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VOL. 11, NO. 8 • JULY 2016


Is Rising Unemployment an Early
Warning of State-Level Recession?
by Alan Armen and Tyler Atkinson

ABSTRACT: Based on
experience with national
unemployment, analysts have
viewed sharply higher state
joblessness as signaling
possible further deterioration.
However, analyses indicate
increasing state-level
unemployment by itself does
not indicate a recession,
and that applying rule-ofthumb properties regarding
recession to state economies
is misguided.


nemployment rates increased
sharply in several states during 2014–15. Analysts and
policymakers wondered if these
increases signaled imminent state-level
recessions—or in other words, contracting economies—despite the national
unemployment rate trending downward.
Motivating the concern is that an
increase in the U.S. unemployment rate’s
three-month moving average of more than
0.33 percentage points above recent lows
has signaled every postwar recession, with
only a few false signals.1 If a state’s unemployment rate rises 0.4 percentage points,
does this imply imminent state-level
The answer, it appears, is “not necessarily.” Moreover, it is unclear whether the
concept of recession at the state level is a
useful way to think about local economy
slowdowns. State-specific downturns are
typically smaller and of shorter duration
and do not exhibit a snowball effect—
where small increases in unemployment
are inevitably followed by larger ones.
Instead, they tend to be symmetric variations around the national trend, where the
downturns are no more pronounced than
the upswings.

Business-Cycles Statistics
Two measures provide the means to
preliminarily compare business cycles at
the state and national levels—in reces-

sions, how big is the increase in unemployment from peak to trough, or amplitude,
and how long do recessions last, on
Computing these relies on defining the
start and end dates of recession, which are
not available for individual states.
A standard business-cycle dating
algorithm called BBQ defines the businesscycle turning points for a given series and
calculates the average amplitude and duration of the cycles.2 It can be applied to the
U.S. and each state’s unemployment rate to
define recessions.
When calculating the statistics, only
state recessions that don’t overlap with
a national one are used. Thus, only state
downturns not driven by national economic conditions are included. There are
only a few such events for a given state, so
amplitude and duration statistics among
all states are averaged.
Beginning in 1979, the average amplitude of the U.S. unemployment rate during
a BBQ-defined recession is 3.2 percentage
points, and the average duration is about
28 months. Meanwhile, when states are
in recessions that don’t overlap with U.S.
recessions, the amplitude is 0.7 percentage
points and the duration around 13 months.
State recessions are, thus, typically less
severe and don’t last as long as U.S. downturns, at least according to the unemployment rate. Can state recessions be viewed
as just smaller versions of a national reces-

Economic Letter


Unemployment Increases for the U.S. Are Small
or Large with Little in Between



Cumulative percentage-point change in unemployment rate with no decrease

NOTES: Histogram of the cumulative increases in the three-month moving average of the U.S. unemployment rate,
January 1948–March 2016. Consecutive months of increase or no change are summed until the rate decreases.
SOURCES: Bureau of Labor Statistics; authors’ calculations.



U.S. Unemployment Rate Increase of 0.33 Percentage Points
Signals Higher Rate in 12 Months

A. Threshold of 0.33 Percentage Points Breached







Change in unemployment rate over 12 months after signal



B. Expansion Signaled; Unemployment 0.33 Percentage Points Below Recent Maximum





Change in unemployment rate over 12 months



NOTES: Histogram of the 12-month change in three-month moving average of the U.S. unemployment rate, January
1948–March 2016. Chart 2A shows 12 months after rising more than 0.33 percentage points above the cyclical minimum—
only one observation per episode. Chart 2B shows every 12-month change where the starting point is more than 0.33
percentage points below the cyclical maximum and not more than 0.33 above the cyclical minimum.

This could reflect many things, such
as credit constraints that bind during
recessions but not in expansions; greater
uncertainty when output is low, causing
output to fall further; or firms contracting
amid the “creative destruction” felt most
during downturns.3
One way to analyze unemployment
rate asymmetry is to consider the historical distribution of cumulative increases.
Specifically, each observation corresponds
to one or more nondecreasing movements
in the U.S. unemployment rate, with the
value equal to the cumulative percentagepoint change.4 Each observation can span
several months as long as the unemployment rate doesn’t fall in any month. For
example, the observation from the Great
Recession stretches from June 2007 to
December 2009 when the unemployment
rate rose from 4.4 percent to 9.9 percent.
It’s clear that only small and large
increases exist with nothing in between
(Chart 1). Whenever a 0.4 percentage-point
increase occurs, much bigger increases follow nearly every time.5 This is an example
of a threshold asymmetry and justification
for the rule-of-thumb recession signal of a
0.33 percentage-point unemployment rate
The rule of thumb is put to the test
in Chart 2A, which features a histogram of
the change 12 months following a breach
of the 0.33 threshold over 1948–2015.
The signal isn’t a 0.33 percentage-point
increase in a given month, but from
a recent minimum, which allows for
decreases in the interim, unlike Chart 1.
The rule of thumb is a reliable indicator of
recession, as there is only one observation
between 0 and 1, and nine above 1.
A similar distribution of the
12-month change following every month
not above the threshold of 0.33 reveals
that expansions are milder than recessions (Chart 2B). Most of these unemployment rate changes are between 0
and –1 percentage points, in contrast
with only one observation below 1 after a
threshold breach.

SOURCES: Bureau of Labor Statistics; authors’ calculations.

sion, or do they differ in some other fundamental way?

Business-Cycle Asymmetries
One of the defining characteristics of a
business cycle is asymmetry—recessions


are typically brief, infrequent and rapid,
while expansions are sustained and mild.
This behavior is observed in many macroeconomic indicators, such as gross domestic product (GDP), industrial production
and the unemployment rate.

Asymmetry Among States
Because states’ economies are highly
sensitive to national activity, their unemployment rates display similar asymmetry.
The more interesting question is whether
the component of a state’s unemployment

Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • July 2016

Economic Letter
rate not driven by the rest of the nation is
also asymmetrical. If so, then an increase
in a state’s unemployment rate absent an
increase in the national one can be seen
as a warning sign of sharper deterioration for the state.
The asymmetry analysis is repeated
for all state unemployment rates but
excludes any episode that overlaps a
national recession.
Runs of state unemployment increases outside of recession do not show a
clear threshold as the national one does
(Chart 3). There are plenty of cumulative increases that stop between 0.4 and
1.5 percentage points, meaning that an
increase in a state’s unemployment rate
of 0.4 or more isn’t necessarily followed
by more increases.
Further, state unemployment doesn’t
seem bound by the 0.33 national threshold. If a state’s unemployment rate rises
more than 0.33 percentage points above
its recent minimum, it is just as likely to
fall 1 percentage point over the coming
year as rise 1 percentage point, assuming
there is no U.S. recession (Chart 4A).
If the threshold has not been
breached for a given state, the subsequent unemployment change is not
all that different than if it had been
(Chart 4B). Consequently, the national
rule of thumb does not effectively signal state recessions. It could be that the
threshold value for the states is different
than the national one. To test this, the
exercise was repeated with 0.3, 0.4, 0.5,
0.6 and 0.7 as the threshold and all provided similar results.
It may seem odd to exclude U.S. recessions from the analysis of state cycles, as
those periods contain much of the data
variation. Another potential criticism is
that only certain states behave like the
U.S., or they may each have a different
threshold. For example, a 0.2 percentage
point increase in California could signal
a state recession, while a 0.6 increase is
required for Rhode Island. Such a situation
is possible, and the following more general
analysis allows for it and does not exclude
U.S. recessionary periods.

Testing for Threshold Effects
A Self-Exciting Threshold
Autoregressive (SETAR) model provides
another method to look for asymmetry



States Experience Many Medium-Length
Runs of Unemployment









Cumulative change in unemployment rate with
no decrease or overlap with U.S. recession


NOTES: Combined histogram of cumulative increases of 50 U.S. states’ unemployment rates, January 1978–February
2016. Consecutive months of increase or no change are summed until the rate decreases. If the span of increases
overlaps a U.S. recession, the span is excluded.
SOURCES: Bureau of Labor Statistics; authors’ calculations.



Unemployment Rate Rule of Thumb Doesn’t
Signal State Recession

A. Threshold of 0.33 Percentage Points Breached





Change in unemployment over 12 months after signal



B. Expansion Signaled; Unemployment 0.33 Percentage Points Below Recent Maximum







Change in unemployment rate over 12 months



NOTES: Combined histogram of the 12-month change in the 50 U.S. states’ unemployment rate, January 1978–February
2016. Any 12-month period overlapping a U.S. recession is excluded. Chart 4A shows the 12 months after a rise of more
than 0.33 percentage points above the cyclical minimum—one observation per episode. Chart 4B depicts every 12-month
change where the starting point is more than 0.33 percentage points below the cyclical maximum and not more than 0.33
above the cyclical minimum.
SOURCES: Bureau of Labor Statistics; authors’ calculations.

in time series data. With this method, the
dynamics of the unemployment rate can
change depending on whether the most
recent change is above or below an estimated threshold.

For example, when this method is
applied to one-month changes in the
U.S. unemployment rate, the estimated
threshold is 0.2. After it has increased
more than that, the behavior switches

Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • July 2016


Economic Letter

from no change on average to increasing
on average and exhibiting greater persistence, as is typical in a recession. This is
consistent with the rule-of-thumb signal.
A formal statistical test confirms that
the change in the U.S. unemployment
rate is better described by a SETAR model.6 However, the test can’t be directly
applied to the individual states, because
they are strongly influenced by what’s
occurring nationally. To account for this,
the level of each state’s unemployment
rate is regressed on the current and
lagged values of the national rate.7 The
regression residuals represent the statespecific components and can be tested
for a threshold effect in their changes.
Forty-one states display no threshold effect while nine show evidence of
a threshold—Alaska, Montana, North
Dakota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Tennessee,
Texas, Utah and Wisconsin.8 Other than
Tennessee and Wisconsin, all had relatively large and rapid increases during
the 1985–86 oil bust despite the national
unemployment rate falling, which may
have driven the results.9
The larger point is that more than
four-fifths of the states did not show a
threshold in their state-specific component. The national business cycle’s
expansions and recessions are markedly
different. These tests show that it is more
appropriate to think of a state as varying
above and below the national trend in a
roughly symmetric fashion.

Regional Analysis Implications
These methodologies suggest that, as
tempting as it is, we should not interpret


an individual state’s unemployment rate
as we would the national rate. Unless
driven by national economic conditions,
states typically do not exhibit the same
boom-and-bust dynamics.
If the national unemployment rate
is holding steady or falling, a moderate
uptick in most states’ unemployment
rate does not necessarily signal a state
recession. Energy-intensive states could
be an exception, which was the case in
the 1980s. But those economies, including Texas, may be less sensitive to oil
price declines now than three decades
ago, as evidenced by their resilience during the recent oil price plummet.
This result could reflect several features of the U.S. economy. One is the
tendency for migration between states to
keep unemployment rates from drifting
too far from their long-term average—
unemployed workers can move to states
where jobs are more plentiful.10 Another
is automatic stabilizers inherent in federal spending: If income in a state falls,
the federal taxes paid by its citizens will
fall and demand for government services
such as Medicaid will rise, increasing the
net flow of federal transfers to the state.
Finally, the result sheds light on the
source of asymmetry in the business
cycle that collectively involves all states—
such as a tightening credit market—and
not state-specific factors such as labor
market tightness.
Armen is a research analyst and Atkinson
is an economic programmer/analyst in
the Research Department of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas.

Economic Letter

is published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
The views expressed are those of the authors and
should not be attributed to the Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas or the Federal Reserve System.
Articles may be reprinted on the condition that
the source is credited and a copy is provided to the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas.
Economic Letter is available on the Dallas Fed

“Gauging the Odds of a Double-Dip Recession amid
Signals and Slowdowns,” by Harvey Rosenblum and Tyler
Atkinson, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Economic Letter,
vol. 5, no. 12, 2010.
“Dissecting the Cycle: a Methodological Investigation,”
by Don Harding and Adrian Pagan, Journal of Monetary
Economics, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 365–81. BBQ can be found at
“The Brevity and Violence of Contractions and Expansions,” by Alisdair McKay and Ricardo Reis, Journal of
Monetary Economics, vol. 55, no. 4, 2008, pp. 738–51.
In the remainder of the article, a three month-moving
average is applied to the U.S. unemployment rate but not to
states’ unemployment rates. This is because state data are
smoothed from the Bureau of Labor Statistics model used to
produce them.

The two exceptions are a 1959 steel workers’ strike and a
0.033 percentage-point fall in the 1974 recession that broke
up what would have been large cumulative increases into
two small ones.
Using the method developed by Bruce Hansen, “Inference When a Nuisance Parameter Is Not Identified Under
the Null Hypothesis,” Econometrica, vol. 64, no. 2, 1996,
pp. 413–30.
The maximum number of lags is selected by minimizing
the Akaike information criterion; up to 12 are allowed. The
sample is 1977–2016, except Louisiana and Mississippi,
which ends in July 2005 due to the effects of Hurricane
Katrina. For the threshold test of the residuals, the sample is
the same, but 12 lags are used.
Shown at the 5 percent statistical significance level.
Using a threshold variable that excludes increases in the
residual that occur without a corresponding increase in the
state unemployment rate gives similar results.
“Regional Evolutions,” by Olivier Jean Blanchard and
Lawrence F. Katz, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity,
vol. 23, no. 1, 1992, pp. 1–75.

Mine Yücel, Senior Vice President and Director of Research
Jim Dolmas, Executive Editor
Michael Weiss, Editor
Dianne Tunnell, Associate Editor
Ellah Piña, Graphic Designer

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
2200 N. Pearl St., Dallas, TX 75201