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VOL. 9, NO. 8 • AUGUST 2014­­


U.S. Gasoline Imports Rise Following
Temporary Easing of Fuel Standards
by Adriana Z. Fernández and Robert W. Gilmer

ABSTRACT: EPA fuel standards
were temporarily waived
following major Gulf Coast
hurricanes in 2005 and 2008,
including Katrina. The results
suggest that more uniform
environmental standards could
help foreign refiners meet
extraordinary U.S. gasoline


mendments in 1990 to the
Clean Air Act complicated the
U.S. gasoline market, with different kinds of fuel sold in at
least 15 states. This market segmentation
is largely responsible for increasing refining costs and gasoline prices.1
The Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) regularly designates counties that
are in “nonattainment” or “maintenance”
of environmental standards based on the
presence of National Ambient Air Quality
Standards pollutants in the atmosphere.
The EPA’s most recent depiction indicates
an intensely fragmented gasoline market
(Chart 1).
The EPA issued pollution-control
waivers in response to hurricanes Rita
and Katrina in 2005 and Gustav and Ike
in 2008 when the storms disrupted refinery operations along the Gulf of Mexico.
The regulator’s actions allow researchers
to assess the impact of environmental
restrictions on U.S. imports of finished
gasoline. Katrina made landfall on Aug.
29, 2005, and Rita followed on Sept. 22;
Gustav reached the coast on Sept. 1, 2008,
followed by Ike on Sept. 13.
EPA waivers ran from Aug. 25 to Oct.
28, 2005, and from Aug. 29 to Oct. 31,
2008. They were designed to help make
up for lost production in the affected
areas. During the waiver periods, foreign
refiners supplied significant amounts of

extra fuel, responding to more uniform
fuel standards across the country and to
rising U.S. prices.2

Market Segmentation
A large number of studies suggest that
the fuel diversity and market segmentation associated with the 1990 Clean Air
Act amendments result in higher fixed
and variable costs of refining. Although
the high numbers of nonsubstitutable
fuels create business and logistic impediments for both domestic and foreign
refiners, the impact falls disproportionately on the foreign ones.
Few foreign refiners have the technology to produce gasoline meeting the
minimum U.S. standards. And these refiners face a market where requirements
for localized blends spread total gasoline
demand among various formulations,
creating many small markets instead of a
single large one.3
Sometimes, one type of gasoline
cannot be sold in an adjacent county.
Neighboring major metropolitan areas
frequently use different formulations,
which also vary by season as air quality changes. Additionally, the properties
of fuel blends that include ethanol—a
byproduct of plant materials used to
oxygenate fuel to make it burn more
cleanly—represent a major impediment
for foreign producers.4

Economic Letter
Gasoline in 2005, 2008
The impact of the 2005 and 2008 hurricane emergencies and waivers can be
assessed by examining short-run movements in the gasoline market during the
two periods. The short-run movements
are estimated using the statistical process
of “detrending,” which allows researchers
to concentrate on such fluctuations rather
than longer-term trends. For purposes
of assessing the market in the 10-week
periods following the 2005 and 2008 hurricanes, finished gasoline import and
domestic production data from 1995 to
mid-2013 were reviewed.5 The 10-week
windows before and after the emergency
waivers were also studied.
Refinery production decreased to
around 300,000 barrels a day below trend
during the emergency period in 2005
(Table 1) and by close to 130,000 below
trend in 2008 (Table 2). In both cases, a
good portion of the decrease was offset
by imports. They rose from an average
of slightly more than 3,000 barrels a day
above trend immediately before Katrina
to 120,000 barrels above trend during the
emergency, making up 40 percent of lost
In 2008, imports made up a more
modest 16 percent of lost production, but
increased from more than 33,000 barrels per day below trend in the 10 weeks
leading up to the waiver to 20,600 above
trend during the waiver period, before
drastically decreasing afterward. After the
waiver expired, much of the increase in
production was offset by finished gasoline
inventory buildups and significant drops
in imports.
The finished gasoline supply patterns
in Tables 1 and 2 suggest that imports rose
significantly in response to the temporary
simplification of the U.S. gasoline markets
that the waivers allowed. The waiverdriven imports also accompanied higher
prices resulting from Gulf Coast refinery
outages. The transatlantic price differential, about 60 cents per barrel in the 10
weeks prior to the waiver, spiked during
the waiver periods—peaking at $25 per
barrel in 2005 and $31 in 2008.6

Waiver Price Differential Impacts
The data as well as economic theory
suggest that the environmental waivers
stimulated gasoline imports by temporar-




Large Variation in Fuel Standards by County

NOTE: Each color represents a different fuel specification for identified pollutants and is based on Environmental Protection
Agency air quality standards as of July 2, 2014.
SOURCE: Environmental Protection Agency,



Finished Gasoline Supply in 2005
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005


10 weeks before

10-week waiver period

10 weeks after







– Exports




– Change in stocks




= Supply




NOTE: Table shows estimated deviations from long-term trend, in thousands of barrels.
SOURCES: Energy Information Administration; authors’ calculations.



Finished Gasoline Supply in 2008
Hurricanes Gustav and Ike in 2008
10 weeks before

10-week waiver period

10 weeks after












– Change in stocks




= Supply




– Exports

NOTE: Table shows estimated deviations from long-term trend, in thousands of barrels.
SOURCES: Energy Information Administration; authors’ calculations.

ily decreasing the barriers that foreign
producers faced in the highly restrictive
and segmented U.S. market. The waivers
also allowed price arbitrage to occur.
Based on this interpretation, an

econometric model can be constructed
that captures the effects of the waivers
and transatlantic price differentials on
finished gasoline imports. It incorporates finished gasoline imports and the

Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • August 2014

Economic Letter


Estimated Effects on Gasoline Imports
(Thousands of barrels per day)
Estimated effect

95 percent
confidence interval




$1 price differential




NOTE: There is 95 percent probability that the effects of the waivers and price differentials on gasoline
imports are within the confidence intervals shown.
SOURCES: Energy Information Administration; Bloomberg; Environmental Protection Agency; authors’

transatlantic price differential over waiver
The waivers likely generated almost
59,000 additional barrels a day of finished
gasoline imports (Table 3). The high price
differentials added close to another 23,000
barrels in 2005 and 20,000 barrels during 2008.8 The model explains 68 percent
of the short-run movements in finished
gasoline imports during the period.
The results are economically and
statistically significant and appear reasonable. However, the estimated effect of the
waivers is large and comes from a model
of oil imports that does not explicitly
take account of disruptions in domestic
oil production. Instead, the hurricanes’
extraordinary supply disruptions are indirectly captured by the waiver and price

ther tested using a vector autoregressive
(VAR) model—a widely used time series
technique that captures the interactions
over time between related economic variables. This kind of modeling can generate
forecasts, given the potential future direction of specified variables. Three variables
were studied: domestic finished gasoline
production, the transatlantic spot price
differential and U.S. gasoline imports.9
If the response to supply disruptions is
weak, one may conclude that the strong
response of gasoline imports observed
around the emergencies in 2005 and 2008
was related to the waivers.
The results suggest that unexpected
domestic oil production disruptions (that
is, closures, maintenance or natural disasters) generally have a limited impact on
oil imports and the transatlantic price differential (Chart 2). The impact on imports
is negligible; an immediate increase of
3,500 barrels per day is quickly reversed
after two weeks. The impact on the price
differential is also small. If gasoline pro-

A Robustness Check
The response of gasoline imports to
domestic supply disruptions as well as to
waivers and price fluctuations may be fur-



The data as well as
suggest that the
environmental waivers
stimulated gasoline
imports by temporarily
decreasing the
barriers that foreign
producers faced
in the highly restrictive
and segmented
U.S. market.

Imports and Prices Respond Little to Typical
Gasoline Production Shock

Thousands of barrels/day

Response of prices to an
unexpected change in production







Response of imports to an
unexpected change in production






economic theory













SOURCES: Energy Information Administration; Bloomberg; authors’ calculations.

Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • August 2014


Economic Letter

duction unexpectedly increases (the result
of a typical shock), the price differential
initially falls by about 25 cents per barrel. However, the differential reverts to its
original level after about the third week.
Price shocks seem to have a slightly
greater effect on imports. Overall, the
results suggest a low response of imports
to sudden, unexpected changes in production and prices. The results also imply
that unexpected changes in domestic
oil production account for an extremely
small percentage of the observed variation in oil imports (0.3 percent) and a
small percentage of the observed variation in the oil price differential (2 percent
to 3 percent) during the estimation period, January 1995 to May 2013.
Overall, the responses of prices and
imports suggest that the extraordinary
supply disruptions during the hurricanes in 2005 and 2008 could not be the
sole source of the significant increases
in prices and imports observed during
these emergencies. These results support the idea that the waivers played an
important role in attracting imports and
allowing price arbitrage conditions to be

Meeting Fuel Standards
EPA-issued environmental waivers
following Gulf Coast hurricanes in 2005
and 2008 simplified short-term U.S. fuel
standards. Foreign refiners supplied
more finished gasoline to the U.S., both in
response to the waiver and to the spike in


More uniform fuel standards, perhaps
combined with more certainty about the
long-term content requirements for U.S.
gasoline, could allow significant additions
to U.S. supplies through imports, especially during short-term, emergency periods
of disruption.
Fernández is an economist in the Research
Department of the Houston Branch of
the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, and
Gilmer is the director of the Institute for
Regional Forecasting at the Bauer College
of Business at the University of Houston.

See “‘Boutique Fuels’ and Reformulated Gasoline:
Harmonization of Fuel Standards,” by Brent D. Yacobucci,
Congressional Research Service Report for Congress,
Order Code RL31361, Washington, D.C., Dec. 17, 2004.
While there may be costs associated with degradation of
air quality that a more uniform fuel standard would bring,
such costs are difficult to estimate. They are not included
in the current analysis.
See “Gasoline Supply: The Role of Imports,” by Lawrence
C. Kumins, Congressional Research Service Report for
Congress, Order Code RL32583, Washington, D.C., Sept.
14, 2004.
Ethanol cannot be stored or transported by pipeline because it does not mix well with gasoline and can separate.
Ethanol blends thus have to be mixed near the point of
final consumption, giving an edge to local refiners.
We separated the “long term” trend of the data and the
“short term” ups and downs around that trend using a
technique called the Hodrick–Prescott filter. Energy Information Administration data are weekly, seasonally adjusted
and run from January 1994 to June 2013.

Economic Letter

is published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The
views expressed are those of the authors and should not
be attributed to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the
Federal Reserve System.
Articles may be reprinted on the condition that the
source is credited and a copy is provided to the Research
Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Economic Letter is available on the Dallas Fed website,

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
2200 N. Pearl St., Dallas, TX 75201

The Gulf Coast–New York transatlantic spot price differential equals the difference between Gulf Coast–Rotterdam
and the New York–Rotterdam spot prices. The spot price
data, which are for Mogas 95RON FOB Barges 10ppm
gasoline, are from Bloomberg.
Specifically, the model holds that finished gasoline
imports today depend on the level of gasoline imports
in each of the last four weeks, the transatlantic price
differential and whether waivers were in place. Weekly
data from Feb. 2, 1995, to May 24, 2013, were used to
estimate the model. A relatively strong explanatory power
is present—as indicated by a coefficient of determination
(R-squared) of 68 percent.
The estimated effect of the higher price differential on
gasoline imports during the 10-week emergency period
equals the estimated price coefficient (5.15) times the
average price differential in the waiver period.
In the three-variable VAR model, the current values of
domestic oil production, the transatlantic oil price differential and oil imports depend on the values of each of
these variables in the last five weeks. The data are weekly
and the estimation sample is the end of January 1995 to
the end of May 2013.
This conclusion is supported by the interaction of the
waiver variable with the price differential variable in the
model. The interaction effect is positive and significant.
The waiver and price differential effects are also positive
and significant, although the size of the price effect is
smaller than before.

Mine Yücel, Senior Vice President and Director of Research
Anthony Murphy, Executive Editor
Michael Weiss, Editor
Jennifer Afflerbach, Associate Editor
Ellah Piña, Graphic Designer