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VOL. 1, NO. 11

Insights from the


Making Sense of the
U.S. Housing Slowdown
by John V. Duca

A retrenchment in

A robust housing market buoyed the U.S. economy during the

housing demand

2001 recession and fueled growth once recovery began. The record-setting

could affect economic

building of single-family homes created construction jobs and spurred

growth directly

demand for building materials, appliances and home furnishings. Business

through a pullback

was brisk for mortgage lenders and real estate brokers alike.

in construction and

Perhaps even more significant, rapidly rising housing prices had

indirectly as flattening

allowed consumers to tap into their mounting home equity, providing them

home prices restrain

the financial wherewithal for a buying spree. By mid-2004, however, home

consumer spending.

prices had risen to the point where many analysts worried that markets
were overheated, making homes less affordable, particularly for first-time
buyers already facing the drag of rising energy prices.

Chart 1A

U.S. Home Sales Slow from High Levels
Thousands of units

Thousands of units




Existing single-family home sales
(excludes condos)



New-home sales



’88 ’89 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06
NOTE: Data are seasonally adjusted, annualized rates.
SOURCES: Census Bureau; National Association of Realtors.

Chart 1B

Falling Permits Point to Slowing Home Construction
Billions of dollars

Thousands of permits




Real single-family









building permits





















NOTES: Data are seasonally adjusted, annualized rates; contract values are chained, 2000. Shaded areas denote recessions.
SOURCES: Census Bureau; Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Chart 1C

Home-Price Appreciation Slowing Sharply
Percent (year-over-year)
Median existing
single-family home


Repeat homesales prices
















NOTE: Shaded areas denote recessions.
SOURCES: Freddie Mac; National Association of Realtors.

EconomicLetter 2


Today, signs of a housing market
slowdown are unmistakable. New and
existing home sales have been declining since mid-2005, although they remain high by historical standards
(Chart 1A). Building activity has begun to cool a bit, while single-family
housing permits have fallen 34 percent from their peak, settling back to
pre-2002 levels (Chart 1B). The building permits data suggest further declines in single-family construction are
likely, given the usual six to eight
months it takes to complete a home.
Housing prices are rising more
slowly—perhaps even beginning to
decline outright. In the second quarter,
the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight’s measure of home
price appreciation registered its biggest year-over-year slowdown since
recordkeeping began in 1975. Even
so, home-price gains remain solidly
positive at 10.1 percent by this measure, which partly controls for changes
in home quality by tracking only
prices from repeat sales (Chart 1C).
More recent data, however, suggest further deceleration in prices.
Median existing home prices dipped
1.2 percent in the third quarter from
year-earlier levels—the first year-overyear decline since 1993 and the largest
drop since the series began in 1969
(see Chart 1C). The decline contrasts
with the 14.7 percent increase posted
a year earlier. New-home price-appreciation rates have also turned down,
posting a year-over-year decline of 2.4
percent in the third quarter, the largest
drop since the early 1990s.
For the U.S. economy, slower
building activity and softer prices raise
the specter of reversing—at least in
part—the gains in housing starts posted
between 2001 and 2005. A retrenchment
in housing demand could affect growth
directly by depressing construction and
indirectly as flattening home prices
restrain consumer spending.1
Although homebuilding declines
are steep, the direct effect on the economy is likely to be less dramatic because residential construction, includ-

ing multifamily units, accounts for just
6 percent of GDP. Even so, homebuilding can significantly affect economic growth. Residential construction
added about 0.5 percentage point to
GDP growth in 2004 and 2005 but subtracted 1.1 percentage points in third
quarter 2006. Many forecasters project
further, but smaller, negative impacts
on GDP growth through most of 2007.
The indirect effects of a housing
slowdown could be larger than the
direct effects if the deceleration in
home prices leads to slower growth in
consumption, the largest component
of GDP. The risk of a consumption
slowdown is one reason policymakers
are monitoring housing prices and
home-equity withdrawals.
The Consumption Connection
Housing’s link to consumption
occurs largely through changes in
wealth driven by home prices. In general, higher asset prices encourage
spending by increasing the lifetime resources of income and wealth households can consume. Of the types of
household wealth subject to large
price movements, the most important
are stock investments and housing.
The Federal Reserve’s flow of
funds data provide a useful prism
through which to view recent years’
trends in wealth. At the turn of this
century, the value of stocks eclipsed
housing. From 2000 to 2005, U.S.
households’ real estate assets grew by
$9.1 trillion, while a decline in equity
prices reduced their stock wealth by
$2.5 trillion. Today the two categories
make up roughly the same percentage
of households’ net wealth (Chart 2).
Studies show that historically a $100
rise in housing wealth leads to about
a $6 rise in long-run consumption,
one and one-half times the $4 gain
that would result from the same
increase in stock wealth.2
Why is housing’s wealth effect
stronger than the stock market’s? The
answer depends on how long-lasting
asset-price changes are viewed, the
distribution of particular forms of

wealth and the liquidity of an asset—
the ease and cost at which households
can sell or borrow against its value.
First, home prices are less volatile
than stock values, so consumers are
more likely to consider gains in housing wealth as more permanent.
Second, there are large differences
in the distribution of these asset holdings. Stock ownership is very concentrated among high-income households,
whose consumption is less sensitive
than moderate-income families’ to
changes in wealth.3 Homeownership,
meanwhile, is spread more evenly. Although stock ownership has doubled
since the early 1970s to roughly 50 percent of households today, homeownership rates are still higher, at 68 percent.
While many households own stock,
the amounts are small relative to
housing wealth for most homeowners.
Even before the collapse of technology stocks in 2000 and the recent runup of housing prices, only 5 percent
of households had a higher share of
net wealth in stocks than in housing.4
Third, whereas the volatility and
distributional differences between stock

and housing wealth imply a larger
effect of housing wealth on consumption, the differences in liquidity enhance
the relative effect of stock wealth. Foremost is the smaller transaction cost of
selling stocks compared with selling a
home. This helps account for the nearly 100 percent turnover of New York
Stock Exchange listings in a typical year,
while the annual turnover of homes in
stable neighborhoods is usually 3 to 5
percent. In addition, the low transactions costs of stocks have made them
readily available to borrow against,
whether from a brokerage account or,
more commonly, a retirement plan.
Nevertheless, some facets of housing enhance its relative accessibility.
When tapping financial wealth, consumers face capital gains taxes and
early withdrawal penalties from retirement accounts. Housing wealth, by
contrast, receives more favorable tax
treatment. Furthermore, several developments have enhanced housing’s liquidity and thereby boosted the impact
on consumption of housing wealth relative to that of stock wealth.
These developments are likely re-

Chart 2

Once Again, Real Estate Exceeds Stocks
as a Share of Net Worth



Real estate

1952–99 average real
estate share of wealth


Directly held stocks +
bond and equity mutual funds












SOURCES: Flow of Funds, Federal Reserve Board; author’s calculations.


3 EconomicLetter





lated to the low U.S. personal saving
rate of recent years. It turned negative
in early 2006, when households’
spending exceeded disposable
income. Conventional estimates of the
wealth effect cannot fully account for
why Americans are consuming more
and saving less. Increased liquidity of
home equity may provide an answer.

cial innovations have opened new avenues for families to act more quickly
on their consumption preferences.5
Consistent with a growing liquidity, or MEW effect, some new studies
have found wealth effects are now
greater than earlier research suggested. One estimates that a $100 rise in
housing wealth leads to a $9 increase
in spending. Another finds that increases in housing wealth generate
three times the spending from stockprice gains.6 Neither study, however,
directly examines whether housing
wealth has a greater impact on consumption today because of the greater
ease of accessing home equity.
Together, higher home values and
financial innovations have enabled
homeowners to more easily tap housing wealth. Mortgage equity withdrawals have risen sharply recently
relative to income, whether measured
using the comprehensive approach of
Greenspan and Kennedy,7 whose data
extend back to 1990, or a cruder definition based on the flow of funds accounts. The two series tend to move
together, but the latter approach, which

Fueling Consumption
We can think of the overall impact
of home prices on consumption as the
combination of two parts—the traditional wealth effect and the relatively
new and growing phenomenon of
mortgage equity withdrawal (MEW).
In recent years, U.S. households have
been extracting housing wealth through
home-equity loans, cash-out mortgage
refinancings or by not fully rolling
over capital gains from sales into down
payments on subsequent home purchases. Because home-equity loans and
mortgages are collateralized, they usually carry lower interest rates than unsecured loans; thus, homeowners can
borrow more cheaply. Also, by making
housing wealth more accessible, finan-

Chart 3

Mortgage Equity Withdrawals Increasingly Sensitive
to Housing Inflation
Percent (two-quarter average)

Percent (year-over-year)







Housing inflation
(repeat sales)





Interest rate-induced
surge in cash-out and
other mortgage refinancing

Mortgage equity withdrawal/labor
+ transfer income












SOURCES: Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight; Bureau of Economic Analysis; Flow of Funds, Federal Reserve
Board; author’s calculations.

EconomicLetter 4


tracks the difference between increases
in mortgage debt and households’ home
investments, covers a longer period.
By this measure, MEW as a share
of labor and transfer income has become more sensitive to swings in
home-price appreciation, aided by
the lower cost and greater ease of cashout mortgage refinancings. In 2005,
MEW jumped to a record 5 percent of
income, but it slowed sharply in the
second quarter, when home-price
appreciation decelerated (Chart 3).
As homeowners took money out
of their homes, consumption rose as a
share of GDP (Chart 4). Conventional
theories of wealth and consumption,
which tend to ignore credit and liquidity constraints, treat home-equity withdrawals merely as manifestations of a
modest wealth effect. They cannot account for the unusually high consumption levels of the first half of this decade. This high consumption may not
be sustainable if homeowners’ wealth
declines or increases less rapidly. Even
if home-price appreciation slows to
the low single digits, MEW is likely to
fall sharply, perhaps by as much as 5
percentage points of income.
The limited U.S. econometric evidence indicates that the strong pace of
MEW may have boosted annual consumption growth by 1 to 3 percentage
points in the first half of the present
decade.8 This implies that a slowing of
home-price appreciation into the low
single digits might shave 1 to 2 percentage points off consumption growth
and 0.75 to 1.5 percentage points from
GDP growth for a few years.
While these estimates provide an
idea of housing’s potential economic
impact, considerable uncertainty exists
about how much a slowdown in MEW
might restrain consumption growth. Key
issues include how much home-price
appreciation might slow, how much
the deceleration would affect MEW and
how much a slowdown in MEW
would restrain consumer spending.
Housing Price Uncertainties.
Although the recent slowdown in home
prices has been dramatic, it’s still un-

Chart 4

Consumption Share of GDP Jumps in Recent Years

Consumers extract
housing wealth to
fund spending

Tax reform boosts
home-equity loans



Average 1960–86 (62.6%)









NOTE: Data are seasonally adjusted, annualized rates.
SOURCES: Bureau of Economic Analysis; author’s calculations.

clear how much housing-price appreciation will decelerate from the fast pace
of 2004–05. Analysts disagree about
the extent to which U.S. home prices
have been overvalued. A recent study
by Moody’s maintains
that more than 100 of the nation’s 379
metropolitan areas, representing nearly
half the value of U.S. housing stock,
have a significant probability of seeing
price declines by the fall of 2007. On
the other hand, a Brookings Institution
paper argues that there wasn’t a bubble in U.S. home prices in 2005.9
In part, the disparate conclusions
may reflect changes in supply and
demand.10 Traditional yardsticks may
overstate any degree of overvaluation
if land supply conditions have become
more restrictive over time, especially
in coastal areas, and if financial innovations have permanently boosted
housing demand.11 And differences
persist over which price measures to
use, as well as whether home prices
should be judged, along with the user
cost of housing, relative to households’ incomes or costs of renting.12
Several other factors may influence
home prices. The apparent greater

role of speculation over the past few
years, for example, may increase the
likelihood of price declines. Owner–
occupiers directly benefit from living
in a home; they also incur moving
costs that speculators don’t. As a
result, owner–occupiers are probably
more resistant to selling at a lower
price than outside investors, who
have a greater incentive to sell quickly
when prospects for gains diminish.
Finally, mortgage rates remain
low. The impact of monetary policy
on housing demand appears to have
loosened in recent years, with increases in the federal funds rate not acting
as quickly or forcefully on mortgage
costs (see box,“Interest Rates, Mortgages and the Housing Market”).
Mortgage Equity Withdrawal
Uncertainties. The link between
MEW and home prices is uncertain
because it has changed much. The
connection strengthened after homeequity loans received favorable tax
treatment in 1986. More recently, tapping home equity has been made easier by newer mortgage products, such
as cash-out financing, and declining
transaction costs.


The motive for cash-out refinancing
can arise from a desire to shift wealth
out of housing, but it also may reflect
the desire to lower interest payments.
As a result, mortgage equity withdrawals have become more sensitive to
interest rate declines. The 2003 MEW
surge, for example, was linked less to
a run-up in home prices and more to
30-year fixed rates falling to the lowest
levels in decades (see Chart 3).
Consumption Uncertainties.
The connection between MEW and
consumption is more a medium-term
than a short-run phenomenon, and it
probably has evolved.13 One reason is
that the factors affecting MEW also indirectly impact consumption. They may
cause households to alter how much
of MEW they devote to consumer
spending, debt reduction, home
improvements or other investments.
Given these uncertainties, predicting how much a slowing housing market will affect consumption is difficult.
This warrants monitoring of home
prices, MEW and underlying consumption trends. We also might learn from
the experience of other countries,
especially the United Kingdom.
Lessons from Great Britain
Mortgage equity withdrawals have
been large in several other countries,
primarily those with well-developed
mortgage markets, high homeownership rates and solid property rights.
These include the U.K., which saw a
large swing in MEW activity in the
early 1990s, as well as Australia and
New Zealand, where MEW activity has
been linked to consumer spending.14
Long-run studies of the U.K. show
that MEW boosted consumption growth
during the home-price upswing of the
late 1980s, but spending fell back when
MEW declined along with home prices
in the early 1990s.15 The U.K.’s estimated housing wealth coefficient is notably larger than that in the U.S. prior to
2000. Nevertheless, recent Bank of
England research stresses that the links
between home prices and consumer
spending aren’t automatic. Rather, they

5 EconomicLetter

Interest Rates, Mortgages and the Housing Market

Favorable trends in long-term interest rates were a key factor in the housing market’s strength up until the summer of 2005. In the most recent interest rate cycle, federal funds rate
increases didn’t push up market rates
for mortgages and other long-term
debt as much as in past cycles—a phenomenon former Federal Reserve
Board Chairman Alan Greenspan
described as a “bond market conundrum” in 2005.
Although it’s difficult to pinpoint the
reasons for this new behavior, economists have offered two plausible, but
not mutually exclusive, explanations—
one largely domestic, one largely glob1
al. On the domestic side, a long period
of relative price stability has led
investors to see the Federal Reserve as
more committed than in the past to
keeping inflation low over the long run.
As a result, markets no longer view federal funds rate increases as signs that
inflation will be rising, and such
increases don’t push up longer-term
bond rates as much.
Globalization has meant that longterm U.S. interest rates are increasing-

ly affected by the supply and demand for
debt in major economies, as well as by
the success of foreign central banks in
keeping longer-term inflation expectations in check. In a world of more open
financial markets, foreign demand for
U.S. bonds helps keep long-term interest rates from rising as much as they did
in the past.
The changing interest rate patterns
have important implications for housing.
Although the Fed began raising the federal funds rate in June 2004, mortgage
rates didn’t begin to increase noticeably
until the summer of 2005 (see chart ). As
a result, the housing market didn’t cool
in 2004. Instead, building activity and
price gains continued for more than a
year before they began slowing in the fall
of 2005. Freddie Mac data show price
appreciation running at a 10 percent rate
in the second quarter of 2004. The additional year of persistently low mortgage
rates helped propel appreciation to its
cyclical peak of 13.9 percent in the second quarter of 2005.

“Globalization’s Effect on Interest Rates and the
Yield Curve,” by Tao Wu, Federal Reserve Bank of
Dallas Economic Letter, vol. 1, September 2006.

Fed Tightening Notably Affects Mortgage Rates
Only Since Summer 2005
Initial rates (percent)

(last point

30-year fixed-rate mortgage


10-year Treasury note


Federal funds rate








SOURCES: Census Bureau; Freddie Mac.

EconomicLetter 6


arise from financial innovation and the
optimizing behavior of households
that extract home equity for several
possible uses, not just consumption.16
The U.K. research also notes that
the connection between consumption
and housing wealth, which reflects the
combination of traditional wealth and
MEW effects, became weaker as home
prices soared this decade. The recent
upswing in U.K. interest rates was much
smaller than the one in the 1980s, leading to less marked slowing of homeprice appreciation. Nevertheless, a
wealth effect helped slow consumption
growth in 2005.
One plausible explanation for the
less powerful home-price effects today
is that U.K. households were chastened
by earlier experience and earmarked
less MEW for consumption than in the
1980s. Although home prices and homeequity extraction jumped sharply in the
late 1980s, both fell after short-term
interest rates rose. Because most U.K.
mortgages carry adjustable rates, the
7.5 percentage point upswing in shortterm rates between May 1988 and
October 1989 made housing unaffordable not only for new buyers but also
for many existing homeowners, a half
million of whom lost their dwellings.17
Several factors may limit the relevance of recent British experience to
the U.S. First, the two nations’ housingprice histories differ. Unlike the U.K.
in the early 1990s, the U.S. hasn’t experienced a notable nationwide drop
in home prices since perhaps the late
1960s.18 This difference suggests that
Americans might adjust their spending
in reaction to home price movements
more than British households.
Second, the Bank of England
didn’t tighten as much as the Federal
Reserve did in the early years of this
decade. The Fed pushed up its policy
rate 4.25 percentage points, considerably more than the Bank of England’s
1.25 percentage points. As a result, interest rates on adjustable-rate mortgages
rose more in the U.S. than in the U.K.
Third, use of adjustable-rate mortgages is roughly twice as high in the

U.K., making British housing demand
more sensitive to short-term interest
rates. U.S. homebuyers, however,
have increasingly used mortgages with
negative amortization, multiple mortgages on the same property and interest-only mortgages (Chart 5).
Higher home prices have been correlated with mortgage innovations that
boost housing demand by increasing
loan availability.19 Similar mortgage liberalization hasn’t occurred as much recently in the U.K. as in the U.S. If a sustained easing of U.S. mortgage practices has taken place, long-run U.S. housing demand probably has risen. On
the other hand, if new mortgage practices lead to greater-than-expected
loan-quality problems, there could be
a pullback in mortgage availability and,
thereby, in U.S. housing demand.
Fourth, home-supply conditions
are more flexible in the U.S., where
cost-of-living differences could induce
migration from high-cost coastal metros to less expensive areas. This suggests high home prices may not be as
sustainable in the U.S. as in the U.K.,
where tighter supplies of building lots
and fewer opportunities to migrate
within the country limit downward
pressures on home prices.
Finally, a financial market boom
in London has helped support British
home prices in recent years.20
Because these factors have opposing relative effects, it’s hard to tell
whether housing demand has downshifted more strongly in the U.S. than
in the U.K. The housing market uncertainties also make it more difficult to
gauge the effects on consumption.
A Need for Close Monitoring
The homebuilding retrenchment
probably will continue to restrain U.S.
economic growth in the near term,
while slower home-price appreciation
or outright price declines will likely
mean less stimulus to consumer spending. It remains to be seen, however,
how much housing prices will affect
consumer spending beyond the impact
of the traditional housing wealth effects.

Chart 5

Rising Use of Multiple, Interest-Only and
Negative Amortization Mortgages in the U.S.
Share of mortgages bought by
private mortgage pools having
interest-only payment options


Share of mortgages bought
by private mortgage pools
having negative amortization


Share of homebuyers
using more than
one mortgage












SOURCES: American Housing Surveys (data on recent movers); The Market Pulse (LoanPerformance); author’s

Two factors make the relationship
between housing prices and consumption difficult to predict. First, traditional yardsticks may overstate the extent
to which home prices are overvalued
because of tighter land supplies than
in the past. At the same time, demand
for housing may have shifted upward
due to easier mortgage availability,
increased desire to live in coastal
areas and “star” cities, and increased
liquidity of housing wealth. In addition, house-price dynamics may have
changed because of abnormally high
investor activity in recent years.
Second, forecasting the impact of
slower mortgage equity withdrawal on
consumer spending is difficult, especially because the U.S. experience is
so short. The U.K. offers a longer perspective, but its relevance may be limited because of British households’
prior experience with a major housing
bust. In addition, the recent rise of U.K.
home prices appears to have been
accompanied by a smaller shift to risky
mortgage practices than in the U.S.
As these uncertainties play out,


analysts and policymakers will need
to monitor the impact of slower
home-price appreciation on U.S. consumption. It’s important to remember
that recent declines in housing activity have been from high and unsustainable levels to more normal ones,
marking the unwinding of some earlier
speculation. A beneficial side effect
may be that income could catch up
with prices, making homes more
From a longer-term view, the
slowing of homebuilding and consumption frees up resources for business investment crucial to the productivity growth that fuels long-term
gains in living standards. Finally, the
impact of housing should be viewed
alongside developments in other economic sectors to accurately assess
inflationary pressures and aggregate
demand over the short and medium
Duca is a vice president and senior economist in
the Research Department of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Dallas.

7 EconomicLetter


The author thanks Danielle DiMartino for helpful
comments and Christine Rowlette and Stacy
Wohead for providing research assistance.

“Mutual Funds and the Evolving Long-Run
Effects of Stock Wealth on U.S. Consumption,”
by John V. Duca, Journal of Economics and
Business, vol. 58, May/June 2006, pp. 202–21.
2 “A Primer on the Economics and Time Series
Econometrics of Wealth Effects,” by Morris A.
Davis and Michael G. Palumbo, Finance and
Economics Discussion Series no. 2001-09,
Federal Reserve Board, January 2001, p. 33.
3 “On the Concavity of the Consumption
Function,” by Christopher D. Carroll and Miles S.
Kimball, Econometrica, vol. 64, July 1996, pp.
4 “Stocks in the Household Portfolio: A Look
Back at the 1990s,” by Joseph S. Tracy and
Henry Schneider, Federal Reserve Bank of New
York Current Issues in Economics and Finance,
vol. 7, April 2001.
5 “House Prices, Consumption, and Monetary
Policy: A Financial Accelerator Approach,” by
Kosuke Aoki, James Proudman and Gertjan W.
Vlieghe, Journal of Financial Intermediation, vol.
13, October 2004, pp. 414–35.
6 “How Large Is the Housing Wealth Effect? A
New Approach,” by Christopher D. Carroll,
Misuzu Otsuka and Jirka Slacalek, October 2006,; and “Housing Wealth,
Financial Wealth, and Consumption: New
Evidence from Microdata,” by Raphael Bostic,
Stuart Gabriel and Gary Painter, manuscript,
Lusk Center for Real Estate, December 2005.
7 “Estimates of Home Mortgage Originations,
Repayments, and Debt on One-to-Four-Family
Residences,” by Alan Greenspan and James
Kennedy, Finance and Economics Discussion
Series Working Paper no. 2004-41, Federal
Reserve Board, September 2005.
8 Duca (2006) and “Mortgage Equity Withdrawal:
The Key Issue for 2006,” by Jan Hatzius and
Monica Fuentes, US Economics Analyst, Goldman Sachs, Issue 05/46, Nov. 18, 2005.
9 “Bubble, Bubble, Where’s the Housing
Bubble?” by Margaret Hwang Smith and Gary
Smith, in Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
1:2006, William C. Brainard and George L. Perry,
eds., Brookings Institution Press, pp. 1–50.
10 Some argue that prices are greatly overvalued,
including Ed Leamer, “Bubble Trouble: Your
Home Has a P/E Ratio Too,” UCLA Anderson
Forecast, June 2002. Others argue that the user
cost of housing is lower because households can
rationally expect strong home-price appreciation
over the long run; see “Assessing High House
Prices: Bubbles, Fundamentals, and Misperceptions,” by Charles Himmelberg, Christopher
Mayer and Todd Sinai, Journal of Economic
Perspectives, vol. 19, Winter 2005, pp. 67–92.


“Making Sense of Elevated Housing Prices,”
by John V. Duca, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Southwest Economy, September/October 2005.
See also “Why Have Housing Prices Gone Up?”
by Edward L. Glaeser, Joseph Gyourko and
Raven E. Saks, Harvard Institute of Economic
Research, Discussion Paper no. 2061, February
2005. Other factors, such as density and immigration, may also affect regional pricing patterns.
12 Because of some upward biases in the repeat
sales index, Jonathan McCarthy and Richard W.
Peach use an index of constant-quality, newhome prices (“Are Home Prices the Next
‘Bubble’?” Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Economic Policy Review, vol. 10, December
2004, pp. 1–17). Others prefer using prices from
repeat home sales, such as Joshua Gallin (“The
Long-Run Relationship Between House Prices
and Rents,” Finance and Economics Discussion
Series Working Paper no. 2004-50, Federal
Reserve Board, September 2004). Himmelberg et
al. (2005) use income over rents, while others
prefer the opposite, such as Leamer (2002) and
Morris A. Davis and Jonathan Heathcote (“The
Price and Quantity of Residential Land in the
United States,” Finance and Economics
Discussion Series Working Paper no. 2004-37,
Federal Reserve Board, June 2004).
13 Duca (2006).
14 “Survey on Housing Equity Withdrawal and
Injection,” Reserve Bank Bulletin, Reserve Bank
of Australia, October 2005, pp. 1–12, and
“Household Savings and Wealth in New
Zealand,” by Alan Bollard, Bernard Hodgetts, Phil
Briggs and Mark Smith, background paper,
Reserve Bank of New Zealand, Sept. 27, 2006,
15 “Booms and Busts in the U.K. Housing
Market,” by John Muellbauer and Anthony
Murphy, The Economic Journal, vol. 107,
November 1997, pp. 1701–27, and “Mortgage
Equity Withdrawal and Consumption,” by Melissa
Davey, Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin, Spring
2001, pp. 1001–03.
16 “House Prices and Consumer Spending,” by
Andrew Benito, Jamie N. R. Thompson, Matt
Waldron and Rob Wood, Bank of England
Quarterly Bulletin, Summer 2006, pp. 142–54.
17 “The Great British Housing Disaster and Economic Policy,” by John Muellbauer, Economic
Study no. 5, Institute for Public Policy Research,
18 Freddie Mac Conventional Mortgage Home
Price Index, 1970 to present.
19 “Asymmetries in Housing and Financial Market
Institutions and EMU,” by Duncan Maclennan,
John Muellbauer and Mark Stephens, Oxford
Review of Economic Policy, vol. 14, Autumn
1998, pp. 54–80.
20 “Housing and Monetary Policy: Lessons from
the U.K. and Australia,” by Jan Hatzius, US Daily
Financial Market Comment, Goldman Sachs,
Oct. 2, 2006.

is published monthly
by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The views
expressed are those of the authors and should not be
attributed to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the
Federal Reserve System.
Articles may be reprinted on the condition that
the source is credited and a copy is provided to the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Economic Letter is available free of charge by
writing the Public Affairs Department, Federal Reserve
Bank of Dallas, P.O. Box 655906, Dallas, TX 752655906; by fax at 214-922-5268; or by telephone at 214922-5254. This publication is available on the Dallas
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Helen E. Holcomb
First Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Harvey Rosenblum
Executive Vice President and Director of Research
W. Michael Cox
Senior Vice President and Chief Economist
Robert D. Hankins
Senior Vice President, Banking Supervision
Executive Editor
W. Michael Cox
Richard Alm
Associate Editor
Kay Champagne
Graphic Designer
Ellah Piña

2200 N. PEARL ST.
DALLAS, TX 75201