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FRBSF Economic Letter
2022-03 | February 14, 2022 | Research from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Will Rising Rents Push Up Future Inflation?
Kevin J. Lansing, Luiz E. Oliveira, and Adam Hale Shapiro
Rising rents account for a significant portion of recent inflation. Estimates of how rent
inflation typically responds to two leading indicators—current asking rents and current
house prices—can help forecast the path of overall inflation for the next two years. This
method predicts that higher rent inflation could add about 0.5 percentage point to personal
consumption expenditures price inflation for both 2022 and 2023. These potential
additions are important in light of the Federal Reserve’s 2% inflation target.

Shelter and housing costs account for a significant portion of the basket of goods used to measure
inflation in the consumer price index (CPI) and the personal consumption expenditures price index
(PCEPI). Two leading indicators of future shelter and housing costs are current asking rents and
current house prices. These leading indicators have been rising rapidly since the pandemic began,
posing the risk of higher future inflation. When asking rents rise, they push up the average rent of
the entire stock of rental units as new contracts are signed and enter the database used to compute
the rent component of overall inflation. When current house prices rise, they signal that owners or
landlords expect the potential rental value of the house to be higher in the future.
In this Economic Letter, we develop an empirical model to predict future rent inflation using data
on current asking rents and current house prices in 15 metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). Our
panel model predicts that future rent inflation could increase by about 3.4 percentage points (pp) in
both 2022 and 2023 relative to the pre-pandemic five-year average. This prediction translates into
an additional 1.1pp increase in overall CPI inflation for both 2022 and 2023. In terms of overall PCE
inflation, the measure used by the Federal Reserve to assess price stability, our prediction translates
into an additional 0.5pp increase for both 2022 and 2023. The smaller predicted additions for PCE
inflation reflect the fact that housing costs make up a smaller fraction of the basket of goods in the
PCEPI than in the CPI.

Rent inflation
“Rent of primary residence,” hereafter simply “rent,” measures the price of the current stock of
rental units across U.S. cities. Rent is a component of the broader “shelter” and “housing” categories
in the CPI and PCEPI, respectively. The other major component of these categories is “owner’s
equivalent rent” (OER), which estimates the monthly rent a house that is currently owned would
command on the rental market. OER is computed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics using the same
underlying data as rental units but with an alternative formula to estimate the equivalent rent of
owner-occupied units. The percentage change in rent, which we refer to as “rent inflation,” is highly

FRBSF Economic Letter 2022-03

February 14, 2022

correlated with the percentage change in OER; the correlation coefficient between 12-month rent
inflation and 12-month OER inflation is 0.83. While the CPI and the PCEPI use the same
underlying data on rental units, the combination of rent and OER comprises 32% of the basket of
goods in the CPI but only 15% of the PCEPI consumption basket.
Figure 1 plots the 12-month
Figure 1
rent inflation component of
Rent inflation correlates strongly with inverse of unemployment
the CPI (blue line) from
Percentage points (12-month change)
December 1988 to December
2021. Rent inflation declined
Inverse of unemployment
substantially during 2020 as
(right axis)
the economy was hit by a
severe recession induced by
the COVID-19 pandemic.
More generally, rent
inflation is highly
procyclical, showing a strong
CPI rent inflation
(left axis)
positive correlation with the
inverse of the unemployment
rate (red line). The intuition
for this procyclical
relationship is that landlords
can ask for higher rents during an economic expansion, when prospective tenants are more likely to
be employed and earning higher incomes. Rent inflation bottomed out in early 2021 at 1.8% and has
since rebounded to 3.3% in December 2021, just below the pre-pandemic five-year average of 3.7%
from 2015 to 2019.

Leading indicators of rent inflation
The asking rents of new units currently listed on the market can provide useful information about
future rental rates. Persistent increases in asking rents will eventually push up the average rent of
the entire stock of units on the market, which in turn feeds into the rent component of the CPI or
the PCEPI. Movements in asking rents can therefore help forecast future rent inflation and future
overall inflation.
The Zillow Observed Price Rent Index tracks the asking rents of new rental units currently listed on
the market, based on Zillow’s database of rental properties. This index can be used to calculate an
inflation rate for asking rents. Figure 2 plots the 12-month rent inflation component of the CPI in
each of 15 MSAs along the vertical axis and the 1-year lagged Zillow asking rent inflation for the
same MSA along the horizontal axis, using data from January 2014 to December 2021. The figure
shows that current rent inflation is positively correlated with lagged asking rent inflation, indicating
that MSAs with higher observed asking rent inflation in one year are more likely to have higher rent
inflation over the following year.


FRBSF Economic Letter 2022-03

February 14, 2022

Research shows that
Figure 2
movements in current house
Lagged Zillow asking rent inflation predicts CPI rent inflation
prices can also help forecast
CPI rent inflation (12-month change)
future rent inflation and future
45-degree line
overall inflation (Brescia 2021,
Zhou and Dolmas 2021).
According to economic theory,
Slope = 0.54
the current price of a house
should be linked to the present
discounted value of the future
service flows or rent payments
that an owner or landlord could
expect from the house. The
Zillow Home Value Index tracks
the typical house price in a
Zillow rent price inflation (year-over-year)12-months prior
given MSA, based on recent
sales of comparable properties. Similar to Figure 2, current CPI rent inflation is positively correlated
with 1-year lagged Zillow house price inflation, indicating that MSAs with higher Zillow house price
inflation in one year are more likely to have higher rent inflation over the following year. However,
this relationship is a bit weaker than the relationship with Zillow asking rent inflation shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 3 plots the cumulative
Figure 3
growth in the Zillow rent and
Asking rents, house prices up by more than CPI rent index
house price indexes together
Index (1=February 2020)
with the CPI rent index since
Zillow house
February 2020, the month
price index
before the onset of the COVID19 pandemic in the United
States. Zillow’s rent index is up
Zillow rent
15.9% over the past 23 months
while Zillow’s house price index
is up 28.4%. In contrast, the
CPI rent
CPI rent index is up only 5.0%
over the same period. Given
that current asking rents and
current house prices are leading
indicators of future rents, the
pattern in Figure 3 suggests some risk that the CPI rent index could rise faster, which in turn would
push up future overall inflation.

Predicting future inflation using asking rents and house prices
We use monthly data on asking rents and house prices from 15 MSAs to predict the path of future
CPI rent inflation in the same MSAs over the subsequent 24 months. The data cover the period from

FRBSF Economic Letter 2022-03

February 14, 2022

January 2014 to December 2021. The prediction model considers how an individual MSA’s change
in CPI rent inflation over various future horizons relates to the most recent 12-month percentage
changes in Zillow asking rents and Zillow house prices for the same MSA. To isolate the predictive
impact of asking rents and house prices, we account for numerous time-varying MSA-specific
factors such as rent inflation trends, vacancy rates, and unemployment rates. We include time fixed
effects, which account for factors that are common across all MSAs, such as the 30-year mortgage
interest rate and the overall CPI inflation rate. We also include MSA fixed effects which account for
factors that are common within an MSA but remain fairly constant over time, such as differences in
housing variety or population density.
Our model confirms that an increase in current asking rents or current house prices can push up the
CPI rent index for a typical MSA for as long as 24 months into the future. Given the currently
elevated levels of Zillow asking rent inflation and Zillow house price inflation averaged across all
MSAs, the model predicts that CPI rent inflation will increase by about 3.4pp for both 2022 and
2023, relative to its historical average rate of 3.7%. The model predicts a similar path for future
OER inflation, but this prediction is less precise.
We can translate the model’s predicted path for future rent inflation into a predicted impact on
future overall inflation by using the weights that the CPI or PCEPI assign to rent and OER. In so
doing, we assume that the predicted paths for future rent inflation and future OER inflation are
identical. Applied to CPI inflation, our results imply an additional increase of 1.1pp for both 2022
and 2023. Applied to PCE inflation, which is the measure used by the Federal Reserve to gauge its
2% inflation target, our results imply an additional increase of 0.5pp for both 2022 and 2023.
Before the pandemic, PCE inflation historically averaged about 0.5pp below CPI inflation when
measured on a 12-month basis.
Figure 4 reports the separate
Figure 4
predicted contributions to
Impact of asking rents, house prices on future PCE inflation
future PCE inflation coming
Percentage point
from either rising asking rents
or rising house prices for both
2022 and 2023. By
Zillow house
price impact
construction, the two implied
contributions are independent
of one another, meaning that
they represent two distinct
causal effects. The impact of
Zillow asking
changes in asking rents on
rent impact
future PCE inflation is stronger
in 2023 than in 2022, reflecting
the long time that it takes for
movements in asking rents to
flow through to movements in the average rent of the entire stock of rental units in U.S. cities. In
contrast, changes in house prices affect future PCE inflation over a shorter time horizon, with nearly

FRBSF Economic Letter 2022-03

February 14, 2022

all of the impact occurring in 2022. These results show that changes in asking rents have a much more
persistent impact on future PCE inflation than do changes in house prices. As a caveat, it should be noted
that the model predictions about future inflation plotted in Figure 4 are based solely on past observed
movements in asking rents and house prices; we do not try to take into account the effects of possible future
monetary policy actions or movements in other macro variables in 2022 and 2023.

As the U.S. economy recovers from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, some increase in rent inflation
should be expected, given that landlords can ask for higher rents when prospective tenants are employed and
earning higher incomes. However, the extraordinarily large increases in two leading indicators of future rent
inflation—asking rent inflation and house price inflation—point to significant upside risks to the overall
inflation outlook. The potential increases are particularly significant for CPI inflation, which places a larger
weight on shelter costs. Still, the potential additions to PCE inflation of about 0.5pp for both 2022 and 2023
are important to consider in light of the Federal Reserve’s 2% inflation target.
Kevin J. Lansing is a senior research advisor in the Economic Research Department of the Federal Reserve
Bank of San Francisco.
Luiz E. Oliveira is a senior associate economist in the Economic Research Department of the Federal
Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
Adam Hale Shapiro is a vice president in the Economic Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank
of San Francisco.

Brescia, Eric. 2021. “Housing Insights: Housing Poised to Become Strong Driver of Inflation.” Fannie Mae Research
Publication (June 9).
Zhou, Xiaoqing, and Jim Dolmas. 2021. “Surging House Prices Expected to Propel Rent Increases, Push Up Inflation.”
FRB Dallas Economics (August 24).

Opinions expressed in FRBSF Economic Letter do not necessarily reflect the views of the management
of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco or of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System. This publication is edited by Anita Todd and Karen Barnes. Permission to reprint portions of
articles or whole articles must be obtained in writing. Please send editorial comments and requests for
reprint permission to

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