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Number 94-36, October 21, 1994

Growth and Government Policy:
Lessons from Hong Kong and Singapore
An important current policy debate within the
United States has centered on the government's
role in encouraging investment in new technologies. Whether it be electric automobiles, flat-panel
display technologies, or the "information superhighway;' the current administration has demonstrated an increased willingness to subsidize
applied nondefense technology development.
Economists have tended to regard these sorts of
"high tech" industrial policies as the same old
pork barrel politics in new packaging. However,
recent developments in growth theory suggest
that these programs may have merit after all,
depending on the nature and relative importance
of various potential sources of economic growth.
This Letter briefly outlines the circumstances
under which it makes sense to have a national
"technology policy;' and then goes on to discuss
a case study involving Hong Kong and Singapore, which sheds light on the empirical validity
of these circumstances.
Growth models
Models of the growth process link an economy's
output to its use of factors of production, like
capital and labor. Therefore, if an economy is to
grow it must either accumulate factors of production or learn to use its existing factors more
efficiently. The mechanisms governing factor
accumulation are clear. To accumulate capital
an economy must invest To accumulate labor an
economy must either add to its population or increase the percentage ofits population that works
in the market. Empirical evidence has shown,
however, that for developed countries like the
United States factor accumulation has played a
relatively minor role in generating growth in (per
capita) income. Instead, most of the growth has
come from the second source, that is, from improvements in productivity.


Unfortunately, unlike factor accumulation, productivity is not well understood by economists.
In fact, until the recent work of Romer (1986) and
Lucas (1988), economists simply viewed productivity as being "exogenous;', determined
outside the economic system. In contrast, the
models of Romer and Lucas make productivity
"endogenous" by assuming that factor accumulation is itself a source of productivity growth.
Specifically, in their models 'positive externalities' accompany the processes of physical and
human capital accumulation. Such externalities
occur when improvements in knowledge, ac- .
quired either in school or on the job, conferbenefits to other individuals in a way that makes it
difficult to collect a fee for them. Because no
market price is attached to these benefits, they
are not reflected in the value of inputs. Instead,
they show up in the data as productivity
The presence of externalities associated with
capital accumulation has two important implications for growth theory. First, such externalities
provide an explanation for how a competitive
economy can overcome the forces of diminishing
returns to factor inputs and thus sustain growth
in percapita income. Productivity continually
improves as a by-product of capital accumulation. Second, the existence of externalities
implies that the growth process is inefficient.
Because individuals do not receive the full returns from their investments,. there will be too
little investment and too Iowa growth rate in the
economy. Asa result the government can improve matters by adopting policies that encourage investment.
Unfortunately, putting this type of program into
practice is beset by difficulties. First and foremost, economists lack the requisite empirical

Pacific Basin Notes appears on an occasional
basis. It is prepared underthe auspices of the Center for Pacific Basin MQnetary and Economic Studies
within the FRBSF's Economic Research Department.

knowledgewith which to conclude that a given
economy invests too little, and that a given subsidy istherefore justified. Ideally, one would like
to runa series of controlled experiments in which
economies that are alike in all dimensions except
government policy are followed over time, and
their performance monitored and compared. One
would then know if a policy is beneficial. Of
course, economics is not physics, and controlled
experiments are not possible. Nonetheless, history occasionally offers examples of country-pairs
that come close to being controlled experiments
in the effectiveness of government policy.
Recently, Young (1992) hasexamined one such
country-pair that has particular relevance for
evaluating alternative growth theories. Specifically, he compares and contrasts the policy and
growth experiences of Hong Kong and Singapore
during the postwar period.

The similarities between Hong Kong and Singapore are striking. Both are small city-states that
began as British colonies, each serving as an entrepot trading post for the British empire. Hong
Kong processed trade between China and the
outside world, while Singapore served as a conduit for western trade with Malaysia and Indonesia. Given their historical origins as British
colonies, .both countries began the postwar period with relatively developed political institutions. Moreover, the political climate in each
country was relatively calm.
Demographically, both countries began the postwar period with populations that consisted primarilyof immigrants from Southern China,
although Singapore had a fairly significant minority population of Malays, Indians, and Pakistanis.
In terms of population density, both countries are
off the scale. Singapore currently boasts a population density of about 15,000 per square mile,
while Hong Kong somehow manages to support
over 200,000 people per square mile.
With the exception of fine natural harbors, neither country contains much in the way of natural
resources, and in particular, neither country has
ever had a significant agricultural sector. Instead,
residents of these countries earned their living by
trading and, increasingly, by manufacturing. Both
are highly dependent on exports and, by international standards, are extremely open to trade.
Interestingly, HQngKong and Singapore underwent very similar processes of industrial transformation. Both started by manufacturing textiles,

and then shifted in successive stages to clothing,
plastics, and electronics. Recently, both countries
have emerged as major financial centers, with
employment rapidly moving into banking and
other financial services.
Finally, the growth performance of both countries
was spectacular-and nearly identical. In 1960,
GOP per capita was roughly the same-$2323
in Hong Kong and $2409 in Singapore (both expressed in terms of 1985 U.s. dollars). Then, during the ensuing 30 years, annual growth in real
GOP per capita averaged 6.0 percent in Hong
Kong and 6.2 percentin Singapore.

Despite their similarities, Hong Kong and Singapore differed in three important ways, and these
three differences reveal the most about the nature
of the growth process. First, theirtiming and
pace of industrial restructuring were quite different. Hong Kong started up the ladder of manufacturing sophistication earlier. Explosive growth
in manufacturing began in the early 1950s in
Hong Kong, as Shanghainese refugees flooded
into the peninsula and opened textile factories.
When developed countries began to impose
quotas on textiles inthe late 1950s, Hong Kong
moved up-market and began producing clothing.
In the 1960s, Hong Kong began to manufacture
plastics, eventually becoming the world's leading
toy manufacturer. The 1970s was a period of
rapid growth in electronics manufacturing, led by
digital quartz watches. The electronics boom
continued into the mid-1980s, when Hong Kong
began shifting into financial services.
This same sequence of industrial transformation
also occurred in Singapore; but it started ten to
fifteen years later, and proceeded much more
rapidly. To get an idea of the breathtaking pace at
which industrial transformation took place, consider that (1) Between 1971 and 1980 annual production of televisions increased by a factor of 56,
and (2) in 1980 Singapore did not produce any
computer components or peripherals, but by
1983 Singapore had become the world's largest
exporter of disk drives!
How did Singapore achieve such phenomenal
restructuring? The answer is found in the second
key difference between Hong Kong and Singapore, which concerns the government's role in
the economy. In contrast to the avowed laissezfaire policy of Hong Kong, the Singaporean government pursued an aggressive policy of industrial
targeting that focused on imported technological
know-how. Inward foreign direct investmentwas
actively courted by Singapore's government via
generous tax breaks to foreign corporations. This
investment was financed by a combination of

foreign borrowing and a domestic "forced savings" policy. For example, during much ofthe
1960s and 1970s Singapore ran current account
deficits of between 10 and 20 percent of GDP. In
contrast, Hong Kong's current account remained
roughly in balance.
Finally, although income in Hong Kong and Singapore grew at nearly the same rate, the underlying sources of this growth differed. As noted
earlier, a nation can grow either because it can
accumulate factors of production or because it
can learn to use its existing factors more effi·
ciently. Singapore followed the first route, while
Hong Kong followed the second. For example, investment as a share of GDP skyrocketed in Singapore, rising from under 10 percent in 1960 to
over 40 percent in the mid-1980s, while in Hong
Kong the investment rate remained relatively
constant at about 20 percent. How did Hong
Kong keep up? Simply put, entrepreneurs in
Hong Kong were more efficient than their Singaporean counterparts. Improvements in productivity contributed over 50 percent of the growth in
Hong Kong, whereas they contributed next to
nothing in Singapore.
These differences between Hong Kong and Singapore provide evidence on the nature of growth.
Specifically, they cast doubt on externality-driven
endogenous growth models. If capital accumulation confers positive externalities, then Singapore
should have exhibited a higher rate of productivity growth, given its more rapid accumulation of
capital. Instead, the country that invested less
had a higher productivity growth rate.

Young (1992) argues that this apparent paradox is
explained by Singapore's overzealous policy of
industrial targeting. Although a persistently high
investment rate enabled Singapore to sustain a
high growth rate, the investment took the form of
a rapid succession of new technology acquisitions. As soon as managers and workers began to
get used to a given manufacturing process, the
government introduced a new one. Asa result,
the usual processes of "learning by doing" and
"knowledge spillovers" were stunted in Singapore, and this adversely affected its productivity.
Young goes on to conjecture that, if continued,
Singapore's growth strategy ultimately will prove
to be unsustainable.

In contrast, Young argues thatHongKong's
growth was supported by productivity improve":
ments that had their roots ina highly educated
and highly skilled labor force. Of course, to a
certain extent,Hong Kong's "human capital" advantage was an historical accident. Following the
Communisttakeoverin China, Hong Kongexperienceda massive influx of Mainland refugees.
Fortunately for Hong Kong, these refugees were
highly educated and highly skilled. Inprinciple,
this infusion of human capital could be considered factor accumulation. In practice, however,
growth in human capital tends to be reflected
in productivity increases.
The lesson appears to be that, if a government
wants to foster growth, it shou Id do so by supporting education rather than by attempting to
funnel resources into "sunrise" industries. One
indicator of the superiorityof this strategy comes
from comparing consumption growth in Hong
Kong and Singapore. Ultimately, countries grow
so that their citizens can enjoy a greater level
of consumption, either in the form of material
goods, or in the form of such goods as leisure
and environmental quality. Tellingly, while output
growth was nearly identical in both countries,
consumption growth in Hong Kong nearly
matched output growth, whereas consumption
growth in Singapore was only about half of output growth. This suggests that the citizens of
Hong Kong benefited more from their economy's
growth than did the citizens of Singapore.
Kenneth Kasa

Lucas, Robert E., Jr. 1988. "On the Mechanics of Economic Development." Journal of Monetary
Economics 22, pp. 3--42.
Romer, Paul M, 1986. "Increasing Returns and LongRun Growth:' Journal of political Economy 94, pp.

Young, Alwyn. 1992. "A Tale of Two Cities: Factor
Accumulation and Technical Change in HongKong
and Singapore:' In NBER Macroeconomics Annual
1992, eds. Olivier Blanchard and Stanley Fischer.
Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.

Opinions expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the management ofthe Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco, or of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Editorial comments may be addressed to the editor or to the author.... Free copies of Federal Reserve publications can be
obtainedfrorn the Public Information Department, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, P.O. Box 7702, San Francisco 94120.
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Index to Recent Issues of FRBSF Weekly Letter

5/13 94-19
5/20 94-20
5/27 94-21
6/10 94-22
6/24 94-23
7/15 94-25
7/22 94-26
8/19 94-28
9/16 94-31
9/23 94-32
9/30 94-33
10/7 94-34
10/14 94-35


Monetary Policy in a Low Inflation Regime
Measuring the Gains from International Portfolio Diversification
Interstate Banking in the West
California Banks Playing Catch-up
California Recession and Recovery
Just-In-Time Inventory Management: Has It Made a Difference?
GATS and Banking in the Pacific Basin
The Persistence of the Prime Rate
A Market-Based Approach to CRA
Manufacturing Bias in Regional Policy
An "Intermountain Miracle"?
Trade and Growth: Some Recent Evidence
Should the Central Bank Be Responsible for Regional Stabilization?
. Interstate Banking and Risk
A Primer on MonetaryPolic:y Part I: Goals and Instruments
A Primer on Monetary Policy Part II: Targets and Indicators
Linkages of National Interest Rates
Regional Income Divergence in the 1980s
Exchange RateArrangements in the Pacific Basin
How Bad is the "Bad Loan Problem" in Japan?
Measuring the Cost of "Financial Repression"
The Rec:ent . BehaviOr of.Interest .Rates
Risk-Based Capital Requirements and Loan Growth


TheFRBSF Weekly Letter appears on an abbreviated schedule in June, July, August,and December.