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Vol. 2, No. 10
OCTOBER 2007­­

Insights from the

F e d e r a l R e s e r v e B a n k of Da l l as

What’s Driving Gasoline Prices?
by Stephen P. A. Brown and Raghav Virmani
Anyone who regularly fills a car’s gas tank knows U.S. pump prices

Most motorists are well

have been high and volatile in recent years, whether measured in current or in-

aware that crude oil

flation-adjusted dollars (Chart 1). Most motorists are well aware that crude oil

prices have surged to

prices have surged to one record after another; yet the ups and downs in gasoline

one record after another;

prices sometimes seem confusing. This spring, gasoline was getting more expen-

yet the ups and downs

sive at a time when oil prices were falling. Just a few months later, oil had been

in gasoline prices

bid back up, but gasoline prices didn’t seem to respond.

sometimes seem

These apparent disconnects prompted our examination of the forces


that determine gasoline prices. Our econometric models confirm the traditional
result that crude oil prices dominate movements in gasoline prices, but they
also show that seasonal and nonseasonal movements in consumption, refinery
production, imports and inventories influence gasoline prices in the short term.

Chart 1

Retail Gasoline Prices Rising
Dollars per gallon
Real gasoline price
(2007 dollars)


Nominal gasoline price











SOURCES: Oil and Gas Journal; Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Including these other factors with
crude oil price provides a nearly complete picture of gasoline pricing in the
U.S. market.
This year, some nonseasonal factors have been out of their normal
ranges, contributing to gasoline price
volatility and creating market conditions where prices are rising for gasoline and falling for oil, or vice versa.
These events are unlikely to recur, so
any disconnects should prove shortlived. Our most complete model suggests gasoline prices will retain their
seasonal variations but decline slightly
in the next few years, a result generally consistent with recent readings in
the futures markets.
In an era of high energy prices,
gasoline looms as an important pocketbook issue for American consumers, even though it now represents
a smaller portion of household budgets than in the 1980s (see box titled
“How Gasoline Prices Affect American
Budgets,” page 4). A more complete
understanding of what’s driving
gasoline prices may reduce confusion
about how energy markets work.

Crude Oil and Gasoline Prices
Most of the fuel crises Americans
remember were the result of spikes
in crude oil prices. Sharp rises in
gasoline prices followed the Arab oil
embargo in the mid-1970s, the Iranian
revolution and subsequent Iran–Iraq
war in the late 1970s and early 1980s,
and the disruption of Kuwaiti oil production after Iraq’s 1990 invasion.
In recent years, higher crude
oil prices have meant steadily rising
gasoline prices. Demand for oil has
increased worldwide, particularly in
the rapidly expanding Chinese and
Indian economies. Meanwhile, new
supplies have been slow to develop—
at least in part because large portions
of world oil resources are in the hands
of national oil companies or in countries where markets aren’t particularly
This quick historical survey
reminds us of the close link between
crude oil and gasoline prices. Constructing an econometric model using
just those two factors, we find that
spot gasoline prices eventually rise
2.8 cents for every $1 increase in spot


Feder a l Reserve Bank of Dall as

prices for West Texas Intermediate
(WTI), a benchmark crude.2 The
model explains nearly 98 percent of
U.S. gasoline prices.
The close fit between raw material and final product prices reflects
the realities of petroleum refining, a
capital-intensive and high-volume process. Crude oil is the dominant input
into refineries, and gasoline accounts
for more than half of U.S. refinery output. Other refinery inputs contribute
little to the variation in gasoline prices.
We measure spot prices, which don’t
include the distribution, retailing and
marketing costs folded into the prices
Americans pay at the pump.
In general, the most dramatic
movements in the country’s gasoline
prices have been associated with similar changes in crude oil prices (Chart
2A).3 A more detailed look at the past
three years, however, shows the two
prices have diverged on several occasions — for example, in late 2005 and
early 2006 and in the summer of 2007
(Chart 2B). We’ll see whether we can
close those gaps by looking at other
factors that influence gasoline prices.
Seasonality and Gasoline Prices
Most U.S. gasoline is used in passenger automobiles, so when we drive
determines when we use gasoline.
The busiest American driving season is
Memorial Day weekend through Labor
Day weekend, with gasoline consumption the highest during those months
(Chart 3).
In 2006, the seasonal differential
in gasoline consumption was about
10 percent from the February low
to the peak of the summer driving
A shorter driving peak occurs
during the Thanksgiving holiday as
Americans travel to visit family members. December also shows some
spikes in consumption for the winter
holiday season. After that, consumption falls to its annual low in February.
The seasonal driving patterns
show up in gasoline prices. They generally rise relative to oil prices toward

Chart 2

Crude Oil Prices Heavily Influence Gasoline Prices

In 2006, the seasonal
differential in gasoline

A. They Move Together over the Long Term…
Oil (dollars per barrel)				

Gasoline (dollars per gallon)

consumption was about




10 percent from the


Gasoline spot price

February low to the


peak of the summer


driving season.



WTI spot price



















B. …but a Closer View Shows Disconnects
Oil (dollars per barrel)				

Gasoline (dollars per gallon)


Chart 3


Gasoline spot price


Gasoline Consumption
Varies Throughout Year


WTI spot price

(Seasonal variation from annual



Thousand barrels per day








SOURCE: Wall Street Journal.

Memorial Day and are higher during
the summer months. They generally
fall after Labor Day and are lower during the winter months.
Gasoline production, imports and
inventories are all adjusted to meet
seasonal variations in U.S. gasoline
demand. In spring, refiners begin shifting their product mix toward gasoline

to build inventories in advance of
summer. Gasoline production typically remains high during the summer
months. The rising summer gasoline
prices in the U.S. also attract imports.
The summer buildup impacts
gasoline prices in other ways. As refiners shift their product mix toward
gasoline, they must more extensively

Feder a l Reserve Bank of Dall as	








SOURCES: Energy Information Administration,
Department of Energy; authors’ calculations.


process the crude oil, pushing up
production costs. Storing gasoline
from the spring to the summer also
adds to the costs. After Labor Day, the
product mix begins to shift away from
gasoline as refiners build up their
winter supplies of heating oil. The
forces pushing up gasoline prices then
The interaction of consumption,
refinery production, imports and storage over the course of each year leads
to a regular seasonal pattern of gasoline prices relative to crude oil prices.
We measure it by the crack ratio,
which captures the seasonal element

Chart 4

Crack Ratio Shows
Ratio (gasoline price/oil price)



of the relationship between gasoline
and crude oil prices (Chart 4). It is
calculated by multiplying the spot
price of a gallon of regular unleaded
gasoline by 42, the number of gallons
in a barrel, and dividing the result by
the spot price of WTI, which is quoted
in barrels.4 With oil at $75 a barrel, the
gasoline price swing from winter lows
to the Memorial Day high would be
27 cents a gallon.
To determine whether seasonal
factors affect gasoline prices, we
incorporated the crack ratio into our
earlier model of U.S. gasoline prices,
which was limited to the relationship


How Gasoline Prices Affect American Budgets







SOURCES: Wall Street Journal; authors’ calculations.

In 2005, Hurricanes
Katrina and Rita shut
down over a fourth
of U.S. refinery capacity

U.S. gasoline prices surged to an all-time high a few days before Memorial
Day weekend, with a national average of $3.23 a gallon for unleaded regular.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the previous inflationadjusted high was $3.22, set in May 1981.
Despite this year’s record gasoline prices, we still spend less of our takehome pay on gasoline than we did in the early 1980s. At today’s higher incomes,
gasoline expenditures claim less than 4 percent of U.S. after-tax personal income
(see chart). The comparable figure for 1981 was more than 6 percent.
Since 2002, the share of disposable income used to purchase gasoline has
risen steadily. Increasing per capita gasoline consumption has been a factor, but
most of the hike comes from rising gasoline prices. At today’s incomes, retail
gasoline prices would have to reach about $5.50 a gallon before they took the
same share of U.S. household budgets as they did in 1981.

Gasoline Expenditures Remain Below Highs
Percent of disposable income

and sent gasoline prices















SOURCES: Energy Information Administration, Department of Energy; Bureau of Labor Statistics; Bureau of Economic


Feder a l Reserve Bank of Dall as

between gasoline prices and crude
oil. Adding the new data produced a
tighter fit than the one we achieved
with WTI alone (Chart 5A).
For our first model, the average
weekly error was 5.36 cents a gallon.
In this one, which accounts for seasonality, the error falls to 4.67 cents a gallon. The instances where crude oil and
gasoline prices diverge have shrunk a
bit, but they remain (Chart 5B).
Nonseasonal Factors
At times, gasoline consumption,
production, imports and inventories
break away from their normal seasonal patterns. These movements result in
gasoline prices that temporarily deviate from the path determined by crude
oil prices and normal seasonality.
In 2005, for instance, Hurricanes
Katrina and Rita shut down over a
fourth of U.S. refinery capacity and
sent gasoline prices skyrocketing at
a time when the driving season was
coming to an end and oil prices were
rising only slightly.
Earlier the same year, prolonged
cold weather in the Northeast caused
refineries to delay their switch from
the winter product mix that includes
more heating oil to the summer
product mix that centers on gasoline.
The result was lower inventories and
higher prices for gasoline.
In early 2007, gasoline consumption began rising well ahead of the
normal seasonal pattern. At the same
time, refinery outages meant that suppliers were slow to increase gasoline
production. The result was earlierthan-usual increases in gasoline prices,
although the peak still occurred a few
days before the Memorial Day weekend.
These aberrations suggest nonseasonal movements may provide
additional insight into gasoline prices.
To see their impact, we bolstered our
econometric model of U.S. gasoline
prices by adding nonseasonal movements in consumption, production,
inventories and imports to the WTI
price and the seasonal crack ratio.

Chart 5

Crack Ratio Improves Fit of Oil, Gasoline Prices
A. With Seasonal Factors, They Move Together…
Oil (dollars per barrel)				

Gasoline (dollars per gallon)



Gasoline spot price










WTI (with seasonal crack ratio)



















B. …and Disconnects Begin to Shrink
Oil (dollars per barrel)				

Gasoline (dollars per gallon)




Gasoline spot price

WTI (with seasonal
crack ratio)












SOURCES: Wall Street Journal; Energy Information Administration, Department of Energy; authors’ calculations.

We also measure international
markets’ influence on U.S. gasoline
prices. Although major global crude
oil prices such as WTI in the U.S.,
Brent in Europe, Bonny in Africa and
Dubai Fateh in the Middle East move
together in the long run, regional geopolitical events and market conditions
can cause them to deviate from each
other. At such instances, differences

Feder a l Reserve Bank of Dall as	

in global oil prices can influence U.S.
gasoline prices (see box titled “Global
Markets and Gasoline Prices,” back
page). To recognize this influence, the
model also includes the price of Brent
crude oil, which is produced in the
North Sea.
Our final model incorporates a
wide-ranging set of forces shaping
U.S. gasoline prices—the cost of WTI


Chart 6

The outlook for crude oil

Full Model Creates Tightest Fit

prices can change
significantly with

A. Spot Gasoline Prices Are in Sync…
Dollars per gallon

economic conditions or


geopolitical events.
and Brent crudes, the normal seasonal
variations and nonseasonal influences
from consumption, production, inventories and imports. Following standard
econometric practices, we represent
the price variables in natural logs
and use error-correction processes to
explain the relationship between the
two crude oil prices and the U.S. spot
price of gasoline.
The model shows that higher
crude oil prices — WTI or Brent—
result in higher gasoline prices.
Gasoline prices have normal seasonal
ups and downs and respond positively
to nonseasonal increases in consumption and negatively to nonseasonal
gains in production, imports and
inventories. As estimated, the model
explains more than 99 percent of
gasoline price levels and 56 percent of
the weekly changes in gasoline prices
(Chart 6A).
This more comprehensive model
performs much better than the previous two. The average weekly error
has been cut to 2.44 cents a gallon,
compared with 5.36 cents when we
use only crude oil and 4.67 cents
when we add seasonality. Where
crude oil and gasoline prices diverge
in the other models, they now track
quite well (Chart 6B).
Gasoline Price Outlook
Armed with a model that explains
gasoline prices, we’re able to assess
the outlook for U.S. gasoline prices
over the next few years and compare
it with the price path suggested by the
futures market.




Actual spot price


Fitted with final model


















B. …and Disconnects Nearly Disappear
Dollars per gallon
Actual spot price

Fitted with final model









SOURCES: Wall Street Journal; Energy Information Administration, Department of Energy; authors’ calculations.

We start with assumptions for oil
prices, seasonality and nonseasonal
factors. We use futures market values
for WTI and Brent for our crude prices. We generate a short-term outlook
by assuming that the nonseasonal fluctuations in consumption, production,
imports and inventories will persist.
For the long-term outlook, we assume


Feder a l Reserve Bank of Dall as

the nonseasonal fluctuations will wane
as these influences abate and normal
seasonal patterns assert themselves.
The short-term outlook generated with the model shows a general
consistency between the futures prices
for gasoline and crude oil (Chart 7).
The model shows that the currently
low gasoline inventories may continue

to keep gasoline prices a bit higher
than is normal during the fall. The
long-term outlook generated with the
model is generally consistent with the
futures prices for gasoline and crude
oil (Chart 8).
The outlook for crude oil prices
can change significantly with economic conditions or geopolitical events,
but in October the futures market
anticipated a decline from this year’s
high levels over the next few years.
WTI is expected to slide from $87 a
barrel to $75 by the end of 2010.
Using those crude oil prices, our
model suggests that spot gasoline
prices will rise by 20 cents in the next
few months, then decline by about
35 cents a gallon over the next three
years, with seasonal variations during
each year of about 27 cents a gallon.
Retailing costs will mean slightly higher actual pump prices, of course, but
the general outlook suggests a decline
in gasoline prices, although they will
remain relatively high.
The U.S. economy has continued to grow, with strong consumer
spending and relatively tame inflation,
despite rising and volatile gasoline
prices in recent years. Household
budgets won’t get much relief, but
continued high gasoline prices probably aren’t going to be an unbearable
burden for the economy as a whole.

Chart 7

Gasoline Prices Stable in Short Term
Dollars per gallon

Actual spot price


Short-term outlook

Futures price


Fitted with final model









SOURCES: Wall Street Journal; Energy Information Administration, Department of Energy; FutureSource; authors’ calculations.

Chart 8

Gasoline Prices Drift Lower in Long Term
Dollars per gallon
Actual spot price
Long-term outlook




Brown is director of energy economics and
microeconomic policy and Virmani is an economic analyst in the Research Department of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

Fitted with final model

Futures price





See “Running on Empty? How Economic

Freedom Affects Oil Supplies,” by Stephen P. A.








SOURCES: Wall Street Journal; Energy Information Administration, Department of Energy; FutureSource; authors’ calculations.

Brown and Richard Alm, Federal Reserve Bank of
Dallas Economic Letter, April 2006.
With dramatically rising prices, we find the

S. Balke, Stephen P. A. Brown and Mine K.


U.S. gasoline market. Although pump prices

Yücel, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Economic

crack ratio shows more empirical consistency

may respond more quickly to rising spot prices

Review, First Quarter 1998.

than the more commonly used crack spread—

than they do to falling spot prices, movements in


pump prices are the direct result of movements

when hurricanes Katrina and Rita temporarily

the spot price of WTI. Thus, it is better suited to

in spot prices. See “Crude Oil and Gasoline

shut down a significant portion of U.S. refinery

econometric analysis.

Prices: An Asymmetric Relationship?” by Nathan



We use spot prices to represent the overall

One exception was the 2005 hurricane season,

Feder a l Reserve Bank of Dall as	

the spot price of gasoline multiplied by 42 less


Global Markets and Gasoline Prices
The world oil market is highly integrated, which means short-run opportunities for arbitrage are exploited swiftly and global oil and oil-product prices move
together in the long run.
Just as world oil prices are tied to developments in major centers of supply
and demand, regional gasoline prices are, in turn, linked to world oil prices. In our
gasoline pricing model, we find that both North American (WTI) and European
(Brent) benchmark oil prices exert significant influence on U.S. gasoline prices,
as measured by the New York Harbor spot price.
Although international benchmark gasoline prices — such as New York
Harbor spot and Rotterdam spot — generally move together, they occasionally
exhibit short-run deviations from their normal relationship, creating arbitrage
opportunities that, when acted upon, will eventually lead to a resumption of longrun trends.
When prices for gasoline delivered at New York Harbor are higher than they
are in Rotterdam, for example, European refiners seek to exploit the price differential by shipping gasoline to the North American market (see chart). In time,
European gasoline in North American markets causes the New York price to fall
relative to the Rotterdam price. The shipments continue to head westward until
the arbitrage opportunity has been fully exploited and both prices are in sync.
Similarly, if the price of Brent falls relative to WTI, more imported crude oil
finds itself in North American refineries, causing oil and refined product prices to
fall in North America relative to those in Europe. It is the fungible nature of crude
oil and refined products that allows oil producers and refiners to exploit short-run
arbitrage opportunities and keeps the world oil market highly integrated.
The global nature of the market is also highlighted during unforeseen events
and supply disruptions. During extraordinary production disruptions, gasoline
imports play an important role in soothing markets, as they did when Hurricanes
Katrina and Rita struck the U.S. Gulf Coast in 2005.
The devastating impact of these hurricanes temporarily shut down over a
fourth of U.S. refinery capacity. In response, American gasoline imports from
Europe tripled, with an unprecedented 50 tankers crossing the Atlantic in the first
week of September 2005.

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W. Michael Cox
Senior Vice President and Chief Economist
Robert D. Hankins
Senior Vice President, Banking Supervision

Global Price Differentials Spur Gasoline Imports
Three-month percent change					

is published monthly
by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The views
expressed are those of the authors and should not be
attributed to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the
Federal Reserve System.
Articles may be reprinted on the condition that
the source is credited and a copy is provided to the
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Economic Letter is available free of charge
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Three-month moving average



Executive Editor
W. Michael Cox

Gasoline imports



Richard Alm


Associate Editor
Jennifer Afflerbach




Graphic Designer
Ellah Piña



New York Harbor/
Rotterdam spot gasoline









SOURCES: Wall Street Journal; Energy Information Administration, Department of Energy.




Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
2200 N. Pearl St.
Dallas, TX 75201