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Number 95-31, September 22, 1995

Output-Inflation Tradeoffs
and Central Bank Independence
Countries around the world-from the European
Community to Mexico to New Zealand-have
moved, or are moving, to restructure their central
banking laws to increase the political independence of the authorities charged with the conduct
of monetary policy. These actions are motivated
in part by research results which suggest that a
high degree of central bank independence has
the potential to yield low average inflation with
no detrimental effects on real activity. In particular, research generally concludes that, at least for
the world's developed economies, greater central
bank independence is associated with lower average inflation and lower inflation variability but
not with differences in average GDP growth or
its variability. The most common explanation for
this finding is that independence allows a central bank to resist political pressure to engage in
short-run expansionary policies that would tend
to lead to higher average inflation. Others have
argued that central bank independence does not
cause low inflation directly, but that strong political constituencies favoring low inflation also tend
to support central bank independence as one
means of achieving their inflation objectives.
Recently, however, several researchers (Debelle
and Fischer 1994, Walsh 1994) have suggested
that central bank independence may strengthen
the effects of monetary policy on real activity.
In particular, evidence indicates that the real
output loss associated with episodes of inflation
reduction, that is, the output-inflation tradeoff,
has been larger in countries with more independent central banks. And greater central bank
independence appears to be associated with
larger real effects of changes in nominal income
growth. This implies that changes in monetary
policy seem to have larger short-run effects on
real output and employment in those countries
that have more independent central banks.
These results present a puzzle. It is commonly
argued that increased central bank independence is likely to lower the costs of disinflation
by increasing the credibility of announced poli-

cies to reduce inflation. If a disinflationary policy
announced by the central bank is believed, the
resulting expectation of lower future inflation
should quickly act to moderate wage and price
increases, thereby contributing immediately to a
reduction in inflation without requiring an economic slowdown and a rise in unemployment. If
greater central bank independence is associated
with greater credibility, one would expect that
disinflations would be less costly in countries
with more independent central banks. The puzzle is that we see the opposite. This Weekly
Letter reviews the results on the relationshiD between the output-inflation tradeoff and ce~tral
bank independence, and it discusses some possible solutions to this puzzle.

Tradeoff estimates
Figure 1 illustrates the relationship between the
short-run output-inflation tradeoff and a measure
of central bank independence for a sample of
21 industrialized countries (see Walsh 1994 for
further details). The tradeoff is measured by the
fraction of a change in nominal GDP growth that
shows up in the short-run as a change in real
CDP growth. A value of 0.5, for example, would
mean that a policy designed to reduce nominal
CDP growth by 4 percentage points would reduce real CDP growth by half of this, or 2 percentage points, in the first year. A large estimated value implies that changes in nominal
GDP growth are associated with large real output effects in the short run. In the longer run,
changes in nominal income growth caused by
monetary policy show up fully in changes in the
rate of inflation with no change in average real
CDP growth.
The measure of central bank independence is
from an index constructed by Cukierman, Webb,
and Neyapti (1992; hereafter CWN). Their index,
which is commonly used in these and related
analyses, is based on extensive data concerning
the legal characteristics of central banks for a
large sample of developed and developing countries. The data categories range from information


dependence and the short-run output-inflation
tradeoff are related to common determinants.
So the next step is to explore this and other

Figure 1
Tradeoff vs. Central Bank Independence

Central bank independence
and nominal rigidity





•• • • • • •
• •• •


• -----o 1------.-.- -




CWN - Index of CB Independence


on who appoints the central bank's CEO, term
lengths for central bank governors, and the provisions for the CEO's dismissal, to information
on the terms of government borrowing from the
central bank.
Figure 1 shows that higher values of the tradeoff
parameter are clearly associated with greater
central bank independence; in statistical terms,
the correlation for this sample is 0.62 (which is
even higher than the 0.43 correlation reported in
Walsh (1994) for 11 European Community countries). Parallel results are found if direct estimates
of the output or unemployment costs associated
with specific episodes of disinflation are used.
The positive association between the short-run
tradeoff and central bank independence might
suggest a causal relationship, that is, policies implemented by more independent central banks to
reduce inflation-Le., policies that lead to slower
nominal income growth-will cause large reductions in real economic growth and make disinflation costly, while their expansionary policies
will have larger real output effects initially, before
they eventually led to higher rates of inflation.
Thus, while greater central bank independence
appears to be associated with greater costs of reducing inflation, it also appears to be associated
with the ability to let the money supply expand
temporarily without causing the public to fear a
rise in future inflation.
Alternatively, this association between the central
bank's political independence and the costs of
disinflation may not be causal. Instead, it may
simply reflect the fact that both central bank in-

Most discussions of central bank independence
have focused on the potential effect on expectations associated with the increased credibility
for low inflation that might accompany independence-that is, on the speed with which
inflation expectations adjust. In this discussion,
however, we will focus on another determinant
of the short-run output-inflation tradeoff, namely,
the factors determining the slope of the tradeoff
for given expectations about inflation-the slope
of the short-run Phillips Curve (see Figure 2).
The slope of the short-run Phillips Curve depends on the nature of nominal wage and price
rigidities in the economy, and two channels
through which the central bank's behavior, and
its degree of political independence, might influence the slope of the Phillips Curve suggest
themselves. First, New Keynesian models suggest the slope will depend on the average level
of inflation. Higher average inflation increases
the frequency of price changes, thereby reducing
nominal rigidity and producing a steeper Phillips
Curve (Le., changes in nominal growth translate
more quickly into inflation and have smaller real
output effects). Since independent central banks
seem to deliver lower average inflation, central
bank independence should be associated with
flatter ?hort-run Phillips Curves. Under this hypothesis, it is low average inflation that affects the
tradeoff, not central bank independence directly.
Second, the structure of nominal wage contracts
will depend on the relative importance of nominal and real economic disturbances. A reduction
in nominal variability, as might be associated
with increased central bank independence, reduces the need for wage indexation and simultaneously lowers the costs of long-term nominal
contracting. If independent central banks tend to
generate a more stable economic environment
that produces longer nominal wage contracts
or less indexation, then the degree of nominal
rigidity in the economy will rise. This flattens
the short-run Phillips Curve. That is, the nature
of contracts may be affected by the conduct of
monetary policy.
One way to examine if these hypotheses can
account for the evidence is to see whether
the index of central bank independence is still
associated with the tradeoff estimates once any
association with average inflation and inflation
volatility is removed. If central bank independence is associated with the tradeoff only through


Figure 2
Phillips Curve


its effect on average inflation or its volatility, removing the effects of these should also remove
any association with central bank independence.
VVnen the association with each country's average level of inflation is removed, the correlation
with CWN does decline, but only from 0.61 to
0.56. So it is not just through average inflation
that central bank independence is associated
with the output-inflation tradeoff. For example,
countries such as Belgium and Japan, which
have dependent central banks but relatively low
average inflation, should have large estimated
tradeoff parameters if it is just average inflation
that matters; they don't.
The association with inflation volatility can also
be removed, but CWN continues to be correlated with the part of the tradeoff parameter not
explained by inflation variability. Again, central
bank independence does not seem to be affecting the tradeoff solely by affecting inflation volatility. When the tradeoff measure's association
with both average inflation and inflation volatility
is removed, the correlation with CWN is reduced
further, but it is still positive (0.41).
The general conclusion is that central bank independence is associated with cross-country variations in the short-run output-inflation tradeoff,
even after controlling for average inflation and its

As with the evidence on the negative correlations
between central bank independence and average
rates of inflation, the empirical results reported
here cast little direct light on the important issue
of causality. Does the establishment of central
bank independence lead to labor market structures that make reducing inflation more costly
a,nd monetary expansions more potent? Or are
countries where monetary policy has large real
effects more likely to establish independent central banks so that monetary policy is less likely
to be exploited for short-term partisan political
gain? Flat Phillips Curves make disinflations
more costly, but they also raise the temptation to
engage in expansionary policies, a factor that
tends to boost the inflationary bias of discretionary policy. But these factors might increase the
value of an independent central bank that maintains a low average rate of inflation.
If central bank independence plays a causal role
in actually affecting the tradeoff, then the findings described here can also be interpreted as
revealing an additional benefit of an independent
central bank that maintains low average inflation.
With monetary policy a more potent tool for affecting economic activity in the short run, an
independent central bank is better able to affect
the real economy should a recession threaten to
become serious.

Carl E. Walsh
Professor of Economics, UC Santa Cruz
and Visiting Scholar, FRBSF
Cukierman, A., S. B. Webb, and B. Neyapti. 1992.
"Measuring the Independence of Central Banks
and its Effects on Policy Outcomes:' The World
Bank Economic Review 6, pp. 353-398.
Debelle, Guy, and Stanley Fischer. 1994. "How Independent Should a Central Bank Be?" In Goals,

Guidelines, and Constraints Facing Monetary Policymakers, J. Fuhrer, ed., Federal Reserve Bank of
Walsh, Carl E. 1995. "Central Bank Independence and
the Short-Run Output-Inflation Tradeoff in the European Community." In Monetary and Fiscal Policy
in an Integrated Europe, B. Eichengreen, J. Frieden,
and J. v. Hagen, eds. Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp.


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San Francisco, or of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Editorial comments may be addressed to the editor
or to the author. Free copies of Federal Reserve publications can be obtained from the Public Information Department, Federal
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Research Department

Federal Reserve

Bank of
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P.o. Box 7702
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Index to Recent Issues of FRBSF Weekly Letter








Reduced Deposit Insurance Risk
Rules vs. Discretion in New Zealand Monetary Policy
Mexico and the Peso
Regional Effects of the Peso Devaluation
1995 District Agricultural Outlook
Has the Fed Gotten Tougher on Inflation?
Responses to Capital Inflows in Malaysia and Thailand
Financial Liberalization and Economic Development
Central Bank Independence and Inflation
Western Banks and Derivatives
Monetary Policy in a Changing Financial Environment
Inflation Goals and Credibility
The Economics of Merging Commercial and Investment Banking
Financial Fragility and the Lender of Last Resort
Understanding Trends in Foreign Exchange Rates
Federal Reserve Policy and the Predictability of Interest Rates
New Measures of Output and Inflation
Rebound in U.s. Banks' Foreign Lending
Is State and Local Competition for Firms Harmful?
Productivity and Labor Costs in Newly Industrializing Countries
Using Consumption to Track Movements in Trend GDP


The FRBSF Weekly Letter appears on an abbreviated schedule in june, july, August, and December.