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February 18, 1977






Mother N atL l re on Strike
Along with the Blizzard of '88 (1888,
that isL the Big Freeze of '77 willbe
long remembered in folk mythology as one of the nation's most memorable physical disasters. Yet opinion remains divided over how longlasting its economic effects will be.
Some observers believe that the
freeze will affect the economy in
the same way as the OPEC pricerise/oil-embargo; others believe
that its impact will be closer to that
of a major strike. The distinction is
important, because the economy
generally has recovered quickly
from strikes, whereas it sank into a
deep recession following the oil
shock of 1973. (Of course, other
factors also contributed to that recession.) To date, the shock of the
freeze mostly resembles the shock
of a major strike-Mother
on strike, as it were. In dealing with
this type of supply shock, normal
policy instruments generally are not
very helpful.
The damage indeed has been severe. Thousands of plants were shut
down in the nation's heartland as
the cold stalled all types of transport and the natural-gas shortage
closed off gas supplies to factories
and commercial establishments.
Forced shutdowns caused the auto
industry to reduce production
schedules by almost 150,000 cars
and trucks. At the peak in early
February, weather-caused layoffs
added about 1.8 million to the un-

employment rolls. There were relatively few beneficiaries of all this
havoc, aside from Arab oil producers, Mexican vegetable growersand perhaps Japanese TV set producers, since shut-in Americans
spent a record 72 hours daily in
front of their TV sets during this
firozera assets

The commercial-banking sector
was affected in various ways by the
freeze, apart from all the operational problems caused by weather.
Consumer borrowing, a major
source of strength in late 1976, had
been expected to accelerate in early 1977, but now this is much less
certain. Recent layoffs have reduced consumer income and willingness to borrow, and this uncertainty cou Id persist until workers
begin receiving overtime checks in
the post-freeze recovery period.
And as long as consumer spending
lags, the long-expected improvement in borrowing for business
inventories should be delayed.
Also, the weather-related worsening of inflationary expectations
could again delay the long-awaited
rise in business borrowing for capital spending.
To some extenc though, the bad
weather has created its own loan
demand. Firms forced to close by
severe weather may need to beat a
path through the snow to their

(continued on page 2)

banksto replenish cash positions,
and also to get funds to meet their
mid-March corporate tax payments. (Thesepaymentsshould be
larger than usual anyway, in view of
the 1976 shortfall in businesstax
payments.)Some individuals and
smaller businessesalso may be
seeking emergencycredits because
of their weather-causedproblems.
Still, any significant rise in bank
borrowing may have to await the
projected post-freeze recovery in
hozen foods-and gas
The weather disasterhasseverely
affected Florida's agricultural sector, and the lossesthere may not be
offset by gains in other growing
areasbecauseof the impact of the
Western drought. By some estimates,Florida couId lose 30-35percent of what would have been a
bumper citrus crop, and as a result,
wholesale prices of frozen orangejuice concentrate have already risen 12.5 percent. A number of vegetable crops were almost lost to the
freeze, causingprices to rise 30 to
50 percent. But these increasesmay
be temporary, and prices could
drop back to their original levels by
April as replanted crops begin to
appear in the markets.
The weather impact on the energy
sector hasbeen felt most severelyin
the form of a natural-gasshortage,
which had been anticipated anyway
becauseof the price ceilings affecting deliveries between gasproducing and consuming states.The crisis


led to the passageof the Emergency
Natural GasAct, which was designed to meet the needsof highpriority usersin shortage areasby
facilitating the transfer of supplies
from surplusareas.Under this legislation, the Administration can allocate availablesupplies among different areasof the country, and can
permit emergency purchasesat
above-ceiling prices. But domestic
and foreign producers have already
contracted for most of their limited
supplies,so the effects of the legislation on supply and price may be
The increaseddemand for alternative fuels in this situation could.
exert additional pressureon fuel-oil
and coal supplies,although many
userswould hayetrouble making
the switch to thesefuels. Meanwhile, refineries may have to devote an abnormally high proportion
of their output to heating fuels in
the next severalmonths, and this
could create a gasolineshortage in
the summer-driving season,leading
to new price pressuresin that important market.
The energy legislation may solve
some of the problems of highpriority users,such as households
and institutions, but it doesn't solve
the problems created by recent
factory shutdowns. Indeed, some
emergencygasshipmentswill have
to be used to replenish severely
depleted reservoirs,to prevent
even worse shortagesnext year.
Without a marked improvement in
the weather in coming weeks,the

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _. _problems of industrial userscould
Nature on shoKe
All these piecesof evidence suggest
that the economy has undergone a
severeshock-but a shock on the
supply side, not the type of
demand-side shock that would resuIt from a major shift in fiscal or
monetary policy. The shock to supply has been likened either to an
OPEC-styleembargo/price hike or
to a major strike-a crucial distinction, because of the qualitative and

quantitative differences between
the two. Major strikes have differed
substantiallyfrom the OPEC's1973
actions, which led to a major transfer of real wealth from oilconsuming to producing nations,
and which thus contributed to the
severity of the 1974-75downturn.
Also, each type of shock generally
has involved an increasein the
relative prices of important factors
of production, but no major strike
hasyet causeda permanent lossof
productive capacity comparable to
that from the oil-shock-that is, no
strike hascauseda quadrupling of
wagesin an entire industry. In these
respects,then, the effects of the big
freeze are most closely akin to
those of a big strike.
Severalmajor strikes have occurred
in basic industry during the past
severaldecades-the coal strike of
1949,the steel strike of 1959,and
the General Motors strike of 1970.
The overall impact of the first two is
difficult to evaluate; both had been
long anticipated, so that firms

- _ .•_- - -

stockpiled a great deal of material
in advance,and then went through
a prolonged period of liquidation
after each event. Lessof this occurred on the occasionof the GM
strike, and that event thus provides
us with a better chance to evaluate
the output/employment effects
and the rate of recovery from a
sudden supply shock.
Partly becauseof the GM strike,
real GNP dropped at a 3.9-percent
annual rate during the fourth quarter of 1970,but then rose at a 9.2percent rate during the following
quarter. Within two months of the
end of the strike, the national economy recovered all of the lost retail
salesand about 90 percent of the
layoffs associatedwith the strike.
No lingering supply constraintsresuited from the GM strike, whereas
the recent cold snapcou Id lead to a
continued problem with naturalgassupplies, becauseof depleted
reservesand reduced pipeline
pressures.Aside from that, our analogy suggeststhat most of the
lossesfrom cold-induced stoppages
will be made up during the second
quarter of this year, provided of
course that weather patterns return
to normal. During the spring
months, a recovery from the firstquarter shortfall, plus the current
growth in demand, should generate
a temporarily high rate of growth. If
that is true, there would be little
reasonfor extra financial stimulus
beyond the amount currently contemplated.

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m Vd
lDVW SSV13 ! SHR:i

(Dollar amounts in millions)



Loans (gross, adjusted) and investments*
Loans (gross, adjusted)-total
Security loans
Commercial and industrial
Real estate
Consumer instalment
U.S. Treasury securities
Other securities
Deposits (less cash items)-total*
Demand deposits (adjusted)
U.S. Government deposits
Time deposits-total*
States and political subdivisions
Savings deposits
Other time depositst
Large negotiable CD's


+ 809
+ 1,751
+ 260
+ 270
- 875
+ 305
- 405
- 343
- 429

Weekly Averages
of Daily Figures

Week ended

SelectedAssetsand liabilities
large Commercial Banks


Change from
year ago
+ 5.72
+ 9.90
+ 74.60
- 2.16
+ 10.81
+ 15.75
- 15.76
+ 1.36
+ 3.89
+ 11.50
- 55.37
+ 2.71
- 18.39
+ 27.52
- 9.96
- 32.02

+ 5,023
+ 6,442
+ 655
+ 2,122
+ 1,684
- 1,592
+ 173
+ 3,437
+ 2,677
- 371
+ 1,692
- 1,345
+ 6,655
- 2,797
- 4,244

Week ended

year-ago period

Member Bank ReservePosition
ExcessReserves (+)/Deficiency
Net free(+)/Net borrowed H












+ 1,358






Federal Funds-Seven large Banks
Interbank Federal fund transactions
Net purchases (+)/Net sales H
Transactions with dealers
Net loans (+)/Net borrowings H



*Includes items not shown separately. tlndividuals, partnerships and corporations.

Editorial comments may be addressedto the editor (William Burke) or to the author. . . .
Information on this and other publications can be obtained by calling or writing the Public
Information Section, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, P.O. Box 7702, San Francisco94120.
Phone (415) 544-2184.