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Number 94-32, September 23, 1994

How Bad Is the "Bad Loan Problem"

in Japan?
During japan's recent economic downturn, the
most severe since World War II, the financial
press has voiced concern about japanese banks'
exposure to nonperforming or "bad" loans. The
reason is that a "bad loan problem" can seriously impair banks' abilityto lend, thus causing
a "credit crunch" that could exacerbate the
downturn. From a macroeconomic perspective,
the size of the bad loan problem can have important ramifications for credit availability and, in
turn, for japan's economic recovery.
Despite the importance of this question, a systematic estimate of the overall size of the bad
loan problem has so far been lacking, because
available accounting data on japanese banks are
inadequate. This Weekly Letter draws on a study
by Huh and Kim (1994) to fill this gap by providing an indirect but consistent method of
estimating the extent of the bad loan problem in
Japan. The estimates suggest that the problem is
substantial-possibly as much as 40 trillion yen,
or some 10 percent of the total outstanding loans
of all commercial banks in japan were nonperforming as of 1992. Japanese commercial banks
seem to be making a concerted and unprecedented effort to rid bad loans from their balance
sheets in recent periods. Consequently, a reduction in credit availability due to the bad loan
problem might account for part of the sluggish
recovery that Japan is currently experienci ng.

mercial banks' adoption of a tougher stance on
lending, which was driven in part by bank regulators' tighter examination standards. This view
is controversial, but it does provide an example
in which a factor mostly related to bank credit
supply conditions plays an important role in affecting the overall credit market and thus macroeconomic conditions.
Likewise, japanese banks' exposure to a substantial bad loan problem may be an important factor
limiting credit availability. In particular, japanese
banks aggressively increased loans related to
real estate during the property and stock market
booms of the late 1980s, along with commercial
and industrial loans. But with the slowdown in
the economy and the significant deflation in .japan's stock and property markets since 1989, the
banking sector has been saddled with a large
amount of non performing assets. The problem is
compounded because japanese banks, unlike
banks, can hold stocks. During the stock
market boom, japanese banks had a "hidden reserve:' in the form of unrealized capital gains on
the stocks they held; during the recession, the
hidden reserve evaporated.


Tight credit and economic recovery

While this description of what is going on in
japan is plausible, judging its validity requires
good data on loans held by japanese banks. The
following sections offer systematic and consistent
estimates of the overall size of the bad loan

Much of the discussion about a "credit crunch"
was heard during and after the 1990 recession in
the U.S. The main thrust of the argument is that
banks' tightening of credit is not only a symptom
of a slack economy but also may be a cause of
recession-or at least a source of prolonging it.
Specifically, some commentators attributed the
sluggishness in the early recovery phase to com-

The most direct way of measuring the bad loan
problem is to rely on banks' accounting data,
such as profit and loss statements. However, this
method is not feasible for japan for at least two
reasons. First, most japanese banks are not required by law to report nonperforming loans.


Estimation method

Pacific Basin Notes appears on an occasional
basis. It is prepared under the auspices of the Center for Pacific Basin Monetary and Economic Studies
within the FRBSF's Economic Research Department.

Second, when patchy data do exist, they may
significantly understate the true amount, since
banks frequently have kept nonperforming loans
on their books instead of writing them off by
drawing on loan-loss provisions.
We circumvented such data problems on banks'
(that is, the lenders') balance sheets by turning to
the corporate sector (that is, the borrowers') balance sheets. Specifically, we gauged the extent
of the bad loan problem by looking at the default
rate on accounts and notes payable (hereafter,
notes) issued in the corporate sector, for which
continuous data are available.
This indirect measure is likely to track the extent
of nonperforming loans in japan for several reasons. First, notes accounted for 30 percent of the
total liabilities of the corporate sector in 1990.
The importance of notes in the overall liability
structure suggests that firms encountering trouble
honoring this form of liability are also likely to be
having trouble meeting other forms of liabilities,
including bank borrowing. Second, although japanese banks do not tend to report nonperforming
loans, they do promptly report a note in default
when funds in the firm's account are insufficient
to cover the amount submitted for clearance.
Given that corporate banking in japan combines
traditional lending activities with discounting
and clearing of notes, a suspension of bank
transactions triggered by a note default would imply that, from the bank's point of view, the overall
creditworthiness of the firm in question has deteriorated significantly. In other words, movements
in the aggregate suspension of bank transactions
due to note default should be closely tied to the
business sector's general financial conditions and
hence the extent of the bad loan problem in the
banking sector.
On the basis of these observations, the bad loan
ratio (BLR) was calculated as the total liabilities
of the firm whose transactions with banks were
suspended due to note default, divided by the
total liabilities of the corporate sector. In other
words, we assumed that the amount of bank borrowing by firms with suspended transactions was
equivalent to the amount of bad loans. It is important to note that the BLR is not cumulative;
instead, it is a measure of new bad loans.

Historical pattern of the estimated
bad loan ratio
Figure 1 helps put the recent episode into historical perspective by displaying the estimated BLR
for all banks over a 20-year period (1973-1992).

Figure 1
Bad loan Ratio Estimate for Japan














Three patterns in the figure are worth noting.
First, the BLR rose sharply in the 1970s. The first
peak was in 1974, at about 1.5 percent, in the
wake of monetary and fiscal tightening in early
1973 geared to restrain inflation and the oil crisis
of October 1973. The ratio rose again to yet higher levels in 1977, reflecting the slump in exportdependent industries triggered by a sharp appreciation of the yen. (The yen/dollar exchange rate
appreciated from about 290 at the beginning of
1977 to 170 in October 1978.)
Second, the series does not exhibit any discernible trend from the late 1970s through the mid1980s. That is, no marked increases in the BLR
appear to have been triggered by the second oil
shock in 1979, the widespread recession of the
early 1980s, or the sharp appreciation of the yen
after the Plaza Accord in 1985, where five major
industrialized economies agreed to drive down
the dollar.
Third, the BLR declined markedly during the bull
market (the so-called bubble economy) of the
second half of the 1980s, reaching a low of 0.24
percent at the end of 1989. The ratio then sharply
reversed trend, soaring to an all-time high of
nearly 2 percent in 1991. This surge coincides
with the steep decline in asset prices since late
1989 and the onset of japan's current recession
that many now consider to be the most severe
since World War II. The estimate of the bad loan
problem provided here corroborates this view in

a striking way. The severity of problem loans appears to have subsided somewhat in 1992, but no
definitive statement can be made without more
up-to-date data.

How big is the current stock of bad loans?
As mentioned earlier, the estimates presented
here are new bad loan ratios for each quarter.
However, banks may carry some or even a substantial part of the previous period's bad loans
over time. Indeed, according to Japanese practices, loans are not considered delinquent until
six months without payment, and even then a
bank may accept a token payment so the troubled debt may ride another six months.
The widespread practice of carrying bad loans
over from one period to the next suggests that the
true severity of the current bad loan problem may
be better measured by a cumulative ratio. To explore this possibility, we cumulated the bad loan
estimate from 1990 to 1992, the latest period for
which data are available. The implicit assumption here is that before 1990, Japanese banks
were able to write off bad loans. The situation
changed after asset prices plummeted, wiping
out a significant portion of banks' hidden reserves which otherwise could have been used to
write off bad loans.
According to the worst possible scenario, namely,
that Japanese banks have not been able to write
off any portion of nonperforming loans since
1990, bad loans in Japan would have totaled
some 44 trillion yen, or lOA percent of total
loans outstanding (both short- and long-term) at
the end of 1992. If we allow for the possibility·
that banks have been able to write off some bad
loans, this number could be lowered by 5 to 10
trillion yen, which would bring our estimate remarkably close to some recent private sector
estimates of about 30 trillion yen, or about 7 percent of total loans outstanding reported in the
financial press.
Our estimate may understate the extent of the
bad loan problem in the most recent recession in

one important respect. Our sample consists of
nonfinancial firms and hence does not include
large commercial real estate development firms,
which are considered financing companies.
Some evidence suggests that these firms, having
borrowed heavily from major banks during the
bubble economy period, have encountered serious financial trouble since the property market
collapse. Some firms are reported to have received special consideration by lenders so as to
prevent a chain of financial distress from getting
started. Their inclusion undoubtedly would raise
the estimated bad loan ratio noticeably.

To help determine how bad Japan's bad loan
problem is, we used a measure that is based on
indirect data. The estimated measure appears to be
a reasonable approximation on several grounds.
First, there is a general conformity between the
overall pattern of our measure and the past business cycle patterns of the Japanese economy.
Second, our estimate matches existing estimates
Our findings indicate that the bad loan problem
in Japan in the early 1990s is quite serious. An
unprecedented effort by Japanese banks to clear
bad loansfrom their balance sheets may be an
important factor in explaining the slow credit
growth seen in Japan recently. This, in turn, might
explain in part why its economy currently is experiencing a sluggish recovery.

Chan Huh

Sun Rae Kim
Senior International Economist
Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Huh, Chan, and Sun Bae Kim. 1994. "Financial Regulation and Banking Sector Performance: A Comparison of Bad Loan Problems in Japan and Korea."
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Economic
Review (2).

Opinions expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the viewsof the management of the Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco, or of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Editorial comments may be addressed to the editor or to the author.... Free copies of .Federal Reserve publications can be
obtained from the Public Information Department, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, P.O. Box 7702, San Francisco 94120.
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Federal Reserve
Bank of
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Index to Recent Issues of FRBSF Weekly Letter





Monetary Policy in the 1990s
The IPO Underpricing Puzzle
New Measures of the Work Force
Industry Effects: Stock Returns of.Banks and Nonfinancial Firms
Monetary Policy ina Low Inflation Regime
Measuring the Gains from International Portfolio Diversification
Interstate Banking in the West
California Banks Playing Catch-up
California Recession and Recovery
Just-In-Time Inventory Management: Has It Made a Difference?
GATS and Banking in the Pacific Basin
The Persistence of the Prime Rate
A Market-Based Approach to CRA
Manufacturing Bias in Regional Policy
An "Intermountain Miracle"?
Trade and Growth: Some Recent Evidence
Should the Central Bank Be Responsible for Regional Stabilization?
Interstate Banking and Risk
A Primer on Monetary Policy Part I: Goals and Instruments
A Primer on Monetary Policy Part II: Targets and Indicators
Linkages of National Interest Rates
Regional Income Divergence in the 1980s
Exchange Rate Arrangements in the Pacific Basin

Neuberger/Schm idt

The FRBSF Weekly Letter appears on an abbreviated schedule in June, July, August, and December.