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August 26, 1988


Dollar and Manufacturing Output

Analysts have welcomed the dollar's depreciation
in the foreign exchange market over the past
three years as a source of long-overdue relief for
u.s. firms competing with foreign producers in
domestic and world markets. Indeed, recent u.s.
trade data show that u.s. export growth in volume terms has been surging during the past
year and u.s. import growth has been declining
sharply. In addition to its beneficial effects on the
trade balance, some policymakers and analysts
also are hoping that the dollar's fall will breathe
new life into America's industrial sector.
There is a perception that the sharp appreciation
in the value of the dollar between 1982 and 1985
played a major role in "deindustrializing" the
u.S. economy. Many analysts argue that the appreciation of the dollar caused economic growth
to be "two-tiered." The manufacturing and other
industries that faced stiff international competition experienced slow growth or even decline,
but the sectors of the economy that were less
sensitive to changes in the value of the dollar,
such as services, construction, and transport, experienced stronger growth. It is now hoped that
the dollar depreciation over the past three years
will restore the fortunes of the sectors that were
hurt by its appreciation. This Letter examines
recent and longer term trends in U.s. manufacturing output and discusses the evidence concerning the link between exchange rate changes
and sectoral output levels.

Sectoral output trends
The decline of u.s. exports and surge in imports
during the first half of the 1980s dramatically
illustrates the loss of u.s. international competitiveness earlier in this decade. The total volume
of u.s. exports fell more than 15 percent during
the six years from 1980 to 1986, while import
volume grew over 60 percent. The export volume
of manufactures remained flat from 1980 to 1984
and rose by only four percent between 1984 and
1986. Imports of manufactures rose by 125 percent over the 1980 to 1986 period. The result,
of course, has been unprecedentedly large u.s.

trade deficits that only recently have begun to
Some suggest that the dramatic decline inexports and expansion of imports intensified a
longer term trend of "deindustrialization" of the
u.S. economy. Beyond trade statistics, these analysts cite as evidence in support of this view data
that indicate a declining share of manufactures in
total GNP. In particular, they point to the secular
decline in manufacturing's share of nominal output over the last thirty years and the concomitant
rise in the share held by services, which include
retail and wholesale trade, real estate, insurance,
and financial services. (See Chart 1.) Except during the 1970s, moreover, the output of agriculture, mining, and forestry product industries also
has fallen as a share ofnominal GNP.

Chart 1
Nominal Output Shares



Services ; '







Agriculture, Mining, Forestry ........









Nominal Output In Sector/Nominal GNP

These trends present an incomplete picture of
the sectoral composition of output, however, because they combine real output and relative price
effects. A decline in the nominal value of output
in a given sector may result from either a fall in
the real volume of output or from a decline in the
relative price of that output. Chart 2 shows the
output shares of each sector in real dollar terms
(1982 base year).

Chart 2
Real Output Shares



- - - - - Services







_ _ _ _ _~~ransportation. Public Utilities, Construction




Agriculture, Mining, Forestry/







Nominal Output In Sector/Nominal, GNP

This chart presents a substantially different picture from that provided by the trends in nominal
output shares. Although the upward trend in the
real share of services in GNP clearly is evident,
real manufactures has been remarkably stable at
roughly 21 percent of GNP over the past thirty
years through. several business cycle swings.
Moreover, no significant fall in the, share of real
manufactures has occurred since 1980. In contrast, the real output share of agriculture, mining,
and forestry products has shown a marked secular decline. The share of transportation, public
utilities, and construction in real GNP also has
shown a small secular decline.
The discrepancy between manufacturing's nominal and real shares of output is due to a secular
decline in the relative price of manufactures. Between 1947 and 1986the relative price of manufactures declined by more than thirty percent.
Relative gains in manufacturing productivity over
the last 30 years account for this decline in relative prices. Thus, this evidence does not suggest
a decline in the share of manufactures in real aggregate output, but rather a marked relative price
decline over a three-decade-Iong period. (For
more information, see the Letter by Brian Motley,
liThe Shift to Services:' January 16, 1987.)

Output levels and exchange rates
The stability in manufacturers' share of real
outputthrough the 1980s seems hard to reconcile with the .decline in manufacturing exports
following the appreciation of the dollar. Conceivably, real exchange rate movements and the
level of manufacturing output are closely related
since these tvyo variables are both influenced by
domestic and foreign economic conditions, pol-

icies, and disturbances. However, the way in
which exchange rates and sectoral output are
related at any point in time is determined by
the nature of the underlying macroeconomic
changes. Depending on the changes in these
fundamental factors, an appreciation of the
exchange rate may be associated with an expansion or a contraction of output in different
In fact, the observed relationship between exchange rates and sectoral output composition
over time has varied considerably. Systematic
investigation of real exchange rates and u.s.
manufacturing output over the post-war period,
holding oil price shifts and business cycle effects
constant, shows that during some periods, declines in manufacturing output have been highly
correlated with exchange rate appreciation,
while at other times no significant link was identifiable. This suggests that although exchange rate
movements have powerful effects on exports and
imports, the effects on overall manufacturing and
u.s. ambiguous.
Several examples should help to demonstrate
how the relationship can vary. An independent
increase in foreign demand for U.s.-produced
manufactures would lead to a higher relative
price of u.s. manufactures, expanded industrial
production, and a real appreciation of the dollar.
The appreciation would dampen, but not offset,
the rise in exports that was stimulated by the increase in foreign demand. In this case, then, a
real appreciation of the currency would be associated with an expansion of the manufacturing
But such a positive correlation between exchange rates and manufacturing output is not the
only possible relationship. Consider a U.S. fiscal
expansion, which stimulates domestic demand
for u.s. goods, and causes a real dollar appreciation which, in turn, weakens exports, including
those of manufactures. Fiscal policies that stimulate non-manufactures, such as services, can exacerbate the decline in manufacturing output. In
this case, the relationship between manufacturing output and a dollar appreciation i..~ negative. On the other hand, fiscal policies that have
the effect of shifting aggregate demand towards
manufactures, will offset some of the decline
associated with the currency appreciation and
induce a resource shift towards the manufactur-

ing sector. Here, the relationship between output
and exchange rates could range from mildly
negative to mildly positive, depending
on the extent to which the fiscal stimulus
offsets the unfavorable movement in the exchange rate.
Recent U.s. experience reflects the effects of
expansionary fiscal policies that have stimulated
demand for manufactured goods. In the first half
of the eighties, U.S. macroeconomic policy was
marked by the largest peacetime fiscal expansion
in the post-war period. A major component of
the fiscal expansion was significant tax reductions, but equally important was a reorientation
of federal government spending on goods and
services away from non-defense towards defense.
(Defense spending constituted 69 percent of total
federal spending on goods and services in 1980
and 77 percent in 1984.) Moreover, within the
category of defense expenditures, spending
shifted towards hardware procurement. As a result, defense absorbed a larger percentage of
total demand for U.S. durable goods manufactures, rising from seven percent in 1980 to almost
11 percent in 1984.
The combination of weak exports, stable manufacturing output shares, and dollar appreciation
between 1982 and 1985 are the result of this policy mix, which provided overall aggregate fiscal
stimulus and reoriented expenditures toward durable manufactures. The appreciation of the dollar hurt those industrial sectors most exposed to
international competition. These industries experienced declining export shares. However, the
adverse effects on the demand for manufacturing

output were offset by the stimulus to industrial
sectors from rising domestic military expenditures.

Rumors of the "death" of manufactures or the
"deindustrialization" of America are greatly exaggerated. Indeed, the share of manufactures in
real GNP has remained remarkably stable, at
roughly 21 percent, over the past 30 years. The
reason for the secular decline in manufactures'
share of nominal GNP is that the relative price of
manufactures has been falling overthisperiod.
Although the appreciation of the dollar hurt
exports of U.S. goods, including manufactures,
there is little evidence to support the view that
such appreciation fostered "deindustrialization:'
The expansion in fiscal policy that played a primary role in initiating the appreciation helped to
offset the deleterious effects of the appreciation,
particularly as government expenditures shifted
toward military industrial procurement.
The flip side of the coin is that current and future
improvements in the federal budget deficit associated with fiscal spending reductions and/or
tax increases will reduce aggregate demand, including that for manufactures. But the resulting
decline in the dollar likely will continue to offset
a portion of this dampening effect by stimulating

Reuven Glick
Senior Economist

Michael Hutchison
Assistant Professor
University of California,
Santa Cruz

Opinions expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the management of the Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco, or of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Editorial comments may be addressed to the editor (Barbara Bennett) or to the author.... Free copies of Federal Reserve
publications can be obtained from the Public Information Department, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, P.O. Box 7702,
San Francisco 94120. Phone (415) 974-2246.


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