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FRBSF Economic Letter
2021-33 | November 29, 2021 | Research from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Comparing Pandemic Unemployment to Past U.S. Recoveries
Robert E. Hall and Marianna Kudlyak
Unemployment fell at a slow and steady rate in the 10 cyclical recoveries from 1949
through 2019. These historical patterns also apply to the recovery from the pandemic
recession after accounting for the unprecedented burst of temporary layoffs early in the
pandemic followed by their rapid reversal from April to November 2020. Unemployment for
other reasons—which has been most important in other recent recoveries—did not start
declining until November 2020. Since then, unemployment for other reasons has declined at
a faster pace than its historical average.

The global pandemic caused an unprecedented surge in the U.S. unemployment rate, followed by a rapid
decline. From February to April of 2020, the unemployment rate spiked from 3.5% to 14.8%. Starting in
May, unemployment dropped 8 percentage points over the first seven months of the recovery, falling to
6.7% by November 2020. Since then, the pace of the decline has slowed substantially, with a further drop
of about 2 percentage points to 4.6% as of October 2021.
In this Letter, we consider how unemployment in the pandemic has been different from recoveries over the
past 70 years and how it has been the same. The initial unemployment recovery was much faster during the
pandemic recovery than in the past. For example, following the 2007–09 recession, it took 10 years for
total unemployment to decline by 6.5 percentage points. The rapid recovery immediately following the
spike in April 2020 led some people to predict that unemployment would quickly return to its prepandemic level, which it has not done.
We show that, after we account for the unusual surge in temporary layoffs, the unemployment pattern in
the current recovery is actually similar to the past. Workers on temporary layoff depart from
unemployment quickly, mainly because they are recalled to their existing jobs, but also because some take
new jobs or leave the labor force. We refer to those counted as unemployed who are not on temporary
layoff as the jobless unemployed. Their unemployment is much more persistent than those on temporary
layoff. Historically, a large fraction of the people who were counted as unemployed were jobless—they were
not on layoff from a continuing job. In the pandemic recession, the jobless unemployment rate reached its
4.9% peak in November 2020. We find that its recovery has been much slower than for temporary layoffs,
though somewhat faster than in previous recoveries.

Recoveries of U.S. unemployment over 1949–2019
From examining the historical patterns of unemployment, we find that unemployment recoveries from
1949 through 2019 were inexorable (Hall and Kudlyak 2021a). Unemployment rose rapidly in 10 economic
crises. The crises that propelled unemployment sharply upward had widely different causes. For example,

FRBSF Economic Letter 2021-33

November 29, 2021

the 1981 recession resulted from a sharp monetary contraction, while the 2007 recession got its severity
from the financial crisis.
Despite different reasons for rising unemployment, following each crisis the unemployment rate glided
downward on a predictable recovery path. The glide continued until unemployment reached about 3.5% or
until another crisis interrupted the glide. Despite considerable variation in monetary and fiscal policy, and
in productivity and labor force growth, the rate of unemployment decline was remarkably similar across
these episodes. The economy seemed to have an irresistible force restoring full employment at a pace that
remained relatively constant
Figure 1
throughout the past 70 years.
Paths of log unemployment during recoveries
Figure 1 displays the unemployment
Log of unemployment rate
rate expressed in natural log values
during the 10 completed recoveries
since 1949; to highlight the recovery
patterns, we exclude the periods of
sharply rising unemployment during
recessions. The figure reveals a key
historical fact about recoveries: the log
of the unemployment rate tends to fall
in a virtually straight line, indicating a
relatively steady proportional decline
in the actual rate over time.







In particular, we estimate that
Source: Hall and Kudlyak (2021c).
unemployment during a recovery
drops approximately 10% per year. For
example, in a recovery starting from a 9% unemployment rate, the unemployment rate would drop 0.9
percentage point to 8.1% after one year, then 0.81 percentage point to 7.3% after two years, and so on.


Reasons for historically slow unemployment recoveries
In Hall and Kudlyak (2021c), we examined why unemployment tends to recover so consistently slowly in
economic recoveries. We find that a typical crisis breaks employment relationships, and the process of
creating new stable relationships is time-consuming. Workers who lost jobs often cycle through short-term
jobs with spells of unemployment and being out of the labor force before finding stable employment (Hall
and Kudlyak 2019). We find that high unemployment further slows down the job search and matching
process. For example, employers face additional costs in selecting the most suitable prospective workers
from among the many applicants; this can make it more difficult for other job seekers to find the right jobs,
in addition to those who lost jobs in the crisis.

Two kinds of unemployment during the pandemic recession
Hall and Kudlyak (2021b) distinguish between temporary-layoff unemployment and unemployment for
other reasons, which we refer to as jobless unemployment. The distinction is important because
temporary-layoff unemployment typically returns to normal much faster than does jobless unemployment.

FRBSF Economic Letter 2021-33

November 29, 2021

The unemployed on temporary layoff often do not go through the time-consuming process of finding stable
long-term employment that explains much of the consistency and slow pace of past recoveries. They wait
out periods of nonwork with the understanding that their jobs still exist and that they have a good chance
of being recalled.
Historically, the vast majority of people who were counted as unemployed were jobless—meaning they
were not on layoff from a continuing job. At the start of the pandemic recession, however, an
unprecedented number and fraction of the unemployed were on temporary layoff and had a good chance of
being recalled to their prior jobs (see,
Figure 2
for example, Wolcott et al. 2020).
Temporary-layoff and jobless unemployment, 1967–present
Figure 2 shows the temporary-layoff
and jobless unemployment rates, from
Temporary-layoff unemployment
January 1965 to the latest data
available, October 2021. We classify
unemployed workers into these two
Jobless unemployment
groups based on their reported reason
for unemployment and then divide
each group by the size of the total labor
March 2020 was the first month that
the pandemic noticeably influenced
the labor market. Before then,
1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
historical data show that temporaryNote: Temporary layoff reflects unemployment of people on layoff with
layoff unemployment has been small in
expectation of recall. Jobless reflects unemployment for other reasons. The
two add up to the total unemployment rate. The series are expressed as
relation to jobless unemployment.
percentages of the labor force and are seasonally adjusted. Data extend
When the labor market was strong and
through October 2021.
unemployment was low, the
temporary-layoff portion was under 1%
of the labor force, while jobless unemployment only dropped below 4% in the strongest years. In
recessions, jobless unemployment has sometimes risen to close to 9% of the labor force. In the recessions
starting in 1974 and 1981, temporary-layoff unemployment rose to 2%, but it hardly rose at all in the later
recessions of 1990 and 2001.

Unemployment recovery from the pandemic recession
Breaking unemployment into these two categories sheds light on the unique recovery patterns from the
pandemic recession. From April to November 2020, total unemployment declined 8.1 percentage points,
from 14.8% to 6.7%, a much faster drop than in previous recoveries. The temporary-layoff unemployment
rate declined 10.8 percentage points, from 11.5% to 1.7%. During that period, the jobless unemployment
rate increased, reaching its pandemic peak of 4.9%.


FRBSF Economic Letter 2021-33

Since November 2020 the recovery of
the total unemployment rate has
slowed. Between November 2020 and
October 2021, the total rate fell 2.1
percentage points. About half of this
drop is in temporary-layoff
unemployment, and the other half is
recovery of jobless unemployment. The
decline in the total unemployment rate
has slowed because temporary-layoff
unemployment had mostly dissipated
by the end of 2020; the remaining
unemployment was jobless
unemployment, which typically
declines at a much lower rate.

November 29, 2021

Figure 3
Jobless unemployment: Actual and hypothetical paths
Hypothetical path at historical rate
1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007 2012 2017 2022

Figure 3 shows the path of actual
jobless unemployment (solid line) and the hypothetical path starting from November 2020 if the recovery
had been on its historical path (dashed green line). The deviation of those two lines during the period from
the recent peak in November 2020 through October 2021 indicates that the recovery of jobless
unemployment has been more than double its historical rate.

In the 10 unemployment recoveries over 1949–2019, unemployment glided downward. After 1960, the
glide was at a constant proportional rate of 10% per year. This historical regularity of unemployment
recoveries applies to the recovery from the pandemic recession as well, after accounting for the
unprecedented surge and recovery in temporary-layoff unemployment. The reversal of temporary layoffs
accounted for the entire decline in total unemployment from April to November 2020, but this dissipated
considerably by the end of 2020. During that period the jobless unemployment rate was increasing. In
November 2020, jobless unemployment reached its pandemic peak and subsequently began to recover.
Since then, the recovery of jobless unemployment has been speedier than its historical pace during the
previous 10 recoveries.
Robert E. Hall is Robert and Carole McNeil Joint Hoover Senior Fellow and Professor of Economics
Stanford University.
Marianna Kudlyak is a research advisor in the Economic Research Department of the Federal Reserve
Bank of San Francisco.

Hall, Robert E., and Marianna Kudlyak. 2019. “Job-Finding and Job-Losing: A Comprehensive Model of Heterogeneous
Individual Labor-Market Dynamics.” FRB San Francisco Working Paper 2019-05.
Hall, Robert E., and Marianna Kudlyak. 2021a. “The Inexorable Recoveries of US Unemployment.” FRB San Francisco
Working Paper 2021-20.
Hall, Robert E., and Marianna Kudlyak. 2021b. “The Unemployed with Jobs and without Jobs.” FRB San Francisco Working
Paper 2021-17.


FRBSF Economic Letter 2021-33

November 29, 2021

Hall, Robert E., and Marianna Kudlyak. 2021c. “Why Has the U.S. Economy Recovered So Consistently from Every Recession in
the Past 70 Years?” NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2021, volume 36.
Petrosky-Nadeau, Nicolas, and Robert G. Valletta. 2020. “Unemployment Paths in a Pandemic Economy.” FRB San Francisco
Working Paper 2020-18.
Wolcott, Erin, Mitchell G. Ochse, Marianna Kudlyak, Noah A. Kouchekinia. 2020. “Temporary Layoffs and Unemployment in
the Pandemic.” FRBSF Economic Letter 2020-34, (November 16).

Opinions expressed in FRBSF Economic Letter do not necessarily reflect the views of the management
of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco or of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System. This publication is edited by Anita Todd and Karen Barnes. Permission to reprint portions of
articles or whole articles must be obtained in writing. Please send editorial comments and requests for
reprint permission to

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