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May1 1 ,1 984

Timber Contract Problems
Forest Service contracts

In 1 983, the Pacific Northwest lumber
industry moved out of the depths of recession and into recovery. This year, due to the
strength expected in homebuilding and
other lumber markets, lumber production
and prices may show further moderate
improvement. Nevertheless, scores of firms
could face financial pressures arising from
the cost of raw materials not only in 1984 but
in the remainder of this decade. Those pressures result from the high-cost public timber
under contract that is unprofitable to harvest
at current and foreseeable lumber prices.

In keeping with the general pattern throughout the West, lumber manufacturers in western Oregon and Washington rely heavily on
publicly owned lands for their timber supply. In 1 976, the latest date forwhich official
data are available, about 22 percent olthe
total sawtimber harvested on commercial
forestlands in that region came from National Forests managed by the U.S. Forest Service. Another 20 percent came from publicIyowned lands managed by the
of Land Management and state agencies.
The remaining 58 percent came from lands
owned by the forest products industry and
other private landowners. In contrast, outside the West, public lands account for only
1 0 percent of the total annual harvest. Nearly all lumber firms operating in western
Oregon and Washington rely on public
lands to some degree for their raw material,
but dependence is especially great for small,
non-i ntegrated producers.


To date, the affected companies have received extensions of contract expiration
dates, but they are pressing for federal legislation that would dissolve some of their
contracts. They argue that the federal government shares responsibility for their difficulties because it affects housing markets
and controls both the amount of their raw
material supply and the methods by which
public timber is sold.

The Forest Service sells the rights to harvest
given tracts of standing timber (stumpage)
on National Forests through a competitive
bidding process. The contracts then call for
the winning bidder to harvest the tract within the I ife of the contract, usually of several
years duration to allow for road construction
and logging. The purchaser pays a small
initial cash outlay but is not required to
make full payment until the timber is cut. For
contracts awarded in western Oregon and
Washington before August 1, 1 983, purchasers are to pay the original bid price at
time of harvest. As such, the contracts are
forward contracts. Even with subsequent reforms, the contracts require companies to
formulate their bid prices by forecasting the
production costs and selling prices for
lumber and other wood products they expect to prevail when the timber will be

This Letter will describe the contracts and
lumber market conditions that contributed
to the present problem. It will show that
whi Ie the "forward" contract method of seIling public timber provides some benefits to
purchasers, it also subjects them to great
uncertainty about the profitability of the
timber under contract. To prevent a possible
recurrence of the current problem, public
timber management agencies should consider reforming the sales system to derive the
price paid for timber more directly from the
prevailing price for lumber. The discussion
will focus on National Forests in the western
half of Oregon and Washington. The heavy
preponderance of the key homebuilding
Douglas-fir species in that region, along
with the absence of a mechanism to adjust
prices downward in contracts awarded before August 1983, have made the problem of
uneconomic timber the most serious there.

These forward contracts afford purchasers
certain benefits. They permit firms to secure

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(JplniOi1S expn's<,ed in thIS m'\vslelter do not
necessarilv reflect the views 01 the rnanagement
ot the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco,
or of the Board of C;overnor', of tfw Federal
Reserve Svstem,

meet the requirements of the post-World
War II baby boom. Meanwhile, increasing
amounts of commercial forestland were set
aside for wilderness purposes.

a contract with a small outlay of capital
"upfront", And they allow the purchaser to
pay only for the actual volume of useable,
non-defective raw material found as the
trees designated for harvest are removed and
measured, But the contracts also render the
purchaser vulnerable to changes in lumber
prices. If lumber prices should rise more
than the firms expected when they formulated their initial bid, they may receive a
larger profit than they expected. On the
other hand, if purchasers expect lumber
prices to rise but they fall instead, firms may
receive less profit than they had anticipated
or they may even suffer losses.

Expecting that strong product demand and
tight raw.material supplies would continue
to push lumber prices upward throughout
the 1980s, mills bid frantically for public
timber during the late 1970s. On National
Forests in western Oregon and Washington,
the average winning bid price for Douglasfir timber nearly doubled between 1977 and
1 980 (see chart).
But, instead of conti nu i ng upward asexpected, prices for softwood lumber dropped between 1979 and 1982. For example, the
price of Douglas-fir fell by 31 percent. This
occurred as housing starts plunged downward to only 1.0 million units by 1982 and
lumber consumption also fell in other markets. When housing starts recovered to 1.7
million units in 1983, lumber prices rose
sharply on an annual basis but failed to regain their 1979 peaks. Prices continue to lag
behind 1979 levels because they showed
renewed weakness in the latter half of 1983
before rising during the first quarter of 1984.
The end-result is that many firms currently
hold sizeable volumes of unprofitable
timber under contracts awarded during the
late 1970s.

Origins of the problem

Long contracts, requiring little initial capital
and no specific interim payments, encourage purchasers to secure and hold large
volumes of timber when they expect prospective demand and prices for lumber to rise
sharply. Federal contracts in use in the late
1970s were particularly conducive to such
behavior. Most contracts ran from three to as
much asseven years in duration. Besides the
nominal deposit with bid, the winning bidder posted only a performance bond when
the contract was signed and no interim payments were required until the purchaser cut
the timber, often in the last year of the contract. Unlike Forest Service contracts elsewhere in the West, they contained no
stumpage rate adjustment clause to adjust
original bid prices upvyard or downward in
responseto changes in lumber prices.

Magnitude of the problem

At present, firms hold about 9.5 billion
board feet of uncut timber on National
Forests in western Oregon and Washington
in contracts awarded before January 1, 1982.
(Contracts awarded thereafter are not a
problem because bid prices fell dramatically.) The average bid price on the timber
awarded before 1982 is $316 per thousand
board feet. Forest Service and market data
show that it currently would cost an average
operator about $482/thousand board feet to
harvest and deliverthattimber in log form to
the mill (including stumpage), while such
logs would bring an average market price of
only $281 /thousand board feet. At current

Lumber market conditions in the late 1970s
encouraged bidder optimism. Between
1977 and 1979, producer prices for
Douglas-fir lumber rose at an average
annual rate of 16 percent (see chart). Homebuilding-by far lumber's largest marketwas booming. During those years, the
number of new homes built annually averaged 1.8 million units, with a near-record
high of 2.0 million units being reached in
1978. Demographic factors suggestedthat at
least 2 million housing starts per year would
be needed during the decade of the 1980s to

Ratio Scale

$ per Thousand

Board Feet

Rallo Scale






award and certain payments mid-way
through the life of the contract. The agency
also shortened the term of new contracts.

finished lumber prices, such contract
holders therefore would incur an average
loss of about $201 /thousand board feet on
timber contracts awarded before 1982.

The Forest Service introduced perhaps its
most important reform on August 1, 1983
when it added a stumpage rate adjustment
clause to new contracts in western Oregon
and Washington. The clause permits the bid
price to be increased or decreased, within
stated limits, in accordance with changes in
lumber prices. The procedure, already in
use on Ndtional Forests elsewhere in the
West, ad justs bid prices to reflect 50 percent
of any upward change in the lumber price
index and 1 00 percent of any decl i ne in
lumber prices below a base level. Its purpose is to transfer some of the profits and
losses that would otherwise accrue to purchasers during periods of rising and falling
lumber prices to the federal government,
thereby reducing the variability in the lumber companies' profits. However, because
the adjustment mechanism is skewed more
to protect buyers from the risk of downside
loss than to remove profits in a rising market,
it will impart an upward bias on bid prices
and will not completely eliminate earnings
variabi I ity.

This analysis does not mean that all of the
9.5 billion board feet sold prior to January
1982 is currently uneconomic to harvest
since the $31 6/thousand board foot price is
an average. But it does suggest that lumber
prices would have to rise sharply in the
future to make much of this timber worth
Government. reponse
To give fi rms more ti me to meet thei r obi igations, the Forest Service, in May 1 980 and
October 1981, extended contracts by one
and two years in programs known as Soft I
and Soft II. Then, on July 28,1 983, the Secretary of Agriculture announced that all federal timber sales contracts awarded before
1981 cou Id be extended for another five
yearswithout payment of interest on the bid
value of the uncut timber that would have
been due. Holders ofthose contracts still
argue that th is proposed" Five- Year Mu ItiSale Extension Plan" is unworkable because
domestic lumber prices are not likely to rise
sharply enough over the 1 984-90 period to
permit them to harvest that timber profitably,
nor is demand likely to be great enough to
combine that volume with new Forest Service offerings. In February, over one hundred contract holders won a court injunction temporarily prohibiting the Forest
Service from enforcing those contracts or the
February 15, 1984 deadline for submission
of harvest schedu les for the five-year extension plan.

To eliminate uncertainty about the profitability of public timber, the Forest Service
would have to sell timber at spot prices
derived directly from contemporaneous finished lumber prices. Such a system exists in
British Columbia. There, the government
allocates the supply of public timber available for sale to forest product firms under
long-term contracts. The price it charges for
timber cut in any given year is a residual
value based on the current price of lumber
minus costs of conversion and a reasonable
margin of profit. Its objective is to provide
forest products firms with secure timber supplies at a profitable price, and thereby promote the growth of the industry.

Beyond extending contracts, the Forest Service on April 15, 1982, introduced a number
of new provisions for future contracts designed to reduce the upward pressure on bid
prices. Those measures, in effect, make it
more expensive for purchasers to hold timber under contract. They include, for example, requiring a 5 percent cash deposit on
the total value of the bid within 30 days after

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i':SL 'ON lIWll:ld
OIVd :J9V1 S0d 's'n

llVW ssvn 1sm:!

( Dollar amounts in millions)

Selected Assetsand Liabilities
Large Commercial Banks
Loans, Leases and Investments' 2
Loans and Leases' 6
Commercial and Industrial
Real estate
Loans to Individuals
U.S. Treasury and Agency Securities2
Other Securities 2
Total Deposits
Demand Deposits
Demand Deposits Adjusted3
Other Transaction Balances4
Total Non-Transaction Balances6
Money Market Deposit
Accounts Total
Time Deposits in Amounts of
$100,000 or more
Other Liabilities for Borrowed MoneyS

Weekly Averages
of Daily Figures
ReservePosition, All Reporting Banks
Excess Reserves ( + )/Deficiency (-)
Net free reserves (+)/Net borrowed( - )







- 30
- 154
- 834


- 477





Change from 12/28/83







- 4.1
- 10.5
- 18.4
- 10.3
- 37.9
- 24.2
- 15.5




- 1.2
- 24.2



Includes loss reserves, unearned income, excludes interbank loans
Excludes trading account securities
Excludes U.s. government and depository institution deposits and cash items
ATS, N OW, Super N O W and savings accounts with telephone transfers
Includes borrowing via FRB, TI&L notes, Fed Funds, RPsand other sources
Includes items not shown separately

Editorial commentsmay beaddressedto the editor (GregoryTong)orto the author. , , • Freecopiesof
Federal Reservepublications can be obtained from the Public Information Section,FederalReserve
Bank of San Francisco,P.Q. Box 7702, SanFrancisco94120. Phone(415) 974.2246.