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November 2, 1984

A "Supply-Side Miracle"?
The u.s. economy is experiencing an investment
boom in plant and equipment of major proportions. Nonresidential fixed investment set a postwar record by growing at a 16.8 percent annual
rate duringthe first six quarters of the current
expansion. More importantly, investment spending also reached a record high in relation to current
levels of GNP. Nonresidential fixed investment
has averaged 11.5 percent of GNP in the current
expansion, compared to an average of9.5 percent
of GNP in earlier business cycle upswings.
Have the tax incentives for business investment
provided in the Economic Recovery and Tax Act of
1981 caused the current investment boom? This
Weekly Letter presents evidence showing that any
reduction in the cost of investment created by
these new tax incentives has been offset by recent
increases in real interest rates.

Possible explanations
Various explanations have been advanced for the
current investment boom in plant and equipment.
One is based on the momentum of the recovery
from the 1981-82 recession which was quicker
than normal and thus may have created a greater
need to expand capacity. However, real GNP
grew by a 7.2 percent annual rate in the first 6
quarters of this expansion, compared to an average rate of 6.8 percent in previous postwarexpansions; and the speed of the decline in real GNP
during the prior recession was no more than average. These differences are not great enough to
explain the large disparity in investment behavior. Nor can the strength of investment spending simply be explained by a relatively low level in
the prior recession. The ratio of investment
spend ing to GNP was not any lower than usual for
a recession.
Two other explanations have more validity. Since
the cyclical expansion of the mid-1970s, many
new forms of "high-technology" investment have
become available in the areas of electronic equipment, communications gear, and office machines.
Since these investments allowfirms to cut costs by
using new technologies, they can be highly profitable even if the financial cost of investment is
greater than normal. According to unpublished

data compiled by the Commerce Department,
such "high tech" investment has recently taken a
quantum leap, jumping from 25 percent to nearly
50 percent of total investment since 1978. Since
most "high tech" investment takes the form of
equ ipment, th is explanation is consistent with the
below-average ratio of investment in structures to
GNP at the same ti me that the ratio of investment
in equipment to GNP has been ata postwar high.
A second explanation for the current investment
boom in plant and equipment is the obsolescence
ofthe capital stock. Higher energy prices in the
1970s, as well as regulations to reduce pollution
and enhance occupational safety, made production faci Iities that had been regarded as fu Ily competitive in an earlier environment relatively inefficient. If, as demand increases during an expansion
and older facilities are brought into use, the cost of
runningthem exceeds the cost of investing in new
capital, then investment is stimulated.
The most widely discussed possible explanation
of the current investment boom is the potential
effect of the tax cuts for business provided in the
Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981. ThisAct
substantially reduced effective tax rates on the
capital cost of business fixed investment without
changing the corporate income tax rate. First, an
Accelerated Cost Recovery System (ACRS) replaced the previous system of basing tax lives on
expected useful lives. For most assets the new tax
Iives are considerably shorter than thei r economic
lives. Second, the 1981 Act increased the value of
investment tax credits for investment in equipment. The Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act
of 1982 took back a portion of these cuts as part of
a package to reduce the size of the federal budget
deficit, but its net effect on tax incentives for business was relatively minor.
Whether the tax cuts for business are actually
generating the investment boom in plant and
equipment depends upon whether the incentives
they provide have been offset by higher real interest rates. If the amount of available saving were
fixed and other kinds of investment had received
equal tax breaks, interest rates would have to rise
to an exactly offsetting extent in order to ration

the given amount of saving. But interest rates need
not have increased to this extent since several other kinds of investment (such as consumer
durables, owner occupied housing and foreign
investment) did not get equal tax breaks. With
a given amount of saving, business fixed investment wou Id then gai n at the expense of other types
of investment.

lowances and the investment tax credit, as well
as the corporate income tax rate itself. The
accompanying chart shows the behavior of the
Hall and Jorgenson measure of the real cost of
capital and its two major components (real debt
and equity costs plus depreciation and the effective tax rate) for nonresidential fixed investment in recent years.

Thepressure on interest rates would be further
reduced to the extent that the supply of private
domestic saving was augmented by tax incentives
or inflows of foreign saving. But the pressure
would be increased if otherfactors were simultaneously contributing to larger federal budget deficits, which represent a reduction in governmental
contributions to total saving. Although the 1981
Act reduced the average marginal tax rate for individuals by several percentage points (after taking
into accou nt the effect of "bracket creep"), there
has actually been no perceptible increase in the
private saving rate. Instead, the main effect
of cutting personal income taxes has been to
create large losses in revenue and therefore further reductions in government saving. The result
has been a substantial upward pressure on real
interest rates.

Effective tax rates on the cost of capital investment
in equipment and structures have been marked by
strong, but divergent, trends between 1955 and
1980. As inflation and nominal interest rates rose,
the economic value of depreciation fell, raising
the effective tax rate on investment in structures
from 36 to 58 percent. For equipment, however,
the introduction of the investment tax credit in
1962 and subsequent changes in the tax law were
enough to offset the effect of higher inflation, resulting in an actual decline in the effective tax rate
from 24 to 13 percent. Although the disparity in
the treatment of equ ipment and structu res became
quite large, by 1980 nonresidential fixed investment as a whole was not taxed any more heavily
than in earlier years. The 27 percent average effective tax rate then was actually a Iittle lower than
in 1955.

Tax incentives

vs. real interest rates

The real cost of capital investment, including the
effects of taxes, can be measu red with an approach
developed by Professors Robert Hall and Dale
Jorgenson. In their method, the real cost of capital
has three main determinants besides debt and
equ ity costs: (1) the tax rate on corporate profits,
which is applied to returns on equity capital, (2)
deductions allowed for depreciation, and (3) an
investment tax credit of up to 10 percent of the
original cost for expenditures on equipment, but
not for structures. The present economic value of
depreciation allowances varies inversely with the
life of the investment for tax purposes and also
inversely with nominal interest rates. The economic value of depreciation allowances and that of
the investmenttax credit have varied substantially
over the post-war period due to changes in the tax
law and variations in nominal interest rates.
The real cost of capital investment in the Hall and
Jorgenson formula is equal to a weighted average
of real debt and equity costs plus the physical rate
of depreciation, all multiplied by one plus the
effective tax rate. The effective tax rate is influenced by the economic value of depreciation al-

Effective tax rates on both types of investment
were reduced substantially by the 1981 Tax Act,
with the average effective tax rate on all nonresidential fixed investment falling from 27 to 16 percent by 1984. Other things being equal, lower tax
rates reduce the effective real cost of capital and
raise the optimum capital/output ratio. Such an
increase in the desired capital/output ratio would
then raise the level of investment spending. During the current expansion, however, other things
have not been equal. In particular, the real cost of
debt and equity has been pulled up by the federal
government's increased demand for credit (or,
equivalently, the decrease in government saving)
stemming from large and growing structural budget deficits.
Real debt and equity costs were abnormally high
in 1980-82, as a temporary consequence of the
process of disinflation brought about by a slowing
in monetary growth. Ordinarily, real debt and
equity costs would have fallen back to normal
levels during the 1983-84 expansion. However,
due to the growing pressure on interest rates created by federal budget deficits, by the first half of
1984, real debt and equity costs were still 2.5

Nonresidential Fixed Investment:
The Real Cost of Capital and Its Two Main Components


Tax Rate



."-'- -'-'-'--".
Real Cost of
Debt and Equity




~~~~~~~i~i.~. - / - "

-"\ r - - - ' - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - ' - - ' - - - - - ' - - - - - '


1955 ·1978
Sources: Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and Data
Resources, Inc.

percentage points above the average of earlier
postwar years. This kept the real cost of capital
investment in structures and equipment as measured by the Hall and Jorgenson formula at 23.2
percent, compared to an average of 22.2 percent
in earlier years. This measure of the cost of capital
was also higher over the first six quarters of the
current expansion than in previous comparable
periods-at 22.3 percent versus 20.8 percent.
Thus, the effect ofthe tax cuts in stimulating
nonresidential fixed investment has been more
than offset by the upward pressure on real debt
and equity costs. Because of this, the current investment boom in plant and equipment cannot
be explained by incentives provided in the 1981
Tax Act.

Importance of overall fiscal package
A major objective of the supply-side program was
to provide tax incentives to stimulate business
investment and economic growth. For such a program to work, real interest rates must not rise to
such an extentthatthey nu II ify the effects of the tax
incentives. Monetary policy cannot permanently
alter real interest rates, so the problem Iies with the
overall fiscal package itself. The difficulty with

cu rrent fiscal pol icy is that the effects of tax cuts for
households have overwhelmed the incentives
provided to business. Personal income tax cuts
have not produced the hoped-for increase in the
private saving rate, but, instead, have only increased the federal government's demand for
credit (or reduced government saving) as a result
of the loss in government revenues. As a consequence, real debt and equity costs have risen by
enough to offset the reduction in the cost of capital
for investment in structures and equipment that
would otherwise have occurred.
The evidence provides no support for the view that
the current investment boom is a "supply-side
miracle" produced by recent cuts in business
taxes. The thrust of the overall fiscal package since
1980 has actually been counter-productive for
that purpose, being "pro-consumption" rather
than "pro-investment." The investment boom is
better explained by otherfactors-particularly the
availability of "high tech" investment and the obsolescence of a portion of the capital stock. Once
the strength of these factors fades, as is likely, so
too will the investment boom, unless the pro-consu mption thrust of cu rrent fiscal policy is changed.

Adrian W. Throop

Opinions expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the management of the Federal Reserve Bank of San
Francisco, or of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Editorial comments may be addressed to the editor (Gregory Tong) or to the author .... Free copies of Federal Reserve publications
can be obtained from the Public Information Department, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, P.O. Box 7702, San Francisco
94120. Phone (415) 974·2246.

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(Dollar amounts in millions)

Selected Assets and Liabilities
Large Commercial Banks
Loans, Leases and Investments 1 2
Loans and Leases 1 6
Commercial and Industrial
Real estate
Loans to Individuals
U.S. Treasury and Agency Securities 2
Other Securities 2
Total Deposits
Demand Deposits
Demand Deposits Adjusted 3
Other Transaction Balances 4
Total Non-Transaction Balances 6
Money Market Deposit
Accounts -Total
Time Deposits in Amounts of
$100,000 or more
Other Liabilities for Borrowed MoneyS

Weekly Averages
of Daily Figures








Change from 12/28/83



- 239
- 140






- 16.4
- 12.1
- 6.4













Period ended

Period ended





Reserve Position, All Reporting Banks
Excess Reserves (+ )/Deficiency (-)
Net free reserves (+ )/Net borrowed( -)




Includes loss reserves, unearned income, excludes interbank loans
Excludes trading account securities
Excludes U.S. government and depository institution deposits and cash items
ATS, NOW, Super NOW and savings accounts with telephone transfers
Includes borrowing via FRB, TI&L notes, Fed Funds, RPs and other sources
Includes items not shown separately