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VOL. 6, NO. 9

Insights from the


The Sluggish Recovery from the Great Recession:
Why There Is No ‘V’ Rebound This Time
by Mark A. Wynne

Rather than seeing the
V-shaped recovery that
might have been expected
given the severity of the
recent downturn, the
nation is undergoing a
more protracted process.


he Great Recession of 2008–09 was by far the most severe United
States economic downturn since the Great Depression of the
1930s. Real gross domestic product (GDP), the most comprehensive measure of U.S. economic activity, topped out in fourth quarter 2007 and has
yet to approach that peak. Employment totaled just below 138 million jobs
in January 2008 and, as of July 2011, was still nearly 5 percent below its
precrisis level.
Conventional wisdom holds that severe recessions are usually followed by strong recoveries. This belief goes by many names. Milton
Friedman termed it the “plucking theory” of business fluctuations, likening
recessions to down plucks on a guitar string.1 The essential insight is that
the harder you pluck down, the faster the string snaps back to its original
position. In the wake of the early 1980s recession, economist Alan Blinder
wrote about the “Joe Palooka effect” following recessions, named after the
comic book boxer of the same name who could take a punch.2 In a series
of papers I wrote with my colleague Nathan Balke after the 1990 recession,
we documented this strong recovery phenomenon using time-series data
on U.S. industrial production going back to the 19th century.3
Yet many have argued—and the facts seem to support—that we are
not seeing the robust recovery from the most recent downturn that we
might have expected given the recession’s severity. That is, the plucking
theory, or bounceback effect, seems absent. Why is that? What is different
this time that might cause a more protracted recovery?
Recessions and Recoveries
There are many ways to characterize the onset and ending of the ups and
downs in economic activity known as the business cycle. The National

shaded bars). For example, GDP was
well below trend in every quarter of
1958, and in the last quarter of 1960
and the first three quarters of 1961.
The NBER chronology notes recessions
occurred between August 1957 and
April 1958, and between April 1960
and February 1961. Fourth quarter
1982 is identified as a major downturn,
matching the NBER’s recognition of
November 1982 as a trough. And finally, the chart confirms the most recent
episode as a major slump.
More importantly, the chart neatly
illustrates the V-shaped recoveries that
follow the most severe downturns.
We see V-shaped recoveries after second quarter 1958, first quarter 1961,
fourth quarter 1982 and even after first
quarter 1975, which is not identified
as a severe recession by this metric.
We do not see as strong a recovery
after the 1990 recession, although this
was a milder downturn, as was the
2001 recession, which does not show
up as a recession on this chart’s GDP
No V-shaped recovery is apparent
after the most recent slowdown. The

Chart 1

The Bounceback Effect in GDP
Deviation from long-run trend (percent)

but no “V”

from severe













NOTE: Shaded bars indicate U.S. recessions.
SOURCES: Bureau of Economic Analysis; author’s calculations.

Bureau of Economic Research (NBER),
the official arbiter of when recessions
begin and end, maintains a chronology
of peaks and troughs in U.S. economic activity that extends back to the 19th
century. The NBER chronology seeks to
identify turning points in general economic activity rather than a transition in
a particular economic measure. The selection of the turning points is based on
the behavior of key indicators (such as
employment, sales, production and income), with the weighting of each indicator reflecting the judgment of the
committee that determines the dates.
An alternative method of characterizing the business cycle is to
examine the behavior of a single comprehensive measure of economic activity—such as GDP—and, furthermore,
to define the cycle as movements in
this indicator relative to some measure of its long-term trend. This is the
approach favored by contemporary
business-cycle theorists.
Chart 1 shows the behavior of real
(inflation-adjusted) GDP relative to its
long-run trend from 1947 to second
quarter 2011.4 When output is below

trend, the deviations are negative.
Note that these episodes tend to match
up closely (albeit not perfectly) with
NBER’s recession episodes (shown as

EconomicLetter 2

Chart 2

GDP Falls Below Trend After Banking Crises
Percent of

Years after banking crisis (first year of crisis = year 0)







Mean of countries experiencing banking crises

NOTE: Shaded area is the 90 percent confidence interval for the mean.
SOURCE: World Economic Outlook, International Monetary Fund, October 2009.





NBER reported the recession’s end as
June 2009, and the chart shows that
GDP was about 6 percent below trend
in the second and third quarters of
that year. Note that despite the severity of the downturn, real economic
activity has not recovered at anything
resembling the pace of previous

Chart 3

U.S. Postcrisis GDP Resembles Average Experience
A. Selecting 2007 as first year of the crisis in the U.S.
Percent of










This Time Is Different
Unlike all other post-World War
II recessions, the 2008–09 episode
was precipitated by a banking crisis.
A number of researchers have shown
that downturns associated with banking crises tend to be more severe, and
furthermore, in their aftermath, output
takes a lot longer to recover.5 In some
cases, the crisis seems to persistently
affect the trend rate of growth, while
in other cases, the growth path of
activity seems to shift down.
Chart 2 is a summary of the average impact of financial crises on output. It shows average deviation of output from its trend path in a sample of
countries that experienced banking crises from the early 1970s to 2002, along
with a measure of the range of outcomes (shaded area).6 During the first
year of a banking crisis, output falls by
about 2.5 percent on average and then
slips further in subsequent years. The
persistent decline in output relative to
the precrisis trend is striking. The finding that banking crises tend to have
persistent effects on output is robust to
alternative definitions.
How does recent U.S. experience compare? It depends to some
extent on when we define the crisis
start. Conventional wisdom holds
that it began in August 2007, and the
NBER dates the business-cycle peak
in December 2007. Chart 3A overlays
the recent behavior of U.S. real GDP
relative to its precrisis trend along
with the data plotted in Chart 2, taking 2007 as the first year of the crisis.
Here we are just looking at annual
GDP numbers. The numbers for 2011
and 2012 are based on projecting
the 2010 number forward using the



Mean of countries experiencing banking crises


B. Selecting 2008 as first year of the crisis in the U.S.
Percent of










Mean of countries experiencing banking crises

NOTE: Shaded area is the 90 percent confidence interval for the mean.
SOURCES: World Economic Outlook, International Monetary Fund, October 2009; Bureau of Economic Analysis; author’s

September 2011 Blue Chip Economic
Indicators consensus. It is striking
how closely the path of U.S. real GDP
trend tracks the average path of output in countries that have experienced
banking crises. In that sense, the pace
of the recovery is more or less in line
with what we might have expected


based on the historical experience of
other countries that have undergone
similar banking calamities.
However, reasonable people
might argue that the crisis really started in 2008, when major U.S. financial
institutions got into serious difficulties,
ultimately prompting major policy

3 EconomicLetter

initiatives from fiscal and monetary
authorities to help stabilize the economy. Does this date change things?
Chart 3B shows how the comparison is affected if we take 2008 as the
beginning. If anything, the fit to the
historical patterns observed elsewhere
is better. That is, the performance of
real GDP in the U.S. is almost exactly
in line with what we might have
expected based on the average experience of other countries that have gone
through banking crises.
Why does output tend to stay
below its precrisis trend path in the
aftermath of recessions associated with
banking difficulties? There is little or
no consensus on this issue. Banking
crises tend to have persistent effects
on productivity, the employment rate,
investment and the capital-labor ratio.7
Fortunately, there is little evidence of
a persistent impact on growth rates:
Most countries experiencing banking
crises tend to return to their precrisis
rates of growth over time.
Recessions and Banking Crises
While the U.S. economy has been
in a recovery for almost two years, the
pace has been unusually weak by the
country’s historical standards. Rather
than seeing the V-shaped recovery that
might have been expected given the
severity of the downturn, the nation is
undergoing a more protracted process.
However, when viewed in a broader
international context, the pace of the
recovery seems to be very much in
line with what other countries have
experienced. The persistence of the
output losses associated with banking
crises should serve as additional motivation—if any were needed—for preventing recurrences in the future.
Wynne is a senior economist and vice president at
the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and director of
its Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute.

The author thanks Adrienne Mack for her
research assistance.

See “The National Bureau Enters Its 45th Year,”

by Milton Friedman, 44th Annual Report, National
Bureau of Economic Research, 1969, pp. 7–25.
(Reprinted as “The Monetary Studies of the
National Bureau,” in The Optimum Quantity of
Money, by Milton Friedman, New Brunswick,
N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 2009, pp. 261–84.)

is published by the
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The views expressed
are those of the authors and should not be attributed
to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the Federal
Reserve System.
Articles may be reprinted on the condition that
the source is credited and a copy is provided to the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Economic Letter is available free of charge by
writing the Public Affairs Department, Federal Reserve
Bank of Dallas, P.O. Box 655906, Dallas, TX 752655906; by fax at 214-922-5268; or by telephone at
214-922-5254. This publication is available on the
Dallas Fed website,

See also “The ‘Plucking Model’ of Business
Fluctuations Revisited,” by Milton Friedman, Economic Inquiry, vol. 31, no. 2, 1993, pp. 171–77.

“The Joe Palooka Effect,” by Alan S. Blinder,

Boston Globe, Nov. 13, 1984.

See “Are Deep Recessions Followed by Strong

Recoveries?” by Mark A. Wynne and Nathan S.
Balke, Economics Letters, vol. 39, no. 2, 1992,
pp. 183–89; “Recessions and Recoveries,” by
Nathan S. Balke and Mark A. Wynne, Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas Economic Review, First
Quarter 1993; and “Are Deep Recessions Followed by Strong Recoveries? Results for the
G-7 Countries,” by Nathan S. Balke and Mark A.
Wynne, Applied Economics, vol. 28, no. 7, 1996,
pp. 889–97.

The trend is measured as a simple least-squares

regression of the log of real GDP on a constant,
a deterministic trend and the square of the
deterministic trend.

See, for example, “Growth Dynamics: The Myth

of Economic Recovery,” by Valerie Cerra and
Sweta Chaman Saxena, American Economic Review, vol. 98, no. 1, 2008, pp. 439–57; and “The
Effect of Financial Crises on Potential Output,”
by Davide Furceri and Annabelle Mourougane,
Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development, Economics Department Working
Paper no. 699, May 2009. See also chapter 4 of
World Economic Outlook, International Monetary
Fund, October 2009.

The data plotted here are from chapter 4 of

World Economic Outlook, International Monetary
Fund, October 2009, specifically the data plotted
in Figure 4.15, alternative 1.

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