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Number 94-28, August 19, 1994

A Primer on Monetary Policy
Part II: Targets and Indicators
The last issue of the Weekly Letter (Walsh 1994)
discussed the goals of monetary policy and the
main instruments actually controlled by the Federal Reserve. It noted that most economists believe monetary policy can have important effects
on output and employment only in the short-run;
in the longer run, the Fed can affect inflation but
not employment. This Letter focuses on issues
related to the actual implementation of monetary

used to guide policy are not available every day
or every week or even every month. And fourth,
policy actions taken today will affect the economy only with a significant lag so that policy
changes must be made in anticipation of future
developments in the economy. Becau~e the first
two of these issues have been recently discussed
by Trehan (1993) and Cogley (1993), they are
touched upon only briefly here.

Channels of monetary policy

Aggregate spending is related not to market interest rates but to the expected real rate of interest.
Since it is difficult to measure expected inflation,

Real interest rates
Economists disagree about the exact linkages
among monetary policy actions, inflation, and

economic activity. Most agree that banks playa

it is hard to know the current leve! of rea! interest

critical role in the transmission process, although
evidence is inconclusive about whether it is
through the liability side of banks' balance sheets
(deposits and other components of the money
supply) or through the asset side (bank loans).
In either case, the general view is that monetary
policy works by affecting interest rates. Increases
in interest rates raise the cost of borrowing and
lead to reductions in business investment spending and household purchases of durable goods
such as autos and new homes. These declines in
spending reduce the aggregate demand for the
economy's output, leading firms to cut back on
production and employment. Conversely, interest
rate declines stimulate aggregate spending and
lead to increases in production and employment.

rates. And variations in expected inflation can
make a big difference. In 1978, the funds rate
averaged 7.93 percent, but the rate of inflation
was 9.1 percent; if the inflation was fully anticipated, that 7.93 funds rate was equivalent to an
expected real rate of negative 1.17 percent. Today
the funds rate is 4.25. If the market expects a
continuation of the current 3 percent inflation
rate, then today's funds rate translates into a positive 1.25 percent expected real rate. So a funds
rate of 4.25 percent today may be more restrictive than the 7.93 funds rate was in 1978. With
inflation expectations difficult to measure, economists can disagree about the current level of real
rates and therefore the stance of monetary policy.

Since the Fed can control the federal funds rate,
it would appear to be a simple matter to link policy actions-changes in the funds rate-to real
economic activity. Unfortunately, four critical
problems arise in implementing monetary policy.
First, while the Fed can affect market interest
rates, spending decisions and economic activity
depend on real interest rates, that is, market rates
corrected for expected rates of inflation. Second,
economic activity is likely to be related to both
short-term and long-term real interest rates, while
the Fed most directly controls very short-term
market rates. Third, the Fed is interested ultimately in measures of economic performance
like inflation, real economic growth and employment, yet data on these variables that might be

In addition, the Fed can only influence the level
of real interest rates in the short-run; it cannot
permanently prevent the real rate from returning
to its equilibrium level without risking accelerating inflation or deflation. Persistent attempts to
keep real rates too low will initially generate an
economic expansion that will lead to more rapid
inflation. As individuals come to expect higher
inflation, real rates will tend to adjust back to
their equilibrium level. Further expansionary
policy would be needed to keep the real rate
down, leading to further increases in inflation.
Most estimates of expected inflation imply that
real short-term interest rates earlier this year
were very low, too low to be consistent with
steady real growth at a sustainable rate. However,


the real rate of interest consistent with sustained
growth varies over time in ways that are difficult
to measure or predict. Thus, the benchmark
against which any estimate of the current real
rate should be compared is itself not directly
measured. So economists can disagree about
whether current real rates are too high or too low.

Long-term interest rates
Aggregate spending is related both to long-term
real interest rates and to the short-term rates the
Fed can affect directly. Long-term rates will be
equal to the average of the expected future shortterm rates plus a risk factor that reflects the premium necessary to induce risk-averse investors
to hold long-term bonds. An increase in shortterm rates that is viewed to be temporary will.
have a much smaller impact on long rates than
would an increase expected to be relatively
Long-term interest rates can be expressed as the
sum of an expected real return and an adjustment for expected inflation. Long rates have the
potential, therefore, to provide information about
the market's expectations about inflation. Long
rates will tend to rise (fall) if higher (lower) inflation is expected. After the Fed's most recent
increase in the funds rate on May 17th, longterm interest rates actually declined. This was
interpreted as evidence that financial market participants were confident the Fed had tightened
sufficiently to ensure inflation would not increase. Unfortunately, long-term interest rates
also vary because of variations in the expected
rate of return. Because of the difficulties in predicting these variations, it is not always possible
to interpret changes in long-term interest rates as
providing information about inflation expectations.

Intermediate targets
Ideally, the Fed would like to be able to monitor
continuously its ultimate goals, like the rate
of inflation, in order to adjust its policy instruments. Unfortunately, new data on inflation are
available only monthly, while data on GOP growth
are available only quarterly. Consequently, the Fed
must rely on data available more frequently, such
as interest rates, which it can observe continuously, or monetary aggregates, which are available weekly, as intermediate targets tohelp guide
policy. An intermediate target is a variable that,
while not directly under the control of the Fed
(that is, it is not an instrument like the federal
funds rate), responds fairly quickly to policy actions, is observable frequently, and bears a predictable relationship to the ultimate goals of

To use an intermediate target, the Fed must first
determine the value for the intermediate target
consistent with the desired goals. The Fed then
adjusts its instruments in order to ensure the intermediate target variable takes on the chosen
value. That is, policy is conducted as if the intermediate target value were the goal of policy. If
new information suggests the intermediate target
variable is diverging from the targeted value, policy instruments are adjusted to return it to target.
During the early 1980s, several different measures of the money supply served as intermediate
targets; for example, when M2 was growing
above its target range, this signaled a need to
tighten policy by contracting the growth of bank
reserves. Slow M2 growth was a signal to expand
reserve growth. However, the relationship between the monetary aggregates and the ultimate
goals of monetary policy became increasingly
unpredictable, reducing the value of the aggregates as intermediate targets (see Judd-Trehan

Poiicy indicators
Currently, the Fed has no single reliable intermediate target that could be used to guide policy;
consequently, the Fed must rely on many variables for information to guide policy. These variables
are indicators of the current state of the economy
or of future developments in the economy.
Indicators of future developments are needed because it takes time for a monetary policy action
to affect the economy. Policy actions taken in
early 1994 are likely to have their greatest effect
on the economy in late 1994 and early 1995. This
makes it imperative that policy actions be taken
not on the basis of current economic conditions,
but on the basis of forecasts of future economic
conditions. To wait to shift the Fed's policy stance
until inflation actually increases, for example,
would mean that inflationary momentum will have
already developed, making the task of redUcing
inflation that much harder and more costly in terms
of job losses. In the past, the Fed has been criticized
for waiting too long before adjusting its policies.
Basing policy on forecasts creates its own difficulties. Because economic developments are
difficult to predict, forecasts often turn out to be
wrong. And because forecasters often disagree,
there will be corresponding differences over the
appropriate stance of policy. The current situation
is a case in point. The Fed has tightened policy,
not in response to any current rise in inflation,
but on the basis of its forecast of rising inflation
in the future if it maintained its previous policy

stance. Critics have claimed that future inflation
increases are unlikely. Because the debate is over
forecasts of what inflation would have done under the Fed's previous policy, they are difficult to
In the absence of an agreed upon intermediate
target to guide policy, the Fed must evaluate a
number of variables that may serve to indicate
future economic developments in order to determine if policy changes are appropriate. Among
the indicators that have been proposed are nominal income growth, real interestrates, commodity prices, exchange rates and the price of gold.
For example, the Fed could use nominal income
growth as an indicator by comparing the most
recent data on nominal growth to the growth rate
consistent with sustained real growth and low
inflation. Since most estimates of the economy's
long-run sustainable growth rate of real income
are in the 2 to 2V2 percent range, if the inflation
target were 1 percent, nominal income growth
should be in the 3 to 3% percent range.
Because no single indicator variable consistently
provides accurate information on the future of the
economy or the stance of monetary pol icy, the Fed
must rely on a number of indicators; it "looks at
everything:' in principle, this is just what the Fed
should do. Exchange rates, nominal income
growth, real interest rates, money supply growth,
commodity prices, and so on all provide some
information that is useful for conducting policy.
Unfortunately, each indicator also can provide
misleading signals about the economy, and often
the signals they give are contradictory. During
the last two years, for example, while real interest
rates were low indicating expansionary monetary
policy, the M2 definition of the money supply
was growing very slowly, indicating a more contractionary stance of policy.
As an alternative to using forecasts or relying on
a number of indicator variables, many economists have proposed simple rules to guide Fed
behavior. The most famous was Milton Friedman's
rule of maintaining a constant growth rate of the
money supply. More recently, rules for the monetary base (currency plus bank reserves), M2,
nominal GOp' and the funds rate have been

studied (for example, see Judd and Motley 1991).
In general, these alternatives are "feedback
rules": The Fed's policy instrument is adjusted
on the basis of recent movements in measures
of economic activity such as nominal income
growth, the unemployment rate, or actual inflation. Such rules can help to reduce the uncertainty associated with monetary policy actions by
making policy more predictable.

The conduct of monetary policy often consists of
balancing inconsistent goals using sometimes
unreliable indicators to manipulate tools whose
effects on the economy are uncertain. Despite
these uncertainties, the general conduct of monetary policy in recent years has received surprisingly wide approval. The current controversy
over interest rate increases is not about the fundamental need to prevent a resurgence of inflation, but instead has centered on the difficulty of
forecasting the future course of inflation.

Carl E. Walsh
Professor of Economics
UC Santa Cruz
Visiting Scholar
Federal Reserve Bank

of San Francisco
Cogley, Timothy. 1993. "Monetary Policy and the
Long-Term Real Interest Rate." Federal Reserve
Bank of San Francisco Weekly Letter (December 3).
judd, john P., and Brian Motley. 1991. "Nominal Feedback Rules for Monetary PoliCY:' Federal Reserve
Bank of San Francisco Economic Review (3)
judd, john P., and Bharat Trehan. 1992. "Money,
Credit, and M2." Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Weekly Letter (September 4).
Trehan, Bharat. 1993. "Real Interest Rates." Federal
Reserve Bank of San Francisco Weekly Letter
(November 5).
Walsh, Carl E. 1994. "A Primer on Monetary Policy
Part I: Goals and Instruments:' Federal Reserve
Bank of San Francisco Weekly Letter (August 5).

Opinions expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the management of the Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco, or of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Editorial comments may be addressed to the editor or to the author.... Free copies of Federal Reserve publications can be
obtained from the Public Information Department, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, P.O. Box 7702, San Francisco 94120.
Phone (415) 974-2246, Fax (415) 974-3341.

Research Department

Federal Reserve
Bank of
San Francisco
P.O. Box 7702
San Francisco, CA 94120

Pnnted on recy~led paper I:i>t. ~.'
with soybean InKS.
~ ~

Index to Recent Issues of FRBSF Weekly Letter




Banking Market Structure in the West
Is There a Cost to Having an Independent Central Bank?
Stock Prices and Bank Lending Behavior in Japan
Taiwan at the Crossroads
1994 District Agricultural Outlook
Monetary Policy in the 1990s
The IPO Underpricing Puzzle
New Measures of the Work Force
Industry Effects: Stock Returns of Banks and Nonfinancial Firms
Monetary Policy in a Low Inflation Regime
Measuring the Gains from International Portfolio Diversification
Interstate Banking in the West
California Banks Playing Catch-up
California Recession and Recovery
Just-in-Time Inventory Management: Has It Made a Difference?
GATS and Banking in the Pacific Basin
The Persistence of the Prime Rate
A Market-Based Approach to CRA
Manufacturing Bias in Regional Policy
An "Intermountain Miracle"?
Trade and Growth: Some Recent Evidence
Should the Central Bank Be Responsible for Regional Stabilization?
Interstate Banking and Risk
A Primer on Monetary Policy Part I: Goals and Instruments


The FRBSF Weekly Letter appears on an abbreviated schedule in June, July, August, and December.