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April 1, 1988

Swaps and Bank Exposure
The market for swaps has been one of the most
rapidly growing financial markets in recent
years. New swap activity currently is running at
about $450 billion annually. The fifty largest
u.s. banks are parties to about $675 billion of
outstanding swaps.

In an interest rate swap, coupon payments from
two loans in the same currency are exchanged.
The swap partners exchange only interest payments according to predetermined rules and
based on a mutually agreed underlying notional
principal amount.

The swap has become an important instrument
for hedging long term currency fluctuations as
well as many same-currency interest rate risks.
The rapid growth of the market has generated
concerns among regulators and others about the
off balance sheet exposures of banks and other
institutions. Currently, capital requirements
relate only to on balance sheet exposures,
although changes are being considered. One
such proposed change would relate a bank's
capital to its swap exposure. This Letter will
examine swap growth and some of the risks
involved in light of the current debate regarding
capital regulation of swaps.

The three main types of interest rate swaps are:
coupon swaps, basis swaps, and cross-currency
interest rate swaps. In a coupon swap, one party
pays a stream of fixed-interest rate payments and
receives a stream of floating-interest rate payments (both denominated in the same currency).
The counterparty receives fixed and pays floating-interest rate payments. No principal is
exchanged. For example, one party may agree to
pay a fixed rate of 10 percent on a swap amount
of $10 million for five years. In exchange, this
party receives payments tied to the six-month
London Interbank Offer Rate (L1BOR), and based
on the same notional amount. In a basis swap,
the parties exchange interest payments tied to
two different floating rates such asthe prime rate
and L1BOR. A cross-currency rate swap involves
the exchange of payments denominated indifferent currencies and tied to different interest
rate bases, one fixed and one floating. This swap
could be considered a combination of a currency swap and a coupon swap.

What is a swap?
Although there are a number of different kinds of
swaps, they are all based on the same idea. A
swap involves two parties who generally first
borrow funds under separate loan contracts with
different terms and then agree to payoff each
other's obligation. In some cases, a swap party
assumes his counterparty's obligation without
first taking out an explicit loan. In essence, the
swap is a financial arrangement in which two
parties agree to exchange streams of payments
over tiine. Banks are often one of the parties to a
swap, but in some cases act as swap brokers or
The two main types of swaps are currency swaps
and interest rate swaps. A currency swap is a
transaction in which two parties exchange specific amounts of fixed-interest rate debt obligations in two different currencies and then repay
over time the interest payments on each other's
loan. At maturity, the principal amounts are then
exchanged. For example"a German exporter
who receives dollars for his shipments might pay
his swap partner's dollar denominated obligation
and receive from that partner a stream of Deutschmark denominated payments.

The swell of the swap market
The swap market sprang from the introduction of
the "plain vanilla" swap in the early 1980s. This
was a five- to seven-year swap of fixed rate payments for floating rate payments tied to six~
month L1BOR (both denominated in U.s. dollars). Typically, U.s. companies rated BAA or
better borrowed funds in the u.s. at a fixed rate
and then swapped their fixed rate obligations for
floating rate ones. Their counterparties in these
transactions, frequently highly rated European
banks, did the opposite: they exchanged their
floating rate obligations for fixed rate ones. As a
result of this type of transaction, U.s. companies
often were able to borrow floati ng rate funds in
the euromarket at a rate below L1BOR, even
after taking into account the swap arranger's
usual fee of 50-75 basis points.

Although this plain vanilla swap still is common
by 1983 the swap market had evolved from
international transactions involving U.s. and
European counterparties to domestic transactions involving only U.s. counterparties.
Regional banks and insurance companies in the
U.s. appeared on both sides of the market. The
~inimum size of transactions fell and Treasury
bills became a common index on the floating
rate side.
Swap activity accelerated sharply between 1984
and 1987. Large U.s. and U.K. commercial and
investment banks developed the capacity to
"make markets," or act as dealers in swaps. Real
estate companies and high-grade U.s. corporations increasingly entered the market to
exchange fixed rate payments for floati ng rate
payments. U.S. thrift institutions,on the other
hand, exchanged floating rate obligations for
fixed rate ones. Swap. deals were broken into
units as small as $one million, and shorter matur.ities became more Common. Heavy competitlonamong intermediaries reduced fees for
arranging swaps to the 13-25 basis point range.
Coupon swaps began to be transacted in nondollar currencies as well.

Recent developments
With the. introduction of standardized contracts
by lead(ng market makers in 1985, a secondary
market rn swaps has developed, encompassing
reverse swaps (where a new swap is madeto offset an existing swap), swap sales, and voluntary
terminations (where a swap partner has an
"option" to terminate the agreement before
maturity). Several new floating rate indices also
have become common,including u.s. certificates of deposit, US. commercial paper,
bankers'. acceptances, prime, and federal funds.
The market for swaps of coupons based on different indices among this group has grown
rapidly. Other innovations include swaps with
capped or collared floating .rates, swaps with
escape clauses, and "swaptions," or swaps that
include option-like components.
There are now two broad classes of participants
rn the swap market: end-users and intermediaries. Initially, intermediaries brought the two
end-users. together and.arranged the swaps. They
also provided letters of credit or other forms of
credit enhancement for weaker credits.

As the variety of end-users on both sides of the
market increased, potential counterparties
became more reluctant to accept the credit risks
involved in a purely brokered swap. This created
an opportunity for large commercial and investment banks to earn fees from underwriting this
credit risk. Today large intermediaries act as
counterparties to both sides of a transaction
because such intermediaries frequently are more
acceptable credit risks to the end-user.
The largest intermediaries in the swap market
are major u.s. money center banks, major u.s.
and U.K. investment and merchant banks and
major Japanese securities companies. Commercial banks in Canada, France, Japan, Sweden,
SWitzerland, and the United Kingdom are also
active. These institutions deal in swaps in order
to earn fee income and to profit from trading
opportunities. For both commercial and investment banks, swaps are a growing source of off
balance sheet earnings.
Why swap?
Why does such a seemingly convoluted form of
borrowing take place? After all, if I want to borrow in U.K. sterling, why not just do so directly
rather than borrowing dollars first and then
swapping them for sterling? In some cases, the
reason may be that a borrower is prohibited by
regulation or some other institutional constraint
such as tax or accounting considerations, from '
borrowing directly in the desired currency or
loan form.
In other cases, the reason is less clear. Some
have argued that there may be informational
asymmetries related to different lenders having
access to different sets of information about borrowers. For example, if firm A is well known in
New York but not in London, and the opposite is
true for firm B, A can borrow dollars for B in
New York and B can borrow sterling for A in
London through a currency swap. Both would
~enefit because each partner could obtain superior loan terms due to connections and reputation in his respective home market.
However, such informational asymmetries cannot explain all the swaps that occur. They cannot, for example, explain most same-currency
swaps. In these swaps, the borrower frequently
is well known to all the lenders and could have
obtained the desired loan form and terms without having to use a swap. Similarly, it would be ~xplain the use of swaps for hedging
by multrnatlonal and internationally renowned
large corporate borrowers on the basis of informational asymmetries.

Even when asymmetry appears to exist, the
informational problems could be solved through
the use of rating services, making swaps
unnecessary in this respect. Thus, the source of
the swap's comparative advantage as a financial
instrument remains an open question.

Swap risks and bank exposure
The swap has become a major concern of financial regulators in the United States and the U.K.
Proposed changes in capital regulation give special emphasis to the swap market. Apparently,
there are fears that the rapid growth of the swap
market and the expanding role of banks in that
market may lead to excessive risk exposure for
What exactly are the risks? The main risks seem
to arise in instances when a bank's swap counterparty defaults at the same time that exchange
rates or interest rates move against the bank. As
long as a bank's swap counterparty does not
default, there is little difference in the risk to the
bank between taking on a swap obligation and
simply issuing a liability with the same risk
characteristics. In either case, banks can hedge
these interest risks and exchange risks.
If the bank's counterparty were to default on the
swap agreement, the bank would be legally obligated to repay all remaining coupons on its own
original obligation, and not the partner's obligation. This is an important point. Although swap
contracts have not been tested yet in the courts,
legal scholars argue that swaps are governed by
contract law: default by either swap party automatically also relieves the other party of its obligation. Thus, in the case of default, the original
obligation ultimately remains the responsibility
of the original borrower or issuer.
Thus, a U.S. bank that had borrowed dollars and
swapped them for sterling would simply resume
payments on its original dollar loan in the event
of a breach of the swap contract by its partner.

Note that this inflicts a loss on the bank only if
the pound sterling has depreciated relative to the
dollar in the interim. If, on the other hand, the
pound has appreciated, the bank actually would
be better off paying back dollars than paying
back (more expensive) sterling. Moreover, since
the terms of the swap agreement likely would
have reflected any anticipated depreciation of
the pound, a breach would inflict losses on the
bank only if the actual depreciation exceeded
A concern, then, is whether such breaches are
more likely to occur when the terms are
unfavorable to the bank. In many swap transactions the odds may be at least even that breach
actually would benefit the bank. For example,
suppose the U.S. bank has swapped sterling with
a British exporter. The exporter is more likely to
go bankrupt when sterling appreciates than
when it depreciates. But when sterling appreciates, default benefits the u.s. bank. Similarly,
breaches of some interest-rate swaps could actually benefit a bank.
Unlike an unsecured commercial loan, there is
no chance that all or most of the bank's capital
invested in a swap contract could vanish in the
event of default by the bank's customer. Another
way of saying this is to note that swaps are in
some ways like secured loans where the "collateral" is the principal and set of loan coupons
exchanged with the partner. If the counterparty
fails to repay the bank's loan, the bank may
cease repaying the counterparty's obligation.
The swap is risky only to the extent that the
value of this "collateral" falls below the value of
the bank's own position in the swap, and even
then, bank exposure is only the difference in
values. To date, breach of swap agreements has
been rare and bank losses associated with such
breaches small. Excessive regulation of bank
swap activity could stymie the further development of this dynamic market.

Steven E. Plaut

Opinions expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the management of the Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco, or of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Editorial comments may be addressed to the editor (Barbara Bennett) or to the author...• Free copies of Federal Reserve
publications can be obtained from the Public Information Department, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, P.O. Box 7702,
San Francisco 94120. Phone (415) 974-2246.




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The table entitled, "Selected Assets and Liabilities of Large Commercial Banks in the Twelfth
Federal Reserve District," will no longer be published in conjunction with the Weekly Letter.
For those in need of these data, a more timely publication entitled, "Weekly Consolidated
Condition Report of Large Commercial Banks and Domestic Subsidiaries" (F.R. 2416x), is
available from the Statistical and Data Services Department of this Bank.