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Sana Framsisc®
October 12,1973

F©®<db Tla© Fnataains
Despite the problems it has created
for harried housewives, the farm
boom has brought untold pros­
perity to the farm community and
its associated industries. Farm cash
receipts, at a $74-billion annual rate
in the first half of 1973, were onefourth higher than a year ago; net
income per farm, at close to $8,700,
for the second straight year was
running about 16 percent above the
year-before level, even after adjust­
ment for rising prices.
Farmers may rightly be skeptical
about the continuation of such
prosperity, since they have suffered
too many boom-and-bust cycles
over the past generation, with the
inevitable overhang of surpluses
creating heavy downward pressures
on prices. This time may be differ­
ent, however, as problems of a
different sort emerge. The im­
mensely productive American agri­
cultural economy, despite its four­
fold increase in output per man­
hour since World War II, may be
hard-pressed to keep up with the
heavy demands generated by a rap­
idly growing and increasingly inte­
grated international economy.
The nation's—and the world's—
farmers must operate with neces­
sarily limited resources to meet a
demand for food that could actually
accelerate as the world's people
become more prosperous over
time. In the past, farm economists
questioned whether agricultural
production could increase as rap­
idly as population, at between one
percent and three percent annually,
depending on country. (With a two

percent population growth overall,
merely maintaining current per
capita consumption levels would
require a doubling of world produc­
tion within a single generation.)
Today, pundits wonder whether
food production, in addition, can
keep up with rates of increase in
per capita income of up to five
percent a year.
Demand: affluent people

Economists have long argued that
food spending declines relatively as
income increases (Engel's Law). In
view of changing diet patterns,
however, this need not necessarily
be true. Three square meals a day
may be the physical limit for any
person, but the quality of meals can
be improved substantially. Thus,
meat consumption tends to rise
steadily as affluence increases. In
South Asia, 7 pounds per capita
annual consumption may be the
rule, but in this country the total is
about 200 pounds per capita, which
suggests that total demand could
rise stratospherically as other coun­
tries strive to reach the American
Americans consume indirectly
about 80 percent of their domestic
grain supply, first using it for feed
and then consuming the meat it
produces. We eat slightly less grain
directly for food than others do, but
we absorb far more than others
when both food and feed grains are
considered together. Thus, each
American consumes almost one ton
of grain per year, while inhabitants
of poorer countries consume ap­
proximately one-fifth as much.
(continued on page 2)

Opinions expressed in this newsletter do not
necessarily reflect the views of the management of the
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, nor of the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

Growing affluence and growing
population together affect world
food demand, so that it tends to
grow proportionately with GIMP.
More exactly, a combination of 3percent population growth and 3percent per capita income growth
would typically produce a 5-percent
increase in demand for food, ac­
cording to a World Bank study.
Many countries have increased their
annual demand by that margin but
have been unable to meet it from
domestic supplies, and hence have
relied increasingly on the American
granary. Even before the recent
export boom, farm economists had
noted an 11-percent increase in
import demand for each 10-percent
rise in per capita income of im­
porting countries.
Much of the recent increase in
demand has come from the
northern tier of industrial countries
(Europe and Japan), whose dietary
habits approach those of this
country a generation ago. As in­
comes rise in these countries,
which contain two-thirds of a billion
people, a larger share of the addi­
tional income is converted into
demand for livestock products.
However, many of these countries
— for example, land-short japan and
water-short Russia— do not have
the resources to satisfy that de­
mand, so that they are forced to
import increasing amounts of live­
stock products or, alternatively,
feed and soybeans with which to
expand their livestock production.
Demand: nutrition

An important demand consideration
Digitized for F R A S E R

is the worldwide struggle to stave
off malnutrition as well as actual
starvation. Human diets must con­
tain six basic kinds of nutrients:
carbohydrates, proteins, fats, min­
erals, vitamins and water. An ade­
quate daily diet must contain 1,400 .
calories or more, obtained from
such sources of carbohydrates as
wheat, rice and potatoes; but it
must also contain 40 to 50 grams of
protein, to provide the eight essen­
tial amino acids.
If the protein comes from animal
rather than vegetable sources, the
protein molecules are more similar
to those of humans. In the digestive
process, animal-based protein pro­
vides the ingredients in the propor­
tion required to rebuild human pro­
tein. Vegetable-based protein fails
in this regard, with cereal grains (for
example) being deficient in certain
essential amino acids. Thus, even if
a person receives a sufficient quan­
tity of proteins, their quality may be
deficient, with the nutritious value
of these proteins being reduced by
a proportional shortage of one or
more amino acids.
One solution to protein deficiency
is to increase the meat consumption
of the world's people. Still, if the
developing countries were to even
approach U.S. food-consumption
standards, they would need a very
substantial expansion of grain sup­
plies. Meat consumption, desirable
as it is for nutritional purposes, is
an inefficient way of eating grain; in
this country, it takes about six
pounds of grain to raise one pound
of meat, with the grain/meat ratio
ranging between three pounds for

poultry to ten pounds for beef.
A simpler and quicker solution,
which is possible with present tech­
nology, is the enrichment or fortifi­
cation of existing foods by physi­
cally adding nutrients during the
food-processing stage. Children
eating a few slices of enriched
bread thus will obtain the vitaminmineral equivalent of a diet filled
with fruits, vegetables and milk.
Alternatively, some newly-devel­
oped foods should be useful; for
example, Vita-Soy, a cola drink high
in nutritional value, and Wheat-Soy
Blend, a food with protein quality
• similar to ground beef or cheese.
Yet, despite the expectation of con­
tinued technological progress,
warning signals are already evident
in the crucial area of protein supply
—specifically, soybeans, beef and
fish. Soybean yields lag because of
unresponsiveness to nitrogen ferti­
lizer, cattle herds grow only slowly
because of biological constraints,
and many of the world's fisheries
are being seriously depleted. The
world protein market (like the en­
ergy market) thus appears to be
shifting from a buyer's to a seller's
Supply: tightening
As demand climbs due to rising
population and rising affluence, the
world's farmers face several impor­
tant constraints in their efforts to
expand global food production. The
traditional solution— increasing the
area under cultivation— may have
only a limited scope in the future.
In fact, some parts of the world face
Digitized fb r K R A S E R i ction in farmland because
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

of the growth of competitive uses—
recreation, transportation, in­
dustrial and residential develop­
ment. For example, the city of San
Jose has expanded within two dec­
ades from 17 to 136 square miles,
covering some of the world's prime
agricultural land with a vast expanse
of freeways, housing tracts and
shopping centers.
Even where arable land is available,
water shortages may hamper pro­
duction growth, since most of the
rivers that lend themselves to dam­
ming and irrigation have already
been developed. Future efforts to
expand fresh-water supplies for
farming focus on such costly tech­
niques as desalting sea water, di­
verting rivers and manipulating rain­
fall patterns.
For several decades, the world has
been fortunate to have two major
food reserves: grain reserves in the
principal exporting countries, and
cropland idled under U.S. farm
programs. In recent years, however,
the need to draw down grain re­
serves and to utilize idled cropland
has occurred with increasing fre­
quency, with predictable results for
world prices. The devalued Amer­
ican dollar has cushioned the im­
pact for foreign buyers—and stimu­
lated the U.S. export boom in the
process— but the full force of these
developments has been felt by
American food buyers. A prolonged
period of remarkably stable world
prices for the principal food com­
modities (based on U.S. commodity
support levels) has come to an end.
William Burke

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(Dollar amounts in m illions)
Selected Assets and Liabilities
Large Commercial Banks
Loans adjusted and investments *
Loans adjusted— total*
Securities loans
Com m ercial and industrial
Real estate
Consum er instalment
U .S. Treasury securities
Other securities
Deposits (less cash items)— total*
Dem and deposits adjusted
U .S. Governm ent deposits
Tim e deposits— total*
O ther time I.P.C .
State and political subdivisions
(Large negotiable CD 's)
Weekly Averages
of Daily Figures
Member Bank Reserve Position
Excess reserves
Net free (+ ) / Net borrowed ( - )
Federal Funds— Seven Large Banks
Interbank Federal funds transactions
Net purchases (+ ) / Net sales ( - )
Transactions: U .S. securities dealers
Net loans (+ ) / Net borrowings ( - )

O utstanding



+ 241
+ 367
+ 142
— 159


Week ended
9/26 / 73

Change from
year ago
+ 9,907
+ 10,117
+ 3,370
+ 3,092
+ 1,326
+ 9,169
+ 1,310
+ 8,066
+ 7,046
+ 6,568
W eek ended
9/19 / 73

+ 19.84
+ 21.49
+ 18.05
4- 14.32
— 9.77
+ 19.27
+ 42.91
+ 16.40
+ 113.14

Com parable
year-ago period

-2 9 3

+ 33
- 53



-9 %

-1 4 8



+ 150

+ 668




in c lu d e s items not shown separately.
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Federal Reserve Bank of dt. Louis