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Vol. 6, No. 8
AUGUST 2011­­

Insights from the

Federal Reserve Bank of Dall as

When Will the U.S. Housing Market Stabilize?
by John V. Duca, David Luttrell and Anthony Murphy

New home construction
may stabilize and start
recovering slowly within
the next year or so.
National house prices
may hit bottom late this
year or in early 2012 and
then recover slowly.


he hope that housing markets had stabilized in mid-2010 was
dashed by subsequent declines in home construction and prices
(Charts 1 and 2). Homebuilding peaked about five years ago, and housing prices almost four years ago. Amid such a prolonged downturn, a key
question becomes, When will the housing market stabilize and support the
economic recovery? We suggest that new home construction may stabilize
and start recovering slowly within the next year or so. Our econometric
results also indicate that national house prices may hit bottom late this year
or in early 2012 and then recover slowly.
Key Drivers of Housing Activity
Conventional housing models focus on standard supply and demand
factors. New construction is very cyclical and reacts with a lag to changes
in house prices. Moreover, greater housing supply from construction
booms, like that of the early to mid-2000s, tends to restrain house prices
and, subsequently, construction.
Factors affecting demand include changes to personal income, aftertax mortgage interest rates and expected housing capital gains or losses.
Greater income and expectations of future home price appreciation raise
housing demand; higher interest rates restrain it. Low unemployment and
income growth boosted housing from mid-2001 to mid-2007.
The most recent house price and construction run-up exceeded
levels recorded during the 1990s economic expansion, when unemployment rates fell even lower and income grew faster. Why is this? Standard
econometric models accounting for these factors simply cannot explain the
surging house prices and building seen in the mid-2000s.

Chart 1

Housing Permits and Construction Bump Along Bottom
Permits (millions)				

Construction (billions of 2005 dollars)

Permits (millions)


Construction (billions of 2005 dollars)







Dec. ’07


Real single-family

Oct. ’08

Aug. ’09

June ’10



Real construction




Apr. ’11




building permits





















NOTES: Shaded bars indicate U.S. recessions. Chart inset shows data since December 2007 in more detail.
SOURCE: Census Bureau.

Chart 2

Home Prices Decline After Tax Credit Expires
Percent change, year/year




U.S. Index


Freddie Mac













SOURCES: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.; S&P, Fiserv, and MacroMarkets LLC; authors’ calculations.

Our research suggests the missing factor is mortgage credit standards,
which, with other factors, determine
whether potential homebuyers qualify
for a loan.1 More people qualified for a
mortgage during the so-called subprime
boom because lenders eased the mini-

mum down-payment ratios, maximum
debt-payment-to-income ratios, minimum credit scores and other criteria.2
The relaxed credit standards can
be seen in a new survey-based data
series on the average mortgage-loanto-house-price ratio, or loan-to-value

EconomicLetter 2

F edera l Re serve Bank of Dall as

(LTV) ratio, for first-time homebuyers
(Chart 3), or its counterpart, the downpayment ratio. The average, cyclically
adjusted LTV ratio rose to as high as
94 percent (that is, a 6 percent down
payment) at the height of the subprime
boom, before retreating during the
bust. The ratio was about 88 percent
(12 percent down payment) during
the 1990s.3 As a result of lower downpayment requirements, the effective
demand for housing rose in the mid2000s, pushing up prices and construction. This fed into higher house-price
expectations among borrowers and
lenders, further boosting prices. During
the bust, mortgage credit standards
tightened, damping housing demand
along with prices and construction.
New Home Construction and Sales
During the subprime boom, construction of single-family homes surged
to a high of 1.8 million units per
year, far above the 1.1 million units
required to cover population growth
and physical depreciation of structures.
Construction then collapsed, falling
roughly 75 percent from the peak by
mid-2009. After the economy hit bottom in June 2009, housing permits
picked up somewhat, aided by a series
of federal tax credit programs, many
aimed at first-time homebuyers. As the
tax credit effort expired in mid-2010,
construction sagged. Homebuilding
sank to record lows shortly after a
California homebuying tax credit
expired in late 2010 and as unusually
severe winter weather struck much
of the country. Before expiring, these
tax credits temporarily boosted home
transactions, partly by shifting sales
forward, although the housing market’s
fundamental weakness remained.
Several factors are hindering the
housing recovery.4 First, many lenders
are still cautious, requiring high down
payments. Second, many houses are
in foreclosure, and legal complications have delayed their resolution.
Third, still other mortgage holders are
deeply “underwater”—what they owe
far exceeds the market value of their

property. By some estimates, there are
about 5 million deeply underwater
homes, amounting to 10 percent of
mortgaged homes and 6.5 percent of
all homes.5 Many of these homes are
at risk of foreclosure, which would
further boost the supply of homes for
sale and depress existing house prices
and new construction.
Conversely, affordability has
improved, and the impact of the
supply overhang may be overstated
because deeply underwater and foreclosed homes are concentrated in a
handful of states, including Arizona,
California, Florida and Nevada. With
job growth expanding in areas where
less overbuilding occurred, housing
starts will likely pick up in states such
as Texas. Additionally, as the economic recovery continues, the pace of
household formation is likely to rise,
bolstering demand. On balance, many
forecasters see single-family home construction recovering slowly to around
500,000 units next year from an annual
rate of 400,000 in early 2011.
Where Are House Prices Heading?
During the boom and subsequent
bust, house prices were affected by
unusual factors, including large swings
in mortgage financing standards and
tax credits for first-time homebuyers.
The national tax credit was important,
amounting to about 4 percent of the
average price of a house bought by
first-time homebuyers—the key marginal group in the housing market.
Our econometric models of
U.S. house prices, estimated using
data through third quarter 2009, take
account of these factors, as well
as conventional drivers of housing
demand.6 We used our model estimates and forecasts of underlying
variables to simulate the future path
of one house price index. This exercise, carried out in early 2010, predicted that house prices would resume
declining after the expiration of the
U.S. tax credit in mid-2010, falling
about 5 to 6 percent after third quarter 2010 before likely hitting bottom

Chart 3

Loan-to-Value Ratio Swings in Subprime Boom and Bust
Percent of home purchase price
…to an
6% down

From an
12% down



LTVs in


Retreat of
LTVs in



















SOURCE: “Shifting Credit Standards and the Boom and Bust in U.S. House Prices,” by John V. Duca, John Muellbauer and
Anthony Murphy, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Working Paper no. 1104, April 2011.

in late 2011 or early 2012 (Chart 4).
The simulation, designed to capture
medium-run house price developments, shows nominal house prices
overshooting fundamentals during the
subprime boom, undershooting during the bust, and then slowly recovering and reverting to trend, barring
any further major shocks. Since early
2010, our simulation has tracked the
actual movement in the Freddie Mac
purchase-only home price index.
Of course, the simulations are
based on assumptions about the likely
paths of a range of economic variables determining the fundamental or
long-run prices of housing—incomes,
interest rates, mortgage credit standards, etc.—some of which are hard to
predict. We assumed that the income,
interest rate and construction variables
move in line with the average Blue
Chip Economic Indicators forecasts
and, perhaps more controversially, that
average down-payment ratios stabilize
at 2002 levels, just over 10 percent. We
also implicitly assume that the medium- to long-run path of house prices
is unaffected by the current high stock
of foreclosed properties.

F ederal Reserve Bank of Dall as

Housing Wealth Prompts Spending
House prices alter housing wealth,
which in turn affects consumer spending. During the housing boom, rising
perceptions of wealth likely induced
people to save less for retirement.
Additionally, the ability of families to
borrow against higher housing wealth
increased, particularly from the mid1990s until the housing bust. In our
research on consumer spending, we
find that these effects are both economically and statistically important.
For example, a $1,000 increase in
housing wealth was associated with
about a $10 to $15 rise in annual consumer spending in the mid-1990s; the
impact tripled to nearly $40 per $1,000
by the mid-2000s, before receding. As
a result, recent house price declines
significantly slowed consumer spending. These negative effects will likely
ebb and then turn positive after house
prices start recovering.
Anticipating a Slow Recovery
The housing sector contributes to
gross domestic product growth directly
via new home construction and indirectly through consumer spending. In

3 EconomicLetter


is published by the
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The views expressed
are those of the authors and should not be attributed
to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the Federal
Reserve System.
Articles may be reprinted on the condition that
the source is credited and a copy is provided to the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Economic Letter is available free of charge by
writing the Public Affairs Department, Federal Reserve
Bank of Dallas, P.O. Box 655906, Dallas, TX 752655906; by fax at 214-922-5268; or by telephone at
214-922-5254. This publication is available on the
Dallas Fed website,

Chart 4

Nominal House Prices Likely to Bottom in 2012
Freddie Mac Purchase-Only Home Price Index (1987:Q1 = 100)*

In sample

Out of sample




Period of
tax credt




’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16

* Seasonally adjusted.
SOURCES: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.; authors’ calculations.

the early and mid-2000s, the contribution was large. When the subprime
bubble burst, housing exerted a substantial drag on the economy. The loan
losses and increased uncertainty that
accompanied the bust also slowed the
economy by impairing the ability of
financial intermediaries and securities
markets to provide finance.7 Although
the short-run outlook for the housing
market is uncertain, it appears that
new home construction and house
prices at the national level will stabilize and start slowly recovering within
the next year or so.


Reserve Bank of Dallas Economic Letter, vol. 2,
no. 11, 2007.


“Shifting Credit Standards and the Boom and

Bust in U.S. House Prices,” by John V. Duca,
John Muellbauer and Anthony Murphy, Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas, Working Paper no. 1104,
April 2011. The LTV series comes from the biennial Survey of American Housing and is cyclically

“The Fallacy of a Pain-Free Path to a Healthy

Housing Market,” by Danielle DiMartino Booth
and David Luttrell, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Economic Letter, vol. 5, no. 14, 2010.

Duca is a vice president and senior policy advisor,
Luttrell is a senior research analyst and coordinator of economic and financial analysis, and
Murphy is a senior research economist and policy
advisor in the Research Department at the Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas.

“The Rise and Fall of Subprime Mortgages,”

by Danielle DiMartino and John V. Duca, Federal

See “Housing Statistics Hit Rough Waters,” by

Carl Bialik, Wall Street Journal, Jan. 8, 2011.

See note 3.


For a discussion of these effects, see “Housing

Markets and the Financial Crisis of 2007–09:
Lessons for the Future,” by John V. Duca, John

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Muellbauer and Anthony Murphy, Journal of Financial Stability, vol. 6, no. 4, 2010, pp. 203–17.

“House Prices and Credit Constraints: Making

Sense of the U.S. Experience,” by John V. Duca,
John Muellbauer and Anthony Murphy, The
Economic Journal, vol. 121, no. 552, 2011, pp.

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
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