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Vol. 7, No. 14 • December 2012­­


Falling Off the Fiscal Cliff
by Jason Saving

Some suggest the best
alternative strategy
may be to combine
short-term spending
with longer-term fiscal
such a strategy may be
easier said than done.


arely has a Federal Reserve
chairman spoken of an event
in more ominous terms.
Falling off the “fiscal cliff,”
a phrase coined by Ben Bernanke to
describe a massive and abrupt shift
in federal taxes and spending, may
accompany the last words of “Auld
Lang Syne” to begin 2013.
Commentators spanning the ideological spectrum have pronounced an
economic apocalypse of varying proportions. Some have forecast that the
country will slide into recession for at
least two quarters and possibly all of
2013, that consumers will become even
more reluctant to spend and that the
international economy will suffer. The
Group of 20—a collection of industrialized nations whose members (including
Japan and much of Europe) face their
own economic challenges—pegged the
cliff as the single most significant threat
to global economic growth in 2013.
These are serious claims, with
wide-ranging implications not only
on Capitol Hill but also for monetary
policymakers. As such, it’s important to
better understand the fiscal cliff and its
overall economic implications, examining key components, their size and
how they interact.
Assessments of the fiscal cliff are
complicated by the nation’s high

unemployment rate and slow growth
in the three-and-a-half years following
the end of the last recession. Most macroeconomic analyses of a fall from the
cliff indicate a large hit to gross domestic product (GDP), at least in the short
run. Some suggest the best alternative
strategy may be to combine short-term
spending with longer-term fiscal consolidation—though such a strategy may
be easier said than done.

Fiscal Cliff Components
While many people view the fiscal
cliff as a monolithic entity, it’s actually
a collection of six major provisions that
happen to occur at about the same
time, involving: income taxes, the
alternative minimum tax, labor-market
support, health care taxes, Medicare
reimbursement reductions and acrossthe-board spending cuts.
The first and among the largest of
these are income tax provisions contained in the Economic Growth and
Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001
and companion legislation passed in
2003. Better known as the “Bush tax
cuts,” the legislation included lower
marginal rates on income, capital gains
and dividends; a smaller “marriage
penalty”; larger child tax credits; and
gradual elimination of the estate tax.
Extending these tax provisions would

Economic Letter


Alternative Minimum Tax Households Would Soar
if Bush Tax Cuts Were Extended Without AMT Fix

Millions of taxpayers
Bush tax cuts extended, no AMT fix


Bush tax cuts, AMT patch both extended
1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 2014 2018 2022
SOURCE: Tax Policy Center.

cost the government $110 billion in fiscal year 2013.
The second category concerns a
design flaw in the alternative minimum
tax (AMT)—a tax intended to ensure
payments by high-income earners—
that has increasingly ensnared middleincome earners. The AMT’s brackets
are not indexed to inflation, causing an
ever-deeper dip into the ranks of the
middle class. For budgetary reasons,
lawmakers adopted a series of patches
rather than a permanent fix for this
glitch. Another patch would cost $90
billion in fiscal 2013.
Just how many Americans are
shielded by these patches? Roughly
4 million taxpayers were subject to
the AMT in tax year 2011 (Chart 1).
Without a new patch, that number
would immediately rise to 30 million
and would escalate, possibly reaching
66 million over the next decade.
Not included in the AMT figure is
an interactive effect with the 2001/03
Bush tax cuts. Because the AMT acts
as a floor on how much income tax
households pay, reductions in ordinary income tax rates increase AMT
coverage, inadvertently broadening the
AMT’s reach. This effect makes patching the AMT a more expensive proposition when accompanied by extension of
the Bush tax cuts. The cost—$35 billion
in fiscal 2013—also increases over time.
The third category, labor-market


support, encompasses unemployment
insurance extensions and a payroll tax
cut of 2 percentage points that were
enacted as part of the Job Creation Act
of 2010. Studies suggest these measures
have significant stimulative macroeconomic effects over the short term.
However, some analysts believe further
unemployment extensions may discourage job-seeking, while the payroll
tax cut may have troubling implications for the solvency of entitlement
programs such as Social Security over
the longer term. Extending the labormarket support package would cost
$115 billion in fiscal 2013.
The fourth category includes tax
increases adopted under the Affordable
Care Act of 2010. Principal among
them is a 0.9 percent Medicare payrolltax increase for upper-income workers and an accompanying 3.8 percent
“payroll tax” applied to the investment
income of high-income households.
Also included are new taxes on specific
manufacturers, such as medical device
makers. Postponing these taxes would
cost $25 billion in fiscal 2013.
The fifth category includes currently
scheduled reductions in Medicare
payments to doctors, hospitals and
other health care providers. In the late
1990s, Congress examined Medicare
reimbursements and concluded that
a slower, sustainable growth rate in
payouts to doctors and hospitals was

needed to help safeguard Medicare’s
long-run solvency. As soon as those
limits began to bite, providers persuaded policymakers in 1997 to temporarily waive them, a reprieve that has
continued through this year even as
the gap between sustainable spending
and actual reimbursements swelled to
almost 30 percent. Continuing those
waivers—the so-called “docfix”—would
cost an estimated $10 billion in fiscal
The last component, across-theboard spending cuts, became a factor
only last year. As part of the debt-limit
agreement that narrowly averted a U.S.
debt default in August 2011, lawmakers vowed to reach consensus on a
$1.2 trillion “down payment” on deficit
reduction over the next 10 years or submit to a “sequester,” automatic spending cuts that would fall equally on
defense and nondefense portions of the
budget beginning in 2013. Canceling
the sequester would raise the deficit by
$65 billion in fiscal 2013.
With these components and an
“other” category that encompasses
smaller provisions and feedback
effects, fiscal cliff consolidation
amounts to $560 billion in fiscal 2013
alone (Chart 2).

Short-Term Economic Impact
To understand the economic impact
of the fiscal cliff, it’s important to understand the logic underlying the models
agencies use to assess the macroeconomic impact of government policy.
It’s assumed that as higher income
tax rates and smaller government
“transfer” payments for social programs
take effect, individuals find themselves with less disposable income and
respond by purchasing fewer goods and
services. As businesses feel the effects of
this adverse shift in aggregate demand,
they scale back output—and employment. In this way, contractionary fiscal
policy has a negative impact on the
economy in the short run (though not
necessarily over the long run).
The Congressional Budget Office
(CBO) found that the negative economic impact of going over the fiscal
cliff would be heavily concentrated
in the first half of the year, with a

Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • December 2012

Economic Letter


Fiscal Cliff Elements Total $560 Billion in Fiscal 2013

Billions of dollars

Total: $560 billion










Income tax



Labor- Health care Medicare
market reform law “docfix”



SOURCE: Congressional Budget Office.


Under Full Impact, All Earning Levels Would See
Disposable Income Fall







Income groups


Longer-Run Factors






Top 1 percent

SOURCE: Tax Policy Center.

reduction in growth of 3 percentage
points.1 Importantly, this implies the
fiscal cliff would be stout enough to
briefly take the country into recession,
though it would likely emerge in the
second half—unless the economy were
hit by further headwinds. Employment
over the year would be about 2 million
behind where it would have been if the
cliff had been addressed.
The Tax Policy Center (a joint venture of the Urban Institute and the
Brookings Institution) found that disposable income would fall 4.4 percent

equally to these negative economic
impacts. For example, it might appear
that letting the 2001/03 tax cuts expire
would have a large impact because this
component is among the biggest fiscal
cliff budget items, as detailed in Chart
2. However, the cuts are estimated to
have the fourth-largest impact, behind
the sequester, labor-market provisions
and AMT patch.
The reason is that, in the short
run, different fiscal policies can have
a very different “bang for the buck”
(often referred to in economic shorthand as a fiscal “multiplier”). When
the government reduces its purchases
and lays off workers, as would occur
under the sequester, there is an
immediate and sizable reduction in
demand that feeds back into the overall economy—that’s why the impact
of the sequester on GDP is so large.
Marginal rate cuts have the smallest
multiplier because they flow disproportionately to higher-income individuals, who make the “wrong” choice
from a short-run point of view and
save those funds instead of spending and pumping them back into the
broader economy.3

for the middle 20 percent of households
if the fiscal cliff occurred in its entirety
(Chart 3). Higher-income households
would be hit harder by the cliff, suffering a 7.7 percent decline, primarily
because the 2001/03 tax cuts disproportionately—though not exclusively—
benefit high earners. The bottom 20
percent of households would suffer the
smallest decline, 3.7 percent, because
several significant chunks of the cliff
bypass them.2
Interestingly, the various components of the fiscal cliff don’t contribute

If averting the fiscal cliff has such
large positive effects on GDP growth in
the short run, why not avert it permanently and enjoy those effects not only
in 2013 but every year thereafter? The
answer boils down to one word: debt.
In the short run, most economists
agree that spending borrowed funds
can stimulate the economy. But over
the longer term, debt incurred from
these programs reduces future generations’ standard of living several ways:
• Government spending crowds out
private sector investment, reducing the
size of the nation’s capital stock.
• An increasingly large share of the
government’s budget is devoted to
interest payments, eventually requiring
spending cuts or tax increases.
• The ability to adopt countercyclical fiscal policy to ease the impact of
future recessions is hampered.
• Given enough time and sufficiently large debt, even a Greek-style
meltdown becomes more likely than

Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • December 2012


Economic Letter



Saving is a senior research economist and
advisor in the Research Department of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

Going Over the Cliff Would Improve Deficit Outlook

Federal deficit as a percent of gross domestic product




All provisions deferred

3 percent threshold


No provisions deferred


See “Economic Effects of Reducing the Fiscal Restraint
That Is Scheduled to Occur in 2013,” Congressional Budget
Office, May 2012. Subsequent economic developments
have been less favorable than forecast, so it is possible the
actual impact of the fiscal cliff would be at least slightly
These estimates do not consider feedback effects caused
by a fiscal-cliff-induced weakening of the economy; thus,
the true numbers may be somewhat greater.
This choice is “wrong” only in the sense that it doesn’t
provide an immediate boost to growth—no judgment is
being made here about whether it is a sound choice in any
other context.













SOURCE: Congressional Budget Office.

it otherwise would be (though there’s
little reason to believe the U.S. is on the
cusp of such a calamity).
No matter how things shake out,
deficits will remain—but they’ll be a lot
larger under some circumstances than
others. If none of the expiring fiscal cliff
provisions were extended past 2012,
the CBO estimates that deficits would
gradually fall to 1.2 percent of GDP
and remain there for the next decade
(Chart 4). If the fiscal cliff and smaller
“fiscal clifflets” later in the decade were
deferred in perpetuity, however, annual
deficits would never fall below 4 percent of GDP and would reach 5.5 percent by 2022—leaving the U.S. poorly
positioned to cope with the fiscal challenges of expected Social Security and
Medicare shortfalls.


In fiscal policy as in monetary
policy, it’s necessary to carefully weigh
short-term gain against long-term
pain, often when no unambiguously
optimal options are available. Many
have suggested that the best strategy
may be visible, loose fiscal policy today,
coupled with strongly worded promises
to embark upon fiscal consolidation as
soon as it becomes reasonable to do
so. But what’s reasonable is not always
apparent, making such proposals easier
said than done.
Perhaps the real question today
is whether we have entered an era of
permanently greater polarization in
Congress and permanently higher fiscal policy uncertainty. If that’s the case,
today’s fiscal cliff may be a harbinger of
what’s to come.

Economic Letter

is published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The
views expressed are those of the authors and should not
be attributed to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the
Federal Reserve System.
Articles may be reprinted on the condition that the
source is credited and a copy is provided to the Research
Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Economic Letter is available free of charge by writing
the Public Affairs Department, Federal Reserve Bank of
Dallas, P.O. Box 655906, Dallas, TX 75265-5906; by fax
at 214-922-5268; or by telephone at 214-922-5254. This
publication is available on the Dallas Fed website,

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