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VOL. 6, NO. 13

Insights from the


Financiers of the World, Disunite
by Jiaqi Chen and Jeffery W. Gunther

When large in number,
those reputed for high
risk and correlated
substantial diversity
that adds an important
element of stability to
the financial system.


iversity across banks and other financial firms promotes a
resilient financial system because differing risk profiles reduce
the likelihood of systemic crises caused by shared economic shocks.
Consolidation and uniformity among banks and other financial intermediaries do the opposite.
Yet some have suggested that any policy steps to reverse the financial
system’s dramatic consolidation might yield little stability benefit because
herd-like behavior among financial firms could still reduce diversity and
mitigate any strengthening. If these firms moved in concert, the argument
goes, they would make themselves susceptible to common shocks as if
they had adopted a more consolidated structure.
Countering this concern are indications that financial firms, when
allowed to flourish, display stability-enhancing diversity. We find that
hedge funds—despite a reputation for high-risk strategies and correlated
behavior—recently have exhibited significant strategic dissimilarities, to the
benefit of system stability.
Benefits of Diversity
A single bank can reduce its risks by diversifying loans and investments. However, if all diversify similarly, they generate an unintended
consequence—a lack of diversity. As all banks seek the same fully diversified portfolio, they begin to look increasingly alike. And as their portfolios
become more similar, their returns run together too. An adverse shock
could then strike all banks simultaneously—all would be identically
exposed—inflicting losses across the board. Ironically then, individual
banks’ efforts to reduce risk can actually increase risk to the financial system as a whole.1

Similar reasoning applies to financial system consolidation. Bank mergers do not appear capable of avoiding
such systemic crisis. Consider a case
where two banks fail, with each bank’s
assets worth less than its liabilities. If
the two had merged, assets would still
be less than liabilities on a combined
basis, producing no crisis mitigation.
Moreover, not only does consolidation fail to avoid systemic crisis,
it can actually lead to one. Suppose
as separate entities two banks were
diverse, with different risk profiles, so
that when tough times came, the first
failed by a large margin, while the second escaped failure, albeit narrowly. If
the two had merged, their combined
assets would be less than combined liabilities, resulting in total failure. Stability
was enhanced, then, by leaving the
two as separate, diverse institutions.2
Are Intermediaries Diverse?
Reflecting the concern that banks
and other financial firms might assume
similar strategies, part of industry regulation seeks to contain the propensity
for such correlated risks.3 This would
appear to be a great challenge, par-

ticularly during boom periods, when
adverse risk is often incurred, since
threat perception tends to be low and
opposition to regulatory constraints is
But while concern over correlated risks is real, it appears exaggerated. It is true that the largest banks
have demonstrated a tendency to
take similar risks, as with mortgagerelated loans and investments during
the financial crisis, resulting in severe
and pervasive losses. Yet it is also true
that among small and mid-sized banks,
exposures and losses have been much
more varied, pointing to considerable
diversity for these size classes.4
Hedge Fund Diversity
Hedge funds provide an example
of intermediary diversity and crisis
experience. A prominent historical
example of correlated losses occurred
when numerous hedge funds needed
to close out similar portfolio positions
simultaneously as Long-Term Capital
Management (LTCM) collapsed in 1998
under the weight of its highly leveraged, derivative-laden holdings.
After that experience, financial

Chart 1

Profits Differ Greatly Across Hedge Funds
Compound monthly return (percent)









SOURCE: Lipper TASS Hedge Fund Database; authors’ calculations.

EconomicLetter 2



authorities became especially wary of
the potential for correlated risks in the
hedge fund industry, making it a particularly interesting intermediary class
for a diversity assessment. For data, we
examined compound monthly returns
by year for 1,190 dollar-based hedge
funds that reported continuously in
the Lipper TASS database from 2004
through June 2011.5
Chart 1 displays the distribution of
returns for our sample of hedge funds.
The uppermost line represents the
95th percentile, with only 5 percent
of the funds earning a higher return.
The lowest line is the fifth percentile,
with 95 percent of the funds earning
a higher return. The middle line (50th
percentile) is the median return. The
percentiles are calculated for each
year separately, and the position of an
individual hedge fund within the distribution may change from year to year,
depending on how it is performing
relative to the others.
The first pattern of note involves
the distribution of returns during
the boom of 2004–06. Little change
occurred over this period, other than a
slight upward trend. But more importantly, even under these highly favorable operating conditions, a substantial
level of diversity in returns is apparent,
with the return percentiles during the
boom period covering a fairly broad
range, from around zero to more than 2
In 2007, the return distribution
widened further as the crisis began.
Severe losses ensued for many funds
in 2008 in the midst of the crisis.
But interestingly, in this down year,
the 95th percentile held fairly firm,
with some funds managing to earn
high profits even in the toughest of
Coming out of the crisis, 2009 was
a banner year for many funds, presumably reflecting strategic positioning
ahead of a market bounceback. But
then in 2010, returns declined to more
normal levels and kept falling during
the first half of 2011, with the current
year turning out to be a rough one for

the industry. The return distribution
has remained a little wider following
the crisis than prior to it.
Overall, return disparities across
hedge funds suggest considerable
diversity in risk exposures and outcomes. Of particular interest is how
the risk differences observed across
hedge funds played out during the
boom years and subsequent crisis; that
is, were the same funds always among
the top performers, year after year, or
did the relative rankings of individual
funds change significantly?
To answer this question, Chart 2
shows individual hedge fund returns
over the entire sample period for two
groups. Those in red were the top 10
percent return performers in 2006, the
peak of the boom years. Those in blue
were the bottom 10 percent return performers in 2006. By construction, then,
a gap in returns exists between the two
groups in the base year of 2006, representing the mid-level performance range
of the remaining 80 percent of funds.
Many of the top performers from
2006 also tended to have high returns
in the earlier boom years of 2004 and
2005. But in 2007, the performance of
these funds began deteriorating, and
their returns plummeted in 2008. They
rebounded in 2009 but have since
drifted lower. Given the high return
volatility displayed by this group, we
characterize them as pursuing highvariance, or aggressive, investment
Meanwhile, returns for the worst
performers in 2006 were relatively
constant over the entire sample period.
Remarkably, this was true even during
the height of the crisis in 2008. These
appear to be low-variance, or conservatively managed, funds. Note that in
2008, when the crisis hit in earnest, the
conservatively managed funds actually
generated superior performance, thereby providing an important degree of
stability to both the upper portion of
the return distribution and the hedge
fund industry in general.
This conclusion receives additional support from Chart 3, showing

Chart 2

Boom-Period Underperforming Hedge Funds Aid Stability
Compound monthly return (percent)

Top 10 percent in 2006
Bottom 10 percent in 2006









SOURCE: Lipper TASS Hedge Fund Database; authors’ calculations.

Chart 3

Hedge Funds’ Apparent Conservative Strategy Pays Off
Proportion (percent)

Distribution across 2008 return quintiles (lowest to highest) for
funds that had the lowest 20 percent of returns in 2006


SOURCE: Lipper TASS Hedge Fund Database; authors’ calculations.

the distribution of returns in 2008 for
those hedge funds that were among
the lowest 20 percent of all performers in 2006, a somewhat broader slice
than just the bottom 10 percent funds
examined previously. Although these
funds had been the worst performers,


about 40 percent of them ascended
to the top fifth of the return distribution for 2008. Only about 10 percent
of these previously underperforming
funds remained in the lowest quintile
during the crisis. Therefore, it seems
that conservative strategies served their

3 EconomicLetter

role, providing stable and superior
returns when the operating environment turned sour.
Diversity Emerges
Theory suggests diversity across
numerous financial intermediaries in
terms of risk postures and exposures
can enhance financial system stability.
However, some have suggested intermediaries, even if numerous, tend to
act as a herd, adopting highly similar
strategies and yielding little stability
benefit. While this is a valid concern,
available data suggest the situation is
often otherwise: When large in number, intermediaries—even those reputed for high risk and correlated strategies—exhibit substantial diversity that
adds an important element of stability
to the financial system.
Chen is a financial industry analyst and Gunther
a vice president in the Financial Industry Studies
Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.


This discussion focuses on the combination

versus separation of a given set of assets across
banks and, thus, abstracts from various potential influences of bank size and market structure on other
aspects of risk and risk taking. For example, if large
banks are comparatively prone to risk taking, bank
mergers could reduce financial system stability not
only through the combination effect discussed here,
but also by creating more risk-inclined banks.

See “A Theory of Systemic Risk and Design of

Prudential Bank Regulation,” by Viral V. Acharya,
Journal of Financial Stability, vol. 5, no. 3, 2009, pp.

Some point to the Great Depression as a case of

widespread failure among smaller banks. However,
that episode occurred under different institutional
arrangements than exist today and arguably may
have represented more of a system liquidity issue
than a case of pervasive high risk taking among so
many individual banks.

Because we wish to track the return experience

of individual hedge funds over time, we restrict our
sample to a panel of actively reporting funds that
operated over our entire sample period. As such,
our results may not necessarily reflect the experi-


For formal arguments in this area, see “Pooling

is published by the
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The views expressed
are those of the authors and should not be attributed
to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the Federal
Reserve System.
Articles may be reprinted on the condition that
the source is credited and a copy is provided to the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Economic Letter is available free of charge by
writing the Public Affairs Department, Federal Reserve
Bank of Dallas, P.O. Box 655906, Dallas, TX 752655906; by fax at 214-922-5268; or by telephone at
214-922-5254. This publication is available on the
Dallas Fed website,

ence of the entire hedge fund industry, because
many funds possess relatively short lives and their

Intensifies Joint Failure Risk,” by Sherrill Shaffer,

risk propensities and outcomes may differ from

Research in Financial Services, vol. 6, 1994, pp.

those of longer-lived funds.

249–80; “Diversification at Financial Institutions


and Systemic Crises,” by Wolf Wagner, Journal of

to Lipper TASS in 2006, as opposed to the restricted

Financial Intermediation, vol. 19, no. 3, 2010, pp.

number contained in our panel of funds, shows a

373–86; and “Diversification Disasters,” by Rustam

similar level of return dispersion, with –0.25, 0.2,

Ibragimov, Dwight Jaffee and Johan Walden,

0.59, 0.89, 1.27, 1.84 and 2.50 percent for the fifth,

Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 99, no. 2, 2011,

10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th and 95th percentiles,

pp. 333–48.


The full set of dollar-based hedge funds reporting

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