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May 6, 1977

Pricing Alaskan Oil
With the impending opening of the
trans-Alaska pipeline system, government and industry officials will
soon have to make a number of
important decisions regarding the
pricing and marketing of North
Slope oil. The Prudhoe Bay
reserves-estimated to contain
some 9.6 billion barrels of crudeare widely believed to offer the best
hope of reversing the growing U.S.
dependence on insecure foreign
sources of oil. But important transportation and marketing problems
must yet be solved if that oil is
going to displace foreign oil in U.S.
With all the past decade's problems
now surmounted, North Slope oil
should begin flowing into the 789mile trans-Alaska pipeline at Prudhoe Bay next month. Oil should
reach the southern terminus at Valdez in August, and should arrive at
West Coast ports in September.
From an initial 600,000 barrels/day,
the flow of oil could reach 2.0 million b/d by 1985, if resources near
the main Prudhoe Bay reserve are
developed. Since U.S. imports of
crude and refined products are
currently running at almost 9.0 million b/d-approaching
half of all
U.S. petroleum consumptionNorth Slope production will not
bring independence from foreign
oil. But increased production from
that source and from domestic offshore areas could help reverse the
deteriorating trend of recent years.

West Coastsurplus?
Because of their relative proximity
to the Valdez terminal, West Coast
refineries are the natural outlet for
North Slope oil. Indeed, when Congress authorized pipeline construction in 1973, most experts expected
that all of the North Slope oil would
be required by refineries in Petroleum District V, which includes the
five Pacific states plus Nevada and
Arizona. But the OPEC-initiated
price escalation reduced the projected growth in demand for petroleum products, so that some North
Slope oil apparently will now be
surplus to the needs of the West
Coast region. Some idea of the
magnitude of the 1978-85 surplus
can be gained from examining the
West Coast's present supply.:
demand position and the Federal
Energy Administration's scenario
for the future.
In 1976, the 48 oil refineries operating in District V utilized about 2.1
of crude oil daily890,000 b/d from California, 173,000
b/d from Alaska, and the rest from
Canada, I ndonesia and other
eign sources. The Middle Eastsupplied only about 380,000 b/d, mostly high-sulfur oil. The FEA expects
West Coast refinery demand to increase from .the present 2.1 million
b/d to 2.9 million bid by 1985. This
would represent a 3Y2-percent annual rate of growth-below
the 5percent rate experienced over the
1968-73 period when the average

(continued on page 2)

r!e\/VS!etter do not
necessarily reflect the views of the management of the
Federa.l Reserve Bank of San Francisco, nor of the Board
of Governors of the Federai Reserve System.

price of oil was only one-fourth its
current level. The FEA'ssupplydemand forecast for the 1980-85
period assumesthat domestic oil
prices will be deregulated in 1981,
when present statutory controls expire, and reach an average of $13
per barrel by 1985(in 1975dollars).
California production from all
sources, including the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve,is expected
to rise from the present 890,000bid
to about 1.4 million bid by 1985.If
oil imports are reduced by twothirds to 300,000bid over that period, the maximum amount needed
to be filled from Alaskan sourcesby
1985would be about 1.2 million
bid. But Alaskan production in 1985
should reach 2.0 million bid, implying that markets would then have to
be found elsewhere for some
800,000bid. More importantly, the
surplus could reach 600,000bid as
early as next year-even with foreign imports reduced by half-at
presently projected levels of domestic production. Incidentally,
this situation would help explain
the Administration's justannounced plan to reduce Elk Hills
production from 150,000bid to

products, such as gasoline, demanded in the West. And indeed,
given the uncertainty surrounding
the pricing of North Slope oil under
present pricing regulations, some
companies have been slow to make
those necessaryinvestments. The
Administration has thus proposed a
rebuilding program for West Coast
refineries so that they could handle
high-sulphur Alaskan crude-but
has not indicated how the $20-30
million cost of that changeover
would be met.
Pricing issue
If imports are to be reduced, it is
essentialthat the cost of North·
Slope oil to domestic refineries be
lessthan that of foreign oil. But
becauseof the higher transportation costs involved in piping North
Slope oil to Valdez and then shipping it to West and Gulf Coast
ports, Federal regulators have had
considerable difficulty in determining how to handle North Slope oil
under present pricing regulations,
although they are expected to
make their recommendations to
Congressshortly. The issue is further complicated by the entitlements program, described below.

90,000 bid.

The FEAscenario assumesthat the
cost of North Slope oil to Western
refineries will be lessthan the average cost of imported crude, providing the incentive for refineries to
substitute North Slope oil for foreign oil. Still, imports would not be
completely eliminated, because
many refineries would not have the
necessarydesulfurization and other
equipment required to convert
North Slope crude into the Ulight"

Congresshas determined that domestic crude-oil prices generally
should not be allowed to rise to the
import (world market) level. The
EnergyPolicy and Conservation Act
of 1975established an average ceiling price for first salesof domestically produced oil at the wellhead.
This averageconsistsof a "Iowertier" price of $5.17/barrel for domestic oil from properties which
began producing before 1972and
an uupper-tier" price of about
$11.64/barrel for "new" oil from

properties developed after 1972. In
addition, refiners must pay an average current price of around $14.00
per barrel for imported oil.
Under the present system of multitiered oil prices, some mechanism
is essential to equalize the effective
acquisition costs of oil obtained at
different prices. Otherwise, wide
disparities would exist in refiners'
costs. Refiners having greater access to lower-priced oil would either reap substantial windfall profits
or drive their higher-cost competitors out of business. The entitlements program was established to
prevent such an eventuality. Under
this system, refiners having large
supplies of cheaper oil make cash
payments to refiners who depend
on more expensive oil, thus tending
to equalize the effective acquisition
cost of lower-tier, upper-tier and
imported crude oil to the refiner.·

Multi-tiered system
The start-up of North Slope oil
production raises the question of
how that oil should be treated under the present multi-tiered price
and entitlements system. One option would be to grant North Slope
oil the entitlement status of uppertier or "new" oil. But North Slope
producers claim that they could not
operate profitably under such circu mstances.
By the summer of 1977, foreign oil is
expected to be selling at an average
price of $14.45 per barrel. The entitlements program affords users of
foreign oil a $2-3 per barrel higher
entitlement credit than is available
to users of upper-tier oil. To be
competitive, North Slope producers therefore would have to sell

their oil on the West Coast for
approximately $11.50-12.50per barrel. Subtracting transportation costs
(about $6 per barrel) would leave a
wellhead price of only $5.50-6.50
per barrel-too low to encourage
further North Slope development.
For those reasons, the FEA is expected to recommend that North
Slope oil be subjeCt to the uppertier price ceiling·but treated as
imported oil for entitlement purposes. This would allow North
Slope producers to sell their oil on
the West Coast for $14.45 per barrel, permit users to obtain payments
of $2-3 per barrel under the entitlements program, and thereby allow
North Slope producers to realize a
wellhead price of $7.50-8.50 per
barrel. Users meanwhile would pay
an effective price of $11.50-12.50
per barrel. North Slope producers
of course would prefer that the
price of their oil be exempt from
price ceilings altogether, and allowed to fluctuate freely in accordance with world market prices.
The outcome of the Alaskan oil
pricing issue will be of vital importance to producers and refiners,
and also to the Alaskan government. Alaskan officials want the
highest wellhead price possible,
because that price will help determine how much revenue the state
receives from North Slope oil production as well as how much
oil is produced on the North Slope.
That situation in turn will help determine the feasibility of building
pipeline systems to carry surplus
West Coast oil to other importdependent regions.
Yvonne Levy

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• 4Bln •
B! U.lO}!I B:)

• BPBA8N .04 BPI






(Dollar amounts in millions)



Loans(gross,adjusted) and investments*
Security loans
Commercial and industrial
Real estate
Consumer instalment
Other securities
Deposits (lesscash items)-total*
Demand deposits (adjusted)
U.S. Government deposits
Time deposits-total*
Statesand political subdivisions
Other time deposits:!:
Large negotiable CD's


- 2,160
- 1,166
- 225
- 129
+ 128
- 1,075
- 776
- 1,063
+ 201
- 148
+ 196
- 140
- 112
- 114

Weekly Averages
of Daily Figures

Week ended

SelectedAssetsand UabiliiBes
Large Commercial Banks

Member Bank ReservePosition
ExcessReserves(+)/Deficiency H
Net free(+)/Net borrowed H
Federal Funds-Seven Large Banks
Interbank Federalfund transactions
Net purchases(+)/Net salesH
Transactionswith dealers
Net loans (+)/Net borrowings H



Change from
year ago
+ 8.32
+ 7,327
+ 7,288
+ 11.16
+ 380
+ 31.30
+ 1,459
+ 6.61
+ 13.53
+ 2,687
+ 15.70
+ 1,721
- 6.90
+ 736
+ 5.80
+ 8.20
+ 7,223
+ 12.91
+ 3,150
- 252 - 33.47
+ 6.43
+ 3,956
- 1,404
- 20.31
+ 23.57
+ 6,090
- 542
- 2.05
- 2,052
- 17.93


Week ended

year-ago period










+ 1,468

+ 1,391



+ 1,105



*Includes items not shown separately.:!:Individuals,partnerships and corporations.
Editorial comments may be addressedto the editor (William Burke) or to the author.•••
Information on this and other publications can be obtained by calling or writing the Public
Information Section, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, P.O. Box 7702, San Francisco94120.
Phone (415) 544-2184.