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August 23, 1985

Bank Entry and Deregulation
Commercial banking in the United States is a highly
regulated industry. Banking regulations pervade
almost every aspect of the business, including
whether, how and where a bank can do business.
Ostensibly, the primary rationale for banking
regulation is to protect and promote the safety and
soundness of the financial system. Indeed, as bank
failures have mounted recently, some have called
for a reversal of deregulation.
As a legacy of the 1930s, many banking regulations
and laws were implemented that restricted competition among banks and between banks and
other financial institutions perhaps because of the
mistaken belief that "excessive competition" was
the cause of the widespread bank failures of the
1930s. For example, both entry restrictions, such as
government control of chartering, and restrictions
that do not deal with entry, such as consumer deposit rate ceilings, at least have the potential to
reduce competition. Although these anticompetitive regulations do not deal directly with bank risk
taking, a reduction in competition would lead to
"above-normal" profit levels (j.e., above the level
that would be earned under full competition). And
above-normal profits, in turn, may reduce the rate
of bank failures by acting as a cushion against a
threatening drop in the demand for bank services
or a sudden large increase in the cost of providing
those services.
Currently, many restrictions on bank competition
are breaking down. Deposit-rate ceilings essentially
have been eliminated on all but business checking
accounts. Geographic restrictions on bank expansion are diminishing through the liberalization of
branching laws and through regional interstate
agreements. Product-line distinctions between
banks and nondepository financial firms also are
blurring. Is banking becoming more competitive
and thus less profitable, and will bank failures consequently mount as profits decline? Or will
deregulation merely change the way banks compete rather than increase the overall degree of
In this Letter, I argue that the answer to these
questions depends in large part on whether bank

entry is market-determined or restricted by regulation. In banking, regulatory impediments are the
primary potentially significant barrier to entry - a
barrier to entry being a cost borne by a firm seeking to enter an industry that is not borne by a firm
already in the industry. Thus, this Letterfocuses on
how regulation may have affected entry into banking and neglects possible nonregulatory barriers.
Data for the period 1921-1983 are analyzed to
determine whether and how regulation has
affected the rate of bank entry in the past.
Entry and competition
Entry plays a prominent role in the economic
theory of competition. Unrestricted entry is a key
economic force that ensures there are neither too
few nor too many firms in a particular industry and
that individual firms charge competitive prices and
operate efficiently. Above-normal profits constitute a strong lure to entry in an industry with too
few competitors. New firms will be attracted to
such an industry until profits and prices are forced
down to competitive levels. Similarly, belownormal profit levels will induce firms to leave an
industry until profits and prices rise to competitive

Entry and the threat of entry are also strong forces
that tend to prevent private arrangements to
restrict competition, such as cartels, from being
successful or even from forming in the first place.
Cartels will be successful only if they can limit
competition among their members and also prevent potential new entrants from competing.
Just as private attempts to restrict competition and
to raise profits (such as cartels) generally will be
unsuccessful in restricting competition unless entry
also is limited, so will government regulations. This
is because competition can take place along so
many dimensions that it is virtually impossible to
regulate all forms of competition from new
entrants. As George Stigler stressed in a now classic
article written in 1968, "When a uniform price is
imposed upon, or agreed to, by an industry, some
or all of the other terms of sale are left unregulated." For example, competition through quality,
advertising, convenience, and by providing under-

priced services along with the good whose price is
regulated may all be effective forms of what has
come to be known as "nonprice" competition.
Thus, even when direct price competition is
prohibited by regulation, in the absence of entry
regulations, new firms will be attracted to an industry with above-normal profits and will compete
along nonprice dimensions. They will spend more
to enhance the nonprice attributes of the regulated good until profits are forced down to competitive levels. With entry regulations though, this
competitive pressure by new firms will not be
The government, unlike private groups, does have
strong enforcement tools to prevent entry by new
firms. For example, in banking, entry can be controlled through chartering and branching regulation. Until recently, the government effectively
prohibited entry into the interstate trucking, airline,
and long distance telephone industries. With entry
strictly regulated, even without other forms of
regulation, above-normal profits are the norm.
Moreover, with strictly regulated entry, other
forms of anticompetitive regulations, such as
prohibitions on price cutting, generally will lead to
even larger profits at the expense of the public.
In sum,the regulation of price has the potential to
increase the profits of regulated firms to abovenormal levels, but only if entry is also limited by
regulation. Whether entry regulation has actually
reduced the rate of entry and thus created abovenormal profits in banking is an empirical question
to which we now turn.

Effects of chartering
The United States has a "dual" federal-state banking system. Currently, persons wishing to start a
bank can apply for a federal charter from the
Comptroller of the Currency or a state charter from
the appropriate state banking agency. However, to
obtain federal deposit insurance, state banks must
either receive approval directly from the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or become
members of the Federal Reserve System. (Federally
chartered banks are all members of the Federal
Reserve System and all have federal deposit
In general, competition among chartering agencies
would seem to limit any single agency's power to

restrict entry. This is because if one agency
severely restricted entry, firms would seek charters
from other agencies. Over time, an agency with an
overly restrictive chartering policy should find itself
with few firms to regulate.
Prior to the passage of the Banking Act of1935,
which set up a federally administered "needs" criteria for chartering federally insured banks, there
was active competition between the states and
the federal government for the chartering of banks.
However, with the passage of the Act and the
creation of the FDIC, the competition for the chartering of insured banks was probably reduced
since the owners of state-chartered banks had to
apply either to the FDIC or the Federal Reserve to
obtain federal deposit insurance. In this way, the
federal government can now control the number
of (federally) insured banks even though the power
to do so is diffused through three agencies.

Previous studies
A classic 1965 study by Sam Peltzman concluded
that competition for chartering was reduced by the
passage of the Banking Act of 1935. He found that
the federal control of charteringreduceo the rate
of bank entry at least 50 percent, based on a comparison of the rate of entry before 1936 to the rate
during the 1936-1962 period. Below, I take another
look at these data and extend the analysis from
1962 through 1983, the last year for which complete data are currently available.

A further analysis
Although, according to Peltzman, the Banking Act
of 1935 and the creation of the FDIC did substantially lessen state-federal competition for the chartering of insured banks between 1936 and 1962,
there was still interagency competition between
the FDIC, the Comptroller, and the Federal Reserve.
More recently, as S&Ls have gained more and more
bank-like powers (such as making commercial
loans and offering checking accounts), the Federal
Home Loan Bank Board, which controls the chartering of federally insured thrifts, may have
increased the degree of competition among
federal agencies for chartering. Because of this
actual and potential competition among chartering
agencies, it may well be that chartering would
become a less and less effective restriction to entry
over time. Thus, below, we look at entry rates during the post-1962 period in addition to those during the 1921-1962 period analyzed by Peltzman to

see if entry rates have remained low or whether
they have increased.
Entry rates (the number of banks opening in a given
year divided by the number of banks in existence
at the end of the previous year) are plotted in the
chart. For the period 1921-1935, the average rate
of entry was about 1.7 percent per year. In contrast, during the 1936-1962 period, the average
rate of entry declined to only .7 percent a year, a
statistically significant decline of approximately the
same magnitude found by Peltzman. Part of this
decline was likely due to a reduction in the
demand for charters, especially during the 1930s.
However, the fact that entry rates remained low
even after the Depression suggests that chartering
also had changed. Thus, the evidence supports the
notion that a change in chartering caused a significant decline in the rate of bank entry during the
period following the passage of the Banking Act of
1935 up to 1962.
On November 15,1961, James Saxon was
appointed Comptroller of the Currency. He was
widely regarded as a proponent of the national
banking system and was viewed as being more
liberal toward chartering than his predecessors.
The data in the chart suggest that his policies
initially raised these rates significantly. However,
by the last year of his tenure (1966), entry rates
had fallen back to the pre-Saxon level. One reason
for this decline may be the credit "crunch" of
1966-1967. After the crunch, entry rates resumed
their sharp upward rise and followed a cyclical pattern unique to the post-1962 period.
Looking at the 1963-1983 period as a whole, entry
rates averaged essentially the same as during the
1921-1935 period. Thus, it appears that Saxon
began an era in which entry into banking was no
more difficult than during the relatively unrestricted period of chartering before the Banking
Act of 1935. If correct, this means that banking has
become a more competitive industry, at least since
1962. However, another interpretation of the data
in the chart would be that entry restrictions werl:!
gradually relaxed beginning perhaps as early as
1950. In either event, currently, entry does not
appear to be significantly restricted by regulation,
at least in comparison to the pre-1930s era.

Entry Rates for Commercial Banks, 1921-1983



Restricted Era

.. I .. Post·Saxon Era



~ 9L.21--19.L28-1-9L.35-1..194-2-19""'4-9-19""'56-1"'"96L.3-1..197-0-19""'7-7....,11984

The recent deregulation of banking, in particular
the removal of deposit-rate ceilings on almost all
types of consumer accounts, appears to be taking
place in an environment in which entry restrictions
have been effectively eliminated or at least have
been substantially relaxed. If so, recent consumer
deposit rate deregulation should have little or no
long-run effects on the profitability of the banking
industry as a whole because the effectively/
unrestricted entry prior to this phase of deregulation would have ensured that bank profitability
was at normal, competitive levels when the
deregulation began.

However, individual banks may have had different
experiences as they made the transition from nonprice to price competition. Further, if entry restrictions had been effectively removed prior to deposit rate deregulation, then deregulation, by
eliminating the inefficiencies inherent in nonprice
competition, should have led to an expansion of
the banking industry relative to its nonbank competitors. This, in turn, would increase incentives for
entry and may explain the very high entry rates of
the last few years.
Michael C. Keeley

Opinions expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the management of the Federal Reserve Bank of San
Francisco, or of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Editorial comments may be addressed to the editor (Gregory Tong) or to the author .... Free copies of Federal Reserve publications
can be obtained from the Public Information Department, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, P.O. Box 7702, San Francisco
94120. Phone (415) 974-2246.




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~O ~U08
aAJaSa~ IOJapa~

~uaw~Jodaa l.pJOaSa~
(Dollar amounts in millions)

Selected Assets and liabilities
Large Commercial Banks
Loans, Leases and Investments l 2
Loans and Leases 1 6
Commercial and Industrial
Real estate
Loans to Individuals
U.S. Treasury and Agency Securities 2
Other Securities 2
Total Deposits
Demand Deposits
Demand Deposits Adjusted 3
Other Transaction Balances4
Total Non-Transaction Balances 6
Money Market Deposit
Time Deposits in Amounts of
$100,000 or more
Other Liabilities for Borrowed MoneyS

Two Week Averages
of Daily Figures




Period ended

Change from 8/8/84










Period ended

1 Includes loss reserves, unearned income, excludes interbank loans



Reserve Position, All Reporting Banks
Excess Reserves (+ )jDeficiency (-)
Net free reserves (+ )jNet borrowed( -)


Excludes trading account securities

3 Excludes U.s. government and depository institution deposits and cash items
4 ATS, NOW, Super NOW and savings accounts with telephone transfers

S Includes borrowing via FRB, TT&L notes, Fed Funds, RPs and other sources
6 Includes items not shown separately
7 Annualized percent change


