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December7, 1979.

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. Making Transit Work
pcesent differential, however, is only about
1 cent per passenger mile, putting transit
at a severe conlpetitive disadvanfaseto the
automobile-and making unsubsidlzed,
priva1e provision of transit service-virtually
uneconomic. On 1977, privately-owned
systems accounted for only 8 percent of all
transit trips.)

Accolding to recent opinion polls, most
Americans believe that we have "too little"
public transit Govemment has responded
to this sentiment with massive transit-subsidy
programs. Capital and operating grants
to transit systems from Federal, state and local
govemments now average about $4.5 billion
annually, or about 75 cents for each
passenger trip. Moleover, Pn!sident Carter
has proposed lnaeasing Federal assistance
by $13 billion over the next ten years.

Although policymakers (and·the public)
recognize the inefficiency inherent in the
pcesent system, they'are somewhat reluctant
to remedy the problem directly by devising
methods to charse for costly peak-hour road
usase. Instead, they try to redress the
imbalance by subsidizing public-transit
systems. But as Leon Moses of Nor1hwestern
University has argued, the imbal� is so
severe that it can bec:orrecb!d only by paying
people to take transit As a result, present
policy yields the worst of both worlds:
massive, but Ineffective transit subsidies and
no relief from highway congestion
. .

Despite this public largess, few people
actually ride transit systems-less than
6 percent of all commuters, for example.
Although the gasoline shortage last.spring
generated some additional business, transit
generally has not cut into automobile use
Between 1973 and 1978, auto travel gwew
fasterthan trimsittraffic despite higherenergy
costs and transit.subsidies. To a larse degree,
of course, the auto's success is dlie to Its very
attractive service features, such as Its high
level of privacy and flexibility. Even so, our
transpor:tation policies may encourage too
much use of the automobile and too little use
of transit This article reviews some of the
ways by which economists believe an
efficient balance between transit and the
automobile can be restored.

Rapid rail transit
Although the reform of road pricing is the
crucial missing element in our current transit
policies, the imbalance betWeen transit and
the automobile can also be improved by
better use of existing public-transit funds.
One way to do so is to support transit
technologies which are clOse substitutes for
the automobile. This would tend to rule out
fixed-rail rapid transit, which is generally not
a close substitute for the automobile In most
American cities.

HlahwaY pridns refonn
Foremost on the agenda for reform are our
policies invoMng chaqJes for highway use
As pointed out In our August 24 Weekly
l.eUer, economic efficiency tequires that
vehicles be chalged (through the use of tolls
or special permits) for the delays they impose



The ineffectiveness of rail transit follows from
the technologtcal constraints on the type of
service it can provide. Although offering

upen·other vehicles during periods of traffic
oongeStion. Since a car carries many fewer
passengers tftan a bus, the congestiori charge
per passenger should be much gteater for the
car. A recent study of Qllifomia freeway
traffic suggests that auto costs should
be greater than bus costs by about 19 cents
per passenger mile �uring peak periods. The

relatively high speeds between stations, a
rail-tfJnsit system cannot effectively provide
the door-to-door service that makes the auto
so attractive. Most rail transit users must drive
or take a bus to the station, wait for a train,
and then take some other connecting service



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One such "contraflow" bus lane was
initiated by the Port Authority of New York
on the approaches to the Lincoln Tunnel
in 1970. It took a mere 10 days to implement
at an initial cost of only $200,000, yet the
lane handled as many as 35,000 seated
passengers per hour, saving them an average
of 15 minutes per trip. A rail-transit line
of similar capacity would cost approximately
$125 million today, and would not have the
flexibility of the bus at the origin and
destination of the trip.

The experience of the San Francisco Bay Area
Rapid Transit (BART) system bears out this
observation. Built in the 1960's at a cost
of about $2 billion, BART's service
emphasizes very high speeds between the
stations on its 75-mile system. To achieve
these speeds, BART's stations are far apart
and relatively inaccessible, making its service
unattractive relative to the automobile. Thus
despite a subsidy of over $4 per trip, BART
attracted only 35 percent of its riders from
automobiles when it opened. The majority
of its patrons were drawn from the bus
services that it replaced.

For those corridors which do not have excess
road capacity in the reverse direction, a lane
in the peak direction can often be used.
In many cases, the improved transit serVice
will draw sufficient traffic away from the
facility to permit remaining traffic to flow
at improved speeds, despite the reduced
capacity of the highway. Even if a special lane
must be bui It to accommodate express buses,
however, its cost would be far lower than
an equivalent rail-transit facility.

vs. the bus
Perhaps surprisingly, the transit mode with
the greatest potential is the lowly commuter
bus. Unlike rail transit, the bus has the
flexibility to pick up passengers near their
homes and drop them off near their jobs,
often without requiring transferring. Against
this, it has one major disadvantage; typically,
the bus must inch along in congested auto
traffic, making the total travel time at best the
same as the private automobile. Inexpensive
solutions to this problem are available in
most urban areas, however, by utilizing the
excess road capacity which is available in the
"reverse" or non-peak direction on a
highway. Converting one of these lanes for
the temporary use of buses in the peak

. .. .. -...- ....................

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direction is an economically efficient way of
increasing the attractiveness of transit service.
Also, even in the absence of highway-price .
reform, it partially restores the natural
balance between auto and transit use.

(or walk) to their ultimate destination. And
according to time-value studies, people find
time spent waiting, walking and transferring
two to four times as onerous as time spent
moving in the vehicle. Thus rail transit wastes
the most expensive kinds of people's time
while saving the least valuable.




The attractiveness of express bus services is
reflected in their ability to draw commuters
away from automobiles. Special bus-lane
services in Honolulu and Miami, for
example, drew almost four-fifths of their users
from the automobile. Surprisingly, buses are
also more energy efficient than rail-transit
systems, when allowance is made for both
propulsion ene_rgy and the energy
component of manufacturing vehicles and
equipment. A study by the Congressional
Budget Office indicates that a bus requires
overall about 3,100 BTU's per passenger
mile, compared to a figure of 6,600
BTU's/mile for a modern rail-transit system.
Reawakening private enterprise
Some transportation economists also propose




reform concerns the way in which subsidies
are administered. At the present time, most
transit subsidies are provided directly to the
suppliers of the service. The motiv�tion
to provide reliable, courteous transit serv1ce
is generatec;l only indirectly throu�h the
politics and procedures of governmg boards,
which also decide what routes should
be served.

unleashing private initiative in the transit
industry, which is now severely handicapped
by highway-pricing policies which reduce
the demand for transit services. In their view,
relaxation of the state and municipal
regulations that forbid private competition
with public-transit operators could help
increase overall transit usage.
Private enterprise could probably provide
profitable commuter-bus service, particularly
if express lanes were made available or if the
buses were driven by part-time labor. Such
service already exists where permitted
by local regulations. Specialty Transit
Company, for example, provides service
between various points in rural Missouri and
a McDonnell-Douglas Corporation plant
· ty, Missouri. Using sixteen
in St. louis Coun
buses and part-time drivers, Specialty Transit
provides commute service for its 400 daily
users for less than 2¢ per passenger mile.

Some economists have recommended that
passengers be given the subsidies in the form
of trip vouchers,. so that each transit syst�m
would receive its subsidy only after rece1pt
of its passengers' vouchers. The public
or private transit operator would then have
an incentive to provide attractive service
in order to increase its operating revenue. The
Urban Mass Transit Administration has
experimented with such voucher systems
on a small scale, and found them effective
in stimulating responsive transit service.
Additionally, the provisions of transit
subsidies to users lessens the need for public
ownership of transit companies, since profit­
oriented firms could just as easily provide the
service. For those technologies with limited
economies of scale (commute buses, for
example), it may be possible for free entry
and competition to prevail as they did in the
very early days of the transit industry.

Other, less conventional forms of transit­
such as the jitney -might also emerge
if regulations were relaxed, according to Ross
Eckert of the University of Southern
California. Jitneys typically are small,
privately-owned vans that follow somewhat
less regular routes than buses, but unlike
taxis, pick up passengers until they are full.
At one time, 62,000 jitneys operated in the
United States, but in response to pressure
from street-car operators, most municipalities
eventually·curbed their operation. Jitney
services continue to operate legally today
in a few locations, including San Francisco's
Mission Street corridor. Others·operate on the
fringe of the law in Harlem and parts of
Chicago and Pittsburgh. While providing
needed transportation, jitneys also offer
employment for local low-skill workers who
often hold mid-day jobs in addition to driving
jitneys during commute hours. The U.S.
Senate in 1977 considered legislation
to remove restrictions against jitney
operation, but the bill died in committee.


The reforms discussed here represent a major
break with policies which, for many decades,
have defined a rather modest role for transit.
Economists argue, however, that such a break
may be necessary if we are to provide
effective passenger-transportation services
in an era of limited real and fiscal resources.
Randall Pozdena

Subsidizing the passenger
Perhaps the most novel suggestion for transit



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(Dollar amounts in millions)

Selected Assets and Uabililies
Large Commercial Banb

Loans (gross, adjusted) and investments•

Loans (gross, adjusted} -total#
Commercial and industrial
Real estate
Loans to individuals
Securities loans
U.S. Treasury securities*

Other securities*

Demand deposits -total#
Demand deposits -adjusted
Savings deposits -total
Time deposits -total#
Individuals, part. & corp.
(large negotiable CO's)

·Weeldy Averages
of Daily figures

Member Bank Reserve Position







year ago@




- 42
+ 64
+ 207
+ 72
- 128


+ 532
+ 359

+ 15,968
+ 15,791
+ 2,869
+ 8,7?8

+ 13.4
+ 16.4
+ 10.1
+ 26.2


- 12.0
+ 8.1
+ 8.0
+ 5.1
- 5.0
+ 18.8
+ 25.1
+ 14.0









year-ago period

Excess Reserves (+)/Deficiency (-)
Net free reserves (+)/Net borrowed(-)

- 195

+ 36
+ 277
- 241


Net interbank transactions

+ 269"

- 389



+ 208.


Federal Funds- Seven Large Banks

(Purchases (+)/Sales (-))
Net, U.S. Securities dealer transactions
(loans (+)/BorrOwings (-))


Excludes trading account securities.
#Includes items not shown separately.





@ Historical data are not strictly comparable due to changes In the reporting panel; however, adjustments
have been applied to 1978 data to remove as much as possle
ll the elfects of the changes in coverage. In
addition, for some Items, historic:al data are not available due to definitional changes.
Editorial comments may be addressed to the editor (William Burke) or to the author
Free copies of
this and other Federal Reserve publications can be obtained by &!ling or writing the P\lblic Jnfonnation
Seclion, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, P.O. Box 7702, San Francisco 94120 Phone (415)
••• .

