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Number 94-02, January 14, 1994

Market Risk and Bank Capital:
Part 2
In last week's Weekly Letter (94-01) I described
the problem of market risk in banking and the
efforts of the Basle Committee on Banking Supervision to deal with it. The Basle Committee
proposes to set bank capital standards to cover
losses due to fluctuating exchange rates, interest
rates, and stock prices. In this sequel, I evaluate
the proposals. I argue that there are good conceptual grounds for the approach taken by the
Basle Committee, and that the proposal is an admirable balance of simplicity and precision. I
also present evidence that the approach, desirable in principle, may work well in practice.
As explained in the earlier Letter, the Basle Committee's approach first consolidates a bank's market exposures into net positions for the bank as a
whole. The results are composite portfolios-in
different currencies, equities, or maturities in the
case of traded debt-that summarize the market
risks the bank faces. The bank's position in each
of these currencies, equities, or maturities is either long (gaining from an increase in the market)
or short (losing from an increase). In each case,
the riskiness of a bank's market-sensitive portfolio is assumed to be proportional to the size of
the portfolio. The proposals gauge size through a
weighted sum of two measures of the aggregate
portfolio position: the net aggregate position, or
NAP, which is the difference in value between
long and short positions, and gross aggregate
position, or GAp, which is the sum of the long
and short positions. In the earlier Letter, I christened the result WAp, for "weighted aggregate

WAP versus a theoretical benchmark
It is easy to compute gross and net positions for
any portfolio, and from those construct WAP. But
does this make sense as an approach to measur~
ing risk? That is, is the actual market risk of a
bank's portfolio likely to be proportional to
WAP? Finance theory provides a solid benchmark measure of risk against which the Basle
Committee proposals can be judged. In finance,
risk often is measured by the portfolio variance,

or by its square root, which is the portfolio standard deviation. (The standard deviation is related
to the average size of unexpected shocks to a
bank's capitaL) These rigorous measures of risk
depend partly on the size of the positions the
bank takes; they also depend on the volatility of
each exchange rate, stock price, or interest rate,
and on the covariances or correlations among
these market variables.
Under certain simplifying assumptions about the
structure of bank positions, market volatilities,
and correlations between different rates or prices,
the Basle Committee's WAP-based approach is
related to the portfolio standard deviation. Spec
cifically, the portfolio variance is theoretically
equal to a weighted sum of the squares of GAP
and NAP. (For details, see Levonian 1994.) It follows that WAp, as a simple weighted sum of the
same GAP and NAP, plausibly can be viewed as
a linear approximation to the portfolio standard
deviation; with correctly chosen weights, WAP
could be a reasonable measure of the market risk
of a bank's portfolio.
Why not just use the portfolio standard deviation
itself, instead of something like WAP that is at
best an approximation? Calculating a portfolio
standard deviation is complicated, at least compared to typical banking regulations. In addition,
it requires estimates of market volatilities and
correlations, and these would be difficult to codify into capital standards. Such complications
tend to increase the costs of implementing and
enforcing the standards, and raise .the cost to
banks of complying. The precision of a risk measure such as the portfolio standard deviation would
bring some benefits, but perhaps not enough to
outweigh the added costs of complexity. International regulatory bodies consistently have preferredsimpler approaches, and WAP represents a
happy balance of precision and simplicity.

Choosing the weights
Theoretical modeling shows that WAP can be a
good proxy for the actual risk, if the weights are

chosen properly. Theory also has implications for
the best weightings of GAP and NAP. Each constructed bank portfolio consists of net positions
in its various components: currencies, equity issues, or debt maturities. The model suggests that,
ideally, NAP should be weighted more heavily
the larger the number of distinct components,
or the more highly correlated movements in the
prices of the components tend to be, with GAP
given correspondingly less weight under those
conditions. Together, the number of components
and the correlations determine the best relative
weights on GAP and NAP; the absolute level of
the weights depends on the overall market volatility of exchange rates, interest rates, or stock
Many elements of the Basle Committee's proposals are roughly in line with the results of the
theoretical model. For example, the equity risk
proposal places higher absolute weights on NAP
and GAP than does the foreign exchange risk
proposal; this makes sense, since stocks are generally more volatile than currencies. For diversified equity portfolios, the weight on GAP is reduced to 50 percent; this fits with the theoretical
observation that GAP should get relatively less
weight in diversified portfolios.
The proposal covering the interest rate risk arising from traded debt securities has a more complicated structure, and although similar, it is
not exactly the same as the other two segments.
However, it too is broadly consistent with the
implications of the theoretical model. Longs
and shorts are netted in stages, within and then
across maturity bands. At each stage some of the
netting is disallowed, meaning that some portions of the opposi ng short and long positions
are not permitted to offset. As described in Part 1,
the effect of the disallowances is to set relative
weights for NAP and GAP at each stage of the
calculation, with a smaller disallowance factor
implying heavier weight on NAP.
Ideally, NAP should get more weight if correlations are higher, and this is precisely what happens in the proposal: Disallowance factors (and
therefore the weights on GAP) are low for debt
securities with similar maturities, which are
likely to be highly correlated. Within a single
maturity band, the weights implied by the disallowance factors are 95 percent on NAp, 5
percent on GAP. Exposures in different maturity·
or repricing bands tend to be less correlated, and
the disallowances shift theweights for netting

across adjacent bands to 85 and 15 or 80 and 20
percent. Disallowances are highest for exposures
at opposite ends of the maturity spectrum: When
netting long term against short term, the weight
on NAP is only 25 percent, with 75 percent on
GAP. Thus, the system of disallowances is a simple, logical way to incorporate the fact that not
all interest rates change in the same way at the
same time.

How good?
The results of the formal, abstract model suggest
that in principal WAP could work as the basis for
market risk capital standards. But the Basle Committee has proposed specific variants of WAp,
with specific weights, for each of the three types
of market risk. Whether the Basle proposals are
likely to work well in practice can be judged
only by examining how well they track risk in
actual bank portfolios.
To develop a feel for the empirical performance
of at least one of the three proposals, I examined
data that federal banking supervisors have colbanks' foreign currency exposures.
lected on
The data are consolidated foreign currency exposures for each bank at particular reporting
dates. Bank portfolios from 1990, 1991, and 1992
were sampled. From these, it is straightforward to
compute GAP, NAp, and WAP.


The standard deviation of changes in the value of
these bank portfolios is needed as a benchmark
for evaluating the performance of the Basle Committee's equally weighted WAP. This requires estimating variances of all of the relevant exchange
rates, as well as their correlations. Exchange rate
data for these calculations came from the period
1980-1992. The variances are combined with
the bank currency portfolios to provide the benchmark measures of actual foreign exchange market
Tests showed that the Basle Committee's foreign
exchange proposal works well: equally weighted
WAP picked up over 95 percent of the variation
in foreign exchange risk as measured by the theoretically correct portfolio standard deviation.
WAP was clearly proportional to portfolio risk,
and the proportional relationship has been largely
stable over time. Such good performance is remarkable from a simple construct like WAP.
Similar empirical analysis of the other two parts
of the market risk proposals would be useful.
Some testing has been done at central banks in

various countries. The bulk of those analyses and
their results are confidential; however, they generally support the methods and weightings incorporated in the proposals.

The approach to market risks and bank capital
standards taken by the Basle Committee rests
on a solid conceptual foundation. A theoretical
analysis shows that it might be expected to work
well in principle; the specifics as formulated by
the Basle Committee seem broadly in accordance with the theory. Empirical tests of one part
of the plan, the proposal for foreign exchange
risk, suggest that at least this aspect of the framework is likely to worR well in practice. The Basle
Committee's proposals not only are simple, and
therefore practical, but seem reasonably precise
in their assessment of the market risks banks

The Basle Committee has asked for comments
on the draft proposals. Testing and refinement of
the framework will continue, probably for some
time. As discussed in this pair of Weekly Letters,
the current version of the market risk capital
standards looks promising, and should help correct some of the more obvious deficiencies of
the original 1988 risk-based capital standards.

Mark E. Levonian
Research Officer

Levonian, Mark. 1994. "Bank Capital Standards for
Foreign Exchange and Other Market Risks:' Federal
Reserve Bank of San Francisco Economic Review

Opinions expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the management of the Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco, or of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Editorial comments may be addressed to the editor or to the author..•. Free copies of Federal Reserve publications can be
obtained from the Public Information Department, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, P.O. Box 7702, San Francisco 94120.
Phone (415) 974-2246, Fax (415) 974-3341.

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Index to Recent Issues of FRBSF Weekly Letter



Interdependence: u.s. and japanese Real Interest Rates
NAFTA and U,S. jobs
japan's Keiretsu and Korea's Chaebol
Interest Rate Risk at U.s. Commercial Banks
Whither California?
Economic Impacts of Military Base Closings and Realignments
Bank Lending and the Transmission of Monetary Policy
Summer Special Edition: Touring the West
The Federal Budget Deficit, Saving and Investment, and Growth
Adequate's not Good Enough
Have Recessions Become Shorter?
California's Neighbors
Inflation, Interest Rates and Seasonality
Difficult Times for japanese Agencies and Branches
Regional Comparative Advantage
Real Interest Rates
A Pacific Economic Bloc: Is There Such an Animal?
NAFTA and the Western Economy
Are World Incomes Converging?
Monetary Policy and Long-Term Real Interest Rates
Banks and Mutual Funds
Inflation and Growth
Market Risk and Bank Capital: Part 1


The FRBSF Weekly Letter appears on an abbreviated schedule in June, July, August, and December.