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The Equity Risk-Premium Puzzle

Over a long span of
history, a diversified
portfolio of common equity has turned out to be
an exceptionally good investment, especially
when compared with government securities.
From 1889 through 1988, the average real
(compensated for inflation) rate of return on the
Standard and Poor's 500 stock index was about
seven percent, compared to 3/4 percent return
for government securities. Of course, since
equities involve credit risk and government
bonds do not, equities ought to pay more on
average. However, the advantage of stocks has
been very large, larger than seems justifiable
on the basis of risk considerations alone.
The magnitude of the equity risk premium has
puzzled economists in recent years. This Letter
considers the nature of the puzzle, a proposed
solution, and some implications.

Risk aversion
To explain the equity risk premium, economists
rely on a concept called "risk aversion." Since
government securities offer a payoff, or return,
that is known with certainty, while equities offer
a payoff that is uncertain, or risky, investors who
are averse to risk are willing to hold equity only
if they expect to earn a premium over the return
available on government securities. The more
risk averse is the investor, the greater the risk
premium must be to induce him or her to
purchase equities.
To see how risk aversion affects the price of
equities, consider the following example. A per--~GA_i&_g-i-ve-+l-a choice betweeJ+-two offers, a sure
$50.50, or a lottery ticket that offers a fifty-fifty
chance of $1 or $100. The expected return on the
lottery is $50.50, the same as the first offer. An
individual who is not risk averse would be indifferent between receiving a sure $50.50 and the
lottery. But a risk averse individual would prefer
the first offer of a sure $50.50 to the lottery, even
though the lottery has the potential to yield $100.
As risk aversion rises, the individual is willing
to settle for a smaller and smaller payment with

certainty instead of the lottery. Economists have
estimated the degree of risk aversion of the
average individual in the U.S. economy, and have
concluded that most people act as if they are risk
averse. These estimates of the average degree of
risk aversion suggest that in the example above,
most people would be indifferent between receiving a sure $2.30 and the lottery with its
expected payoff of $50.50.
U.S. government bonds and stocks are analogous
to the example described above. Because there is
no default risk associated with U.S. government
bonds, they offer a sure payoff. Common stock,
on the other hand, entities holders to the uncertain future flows of dividends and capital gains;
they are like the lottery in the example above.

The equity risk premium
The chart shows the consecutive ten-year
average realized rates of return on stocks (S&P
500 index) and ninety-day Treasury bills for the
hundred-year period from 1889 through 1988.
Each rate is adjusted for inflation. The ten-year
average equity risk premiums for this hundredyear time span, then, are the differences between
the rates of return on stocks and Treasury bills
in each ten-year period.

Real Rate of Return
• S&P 500



Riskless Security • Risk Premium"



1889- 1899- 1909- 1919- 1929· 1939- 1949- 1959- 1969- 19791898 1908 1918 1928 1938 1948 1958 1968 1978 1987
*Risk premium is the difference between the relurn on the S&P 500 and the
riskless rale, which is the rate on the 3-month Treasury bill.

As shown in the chart, the observed risk
premium has been quite volatile. This volatility

in the realized equity risk premium is not surprising, given that the return on equity itself is
quite volatile. The realized return on equityhas
varied from period to period largely as a result
rh~na,:l<;;' in
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flation, interest rates, and other factors that have
a bearing on the performance of the corporate
sector of the economy. In the 1960s and '70s, for
example, the unexpected increase in inflation,
increased uncertainty regarding inflation, and
excessive taxation of corporate income may have
been important causes of the poor performance
of equity and thus the low observed risk
premium in those decades.




Where's the puzzle?
Thus, in any given period, a high or low observationfor the equity risk premium should not be
surprising. But what is surprising about the data
presented in the chart is that on average over the
hundred~year _period, the observed risk premium
has been relatively high, given current estimates
of the degree of risk aversion among investors.
Economists have attempted to interpret this
finding using so-called equilibrium business
cycle models. These models analyze macroeconomic phenomena based upon key behavioral
assumptions used in microeconomic theory, including utility maximization by individuals and
profit maximization by businesses in markets
characterized by perfect competition. These
models eschew assumptions that institutional
rigidities play an important role in macroeconomic developments. Instead, they assume that
macroeconomic developments represent the
equilibrium outcomes of fundamental economic
forces. Of course, use of these models does not
deny that institutional factors at times can have
important effects.


series of the
economy over time, but in
each period there is uncertainty regarding future
consumption. Future consumption is financed
with income on equity holdings and income
from holdings of a riskless asset. The riskless
asset provides a stream of income that is certain,
while the equity holdings provide an uncertain
stream of income.
The premium that is required for people to
be indifferent between the two assets depends
on their attitudes toward uncertain future consumption. The more people are averse to risk,
the larger is the premium they demand for holding risky equity. Thus, the Mehra-Prescott model
gives rise to a systematic relationship between an
assumed degree of risk aversion and the average
equity premiums.
However, at levels of risk aversion estimated by
most economists, the Mehra-Prescott model fails
to generate the magnitude of the risk premium
that is observed historically. In other words,
their model suggests that the public would need
to be more risk averse than is now believed to be
the case to generate the average magnitude of
the equity premium we observe from the chart.
It is this finding that has been termed the equity
risk premium puzzle. A similar puzzle has been
recognized by financial market participants regarding the difference between the returns on
high-grade (low-risk) bonds and low-grade (highrisk) bonds.

A solution?
In 1988, T. A. Rietz of Northwestern University
published a paper "The Equity Risk Premium: A
Solution," which reports results that provide a
solution to the puzzle using a model specification very similar to the model of Mehra and
Prescott. His solution can be summarized as

In a paper published in 19851- economis~Raioish _~ows _Wbile~~otheLfeature5-oiJbe-----Mehra of the University of California and Edward
Mehra-Prescott model, Rietz introduces the
Prescott of the University of Minnesota and the
possibility that the output of the economy and
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis attempt
the rate of return on equity can fall dramatically.
such an interpretation of the equity risk preAlthough this possibility is assumed to be quite
mium. They construct a model in which the
remote, equity holders nonetheless face the risk
degree of risk aversion of the average individual
of very low income from equity sometime in the
is one of the key determinants of asset yield.
future. This risk has to be compensated for by
an increased average rate of return on equity.
In their model consumption is assumed to follow
By introducing the risk of a remotely-possible,
a path that is very similar tothe consumption
catastrophic decline in equity income, Rietz's

model gives rise to a large equity risk premium
that is comparable to the historically observed

aversion parameter. Thus, Rietz does not appear
to have fully resolved the puzzle.

End of puzzle?

In attempting to explain the average magnitude
of the equity risk premium over the past 100
years, economists generally have used some key
assumptions that are very strong. For example,
in the Mehra and Prescott work, preferences
are assumed stable over time. However; Nobel
laureate economist James Tobin criticizes the
widespread use of utility functions that posit
stable preferences.

Different opinion
Rietz's approach has merit, given that the U.S.
economy has experienced stock market crashes
in which equity prices have fallen drastically,
including the one in October 1987. The 1929
stock market crash, in particular, is similar to
the one posited by Rietz in that it caused a drastic reduction in the rate of return on equity and
thus in consumption opportunities available to
individuals. However, the similarity is far from
First, the magnitude of the crash posited by Rietz
is far greater than that of the 1929 crash. The best
of many bad states (which has probability of one
percent, or roughly once in 100 years) assumed
by Rietz involves a drastic 25 percent reduction
in consumption in a single year! To put this in
perspective, we can examine the experience
during the Great Depression. The shortfall from
trend GNP (that is, the difference between the
GNP that would have resulted at three percent
annual growth and actual GNP) was 38% over
the four year period from 1929 through 1933, and
on Iy half of that shortfall is attributed to the fall
in consumption. Thus, it took four years for real
consumption to decrease by 19 percent (about
five percent a year). It is hard to imagine that
equity holders perceive themselves facing even
a small risk of a decline in equity income as
devastating as Rietz assumes.
Moreover, even with this dire scenario, Rietz
still needs a very high degree of risk aversion
to generate a risk premium that is close to the
observed average. To use the earlier example
of the lottery, Rietz's assumption concerning the
magnitude of risk aversion implies that an average person prefers a certai n $1.08 over the prospect of one dollar or 100 dollars with a fifty-fifty
chance. This is much too large compared to
many empirical estimates of the relative risk

Specifically, the utility function used by both
Mehra and Prescott, and Rietz makes a strong
prediction about how an individual makes
choices involving risk. They assume that a
person who prefers a sure $10 to a lottery that
pays either $1 or $100 with a fifty-fifty chance
also will prefer a sure $100,000 to another lottery
that has a fifty-fifty chance of winning $10,000
or $1,000,000. However, precisely because the
awards of the second lottery are 10,000 times
larger than the awards in the first example, many
individuals might not behave as predicted above.
In fact, it is reasonable to expect that their
choices might also depend on what they
already own.
In addition to changing the way in which risk
aversion is modelled, resolution of the equity
risk premium puzzle might be feasible only
when important institutional factors are considered. For example, some economists have
suggested that monetary pol icy may be an
important factor because it influences interest
rates, inflation, and thus, the desirability of
equity as a portfolio choice. Including institutional factors of this nature also may enhance
our ability to examine and understand other
economic phenomena, as well as helping to
explain the equity risk premium puzzle. In
any event, thus far, the puzzle is not completely
Chan Huh


Opinions expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the management of the Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco, or of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Editorial comments may be addressed to the editor (Barbara Bennett) or to the author.... Free copies of Federal Reserve
publications can be obtained from the Public Information Department, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, P.O. Box 7702,
San Francisco 94120. Phone (415) 974-2246.

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