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May 23,1986

Standby Letters of Credit
Over the last few years, the trend in bank regulation toward more stringent capital adequacy
standards has constrained asset growth at the
nation's largest banks. At the same time, standby
letters of credit (SLCs) and other so-called off
balance sheet activities at these banks have
grown by leaps and bounds. Such activities are
not affected by the current capital-to-assets measures of capital adequacy because they are contingent obligations and therefore not assets.
Nonetheless, these activities do expose bank
capital to varying degrees and kinds of risk.
Moreover, because the potential for leverage is
so great for these activities, regulators worry that
off balance sheet exposure in general, and SLC
exposure in particular, actually may increase
capital risk even as banks strengthen their capital ratios. This Letter examines the growth of
SLCs as well as the nature of the risks involved.
It concludes that, although banks apparently are
managing SLC risk carefully, some form of capital regulation of this activity is appropriate to
protect the assets of the federal deposit insurance fund.

SlCs and guarantees
An SLC, like the more familiar commercial letter
of credit, is a contractual arrangement involving
three parties. The bank, as "issuer" of the letter
of credit, guarantees that the bank's customer
(the "account party") will meet an underlying
contractual obligation to the "beneficiary" or
else the bank will suffer the loss. However,
unlike the commercial letter of credit, which is
used to finance the shipment and storage of
goods, the SLC underwrites the beneficiary's risk
of loss should the account party fail to repay a
debt obligation or to complete a construction
project as required in the underlying contract.
Under the typical SLC, the bank makes payment
to the beneficiary only if the account party fails
to perform.
In general, the account party will choose to
arrange an SLC whenever the bank's fee is less
than the value of the guarantee to the beneficiary (as measured by the premium the beneficiary
is willing to pay for the account party's debt or

services with the SLC backing). In many cases,
the issuing bank has a comparative advantage
over the beneficiary in underwriting the risk of
default on the part of the account party. The
bank's costs usually are substantially lower
because the bank is better able to diversify the
risk associated with a given transaction and
because the bank enjoys certain economies in
credit evaluation. For example, because the
bank frequently has an ongoing relationship
with the account party, the marginal cost of,
obtaining information is lower. As a result, particularly for the larger, top-rated banks, the beneficiary generally is willing to pay a premium in
excess of the bank's fee for the value of the SLC

A growing market
SLCs outstanding have grown almost exponentially over the last several years, from less than
$50 billion at year-end 1980 to more than $155
billion as of September 1985. At the 25 largest
banks, SLCs now total more than $120 billion,
up from less than $40 billion in 1980. This
growth is just one manifestation of a rapidly
growi ng general market for guarantee-type products.
In addition to the SLCs that banks offer, surety
and insurance companies are now offering such
guarantees as credit-risk coverages (which guarantee repayment of principal and interest on
debt obligations) and asset-risk coverages, such
as residual value insurance and systems performance guarantees. This expansion in the types
of coverages offered has given insurance companies a rapidly growing source of premium
income. Between 1980 and 1984, the insurance
industry's net premiums from such surety operations nearly doubled, rising from $900 million to
$1.6 billion.
Financial guarantees offered by other, specialized providers have grown rapidly as well.
Municipal bond insurance, for example, was
rare prior to 1981 but now supports an estimated 29 percent, or $6.4 billion, of new issues
of long-term municipal bonds.

Two factors account for the tremendous growth
in the market for financial guarantees in general,
and SLCs in particular. First, the growth over the
last ten to 15 years of direct-finance markets has
increased the credit-risk exposure of investors
who may prefer not to bear such risk. Such
direct-finance markets as the commercial paper
market have grown rapidly since the late 1960s
because borrowers are able to obtain funds
more cheaply from them than through intermediaries such as banks.
The resulting decline in financial intermediation
has also meant that undiversified investors in
such markets must bear more credit risk than if
they were to invest in the deposit liabilities of
commercial banks. Apparently, such an increase
in credit-risk exposure is unpalatable to at least
some portion of these investors because~ 15
percent of all dealer-placed taxable commercial
paper is supported by some sort of legally binding guarantee, and nearly all rated commercial
paper also is backed by a bank loan commitment.
The second reason that financial guarantees
have grown rapidly over the last several years is
that overall economic risk has increased over
the same period. The rampant inflation of the
late 1970s, the increased volatility of interest
rates and business activity of the early 1980s,
and the unexpectedly sharp deceleration in the
rate of inflation in the middle 1980s have
caused wide swings in asset prices and returns
on investment. This increased variability, in turn,
implies an increase in credit, or default, risk
since investors are now less certain of a borrower's ability to meet maturing obligations.
Consequently, the demand for instruments like
SLCs and other guarantees that reduce the risk to
the beneficiary has increased tremendously.
Bank involvement

Banks' involvement in this market is at once an
extension of their traditional lending business
and, because SLCs are not funded,a significant
departure from it. Like their lending business,
banks' issuance of SLCs entails the underwriting
of credit risk. In this area, banks enjoy certain
economies of specialization that make them
lower cost .issuers of financial guarantees.
Moreover, in contrast to insurance companies,
banks do not generally secure their guarantees

with a formal collateral arrangement with the
account party since they usually have the right
to debit the account party's deposit accounts.
This lack of a formal collateral arrangement
makes SLCs more attractive, but it also increases
the bank's risk somewhat.
Given the enormous increase in the demand for
guarantees, being low-cost issuers may be sufficient explanation for the rapid growth of bankissued SLCs over the last several years.
However, banks also may have an incentive to
respond to this demand since they can overcome binding regulatory constraints on their
lending activities by doing so. Because SLCs are
not funded and are therefore unaffected qy
reserve requirements, they represent a less costly
way of assuming a given level of credit risk.
Another important regulatory constraint that may
have given banks incentivetoissue SLCs is the
trend in bank regulation in recent years toward
tougher capital standards. For most firms, theory
suggests that stiffer capital regulation should not
affect behavior since firm value does not vary
with changes in leverage. Accordingly, any
decline in the return on equity associated with
tougher capital standards should be largely offset
by the reduced cost of debt resulting from
decreased leverage risk. For banks, however, the
existence of (underpriced) federal deposit insurance means that a decline in leverage will not
reduce the risk to bank debt-holders, and therefore the cost of bank debt, by as much as it will
reduce the return on bank equity. The imposition of more stringent capital standards, then,
may induce banks to seek other ways to increase
leverage and to reduce the negative effects of
such regulation on share value.
Because SLCs and other off balance sheet
activities are contingent claims, much like insurance contracts, they can be thought of as liabilities even though they are not counted as
such on bank balance sheets. Thus, the presence
of these unbooked liabilities effectively increases
capital leverage. Moreover, because current
capital adequacy standards do not formally
accountfor this off balance sheet exposure,
banks may have special incentive to shift toward
the fee income generated by SLCs and other off
balance sheet activities that do not "use up"

SLC risk
At the 25 largest banks, SLCs outstanding now
exceed capital by an average of 66 percent - a
sizeable exposure particularly if SLC risk is
positively correlated with these banks' loan risk.
Some observers, however, have suggested that
banks' SLC exposure may not be increasing
bank risk significantly. They argue that since SLC
fees are considerably lower than the fees banks
charge for loans with comparable terms, SLCs
must pose less risk to bank capital than loans.
They also point to substantially lower losses on
SLCs than loans and the widespread practice in
the banking industry of imposing generally
higher underwriting standards for SLCs than for
These findings must be interpreted with caution.
First, fees do not provide a measure of the
expected return on equity. To a large extent,
loan fees are higher than SLC fees because loans
entail higher administrative and other expenses
than SLCs. After netting out these higher
expenses, loan and SLC fees probably would be
nearly equal, suggesting that the expected return
on, and the risk of, SLCs is at least as high as that
for loans.

several years has not reduced capital risk. In a
study of the determinants of large bank CD rates,
Goldberg and Lloyd-Davies found that the market tended to require higher CD rates in compensation for increasing SLC-related leverage. At
the same time, these researchers found that SLCs
tended to be higher quality credits than loans,
suggesting that, on balance, SLCs pose about as
much risk to bank capital as loans.

Regulating SLCs
Currently, bank regulators place only limited
restrictions on banks' SLC activities. They
require that banks treat SLCs as loans for the
purposes of evaluating credit quality and calculating loan concentrations. However, because
of the inherent riskiness of the SLC instrument as
well as the greater potential for capital leverage
with SLCs than with loans, some form of capitalregulation of SLCs is appropriate.

Second, loss experience can be a misleading
measure of credit risk. For example, the
extremely low loss experience on SLCs backing
real estate investment trusts prior to 1974 may
have given bankers misleading signals about the
riskiness of such investments.

The Federal Reserve Board has proposed that its
current capital regulation be supplemented by
risk-based capital guidelines that would
explicitly take into account the relative riskiness
of broad categories of bank assets and certain off
balance sheet items, including SLCs. These
guidelines would assign the same risk weight to
most SLCs as to loans. Under these supplemental guidelines, a bank with a large portfolio of
SLCs might be required either to raise additional
capital or reduce leverage by changing the composition of its asset and off balance sheet port'

Instead, there are several reasons to believe that
SLCs pose significant capital risk. First, as noted
above, banks' SLC exposure may be partly the
result of an attempt to circumvent capital regulation and increase effective leverage. Second,
unlike most term loans, SLCs do not have a formal collateral agreement and, as such, provide
less contractual protection against loss in the
event of default than loans.

The advantage of these guidelines is that they
reduce banks' incentive to issue SLCs merely as
a means of increasing effective leverage and circumventing capital regulation. Although bankers
and their regulators will no doubt argue about
the appropriate risk weight to assign SLCs, in
concept, this approach does provide additional
guidance to bank examiners and stock analysts
as they evaluate capital adequacy and bank risk.

Finally, evidence from debt markets also seems
to suggest that the growth in SLCs over the last

Barbara Bennett

Opinions expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the management of the Federal Reserve Bank of San
Francisco, or of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Editorial comments may be addressed to the editor (Gregory Tong) or to the author .... Free copies of Federal Reserve publications
can be obtained from the Public Information Department, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, P.O. Box 7702, San Francisco
94120. Phone (415) 974-2246.


04 0PI










aAJaSa~ IOJapa~

~uaw~Jodaa l.pJOaSa~
(Dollar amounts in millions)
Selected Assets and Liabilities
Large Commercial Banks
Loans, Leases and Investments 1 2
Loans and Leases 1 6
Commercial and Industrial
Real estate
Loans to Individuals
U. S. Treasu ry and Agency Secu rities 2
Other Securities 2
Total Deposits
Demand Deposits
Demand Deposits Adjusted 3
Other Transaction Balances4
Total Non-Transaction Balances 6
Money Market Deposit
Time Deposits in Amounts of
$100,000 or more
Other Liabilities for Borrowed MoneyS
Two Week Averages
of Daily Figures
Reserve Position, All Reporting Banks
Excess Reserves (+ )/Deficiency (-)
Net free reserves (+ )/Net borrowed( -)







- 428





Change from 5/1/85







Period ended

Period ended






Includes loss reserves, unearned income, excludes interbank loans
Excludes trading account securities
Excludes U.S. government and depository institution deposits and cash items
ATS, NOW, Super NOW and savings accounts with telephone transfers
Includes borrowing via FRB, TT&L notes, Fed Funds, RPs and other sources
Includes items not shown separately
Annualized percent change


