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Number 92-06, February 7, 1992

Progress in Retail Payments
Technological innovation has introduced new
retail payment methods that have the potential
to replace, to varying degrees, the traditional
methods of cash, check, and credit card. If
widely adopted, these new methods could increase retail payments efficiency by replacing
paper-based systems, especially checks, with
computer- and electronic-based systems. However, certain characteristics of the check system
and ef payments systems generally may inhibit
the widespread adoption of such systems. In this
issue of the Weekly Letter, I discuss these characteristics and the prospects for increased efficiency in retail payments.
The Automated Clearing House and direct debit
The most familiar and popular small value, or
"retail:' payment instruments are cash, check,
and credit card. As of 1987, approximately 83.4
percent of the total number of transactions in the
United States were conducted using cash, 14.1
percent were made by check, and 1.5 percent
were conducted using a credit card.

Relatively new and perhaps unfamiliar types of
retail payment methods include the Automated
Clearing House (ACH) and debit cards at the
poi nt of sale. Together, these payment methods
account for only about 0.3 percent of payments
made in the United States, the remainder consisting of travelers checks, money orders, wire transfers, and automated teller machine bill payment.

ACH. The ACH was established in the early
1970s, with the goal of providing an electronic
alternative to checks for regularly scheduled, relatively low-value payments. There are two types
of ACH transactions-credit and debit. ACH
credit transactions are initiated by the payor, and
debit transactions are initiated by the recipient of
funds, the payee. For debit transactions, the payor
has to agree beforehand that the payee will be
permitted to initiate such transfers. Credit and
debit transfers can be originated via diskette,
magnetic tape, or electronic transmission.
At present, the ACH is relatively underused by
the private sector. Less than 10 percent of
private sector employees receive their salaries


through the ACH, while about 46 percent of Social Security recipients receive their benefits and
67 percent of government employees receive
their salaries by this means.
Debit Cards at the Point of Sale. Debit cards are
magnetically encoded, machine-readable plastic
cards, like credit cards in appearance. They enable a customer to make a payment at the point
of sale that more or less automatically debits the
customer's deposit account and credits the merchant's account. Some point of sale (paS) systems are "off-line" in the sense that using a debit
card creates a paper sales draft which is used for
posting to accounts. Other
systems are "online" in the sense that customers' accounts are
debited completely electronically, either immediately or in a day or two. Gas stations, supermarkets,
convenience stores, and fast food restaurants,
where purchases typically are made with cash or
checks, are beginning to adopt pas systems, but
only gradually.


Debit pas would seem to offer several advantages to consumers, over checks at least. For
example, a debit pas transaction often is faster
than a check transaction. Retail customers have
to handwrite checks and often provide identification information that the merc;:hant must then
examine and perhaps transcribe onto the check.
In contrast, an on-line debit pas transaction requires the customer only to swipe a card through
a slot and key in transaction information and a
personal identification number on a keypad.
Also, many consumers appreciate the automatic
balancing and written record of purchases that
debit pas provides. In addition, balances can be
checked and cash can easily be obtained in conjunction with a debit pas transaction.
Relative costs
As noted above, the ACH and debit pas systems
account for only 0.3 percent of transactions in
the United States and are used much more infrequently than checks for retail payments. However,
economists Allen Berger and David Humphrey
have suggested that ACH and debit pas transactions are significantly more efficient than check
transactions. The processing and accounting

costs that payees incur and the processing and
transportation costs that the banking system and
the Federal Reserve incur in collecting these
pieces of paper account for a significant portion
of the cost disadvantage of checks

ovei elec-

tronic payment methods. Berger and Humphrey
estimate that the cost of an ACH transaction is
$0.29 and that ofa POS transaction is $0.47.
(The POS transaction cost figure is probably more
representative of on-line than of off-line POS
transactions.) A check transaction, on the other
hand, uses up $0.79 in real resources.
If checks are so inefficient and costly, then why
are they so popular? According to Berge"r and
Humphrey, the answer is that payors benefit from
check "float;' but don't pay enough for this benefit. Float is the interest the payor saves due to
good funds not being debited from his or her
bank account until some time after the good or

service has been transferred. Float arises because
it takes time to process, transport, and clear
checks and because the check recipient, the
payee, may not immediately deposit or cash the
check. Berger and Humphrey explain that people
who use checks don't pay enough for the benefit
of float in the sense that they don't fully compensate payees for their float costs-costs that arise
because payees don't receive good funds until
some time after the transaction occurs (although
often before the payor's account is debited). This
"underpricing" of float is at least partially due to
the constraints of custom, law, and logistics that
make it difficult to charge a different price if payment is made by check than if it is made by
some other means.
Prospects for reducing float anytime soon and
thereby encouraging the use of the ACH and
debit POS are dim. Float is not likely to be significantly reduced without the widespread
adoption of technological innovations such as
digital image processing that have the potential
to speed up check processing and collection.
Unfortunately, sufficiently high-speed systems
are still a few years off.
Eventually, though, a significant reduction in float
would likely be effective in reducing households'
and businesses' check usage. Dollar amounts for
business checks are large enough that the interest
saved due to float is significant. For businesses,
if float were substantially reduced, the relevant
alternative to checks would likely be the ACH.

Consumers, on the other hand, probably benefit
from float not because of the interest savings, but
rather because of the liquidity benefits of the
delayed debiting of their account. For example,
anecdotal evidence indicates that a significant
fraction of supermarket shoppers who pay for
their groceries with checks are awaiting an account credit (perhaps a paycheck deposit) but in
fact have insufficient funds in their accounts at
the time they write the check. For consumers, the
relevant alternative to checks would probably be
debit POS.

The pricing bugaboo
In both check payment systems and electronic
payment systems, the pricing of the payment
service itself is somewhat complicated. This
complexity may also be contributing to the
somewhat slow growth of debit POS; pricing
arrangements are well-established for checks,
but must still be wOiked out fOi debit POS.
Payment system pricing can be complex because
there are at least three supply and demand relationships, and therefore three prices, involved.
The first is the usual one-the price the buyer is
willing to pay the seller for the product, say,
tomatoes. The second price is the one the consumer's bank charges for debiting the consumer's
account. The third price is the one the merchant's
bank charges for crediting his account. All of
these prices are tied to one another because,
given the price of tomatoes, the more the customer has to pay for his payment service, the
fewer tomatoes he'll want to buy; similarly, the
more the merchant has to pay for his payment
service, the fewer tomatoes he'll want to sell.
Just as institutional and other constraints may
make it difficult for float to have the correct
price, they may also contribute to the complexity
of pricing in payment systems that involve multiple parties. This complexity is evident in the
variety of types of prices and fees that can exist.
For example, in certain systems, buyer's and seiler's banks may pay each other. In addition, a
bank may have to pay a third-party processor
several different types of fees.
Because debit POS is relatively new, participants
still have to work out appropriate pricing structures. Observers comment that myriad pricing
schemes now are used by regional POS networks
and that feasible pricing schemes for national


networks are being debated. For example,
there is some controversy surrounding the structure of one type of fee paid by merchants' banks.
The national on-line POS network, Interlink, has
reportedly instituted a 45-basis point "interchange fee," a side payment to be paid by the
merchant's bank to the customer's bank. This
type of interchange fee is a percentage of the
dollar value of a transaction. Apparently, many
merchants believe that percentage interchange
rates, as opposed to flat interchange fees per
transaction, will potentially lead to prohibitive
costs for them, and therefore vehemently oppose
the percentage rates.
The brief discussion above hints that we should
not be surprised if pricing issues are a sticking
point in the early stages of growth of debit POS.
It will naturally take time and experience to work
out pricing arrangements in these new systems.
The pricing of check services in the early days of
widespread check usage in the nineteenth and
beginning of the twentieth centuries also was
characterized by controversy.

For more than a century, the check has been a
very popular means of retail payment. Today,
electronic and computer technologies offer us
the opportunity to replace checks, to a large degree, with more efficient retail payment methods
such as the ACH and debit POS.

However, businesses and individuals will not
take advantage of this opportunity on a widespread basis at least until check float is somewhat diminished. This may happen if technology
significantly reduces the need for the physical
transport of checks, but such developments are
unlikely in the near future.
In addition, consumer use of debit POS will
require the solution of problems entailed in
working out mutually agreeable and beneficial
pricing arrangements. But, as long as POS network participants recognize the complications
inherent in the pricing of payments services and
are not bound by custom and past practice, more
and more debit POS terminals should begin
showing up at merchant locations over the next
several years.

Elizabeth Laderman

Humphrey, David B., and Allen N. Berger. 1990. "Market Failure and Resource Use: Economic Incentives
to Use Different Payment Instruments:' In The
Payment System: Efficiency, Risk and the Role of
the Federal Reserve, edited by David B. Humphrey.
Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.


Opinions expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the management of the Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco, or of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Editorial comments may be addressed to the editor or to the author.•.. Free copies of Federal Reserve publications can be
obtained from the Public Information Department, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, P.O. Box 7702, San Francisco 94120.
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Index to Recent Issues of FRBSF Weekly Letter






Aerospace Downturn
Public Preferences and Inflation
Bank Branching and Portfolio Diversification

11 /8


The Gulf War and the
The Negative Effects of Lender Liability
M2 and the Business Cycle
International Output Comparisons
Is Banking Really Prone to Panics?
Deposit Insurance: Recapitalize or RefOim?
Earnings Plummet at Western Banks
Bank Stock Risk and Return
The False Hope of the Narrow Bank
The Regional Concentration of Recessions
Real Wages in the 1980s
Solving the Mystery of High Credit Card Rates
The Independence of Central Banks
Taxpayer Risk in Mortgage Policy
The Problem of Weak Credit Markets
Risk-Based Capital Standards and Bank Portfolios
Investment Decisions in a Water Market
Red Ink
Presidential Popularity, Presidential Policies



The FRBSF Weekly Letter appears on an abbreviated schedule in June, July, August, and December.