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VOL. 7, NO. 13 • DECEMBER 2012­­


Inflation Expectations Have Become
More Anchored Over Time
by J. Scott Davis

The experiences of the
1970s show that when
inflation expectations
become unanchored,
they may become
self-fulfilling, or in
the words of former
Federal Reserve
Chairman Paul Volcker,
“inflation feeds in part
on itself.”


he Organization of Arab
Petroleum Exporting Countries
imposed an oil embargo on the
United States in October 1973
in response to U.S. support of Israel during the Yom Kippur War. The embargo
was lifted in March 1974, and although it
lasted less than six months, the effects on
inflation and inflation expectations in the
United States would persist for a decade.
Oil prices spiked, increasing by
more than 350 percent from June 1973
to June 1974, propelling a sharp increase
in U.S. inflation (Chart 1). Consumer
prices jumped 12 percent in 1974, from a
3 percent rise in 1972. Although the 1973
oil price shock was transitory—the price
of oil declined over the next two years—
inflation proved more persistent. After
exceeding 5 percent in 1973, it didn’t fall
below that level again until 1982.
The experiences of the 1970s show
that when inflation expectations become
unanchored, they may become selffulfilling, or in the words of former
Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker,
“inflation feeds in part on itself.” This
helps explain how a transitory oil price
spike in 1973—along with a second oil
shock in the late 1970s (associated with
the 1979 Iranian Revolution)—could
lead to a decade of high inflation. Over
the past 30 years, Federal Reserve policy
has succeeded in better anchoring infla-

tion expectations, producing diminished
expectations that a short-term shock
leads to sustained high inflation.

Understanding Expectations
The 1970s forced economists to reexamine their macroeconomic models,
resulting in a better understanding of
the role of inflation expectations in the
price-setting process. When a business
establishes prices that will remain fixed
for several periods, it must factor in not
only input costs today, but also an expectation of what these costs will be in the
future. Similarly, when a worker signs a
labor contract stipulating the wage rate
over the next few periods, it must reflect
not only today’s cost of living but also the
expected cost of living over the life of the
This leads to an interesting phenomenon where the expectation of future higher prices may prompt higher prices now.
If a business expects that high inflation
in the future will mean increasing costs,
it may attempt to compensate by raising prices now. Likewise, when a worker
expects rising consumer prices in the
future, higher wages may be demanded
now. Both cause prices to increase today,
resulting in higher inflation. Inflation
expectations may become self-fulfilling.
The year-over-year percentage
change in oil price is again plotted in

Economic Letter


While a number of

1973 Oil Price Shock Leads to a Decade of High Inflation

Inflation rate, year over year

Percentage change in oil price, year over year


factors, such as an



Consumer price inflation


oil embargo, can



temporarily help boost
prices, only loose
monetary policy can
generate a sustained

Oil price inflation
(West Texas Intermediate)










’61 ’63 ’65 ’67 ’69 ’71 ’73 ’75 ’77 ’79 ’81 ’83 ’85 ’87 ’89 ’91 ’93 ’95 ’97 ’99 ’01 ’03 ’05 ’07 ’09 ’11

medium to long run.

SOURCES: Haver Analytics; Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Chart 2, alongside one-year-ahead inflation expectations, as measured by the
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s
Livingston Survey. The survey has recorded year-ahead inflation expectations
since 1946 and is the longest-running
such measure. Inflation expectations,
which had risen slightly since the mid1960s, jumped dramatically in 1973,
exceeding 6 percent for the first time
late that year and not declining below
that level until 1983. Interestingly, even



after the oil price shock abated, inflation
expectations didn’t decline.
The 1973 oil price shock and the subsequent Fed policy response unanchored
inflation expectations through the selffulfilling nature of expectations.

A Monetary Phenomenon
Nobel laureate economist Milton
Friedman said that “inflation is always
and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.” Friedman was careful to qualify that

Inflation Expectations Remain High for a Decade
After 1973 Oil Price Shock

Expected inflation rate, year over year

Percentage change in oil price, year over year


Year-ahead inflation expectations



Oil price inflation
(West Texas Intermediate)












’61 ’63 ’65 ’67 ’69 ’71 ’73 ’75 ’77 ’79 ’81 ’83 ’85 ’87 ’89 ’91 ’93 ’95 ’97 ’99 ’01 ’03 ’05 ’07 ’09 ’11
SOURCES: Haver Analytics; Bureau of Labor Statistics; Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.





price rise over the


Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • December 2012

Economic Letter
inflation is a “steady and sustained rise in
prices.” While a number of factors, such
as an oil embargo, can temporarily help
boost prices, only loose monetary policy
can generate a sustained price rise over
the medium to long run.
Movements in current inflation
may be driven by a number of factors
unrelated to monetary policy; however,
monetary policy should drive inflation
expectations over the long run. Thus,
when U.S. inflation expectations become
unanchored and stay unanchored for a
decade, it is because the Fed allowed it to
In late 1979, at the start of the Volcker
chairmanship, the central bank raised
interest rates and pushed the economy
into a major recession to bring down
inflation—unemployment exceeded 10
percent. More important, the actions convinced the public that the Fed was serious about maintaining low inflation.1 In
one of his first congressional testimonies,
Volcker said:
“Inflation feeds in part on itself, so
part of the job of returning to a more
stable and more productive economy
must be to break the grip of inflationary
Since inflation expectations may be
self-fulfilling, a central bank must ensure
that such expectations are well-anchored
if it is to deliver a low and stable inflation
environment. Measuring the anchoring
of inflation expectations and how that
anchoring changed over time are important issues.

exclude short-run, transitory fluctuations
and focus on long-run expectations of
inflation. To do that, a useful tool is the
“five-year-ahead, five-year-forward”
measure—the expected rate of inflation
over a five-year period beginning five
years from now. Temporary shocks, such
as droughts and oil supply shocks, will
wash out within the next five years. Using
Cleveland Fed measures of the five-yearahead and 10-year-ahead expected inflation rates, it is possible to back out the
five-year-ahead, five-year-forward rate—a
good measure of long-run inflation
Measures of both inflation shocks and
the corresponding revisions or updates
of long-run inflation expectations can
be calculated. The “shock” that could
potentially unanchor long-run inflation
expectations will be a surprise in the
current inflation rate. The surprise, or
unexpected component, of inflation is
calculated as the difference between the
actual inflation rate over the past year
and the Cleveland Fed’s measure of the
one-year-ahead expected inflation rate,
one year ago.
Revisions to long-run inflation expectations for the same time period are the
difference between the five-year-ahead,
five-year-forward expected inflation
rate at a particular time and the sixyear-ahead, five-year-forward expected
inflation rate one year earlier. Although


One way to gauge such anchoring is
calculating the responsiveness of expected
inflation in the next few years to a shock to
current inflation. If expectations are wellanchored, the response will be minimal.
The Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland publishes a series of marketbased inflation expectations, extracted
from bond yields. This dataset contains
measures of inflation one year ahead, two
years ahead, three years ahead, all the
way up to 30 years. The data are available
monthly, starting in January 1982.3
Many factors unrelated to monetary
policy can affect inflation in the short
run. Thus, when measuring the anchoring of inflation expectations, it is best to

Long-Run Expectations No Longer Respond to Current
Inflation Surprises


Measuring Inflation Anchoring

the inflation expectations are measured
at different times, both of the five-yearforward rates refer to the same five-year
period, so the difference between the two
mainly reflects new information, such as
the surprise in the current inflation rate.
A plot of the changes in the five-yearahead, five-year-forward expected inflation rate shows that during the early part
of the 1983–2011 period, long-run inflation expectations were quite variable and
highly correlated with unexpected inflation (Chart 3). For instance, in early 1984,
when inflation turned out to be almost 1
percentage point higher than expected,
the expectation of long-run inflation also
increased by nearly 1 percentage point.
A few years later, in 1986, when inflation
turned out to be 3 percentage points
lower than expected, people reduced
their expectations of long-run inflation by
1 percentage point.
The chart shows that over this nearly
30-year sample, long-run inflation expectations became less volatile and less
responsive to surprises in current inflation. For example, between 2008 and 2011,
unexpected inflation fluctuated: 3 percent
in 2008, negative 5 percent in 2009, 3
percent in early 2010, negative 2 percent
later in 2010 and 3 percent in 2011—yet,
long-run inflation expectations over this
period, as measured by revisions in the
five-year-ahead, five-year-forward rate,
barely moved.

Percentage points

Unexpected inflation


Revision in five-year-ahead, five-year-forward expectation















SOURCES: Haver Analytics; Bureau of Labor Statistics; Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.

Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • December 2012


Economic Letter




Inflation Expectations Become More Anchored Over Time

Full sample




95 percent confidence region













NOTE: γ equaling zero indicates perfectly anchored inflation expectations.
SOURCE: Author’s calculations.

The statistical methodology of ordinary least-squares regression allows
analysis of the relationship between two
or more variables. This “averaging” tool
helps measure how short-run surprises
affect long-term inflation expectations.
For example, if inflation over the past
year is 1 percentage point higher than
expected, the least-squares regression
results show that people tend to raise
their long-run expectations by some
number γ of percentage points—for
1983–2011, γ is 0.11 (Table 1). This means
that, on average over the period 1983 to
2011, a 1 percentage point surprise in the
inflation rate raised long-term inflation
expectations by 0.11 percentage points.
The smaller the value of γ , the more
anchored are long-run inflation expectations—if γ is not significantly different
from zero, then long-run expectations are
perfectly anchored.
Anchoring of inflation expectations
over the past 30 years has changed
markedly, as shown by the results in
the bottom half of Table 1. In the 1980s,


confronted with a 1 percentage point
higher-than-anticipated inflation rate,
people boosted their expectations for
long-run inflation by 0.28 percentage
points. However, since 2000, people raise
their expectations by about 0.03 percentage points following a similar surprise,
suggesting that long-run expectations are
almost perfectly anchored.
As few as 30 years ago, long-run inflation expectations were quite responsive
to short-term shocks. Over the ensuing
period, the Fed has been better able to
anchor such expectations so that now
long-run expectations barely change following a series of dramatic, but ultimately
transitory, inflation surprises.

For a detailed account of how stabilizing inflation
expectations was the primary concern of the Fed of the early
1980s, see “The Incredible Volcker Disinflation,” by Marvin
Goodfriend and Robert King, Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 52, no. 5, 2005, pp. 981–1015.
Statement by Paul Volcker, Chairman, Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System, before the Joint Economic
Committee of the U.S. Congress, Oct. 17, 1979, reprinted
in Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol. 65, November 1979, pp.
The data, as well as working papers and articles describing
the data, are available online from the Federal Reserve Bank
of Cleveland website,
If πt,t+10yr
is the 10-year-ahead expected inflation rate at
time t and πt,t+5yr
is the five-year-ahead expected inflation
rate, then the five-year-ahead, five-year-forward rate at time
t , πt,t+5yr,t+10yr
= 2 πt,t+10yr
– πt,t+5yr
. So, for instance, if the
10-year-ahead expectation is 6 percent and the five-yearahead is 5 percent, then the expected inflation rate over the
five years beginning five years from now is 7 percent.

Davis is a research economist in the Research Department of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Dallas.

Economic Letter

is published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The
views expressed are those of the authors and should not
be attributed to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the
Federal Reserve System.
Articles may be reprinted on the condition that the
source is credited and a copy is provided to the Research
Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Economic Letter is available free of charge by writing
the Public Affairs Department, Federal Reserve Bank of
Dallas, P.O. Box 655906, Dallas, TX 75265-5906; by fax
at 214-922-5268; or by telephone at 214-922-5254. This
publication is available on the Dallas Fed website,

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