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VOL. 11, NO. 4 • MAY 2016


Stock Market Provides Imperfect
View of Real U.S. Economy
by Julieta Yung

ABSTRACT: Monitoring global
economic and financial
developments is important for
assessing labor markets and
inflation as well as risks to the
economic outlook. The stock
market—through measures
such as the Standard & Poor’s
500—is often thought to be
an economic bellwether.
However, market volatility
compromises the reliability of
such indexes.


he decline of the Standard &
Poor’s 500 Index at the beginning of 2016 raised concerns
about the state of the U.S.
economy. The index, viewed as a broad
measure of U.S. equity values, dropped
10 percent amid slumping oil prices and
a slowdown in China and other leading
emerging economies.1
While tracking developments in
equity markets can provide clues to the
health of the economy, extracting these
signals through market turbulence is
notoriously difficult. Nobel laureate Paul
Samuelson notably opined on the perils
of relating equity markets to overall economic activity: “The stock market has
forecast nine of the last five recessions.”2
As if to illustrate the difficulties, the S&P
500 bounced back by the end of the first
quarter, retracing much of its earlier
Although equity market volatility has
abated, underlying risks remain broadly
unresolved. What can the early-2016
S&P 500 fall tell us about the state of the
U.S. economy, and why is it so difficult to
interpret short-term fluctuations in the
stock market?
A simple goods-versus-services
decomposition reveals important differences between the aggregate U.S.
economy and the stock market. These

differences help explain why changes
in equity markets do not necessarily
reflect changes in macroeconomic fundamentals or automatically signal economic downturns. Further exploring the
makeup of S&P 500 companies suggests
that the largest declines in equity value
experienced at the beginning of 2016
were mostly concentrated in the energy

Stock Market Movements
The stock market is volatile and difficult to predict, particularly in the very
short term—a well-documented fact in
practice and in the academic literature
pioneered by Nobel laureate Eugene
Fama in the early 1970s.4 The stock
market is, essentially, an information
aggregator. It summarizes the beliefs
of thousands of investors who decide
whether and when to buy or sell a stock.
Therefore, market moves contain information about the average variation in
investors’ expected returns—positive or
Equity prices, like other asset prices,
are risk-adjusted expected values of
future payoffs. Changes in the price of an
individual stock reflect changes in investors’ assessment of the company’s anticipated earnings or changes in investors’
tolerance for risk. As a result, individual

Economic Letter

Because prices
rapidly adjust to
reflect updates to
information available
to investors, stock
price movements
in the short run
are essentially

stocks constantly fluctuate in response to
a variety of shocks, or unforeseen events,
from news of product developments or
lower sales attributable to, for example,
natural disasters or economic developments abroad.
Because prices rapidly adjust to
reflect updates to information available to investors, stock price movements in the short run are essentially
Declines in equity prices do not
directly translate into declines in real
economic output for several reasons.
Unlike price adjustments in the S&P
500, the economy reacts to shocks with
a significant lag. The behavior of households and businesses tends to remain
unchanged in the very short term and
adjusts to new developments slowly.
Also, the real economy and the S&P
500 exhibit sectoral dissimilarities. An
analysis of the composition reveals key
underlying differences in their direct
exposure to declines in the price of oil, a
primary reason behind recent financial
market volatility.

Goods Versus Services
The output of private sector companies contributing to U.S. gross domestic
product (GDP) can be broadly classified
into goods-producing industries (including manufacturing, construction, natural
resources and mining) and serviceproviding industries (such as insurance,
health care and transportation).



The portion of economic output due
to government activities (around 13 percent in 2015) is excluded when comparing
the broader economy with publicly traded
firms in the S&P 500.5
On average over the past 10 years, the
nongovernment output of service-providing industries has accounted for more
than three-quarters of total U.S. GDP
(Chart 1A).6 This suggests that the service
sector produces the majority of output in
the economy, a consistent trend that is
also evident in the sectoral composition
of U.S. jobs. About 69 percent of full- and
part-time employment is concentrated
in the private service sector (85 percent
when including government jobs).7
A key reason movements in the stock
market may not reflect fundamental
changes in the underlying economy is that
more than half of publicly traded companies in the S&P 500 mainly produce
goods instead of services. Chart 1B breaks
down the 10-year-average S&P 500 market
capitalization (price per share multiplied
by the number of outstanding shares) into
two sectors: goods and services.8
Moreover, the manufacturing sector
increasingly incorporates services such as
logistics or transportation into its production processes. It also often produces and
sells services to complement its products.
Thus, the classification depicted is not
straightforward; S&P 500 companies are
placed in either the goods or service sector based on the industry into which it
falls.9 Many companies selling goods,

U.S. Economic Strengths Don’t Mimic Standard & Poor’s 500 Index Composition

A. Service Sector Accounts for Most of Value Added to U.S. GDP



B. Goods Sector Dominates S&P 500 Market Capitalization


SOURCES: Bureau of Economic Analysis; Standard & Poor’s; Haver Analytics; author’s calculations.


Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • May 2016


Economic Letter
such as laptops or cellphones, offer related after-sale services, such as technical
support or financing.
This sector overlap helps explain why
a falling stock market valuation does not
necessarily translate into a decline in
economic activity. In first quarter 2016,
the year-over-year market capitalization
of S&P 500 goods-producing companies
declined more than 4 percent, driving
most of the fall in stock market valuation.
Companies classified as service producers
experienced an increase of 1 percent, suggesting that the overall decline in the S&P
500 was not generalized but was mostly
concentrated within the goods sector.10



Energy Sector Earnings on Decline Since End of 2014

Percent, year/year

S&P 500 Index
S&P 500 energy index


3/1/11 9/1/11 3/1/12 9/1/12 3/1/13 9/1/13 3/1/14 9/1/14 3/1/15 9/1/15 3/1/16

The Energy Sector
Energy accounts for 18 percent of the
10-year-average market capitalization of
goods-producing firms in the S&P 500.
The profitability of these companies has
been particularly affected by the lower
price of oil, which declined from more
than $100 per barrel in the second quarter of 2014 to less than $40 in the first
quarter of 2016.11
Following this fall in oil prices,
energy-related earnings also dropped
sharply, in contrast to the year-over-year
changes in earnings for the overall S&P
500 (Chart 2). In general, low oil prices
directly translate into reduced energy
company profitability and stock market
performance, while firms in other sectors
might be less affected or even benefit, for
example, through lower energy costs.
Conventional economic theory suggests that low oil prices are good for
oil-importing economies as consumers’
disposable income rises, firms’ energy
costs decrease, and redistribution occurs
between oil-importing and oil-exporting
states.12 However, the positive effects of
low oil prices have been slow to materialize, not only in the U.S., but also in other
oil-importing countries.
Factors affecting the world price of
oil can be demand driven, supply driven
or a combination. As supply–demand
imbalances persist, prices adjust to compensate for these deviations, impacting
future production and consumption patterns. The complex relationship between
oil prices and the business cycle, therefore, varies according to the underlying
reason driving oil price changes.

SOURCE: Bloomberg.


Relationship Between Oil Prices, Economic Growth
Depends on Supply/Demand


Percent, year/year

Percent, year/year



Real GDP
Real price of oil





























NOTE: Gray bars indicate U.S. recessions.
SOURCES: Bureau of Economic Analysis; Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development; Haver Analytics.

During the 1974 recession, for
example, real (inflation-adjusted) GDP
growth and oil prices moved in opposite
directions (Chart 3).13 While the U.S.
economy contracted, oil prices rose,
reflecting diminished supplies following the Organization of Arab Petroleum
Exporting Countries’ 1973–74 oil
During the Great Recession of 2007–
09, however, oil prices and economic
activity fell and rose in tandem as the
financial crisis lowered global growth
and, thus, global demand.

When different markets co-move
strongly, the nature of the factors driving market dynamics can be informative.
There is some evidence of a relatively
recent increase in the correlation between
oil price changes and the stock market,
although the correlation is not significantly greater than historical averages.

Noise and News
Although market volatility has subsided, perceived risks remain and involve
more than unexpected oil price fluctuations. Lower-than-anticipated global

Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • May 2016


Economic Letter

growth, volatility in foreign exchange
markets, and geopolitical developments
around the world are among other
Disentangling the signals in volatile
equity markets is difficult. Moreover,
the substantial differences between the
composition of the U.S. economy and the
stock market complicate such analysis.
Underlying differences in sectoral
composition suggest that the declines
in the S&P 500 in early 2016 were concentrated in the goods-producing sector, a relatively smaller fraction of the
U.S. economy and overall employment.
Further breaking down the sectors in
the stock market indicates pronounced
differences in the earnings profile of
energy-related firms directly exposed to
oil price fluctuations.
Analyzing how different sectors are
affected can shed light on the implications of equity market fluctuations for the
underlying economy.
Yung is a research economist in the Research Department at the Federal Reserve
Bank of Dallas.

This was a generalized decline in equity markets that can
also be observed with other stock market measures—from
the broad-based Wilshire 5000 Index (−12 percent) to the
Dow Jones industrial average (−9 percent) or the NASDAQ
composite index (−15 percent).
“Science and Stocks,” by Paul Samuelson, Newsweek,
Sept. 19, 1955, p. 92.
Following mid-2015 episodes of financial market
volatility, China’s stock market continued to decline in
the first quarter of 2016 in response to additional news


about weak Chinese economic fundamentals. During the
period, the Shanghai Shenzhen Index that consists of 300
A-share stocks listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock
exchanges fell 20 percent.
For a summary of Fama’s work on return predictability,
refer to “Understanding Asset Prices,” compiled by the
Economic Sciences Prize Committee of the Royal Swedish
Academy of Sciences, 2013.
Bureau of Economic Analysis and Haver Analytics (annual rate, first quarter through third quarter 2015).
See note 5 (average private sector GDP excluding
government, first quarter 2001 to third quarter 2015,
seasonally adjusted annual figures in billions of dollars).
Sector groups are based on the North American Industry
Classification System (NAICS). For more information on
NAICS, see
See note 5 (2014 annual rate; latest available data).
See note 5 (market capitalization by sector from January
2005 to September 2015).
Services include telecommunication services, utilities
and financials sectors; IT services, consumer services,
media, retailing, transportation, and commercial services
and supplies industry groups; and the health care providers and services industry. Goods include energy, materials
and consumer staples sectors; capital goods, automobiles and components, consumer durables and apparel,
technology hardware and equipment, semiconductors
and semiconductor equipment, pharmaceuticals, and
biotechnology and life sciences industry groups; internet
software and services, software, health care equipment and
supplies, and health care technology industries. For more
information on the Global Industry Classification Standard
(GICS), see
See note 5 (first quarter 2016/first quarter 2015 percentage change in total market capitalization per sector).
Energy Information Administration/Wall Street Journal
and Haver Analytics (end-of-month dollars/barrel, Europe
Brent spot price).
See “Plunging Oil Prices: A Boost for the U.S. Economy,
a Jolt for Texas,” by Anthony Murphy, Michael Plante and

Economic Letter

is published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
The views expressed are those of the authors and
should not be attributed to the Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas or the Federal Reserve System.
Articles may be reprinted on the condition that
the source is credited and a copy is provided to the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas.
Economic Letter is available on the Dallas Fed

Mine Yücel, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Economic
Letter, vol. 10, no. 5, 2015, for an analysis of the impact of
low oil prices on the U.S. economy.
See note 5 (real GDP, seasonally adjusted annual figure
in billions of 2009 dollars). Spot Brent crude oil price
(U.S. dollars) from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and Haver Analytics, deflated by
the Consumer Price Index (fourth quarter 2015 dollars)
from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Haver Analytics.

Mine Yücel, Senior Vice President and Director of Research
Michael Weiss, Editor
Kathy Thacker, Associate Editor
Ellah Piña, Graphic Designer

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
2200 N. Pearl St., Dallas, TX 75201