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Federal Reserve
Bank of Dallas

VOL. 13, NO. 5 • APRIL 2018

Steeling the U.S. Economy
for the Impacts of Tariffs
by Michael Sposi and Kelvinder Virdi


ABSTRACT: Proposed steel
and aluminum tariffs would
likely trim a quarter percent
from the U.S. gross domestic
product over the long run.
U.S. metals industries would
likely expand, while heavy
industries, such as machines
and equipment, would
probably contract along with
aggregate capital formation.
The main risks lie in the
potential for retaliation by
trading partners and the
possibility of a trade war.


he United States has announced
that steel and aluminum imports
will be subject to a new tariff plan.
Steel imports would face a 25 percent duty
and aluminum imports a 10 percent duty
that would apply to all steel and aluminum imports except for those from North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
countries, Canada and Mexico.
The U.S. had not previously applied tariffs on the steel products identified in the
directive issued March 8. Those previously
in place for aluminum products had averaged about 3.5 percent and ranged from
1.5 to 5.7 percent.
The set of steel products that would face
the levy is fairly broad and covers finished
products—carbon and alloy sheets, pipes,
strips and plates, seamless or welded
tubes, and stainless steel. Also included
are semifinished products—solid forms
of unfinished steel to be further forged,
rolled or shaped into final steel products.
Aluminum products include unwrought
(raw) materials and processed materials,
such as bars, rods, wire, foil, tubes, pipes,
fittings, castings and forgings.

Assessing the Impacts
The U.S. steel industry employed about
139,800 workers in 2016, and the aluminum industry employed about 160,888

workers. 1 Combined, these industries
accounted for 0.19 percent of U.S. employment. While this share is small, the output
is typically used directly or indirectly in
many other large and important industries.
For instance, these materials are a direct
input in the construction of large commercial and industrial structures and bridges
and the production of automobiles and
other transport equipment. They are also
used extensively as inputs for machines
that produce entirely unrelated goods
or services such as robots that assemble
computer chips, farm equipment that
harvests wheat and X-ray machines used
in medicine.
Thus, policies that affect the scarcity, or
ultimately the price, of steel or aluminum
could ripple through the entire economy.
Baseline calculations suggest that the proposed tariffs could result in a long-run
quarter-percent loss to U.S. gross domestic
product (GDP). While production of metals would increase significantly, durable
goods producers—the primary consumers of steel—would take a hit in production and in exports because of higher input
While the aggregate effect is mild, retaliation and the threat of a trade war are the
primary concerns. Depending how reactions unfold, there could be potent implications for economic activity.

Economic Letter



U.S. Imports of Steel Come from Broad Range of Countries
Steel imports


Steel net exports

Billions of
U.S. dollars

% of U.S
steel imports

Billions of
U.S. dollars

% of































Steel and Aluminum Industries

Total of top 6
Total of all









The U.S. imported $28.9 billion of steel,
accounting for 1.3 percent of U.S. manufacturing imports in 2016 (Table 1). There
was a wide range of source countries. The
EU accounts for the largest share of U.S
steel imports at 20 percent. Canada is the
largest individual foreign supplier to the
United States, accounting for 16 percent
of U.S. imports. China supplies 7 percent
of U.S. steel imports—about the same as
Mexico’s share.
In the global market, China’s share of
steel exports has risen dramatically since
2000, making up 3.7 percent of global
steel exports as of 2000 and 17.5 percent
as of 2016. This increase was only slightly
larger than the gains in China’s share in
world exports of all merchandise, which
increased from 3.9 percent to 13.5 percent
over the period.
The U.S. imported $13.6 billion of aluminum, accounting for 0.6 percent of U.S.
manufacturing imports in 2016 (Table 2).
U.S. imports of aluminum are sourced from
a more concentrated set of countries than
that of steel. Canada is, by far, the largest
aluminum supplier, with a share of 42 percent. China is the second-largest source,
accounting for 11 percent of U.S. imports.
China’s share of global aluminum
exports rose from 1.3 percent in 2000 to
12.8 percent in 2016.

NOTE: Totals reflect rounding of individual data points.
SOURCES: UN Comtrade Database; Bureau of Economic Analysis.



U.S. Imports of Aluminum Sourced from a Few Countries
Aluminum imports


Aluminum net exports

Billions of
U.S. dollars

% of U.S.
aluminum imports

Billions of
U.S. dollars

% of U.S. GDP





















United Arab










Total of top 6
Total of all









NOTE: Totals reflect rounding of individual data points.
SOURCES: UN Comtrade Database; Bureau of Economic Analysis.

World Trade Organization Rules
The World Trade Organization (WTO)
has strict bounds for tariff rates to which
all 164 member countries must adhere.
For instance, if the WTO sets a base rate
of 40 percent for a product, all members
must apply tariff rates less than or equal to
40 percent on imports from all other WTO
members. In practice, applied rates are
below the bound rates.
Another important WTO rule is the mostfavored-nation (MFN) priority. MFN treatment precludes one member of the WTO
from offering varying customs treatment to
other WTO members. For instance, the U.S.
cannot impose a tariff of, say, 25 percent on


“Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed … to prevent any contracting party
from taking any action which it considers
necessary for the protection of its essential
security interests.”2
Each country has full autonomy in judging whether there is a threat to its national
security. Moreover, under this exemption,
there is no set expiration date for the tariffs; a government can remove them at a
time of its choosing.

imports from China while imposing a tariff of only 5 percent on Japan; the levies on
both countries must be the same.
While this means WTO members cannot offer discriminatory treatment to other
members, they may form bilateral or multilateral free trade agreements (such as
NAFTA) or customs unions (for example,
the European Union (EU)) subject to WTO
approval. Such blocs may apply preferential treatment to participating countries.
The WTO provides exemptions allowing countries to deviate from the general
guidelines. The U.S. administration is leaning on a security exception in Article XXI,
pertaining to national defense:

Tariffs’ Economic Effects
The new tariffs are intended to protect
U.S. steel and aluminum industries from
foreign competition by making imports
more expensive relative to domestically
produced goods. To quantify the consequences of this policy, three impacts must
be assessed.
One, the impact on domestic prices
of steel and aluminum; second, prices,

Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • April 2018

Economic Letter
production and demand in other U.S.
industries that use steel and aluminum
as inputs; and, three, the reallocation of
capital and labor from other industries to
increase capacity of steel and aluminum
production. To quantify the overall impact,
a version of a model created by one of this
article’s authors is used to gain insight
regarding aggregate outcomes.3
Specifically, consider a scenario in
which the U.S. uniformly imposes a 25
percent tariff on steel and a 10 percent
tariff on aluminum (except for Canada
and Mexico), assuming no retaliation by
foreign countries. The tariffs are assumed
to be permanent, and the long-run effects
are computed to take into account sectoral
adjustment of capital and labor and the
adjustment of capital stocks over time.
The effects on U.S. GDP are not very
sizable—the level of GDP is a quarter percent lower over the long run (Table 3). The
aggregate effects are small since steel and
aluminum constitute a thin slice of the U.S.
economy. Investment would be the most
susceptible component of GDP, since producer durables and construction—the
largest components of capital formation—
both rely heavily on steel and aluminum.
As the policy intends, imports of metals
would decline by more than 5 percent, and
U.S. production of metals would increase
by more than 15 percent. The price of the
broad-based metals index would increase


by 21.11 percent, in part due to the higher
cost of imports.
Additionally, prices of domestically
produced metals would also increase, for
two reasons. First, domestic producers will
engage in higher-cost extraction activity
in the presence of higher prices. Second,
capital and labor will be reallocated from
other sectors of the economy to be used in
production of steel and aluminum, meaning a less-efficient allocation of resources.
The combination of these three responses
results in a loss in productivity in the metals sector of 3.04 percent.
The machines and equipment sector,
the largest consumer of metals, would feel
the effects of higher metals prices first.
Facing higher input costs that cannot be
fully absorbed, production of machines and
equipment would decline by 2.66 percent
as a result of lower domestic and foreign
demand. In turn, exports of machines and
equipment would become less internationally competitive and decline 2.63 percent.

Retaliation and a Trade War
While the effects of the baseline tariff scenario are mild, the consequences
accompanying retaliation and a potential
trade war could prove far more potent.
The European Commission and China
responded to initial tariff announcements
with their own informal threats.4 The U.S.
replied with threats of further restrictions



Baseline Tariffs Have
Mild Aggregate Effects
on U.S. Aggregates
Baseline tariffs

U.S. aggregates
Percent change in GDP


Percent change in investment


U.S. metals sector
Percent change in imports


Percent change in production


U.S. machine and
equipment sector
Percent change in exports


Percent change in production


NOTE: Baseline tariffs—a permanent 25 percent tariff
on steel imports from all countries (ex. NAFTA) and a 10
percent tariff on aluminum imports from all countries (ex.
SOURCE: Authors’ calculations.

on trade between the U.S. and China.5
What happens if these threats escalate
into a trade war? While such a situation is
admittedly unlikely, it provides a possible
upper bound on the magnitude to which
the economy could be affected.
In particular, consider a situation in
which the U.S. imposes baseline tariffs
on steel and aluminum imports from all
countries (except for Canada and Mexico);
the EU and the U.S. engage in a trade war
by imposing prohibitively high tariffs
across all goods-producing industries, and

Economic Effects of a Trade War Differ Across U.S
Percent of Real State GDP Potentially Lost


Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • April 2018


Economic Letter

the U.S. and China engage in a trade war by
imposing prohibitively high tariffs across
every industry.
In this scenario, the tighter trade restrictions cut 3.49 percent from U.S. GDP in
the long run. The trade deficit between
the U.S. and China declines from 0.56 percent of U.S. GDP to 0, and U.S. productivity
falls 1.65 percent. GDP in both the EU and
China contract in this scenario, falling by
0.71 percent in the EU and by 1.68 percent
in China. Most states experience about a
3 percent GDP decline, though some lose
more than others (Map 1).
For instance, states in which production is concentrated in capital-intensive
industries or export commodities can be
easily purchased elsewhere—refining in
Louisiana, for instance—are likely to experience larger declines. In addition, states
that are tied heavily with China in services
trade, such as New York, also experience
larger GDP declines. The states that are the
least adversely affected are concentrated
around the rust belt—Ohio, Indiana and

Michigan—since they absorb manufacturing production in place of lower imports of

Lasting Impacts
Overall, there are situations in which
tariffs can prove beneficial as a means to
countervail unfair trade practices, such
as dumping or foreign export subsidies,
that in themselves may lead to inefficient
resource allocation.
The analysis here shows a relatively
small impact from a 25 percent tariff on
most steel imports and a 10 percent tariff
on most aluminum. If political tensions
escalate and countries impose stiff, prohibitively high tariffs on the U.S., leading
to a series of retaliatory moves, the effects
can become much larger.
Sposi is a research economist and Virdi is
a senior research analyst in the Research
Department at the Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas.


“The Effect of Imports of Steel on the National Security,”
U.S. Department of Commerce, 2018, accessed March 21,
and “The Effect of Imports of Aluminum on the National
Security,” U.S. Department of Commerce, 2018, accessed
March 21, 2018,
“General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994,” World Trade
Organization, 1994, accessed March 21, 2018,
“Capital Accumulation and Dynamic Gains from Trade,”
by B. Ravikumar, Ana Maria Santacreu and Michael Sposi,
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Globalization and Monetary
Policy Institute Working Paper no. 296, 2017.
“Questionnaire on Announced U.S. Tariff Increase on Imports of Certain Steel and Aluminum Products and Possible
EU Commercial Policy Measures in Response,” European
Commission, 2018, accessed March 21, 2018,
“USTR Announces Initiation of Section 301 Investigation of
China,” United States Trade Representative, 2017, accessed
March 21, 2018,

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Economic Letter

Marc P. Giannoni, Senior Vice President and Director of Research

is published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The views expressed are those of
the authors and should not be attributed to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the
Federal Reserve System.

Michael Weiss, Editor

Articles may be reprinted on the condition that the source is credited to the Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Economic Letter is available on the Dallas Fed website,

Jim Dolmas, Executive Editor
Dianne Tunnell, Associate Editor
Myron Branford, Graphic Designer

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
2200 N. Pearl St., Dallas, TX 75201