisticated
system or an unexpected lengthening of the
construction process would have a similar effect.
Finally, more accurate assessment of the uncer­
tainties involved in predicting revenues and con­
struction costs (particularly in the Super Speed
case) may decrease the attractiveness of these
Midwest projects.

l2See Table 2.

l3See (1 ] for details.

R eferences
[1] Baer, Herbert, William Testa, Donna Vandenbrink, and Bruce Williams.
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 1984.

[5] U.S. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment.
Washington: 1983-

[2] Foster, Adrian and Metcalf, Alex.

[6] U.S. Congressional Budget Office.

High Speed Rail in
the Midwest: An Economic Analysis.

Michigan High
Speed Intercity Rail Passenger Development
Study: Market Analysis. Prepared for Michigan
Department of Transportation, Bureau of Urban
and Public Transportation. London: Transmark,

[3 ]

Milwaukee to Chicago Maglev System: Feasibility
Study: Final Report. Prepared for Henry Reuss,
et al., by Budd Company Technical Center. Fort
Washington, Pa: Budd Company, 1982.

[4 ]


Ohio High Speed Intercity Rail Passenger Pro­
gram. Executive Summary. Prepared for the

Ohio Rail Transportation Authority, by Dalton,
Dalton, Newport. Cleveland: Dalton, 1980.

U.S. PassengerRail Technologies.

[7 ]

Federal Subsi­
dies for Rail Passenger Service: An Assessment
of Amtrak Washington: 1982.
Variations in Travel Forecastsfor Improved High
Speed Rail Services in the Northeast Corridor.
Final Report prepared for the U.S. Department
of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administra­
tion, by Peat, Marwick, and Mitchell and Com­
pany: Springfield, Va: National Technical Infor­
mation Service, 1973

Economic Perspectives

1 9 8 4 B an k S tru ctu re C o n fe re n c e h ig h lig h ts
Since the turn of the decade, the financial ser­
vices industry has undergone dramatic changes.
The pace of nonbank entry into the industry has
accelerated; banks and other depository institu­
tions have becom e more aggressive and innova­
tive in their product offerings and in their
attempts to circumvent banking regulation; and
legislators and regulators have becom e more
responsive to the new and ever-changing finan­
cial climate.
The separation of banking and com m erce
has begun to disappear. “Nonbank banks,” most
of which have been organized since 1980, have
swelled to more than 6 0 in number. Over half of
these are owned by securities firms. In 1982,
banks and S&Ls began to offer discount broker­
age services, and more recently, a few have
begun to lease space in their lobbies to insur­
ance companies and real estate agents. Further,
the market for many financial services is national,
and for many suppliers, international. Today,
interstate banking is an important topic in many
state legislatures. Indeed, at least 19 states
already have passed com e sort of limited inter­
state banking leg islation . Also, te ch n ica l
developments have allowed nationwide net­
works of automated teller machines to form, thus
giving customers access to their funds anywhere
in the country.
This new financial environment and its
implications for depository institutions, regula­
tors, the American public, and their elected
representatives w ere discussed at the twentieth
annual Conference on Bank Structure and Com­
petition, held in Chicago at the Westin Hotel
from April 23rd to the 25th. The conference,
sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chi­
cago, assembles academics, economists, regula­
tors, bankers, and other practitioners in the
financial services industry. This year’s confer­
ence was attended by some 300 participants
who discussed the key issues that the financial
community now faces, including bank product
and market expansion, the viability of small de­

Federal Reserve Bank o f Chicago

pository institutions, and current economic and
regulatory issues.
Product exp an sio n
Bernard Shull, professor of economics at
Hunter College, pointed out that banking was
separated from com m erce some 200 years ago
for fear that “the government-bank relationship
. . . would lead to government intrusion into
private market activities.” The functions of
banks have changed since then and, as many
speakers concluded, so too should the list of
banks’ permissible activities.
Two presentations attempted to uncover
the potential impact of banks’ participation in
the securities area by looking at the foreign
experience. Laurie Goodman of Citibank and
Christine Cumming of the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York, after examining the financial
markets in five countries, concluded that “coun­
tries with product line restrictions tend to have
better developed financial markets. In countries
where banks are able to offer a complete array of
financial services, the banks are more likely to
perform many of the functions of the market­
place.” Anthony Santomero of the Wharton
School looked at the financial structures of the
countries that belong to the European Economic
Community and examined the impact in those
countries of banks holding equity securities in
their portfolios. Santomero concluded that, on a
macro-economic level, “the inclusion of equity
in bank portfolios increases financial sector
integration and reduces interest rate volatility.”
He added, however, that these results are usually
accompanied by increased price instability in
the real sector.
The discussion of banks’ expansion into the
securities area extended throughout the Con­
ference. While some were debating the pros and
cons of allowing banks to engage in securitiesrelated activities, George Kaufman, professor of
economics and finance at Loyola University and

consultant to the Federal Reserve Bank of Chi­
cago, argued that banks have already made signif­
icant inroads into the securities field and that,
regardless of the Glass-Steagall Act, which separ­
ates investment and commercial banking, “banks
can do almost anything they want to.”
While Kaufman did list some securitiesrelated activities that banks are prohibited by
law from entering, he also pointed out that ways
have been found around these restrictions. That
banks have been so slow in circumventing the
law is probably because the technology for doing
so profitably is of recent vintage and there are
more profitable opportunities elsewhere. There
have been, however, quite a few aggressive and
innovative banks in the securities area recently;
among them are Citibank, Security Pacific,
Bankers Trust, and Bank of America.
G eographic exp an sio n
At the conference, the views on interstate
banking were mixed. Some participants, how­
ever, did agree that the restrictions on geo­
graphic expansion should be removed, but a con­
sensus on how to remove those restrictions
would have been difficult to obtain, as the distin­
guished panel of speakers at the session on inter­
state banking illustrated.
The first to speak was Thomas Theobald,
vice chairman of Citicorp/Citibank. Theobald,
while all in favor of interstate banking, expressed
strong doubts that regional interstate banking
would be an improvement over the present sys­
tem: “Instead of fifty protected markets, there
would be a smaller number, but they would also
be insulated against some of the most potent
competitive forces in the industry.” As a result,
“customers would be prevented from seeking
the best deal the market had to offer.”
Thomas Storrs, former chairman and chief
executive of NCNB Corporation, disagreed with
Theobald. Storrs believes that size is a definite
benefit in banking and that the drive by bankers
to increase size and market share through merg­
ers would lead to a banking oligopoly. According
to Storrs, therefore, regional interstate banking
is the best “means of producing additional bank­
ing companies capable of effective competition


with money center banks and other large finan­
cial institutions.”
The viability o f sm all institutions
Discussion about expanding banks’ product
and geographic markets usually leads to con­
cerns about the viability of small institutions. At
this year’s conference, a full day was devoted to
the future of small banks and other financial
firms. Among those to speak on this topic were
Joel Bleeke of McKinsey Co. and Richard Wurz­
burg of the Bank Administration Institute ( BAI).
After studying other industries that had
undergone deregulation, Joel Bleeke found that
four types of “winning” firms usually emerge.
Included among the “winners” is the community
firm, but one clear “loser” in other deregulated
industries is the regional firm. According to
Bleeke, as soon as the barriers to interstate bank­
ing are lifted, regional firms will be threatened
by the “large national distribution companies”
such as Merrill Lynch and Citicorp.
Richard Wurzburg discussed the results of
an in-depth BAI/Arthur Andersen survey of hun­
dreds of CEOs of banks and other financial insti­
tutions who were asked about their views on the
future of banking. Wurzburg reported that most
CEOs believe “community banks will tend to
focus on personalized retail services to preserve
the geographic niches they enjoy today,” while
large banks will primarily be wholesale institu­
tions. Large banks, however, will devote “very
significant attention” to upscale customers, thus
competing directly with mid size banks.
Both Bleeke and Wurzburg foresee a drastic
reduction in the number of banks. In drawing
parallels between financial services and the
brewing industry, Bleeke projected that by the
year 2000, the number of banks will have
declined to 7,000, with between five and seven
large national survivors. Most CEOs, according
to the BAI/Arthur Andersen survey, would cor­
roborate Bleeke’s forecast as most see the num­
ber of banks falling to 9,600 by 1990, primarily as
a result of a major industry consolidation. Fur­
thermore, 50 percent of all banks expect to be
involved in a merger or acquisition by the turn of
the century.

Economic Perspectives

Regulatory issues
One factor that will play a major role in the
future of all financial institutions—large or small,
few or many—is the regulatory and legislative
environment. As the speakers who commented
on the current regulatory issues and the recom ­
mendations of the Bush Commission indicated,
the future of regulation and of the financial sec­
tor is an interactive process. Andrew Carron,
vice president at Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb,
pointed out that structural changes in the finan­
cial sector “diminish the advantages and magnify
the shortcomings of the current [regulatory] sys­
tem.” All the speakers seem to have agreed that
changes in the financial structure necessitate
legislative and regulatory changes, but the speed,
nature, and implementation of those changes
will have far-reaching implications for the finan­
cial services industry.
The Bush Commission, a task force headed
by Vice President Bush and having as its members
the heads of all the important regulatory agen­
cies that deal with financial institutions, address­
ed the problems of regulatory structure. Two
important recommendations of the Commission
are, first, a move toward “functional” regulation
and, second, increased state supervisory powers
over state-chartered institutions. The first recom ­
mendation calls for the FHLBB to supervise
those institutions classified as thrifts. A new reg­
ulator, the Federal Banking Agency ( FBA), would
supplant the Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency and be responsible for all national
banks and their holding companies, except for
the 35 largest national bank holding companies.
These, along with all state banks and their parent
holding companies, would be supervised by the
Fed. But according to the second recommenda­
tion, state banking agencies, after being certified
by the federal agencies (th e FBA, the Fed, and
the FDIC), would assume the supervision of
state-chartered banks.
All of those who spoke on the Bush Com­
mission recommendations agreed that the pro­
posals, if adopted, would be a step in the right
direction. Some, however, found a few short­
comings. Leslie P. Anderson, professor of bank­
ing and finance at the University of Tennessee,

Federal Reserve Bank o f Chicago

intensely studied the failure of United American
Bank and other “Butcher” banks. He noted that
in this case seven different regulatory agencies,
which were represented by various regions
within each of the agencies, audited 40 different
banks in two states, but never in unison. Conse­
quently, the problems at the “Butcher” banks
went uncorrected for some time. Anderson
hoped that the Bush Commission recommenda­
tions would ensure that such a situation would
not be repeated; however, he also expressed
concern that the recommendations were not
strong enough.
Gary Gilbert, from the Bank Administration
Institute, also noted that the Bush Commission
recommendations have a few shortcomings. In
particular, Gilbert finds that a clear relationship
between the Bush Commission proposals and
broader goals in evaluating bank regulation—
protection of the nation’s money supply, pre­
serving monetary stability, avoidance of excess
concentration of financial and economic re­
sources, and provision o f adequate banking
services—seems to be missing.
Several speakers at this year’s Bank Struc­
ture Conference attempted to shed some light
on possible regulatory and legislative responses
to the changing financial environment. Robert A.
Richard, director of the Supervisory Procedures
Committee at the Conference of State Bank
Supervisors, believes that each state should have
the right to do what it wants for its own citizens.
While Richard opposes a national policy on the
powers of financial institutions, he is in favor of
the Bush Commission proposal to certify state
banking departments. He is, however, concerned
about how certification would be implemented,
and with regard to the regulation of bank hold­
ing companies, Richard prefers the current sys­
tem. He is convinced that regulatory reform will
change the states’ role in the supervision and
regulation of financial institutions. But only after
such “reregulation” has begun will the direction
of this change becom e apparent.
Lamar Smith, chief economist of the Senate
Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban
Affairs, pointed out that Congress is being pres­
sured to impose limitations on states’ abilities to
deregulate product and geographic markets, but


that Congress has always been reluctant to inter­
fere with states’ rights, particularly in areas
where states already have legislation. Smith
guessed that Congress will continue to defer to
states rights unless an unambiguous case can be
made that the actions of the states were threat­
ening the FDIC’s insurance fund and would lead
to potential significant financial cost to the fed­
eral government.
R esearch at th e C hicago Fed
Indeed, the financial system is at a cross­
roads; very important legislative and regulatory
decisions will affect the viability and strength of
the financial sector and the economy for many
years to come. The Conference on Bank Struc­
ture and Competition helps bridge the gap
between econom ic theory and practice by pro­
viding an opportunity for academics, regulators,
bankers, and other business practitioners to
exchange ideas on pressing issues in the finan­
cial sector. The result has been better and more
pertinent research on important and timely pub­
lic policy issues.
Under the guidance of Karl A. Scheld, Direc­

tor of Research at the Federal Reserve Bank of
Chicago, and Harvey Rosenblum, Vice President
and Associate Director of Research and the host
of the Bank Structure Conference, the research
staff at the Chicago Fed studies, throughout the
year, important issues faced by the financial
community. Gillian Garcia and Herbert Baer, for
example, recently examined the dynamic adjust­
ment in the market for MMDAs and presented
their findings at the 1984 Bank Structure Con­
ference. These and others at the Chicago Fed
have studied various aspects of banking deregu­
lation, competition, and the future of the finan­
cial services industry.
At this year’s Bank Structure Conference,
Silas Keehn, President of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago, in looking back at the 1983
Conference said that “the thing that impressed
me most was the fact that events that seemed
incredible a year ago seem ordinary and com ­
monplace now.” Whatever lies ahead for the
financial sector, whether incredible or ordinary,
will be on the mainstage of coming Bank Struc­
ture Conferences and the subject of continuing
research at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
---- Christine Pavel

The Proceedings of the 1984 Conference on
Bank Structure and Competition will be available in
early Fall 1984. Copies can be obtained for a price of
$10.00 each from:
Public Information Center
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
P.O. Box 834
Chicago, Illinois 60690
Next year’s Bank Structure Conference will be
held May 1-3, 1985, in Chicago.


Economic Perspectives

In d iv id u al b an k re s e rv e m a n a g e m e n t
V efa T arhan
Reserve requirement regulations, and the actions
that banks take to satisfy these rules in their
reserve management decisions have important
monetary policy implications. For this reason, it
is not surprising that a particular reserve account­
ing regime generates a great deal of interest. This
article will examine the bank reserve manage­
ment process both under the new, contem po­
raneous reserve requirement regime (CRR, in
effect since February 1 984), and the previous
system. Additionally, the potential implications
of the change in the reserve accounting system
for the environment in which banks make their
reserve management decisions will be discussed.
The lagged reserve requirement regime
( LRR), instituted by the Federal Reserve in 1968,
was subjected to considerable criticism in recent
years, especially after O ctober 1979 when the
Fed switched to an operating strategy of target­
ing monetary aggregates rather than interest
rates to control the money stock.
It was in response to mounting criticism
against LRR that the Fed, in June 1982, decided
to abolish LRR in favor of a more concurrent
reserve accounting system. This new system has
been in effect since the beginning of February
1984. Under LRR, a bank’s required reserves in a
given week were computed on the basis of its
deposit holdings two weeks previous. In general,
a truly contemporaneous system would be a
regime in which banks are required to maintain
reserves against their deposit holdings in the
same period. The system currently in effect is not
truly contemporaneous, as will be discussed
This paper is organized as follows: First, the
environment in which banks make their reserve
management decision is examined. Second, a
brief description of the new reserve accounting
system is presented. Lastly, the possible implica­
tions of the new regime for the individual bank
Vefa Tarhan is an associate professor of finance at Loyola
University of Chicago.

Federal Reserve Bank o f Chicago

and the environment in which it operates are
In the first section a model of bank reserve
management behavior is presented. This model
is estimated for a large individual bank for the
LRR period. Because the change in reserve
accounting has taken place only recently, there
simply is not enough data to repeat the estima­
tion of this model for the new regime. However,
some aspects of the problem (for example, the
type of instruments that the banks use in satisfy­
ing their reserve requirements) are not expected
to be different under the two accounting regimes.
Thus, the empirical results based on data gener­
ated by the LRR regime may still be useful in a
CRR world in revealing the manner in which
reserve adjustment decisions are made.
Reserve m an agem en t p rocess with LRR
At the start of a given reserve settlement
week under LRR, the individual bank had com­
p lete inform ation on its level of required
reserves ( as determined by the level of its de­
posits two weeks ago). Two other factors that
the bank knew w ere the vault cash it held two
weeks prior to the current period, and the
reserves it carried over from the previous week.
The vault cash counted towards satisfying the
reserve requirements of the current week. Car­
ryover, on the other hand, could be positive or
negative and, depending on the sign, reduced or
increased the reserve requirements of the cur­
rent period. The bank’s problem, then, was to
obtain reserves to satisfy its requirements at min­
imum cost. O f course, the bank had the option of
holding reserves that were exactly equal to the
required amount, or up to two percent more or
less than this amount, depending on the level of
reserves it wanted to carry over to the next
period. However, a bank could not have a nega­
tive carryforward for two consecutive weeks.
Even though the required reserves under
LRR were predetermined, the bank still had


uncertainty throughout the reserve settlement
week regarding its reserves disequilibrium. The
source of this uncertainty lay in the interaction
of its depositors with other banks in the system.
Anytime a depositor of the bank in question
writes a check to or receives a check from the
depositor of another bank, the reserve balances
of the two banks will be affected in opposite
directions by the amount of the check. For
example, assume individual A who has an account
with Bank A writes a check to individual B who
deposits this check in his account at Bank B. As a

result of the clearing process, Bank A’s balances
at the Fed will be reduced and Bank B’s increased
by the same amount. Under any reserve account­
ing system, it is essential for efficient reserve
management that a bank attempt to forecast
such changes in its reserve balances. Most banks
form expectations about the potential actions of
their depositors ( especially customers with large
accounts, since their activities are more likely to
produce substantial shocks). But of course banks
cannot be expected to be 100 percent accurate
in their forecasts. Under LRR, the unanticipated

A glossary o f variables in th e reserve m anagem ent process:
Fed eral funds tra n sa ctio n s. Interbank bor­
rowing and lending of excess reserves of banks. A
bank whose reserve balances are less than its
reserve requirements will typically be in the market
to purchase (b orrow ) such funds.
D iscount w indow b orrow in gs. Bank bor­
rowings from the District Federal Reserve Bank.
These funds are used to satisfy the bank’s reserve
R eserve carry o v e r. In a given week a bank’s
reserves may not be exactly equal to its required
reserves. Under LRR a bank could carry forward a
surplus or deficit up to two percent of its required
reserves provided it does not carry forward deficits
two weeks in a row. As explained below, the provi­
sion is essentially the same for the current regime
except during the one-year transition period.
R epurchase ag reem en ts (R P s). Acquisition
of funds through the sales of securities, with a
simultaneous agreement by the seller to repur­
chase them at a later date. If the RP transaction is
executed with a depositor of another bank, it con­
stitutes a source of reserve funds in the current
period for the bank which is the party to the RP.
Under both CRR and LRR, if the party to the trans­
action is the bank’s own depositor it reduces the
reserve requirements of the bank ( in the current
period under CRR, and two weeks hence under
R eserve b alan ce s. Funds that the bank has at
the District Federal Reserve bank. These funds
could change as a result of the bank’s activities


( Fed funds transactions, discount window borrow­
ings and repayments, and sales and purchases of
securities to and from the Fed ) or as a result of the
actions of the bank’s depositors that involve depos­
itors of other banks. The later component is exog­
enous to the bank and defined as the variable Zt in
the text.
R eserve re q u ire m e n ts. Banks are required
to hold reserv es against their deposits of the cur­
rent period under a truly CRR regime whereas
under LRR they hold reserves in the current period
against their deposits of two weeks ago. The
determination of reserve requirements is explained
O th er so u rces o f reserves. A bank in need of
funds can also sell its Treasury bills, issue CDs or
borrow in the Eurodollar market. Mostly due to the
transactions costs involved, partially arising from
the fact that these instruments have longer matu­
rity, and the reserve management problem is inher­
ently shorter term (one week under LRR), these
instruments are typically not used for purposes of
satisfying reserve requirements.
Reserve disequilibrium (im b a la n ce ). De­
scribes the situation where reserve balances are
more or less than the required reserves. Equilib­
rium can be restored by using the instruments
discussed above (plus loans and investments of the
bank). As explained above, some of these instru­
ments enable the bank to reach reserve equilib­
rium by affecting the bank’s required reserves,
others by changing the level of the bank’s reserve

Economic Perspectives

component of changes in an individual bank’s
reserve balances (forecast errors) represented
the main source of uncertainty about the size of
its potential reserve imbalance.
Another factor that introduces uncertainty
in the reserve management decision under any
reserve accounting regime has to do with the
price of funds to be used as reserv es. Especially
important in this regard is the issue of when to
acquire the reserves in question. If interest rates
are expected to fall sufficiently later on in the
week, it may pay the bank not to purchase funds
at the beginning of the week. This means that the
bank should attempt to forecast the cost of
obtaining reserves over the course of the reserve
settlement week. The bank may also be inter­
ested in forecasting the cost of funds in the cur­
rent reserve settlement week relative to the next
period. This may be an important determinant
for its carryover decision. Other things being
equal, if the interest rates are expected to
increase next week, the bank would like to carry
forw ard a surplus. Based on these forecasts, the
bank decides on the timing of reserve position
adjustment as well as the mix of adjustment
instruments to be used.
A bank may use several reserve adjustment
instruments to eliminate the disequilibrium in
its reserve position. These instruments include
the bank’s level of earning assets (EA), federal
funds purchases, repurchase agreements (RPs),
discount window borrowings, excess reserves,
and reserve carryover. Each of these items oper­
ates by affecting either the bank’s current reserv e
holdings or its required reserves. In LRR, changes
in EA and the induced changes in deposits affect
both the current reserve balances and required
reserves two weeks hence. The other items, w ith
the exception of RPs that the bank executes w ith
its ow n depositors, affect only current reserves.
Like EA, RPs with its own customers lower
the bank’s required reserves two weeks later.1
1 the current period, an RP transaction may somewhat
affect a bank’s reserve position even when the RP is executed
with one of the bank’s depositors: If the level of excess
reserves is positively related to the level of deposits, this will
free some reserves since the RP extinguishes some deposits.
The quantitative importance of this, however, is probably
insignificant considering that the excess reserves/deposits
ratio is very small for most banks.

Federal Reserve Bank o f Chicago

Federal funds purchases and RP transactions
constitute the biggest source of reserves for
most large banks.
It should be noted that since a bank does
not know' the level of its reserve balances for a
given day until one day later, the carry over provi­
sion can be utilized to account for any last min­
ute discrepancies. In other words a bank may try’
to purchase enough reserves to meet its require­
ments, and if its reserv e balances change at the
last minute, it can carry' forward the surplus or
deficit resulting from such changes. In this sense,
carryover can be thought of as a passive reserve
adjustment tool.
The same tool can also be used in a more
aggressive manner. An individual bank may p la n
on a deficit or surplus carryover based on its
forecast of next week’s interest rates in compari­
son with the current levels. That is, w hen a bank
expects the Fed funds rate to rise next week it
may carry' forw ard a surplus deliberately. In the
case of an expected fall, a deficit will be carried
over. This contrasts with the first use of carry ­
over mentioned above, where the bank allows
the events to determine its carry over position. In
reality, a sophisticated bank probably makes use
of the carry over provision in a manner which
combines both types of use.

Reserve com putation and m aintenance
periods for tran saction deposits

Reserve Computation Period
IS )

Reserve Maintenance Period

The 14-day reserve computation period is the
period over w hich required reserves based on daily
average deposit liabilities are calculated. The 14day reserve maintenance period is the period over
which the daily average reserve holdings of a de­
pository’ institution must equal its required re­



Reserve m an agem en t u n d er a
con cu rren t reserve acco u n tin g system
In a purely contemporaneous regime ( CRR ),
the environment in which a bank makes its
reserve management decisions is somewhat dif­
ferent. To begin with, since required reserves
under such a regime are not predetermined, a
bank has uncertainty regarding the level of its
required reserves, in addition to the uncertainty
about its holdings of reserve balances. However,
this does not necessarily translate into an envi­
ronment with more uncertainty about the size of
the reserve disequilibrium than under LRR. The
reason is that unanticipated changes in a bank’s
reserve balances move in the same direction as
the unanticipated changes in its required re­
serves. The comparison of uncertainty under the
two systems is addressed later on.
As far as instruments of reserve manage­
ment are concerned, an individual bank will have
two additional tools under a concurrent regime.
First, RPs with its own depositors will alleviate a
bank’s reserve imbalance by affecting its required
reserves in the current period, whereas the
effect of such transactions under an LRR is felt
two weeks hence. The significance of this tool
may vary from bank to bank depending on what
portion of its RP transactions the bank executes
with its own depositors. More importantly, an
individual bank can eliminate its current period
reserve disequilibrium under CRR by changing
the level of the earning assets ( loans and invest­
ments) which directly affect the level of its de­
posits and thus change its required reserves. By
contrast, changes in a bank’s earning assets port­
folio under LRR affected its required reserves
two weeks down the road. Thus, a bank under
CRR has more instruments of adjustment since it
can move towards equilibrium not only by
obtaining and disposing of reserves (w hich alter
its reserve balances), but by also taking actions
which affect its required reserves.
A m odel o f individual bank reserve
m an agem en t u n d er LRR
This section describes a model of individual
bank reserve management under LRR, and sum­


marizes the results obtained from the estimation
of the model for a large money center bank.2
Even though the model is estimated using data
from the LRR period, the results will shed some
light on how banks may approach the problem
under the current system. It is assumed that the
bank uses the following instruments in its reserve
adjustment process: net federal fund purchases
(purchases-sales=NFFt ), discount window bor­
rowings (BO Rt ), reserves to be carried over
from the current period to the next period
( COlt+ 1 ), and adjusted excess reserves ( AERt ).3
It should also be noted that the fed funds data
includes RPs.
The model specifies that the bank chooses
the optimal reserve management portfolio. This
choice is dependent on the conditions that the
bank inherits (its required reserves and vault
cash, both determined two periods ago, and the
reserves carried over from week t - 1 to week t),
as well as the exogenous forces it expects to
experience during the current period (fore­
casted federal funds rate for the current period,
forecast of the intertemporal spread on the Rinds
rate [funds rate next w eek—the Rinds rate in the
current week], and the forecast of exogenous
changes in its reserve balances [Zt ] ).4
It is assumed that the bank’s goal is to select
profit optimal values for its reserve adjustment
tools given the predetermined variables and ex­
pected values for the exogeneously determined
component of its reserve balance and interest
rates. In solving this problem, the bank has to

2For a more detailed description of the model as well as
the empirical results see Vefa Tarhan, “Bank Reserve Adjust­
ment Process and the Use of Reserve Carryover Provision and
the Implications of the Proposed Accounting Regime”
83-6, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, and Paul
Spindt and Vefa Tarhan “Bank Reserve Adjustment Process
and the Use of Reserve Carryover as a Reserve Management
Tool—A Microeconometric


and Finance, March


Approach”Journal o f Banking

’Adjusted excess reserves refer to excess reserves
adjusted for reserve carryover in the following manner: AER
= reserve balances-required reserves-reserves carried over
from the previous week.
4A the forecasts in this study were generated using a
time series approach. Implicit in this methodology is the
assumption that the bank uses the past data on a variable to
form expectations about the future movements of that

Economic Perspectives

satisfy a constraint which is similar to a balance
sheet identity. The constraint in question is that
total reserve sources has to be equal to total
reserve uses. In the framework used here sources
of reserves are federal funds purchases, borrow­
ings from the Fed, vault cash, carryover position
inherited, and Zt. Uses of reserves on the other
hand are required reserves, adjusted excess
reserves, and reserves to be carried from period t
to t + 1. The equations are derived from this
constrained minimization problem.
The equations were estimated for a large
money center bank using weekly data covering
the period from January 8, 1969 to September
26, 1979. The results indicate that the sample
bank in question seems to manage its carryover
position aggressively: The relationship between
the reserves it carried forward and the forecast
of the funds rate spread between next week and
the current period was found to be positive and
significant. In response to a decrease in the fore­
casted level of the sample bank’s reserve bal­
ances (caused by the interaction of its deposi­
tors with other banks), it was found that the
bank increases its weekly net Fed funds pur­
chases and borrowings from the Fed. Further­
more, the results reveal that the bank finances
the increases in its required reserves almost
entirely in the Funds market.
It was also found that this bank did not use
the discount window to satisfy its required
reserves in a systematic manner. (In fact the
relationship was surprisingly negative.)
Additionally, it was found that an increase in
vault cash two weeks ago results in a net decline
of Fed funds purchases and an increase in
adjusted excess reserves. When reserves carry
over inherited increases, on the other hand,
reserves carried forward to the next week
decline, and excess reserves increase. These
results conform with a priori expectations: First,
an increase in a source item should cause other
source variables to decline or use items to
increase ( and an increase in use variables should
cause other use variables to decline or source
variables to increase). This appears to be the
case. Second, the importance of the Fed funds
market, especially for large banks, is confirmed
by the results, in the sense that the response of

Federal Reserve Bank o f Chicago

the NFF instrument dominates the reaction of all
the other sources when the bank acts to elimi­
nate the reserve disequilibrium.
The new reserve accou n tin g system
Now we turn to a brief description of the
new regime and the possible implications of this
system for the individual bank.
The new reserve accounting regime com ­
bines elements of both the CRR which was in
effect prior to 1968 and the LRR which was in
effect until February 1984. The reserve compu­
tation period is 14 days (Tuesday to Monday).
The reserve maintenance period for transaction
deposits covers the period from the first Thurs­
day after the start of the reserve computation
period to Wednesday of two weeks later.5
Furthermore, the carryover allowance is 3
percent of a bank’s required reserves for the first
six months of the implementation, the next six
months it will be 2.5 percent, and after February
1985 it will be 2 percent.
As far as transaction deposits are concerned,
the last two days of the reserve maintenance
period is somewhat like the LRR regime. During
these two days the instruments that an individual
bank can use to eliminate reserve disequilibria
are confined to those that move the bank
towards equilibrium by affecting its level of
reserve balances. Changing its level of required
reserves ceases to be an option during the last
two days of the reserve maintenance period.
These days may be crucial both for the individual
bank and the Fed. They are important for the
bank because its decision regarding what por­
tion of the adjustment to postpone to the very
end may prove to be costly, if the funds rate
during the last two days turns out to be drasti­
cally different than what the bank expected.
They are crucial to the Fed because the banks
may have substantial reserve deficiencies that
’The reserve maintenance period for other reservable
liabilities (non-personal time deposits and Eurodollar liabili­
ties) is the same as it is for transaction deposits. But the
reserve computation period for such liabilities covers the
14-day period (Tuesday to Monday) which starts 30 days
before and ends 17 days before the reserve maintenance
period. Vault cash held during the same reserve computation
period counts as reserves during the maintenance period.


will require heavy use of the discount window or
necessitate a large dose of reserves injection to
the system. Assuming an operating procedure
which targets non-borrowed reserves, it is con­
ceivable that the Fed funds rate will behave very
differently during these days than during the first
twelve, at least in the early days of implementa­
tion of the new reserve accounting system.
However, in a way, banks have unlimited carry­
over from the first 12 days of the reserve mainte­
nance period to the last two days. This being the
case, once banks becom e familiar with the fac­
tors that enter into the fed-funds forecasting
procedure under the new system, their actions
may eventually reduce this potential first 12
days-last 2 days discrepancy in the funds rate.
And, if the Fed is successful in conveying its
policy intentions regarding both its discount
window administration and its open market
operations, the potential for large fluctuations in
the funds rate may be eliminated.
Although the last 2 days under the new CRR
are similar to the situation under LRR, the
d im en sion of the problem is drastically different
for two reasons: 1 ) Compared with the LRR
system, banks will have much less information
about the system’s demand for required reserves.
Under LRR, banks could better estimate the level
of required reserves for the whole system, where­
as now they do not have as much information.
(Money supply figures were announced on Fri­
days when the banks were two days into the
reserve maintenance period.) Thus their funds
rate forecast may be less accurate; and 2 ) there
are only two days to adjust and not a week. Thus
the funds rate may change drastically during the
last 2 days unless the Fed is successful in convey­
ing its intentions.
The new reserve acco u n tin g regim e
and th e individual bank
In this section the possible effects of the
new system on individual bank behavior is exam­
ined. The discussion will be confined to how the
system may affect the uncertainty surrounding
the bank’s reserve management decision and
whether or not bank earning asset behavior may


For an individual bank, a crucial question
regarding the new system is how it may affect the
uncertainty surrounding its reserve management
environment. The issue can be thought of as
having two components: uncertainty about the
siz e of disequilibria the bank is likely to face, and
uncertainty concerning the p r ic e of adjustment
to a given disequilibrium. On both accounts
there are forces working in opposite directions,
making it necessary for the issue to be settled
empirically. However, at this stage any empirical
attempt to resolve the problem has to rely on
data generated by LRR and thus must be inter­
preted with caution. Below, a preliminary test of
the first component of uncertainty an individual
bank faces is presented; then, a procedure for the
analysis of the second component is discussed.
Let Zt represent the change in a bank’s
reserve balances caused by the interaction of its
depositors with other banks and RRt represent
its required reserves.
is the forecast of Zt. The
unanticipated portion of exogenous changes in
an individual bank’s reserve balances (errors on
Zt ) represent the only source of uncertainty
regarding the size of reserve disequilibria under
LRR. But when subjected to a CRR regime, the
bank will also have to be concerned with the
unanticipated component of its required reserves
(forecast errors on RRt ).
Under CRR reserve, disequilibrium for an
individual bank can be defined as
RDt = Zt - RRt.
The uncertainty in this regime will be repre­
sented by the variance of forecast errors on RDt
(which is equal to the sum of the variance of
forecast errors on Zt and RRt minus twice the
covariance between the two errors). However
the errors in question are offsetting: A one-dollar
change in Zt is likely to produce a reserve imbal­
ance which is less than a dollar. For example,
when the bank has a one-dollar decline in its
reserve balances as a result of an action of its
depositor, its reserve deficiency will be less than
one dollar since a one-dollar decline in its depos­
its will lower its required reserves by an amount
determined by the appropriate reserve require­
ment ratio. Thus, the forecast errors on RRt and
Zt are positively correlated. Depending on the
size of the correlation coefficient the uncer­

Economic Perspectives

tainty under CRR as measured by the variance
forecast errors on RDt might be less than the
uncertainty under LRR (variance of forecast
errors on Zt ). While the correlation is probably
high, it is likely to be less than one since it is
possible for change in RRt not to have an effect
on Zt. Factors such as changes in the com posi­
tion of the bank’s deposits can affect its required
reserves (because required reserve ratios vary
across different deposit categories) but not its
reserve balances.
For the sample bank, variance of forecast
errors on Zt (LRR regim e) and RDt were com ­
pared. The calculations showed that the uncer­
tainty regarding the size of the reserve disequilibria would be slightly less (about 6 percent)
under a pure CRR regime with a one-week set­
tlement period than it was under the LRR system
which was in effect prior to February 1984. The
conclusion to be drawn from this is not that
there is necessarily less uncertainty for the bank
under a CRR type regime, especially since the
evidence in question is confined to the sample
bank, but that it is not likely to be substantially
different between the two regimes.
The issue of whether or not the funds rate
will becom e more volatile is more difficult to
analyze. One approach to this question is to
compare the frequency of reserve disequilibria
individual banks face in the two regimes under
the assumption that the funds market acts as the
“shock absorber” for any reserve discrepancies.
The variance of the forecast errors on reserve
discrepancies under the LRR system is equal to
the variance of forecast errors on Zt. In a CRR
regime it is equal to the sum of the variances of
forecast errors on Zt and RRt minus twice the
covariance between the two. However, it should
be noted that a change in Zt for one bank has no
implications for the funds rate if it involves
another bank (since the two banks will be at
opposite ends of the funds market, their activi­
ties will cancel each other out with no impact on
the funds rate). Therefore, holding excess re­
serves and discount window borrowings con­
stant, it is only the unanticipated changes in Zt
resulting from the Fed’s actions that are relevant
for the analysis.6 The issue of uncertainty regard­
ing the price of adjustment will probably not be

Federal Reserve Bank o f Chicago

resolved for several years.
It is possible that banks will have larger
forecast errors in their attempts to predict the
funds rate with the new reserve requirement
system than with the system which was in effect
prior to February' 1984. The reason is that they
no longer have as much information on the most
important component of demand for reserves—
the required reserves for the banking system.
Banks were able to form much more accurate
estimates of the required reserves of the banking
system under the old regime.7
One of the criticisms of the LRR was that it
potentially could create an environment in which
the Fed had no choice but to validate the deposit
created by the banking system with a two-week
lag. However, a study that compared individual
bank behavior before and after 1968, when LRR
was instituted, concluded that bank behavior
regarding its earning asset portfolio decisions
was not significantly different under the two
regimes.8 This result is not entirely unexpected
if one believes that what governs bank earning
asset expansion is the expected costs and returns
of these assets over a multi-period horizon.
Unless a reserve accounting regime changes the
relation between expected costs and returns,
there is no reason to think banks will create
more or less deposits because of a particular
reserve accounting regime. On the basis of this
evidence, it can be argued that the individual
bank earning asset creation process is not likely
to change after February 1984.
6The comparison then amounts to the variance of open
market operations (O M O ) under LRR and the sum of
Var(OMO) + Var(RR ) - 2 Cov(OMO,RR) under CRR.
Hence, the manner in which the Fed intends to conduct its
OMO under CRR becomes a crucial factor.
7Money supply figures are announced with a 10-day lag;
thus on Fridays under LRR the banks had complete informa­
tion about the amount of required reserves that the system
needs for the reserve settlement week that started the pre­
vious day. It is conceivable that under LRR the announce­
ment caused them to revise their forecasts of the funds rate
for the rest of the reserve maintenance period. Under the
new regime, since they hav e no deposit figures to use in their
forecasting procedure, such forecasts are likely to have wider
confidence intervals.
8See Vefa Tarhan and Paul A. Spindt “Bank Earning Asset
Behavior and Casualty Between Reserves and Money: Lagged
Versus Contemporaneous Reserves Accounting”
August, 1983-

Monetary Economics,

Journal o f



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