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VOL. 6, NO. 2
MARCH 2011­­

Insights from the


Federal Health Care Law Promises
Coverage for All, But at a Price
by Jason Saving

Health care costs are
growing at a historically
rapid pace, calling into
question our ability to
fund our promises over
the long term.


he Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, better known as
health care reform, was signed into law last March. The measure ostensibly
provides health care coverage to almost all Americans while simultaneously reducing the deficit by $143 billion over 10 years and by a greater
amount over the longer term.
Few would disagree that some type of health care reform was needed.
About one-seventh of the U.S. population lacked health insurance of any
kind. Health care costs are growing at a historically rapid pace, calling into
question our ability to fund our promises over the long term. And U.S.
health care expenditures as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP)
remain far above those of other developed nations (Chart 1).
Several headline-grabbing benefits for middle-class Americans attracted the most attention: Children under the age of 26 can find coverage
under their parents’ plans; elderly Americans with large out-of-pocket drug
expenses received $250 checks from the government; and health plans
that once avoided people with preexisting conditions can no longer do so.
These provisions, while important to families, form only a small part of
the great debate over how many people will be insured under the health care
law—and whether it truly will “bend the cost curve,” as proponents claim.
Broadening Health Care Coverage
While the health care law contained many thousands of provisions,
coverage was broadened in four primary areas. First, the Medicaid system
was expanded to include households earning less than 133 percent of
the federal poverty line, which works out to $29,000 for a family of four.
Second, health insurance exchanges will be created beginning in 2014 so

Chart 1

U.S. Spends Most for Health Care
(Health care expenditures as percentage of GDP)

United States
New Zealand
United Kingdom








SOURCE: World Bank, World Development Indicators.

Chart 2

Health Coverage Shifts With Law

Without reform


With reform


Medicaid and CHIP


Individual policies


NOTE: Number covered in 2019 with the health care reform law versus the number that would have been covered if reform
had never been enacted.
SOURCES: Congressional Budget Office; Office of Management and Budget; Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

individuals and small businesses can
pool their purchasing power, with the
goal of obtaining better coverage at
lower rates. Third, families earning less

than 400 percent of the federal poverty line will receive health insurance
subsidies on a sliding scale, phasing
out entirely for households making

EconomicLetter 2


$88,000. Finally, certain businesses
will receive subsidies for providing or
retaining coverage for their workers.
To understand how these provisions would affect coverage patterns,
it’s important to first know how things
worked before the bill’s passage—and
how they change under the new law.
Health coverage in the U.S. has been
provided through four main sources.
The most important of them is employer-based. Pioneered by large retailers such as Montgomery Ward at the
dawn of the 20th century and spurred
on by World War II-era regulations
that exempted fringe benefits from
otherwise-strict controls on wages,
employer-provided health insurance
encompasses just more than half the
nation’s population. Other coverage
sources include Medicare for the elderly and disabled, Medicaid for the poor
and individual plans purchased in the
private marketplace.
Over the next decade, as the law
is fully implemented, two significant
changes will occur. First, the expansion
of Medicaid and the Children’s Health
Insurance Program (CHIP) will add 20.4
million people to the nation’s medical
welfare system. And second, the health
insurance exchanges will enable 15.7
million people who would otherwise
lack coverage to find affordable policies. More than 1 million fewer people
will be insured through employers, and
the aggregate impact of these changes
will cut the ranks of the uninsured to
23.1 million from 56.9 million—a 59
percent reduction (Chart 2).
To get a sense of the timeline,
let’s examine how the ranks of the
insured would change between now
and 2019. Until 2014, when the main
provisions of the plan kick in, there’s a
slight uptick as young adults and those
with preexisting conditions are eligible
for coverage. In 2014, as the exchanges enable virtually anyone who wants
insurance to obtain it, coverage jumps
by just less than 8 percentage points,
leaving the ranks of the uninsured
below 10 percent for the first time
in history. Coverage stays at more or

less that level for the remainder of the
decade (Chart 3).
The Congressional Budget Office
(CBO) estimates that expanding
Medicaid eligibility to 133 percent
of the federal poverty line carries a
10-year cost of $434 billion. Providing
individual insurance subsidies to everyone below 400 percent of the federal
poverty line has a 10-year cost of $464
billion. And a few smaller programs,
such as business insurance subsidies,
have a 10-year cost of $40 billion, for a
total of $938 billion.
But there is new revenue to be
found in the law as well. The largest,
$511 billion, comes from cost savings
and spending cuts. Chief among them
are substantial reductions in outlays
for seniors who opt into the Medicare
Advantage program1, as well as the
elimination of inefficiencies throughout
the health care system.
Next on the revenue side is $150
billion in penalty payments for individuals who ignore the plan’s individual mandate or purchase so-called
Cadillac plans. Individuals electing not
to take up the subsidized insurance
options available to them under the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act must, in most cases, pay an annual
fine of $695. On the other side of
the coin, individuals who obtain “too
much” insurance—defined as coverage
costing more than $10,200 for individuals or $27,500 for families on an
annual basis—will pay an excise tax of
40 percent on the remaining value of
the plan.
How many people will be uninsured? The best available projections
suggest 23 million people—5 million
undocumented immigrants, who won’t
be eligible for the exchanges, and 18
million others.
There are also two potentially
far-reaching Medicare tax adjustments
that will bring in $210 billion over the
next decade. The first is a 0.9 percentage point increase in the Medicare
payroll tax for households earning
more than $250,000 per year—a step
toward the progressive payroll tax pro-

posed by some as a partial solution to
Medicare’s unfunded liabilities.2 The
second is to apply this payroll tax to
unearned income exceeding the same
$250,000 threshold, further straining
the relationship between contributions
paid and benefits received.
Another revenue component is
$110 billion in industry-specific tax
increases for sectors deemed to have
imposed onerous price increases on
consumers in the recent past. An absolute majority of this burden comes in
the form of an annual fee on health
insurance providers. Other industrybased taxes include an annual fee on
manufacturers and importers of brandname drugs, a 2.3 percent excise tax
on medical device manufacturers and
a 10 percent excise tax on indoor tanning services.
These revenue measures and $100
billion in other smaller enhancements
produce a grand total of $1.1 trillion
in new receipts over the next 10 years
(Chart 4). Subtracting this from the
$938 billion in previously mentioned
expenditures yields net savings of $143
billion over the next 10 years—the
estimate provided by the CBO.
Assessing Cost Curve Issues
Under the assumptions embedded
in the CBO analysis, health care reform
would modestly reduce government
debt relative to what otherwise would
have prevailed. However, several
assumptions are unlikely to hold. And
in each case, the likely fiscal impact
of health care reform deteriorates
CBO assumes that Medicare
costs will grow significantly more
slowly than their trend growth rate
over the next decade, as inefficiencies are wrung out of the system and
certain categories of benefits (such as
Medicare Advantage) are permanently
Will advances in medical technology begin to bend costs downward
instead of fueling their rise? Will a new
review board charged with holding
down costs be up to the task? And


Chart 3

More People Gain

New law

Prior law


’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’18 ’19
SOURCES: Congressional Budget Office; Office of
Management and Budget; Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services.

Chart 4

$1.1 Trillion Savings
Billions of dollars







Savings Excise Medicare Industry Other

SOURCES: Congressional Budget Office; Office of
Management and Budget; Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services.

3 EconomicLetter

will policymakers allow the law’s tax
increases and benefit reductions to
remain in place in perpetuity? If not,
then the health care law moves closer
to budget neutrality or even to raising
the 10-year deficit tally.
Additionally, the analysis assumes
that a long-delayed physician-reimbursement reduction for Medicare
will be permitted to take effect this
year, even though policymakers have
not allowed similar reductions in past
years and appear poised to continue
that tradition. The 23 percent reduction scheduled to occur Dec. 1, 2010,
would have brought physician reimbursements in line with a growth
path agreed to in 1997 as part of the
“sustainable growth rate” initiative—
a previous attempt to bend the cost
curve. But policymakers have balked
at that growth path since its inception, creating an ever-larger divergence
between what doctors actually receive
and what was deemed necessary to
control medical costs. With physician
groups warning that queues to see
doctors could lengthen dramatically if

Chart 5

Health Care Share of
Economy Won’t Fall
Percent of GDP



Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act
Prior law

reimbursements fell, Congress again
postponed implementation of this cut
and made clear it would likely never
be allowed to happen. If this “doc
fix” remains in place throughout the
decade, the 10-year cost would be
roughly $210 billion.
A final question concerns the
extent to which national health expenditures will change as a share of GDP
as the health care law takes effect.
Reducing the share of GDP devoted to
health care was a primary objective of
The legislation isn’t likely to
achieve that, according to the most
recent projection from the Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services. Even
without considering the fiscal caveats
already mentioned, the health care
reform law has only a negligible net
impact on the size of the health care
sector and its growth over time (Chart
5). This is not necessarily “bad,” as
one might reasonably expect a highincome country with high-quality
upper-end care to spend a great deal
on health care. But it does reinforce
the point that cost control is unlikely
to be the lasting legacy of the law.
Cost of Expanding Coverage
The health care reform law was
designed to expand coverage while
also controlling costs. The law certainly will provide insurance for millions of currently uninsured Americans.
However, it is unlikely to simultaneously “bend the cost curve.” That is
the more difficult task left to future
policymakers to resolve.


Saving is a senior economist and advisor in the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas.




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to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the Federal
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Articles may be reprinted on the condition that
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Economic Letter is available free of charge
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Medicare Advantage is an alternative health plan


choice offered by private companies approved

’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’18 ’19
SOURCES: Congressional Budget Office; Office of
Management and Budget; Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services.

and paid for by Medicare..
Data from the official 2009 Medicare trustees


suggest the present discounted value of these liabilities totals $37.5 trillion over the next 75 years
and $88.6 trillion over the infinite horizon.

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