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VOL. 13, NO. 10 • DECEMBER 2018

Labor Market Not Overly Tight,
Demographically Adjusted
Measure Shows
by Carlos E. Zarazaga and Emil Mihaylov


ABSTRACT: Elevated inflation
traditionally accompanies
prolonged low unemployment
rates, such as those currently
observed in the U.S.
However, price pressures
have remained comparatively
restrained, prompting
further examination. The
labor input utilization rate—
the proportion of total
hours individuals devote to
work—provides insight when
demographically adjusted,
particularly when accounting
for aging baby boomers.
The indicator suggests the
labor market wasn’t overly
tight in second half 2018.


here is something unusual about
the U.S. economy. The unemployment rate has remained near
4 percent in the 12 months through
October. Meanwhile, year-over-year inflation has stood near the Federal Reserve’s
2 percent annual target rate.
That is disconcerting because, in the
past, such relatively low U.S. unemployment has been commonly associated with
inflation rates well above target, prompting policymakers to adopt appropriate
monetary policy actions to fulfill the Fed’s
mandate of maintaining price stability.1
This seeming oddity begs the question of
whether the unemployment rate remains a
reliable gauge of labor market conditions.
Consistent with such a notion is the argument that the Great Recession intensified a
known problem of the indicator—by construction, the unemployment rate does not
count unemployed individuals who, disenchanted by their poor job prospects, stop
looking for work.
Thus, accurately gauging labor market
conditions may require complementary
measures. One such measure is the labor
input utilization rate (LIUR).

Balanced-Growth Labor Input
Conceptually, the LIUR is the measure
of labor input adopted in balanced-growth
theory and inspired by evidence suggesting that, in many economies, key macroeconomic variables have grown at a common rate for long periods. One of the most
intriguing features of that evidence is that
the resulting secular rising trend in the average real wage has typically failed to induce
any noticeable trend in the share of available time that the working-age population
devotes to work.2
The share of available time devoted to
work is the LIUR, calculated as the total
number of hours that the working-age
population (16 years of age and older)
was actually at work relative to discretionary hours—100 hours a week on average
per working-age individual—that that
population could have devoted to work.3
The numerator—hours at work—excludes
hours paid while on vacation or on various leaves that do not contribute any labor
input to the production process.
LIUR can be interpreted as a measure of
the proportion of the working-age population’s “capacity” to work actually used as a

Economic Letter



Labor Input Utilization Rate Drops After Great Recession

Labor input utilization rate
Average (1989:Q1 –
2007:Q4) = 0.237





Actual (total)
Average (1989:Q1 –


















NOTE: Shaded areas denote National Bureau of Economic Research-defined recessions.
SOURCES: IPUMS-CPS; authors’ calculations.




Share of Working-Age Population Reaching Retirement Age
Grows Significantly Since Great Recession

Age (%)

16 to 19

20 to 24

25 to 54

55 to 64

65 and older

3.4 percent below trend, a large gap by historical standards.
A difficulty with such a pessimistic
assessment is that the balanced-growth
assumption that would justify it, an
unchanged demographic structure, does
not apply to the U.S, owing to the disproportionately large cohorts born roughly in
the decade that followed the end of World
War II.
By coincidence, these generations of
so-called “baby boomers” began reaching
retirement age just as the Great Recession
was unfolding, significantly tilting the U.S.
demographic composition over the past
decade in favor of the population age 65
years and older (Table 1).
This is key to inferring the trend of
the LIUR, because individuals in retirement allocate much less of their available
time to work than most other age groups.
Without considering this demographic
change, it follows that the decline of the
observed LIUR from its underlying trend
since the Great Recession might be severely

Correcting Measurement Bias










































SOURCE: Census Bureau.

labor input. It is analogous, therefore, to
the more familiar industrial capacity utilization rate.4

Diminished U.S. Labor Utilization
LIUR’s evolution as a labor market indicator in the U.S. becomes apparent over
time (Chart 1).
Before the Great Recession, the LIUR
didn’t display any clear tendency to


increase or decrease, a characteristic that
balanced-growth theory has been able to
replicate in model economies with a stable
demographic structure.
The average LIUR before the Great
Recession is often identified as the longrun trend of this indicator. The projection of
that trend to the subsequent period would
suggest that almost a decade after the Great
Recession, the aggregate LIUR remained

Algebraically, the trend of the overall
LIUR is a weighted average of the LIURs
specific to various age and gender groups.
Accordingly, the trend of the aggregate
LIUR can be inferred by adding up the
trends of the LIURs of those demographic
groups, weighted by their share of the
working-age population. Changes in those
shares will induce shifts in the trend of the
overall LIUR relative to that obtained with
an invariant demographic composition.
Thus, a natural first step for inferring a
demographically adjusted trend for the
aggregate LIUR is assigning working-age
individuals to demographic groups deliberately selected to capture the impact of the
aging baby boom generation.
To that end, the working-age population
is divided by gender into the following age
brackets: 16–19, 20–24, 25–54, 55–61, 62, 63,
64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, and 71 and older.
Individuals 62 to 70 years old are separated into single-age categories because,
owing to the structure of retirement benefits, those specific LIURs decline significantly faster with each additional year of
age relative to other age brackets. The
weighted average procedure captures this
dynamic and thus provides a more accurate

Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • December 2018

Economic Letter
assessment of the overall LIUR trend.
Estimating the trend of the LIURs specific to each gender and age-specific group
comes next. For simplicity, the quarterly
LIUR for each gender and age group is
regressed on a time index that registers the
magnitude of the average change of the
LIUR from one period to the next, using the
data from the last quarter of 1989 to fourth
quarter 2007.5
The process excludes observations after
the Great Recession. This avoids contaminating the structural factors captured by
the trend with cyclical effects attributable
to the severe downturn. Resulting linear
trends for representative subsets of demographic groups are compared with the
actual value of the corresponding LIUR
(Chart 2).6
Finally, each demographic group’s share
of the entire working-age population in
each quarter is multiplied by the trend LIUR
value specific to that demographic group.
The resulting products are added to obtain
the weighted average of the LIUR for the
whole working-age population (Chart 3).
The demographically adjusted trend for
the LIUR (green line) shows some meaningful departures from the unadjusted
trend line, plotted in Chart 1 and again in
Chart 3. The different depiction of the period after the Great Recession, bent down by
the demographic gravity exerted by retiring baby boomers, is particularly notable.
Thus, actual LIUR was only 1.5 percent
below the demographically adjusted trend
by second quarter 2018—less than half
the gap noted earlier with respect to the
completely flat trend from an unchanged
demographic composition.



Trend, Actual LIUR Highlight Demographic Influences

Labor input utilization rate

Males, age 25-54


Females, age 55-61
Males, age 67




It is important to emphasize that the
adjusted LIUR gap is the product of two
opposing forces involving baby boomers,
who increasingly make up the older age
groups. There is the downward pressure of
retirements and the counter-baby-boom
tendency to devote a rising fraction of time
to work. The LIUR for 67-year-old men
illustrates the latter force.
At the same time, the weighted average procedure for inferring the aggregate
LIUR relies heavily on projecting into the
future the linear trends prevailing for each
demographic group between 1989 and
2007. Such a projection might not hold up.













NOTES: Shaded areas denote National Bureau of Economic Research-defined recessions. Demographic groups’ trends are noted with
dashed lines. Diamond denotes trend value as of 2007.
SOURCES: IPUMS-CPS; authors’ calculations.



Demographically Adjusted LIUR Falls Below Unadjusted Depiction

Labor input utilization rate






Actual (total)
Average (1989:Q1– 2007:Q4)
Demographically adjusted LIUR in absence of structural
Demographically adjusted LIUR in presence of structural


Effects of Delayed Retirement


















NOTES: Shaded areas denote National Bureau of Economic Research-defined recessions. Structural breaks refer to the possibility that the time trends of the LIURs specific to each demographic group prevailing before the Great Recession didn’t continue
after it and stalled at the corresponding fourth quarter 2007 value. Diamond denotes trend value as of 2007.
SOURCES: IPUMS-CPS; authors’ calculations.

Consider the LIUR for females between
55 and 61 years old also depicted in
Chart 2. It appears to have experienced
a structural break following the Great
Recession, although not necessarily
because of it.

Accounting for Structural Breaks
Screening out the impact of structural
breaks on LIUR provides additional insight.
This is possible by repeating the weighted
average procedure but fixing the values
of the trends of the LIURs specific to each

Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • December 2018


Economic Letter

demographic group to those corresponding to fourth quarter 2007, as noted by the
diamond symbols in Chart 2.
By construction, the resulting trend is
the same as the demographically adjusted
one obtained earlier through fourth quarter
2007; it then departs along the red line in
Chart 3. It shows that the gap between the
actual LIUR and the “structural breaks version” of its demographically adjusted trend
entirely closed by second quarter 2018.

Less Labor Market Tightness
Historically, unusually low unemployment rates have been associated with high
inflation rates, inconsistent with the Federal
Reserve’s price stability mandate. Thus, the
current coexistence of near-record-low
unemployment rates with inflation rates
compatible with the mandate has been a
source of consternation in academic and
policy forums.
The puzzle disappears, however, if the
LIUR measure proposed by balanced-

growth theory replaces the unemployment
rate typically used to assess labor market
slack. Two demographically adjusted versions of LIUR indicate that U.S. labor market
conditions were not overly tight in second
quarter 2018, an assessment in line with the
on-target inflation rates observed.

C. Prescott, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly
Review, Fall 1986.

Notice also that, by construction, the labor input utilization

rate (LIUR) overcomes one of the limitations of another
commonly used labor market indicator, the employment/
working-age population ratio, which measures the number of
workers on payroll, regardless of the number of hours they
are at work. This alternative indicator could provide the false

Zarazaga is a senior research economist
and advisor and Mihaylov is a research
analyst in the Research Department at the
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

impression of a tighter labor market in circumstances in
which two or more part-time workers have replaced several
full-time workers, even if the total number of hours worked
remained unchanged.


Specifically, the Federal Reserve has a dual mandate of

maximum sustainable employment and price stability.

A good summary of those regularities is in “Resuscitating

Data are from the Current Population Data for Social,

Economic, and Health Research maintained by the Integrated
Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS-USA) project, https://

In Chart 2, depiction of the LIUR specific to prime-age (25

to 54 years old) males remaining below its projected trend

Real Business Cycles,” by Robert G. King and Sergio T. Rebelo,

in second quarter 2018 suggests that the unemployment rate

Handbook of Macroeconomics, 1999, pp. 927–1007.

missed the “disenchanted workforce” effect.


This number of hours of time available to work per week

for each member of the working-age population has been
conventionally adopted in the literature by rounding up the
figures documented in “Response to a Skeptic,” by Edward

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Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Economic Letter

Marc P. Giannoni, Senior Vice President and Director of Research

is published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The views expressed are those of
the authors and should not be attributed to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the
Federal Reserve System.

Michael Weiss, Editor

Articles may be reprinted on the condition that the source is credited to the Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Economic Letter is available on the Dallas Fed website,

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Dianne Tunnell, Associate Editor
Christopher Hanley, Graphic Designer

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
2200 N. Pearl St., Dallas, TX 75201