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March 9, 1990

Unemployment and Inflation
The civilian unemployment rate in the United
States has declined by nearly two percentage
points in the past two years and now stands at
5114 percent, the lowest rate in ten years. Many
worry that because this rate is below the sustainable, "natural" rate of unemployment, pressure
in labor markets eventually will cause inflation
to rise.
These concerns stem from the "Keynesian"
interpretation of business cycles, which posits
that economic fluctuations result mainly from
changes in the aggregate demand for goods and
services. This interpretation has been challenged
in recent years by "real business cycle" models.
These models reflect the view that changes in
technology, the supply of labor, and other aggregate supply factors primarily are responsible for
fluctuations in economic activity.
The relative merits of these alternative interpretations of economic fluctuations are of
concern to monetary policy makers. Supplyinduced changes in economic variables often
have different implications for the appropriate
course of monetary policy than do demandinduced movements. For example, if the decline
in the unemployment rate were due to an increase in aggregate supply, inflation actually
might decline, in contrast to the Keynesian
scenario outlined above.
In this Letter, we review the alternative views of
economic fluctuations and discuss their implications for the current economic situation in the
United States.

Sources of business cycles
Any complete model of the economy must incorporate the effects of aggregate supply. These
fundamental supply factors include technological
change, new ways to combine labor and capital
more efficiently, growth in the working-age
population and changes in the proportion of
the population that chooses to work, changes in
preferences for hours of work by the labor force,
as well as changes in tax laws that may affect

decisions concerning work and investment in
physical capital.
Keynesian models generally assume that these
aggregate-supply factors evolve smoothly according to a simple trend, and accordingly generate a
stable long-run average rate of growth in output.
This long-run trend in output is called "potential
GNP." Moreover, Keynesian models assume that
the effects of supply factors on potential GNP
can be neatly separated from the effects of demand factors, which determine the economy's
fluctuations around its underlying path.
In Keynesian models, changes in aggregate
demand lead to a short-run trade-off between inflation and unemployment. For example, Keynesians argue that an increase in aggregate demand
leads to an increase in firms' demand for labor
and to a lower unemployment rate. As firms bid
for labor in a tightening market, they must pay
higher wages, which are passed along as higher
prices of goods and services. Thus, Keynesian
models predict an inverse short-run relationship
between inflation and unemployment; a fall in
the unemployment rate, for instance, is followed
by an increase in the rate of inflation. Of course,
in the long-run, unemployment must return to its
natural rate, which is determined by underlying
conditions in the labor market and is consistent
with potential GNP.
Keynesian models do ascribe a limited role to
supply ~factors by allowing certain relative prices,
such as the relative price of oil and the exchange
rate temporarily to affect the rate of inflation
at any given unemployment rate. However, the
emphasis on modeling the effee:ts of demand
Real business cycle models reverse the relative
weights on demand and supply factors as causes
of business cycles. In fact, much of this research
finds that supply factors alone can explain both
the basic trend and cyclical fluctuations in the
economy. In contrast to the Keynesian view,
real business cycle theorists argue that sudden


technological change can induce cyclical movements in GNP because there are lags in the
dissemination and implementation of a new
technology which cause output to adjust only
gradually to new, higher levels.
Supply shocks also can affect the relationship
between unemployment and inflation. A technological advance in the production of a particular'
good, for example, can be characterized as a decline in the relative price of that good. This drop
in relative price shows up initially as a decline in
the overall rate of inflation. The subsequent gains
in productivity as the new good is put to use also
hold inflation down.
At the same time, implementation of the new
technology may cause employment to rise and
unemployment to fall, as the technologicallyadvanced good is produced and its productivity-enhancing effects raise real GNP and the
demand for labor. Thus, a technology shock can
produce reductions in both unemployment and
These alternative theories suggest different
relationships between changes in unemployment
and inflation. In particular, a decline in unemployment is a harbinger of higher future inflation
in the Keynesian model and of lower inflation in
the real business cycle model. It also is possible
that both factors operate simultaneously, so that
the observed inflation rate is a mix of the two.

Demand and supply
In assessing the relative importance of supplyversus demand factors as determinants of the
relationship between inflation and unemployment, it is necessary to obtain measures of
aggregate demand and supply. However, this
is not a straightforward task.
Although fiscal and monetary pol icy are
commonly held to be important determinants of
aggregate demand, it is difficult to find accurate
measures of each. The money supply often has
been used as a measure of the Fed's monetary
policy stance, but deregulation of the financial
system has made this a poor measure of Fed
policy. Similarly, major measurement problems
make it difficult to obtain accurate measures of
the stance of fiscal policy. For example, budgetary measures of fiscal policy do not include
a measure of the "tax" imposed by inflation, nor

do they distinguish between current and capital
Supply factors also are difficult to measure by
direct observation. In principle, it may be possible to measure them directly through changes
in labor productivity, but data on productivity
have shortcomings of their own.
An alternative approach to direct measurement
is to statistically estimate aggregate demand and
supply shocks using aggregate economic data.
Professors Olivier Blanchard and Danny Quah
of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have
developed such a method. This method extracts
information about these shocks by estimating a
statistical model under the assumptions that
supply shocks may have long-run effects on
"real" variables like real GNP, while demand
shocks have only temporary effects. In contrast to
most earlier research on the issue, this method is
agnostic about Keynesian and real business cycle
theory; it has the advantage that it permits both
supply and demand factors to affect inflation and
unemployment. As a result, the relative importance of these two factors can be estimated.
We used this technique to estimate demand- and
supply-induced movements in the unemployment
rate. This research is described in detail in this
Bank's Fall 1989 Economic Review. Using data
from 1948 to 1988, we found that both demand
and supply shocks have a significant effect on the
unemployment rate. A positive demand shock
leads immediately to a relatively large reduction
in the unemployment rate. The unemployment
rate continues to decline for approximately a
year, but gradually moves back up to its original
level within about three years. A typical supply
shock has a smaller effect on the unemployment
rate than a typical demand shock, but the effects
of the supply shock are more persistent. The
unemployment rate falls gradually following a
positive supply shock, with the maximum effect
occurring after two years and the unemployment
rate returning to its original level after four years.

Inflation/unemployment trade-off?
To see how demand and supply shocks affect the
relationship between the unemployment rate and
inflation, we decomposed movements in the unemployment rate into those caused by the two
kinds of shocks and compared each of these
components to the inflation rate.

Chart 1
Inflation and the Demand
Component of Unemployment












64 66









72 74 76

- t::

Chart 1 compares the demand-induced changes
in the unemployment rate with the rate of inflation from 1961 to 1988. The chart reveals the
expected negative correlation. For instance,
aggregate demand pressures reduced the unemployment rate almost continuously from 1961 to
the early 1970s, and this decline was mirrored
in the rising rate of inflation. During the 1980s
aggregate demand pressures have been more
balanced, and the inflation rate has declined.
Chart 2 shows the supply-induced component
of the unemployment rate and the rate of inflation. As expected, we find a positive correlation
between the two. The rise in inflation during the
1970s was accompanied by supply-induced increases in the unemployment rate, and the fall in
inflation during the 1980s was accompanied by
supply-induced decreases in the unemployment

Both demand and supply shocks appear t6 have
affected the unemployment rate and inflation.
Moreover,the observed relationship between
movements in these important variables depends
upon which shock has the largest influence in
any given period. When demand shocks dominate, inflation and unemployment tend to move
in opposite directions; when supply shocks
dominate, they move in the same direction.

Chart 2
Inflation and the Supply
Component of Unemployment










\ AggregateSupply
of Unemployment


oJ~, '"
62 64 66


, , , , , , , , ,


72 74 76






82 84 86 88


This implies that one cannot predict future inflation from a given rate of unemployment unless
one knows which factor caused the rate to move
away from its long-run trend. If unemployment is
low because of supply factors, we may see lower
Our work suggests that the relatively low unemployment rate that currently prevails in the
was the result of both positive demand and supply shocks. Expansionary fiscal policy, which has
resulted in record federal budget deficits, is a
likely candidate for the demand shock. For the
supply shock, a number of observers have suggested that the reduction in marginal tax rates
and the deregulation of a number of industries
have enhanced the productivity of the u.S.
economy. Another possibility is that rapid
advance in computer technology in recent
years has raised productivity.


Whatever the sources of these shocks, the
presence of the demand shock 'suggests that
there is inflationary potential in today's low
unemployment rate. Nonetheless, inflation may
not accelerate because supply shocks appear to
be putting downward pressure on inflation at the
same time.

John P. Judd
Bharat Trehan
Vice President and Associate Senior Economist
Director of Research

Opinions expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the management of the Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco, or of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Editorial comments may be addressed to the editor (Barbara Bennett) or to the author.... Free copies of Federal Reserve
publications can be obtained from the Public Information Department, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, P.O. Box 7702,
San Francisco 94120. Phone (415) 974-2246.

Research Department

Federal Reserve
Bank of
San Francisco
P.O. Box 7702
San Francisco, CA 94120