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Federal Reserve Bank San Francisco | Unanchored Expectations? Interpreting the Evidence from Inflation Surveys |





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July 25, 2008


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Unanchored Expectations? Interpreting the Evidence from Inflation
Wayne Huang and Bharat Trehan
Two surveys and some data
Looking for a loss of credibility
What our findings mean
Recent surveys have shown that households are expecting higher inflation in the future. These readings,
coming at the same time as surging commodity prices, have raised concerns that inflation expectations
are no longer well-anchored and that the Fed has lost credibility. Unstable expectations could stoke
higher inflation and possibly lead to a return to the stagflation of the 1970s.
In this Economic Letter, we argue that focusing only on whether the level of expected inflation has gone
up may not be the best strategy for determining whether there has been a loss in credibility. Instead, it
may be more useful to try to determine whether there has been a change in the way households and
firms perceive the inflation process (and consequently form expectations about inflation). We use two
surveys of inflation expectations, one based on household respondents, and the other on professional
forecasters, to examine this issue. In neither case do we find evidence suggesting that expectations
have recently become unanchored, even though consumer expectations of inflation have clearly gone
Two surveys and some data
For households’ inflation expectations, we use the well-established monthly survey on consumer
sentiment conducted by the University of Michigan’s Survey Research Center, which interviews a
random sample of approximately 500 American households. Since 1977, the survey has asked how
much respondents expect the consumer price index (CPI) to increase over the next year and over the
next five to ten years.
The Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF) is conducted quarterly by the Federal Reserve Bank of[2/11/2015 3:39:19 PM]

Federal Reserve Bank San Francisco | Unanchored Expectations? Interpreting the Evidence from Inflation Surveys |

Philadelphia among approximately 50 private-sector economists who produce forecasts of
macroeconomic variables on a regular basis. “Forecasters come largely from the business world and
Wall Street…including chief economists at many Fortune 500 companies” (Croushore 1993). While the
SPF does not release specific affiliations of its forecasting panel, they’ve consistently classified
approximately half as affiliated with a “nonfinancial” firm (Chew and Price 2008). We look at the average
CPI inflation predicted by the SPF panel over the next four quarters and over the next ten years.
Figure 1 plots quarterly data for the four-quarter-ahead
inflation expectations for each survey, as well as the realized
inflation rate, where each quarter’s value shows the realized
inflation rate over the subsequent four quarters. While
inflation fell (at varying speeds) over most of this period, in
the last few years it has moved above the lows recorded
earlier in the decade. The Michigan survey (the median
household’s expectation of CPI inflation over the next year)
tracks realized inflation reasonably well; expected inflation
was quite stable between 1992 and 2006, but began to
increase in late 2007 and then spiked quite dramatically in the
first part of 2008. The SPF forecast of CPI inflation tends to
stay close to the household survey, though it has not risen as
much in recent years.
Figure 2 plots longer-term inflation expectations, along with realized inflation over a five-year period.
The graph begins at 1990, since we do not have continuous data before then. Both measures of
expectations as well as realized inflation fell in the first half of the 1990s, though they have diverged
since then. It is notable that, since 1998, the ten-year SPF inflation forecast has rarely deviated from
2.5%. Its remarkable stability seems to exemplify perfectly Chairman Bernanke’s (2007) definition of
well-anchored expectations:
So, for example, if the public experiences a spell of inflation
higher than their long-run expectation, but their long-run
expectation of inflation changes little as a result, then
inflation expectations are well anchored. If, on the other
hand, the public reacts to a short period of higher-thanexpected inflation by marking up their long-run expectation
considerably, then expectations are poorly anchored.
Household expectations, in contrast, are noticeably more volatile,
falling to unusually low levels earlier this decade, then moving
back up over the last couple of years or so. Although the Fed
tends to focus on inflation as measured by the price index for
personal consumption expenditures and not the CPI, a rough
adjustment to these data (to make the two series comparable)
suggests that even over a five- to ten-year horizon, households expect inflation to stay unpleasantly
high (compared, for instance, to the levels that many members of the FOMC forecast three years out).
It is these readings which have led to concerns about Fed credibility and about the possibility that we
may be facing a sustained increase in inflation.
Looking for a loss of credibility
As discussed above, unpleasantly high expected inflation need not, by itself, constitute evidence that
expectations have become unanchored or that the Fed has lost credibility. Instead, what one would like
to show is that there has been a change in the way that economic agents (whether households or firms)[2/11/2015 3:39:19 PM]

Federal Reserve Bank San Francisco | Unanchored Expectations? Interpreting the Evidence from Inflation Surveys |

perceive the inflation process. To explore this issue, we use a very simple model of inflation
expectations in which we assume that this quarter’s survey reading on expected inflation depends upon
only two things: last quarter’s survey reading and this quarter’s realized inflation rate.
The choice of this model is not meant to deny that other variables—such as food and energy prices—are
relevant or to assert that households and professional forecasters have the same expectations process.
Instead, we want to see what can be learned by using a common simple framework to explain different
measures of expectations. Another reason for this strategy is the limited availability of data—especially
for long-term inflation expectations—which makes it hard to distinguish between more complicated
alternative models meant to explain the data.
The logic of the test is simple as well: If the Fed has only recently lost inflation-fighting credibility, then
an equation estimated on historical data, covering the period before the Fed’s hypothesized loss of
credibility, should tend to predict lower inflation expectations than we see in more recent expectations
data. A simple model is enough for our purposes: If a simple model does not indicate a loss of
credibility, then it is hard to argue that a more complex model would.
We began by estimating the relationship between the five- to
ten-year ahead expected CPI inflation rate from the Michigan
survey and its value from the previous quarter together with
the contemporaneous quarter’s CPI inflation rate using data
over the 1990-2002 period. Our specification turned out to
provide a reasonably good “explanation” of inflation
expectations over this period.
We then took the estimated relationship and used it to predict
the readings from the Michigan survey over the 2003:Q12008:Q2 period, using only the contemporaneous quarter
values of realized inflation over this period. Figure 3 plots the
resulting values along with the long-term expected inflation
rate from the Michigan survey. The predicted values turn out
to be slightly higher than the actual Michigan survey values, quite the contrary to what one would
expect if expectations had become unanchored. Figure 3 also shows the results from a second exercise
with the relationship estimated through the last quarter of 2004 and the forecast starting in the first
quarter of 2005. The results track the actual Michigan expectations data quite well. We repeated this
procedure for the four-quarter-ahead Michigan expectations and obtained similar results: The forecasts
track the actual survey data extremely well, except for 2008:Q2.
Figure 4 shows the results for long-term inflation forecasts
from the SPF. Although our model slightly underpredicts the
inflation forecast in the beginning, after 2004 the predictions
lie above the actual values. The pattern of errors is noticeable
as well, suggesting that, given recent inflation data, the SPF
panel should have gradually raised its inflation forecast over
this period. Instead, the panel seems almost to have ignored
recent data showing higher inflation. We get very similar
results when we try to explain recent readings on the SPF
panel’s four-quarter-ahead inflation forecasts, though here it
must be noted that the four-quarter-ahead inflation forecast
does move around more than the ten-year-ahead forecast.
What our findings mean[2/11/2015 3:39:19 PM]

Federal Reserve Bank San Francisco | Unanchored Expectations? Interpreting the Evidence from Inflation Surveys |

In the case of the professional forecasters, one could argue that the expectations process has changed,
but the sign of our errors is the opposite of what we would expect if the Fed had lost credibility or if
inflation expectations were adrift. Instead, these data suggest that the professional forecasters have
little doubt that recent high inflation readings are temporary. It is worth noting that long-term inflation
forecasts from another well-known survey—the Blue Chip—also have shown no tendency to increase
over the last four or five years.
We also find no evidence that the Fed has lost credibility with households. Instead, the data indicate that
households have always paid a great deal of attention to recent inflation data, even when forming
expectations about inflation more than five years into the future. As long as households continue to form
expectations in this manner, upward price pressures from commodity price shocks will raise even longterm expectations, but the positive implication is that these expectations will come back down once
these shocks work their way through the system and inflation stabilizes.
While we cannot simply dismiss concerns that households’ elevated inflation expectations will set off the
kind of wage-price spiral we saw in the stagflation of the 1970s, there are several reasons for optimism
about inflation. First, unlike the 1970s, productivity growth remains high. Second, slackening labor
markets will tend to put downward pressure on wages. Finally, to the extent that firms’ inflation
expectations are closer to those of the SPF forecasters (whom they employ to forecast inflation, among
other things) rather than to those of households, firms will be less willing to raise prices and so will not
find it easy to meet any demands that workers might make for higher wages.
Wayne Huang
Research Associate
Bharat Trehan
Research Advisor
[URLs accessed July 2008.]
Bernanke, Ben S. 2007. “Inflation Expectations and Inflation Forecasting.”
NBER Summer Institute, Cambridge, MA, July 10.

Speech delivered at the

Chew, John, and Calvin Price. 2008. “Introducing: An Industry Classification for the Survey of
Professional Forecasters.”
FRB Philadelphia Research Department.
Croushore, Dean. 1993. “Introducing: The Survey of Professional Forecasters.”
Business Review (Nov./Dec.), pp. 3-13.

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Opinions expressed in FRBSF Economic Letter
do not necessarily reflect the views of the
management of the Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco or of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System. This publication is
edited by Sam Zuckerman and Anita Todd.
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